Tim and Dave

By Luke Rim

Published on Oct 25, 2005


Legal Stuff; This story is an original work of fiction. The author retains all rights to this story. Do not download, copy, post and/or link this story or any portion thereof without the express written permission of the author. The characters, places, events and situations depicted are fictional. Any similarity to actual persons, places, events and/or situations is purely coincidental. This story includes explicit descriptions of sex between men. If this offends you, if you are under the age of 18, or if it is against the law where you reside to be reading such things , please do not read any further, this is written for mature, consenting adults only.

Tim & Dave Part 4

Things have been going really well, Tim is doing a magnificent job in the shipping department and I see Dave much more often since I asked Tim to use UPS as often as possible. As I sat in my office thinking about Tim & Dave, I decided it was time to have a party to introduce Tim & Dave to some of my friends and to let the two of them get aquatinted away from the job. I know Dave really enjoyed the massage I had given him and he had mentioned he would like to return the favor. I think I'll suggest Dave give me a massage with Tim in the room watching, that could really turn into something fun for all of us! I then started thinking about Tim's huge cock and how much fun it would be to watch Dave's face the first time he saw that monster being unleashed. Or, maybe I should ask Dave to give Tim a massage while I watch, Hmmmm!

As I was mentally planning the party and how to turn the massage room into a playroom, Tim knocked on my office door and asked if he could talk to me. I look up and notice he looked pale and seemed somewhat shaken. I told Tim to come in and take a seat. I got up, closed my office door and sat in the chair next to Tim. I, took his hand in mine and asked what in the heck was going on. Tim was looking down at the floor as he started telling me he was excited and told his 17 year old brother Shawn, about his promotion and how well things were going for him. Apparently Shawn told their father, and now the father wanted to come to Phoenix to see if any of what Shawn had told him was true. Tim was talking low and was on the verge of tears. I asked Tim what the problem was, as everything he told Shawn was true. Tim said his father is a drunk that uses and abuses people in his life. He said his father could never keep a job and would do things like go through his and Shawn's clothes to steal money so he could to buy beer.

Tim said his father had abused him quite badly over he years. I could feel how emotional this was for Tim, but thought letting him talk would be the best thing. Tim told of the times when his father said he took too long to get him a beer and he would make Tim strip naked then he would beat him with a belt until he could no longer stand, or the times he would bend Tim's naked body over his knee and after spanking him with a paddle, then put out a cigarette on his back and order him to RUN and get him a beer so he "wouldn't have to spank him again". Tim said there were times when he was bent over his father's lap that he felt his father get an erection while beating him and he knew his father was one perverted fucker. Tim then said when his father had found a gay magazine in his room he went nuts! He beat him severely and threw him out of the house, calling him a worthless faggot! I was getting nauseated hearing all of this and told Tim I would somehow see to it that his father never hurt him again. Tim looked up and told me I was the only man he has ever felt safe with or thought he could trust.

I told Tim to call his father and tell him not to make the trip, but Shawn had told him their father was already on a bus heading to Phoenix. And yes, the father had beaten Shawn until he gave him Tim's home address and cell phone number. I was numb hearing all of this and was thinking of who I could call to "handle" this little situation at the bus station so it would go no further (if you know what I mean). I asked Tim if he would like for me to make sure his father never got to his house, but Tim said one side of him never wants to see his father again, yet another side of him wants to prove to him Shawn told the truth. I asked when his father was scheduled to arrive and Tim said this Friday. Since it was Wednesday, I had a little time to get some things lined up. I told Tim not to worry, together we would come up with a plan that would most definitely show his father how well Tim was doing, and in another way, make sure the father would decide he did not want to stay long, nor would he want to return for another visit in the future.

I told Tim to get back to work and assured him I would start working on a plan to deal with his fathers visit. I was still sick to my stomach thinking of what Tim and Shawn have been subjected to by their father. I don't know if their mother is still alive, is still married to their father or what, but because Tim turned out to be such a fine young man, I feel somehow she was a positive influence, but helpless to deal with the situation as the kids were growing up. This also helps to explain why in the past Tim wore the baggy pants and black T- shirts and why he had the out of sight out of mind attitude toward male supervisors and other authority figures.

We print our business cards in house, so I called and told Margaret to print me a dozen cards with Tim's name and title "Vice President" Shipping Department, I figured what the hell, if I can be a VP so can Tim. Let his father take a bite of that. Next I called Larry, a friend that owns some very expensive Condos in highly exclusive gated communities throughout the valley. I then called the limousine service we use for our VIP guests. The last call I made was to Mel, our Director of Corporate Security who is good friend that has more connections than anyone I have ever known.

I have been in senior management in the corporate world for a number of years and with the help of one of the best financial wizards of this century, I have done quite well financially. I decided the cost of this little show didn't matter and was determined to make this very satisfying for everyone but Tim's father.

As I was planning all of this out in my head, I couldn't shake the knot in my stomach. How in the hell can someone abuse a youngster like Tim and even though I have never met Shawn, I am sure he is every bit as wonderful as is Tim. I am going to make sure they are NEVER abused again, I just sm not exactly sure how I am going to get it done. I had many sadistic thoughts of different ways to torture Tim's father, but I can't lower myself to his level, there must be a better way, you never know, an asshole like that might like having his ass kicked!

Larry arranged for Tim to have a 4,200 square foot, 4 bedroom condo, in one of the most exclusive areas in Scottsdale. (Scottsdale is one of the "money" communities adjacent to Phoenix) The condo has mountain views that are simply breathtaking and the parking lot is full of BMW's, Lincoln's, Cadillac's, Jaguars and one or two Rolls Royces . There are several levels of security, cameras everywhere, roving guards on bikes as well as a gate guard and a door guard.

Mel came through as always. He was able to identify Tim's father as Bernard "Benny" Adams, and also found good ol Benny has been arrested several times for drunk driving, domestic violence (beating his wife), assault and battery (several bar fights) and for burglary and shoplifting, a really fine upstanding citizen huh?. Benny reportedly can't work due to a "bad back" and gets a monthly disability check ,collects food stamps and tries to make money by filing nuisance law suites against different small businesses. He has not held a job for more than 6 months in his entire life He is currently on a bus scheduled to arrive in Phoenix at 4:30 p.m. Friday. Mel said he had a drivers license photo of Benny and will have a "crew" at the bus terminal "to keep an eye on things". I love it! The instructions to Mel's crew, at this point, is to do nothing more than watch, not help, unless they observe Benny commit a crime, then do what is necessary to have him arrested.

It was the end of the day and I was exhausted. I knew it had been a trying day for Tim, so I called and asked if he wanted to go out for dinner. Tim said he still had a lot of work to do, but if I could wait until around 7:00 he would meet me at my place and then we could go out to eat.

On the way home I stopped and bought two really nice ribeye steaks, a couple of potatoes, a bag of ready-made salad and 2 bottles of good wine. I decided Tim might need to talk more and if it got emotional, I didn't want him to be embarrassed in a restaurant. I arrived home around 6:00, immediately got undressed, put on some gym shorts, grabbed a cold beer and relaxed in my favorite recliner. The next thing I knew there was a loud knock at the door. As I was heading for the door I glanced at my watch and saw it was already 7:15, I must have fallen asleep in the chair. I opened the door and found a frazzled Tim standing there, he had come straight from work. As Tim came in I gave him a hug and told him I bought some steaks for dinner. I then told him he was welcome to take a shower while I started getting the food ready. Tim took me up on the shower and I started getting the meal ready.

As I was grilling the steaks Tim came up behind me and wrapped his strong arms around me and held me close, saying nothing at all. I leaned back into his embrace thoroughly enjoying the moment, looking at the evening sky, feeling Tim's head next to mine, feeling his breath on my neck felt erotic, what could possibly be any better than a moment like this? I glanced down and saw smoke billowing from the grill and figured I was about to cremate the steaks! I yelled holy shit! Which causing Tim to jump, got the steaks off the grill, and took them in the house where the potatoes and salad were already on the table. The meal was wonderful, as was the company of Tim. After we finished eating, we cleaned things up, loaded the dishwasher, took our wine and settled in on the big comfy leather sofa.

It wasn't cold, but I pushed the button and ignited the gas fireplace to set the mood. There are times when silence is golden and this was one of those times. The fire was dancing in the fireplace, the night lights from the city had begun to twinkle and Tim leaned back and put his head in my lap and stretched his feet out over the arm of the sofa.. I leaned down and gently kissed him on the forehead, he just looked up at me with those beautiful brown eyes and smiled, snuggled the back of his head against my cock and was sound asleep with within two minutes.

I had apparently fallen asleep as well as when I awoke I smelled fresh brewed coffee. The only thing any better than my morning cup of coffee would be to have some of Tim's cream first and then chase it with the coffee. I staggered into the kitchen, poured a cup of coffee and started looking for Tim. I detected the smell of a shower and after shave, but no Tim. Finally I found a note from Tim saying he had gotten up early and was on his way to the office as they had a shipment going out first thing and he needed to be there.

Today was Thursday and good ol Benny was arriving tomorrow. I had some things in place but not all. I called Mel to see if he had everything ready to welcome Benny and was assured that Benny's every move would be covered, and if he even so much as poked Tim in the chest, he would be the next visitor to one of our fine hospitals. I showered and headed for the office.

It was almost closing time before I got to see Tim. I told Tim we needed to get his clothes and whatever else he needed and get him moved into the condo. Tim was a little hesitant about all of this, but went along with it anyway. When we arrived at the gate, the guard checked our identification, then gave Tim a decal to put on his car and a door card to get through the main entrance. The guard at the door let us in when he saw Tim had the card in his hand. I thought, all of this security could be a pain in the ass on a daily basis, but the people who live here love it and pay through the nose to have it!

I had the key to the door of the condo in my pocket, so I opened the door and rushed in to see Tim's eyes as he looked around. The place was truly one of the most beautiful, well decorated homes I have ever been in. Tim just stood looking around saying, oh my god look at this, is this place for real? I have never been in a Place as beautiful as this! I told Tim to get over ths shock as he would need to convince his father this was all his, and he needed to act like it was no big deal. Tim said, "holy shit" how am I supposed to do that? I helped Tim get all of his belongings put away and started looking around myself. This place was truly magnificent, I am going to owe Larry big time for this favor. (I later found out that Larry had been raised by an abusive father and when I told him why I needed the condo, he had canceled a year long lease someone was waiting to sign just to give this condo to Tim. That also explains why Larry was so emphatic when he told me if I needed ANYTHING, anything at all, I was to call him immediately and he would make sure I had whatever I needed within hours)

Tim was still wondering around in dismay when he asked how much all of this was going to cost? I told him the cost was nothing he needed to worry about, he just needed to keep an eye on his father whenever he was here. About that time there was a knock on the door. Tim looked at me and I gave him my, "I don't know" look as he was heading to answer the door. When Tim opened the door he was greeted by an a strikingly handsome man who stood about 6' 4", with muscles that were obvious through the black suit he was wearing. He asked Tim if he was Mr. Tim Adams. When Tim stated he was, the man said, "very well Mr. Adams, my name is James and I will be your personal assistant during your stay". James continued by saying, "you WERE informed that your "Executive VIP Lease Agreement" provides for a personal assistant, chef and maid service, were you not?" Tim, speechless, looked over at me with that, what the fuck is this all about, help! I asked James if his service was something Mr. Larry Winters had arranged for Tim to have during his stay. James replied, Mr. Winters is of course the sole proprietor of the complex, however, all he knew was he had been assigned to Mr. Adams and would be residing in the adjoining "quarters". Tim said quarters, what quarters? James then opened what I thought was a closet door to reveal a nice size bedroom with its own entrance. James stated, this is where I shall reside for the remainder of your stay. It is my responsibility to ensure your safety, to arrange the daily maid service and to coordinate your meals through the chef. Mr. Adams, please understand it is my desire to ensure you have at your immediate disposal anything you desire. There are buttons located throughout the house which will serve to summons me at anytime you wish. Please provide me a copy of your schedule as I am required be on the premises at all times while you are present on the property. Unless you specifically request something, I will be out of sight, but available at a moments notice. Is there anything I may do to assist you at this time? Tim still had this bewildered look on his face when he said, No James, I am fine at the moment. To that James said, very well, if roasted duck will be sufficient, he would contact the chef and arrange for dinner. James then walked over to the bar and asked what beverage he may be allowed to serve. By now I was thinking, this could get old really fast, but I think Tim was enjoying the moment as he continued to take it all in. I asked for a gin and tonic and Tim asked for a cold beer. James served the drinks on a tray and said, if you will excuse me, I will now see to the dinner arrangements.

After James left, Tim asked, do people really live like this, servants, no excuse me, personal assistants, chef's and maids? I said, beats the hell out of me, this is way out of my league, I'm gong to call Larry and check on this. I called Larry and he said, look, I want to do something nice for the kid, I know what he has been through and he deserves it. By the way, didn't you tell me Tim had a brother? I said yes, why? Larry said, I extended Tim's stay for 2 months, I want you to have Tim bring his brother out and stay with him at the condo once we get rid of the father. I can tell you from experience, if one in a house is abused, all are abused. I want Tim's brother to enjoy a month or so in the condo also. All expenses are on me, food, booze, full access to the spa, massages anything they want, including the limo service. I said, Larry, are you sure about this? He responded by saying he has never been more sure of anything in his life, that he has more money than he could spend in two lifetimes, the cost of this venture is nothing, that he will lose more than this will cost on his next trip to Vegas. Larry finished by saying, by the way, the place has 4 bedrooms, make yourself at home if you would like, I'll call security and have them give you a parking sticker and door card. The food is great, the liquor is the best and I will guarantee that if Tim's father even looks at him crosswise, James will throw his ass out the window before anyone knows "how the accident happened"! Those are my orders to James and I have already informed my brother-in-law, the police chief, he might have to handle the investigation himself should Tim's father have a fall. I have known Larry since college, but I have never seen this side of him, I am glad he is a friend, as I sure as hell would not want him for an enemy!

It wasn't long before James appeared with fresh drinks on the tray and announced that dinner would be served in 30 minutes. We chose to have dinner on the patio as the weather was as magnificent as were the views. The roasted duck with all the trimmings was most excellent, not too greasy, done to perfection. The meal came not only with a chef, but staff to serve the food, pour the wine and water and then clean up afterward. I was beginning to wonder if I could afford something like this as I was starting to think I could start liking all this pampering.

After the "staff" had gone, Tim was still not himself, so I asked him what was wrong. He said he was concerned about his fathers visit, and the thought was making him sick to his stomach. He was pale again and had started shaking. I hugged Tim and promised him his father would NEVER, EVER, be able to hurt him again. Tim had no idea what safeguards were in place, what the plan was or the number of James' that were just around the corner.

Once Tim calmed down I told him to take a nice hot bath and go to bed. I had to get home and take care of some business. About that time, James came in the room and I asked him if he would draw a bath for Mr. Adams. James replied, but of course, will you be joining Mr. Adams in the bath? I replied, no, that I would be leaving for the evening, and asked James to keep an eye on Tim as he was not feeling well. James assured me that Mr. Adams was in the safest environment possible, and I no reason for concern. How did I know that, AND, how did Larry know I was gay, or was James just that perceptive?

After I left, James summoned Tim saying his bath was awaiting. As Tim went into the bathroom, he was surprised at how big the bathroom was and was delighted to see a huge Jacuzzi tub awaiting him. Tim looked in the mirror and saw James standing right behind him smiling. James told Tim he had a warm robe ready for him to put on as soon as he had disrobed. Tim stripped and absent mindedly gave his 8" flaccid cock a few wags and his balls a tug just as James approached with the robe. Tim blushed as James uttered, Oh MY!! as he viewed Tim's manhood. Tim told James he didn't need the robe just yet as he just wanted to get in the tub. James then stood by the two steps up to the enormous tub, and continued to eye Tim's equipment as he helped Tim up the steps and into the tub.

James then said his previous client enjoyed assistance while bathing, and asked if Tim would care for personal assistance as well? Tim, not knowing what to expect but being caught up in the moment said, sure why not! With that James said, please just relax, I will return momentarily. When James returned, Tim was stunned at what he saw. James was wearing a white speedo which sported a very pronounced bulge. James was everything Tim had imagined, a massive chest, huge biceps, defined abs and powerful legs. As James approached the tub he asked, with or without the speedo sir? Tim knew he wanted to see what James had behind the speedo and said, without, of course, then smiled. With that James lowered the speedo to reveal a very nice fat cock standing at half mast, shaved pubes and large smooth nut sac. James sat behind Tim in the tub and began washing Tim's back and massaging his shoulders. James had incredible strength in his hands and after loosening the knots between Tim's shoulders, Tim was so relaxed he leaned back into James who began washing Tim's abdomen and tweaking his nipples. Tim could feel James' erection pressing against his back which gave him an erection as well. As James started down Tim's abs he hit Tim's hard cock and followed it to its base. James uttered, oh my gaud sir, I have never felt anything so large in my life, would it be proper for me to ask just how long IT is? Tim smiled and said it is 13" long. James then said, I must wash it and began stroking Tim cock with one hand, then leaning over Tim's shoulder used his other hand to explore Tim's tight nut sac and even tighter rosebud. Tim's breathing increased and he soon shot a huge load up his chest, some of which hit James in the face. James washed off the cum and simply replied, very good Mr. Adams, I believe you needed that release. James then got out of the tub with an enormous erection, retrieved a warm towel and stood there, erection and all as Tim got of the tub. Tim reached for the towel, but James said, please sir, allow me, then he proceeded to dry Tim.'s entire body, paying special attention to his "equipment". While being toweled, Tim said, James, please call me Tim, Mr. Adams is much too formal, he then touched James' erection and said what are you going to do about that? James blushed and said he would take care of that once Tim was safely in bed, that he was there to serve not be served. James helped Tim slip on the robe and took him to the master bedroom were the silk sheets had been turned down on the king size bed. Tim slid his hands across the silk sheets and told James he wanted to sleep in the nude. James said, I thought you might, good night sir, and left the room.

Tim had just settled into the bed when he realized he had not set an alarm for the morning. Looking around, he couldn't find an alarm clock so he went to James room to ask for a clock. The door was open just enough for Tim see James jacking off, then shoot a huge load, all over his chest. As James lay there panting,Tim decided he would keep looking for the clock on his own.

In part 5, Benny arrives!

I know this part was long, but I couldn't figure where to cut it. I hope you enjoyed it!!

Thanks to all who have sent me e-mails, I really enjoy them. A special thanks goes out to the reader that e-mailed me his photos (NICE cock!!) & video!

Send any questions, or comments to tsnstory@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 5

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