
By Selena Anders

Published on Jul 21, 2001


I was thrilled that Rachel managed to get a block of tickets for Lilith Fair, but disappointed that she could only get a block of 5, instead of 6, so she would not be joining our little group. Since Rachel couldn't be with us at the concert, this is the story of her experience as she told it to me:

"I got to the stadium with my friends, and was sorry that I had only got a 5-seat block for my friends, but I was excited that I might once again meet the Lady in Black. It turned out to be a chilly night, although the stars shone brightly overhead. I parted from my friends and made my way to my seat, which turned out to be nothing more than a number stenciled on the bleacher bench.

There She was. It shouldn't have been a surprise that she was there, since I had deliberately arranged to get the next seat, but seeing The Lady in Black again was still a bit of a shock. She was just settling in to her place, with a huge grey blanket spread across her lap, and that of the young woman beside her. The other girl had very long kinky dark brown hair, and huge brown eyes that seemed to completely fill her narrow elfin face.

The Lady in Black didn't seem surprised to see me. She looked up at me and I could see the instant recognition in her face. I was just sitting down on my place on the bench, when she told me, "My name is Simone, and this is my friend Raquel. Why don't you sit between us?" So Simone and I exchanged seats, and their blanket easily covered all of our laps. We talked girl talk for a while, with me noticing the similarity between my name and Raquel's. I found out that Raquel was from Israel, where she was an intelligence analyst for Mossad, but that is all she would say about her work.

I'm sure they noticed me as my eyes devoured their bodies. Simone, whom I had always thought of as the Lady in Black, was now wearing a sheer white blouse, so transparent that I could easily see the lace pattern of her C-cup bra. Raquel was a bit smaller in the chest, and I was sure she had no bra under her maroon colored tube top.

Most of the lights in the stadium went out, leaving only the stars overhead, and a single spotlight on stage. The roar of the crowd died down to an expectant whisper, and moments later Sarah McLachlan took the stage by stepping into the light. A few backup musicians filtered into their places behind Sarah, and they launched into their first set.

From the beginning, it was obvious that Sarah and company were loaded for a huge sound from the towering speakers on either side of the stage. So Simone, Raquel and I cuddled together in the cool evening air, whispering little secrets together and exploring each other's thighs under the blanket. It didn't take long for me to discover that Simone wore only a garter belt and hose under her ultra short skirt, and that Raquel wore nothing at all under her long wrap-around skirt.

Fortunately, the music was loud enough to drown out my moans of pleasure as both women found their way into my pants under the blanket. I willingly lifted my hips as they stripped me from the waist down, skillfully removing my jeans and the thong panties I had worn in anticipation of this encounter. My thighs were parted as wide as possible to allow those two gorgeous women to play with me as they pleased. They teased and toyed with my pussy all through Sarah McLachlan's opening set, until I was almost ready to explode.

Then the set ended, and the under the huge applause, Simone whispered in my ear, "I bet you're feeling hungry, and I'm sure Raquel has a nice snack ready for you." So as Sarah took her bows and handed the microphone over to Sinead O'Connor to the wild and noisy applause of the crowd, nobody noticed as I slid down underneath the blanket.

Half-naked as I was, I made sure not to bump the seats in the row in front of us as I wormed my way in between Raquel's legs. The light silk of her skirt was already parted, just waiting for me to plunge into the void between her thighs. Sinead O'Connor set a hard hammering beat, and I could tell that Raquel was as anxious to provide my 'snack', as I was to eat it. But the set had only begun, so I took my time between her lovely slim legs, licking and nipping my way slowly up her thighs.

Suddenly Raquel lifted her legs and planted her toes on the backs of the seats in front of her, possibly to hide my bobbing head under the blanket from the view of nearby audience members. But the effect for me was that her pussy was even more open to my questing tongue. With Raquel's knees raised high, and the top of the blanket pulled up against the chill night air, I had unlimited access to her lovely sex. The music carried on, only slightly diminished by the blanket over my head, as I nipped and nibbled my way toward that lovely pussy.

Raquel turned out to have the softest, loveliest pubic hair I could ever imagine. It came just a little way down her inner thighs, although under the blanket at night I couldn't tell its colour. Slowly and softly I brushed my face back and forth across the fine curls, extending my tongue to lick up the delicious nectar that had oozed from her vagina.

Abruptly, in the middle of a fiddle solo by one of O'Connor's amazing back-up musicians, Raquel reached under the blanket to grab me hard by the hair, and forced my face into her dripping pussy. It was obvious that this girl knew exactly what she wanted, namely my tongue as far up her sopping pussy as it could possibly reach.

I licked and I lashed her slathering slit, And I slurped and I sucked at her swollen clit, Until suddenly she came with a great big rush, And I struggled hard to swallow the gush, Of her spewing juice I had made cum loose To drown my face in the infinite space And to swallow and to drink the sweetest juice As the fiddle solo came to rest, My tongue still probed within Raquel's nest...

I could feel the tug of Simone's firm hand as the audience erupted in an orgasm of cheers for the fiddle player who had driven me to drive Raquel to ecstasy. Somehow I managed to struggle back up to my seat, but Simone insisted that I sit next to Raquel. It was turning into a game of musical nooky, in which there could be no losers, unless we got caught.

Sinead's next number turned out to be as smooth and mellow as her first one had been hard and powerful. I just sat on the hard bleacher bench, and didn't even notice as Simone slithered down under the blanket, until her insistent fingers slowly parted my inner thighs. Sinead's voice rose in a lyrical Celtic love ballad, as I closed my eyes and gave myself up to the caress of Simone's soft tongue on my inner thighs.

The song swelled up from the stadium, just as my clit became engorged in anticipation of the talented tongue that was slowly sliding up toward my anxiously dribbling crotch. I needed Simone to suck my pussy NOW! NOW! NOW! when suddenly the song came to an end with me still calling out into the night, NOW! NOW! NOW!

In the dark silence, the lights of the flashlights of many security guards blinded me. The rough voice of a female security guard called from the nearest aisle, "I think you ladies need to cum with me..." ________

Write to me if you want to know what happened next...

Next: Chapter 3

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