Tied by High School Friends

By Art Gibson

Published on Mar 24, 2021


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This was the farthest I had ever gone. I was a virgin and, oh no. Were they planning to do that to me? Was that the fun they planned? But Dean's kisses. So good. I fought with his tongue trying for more, whimpering, now beyond caring that my friends could see my lust. Beyond embarrassment, my body thrusting, those damn ropes, I moaned into my best friend's mouth. "Dean, Dean. Please, please. More. Make love to me. We devoured each other's mouths and lips. Dean was moaning my name like I moaned his.

Tied by High School Friends C-2

I heard John telling Stew, "This is so fucking hot with Billy tied and that cum on his face. Suzie how about helping Dean play with Billy."

Dean and I were lost in each other. When he pulled off my mouth, I felt lost. Then I felt soft lips on mine. Not hard like Dean's but soft. I opened my eyes to see Suzie kissing me. Karl was sucking my cock. The Viagra and arousal drug made me hot and horny. I wanted to cum, but Dean pulled Karl and Suzie off. This gave me a break and I asked, no pleaded, to be released.

Dean bent low and told me the guys would be taking me to the shower. I was warned not to try anything. In a fog, I knew escaping was not an option, not with the drug in my system and my boner sticking out. Karl, Stew, and Roger untied me. They guided me to the shower that John was getting ready. Kelly was naked and guided me inside. As he washed me, I asked him to help me escape. He rubbed my boner and sucked my tongue.

"Nope, Billy. We will tie you for more fun."

"Billy. I'm a virgin. I have never done this before. How long will I stay tied?"

"Probably until Sunday. Dean wants to be your first. Then me. Then anyone else including the girls."

"Billy please. I have never. Like I said, I am a virgin."

"After Dean, you will never be able to say that again, Billy."

My tears mixed with the water before Billy turned off the water. Roger dried me. I was hard and horny but did not want to lose my virginity in this way.. Roger, Karl, and John escorted me to the bed. I knew resistance was useless as they lay me on top and retied me. I saw Suzie and Jane were naked, holding each other. Dean reappeared.

Seeing my tears, he licked them. "Billy do not cry. You are okay. I got you. I will make love to you."

"I'm a virgin, Dean. Please not in front of all these kids. They see me at school. They are in some of my classes. They will have seen me, and you"

Dean kissed me like before. As he kissed me, Kelly leaned at my ear to tell me he would be gentle when it was his turn. He let me know he planned to be my second lover. Dean stopped kissing to say he would be gentle. He resumed kissing. My heart was pounding but I was losing control. Kelly asked Karl for lube. My legs were spread so he had no difficulty inserting his first finger in me. It burned then began to feel soothing. I felt another finger move in me. Dean kissed me more. I lost my worry about being a virgin and let the sensations at both ends of my torso overwhelm me. Kelly added a third finger and he touched something in me that lifted my hips off the bed.

"He's ready, Dean." Kelly withdrew his fingers and I moaned as I missed them. Dean left my mouth. I felt my legs untied and lifted over my shoulders. Stew and Roger held them. Roger was kissing my left foot. Sonny had replaced Dean on my mouth. I raised my head to see Dean between my legs, his boner hard and throbbing as he advanced closer. He looked in my eyes and asked if I was ready?

I never thought I'd hear come out of my mouth what I said. "Please Dean. Fuck me. Make love to me." Dean slowly entered me stopping to see I was okay. He was so gentle. I felt his pubes against mine. Sonny left my mouth to be replaced by Dean's mouth.

Then Dean asked, "Billy? Are you ready for me to make love to you?"

I looked at my best friend who had his hard cock buried in my ass. His eyes were full of love. "Please, Dean. I love you. Take me," I cried out.

Dean started thrusting so gently. He truly was making love to me as he pumped in my no longer virgin ass. He held me as a lover and Stew and Roger placed my feet on Deans waist and told me to pull him tight to me. Then they untied my arms and wrapped them around Dean. We became one, moaning and kissing. Dean increased his speed, and we were locked in a lover's embrace. I felt as if I was in heaven. We were now rolling and out of control.

"Billy, Billy. I'm making love to you. We are each other's first. Dean stiffened and I felt him swell and at that moment he stiffened, and I felt his seed flood me. We lay together for what seemed like forever. Dean kissed me one last time as I felt my feet and arms once again tied. I wanted to be with Dean forever.

"Billy, I am going to lay next to you and kiss you while the others have sex with you. We were each other's first. Once they are done, we can go again.

I was still hard, and Kelly asked Stew and Roger to release my legs. He slid his cock in my crack and found my hole. Dean's cum eased his way into my chute and he bottomed against my pubes. He wasted little time fucking and drove hard into me. I enjoyed feeling his cum ooze unlike Dean's which throbbed. Dean was my age while Kelly was fourteen. I was retied. Dean and I had ben each other's first. This was fun. He was right. Still, I did not want the other kids using me. Kelly was okay. Karl had an agenda I did not want to guess at.

Karl said. "Shaving time." I was in the afterglow of Kelly's fuck. I had not cum. I was in a fog until I felt a vibration around my cock. I raised me head to see Suzie running clippers in my pubes. I screamed, "No. Please not there. Please not my hair" Suzie finished with the clippers. Jane took them and began her assault on my armpits. Karl used a razor to make me as smooth as a preteen then he went for my armpits. My legs were shaved smooth. Stew, Roger, and John untied me and Turned me on my stomach holding me. Dean and Kelly spread my cheeks and Karl went to work on my hole and in my crack. He wiped me and they turned me and retied me. I was still hard as I saw the girls taking pictures.

Dean decided he would ride me. Kelly lubed my cock, still hard at six inches. Karl applied lube to Dean's hole. "Billy, I took your anal virginity. Now you take mine. Kelly helped him settle on me. I saw cameras aimed at us. Dean eased down. I began to shudder as he slid farther down. As he adjusted to me, he began to slide on me. I began to become lost in lust as my moans joined Dean's. My arms were untied so Dean could lean forward, and I could embrace him. Like a repeat of him in me we both lost ourselves in kissing and sex. I was straining to release in Dean. He was crying in pleasure. Kelly leaned between us and sucked his brother's cock. John began to suck Kelly. I heard screams and thrust into Dean releasing my most massive organism of the evening.

The boys let us relax from our lovemaking. I did not soften and kissed Dean deep and long. Finally, my arms were tied. Dean remained on my cock as it was still hard. Kelly finally lifted him off and took his place. Kelly began bouncing on my still hard cock with every intention of cumming. He had not cum when John sucked him. He lost himself after three pumps and dribbled his cum over my now hairless mound.

Suzie and Jane began to suck me while Stew and Roger ate them. Suzie was first to demand I fuck her. Stew rolled a condom on me and lowered her on me. Like Dean and Kelly, she bounced and me. I watched her tits flopping and as she cried, "So good," I came again. They kept my condom on and replaced Suzie with Jane. Her organism was strong. if her cries were any indication. I did not cum this time. I was drained and worn out. The fun Dean promised was gone. Did only Dean an Kelly bring it out?

The others line up, naked and waiting their turn. Still my hole was assaulted. Four more boys fucked me and left their sperm in me. I was done even though I was still hard. The medicine they gave me had worn off. Everyone left. I was tied and alone, dripping cum from my hole. I needed to shit. I called for help. No one came. I was alone. Would I be like this all night?

How much time went by, I did not know. Then Dean came in. "You okay, Billy?" I nodded my head no. I told him I had to shit. He untied me and helped me to the toilet sitting me on it. He watched me. No one had ever seen me shit like this. Dean did not turn away.

"Karl wanted to keep you tied all night. He said he wanted you to piss and shit yourself. He is out back so I snuck here to help you.

"Thanks, Dean. What will happen to me now?"

"Karl has some toys he wants to try on you. The girls have left. They said that they might be back tomorrow. Suzie might bring her little sister. She's ten. John is definitely bringing his little brother. He is ten too. It's just Karl, Kelly, and me tonight.

"Can I leave, Dean?" I had done more than they had planned. I was no longer a virgin. I had fucked and been fuck by my baseball teammates and by two girls. I was no longer a virgin in any meaning of the word. I was just tired.

Before Dean could answer, Karl entered the room. He looked pissed.

"I wanted him to shit and piss himself, Dean."

"Enough, Karl. He has been degraded enough. Tomorrow is another day. Karl reached and took ice from Kelly and put it on my genitals. The Viagra loosened its hold and my cock deflated. Kelly handed Karl a weird contraption that he fit over my cock and balls.

"What's this," I demanded. Karl rubbed it then I felt my genitals being wrapped. Karl placed a lock on it. "It's a cock cage. You wear it until everyone arrives tomorrow. Get him off the toilet, Dean." "Turn around Billy and bend over the sink." He held a device in front of me. "This is a butt plug. Lube it Dean." Dean did and Karl pressed it inside me. I felt no pain. My hole was stretched so much. "Enjoy this and get used to it. You will wear this and bigger ones all week."

"What about school? And he has PE." asked Dean. Karl smiled and said. "I will give him directions before we release him Sunday."

Karl had Dean tie only my hands to the bed.

Kelly looked at his brother. I'm sleeping with Billy. "Me too," said Dean giving Karl a "Go to hell look."

Next: Chapter 3

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