Ticklish Flavio

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 24, 2022


Flavio checked the distance meter on his watch. Three miles. Time to turn around and start heading back. He didn't have to be concerned that the tracker would stop signaling and Snopes would start hunting him down -- the tracker had a range of 100 miles. Snopes had begun to loosen up restrictions after they came back from Europe, and flavio had asked for permission to run again, and he got it. At some point, he hoped to be back to running ten miles a day the way he did before Snopes captured him. For now, six would do. He was laboring a bit, but flavio did feel his strength coming back. Flavio had convinced Snopes to let him run again by suggesting that if they started going out in public more often (something Snopes had told him to be ready to do, now that they had been seen together at Ibiza), he should do everything he could to make people jealous of Snopes. Snopes didn't need any convincing, even if he didn't buy flavio's reasoning. Showing some trust in flavio could only get him cockier and give Snopes more of a reason to use even more severe discipline on him. He told flavio that if he was going to get more freedom, there would be a price. For example, the daily tickling sessions would be going from half an hour to an hour, twice a day. That was in return for Snopes agreeing to let flavio go to school part time to study fashion design. Again, flavio had explained that when he saw Benoit was still modeling, probably because he had no fallback, he felt he should have something to do for when he was older. Snopes had agreed to part time classes, and then flavio working part-time. Since Snopes worked at home, there was no reason for flavio to work for Snopes, let alone that if Snopes were around flavio ALL the time, he'd never get any work done: he'd have flavio under him, or on his knees, or something else. But as it turned out, the company for which Tiny worked when he wasn't on "jobs" with Roscoe needed someone to do basic clerical work in their front office. When flavio went for his interview, the director of personnel was so charmed she hired him on the spot. Snopes felt this was a safe place to have his prize for half the day: Tiny was locked most by Roscoe most of the time, and he seemed to only have eyes for jose when he WAS unlocked. Snopes allowed flavio and jose to see each other once every two weeks. When they met, jose had to be locked up himself. "If anyone is going to top, it's going to be flavio, and we know THAT's not going to happen." Jose HATED Snopes. If he had had the chance, he would have strangled him, and it wasn't because of his keeping he and flavio apart. Flavio, it seems, had been developing stronger and stronger feelings for Snopes. He didn't really enjoy being tickled, but he certainly enjoyed how Snopes gave him everything -- even if it was at a price. Snopes had continued to develop into a superb lover, a MUCH better one than Jose had ever been (flavio never said that to Jose though). In Ibiza, he had seen how Benoit was treated by his husband and he began to realize how much better his life with Snopes was. And the final thing was, while he was never going to like being tickled, being tied up was turning him on, more and more. Flavio turned the last corner to home. He was drenched. Snopes was out for the day, so he would have time to shower, change, and make sure that the house was in good order for when he came home. When flavio walked through the door and into the hallway, he felt an arm around his neck, firm but not tight. He reacted. "HEY! WHAT THE. ACCCCCCCCCCCCK!" He felt the fingers dig into his ribs. Then he heard Snopes laugh. "Surprise! I got home early." Flavio knew the look in Snopes' eyes. He was horny. He began backing up. "Sir, please, not now. I'm a mess. I'm dripping on the floor." He began backing up to the bathroom. Snopes just smiled. "Nice and sweaty. Good. I'll just slide right into you." When Snopes said that flavio realized he was in the mood for a good fucking. He just didn't want to give in that easily. "NO! Let me get cleaned up." He walked off and then felt what he knew was inevitable. Snopes grabbed him by the middle, tickled his ribs until flavio was laughing helplessly, and then pulled him just far enough off the floor so he was in the air. He tossed flavio on the bed and jumped on top of him. "Such sexy orange shorts. Who bought those for you?" "You did Sir. My sugar daddy." "Well, let your sugar daddy have some of those honey lips." Snopes kissed flavio before he forced his mouth open. He began inching flavio's tank top up his torso and then over his head. His kisses, big and wet, traveled down flavio's chest, making stops at his nipples. Flavio could feel Snopes' legs curling around his own, keeping flavio pinned in place and only able to squirm. He felt Snopes' feet push off one, then the other of his running shoes. "Let's get those shorts off. I think I can take you without the jock coming off." He pushed flavio's long legs in the air. Then he ordered flavio to hold his knees. Snopes wanted to get very deep, and he also wanted to be able to get access to the rest of flavio's body. Flavio wasn't caged that day, and he got rigid. "Yes sir. Take your boy's ass. Take what's yours." Snopes took his time: he stopped to signal to flavio to get his arms in the air so he could tickle his pits. This was always a challenge for flavio: if he were tied down, he couldn't react strongly to Snopes' assault, but untied, it was up to him to show control. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAHA. OH DADDY.

You... You can have everything." "I know," Snopes answered. "And I will." He began pushing his dick into flavio. The palms of his hands pressed down on flavio's wrists, holding him still. Snopes began sliding his dick into flavio. He found "the spot" and flavio began moaning. Snopes pushed harder and withdrew very slowly. He hit that spot again, and flavio began to buck against Snopes' hands. It did no good. Snopes just smiled down at him. "You think I'm letting you up, pretty boy? You think it's gonna get easier?" He smiled as he rocked his dick back and forth over that sensitive area. "No Sir, no. OOOOOOOOOOH. It's just driving me crazy." "GOOD." Snopes smiled. "You've got it coming for how many times you've driven ME crazy. How many times I go NUTS thinking that this studly man is not only my bottom, he's my SUB bottom. MINE." Flavio opened his eyes and he saw the feral look in Snopes' face. It was frightening, but it also did -- something to him. He had dated men before Snopes had captured him, and he had enjoyed sex with many of them. But he couldn't remember any man who looked at him the way Snopes did. He felt owned, but he also felt special. Snopes could literally buy any boy he wanted. He had never taken anyone home with him. When they went out, flavio couldn't remember a single time that Snopes had had a "wandering eye." Yes, Snopes made clear that he possessed flavio, but, well..." "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG Sir. You're so HARD. SO HARD SIR. "Again, Snopes looked directly at flavio. "You're the reason boy. YOU'RE the one who makes me so hard. So, you have to deal with the... consequences." Snopes grunted, and he felt the cum pour out of Snopes' cock. Lubricated now, the movement over his "g spot" felt different but still so intense. Usually, Snopes positioned his body so that flavio's legs were spread and he couldn't bring them up. He hadn't done that this time, though, and flavio wrapped his long legs around Snopes, trying to hold his cock inside him so that he could feel the sensation for as long as he could. Snopes put his mouth over flavio's ear and whispered one word: "No." He had anticipated, correctly, that flavio was going to ask for permission to jerk off. He continued "And if you do, tomorrow's tickling is going to be SO MUCH WORSE for you, flavio. SO MUCH WORSE." Flavio gulped. Tomorrow was his first day at the new job. In fact, it was the start of a whole new chapter for him. The job and starting at school part-time. There were big changes ahead, and if his Master decided that he was going to be tortured more completely and more thoroughly, he didn't think he could handle it. But he'd have to.

Flavio started work at Tiny's company the next day. He was nervous: he had never worked in an office setting before. Snopes had assured him it was going to be simple: he'd be answering phones, handling orders, and if there were a need for translation, especially Portuguese, he'd be the man. One part of the job that flavio looked forward to was dressing up: he liked dress clothes, and he liked the way people, especially Snopes, looked at him when he was well dressed. Any time they went to an event requiring black tie, Snopes could barely keep his hands off flavio the whole evening. (The downside of those evenings was that if Snopes caught flavio looking at another man, let alone smiling at one, the tickling he got was fierce and long. There had been one time when Snopes had gotten so excited by the tickling he was giving flavio that he came all over flavio's chest).

"Behave yourself," Snopes told flavio as he kissed him before flavio met Tiny to drive off to work. "Remember: I'm not there, boy, but I've got eyes in the place." Flavio knew he was talking about Tiny, and he also knew Tiny had never forgotten how flavio had kicked the shit out of him the day he was captured. Tiny had it in for him: THAT he knew.

"I promise I'll behave, Sir. I will." Just before flavio left, Snopes made him lock his hands behind his back and push out his chest.

"DAMN you look so fucking good. NOW GET OUT OF HERE. I'll be waiting for you tonight."

It seemed that flavio had settled into a routine where Snopes trusted him. He'd meet Tiny in the mornings. There was usually no conversation between them, unless Tiny had to tell him about meeting him after work, or some other "administrative" type thing. There was a gym close enough to the company so that flavio could get his workout in at lunch time. Then he'd head to school for about 2 hours four days a week and get home. It was the gym that got him in trouble.

Flavio worked out in shorts, just like the orange ones he wore when he was running, and a tank top. He wore the tank top under his dress shirt instead of a regular t shirt. Snopes required the tank tops because flavio's pits were exposed, and he could get to them easier. There was one time at the gym when way more people were working out than usual, and flavio had to wait for equipment several times. The result was that he didn't have time to change at the gym. Instead, he packed his dress clothes up in his bag, and hurried back to the office. He figured he'd change in the men's room, and to save time, he took a short cut through the warehouse where Tiny worked.

"WOOF!" he heard someone yell. Without thinking of it, he turned and saw this incredibly handsome, muscled guy with dark hair checking him out and smiling. Flavio smiled back and then hurried to the office where he worked. He didn't notice that Tiny was right there and had seen everything. "Fernando in the warehouse just called, "Jill was his co-worker and she got off the phone. "He wants to know if you'll parade through the warehouse everyday for them." Flavio blushed.

"I was just in a real hurry. I didn't want to be late."

"Hon, be in a real hurry more often. I saw it too. Now I know why Snopes won't share you." Flavio blushed. How did she know? He didn't ask. Later that day HE got a call from Fernando.

"Hey flavs my man, we have a weekly soccer game at lunch time. Can I persuade you to join us some time?" Now, flavio had grown up playing soccer. When he started modeling, he stopped because there was too much risk of injury. It seemed, however, that after the modeling event in Ibiza, Snopes wasn't going to let him model again. And without thinking "I should check with Master," he said "Uh, sure. When's the next game?"

"Tomorrow, dude. We start at 12:15."

"See you then."

"Anything interesting at work today, boy?" Snopes asked as they sat down to dinner at a local restaurant. "By the way, I really like that outfit. Makes you look even hotter than usual." Flavio was wearing a skintight dark blue polo shirt and skinny black jeans.

"Thank you, Sir. I think you and Jacques picked this for me. But no, nothing interesting. Just run of the mill stuff."

"Hmmm. Too bad. A little excitement at work is always a good thing. Maybe things will pick up." Snopes smiled. He knew about what had happened that day, and he knew about the soccer game the next day, which flavio hadn't mentioned. Snopes was possessive, and jealous. He considered flavio a very fine prize, and he did not want to share him at all. "He'll learn," he thought to himself.

Flavio was huffing and puffing after the hour-long game. He was sweating the way he sweated when Snopes tickled him during the summer. "I'm SO out of shape," he said to Fernando, who was sitting next to him. Fernando smiled.

"You look like you're in pretty good shape to me, flavio." He smiled a big, bright smile. Flavio felt his cock ping. He reddened and looked down at his feet.

"Fernando, I appreciate that but, I'm taken. I have a partner I go home to every night and, well, he's pretty possessive." Fernando smiled and put an arm around flavio's shoulders.

"But he's not here, and there are LOTS of places in the warehouse to go and mess around." Flavio shook his head.

"He finds out everything. I can't Fernando." He got up. "I shouldn't even be playing soccer with you guys."

Something flavio hadn't thought of when he played soccer instead of going to the gym was that there was no shower at the office. So, he put his dress clothes on, but he was so sweaty, it showed up everywhere. And then, of course, Tiny had been taking pictures and sending them back to Snopes. "Come by tomorrow, Tiny. I'll make sure you're compensated," he texted the man. Then he began to plan for flavio's punishment. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "Did you work out especially hard, today, handsome? You're salty and sweaty." Snopes had his arm around flavio and was gently rubbing his beard scruff over flavio's neck. Occasionally, he raised his head and nibbled on his earlobe. "No, Sir. Normal workout. Showers weren't functioning today for some reason. I don't' know what it was." "Hard to shower at the office after a soccer game," Snopes whispered into flavio's ear. "And of course, flirting with that hottie Fernando, well, I can see how that would make you sweat." Flavio felt Snopes' arm tighten around his waist. "SIR, I did play soccer. That's right but... he flirted with me!" Flavio knew what was going to happen. It had happened before, only this time he had lied to Snopes too. He knew it was going to be bad." "Pictures I saw showed some mutual admiration, bottom boy. You know how I feel about that. Get into the bedroom. I'll undress you myself." "Yes sir," flavio sighed as Snopes let him go. He sat down on the bed, waiting. When Snopes came in, he saw that he was carrying three of the electric toothbrushes and a tube of the gel that raised the temperature on his feet. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. PLEASE SIR, NO." Flavio curled up on the bed in the tightest fetal position he could. He had two reasons. One, he knew that Snopes LOVED to conquer him and when he did, maybe some of that jealousy would be dispersed. Snopes had used the brushes on him, and the hot crème, but never both at the same time. "Now flavio," Snopes put down the toys. "You seem to assume I'm just going to jump in and start tickling you." "YOU ARE, SIR." Flavio tried to get even tighter in the position. Snopes laughed. "Baby cakes, I have NEVER lied about what I was going to do to you, and I am NOT going to start tickling you. Well, maybe just a little bit." He lay down beside flavio and whispered, "roll over." "NO SIR. NO." "Last chance. Roll over." Flavio didn't answer and tensed up his body. He felt Snopes' massaging the back of his neck. "Such a pretty, pretty boy. Maybe I shouldn't tickle you unless you ask for it." He searched flavio's body, and when he found a slight opening, he slipped his hand in and began to use a fulcrum motion to twist flavio onto his back. Flavio tried to kick, but Snopes had thrown a leg over flavio's and he couldn't move them. "Like opening an oyster, boy. Just like that." Flavio was on his back underneath Snopes. "Now, this is what we're gonna do. You can buck me off your chest if you can but it's gonna be hard. Because I'm gonna start playing with those nipples until you BEG me to tie you down and tickle you." Snopes had double jointed thumbs and when he bent them back, the smooth middle joint became a "weapon" on flavio. His blue oxford was one of the heavier, rougher cuts, and the tank top was a natural fiber, so he felt Snopes' fingers working on his nipples. He fought hard not to show any emotion, not to make any sound, but he didn't last long. It took Snopes less than three minutes to get flavio to start moaning. "I'm gonna have to open this anyway, so..." Snopes pushed his thighs against flavio's sides and then opened just enough of his shirt buttons to have access to his nipples. "Maybe I'll bite through the fabric as well." He continued with the massaging of flavio's nipples, and when the man's moans got very, VERY loud and insistent, he started twisting them. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OH SHIT. OH SHIT SIR. You know what that does to me?" "Do I? Maybe I don't know my boy. Tell me what it does to you." He twisted flavio's nipples harder. "It makes my ass twitch. It makes me want COCK, Sir?" "Is that right? Well, I don't think I can get hard enough to make you forget Fernando unless I tickle you, and you know, you haven't asked me to do that." Snopes was very proud of what he was doing to flavio. He knew he was weakening because the bucking to get him off had come close to stopping completely. The loud moans had become almost a purring. "Please Sir. Tie me up and tickle me." "Are you sure, playboy?" "YES SIR YES SIR. AND THEN FUCK ME. PLEASE." Flavio was thinking "DAMN. He wins again." "Let's get your shirts off, boy. Then... we'll have some fun." Snopes gave flavio's bare chest a look. No need to shave it, but maybe the pits and pubes. Or save that for another day. He tied flavio's wrists tight, over his head. There was no slack in the bonds and flavio waited for the hitachi vibrators to start. First, though, Snopes opened the tube of hot gel. An evil smile played over his face, as he put a dab on each one of flavio's nipples. "NNNNNNNG OH SHIT," flavio cursed as he began to feel the gel work. His eyes were closed so he didn't see Snopes pull off his shoes or when he rubbed the gel over his feet. Usually, when Snopes did foot work, he spread flavio's legs, and tied them to the corners of the bed. Not this time: this time he bound flavio's ankles tightly and attached the end of that restraint to the middle of the bed. Flavio was already moaning from the hot gel on his feet and nipples when he saw Snopes attach Velcro bands to each of two electric brushes. "One for each arm, baby cakes," he sneered. "PLEASE SIR. I WON'T DO IT AGAIN." "You're right. You won't." Snopes turned on the brushes just as flavio was wondering what he'd do with the third one. The effect was immediate. Try as he might, flavio couldn't help laughing. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OH SHIT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. STOP! PLEASE SIR PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. PLEASE SIR. BRING YOUR FRIENDS OVER. LET THEM GANG BANG ME. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. ANYTHING ANYTHING." "I have something MUCH more effective in mind flavio. And no, no one else gets your ass but me. " "OK SIR OK. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. BLOW JOBS. I'LL EVEN BLOW TINY. PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Snopes attached a Velcro strip to the third brush and strapped it across flavio's torso. The brush head buried itself into his navel, and it's impossible to describe the shrieking that induced in flavio. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. PLEASE SIR. I'M GONNA DIE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHA." But there was more. Snopes stripped so flavio could see the angry, hard red cock he'd be taking shortly. Then he sat down and began running his nails across flavio's soles. Snopes had discovered what spots drove flavio nuts, and he worked them. "Maybe we need more gel, flavio? Get you more stimulated? You seem almost, well, nonchalant." Snopes smiled as he dug his fingers in. "NO PLEASE SIR PLEASE. I CAN'T TAKE THIS. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA." Snopes looked at flavio's face. It was beet red, and he was gasping for breath. He turned off the armpit brushes and stopped tickling flavio's feet. He kept the brush at flavio's navel, but he lowered the intensity. "This is how things are gonna work from now on, flavio. If I catch you giving a look to ANY man, unless I set it up, this is what will happen. Next time, for an hour. Then two. And so on, and so forth. And from now on," he stopped and laughed. "NOT that I think it'll be necessary for such a complete bottom, but...you wear the cage. To work, to school, anytime you're not with me. And if I decide it can come off it will. "He turned up the intensity on the navel brush. "AM I CLEAR?" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. YES SIR. VERY CLEAR. " "Good. Then let's stop this so you can feel what I've got for you, REAL good." Snopes stopped the final brush. Flavio had been suffering so much, he didn't realize how hard he had gotten, and how horny he was. Snopes' untying his feet made him begin to whimper. "YES SIR. YES MASTER SNOPES. IN ME PLEASE. FUCK ME. FUCK YOUR SUB. FUCK ME." Snopes spread flavio's legs and bent them back at his knees. Occasionally, he'd brush flavio's soles, which were still covered with the gel. The heat was receding, but it was still there. He felt Snopes enter him. "OH, I love how you're still tight after all this fucking, stud. Good glute work. GOOD." He pushed hard. "MMMMMMMMMMMMM. Thank you, Sir. Thank you. Feels so good. "When flavio was enjoying a fuck, he would make sounds like a cat eating cream. He began with those sounds now, and they continued until Snopes began running his finger over flavio's cockhead and squeezing his balls. Then they became almost desperate, halting gasps. "BREED ME SIR. BREEEEEEED ME." Snopes paused and pulled out. He was thinking about something and then RAMMED into flavio hard. He rammed so hard that flavio saw stars as the cum filled him. "This is where I belong," he thought to himself. "I'm a sub. I'm a slave. I accept it." Snopes began pulling out. His thoughts returned to the earlier one he had. Jacques and robin would be coming to visit very soon. He and Jacques agreed that they had to set some kind of games up between robin and flavio. He just didn't know what they would be.

(How about you, readers? If you've been following, what would you like to see robin and flavio doing? Chime in).

Next: Chapter 11

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