Time for Discovery

By Herman Hurley

Published on Dec 14, 2001


This is the 2nd chapter to a "Time for Discover". I have been encouraged by the comments that I have received on my 1st chapter and I thank everyone.

The usual disclaimers - underage, if offended by honest and true emotions and sex between 2 consenting males then don't read. This 1st installment as with all future installments is true and based upon my personal experience. Person's names are all that have been changed to protect the LUCKY participants - BIG GRINS THERE.

College - m/m, acts of mutual consent and desire.

A TIME OF DISCOVERY - (chapter 2)

I let my head fall back and looked into Josh's eyes. As I looked at him he had this smile on his face. He looked so good. I felt my heart pounding in my chest and was wondering whether I should say something. I guess Josh must have read my thoughts.

"Are you ok with this?" Josh asked. He was moving his hands on my back and letting them rub up and down my spine. This was sending tingles all over me. And I just sighed and softly said "Yes I am."

"Hermie, you are one hell of a nice person and to tell you the truth, I have wanted to kiss you almost from the day I met you. You have an air about you that just makes me want to hold you close and feel the warmth of your body next to mine." and then he leans in and nibbles on my ear.

"MMM ......Josh I never believed that I would have this experience when I enrolled her. I mean, you have been so friendly and have included me in with your friends. You have been great." and I tighten my arms around him. The feeling of being hugged right now was just filling me all over with such a warm glow.

"I want to get you to my house and we had better get going. You can bring some of your clothes if you want.....no pajamas though Ok....".and he gives me a big wicked grin, plus he squeezes my shoulder again as we break the hug.

"Ok just give me a couple of minutes, Josh." I got my overnight bag from the closet and threw in some underwear, couple pairs of jeans, t-shirts, and a couple of extra dress shirts plus a couple of ties.

"Let's get going Hermie, I want to get to the house and we can ......aahhh....have some more fun." and gives me that grin of his. I wonder to myself if he realizes that just his smile makes me melt. Maybe he does and maybe he doesn't but I know one thing for sure.....JOSH SURE KNOWS HOW TO KISS !!!!! In my mind, I was thinking, just how much experience did he have with other guys. But right at this point in time, I did not care because he had just given me a kiss that I know that I would never forget and we were going to his parent's house for the weekend. I didn't quite know what I was expecting but I was sure of one thing.....that something else other than the kiss we had just shared was most likely going to take place. And was I looking forward to it.....Oh Yeah !!! Big Time !!!!!

We locked the door to our room and walked out to where ever Josh's vehicle was. I had never seen it so I did not know what to look for. After passing 4 rows of cars in the student parking lot Josh said, "Here we are, just put your stuff in the back seat." and he proceeded to unlock the door.

"Nice car" I told him as I put my overnight bag on the floor. He had a dark blue Jeep Grand Cherokee.

"It's not bad, my parents bought it for me just a few weeks ago. Kind of a present for graduation from high school and for going to college." and then he opened the passenger door for me. Now is this guy on queue or what? I felt like I was being courted, but then I was letting my imagination run on overdrive. Couldn't help but feel kinda special though and I thanked him. Then he walks around to the drivers side and slides in.

"Hermie, I think you are a really friendly and special person. I hope to become a good friend of yours, if that is ok with you?" and he turns and looks at me with neither a smile nor a frown but with a gentle questioning expression on his face. Oh if he only know just how hard my heart was pounding and fast my thoughts were racing.

"Josh, I did not know what to expect when I got here. I mean I knew that there would be nobody that I knew from where I grew up and none of my high school friends, from what I knew, had applied to go to school here. Was really feeling kinda lonely inside and then I find out that I have a room mate with a personality and a smile that could melt the polar ice caps. You have been so cool." and I give him a big grin and a squeeze on his right thigh. He looked down at my hand and then at me.

"Now Hermie" and then gives out a little laugh, "just like drinking and driving; for your safety and mine maybe you better not be squeezing my leg while I am driving. As psyched as I am right now, that could prove to a little dangerous for driving" and then he squeezes me on my left leg. He smiles at me and gives me a wink and a grin.

I let out a little laugh "Guess you could be right there Josh..guess you just might be right." and then he fires up the engine.As we start to pull out of the parking lot, I am thinking that this is really going to a time for growth and discovery for me. But what was it going to be for Josh. What was I to him? He just seemed to have so many friends as it was. What was there about me that he would possibly like so much? Sometimes it is best not to over analyze things too much and as the expression goes...'just go with the flow'. But was I setting myself up? I certainly hoped not, and somehow with Josh I did not feel like it. Maybe this was to be just for fun and games as they say. Could I live with that? For right now, I am thinking - yes I can live with that. I am a people person and I need to have someone around that I can depend on for friendship - to talk with - to listen to my thoughts and for them to listen to me. Yeah I can go with the flow.

"Are you still with me there Hermie?" asks Josh. I hadn't realized it but we were already out on the beltway. Guess I had been lost in my thoughts for a few minutes.

"Just think there for a few" I told him."Sorry, I wasn't trying to be such poor company."

"Hermie, you could never be poor company bud. Seriously whether we are talking or just sitting together, I like being around you. Tell ya what, why don't I put some music on the cd player, ok."

"That would be good, whatcha got?"

"Take a look in the carrier and pick something out."

I opened his cd carrier and started thumbing through his cds and he had a nice selection of retro rock, disco, in fact a whole wide range of styles. So with a grin on my face I picked out one and slipped it into the player after taking note of the track that a particular tune was on. Before the music started, I fast forwarded the music to the selection and turned up the volume a little. The the music started and a few secons after it started, Josh turned to me and said :

"Very very interesting selection....Man Eater." turns to me and grins big time and lets out with a soft chuckle. "Are you trying to tell me something there Hermie? I will have to tell ya....aaahh....I certainly hope so." and then he reaches over with his right hand and squeezes me on my leg. That squeeze sent an electric current through my whole body.

"Your rules Josh...aahh...remember ...no squeezing while driving. I for one don't want any damage or bruises on you. I want you in perfect shape for later. Have I made my intentions clear?" and I laughed.

"I think so and I am happy to hear that and you know bud? I think I am going to speed up a bit here. The sooner the better. And then I can squeeze you just the way I want to. Yeah Hermie - JUST THE WAY I WANT TO !!!!" he said with some definite enthusiasm. And speed up he definitely did. In about 5 more minutes he was taking an exit that said Potomac River Estates. So I thinking that he must live near or on the Potomac River.

"Do you and your parents live near the Potomac River?"

"Guess you could say that Hermie. We live on the Potomac River. My Dad has a 4 acre lot that he had the house built on. He said he didn't want the neighbors to be able to breath right in through our windows. We will be there in a couple more minutes."

Sure enough, it was just a couple more minutes and we were coming up to a high brick wall with a rather high arch. The arch encompassed a double wrought iron fence and a large post with a box containing a digital readout. As he pulled up to the fence, he reached into the glove compartment and pulled out something like a remote control. Then he took the remote and aimed it at the box and pressed on the remote and the fence opened up.

"The fence will close back up in about 20 seconds after we pull through" Josh explained. As the Jeep continued on up the driveway, I was taking in the view, the lighting along the drive was enough so that you could see the river and the boathouse that his parents had at the shoreline. They had these big old magnolia trees lining the driveway. This was getting to me. I mean I wasn't scared but just what was Josh's background. Just what advantages has he been able to have during his life. My parents were not poor but certainly were not of this economic level. Mind you I am not feeling inferior in any way shape or form. Just feeling a little - I don't know - guess you could say strange maybe????

Then the jeep screeched to a halt to the left of the house. Josh slid out and I got out on my side. He unlocked the door and took out my overnight bag. We proceed to the side of the house and not the front. To the left of the door was another electronic box with a keypad. Josh punched in some numbers and then opened the door.

"I decided to come in this way Hermie so we could go by the family room. Kinda wanted you to see something." We walked in and went through what was like a short hallway and came into the family room. At one end of the family room was a large stone fireplace. It was so high, you could almost stand in it. Then Josh put his arm around my shoulder and directed me over towards 2 large glass display cases.

"These my friend are thee...aahh...shall we say, the trophy cases. Anybody that my Dad has over eventually gets a look see of these. They are his pride and joy. Most of these he got while he was in college. He was quite the college jock and pretty much most of the time I get the pressure that I am supposed to fill up some cases also. I just don't know Hermie if I am quite into it as he was and still is." and with that Josh kind of blankly stares into the cases and just ...well slumps a little letting his hand slide off of my shoulder.

"Josh, you said once back at the campus...that I should do what I want and to go for it......something to think about right. I mean, its ok I guess to want to please your Dad like I would like to please my Dad but I can't live my Dad's life and you can't really relive you Dad's life for him.....can you???"

Josh just stood there for a couple more minutes staring and then turns around and looks at me. Slowly a smile starts on his face and then he reaches over and grips my right arm and then he grips my left arm and slowly pulls me over to him. He stands there just looking deep into my eyes. The corners of his mouth start to curl up and he pulls me into a soft but firm hug. His hands start to rub my back. His right hand slides down to the small of my back and his hips move in closer and press into my front. I can feel his cock touching mine. Not much movement going on but the pressure is there and definitely the heat !!! His right hand slides a little further down and the tip of his hand tucks under the top of my jeans. My breathing is starting to get a little ragged here and I let out a soft moan.

".....Oh Josh......ahhh..mmmm...." and then he slips his hand further in and under the elastic of my briefs and cups my left butt cheek and I know that I must have goose pimple all over by butt from the electric sensation that is flowing through my body at this point.

"Hermie" Josh says my name so softly and with such a sexy voice..."I want this and I am hopeing that you do also....." and he pulls back and looks deep into my eyes. With Josh's face and his breath flowing onto my face I answer with one simple expression ....."Yes."

"There is a fireplace here. Do you like fireplaces Hermie" he asks. I think they add so much.

"I sure do !!" I told him. My oft repeated dream was to be with a someone special and we would make love in front of a fireplace. I did not tell him that right at this point but would express it at a time later.

"Good, lets get your bag and then go up to my bedroom. I think you might find it agreeable then." and he picked up my bag and we went down another hallway and into the front part of the house. When we got into the center hallway, I let out a short whistle. Josh kind of chuckled and asked me if I was impressed by all of this stuff. I told him that it was impressive, of course, but not the impressive part of the night.

"And what have you seen so far that is the most impressive, Hermie?" Josh asks me.

"You are Josh....most definitely you" I tell him.

And with that he looks at me and a slight smile and he stares at me. He just looks at me for a bit and I think I see some moisture in his eyes. Then he breathes deeply and grins.

"Before we go up, what do you think shall we take some brews up? My Dad has several kinds here. My favorite is Corona, will that be ok with You?" he aks me.

"Sure Josh, you're the boss" and I grin.

So we leave the overnight bag at the bottom of the stairs and go back into the family room for the Coronas. Back out again, pick up the bag and up the stairs. When we got to the second floor we go down 4 doors and Josh opens the door to his bedroom. He motions me in first and he follows. His room is done in all earth tones of sand, browns, and accents of dark blue. I am thinking that they must have had a professional decorator do this house....silly of me, of course they did. To the right of the door as you enter his bedroom is a wall that has a section that comes out a couple of feet. On this section there are colonial style raised panels covering the entire area. Didn't know right at that point but looks like there might be something behind those panels.

Josh put my bag down by his bed. He had a lot of pillows on the bed a big soft down comforter covering it.

"Hermie, you said that you liked fireplaces, lets see you like this." and he walks over to the paneled section of the room. He pushes back 2 of the lower sections of the panels and there was a fireplace, right there in his bedroom. Was this just about perfect or what !!! Then he turns around and walks back over to me. "I know that it is not real logs, but it does give a pretty decent effect, watch." and he clicks on a switch and the fireplace lights up. It is one darn realistic looking gas log fireplace. I am starting to feel mighty good at this point and feeling ...well...tingly, romantic.....and I look at Josh.

"Hermie, through the grapevine I heard that you talked to the coach and I know about what you did." He looks at me with those eyes of his and I could almost swear that he has tears in his eyes, none rolling down his cheeks or anything but his eyes are kinda moist looking. "Nobody has ever done anything like that for me before. Of course my parents have done stuff for me but no one like you or anybody that I have met before. In just a few days you have become so important to me. I am hoping that ....well just maybe that.....could you be feeling ...anything also???" and he just stands there looking at me with a questioning look.


:"awesome???" he repeats with a somewhat questioning look.

"Yes Josh, if I were to choose just one word for myself to describe you it would be - AWESOME !!!" I told him. I walked closer to him. I put my hands on his waist and pulled him closer into me. I looked at him "Your eyes Josh, I feel can see straight into my very center and I believe that you do." and he starts to grin every so slowly and starts to press his hips into mine. I move my right hand and brush it along his mouth to his left cheek, then to the back of his head. I pull his head towards mine as I open my mouth and start to close my eyes. He responds by moving his head forwards. As our lips meet, I feel the warmth of his breath as it mixes with my own breath. The tips of our tongues touch and meet. I push my tongue further into his mouth wanting access to the heat and warmth that is Josh. Moving my head to the right as he moves his to the right, we get access to each other in depth and explore each other. We are relishing the warmth, the wetness and tastes of one another. My senses are going into overdrive, giving myself over completely to Josh and whatever is to come.

The realization that the warmth of the moment is spreading to the rest of my body is hitting into my mind a bit. I feel the straining in my pants as I press against Josh and I can feel that he is responding also. I feel his hands exploring the contours of my back and caressing my butt as we hug and kiss. Our bodies are starting to slowly gyrate and sensuously movie against one another.

"Oh..aahhh....you feel so good....I love holding you like this." and he licks on the lobe of my ear. My ears are an area for me that are very sensitive and it sends shivers through me and I know he can tell what he is doing to me. I am glad that he can tell.

"Hermie, ..do you want to...aahhh...get the comforter off my bed and we can put it on the floor here in front of the fireplace?"

"YEAH ..that would be good." and I let out a deep sigh and slowly pull my arms from his back. As Josh walked over to his bed, I watched him and was thinking about how good his body looked. How his muscular butt and legs moved beneath his clothes. My thoughts were about as erotic as they could get right now. He came back with the comforter and we spread it out on the floor.

My heart is beating really really fast but my thoughts are very clear as to my sense of desire. And Josh was the center of my desire. I can't remember when I have wanted something to happen as much as I wanted this to happen now.

Josh reaches out to me and touches the top of my shirt and smiles at me. He is smiling but not that big wide grin. This is more a look of desire. Then he brings up his other hand and unbuttons the top button, and then the next button ...slowly while looking deep into my eyes he does not stop until he has completely unbuttoned my shirt. His arms go around me again and hugs me to him.After a few secons which seem like forever, he releases his arms and pulls back a little and kisses me lightly on the lips.

"I want to make love to you Hermie." and just looks at me.

"yes I know....and I want that too...as well I want you to know that I want you also." and let my tongue play across my lips.

With that, he slips my shirt off my shoulders. I reach for my tshirt and start to pull it over my head. While I am doing this, Josh is running his hands over my chest and across my nipples which instantly react to his touch. He smiles as he notices my reaction and I know that his hands can sense the goosebumps on my skin. Plus he can feel the beating of my heart.

Without anything having to be said, I take the bottom of his sweatshirt and pull it upwards and start to espose his torso. The torso that I so want to feel next to mine without any clothing on. I want to feel his heart beating next to my skin and feel his warmth without anything in the way. After I get his sweatshirt off of him, I stand back a little and look at him and just let out a soft sigh.

"Do you want this ....and me as much as I do Hermie." Josh asks with a grin. I think he knows the answer to this and this is being rhetorical. But this is a part of foreplay and a person likes to here that they are wanted and desired.

"Josh....I have liked you from the first moment I saw you. Just to have you as a friend was good for me. Really when I came up here I did not know if I would be happy. But then I met you. You have been so nice to me. But then to be your friend ....but aahh...to also ...well aahhh....so to say be a lover to you is way beyond what I would have ever expected or thought could happen. Man.......Josh....you are really AWESOME !!!!!" And I truly mean that with all myo being."

"I know you do Hermie....I know you do." and then he just grabs me and we lock in one of the most passionate kisses that I had ever had up to that point. As out tongues probed and explored each others mouths, our chest were rubbing together. Our heartbeats could be felt to each other. And this time I could sense that his was experiencing the same as mine. Could there be anything better than this. Well yes, because we had only just started the evening.

After thoroughly exposing our feelings for each other through that embrace and kiss, we slowly broke the hug. Then to further show my willingness to continue; I reached for Josh's belt and unbuckled it. Not wanting to fumble or get anything caught ( grins ) I was careful about unzipping his pants. Slipping my hands inside of his waistband I pulled his pants down over his hips and then kneeled. I looked back up at him and winked. I noticed that his mouth was open and that he was breathing hard. He looked down at me with a somewhat dreamy look in his eyes. A look that was half questioning and half expecting.

Next, I pulled his briefs over his hips and down to the floor. His cock was at full attention and leaking. I told him to step over so that I could get his pants and briefs out of the way. He did it kind of shuffling as he did.

With him standing up and me kneeling before him, this was the position that I wanted to be in right now. I wanted him to see that I wanted to at this point in time to be his. That I wanted to give him pleasure...that I wanted to show him appreciation for how important that he made me feel.

"Hermie...lets aahhhh....get your clothes off too." Josh said.

"In time Josh......in time....right now is about you...and I want to show you how I feel" and I look up into his eyes with a fire and smolder in my eyes that I don't think that I have ever felt before. He just smiles and looks back.

My hands grab his strong calves and rub them and knead them. Actually I am massaging them. All the while looking up at Josh. My whole point being, to show him that I was to be there right now FOR HIM. Then I give into my feelings and let my hands move up and caress his thighs and squeeze them. And I move my hands all over his silken skin ( he shaves his body ). My heart is beating a mile a minute as I am going for THE TREASURE. As I get closer and closer to what is my intention, I hear his breathing coming in shorter and shorter gasps.

"MMM....aahhhh...I want this....are you sure Hermie?" he asks.

"NEVER IN MY LIFE HAVE I BEEN MORE SURE" I tell him. And with that I stick out my tongue and lick the wet spot on the tip. At that point, I hear him groan and a gasp escapes his lips. I am starting to give pleasure to Josh and it is exciting me as much as it is exciting him. Then I cup my tongue and roll it back and forth around his tip and I can feel, even just in the tip of his cock the throbbing.

".....AAHHH..OOO..........Hermie.....my my my..." he somewhat manages to get out. I can't help but smile to myself. My tongue glides further up the bottom of his manhood as more of him enters my mouth. In my mind I am going into overdrive again. I am feeling tingles all through my body realizing that I am making love to Josh and that he is getting such pleasure from this. When his tip reaches the roof of my mouth, I arch my neck up a bit so that I can get him further into my mouth and on into my throat. At this point, it has all been about just entry and not so much motion. Once he feels the tightness of my throat muscles on his cock head, it must have released something in him and his desire. It was then that he placed his hands on my head and started to run his hands through my hair.and giving out with almost like soft cat purrs. His moans and his hands running through my hair only added to my increasing lust.......yes I was giving into LUST now......after all Love and Lust are both L words.

With feeling Josh's increasing desire and my own, I start into moving my mouth over and around his manhood. And occasional deep throat movement on my part would bring forth a moan from Josh. His legs were starting to tremble and his butt muscles were clenching and releasing. Not forcing himself into me, but he start to move his hips back and forth with a rhythm now. I had no need of keeping my hands on his cock, instead I was gripping his butt and loving the power that I felt there.

I went up for another good tongue caressing of his tip and it was on the next deep throat of his manhood that I felt his body go stiff.

"Her...H..H..Hermie....gonna..gon...gonnna cum...!!" he gasped out. I knew because I could feel his sack draw up into his groin. The pulsing on the underside of his cock was starting like the beats of a steam locomotive. I guess he wanted to warn me. No need, I just grabbed his butt tighter and held on kept his cock in my throat and breathed through my nose. Then the warmth of his cum started gliding down my throat and straight into my very being. Oh the soft and warm feeling that I was experiencing. After several volleys, Josh slowly withdrew from my mouth and smiled down at me.

"Hermie,..did you swallow all of my cum?" he said with a softness and a glow to his face. He held his hands on both sides of my face.

I looked up at him and grinned. "Not yet" I said and let my mouth open and my tongue stick out. I still had some left on my tongue. With a grin on my face and some of him on my tongue, I curled my tongue up, pulled it back into my mouth and made a somewhat exaggerated deep swallow and said "MMMMM.....Yummmy....tastes good." and gave him one of my biggest grins yet.

"Ahh Hermie, you are too too much, you didn't have to do that. You know that don't you?"

"Yes, I know that, but what you aren't thinking about right now is that I wanted to do just that."

"Why?" Josh asks and continues to look directly into my eyes.

"Cause I want you to know now that there is nothing that I would not do for you....nothing." and with that he pulls me up to him and wraps his arms around me and presses his mouth to mine with an urgency that he had not done before. His tongue sought out mine and wrapped into mine. It was if he wanted to join me in the consuming of his own cum. Like he wanted the both of us to share at the same time. When we finally came up for air.

"Hermie, Ithink the beer is still cold enough to drink. Do you want some while we rest here on the comforter in front of the fire?"

"Sure Josh you are the boss." I said smiling at him.

"And you can stop that boss stuff, I am not your boss - ok. Although I have to admit you calling me that makes me feel good. It is almost as if I have somebody to take care of. Hmmm...that is something I have never had before in my life. Are you offering me the chance to take care of you? Let me rephrase that....I mean...that we can become good enough friends that we can know what the other needs almost without the question having to be asked?" and he smiles that grin that always melts away my very being.

"Do you want a maybe answer or a straightforward answer Josh?"

He lowers his voice and raises his eyebrows and says "my dear dear friend - between us I always want the communication to be straightforward - IS THAT UNDERSTOOD !!!!!" and he is looking almost straight through me. I think he must know the answer but he just needs to hear the spoken words.

"Josh, I will always be straightforward with you. And as to the other part of your question - YES I am offering my complete and total friendship. Is that what you were searching for?"

"Yes it is..definitely yes." and he turns and walks over to get us a couple of beers. He hands one to me and we both lower ourselves onto the comforter and start drinking in a glowing peacefulness before the fireplace.

As we lay there drinking our beers and enjoying the flames and warmth of the fireplace, we are looking at each other with soft and contented smiles. Josh is stroking his hand slowly up and down my side. It is almost as if he is trying a sensory investigation of the surfaces if my body. All the while, although the goosebumps didn't happen; waves of pleasure would go through me - from my brain, my groin, and on down to my toes even. Here was Josh, who by just caressing me could make me feel so totally satisfied. I was stroking his body also and he would let out some soft moans of appreciation. During all of this, my persistent need to analyze things had not kicked in. Any you know what, I was beginning to realize that there was no need to. Something deep inside me was letting me know - that this was good and that this was definitely going to be my 'time for discover' - discovery of self, the pleasure that goes with self, and the giving of trust to another person and that now, this person was Josh.

After having a couple of beers, Josh layed back. I could a look - a smile on his face. He looks at me and winks. Then he turns over onto his stomach and stretches like you do when you are loosening up the muscles of your body.

"Hermie, you know what I would like right now?" and he turns his head to look at me.

I smile and say, "What'cha want?".

"I'd like a good back rub....can you do that for me....PLEASE !!!!" and then he tells me there is some body lotion in the night stand by his bed. I get up go over to his nightstand and get the body lotion. The I kneel down beside him and start to open the body lotion.

"No, not from the side. I want you to sit on top of me so that you can give maximum movements to the massage - OK" Me, being only to happy to oblige, I do just that. As I lower myself and feel my butt resting on the small of his back, I give out a small moan.

"Are ya ok Hermie?" and I hear him give out with a small chuckle.

"Hmm.....I'm ok....just clearing my throat bud." lying like a dog. I was going into sensory overload. Just feeling his body underneath me was putting a fire into my groin. My cock was throbbing....the pulses of my heartbeat could be felt all over. I am sure that Josh must be able to feel this also.

I warmed up the lotion by rubbing it between my hands. Starting off with his neck, I make alternating soft and harder squeezes of the muscles around the base of his neck. Next my hands push and glide over the top of the muscles in his shoulders. I could feel his muscles flexing as I moved over his shoulders. Then I start using the heel of my hands on his shoulder blades and just the tips of my fingers are like the touches of butterfly. I guess the strength of the heels of my hand contrasted with the light touches of my fingertips was pleasuring Josh a lot.

"Oh ..my...my.....but that does feel so good....mmmmm." Josh purrs and his body kind of ripples in appreciation. I shift a little and start to work on his lower back.. Don't think that I am not feeling anything as I am sitting just back of his butt muscles as I do his lower back. My cock is moving across his cheeks as I make forward and back motions with my hands and arms.

"Now on to your legs." I tell Josh and start to shift again. Although I am not really wanting to leave this position. As I start to move, Josh turns his head and I feel his hand grab my leg.

"No, I want you to stay right there. Hermie, you have shown me and given to me something I have never had before. Something that is very special to me. And now I want to give something to you. Something that I have not shared with anybody before, not even Sam and Vinny."

"What is that Josh?"

"Hermie, Sam, Vinny, and I have fooled around before but I have never ever had either one of them to .....aahhh.....fuck me. I have never felt like I wanted that before but now, with you, I want that.......PLEASE will you?" and he turns enough to look into my face.

"Oh my Josh,...do you....I mean...really do you want me to?" I tell him and look at him with almost tears in my eyes.

"YES.....I am feeling for you something I have not felt before and I want us to make love completely." and with that he turns his head back and rests it on a pillow and just seems to relax his whole body.

I have never felt so special in all my life. Here is Josh offering me something that he has offered no one else before - his virginity. Am I going to do it? You bet I am, as I am feeling for him feelings that I have never really felt for anyone before. So I lower myself so that I am sitting on his upper thighs and my cock is resting on the divide between his cheeks. Oh my but this is going to be so awesome. Next I apply a good coating of lotion all over my throbbing cock and I start to press his butt cheeks open. I warm up some lotion with my hands and apply it to his entrance. Now here is a little secret. To avoid a lot of discomfort when you start to enter, you spread the opening as far apart as possible. Where so much discomfort happens is when someone tries to enter without pulling the entrance open as far as possible. What happens is that the skin of the cheeks surrounding the opening is pulled somewhat upon entry and that is where the discomfort happens. Have I had intercourse before, Yes, but not with someone that I cared for as much as Josh.

After I apply as much lotion as needed, I continue to spread his butt cheeks open as far as possible.

"Yeah....I am fine....just keep going."

With that from Josh, I place the tip of my cock firmly into the stretched opening that I have before me. All the while thinking, that the discovery part of finding someone might just be over and that I have found someone. Firmly but gently I place my tip into the pink flesh folds and start to push just a little. Sensing no discomfort from Josh, I press a little more. he squirms a little, I hold still. After he relaxes, I press on some more and then I felt his body raise up a little and tremble.

"Oh my Lord.....what did you just do?,,,,,,,,,,that felt so damn good.....AWESOME !!!!!!!" Josh moans and not a soft cat purr this time.

I grin and tell him that I had just rubbed over his prostrate.

"Do it again.....PLEASE.... and again....and again...." and he keeps moaning. How much better can it get, here I am giving pleasure to Josh and feeling so much pleasure and emotion myself.

"Hermie, PLEASE lie down on top of me......I want to feel your whole body touching me as we make love. I want to feel your warmth and the power in your body."

"Ok - Josh - Ok." and I lower my body so that my legs are touching his on either side. My loser abdomen is pressed against the top of his butt and my chest is sweating a little and pressed against his back. I have my arms around him and underneath and holding on to his chest. Am I a happy camper or what? Total fulfillment and love - yes LOVE is overwhelming me right now. He is giving me something that has given no one else. And I don't mean just his virginity; I also mean he is giving me his emotional being or at least I feel he is - there goes that analytical crap again.

Slowly but firmly I rock back and forth over my Josh's body. All the senses are going into overdrive. I mean not with just my cock firmly planted in Josh but the feel of his body as our bodies move together. I feel him starting to push his hips back into me. He is thoroughly getting pleasure and this makes me even happier. All to soon I feel my sack draw up and the tingle and pulsing start. I stretch out my arms over Josh's and intertwine my fingers with his. He grips onto my hands and squeezes.

"....AHHH....aahh.....gon..gonna..." I hear Josh moaning beneath me.

WOW - He must be having another orgasm and that was enough knowing that and feeling that to put me over the edge. With one last push, I exploded into him and just held there. Everyone one of my sense was sending fireworks to my brain. It just doesn't get much better than this. After a few minutes, our breathing starts to calm down. I was thinking that I should roll off of him. But Josh had other ideas.

"Hermie, please don't move......I want you to stay where you are. I want to continue to savor this moment." So with that I just relaxed my body and let myself mold onto Josh with our hands still gripping. And believe it or not we fell alsleep for a couple of hours in that position. BLISS THY NAME BE CONTENTMENT AND LOVE !!!!!!

Saturday Morning :

I feel myself starting to wake up and stretch. My eyes open and I see the fireplace still going and realize where I am. A smile and total feeling of contentment fill me.

"Hey sleepy head....about time you woke up." as I turn my head slightly to the right I see Josh. Still in his birthday suit - BIG GRIN - and he has set a tray down between us. On it is a carafe of orange juice, a pot of coffee, and some doughnuts. Now how thoughtful is that !! I am overwhelmed.

"Now this is service that deserves a tip." and I grin at him and he grins back.

"Well...could be...MOST DEFINITELYES !!!" he says with enthusiasm. "But first we ear. Here." and he holds out a doughnut for me to take a bite of. As I take the bite, I let my hand rest on his and smile. Right at the very darned moment, his telephone rang.

"Who could that be?" and Josh gets up and walks over to the phone. As he walks I watch his butt. A most magnificent butt, muscular and right, a butt that I had just last night had entered for its first time. AWESOME !!

"Are you kidding?" and then he is silent on the phone for a few more minutes. "Oh, Ok we'll be there" and he walks back towards me looking a bit let down. "That was Sam, the coach has decided that he wants us to get in some practice time before the beginning of classes this next week. And he wants us there ASAP !! Damn it all, I had some more panned for this weekend. But" he says with a grin that starts back up "I think we will have other opportunities. Do you think so Hermie?" and he continues grinning.

I let out a sigh, some of regret for the rest of this weekend with Josh here but also I am thinking about his comment that we will have other opportunities. He really is starting to define our relationship for himself and If I think about it that way - defining it for me also. I definitely have no problem with that !!

We get dressed quickly, I pack my things rather stuff them in my overnight bag and are out the front door. When we get to his Jeep and after he unlocks and opens the door for me, he leans in and gives me a light kiss on the lips.

To the readers of this the 2nd chapter of "Time for Discovery", this was a defining moment in time for me. The definition of this time was in part by my own feelings and in part by the definition that Josh was giving to those feelings. And to think that I had just been on campus for a few days. All I can say is - WOW !!!

Chapter 3 will deal with - the continued definition of Josh's and my relatiionship, both to ourselves and to Sam and Vinny. The beginning of classes for the semester and the effects on time available.

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Next: Chapter 3

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