
By Tim

Published on Nov 17, 2001


Goooooooood Morning people. I'm here to liven up your day with another instalment of TimeWeave. I'm keeping the notes short. Please write to me! power@utvinternet.ie

I know that I took my time with this, but this year the work is piling up and I don't have that much time to write. I'll try better with the next one.

This is not true, the characters are not real, and any inferred sexualities are just that - inferred. I don't know what they really are like, or what they do in the privacy of their homes.

Star Trek and associated characters are copyright of Paramount Pictures, etc. Don't sue me. Please?

"Brian Littrell, could you come to my ready room?" I asked over the intercom. I played around with my computer until he came.

"Yes captain?"

"There was something that you left out in your briefing, that I only noticed now, how long do you think that we have until they attack again?"

Brian considered the question for a minute. "I can't find any pattern in their attacks on us, however, their secondary attacks were always between five and eleven hours after their first attack, Earth time."

"And do you think that we should deploy our full tactical abilities the next time?"

"I don't know what your full tactical abilities are." I replied.

"I thought you said that your people knew all about us." I said with a wry smile.

"There were some secrets that you managed to keep." Laughed Brian.

"Computer, display all offensive and defensive systems, with maximum abilities displayed too."

"Warning - unauthorised person present." Droned the computer.

"Override security restrictions." I ordered. The large display on the opposite wall came alive, listing all tactical systems that the TimeWeave possessed.

Brian carefully read through them all, occasionally giving me a glance with a questioning look on his face. "I'd no idea that the federation even had some of these technologies! Phasing Cloak... the number of extra ships that you've got on board... three warp cores?"

"You said it yourself, we're the only ship in this time, we've got to be prepared."

"You could fight off a Borg Cube with this ship!"

"That's the idea, but I think we'd all prefer not to have to."

"I can safely say that you shouldn't deploy all your systems! Don't launch your smaller ships, try not to use the armour, don't use the cloak, if you could get the phasers to be effective then you'd really be able to keep them guessing for a while."

"Captain to the bridge." Said Data. I exchanged glances with Brian and walked out onto the Bridge.

"What is it?" I asked.

"A Vulcan scout vessel has just come into sensor range." Explained Data.

"Have they detected us?"

"If they have then they've done nothing to give away that they know. I don't believe that their sensors had this great a range in this time." Said Tuvok.

"Anything in the records about this?"

"I'm checking." Said Ensign Kealty, who was at Seven's post. "Vulcan records from this time period are fragmented at best, and I can't find thing about this ship in them."

"Bring us behind the moon, reduce all systems to minimum, we don't want them to detect us." I ordered. Since the Vulcan ship was from this time it stood to reason that this journey was part of the timeline, even if we didn't know about it. "If they make any attempt to communicate with Earth, or go into a low orbit, or try to land we'll stop them, until then we'll keep out of their way."

"We're in moon orbit. Twenty minutes until they enter the solar system." Said Lt. Paris.

"Tuvok, get back to work on the phasers will you? We'll need them for when the Vorkrans come back."

"Aye Captain." Said Tuvok, and then he left his post and went into the conference room.

The rest of us sat there for an hour while the Vulcan ship meandered into a high earth orbit and conducted a couple of basic biological and geological scans. They eventually pulled out of orbit and started following a curved path out of the system. When they'd almost gotten to the edge they radically changed direction and went off at a high warp speed.

"Vorkran ships entering sensor range." Announced Lt. Barclay at Ops.

"Red Alert. Lt. Paris, take us out to meet them as quickly as possible, I want to engage them as far away from Earth as possible. Senior officers to the bridge, Delta Bridge Crew, man the Battle Bridge." Tuvok came onto the Bridge. "Did you manage to get anywhere with the Phasers?"

"I believe that I can make the necessary modifications."

"Then do so!" I said. "Lt. Barclay, (No relation to Reg. Barclay.) How many ships do they have?"

"There are three vessels, two of which seem comparable to defiant class Starships, and one which is comparable to an Intrepid class."

"Can we win with our reduced systems?" I asked.

"Taking phasers into account, I believe we can, but it'll be close. I recommend using all drones at full power."

"Suggestion noted Mr. Barclay. Hail the lead vessel." I said. Even though I knew that the call would make no difference, there were certain procedures that a captain had to follow.

"No response." Said Tuvok.

"Arm torpedoes and ready phasers."

"Which torpedoes shall I use?" Asked Tuvok?

"Use twenty quantum's and then switch to photon's." I said.

"Coming into weapons range. They're firing." The ship shook for a second.

"Fire at will Commander." I said.

"Aye. Firing Phasers, the lead vessel's shields are down five percent."

"Keep it up." I said, as some of the enemy's torpedoes impacted against the shields and they fired their energy draining ion weapons.

"Firing full spread of torpedoes." On the screen the ships ducked, arched and dodged in a way that the TimeWeave couldn't hope to.

"Evasive manoeuvres, half thrusters, full impulse, pattern beta. Barclay, scan the new ships, I want to know everything about them."

"Our shields are down to seventy-five percent. Switching to photon torpedoes."

"Launch shield drones, augment the main shields, and launch phaser drones, set them to maximum burst, random target." I ordered.

A series of dull metal clangs echoed as the drones launched from their bays.

"Drones are in position. Interfacing with main shield grid... now. Shields are at one hundred and ten percent." Phaser drones are firing."

"One of the ships is making a run for Earth!" Called Lieutenant Barclay.

"After it! Can we destroy it?" I asked.

"On full systems, yes. However, in this reduced state it may not be possible."

"Switch the phaser drones onto that target and close in on it. Prepare to separate the ship."

"If you separate the ship that'll be another system that they'll know about!" Said Brian.

"I know that! But it's better then them getting to Earth." I exclaimed.

"Captain, this is Engineering. Do you want the saucer section warp core brought online?" Asked a very harried sounding B'leanna Torres.

"Not yet, but make sure that you're ready to do so." I said.

"We've closed on the ship." Said Paris.

"Destroy their propulsion and weapon systems first. Switch back to quantum torpedoes if you have to, don't let them get past Jupiter."

We hurtled through the system, getting ever closer to Earth, one ship in front of us persevering no matter what we were throwing at it, and with two ships behind us doing everything that they could to pull us from our chase. "Use the shield drones to boost the aft shields!" I shouted over the sound of explosions rocking the ship.

"It will not be enough Captain, aft shields are at thirty percent." Announced Tuvok in his eternally calm voice.

I made up my mind. "Tuvok, Paris, Brian, you're with me. Data, you have the bridge, hold them off while we go after the one in front." I said, walking towards the dedicated battle bridge turbolift, the doors slid open in front of me and I turned to face the bridge. "Good luck." I said, as the others got into the lift with me, and the doors closed. "Don't say anything Brian. We don't have a choice." I said when I saw Brian about to open his mouth to warn me again about using the separation systems.

When the doors opened again the crew that was already there was making preparations to separate. The people who were occupying Tactical and the Comm vacated their positions for Tuvok and Paris.

"Are we ready?" I asked.

"We are." Said Tuvok.

"Then do it." I ordered.

"Synchronising speed with saucer section... done. Releasing docking latches... now. The saucer section is pulling away Captain. She's turned back to the chasing ships." Said Lt. Paris.

"Increase speed. I want to be right on top of that ship, fire at will Tuvok."

"Firing Phasers. Their shields are at twenty percent."

"Torpedoes!" I said.

"Their shields are down."

"Target their engines, I want them stopped." I ordered.

"Direct hit, their engines are offline. Targeting weapon systems... another direct hit captain. They have been disabled."

"Good. What's the status of the saucer section?"

"It's taking a bit of a beating, but nothing too serious." Reported Ops.

"Let's get back there." I said, but no sooner had we moved off then the ship that we'd left behind had blown its self up. Between the two ship sections we managed to defeat the remaining two ships and rejoined quickly and repair teams started becoming busy, in anticipation of another attack.

When I got to the main bridge again I saw that Seven had finally joined us.

"Seven, could I see you in my ready room please?" She left her post and started walking with me into my ready room.

"Yes captain?"

"Have you made any progress on how to repair the temporal damage done?" In light of recent events it seemed to me that people were starting to lose track of the real reason that we'd a four hundred-year-old boy-band on board, and an extremely vicious race attacking us in our home system.

"At the moment I can only see one way, we find out how the Vorkrans got their information that Brian was the remaining member of the Chalimilarian race and destroy that source."

"Wouldn't that be extremely difficult, not to mention risky?"

"Captain, to be frank - If the Vorkrans went to war with the Federation they wouldn't stand a chance and they know that. But it would be difficult to find out where they got their information." She conceded.

"Keep working on it. I want at least one alternative, work with Brian Littrell, he may be able to help you."

Seven took that as a dismissal and left the room. I went out onto the bridge too. "Damage report?"

"We have six casualties, and fifty-two are injured. The main shield grid has been severely damaged, the armour generators on sections seventeen through to twenty-four, and we're running low on torpedoes." Reported Data.

"Can we manufacture more?" I asked.

"Not quickly enough, if the Vorkrans attack in the next day, which we should expect them too, and we are going to have to get the armour generators from StarFleet.

"Can we make a temporal jump?"

Data checked a PADD that he had in his hand. "Yes captain."

"Prepare the ship and launch the Blackwing." I said, referring to a smaller, but capable, starship, which was stored, along with two defiant class ships, in a huge hangar in the Engineering section.

"Blackwing crew, report to stations and prepare for launch." Ordered Data over the Comm. "Report when ready. All stations, prepare for temporal jump."

"Seven, prepare to jump to parallel time." I said.

"Blackwing reports as ready captain." Said Data.

"Open the bay doors and launch them."

"Blackwing is away."

"Start the Temporal Jump." I ordered.

The computer spoke its familiar sentence. "Temporal jump requires Level eight authorisation or higher."

"Authorise Temporal Jump. Lawlor four-four-two delta." I said.

"Authorisation accepted." Said the computer. And we flew through the temporal ribbon into the hustle and bustle that was Earth's solar system in the 24th Century.

"This is orbital control to U.S.S. TimeWeave, please move into geo-synchronous at these co-ordinates."

"We've got the co-ordinates Captain." Said Paris.

"Orbital Control, this is the TimeWeave, we want to go to Utopia Planetia, not Earth, please advise." I said.

"Please go to the specified co-ordinates, unfortunately the lambda fleet have just entered the system, and there are seventy-five ships in that fleet."

"I appreciate that, but we've a bit of an emergency situation." I said.

"The controllers tone changed straight away. "What is the emergency?"

"It's classified, but I assure you that it's genuine."

"I'm afraid that unless you give me some details I won't be able to help you."

"Can I speak to your superior please?" I asked, exasperated. No matter when you were, you always got people like this, I thought.

"Certainly Sir, please hold on."

"This is Lt. Monroe. How may I help you."

"Lieutenant, this is Captain Lawlor." Couldn't hurt to pull rank, I thought. "I need to go to Utopia Planetia - now. Can you help me?"

"Unfortunately, the Lambda fleet have just..."

I cut him off. "So I've been told. Are you going to give us permission or not?"

"I can't do that right now, but -"

I broke the connection. "Lieutenant Paris, lay in a course to Utopia Planetia, go the safest way that you can, but get there."

"Aye captain." He said, clearly about to enjoy the journey.

We started moving away from Earth as small shuttles and ships half or even a quarter our size flew around us.

"We are being hailed by Orbital Control." Said Tuvok.

"Put them on screen." I said.

The viewscreen activated and a furious looking man with thinning hair and red cheeks appeared on it. "This is Lt. Monroe at Orbital Control, what the hell do you think you're doing?"

"We're doing what we said we needed too, we're going to Utopia Planetia."

"Do you've any idea how many ships you're endangering. Just because you're the biggest thing here doesn't mean that you've got priority you know!" Exclaimed Monroe.

"I understand, and I wish that I could help you, but we've got to get to Utopia Planetia." I said. "Data, hail Utopia Planetia, give them a list of our needs and make sure they know that it's top priority."

"Aye Captain." Confirmed Data.

"We are being hailed Captain." Said Tuvok.

"We don't have the time to talk with those people."

"It is not Orbital Control, it's Admiral McKinley from StarFleet Command."

"On screen." I ordered, looking up to see the Admiral's oversized features frowning down on me.

"What exactly do you think you're doing Captain?" He asked.

"We're going to Utopia Planetia to have quick repairs done." I hesitated. "Admiral, you have been fully briefed as to the TimeWeave's mission?"

"Yes yes. Those Vorkrans get the better of you?" Asked the Admiral, his face softening up for a split second. Not waiting for an answer he continued. "Do you think that you're too good for Orbital Control?"

"I assure you that that was not the case, if you want to view the recordings that we've got of the communications that took place..."

"That won't be necessary. I'll tell Orbital Control to prioritise your requirements. McKinley Out." Said the Admiral, signing off.

"We're receiving a flight plan Captain, and we've also just received instructions from Utopia Planetia, they'll be ready in a minute."

Sixty-three seconds later we docked with the shipyard and they started doing their own assessments of the damage. They announced that we should be ready in less than thirty minutes, it seemed that they took our requests more seriously then some.

"Let me know when we're ready to go." I said, rubbing the bridge of my nose. "Until then I'll be in my quarters." I left the bridge.

"Hey!" Said Nick, ambushing me in the corridor.

My tiredness lifted when I saw him and I gave him a big smile. "Hi. How are you?"

"Fine. It was weird a while back though."

"What was?" I asked as he joined in walking with me.

"I'm on this ship that's larger then most buildings, right, and it's so big that I even forget sometimes that it's flying through space and then, all of a sudden, it starts to shake and rock. It doesn't seem right that something that something this size should be doing flips in space." He explained.

"There are bigger ships." I said, smiling gently.

"I'd love to see one of them." Said Nick wistfully.

"I doubt it." I replied, think of Borg Cubes and the Vorkran ships that Brian had been describing earlier.

Nick must not have heard my remark because he didn't reply to it; we walked in silence for a couple of seconds.

We came to the doors of my quarters. "Do you want to come in?" I asked.

"You know it." Grinned Nick.

Interpreting correctly I said. "We don't have the time. If I'm not back on the bridge in half and hour they'll all start to wonder."

"Let them wonder, you're the Captain after all."

"Yeah, but still... you sit over there." I said, pointing at chair a reasonable distance away, while I sat behind my desk, making sure that nothing was going to happen.

Will anything happen? I don't know. I don't really have any control over the characters. Let me know what you think of it! power@utvinternet.ie

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