Ticklish Flavio

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 10, 2022


"We have company tonight, Flavio. You gotta look good. Rocky and Tiny are coming over, and.. they have a guest. Jose is joining them." "FUCK," thought flavio. He was gonna see Jose, but... did they want to see each other when both were, well, "property?" There was no other way to describe it. That's how Snopes described him: "best get used to it flavio. You're a bitch, you're a sub, and you belong to me. You're my property. Like a rare piece of furniture with a fine piece of ass and ticklish feet." The remark pissed flavio off, but he knew better than to say anything but "yes sir." After Snopes said it, he came up on flavio and encircled his middle. "And I'm gonna have that fine ass. Right now. Bend over the sofa. MAKE IT SNAPPY." "yes sir." flavio still wasn't used to how Snopes treated him. He expected sex whenever he wanted, and most nights, he'd secure flavio either to a chair, or to the bed, and tickle him for a half hour at least, sometimes as much as an hour. A couple of nights ago, it was total agony for flavio. Snopes had put flavio's feet in the stocks, and had chained his arms up over his head, like usual. But then he put a blindfold on him: one that blocked out ALL the light. flavio had no idea where Snopes' fingers were going, and they went everywhere. flavio was a sweating, huffing mess after twenty minutes. And it wasn't over. Snopes pulled out a vibrator and moved it all over his body. flavio's squeals of laughter, his begging, just seemed to get Snopes more energized, and he tickled the shit out of flavio like he hadn't done before. When he moved down to flavio's feet, he rubbed some kind of oil over his soles before he took the metal hair brush to them. "OH SHIT" flavio thought when he felt the first prong. Then more. And more. Then two brushes. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." When he took a break, Snopes licked flavio's salty, sweaty ear, and whispered "You are just SO FUCKING HOT. Best money I ever spent. " Then his fingers moved to flavio's nipples, which seemed to get more sensitive when he was tickled. "Who wants to get FUCKED tonight, flavio? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm?" "I... I do Sir. I want you to fuck me. Please. Fuck me with that big cock of yours. Teach me. Teach me who's in charge." Much of that was not provoked by Snopes. flavio always had a submissive side, and the constant torture, and the domination of Snopes, both during the day at work and at home, was bringing it out, more and more. flavio really DID want to get fucked. He would have preferred it to be Jose, but.... once Snopes was inside of him, he didn't much think about who's cock it was. He just thought about the pleasure he was getting.

The afternoon of the night "the boys" were coming over, Snopes pulled something out from his closet. "I remember when Peter gave me this. He said I'd want it some day. Today's that day." It was a complete estim set up, with various metal rods, and controls. He got hard just thinking about how he and Tiny and Rocky would use it on Jose and flavio. Rocky had given Snopes a GREAT idea for what they were calling the "play date." He couldn't wait.

When they came over at 8, flavio was in a dark purple button down shirt with white stripes running vertically. His sleeves were rolled, and he was wearing white athletic pants. Snopes had tied him to a chair before their guests arrived. Rocky came in first, with Tiny behind him. Jose was over his big shoulder, his wrists and ankles tied, and a big penis gag in his mouth.

"JOSE! WHAT THE... " flavio pulled at the restraints keeping him in the chair. All he did was make a lot of noise. "Just dump him in the chair opposite my boy. Let's see how they act. " "mmmmmmph." Jose's eyes alternated between angry, scared, and lustful: HIS bitch was right there, in front of him. He didn't care if strangers were there: he wanted to fuck him and fuck him hard. "WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT YOUR CHEST, JOSE?" Tiny bellowed at Jose, who took a deep breath, sucked in his gut, and pushed out his nipples. They pressed against his polo shirt, a size too small. flavio thought he looked good, but like more of a bottom than flavio was. "You know his nips are REAL sensitive Boss," Rocky smiled and went over and demonstrated, squeezing them through the shirt, and provoking a very loud "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" from Jose. flavio struggled again, and Snopes pushed him back. "Try that again, and I'm gonna give Rocky permission to tickle the shit outta your feet. Understand.? "Sigh. Yes sir." flavio answered and calmed down. "As a matter of fact, know what? They should see each other suffer. Go to it Rocky." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. NO PLEASE PLEASE... " Snopes grabbed flavio's ankles and roped them quickly. Rocky stuffed them under his arm, pinning them to his side. He dug in, and the laughs started. That's when Tiny reached under Jose's armpits and got to work on him. The muffled laughter was as sexy as the laughs that were pouring out of flavio, as he begged Rocky to stop. Rocky had buried his fingers in between flavio's toes, and all flavio could do was squeal as he suffered. "You guys ever seen an estim box? "Heard of them, never used one," Rocky replied. "Is that this..." "Yeah, let's try something tonight. See the double ended chains? I think...." Tiny smiled. "Oh, I KNOW what you're thinking boss. Let me get his shirt up." "Take the gag off too. I wanna hear him loud and clear. " "flavio babe. You ok? " was the first thing Jose said when his mouth was clear. Then he snarled. "I'M GONNA KILL ALL THREE OF YOU FUCKERS." Snopes was standing behind flavio, massaging his shoulders. "No you're not. You're gonna behave because if you manage to do anything to any of us, the others.... kiss seeing your baby goodbye." (Snopes had no intention of harming flavio, but at some point, he planned to "disappear" with him to someplace other than the country house). "Ok, let's see which one of you can take more." Tiny and Snopes ran a chain from flavio's right nip to Jose's left one, and vice versa. "Rocky, how about you start with the box? You can move it to , oh, let's start with level 3." Rocky smiled and the electricity began to flow. "OH SHIT OH SHIT!" Jose started to scream. flavio knew they were capable of much more, so he tried his best to be stoic, but seeing his old boyfriend in pain was... tought. "LEAVE HIM ALONE. JUST DO WHAT YOU WANT TO ME." "Level 4 Rocky. Keep in mind: I have butt plugs too, boys. That COULD make things very interesting." "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA" came out of Jose. He looked and... was that a wet spot at flavio's crotch? "You LIKE this flavio man?" flavio blushed. He didn't want to answer but... he did. "How about level 5 Rocky?" Snopes smiled at the two of them. "Tell me when you've had enough." They got up to 8 before Jose yelled. "NO MORE . NO MORE. PLEASE. I'LL DO WHAT YOU WANT. I WILL I WILL JUST STOP." Snopes smiled. "You gonna give up your ass to flavio's cock?" "WHAT? WHAT THE?" flavio AND Jose said it at the same time. "Go to level 9." "OK OK OK. NO MORE NO MORE. Yeah, I will. If that pussy can get it up, yeah, he can take me." Jose spat out. Snopes looked at flavio. "Oh, he will. Because if he doesn't, you're gonna see one expert, and one pretty good tickler, bring your boy to a point where he may never recover.

"This is gonna be good. You think he's able?" Rocky looked at Snopes. Jose was now naked, tied down to the platorm where Snopes worked over flavio. Tiny was holding his legs in the air, while Rocky and Snopes each had one of flavio's arms in their hands. He was naked too. And soft. "flavio, sweet flavio, you're gonna have to do this ya know. Think. Think real hard. I'll help ya." flavio had his eyes closed while Snopes began nibbling his ear. He moaned. His cock moved just a bit, but.... he had Jose had been together for three years before flavio walked in and saw Jose with... a woman. In all of the time they were together, Jose had been in charge: in the bedroom, out of the bedroom, everywhere. And flavio was blissfully happy. He had never met a man like Jose: he had just come up to him in a bar and said "I'm gonna fuck you, and then I'm gonna make you my bitch." His voice had been so commanding and flavio had been so ready.... SO ready he had just said "yes sir," put his hands behind his back as Jose collared him, and went back to Jose's house.

When he learned, after that first time he found Jose with a woman, that his DOM was "pansexual" as Jose put it, he waited until the opportunity was right, and then he ran off. He never went back, even though he had never found a man who could fuck him the way Jose did. Until Snopes. Yes, flavio had to think of someone else because Snopes was FAR less attractive than Jose. What had happened when Snopes had approached him the first time was an honest reaction. Would flavio have reacted that way if Snopes had fucked him, while flavio was blindfolded? Probably not. Then there was the tickling. Jose hadn't tickled flavio, and flavio had never asked for it. he KNEW he was ticklish from when he was a young boy, and his father, his uncle, his brothers, all tickled him until he nearly wet himself. He loved it, and hated it. Now, with Rocky reactivating those feelings, and Snopes picking up on them...well, maybe being the sub of someone who pushed BOTH buttons wasn't that bad. "His dick is going back down. Tiny, give Jose's legs a rest. Maybe you could, 'fluff' our boy here." "Sure boss." Tiny put Jose's legs down, and came over to flavio. As he put his hand around flavio's cock, Jose tried to scream. The gag reduced it to a long "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." As Jose put his hand around flavio's cock, flavio began to think of his scenes with Snopes, especially the ones where Snopes made him play a captured executive: the loosened tie, the tight white shirt with the sleeves rolled, and tied and gagged tightly before Snopes opened the necktie, then the shirt buttons, and then... dug his fingers into his armpits. "It's working boss. Look." Indeed, as the song goes, they were "getting his flag to fly." Jose saw it, and began to freak out. He struggled against the metal restraints, and made no progress. "You ready flavio?" Snopes whispered into flavio's ear. The answer he got surprised him. "Tie me down Sir. Tickle me. Tickle me in front of him. Then FUCK ME . FUCK ME HARD. FUCK YOUR BITCH. ME. " Rocky's mouth dropped, and Snopes laughed. "Well, it's hard to turn down a request like THAT. Do I need to tie you while we get Jose restrained in a chair?" "I'll..... help you Sir. " "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!" Jose was livid. His face was red and he wanted to scream. And there was nothing he could do.

Within thirty minutes, Jose was chained up against the wall. His dick was hard, because the sight of flavio naked did that to him. flavio was flat on his back, pinned down tightly. No stocks this time, but metal restraints on his ankles. "Old fashioned way Rocky. Just hands and fingers." "SOUNDS GOOD TO ME BOSS." They got to work. Rocky started running his longest nail up and down flavio's soles, one after the other, then both, while Snopes dug his fingers into flavio's ribs. His laughter bounced off the walls, and Jose wanted him: he wanted him BADLY, but it wasn't going to happen. "HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"

flavio's screams were the screams of a man defeated, who reveled in his defeat. He was trying to scream FUCK ME, but Snopes had moved to his pits and Rocky had moved his own hands under flavio's knees, tickling the sensitive spot flavio didn't know he had. "Boss, I think his balls need work." "OH SHIT NO NO NO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHA." Snopes had a very light touch for flavio's balls, and flavio thought he was gonna pass out. Pre-cum was forming on Jose's dick. Tiny saw it and smacked it. "NO PERMISSION TO DO THAT BITCH. YOU DO IT WHEN I SAY YOU CAN." He squeezed Jose's cock hard. "WE UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER, BITCH?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" was the only response Jose could give. Tiny tightened his grip because... it was time. Snopes had flavio's legs up in the air. "You need lube, boy?" "Yyyyyyyyyes sir. Please. Please. Eat my man pussy. PLEASE OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" Snopes' expert tongue got to work and licked each crevice of flavio's ass. flavio was quivering . So was Jose. Snopes looked up at flavio. "He ever eat you, boy?" "No Sir. He said he only ate girl pussy." "Heh heh. Well, I think you're gonna see who's got a girl pussy. Someone named Jose." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!" Jose shook his head violently but he knew... he could do nothing. He could do nothing but watch as Snopes shoved his cock into his boy. When he heard flavio moan, he knew... flavio wasn't his anymore. He was Snopes. And he... he was going to be made into a bitch. He heard the moans get louder, as flavio took more and more of Snopes. He begged for more. He begged for Snopes to let him close his legs and tighten his glutes. Snopes just sneered and fucked "the man who was too good for me. Now he's a FUCKING SLUT CUNT" and shot into flavio, who screamed. "YES YES YES." "Untie him Rocky. He's gonna jerk off on Jose while Tiny fucks him." "HOLY SHIT SIR THIS IS GONNA BE GREAT BUT..." "Yeah, you can fuck Tiny while he does. But he's gotta eat Jose first. "

Jose's moans - they had taken off the gag - were louder than flavio's. "The bitch likes it. Look at that... " Tiny stared at him. "You a BITCH Jose? You a BITCH like flavio?" Jose didn't want to answer, but then he felt the tongue again. "Yes. Yes Master Tiny." "Get the chain going. " Snopes said to Tiny and to Rocky. He turned to flavio. "Shower the new bitch." "Yes sir." flavio took his cock in his hand and began to stroke. Jose was going to say something smart assed, but then he felt Tiny's not so tiny cock and couldn't do anything but moan. Tiny smiled as he felt his topman penetrate him. Snopes stood back and smiled. Who knew it was going to come to this? He thought it, ironically, just as the first lash of flavio's cum hit his former lover. "That's my boy. " He thought. "I'm gonna make sure NO ONE gets to him but me."

Folks, next chapter in this tale will be our last. Thanks for going along for this ride. Hope you've been enjoying it.

Next: Chapter 7

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