Tim and Dave

By Luke Rim

Published on Oct 29, 2005


Legal Stuff; This story is an original work of fiction. The author retains all rights to this story. Do not download, copy, post and/or link this story or any portion thereof without the express written permission of the author. The characters, places, events and situations depicted are fictional. Any similarity to actual persons, places, events and/or situations is purely coincidental. This story includes explicit descriptions of sex between men. If this offends you, if you are under the age of 18, or if it is against the law where you reside to be reading such things , please do not read any further, this is written for mature, consenting adults only. ______________________________________________________________________________

Tim and Dave Part 5

I awoke with one thing on my mind, today is Friday and Benny will be arriving this afternoon. Things have been in place since yesterday which will allow Benny to be monitored every step of the way. I grabbed an extra battery for my cell phone and headed for the office.

When I got to the office I stopped in to see Mel. Before I could say anything, Mel said, yes everything is in place, no Benny will not make a move without us knowing, yes I will call you as soon as Benny hits town and will keep you up to date as things unfold. Now if you don't have anything further, I'm busy. Shit, I hadn't even asked a question or said anything and our conversation is over! Overly efficient people can be a pain in the ass, but they sure are good to have around when you need them!

Tim stopped by my office shortly after I arrived. He said he had not slept well as the thought of seeing his father again kept him tossing and turning. Tim indicated his emotions ran from seething rage, to sympathy for such a pathetic person who was a miserable failure as a father. I told Tim the best thing to do at this point was bury himself in work so he didn't dwell on his father's arrival.

Like Mel, I was really behind with my work having spent so much time on Tim's ordeal. Between staff meetings, planing sessions and the telephone I was busy all morning. My cell phone rang and it was Me who said the asshole has landed, we are at Tim's old apartment. Benny is furious that Tim has moved, so be ready for him at the plant. I have given security instructions to call you when he arrives.

Due to the hour, Tim had come looking for me. I told him to sit behind the desk as we would be having a visitor soon. About that time my cell phone rang again and when I answered Mel said, he is entering now, and hung up. My intercom rang and it was the front desk security advising Mr. Benny Adams was asking for his son Tim. I told security to check his Identification when he signed in, and to give him a RED visitors badge, which means he cannot be anywhere on the property unescorted, including the restroom. I then told Tim to look busy as I was going to have security escort Benny to the office. Tim didn't look busy, he looked like he was going to pass out. When I tried to calm him down, Tim said, just tell them to bring the miserable fucker in here! Wow, that was quite uncharacteristic for Tim, this could be a VERY interesting meeting.

After about 15 minutes, I called security and told them to have Benny escorted to my office. The security guard said, good, he keeps asking why is it taking so long to get in and want's to know what the red visitors badge is all about, this guy is an asshole.

My stomach was doing flip flops, but I noticed Tim had an intense look that I had never seen before. Tim was seated behind the desk and I was in a chair in front of the desk. When Benny walked in the office he said, TIMMY, it's your dad, Benny! Tim looked up, and without standing, in a very dry and controlled tone said, what are you doing here? Benny said, TIM, is that any way to treat your father? Tim said, this is Mr. Williams my boss, I am in a meeting at the moment, please have a seat at the conference table over there, motioning to the small 6 seat table in the corner of my rather large office. I could see that Benny was getting pissed at being sort of blown off, and since Tim didn't stand to greet his father, I remained seated as well. Tim then said, Mr. Williams, if you can excuse me for just a moment, I'll take care of this situation.

Tim then got up, went to the table and took a seat opposite from Benny and said, what are you doing here and what do you want? Benny said, Tim, I just want to see my son, Shawn told me you were doing well, so I wanted to come and see for myself. Tim stood and with clenched fist said, see WHAT for yourself, see if that the Faggot son you threw out of the house will give you some money? See if the kid you took such joy in beating wanted to see you? You are an absolute fucking asshole, now get the fuck out of my office. Tim's face was beet red, the veins in his neck stood out like I'd never seen. I thought to myself, be careful Benny, Tim's about to feed you a knuckle sandwich. Benny then stood and said, I told Shawn and your mother you would be like this, that you would be some big shot and would not want to give your poor ol daddy the time of day. You are like all them fucking rich folks, you forget where you come from. Tim was shaking so badly I though he might go into convulsions. Tim then yelled, I hate your fucken guts, you have never been anything but a taker and a drunk. But to show you I am a bigger man than you, I'll take you home with me, we will have dinner and then maybe I can calm down enough to talk without yelling.

As Tim had been talking (if that is what you want to call it) to Benny, I was looking at the resemblance between them. Benny at one time was probably as handsome as Tim, but the years of smoking and drinking had taken its toll as Benny's face looked very old and was very wrinkled, however, I must say Benny still looked like he could hold his won in a fight. Out of nowhere, I wondered if Benny had a cock as big as Tim's. Now, where in the hell did that thought come from? Here Tim and Benny are almost going to blows and I am wondering how big Benny's cock is, I think I need a drink!

Tim turned to me and said, since we did not finish our meeting, would you like to join us for dinner at my place? Taking the cue, I said that sounded wonderful and told Tim to go ahead and leave a little early and that I would change clothes and meet him in an hour or so at his place. I told Tim I would call for his car, and since his father had to return his visitors badge to the front desk, I'll have them picked up at the front door. Benny looked at me suspiciously, but did not say anything to me, no good bye, nice to meet you, kiss my ass, nothing.

I quickly called for the Town Car we had waiting, and gave Mel the heads up that Tim was on his way home with Benny. I then called James and told him Tim would be at the condo in 20 minutes and I wanted the full staff standing by when Tim arrived.

Once in the car, Benny said, listen BOY, I don't now what your problem is, but I was embarrassed at the way you acted that fancy office of yours. If you were younger, I would strip you naked and beat your ass for acting like that. Hearing that almost caused Tim to blow a blood vessel. Tim then yelled at Benny saying, nothing is ever your fault is it? Your answer to everything is beating someone's ass. I'm only going to tell you this once, so listen up. It is only by the grace of God you are in this car now, and if you even think of laying a hand on me, I will fucken kill you, do you understand what I am telling you, I will fucken kill you, I will tear your head off and shit in the hole. You have hurt me for the last time! The only reason you are here is because of Shawn, he told me you whipped him till he gave you my address and phone number. Benny smiled and replied, that was almost a wasted ass whooping, you moved and changed your number, I'm glad Shawn told me where you worked or I might not have found you. Tim said, what would you have done if you couldn't find me, go home and beat Shawn again? Benny didn't answer, nor did he say anything else for the remainder of the ride.

Benny was all eyes as they drove though the gate and stopped at the front door. When they got out of the car Benny said, shit Timmy, you really did make it, no one would have ever convinced me that my queer son could have done this. Tim dropped his head and thought to himself, this guy never gives up, never changes, always has been an asshole and apparently always will be an asshole.

When they got to the condo, James had the entire staff lined up at the door. Benny's eyes were as big as saucers as he walked in. James greeted Tim with a "Good evening Mr. Adams, it is so good to have you home, sir". Tim got into the role and said, thank you James, Benny and Mr. Williams will be joining us for dinner, please have the chef begin preparing the meal and bring us a cocktail. Very well sir, replied James. Benny just stood in the middle of the room talking to himself, chief? Cocktails? Look at this fucking place, it is a mansion. Tim told Benny to have a seat while he changed into something comfortable. James soon appeared in the bedroom and reported Benny had already consumed 3 beers and had a shot of whiskey before each beer. Tim said, that doesn't surprise me, he is a full blown alcoholic, the problem is, he gets mean when he drinks. To that James replied, not a problem, that is why I am here, and by the way Tim, please relax and go with this, it is your time to make Benny so jealous that he can't stand it, this is your time for a little revenge. Tim thought about that for a minute and decided James was right, why get caught up in seething anger when he has a golden opportunity to play mind games with Benny.

I arrived at the condo as Tim was coming out of the bedroom. I was glad to see him smiling when he greeted me. He was wearing a pair of shorts that nicely outlined his beautiful cock. James brought all of us a drink as we sat on the comfy sofas. Benny looked at Tim and said, I see your hung like your old man, I always knew you would have a big cock like mine, it is something all the men in our family are very proud of. I remember you had a big cock when I would whip your naked ass, ha, ha. Tim said, you liked that didn't you? Benny said, well you deserved every ass whipping you ever got, but you are right, I never minded giving them to you. Tim thought, how bold, how brazen, for Benny to come into his house and say things like that! Then it hit Tim, Benny has already had 4 or 5 beers and a shot of Wild Turkey with each beer, no wonder he is becoming an even bigger asshole.

The dinner was excellent, the staff did a marvelous job and we relaxed on the back porch with a good cigar and some cognac. It was a beautiful evening. The city lights were breathtaking and I was wishing I was in Tim's arms instead of listening to his father's bullshit.

Tim looked at Benny and again asked, why are you really here? What do you want? Benny through slurred speech said, I just want to spend some time with you Timmy. I wish you would tell me what your fucken problem is with me. I am your father, and maybe I spanked your bare ass a few times, but it helped turn you into a man. Your problem is you like men instead of women. I think you liked being naked over a my lap and having your little ass smacked. If you keep asking me why I am here, I may have to show you I can still whip your ass. If you think I am afraid of you, you are out of your mind. If you think you scared me with your line of bullshit in the car, you have another thought coming. Now, tell that queer goon of yours to being me another shot & a beer, then we will talk. Tim told Benny he thought he had enough to drink for one night and he should probably go to bed. Benny stood, grabbed Tim by the shirt and yelled, I SAID I WANT A FUCKEN BEER AND A SHOT OF WHISKEY! NOW TELL YOUR GOON TO GET IT FOR ME, OR YOU CAN GET OFF YOUR DEAD ASS AND GET IT FOR ME,BUT IF I DON'T GET A DRINK I'M GOING STRIP YOU NAKED, RIGHT HERE IN FRONT OF EVERYONE, AND WHIP YOUR ASS FOR OLD TIME SAKE, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? Before the last word was out of Benny's mouth Tim was on his feet and had sucker punched Benny in the gut and followed it with a one, two, to the side of his head and nose. Benny was on his ass on the floor yelling "dew froke muh nucking fose". By now, James had grabbed Tim who was going after Benny again and was yelling, I hope I did break your fucking nose, now I'm going to wring your neck, stand up motherfucker, come on, bad ass! Get up! Benny got up and tired to kick Tim in the nuts, but James let go to Tim and grabbed Benny's leg with his left hand, held It straight out, then gave Benny a roundhouse to the jaw that knockedhim out cold. Needless to say, there was blood everywhere on the floor as well as two of Benny's teeth. James yelled for the maid to get some help and get the area cleaned up right away!

Tim had calmed down a little by now, but was still breathing hard when he asked James what they should do next. James said they should get Benny cleaned up a little bit, get the bloody clothes off of him and put him to bed, which they did.

The maid and two of the kitchen staff had things cleaned up by the time Benny had been put to bed. All of the staff except James had gone for he evening. Tim asked James to get himself and everyone else a cocktail. I didn't know about everyone else, but I wanted a Double! As we were beginning to wind down, the doorbell rang. As James went to answer the door, Tim asked who would be at the door so late. James peered through the peep hole and said, oh, shit!

When James opened the door,In came Security, the Police and the Fire Department Paramedics, complete with a Gurney. About then Benny came stumbling out of the bedroom, holding his nose saying, hyme duh won fat hauled 911. Lat nucker fright fair roke my rucken fose! I want fem all arrested for frying to krill me!.

All I could think of was, how in the hell did this happen? Then my cell phone rang, it was Mel asking what in the hell was going on and who needed the ambulance? I simply said, get your ass over here, NOW!

Everyone started talking at once, Benny was mumbling about his froken fose, Tim was saying Benny started it all, James was saying Benny had tried to assault Tim and I stood there watching all of this still asking myself, how in the HELL did this happen. Finally the cop yelled, EVERYONE QUIET! It worked, instant silence. The cop then said, ok, first, who called 911? Benny held up his hand and tried to say, I did. The cop then told his partner to take Benny somewhere and get his statement. Next the cop asked, who lives here, both Tim and James raised their hands. The cop smiled and said, I see, okay, the two of you please take a seat somewhere other than where my partner is talking to the 911 caller. The cop then looked at me and said, and you are, whom? And how do you fit into this fiasco? Just as I started to answer, there was a loud knock on the door. The cop turned to the security guard who was still at the door and said, I don't want anyone else in here, I don't care who they are. The cop said to me, I'm going to need a statement from you, and by the way, nobody is allowed to leave here unless I give them permission, understood?

The guard came up to the cop and said, I couldn't keep him out, he walked right past me. Without looking up from his note pad the cop said, tell whoever it is to wait in the hall, or they will go to jail. A voice from the hallway say, I don't think I'll be going to jail anytime soon. The cop looked up and gasped, Chief! What are you doing here Sir?

The Chief told the Officer that he was on his way home when he heard the call being dispatched, and since he has several friends that live in this complex he decided to stop by to see what was going on, as the call came out as someone was about to be murdered and they needed an ambulance. The Chief then said, Officer West what have you determined occurred here? West said, to be honest chief, I am just now getting things sorted out. The guy that made the 911 call in the other room with Officer Warner. I sent the two men that say they live here into the living room and was about to take a statement from this gentleman (referring to me) when you came in.

As paramedics came up to Officer West, one said, Chief! What are you doing here? The chief said, the call came out as a possible murder so I stopped by, what did you find. The Paramedic, (this guy was one good looking stud, he should model for one of the firefighter calendars. I would help him with his hose anytime) said they had checked out the 911 caller, Benny Adams and found he had a broken nose and possibly a fractured jaw, but there was no reason to transport him to the hospital as nothing could be done for him there. And by the way chief, the guy seems to be drunk as a skunk.

About then a commotion broke out in the living room and a loud voice said, that's it, you are under arrest, you have the right to remain silent, etc.etc.etc. I followed the Chief and Officer West into the living room to see Officer Warner handcuffing Benny behind his back. Benny was now in a full blown rage, and was yelling unintelligible obscenities to the Officers. Benny then broke lose from the officers grip and kicked the Chief of Police right square in the nuts. Benny fell backwards, not having his hands to steady himself and the Chief was doubled over in pain holding his nuts. At first the officers didn't know what the fuck to do, it was almost comical. Officer West jumped on Benny and rolled him onto his stomach, then took some kind of a rope thing from his gun belt, grabbed Benny's legs and pushed them toward his head, then used the rope thing to tie Benny's legs to the handcuffs. Benny's nose was bleeding again and he was trying to spit blood on everyone and everything. Warner told the paramedics to bring the gurney over and they loaded Benny onto the gurney face down and strapped him in place. Warner then told the paramedics to take Benny to the emergency room and have him cleared to be booked and if the E. R. Had any questions to let them know he would be there shortly. The good looking paramedic was asking the chief if he was ok, and if he needed him to examine him. The chief said, all you could do is look at my nuts, and I already know they hurt and are probably swollen, but other than that I'm fine. (I wanted to ask the hunk paramedic if he would like to examine my nuts, but I thought this might not be the right time for that!).

The chief told Officer West to book Benny for, false information to the 911 emergency center, false information to a police officer, simple assault for spitting blood on anyone, and for felony aggravated assault on a police officer. He WILL be sorry he kicked me in the Nuts! He then told West to make sure the hospital runs a HIV test due to the amount of blood that people were in contact with that night.

I turned and saw Mel come in the room and go straight to the chief. Mel said, Warner told me you got kicked in the nuts, you ok? The chief replied I'm fine, it's been a long time since I dropped my guard enough to get kicked in the nuts, I can guarantee you I already know who Benny's room mate will be while he is visiting MY jail. Excuse me just a minute Mel, I need to speak with Officer West for a moment. The chief then told West to write the report as Benny being drunk and starting a fight in the condo. The people in the condo don't want to press charges right now, but may do so at a later time, so hold him on the felony assault on me and the other lesser charges. If there are any problems I want to know immediately, got that? Yes Sir! With that West and Warner were out the door.

Mel said, Chief, let's all have a drink, I want to introduce you to some of my friends. All of the proper introduction were made and after considerable prompting, almost begging, James joined us for a drink. The chief, Mel and James went their ways and I was left with Tim all to myself.

I looked at Tim and said, are you okay? Tim looked me deep in the eyes and said, I don't know, will you just hold me for a minute? I took Tim into my arms and held him tight. We stood for what seemed a long time before I started rubbing Tim's back, feeling the knots in his shoulders, I said come with me, and went to the room with the massage table. At first Tim resisted but I convinced him to strip and lay on the table. I took the oil and began working on Tim's back, taking those long strokes that included his beautiful buns. As is my habit when giving a massage, my up stroke included a brief stop at the rosebud! I massaged Tim's back and legs and had him turn over. As Tim rolled over onto his back, I was treated to his huge cock being fully erect and his reaching up and pulling me down for a kiss. The kiss was soft, our tongues met and danced with one another. I wanted this to be a special time of gentleness for Tim. I slipped out of my shirt and shorts and got up on the table where our naked bodies met. We kissed and got into the 69 position as we feasted on each others cock. Tim's smooth balls tasted wonderful and as always, his cock was more that I could take at once. I tasted the precum oozing from Tim's cock and savored it like a nectar. Tim was working on my cock while gently massaging by nut sac. After a while, I coated Tim's cock with oil, stood up on the table and ever so slowly sat down on the Monster. Tim's eyes were closed, a smile was on his face as I started moving up and down on his shaft. It wasn't long before Tim grabbed me, pulling me to his chest. He started kissing and pumped that huge cock in and out of my ass then, ohhhh, I'm cumming, he rammed all 13 inches in my ass and blasted a load cum so big I thought cum was going to shoot out my nose. As Tim was bucking and snorting, I shot my load all over his chest. I collapsed on top of Tim, completely out of breath. As I lay there puffing and panting I heard James say, the bath is ready when you are, Sir.

I got up, took a towel and wiped the cum off of Tim's chest and my cock. Tim stood slowly and said, I didn't realize how much I needed that! I feel really relaxed, thanks. He then kissed me and said,let's take a bath. Then smiling at James who was standing there in his speedo, Tim turned to me and said, there is something I need to tell you about taking a bath here.

Next: Chapter 6

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