Timothy and the Lion Boy

Published on Aug 18, 2022


Timothy and the Lion Boy Chapter 3

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Works of fiction are all fantasies about other people's lives. Those lives have their own trajectory of wants and needs, actions and reactions, hopes and despairs. Fiction allows us, the reader, to share their paths, vicariously. without personal consequence. We do not need to approve or disapprove of their actions because it is their lives. Our role is to bare witness and take what we find relevant to ourselves.

This story is intended for adults who like homotropic erotica. Erotica is more about the journey to sexual fulfillment than the event itself. All erotica is aimed for those 18 and older.

© 2020 Boethius Cell


Timothy and the Lion Boy--3 The Parents

My phone buzzed at 6:30, I was awake and nervous. It was Danny.

        D: hope not waking you. cant meet par without ur last name.

        Shit I realized that Danny and I had seen and done more with each other in the past 14 days than most couples do in a year. I had his cock up my ass and his spunk in my ass and we never exchanged last names. Did this make me a cheap slut.

Me: mcneil

D: duncan

        Me: nice 2 mt u mr danny duncan.

        D: same mr timothy mcneil

        D: u nervous :O

        Me: that a mouth asking for a dick,

        D: WFM

        Me: terrified

        D: m2 what we doing today

        Me: IDC

        D: Brad pad and fuck

        Me: GR8 :O

        D: that 4 my dick

        Me: :O  :O  :O

        D: OMW  xoxo

        Me: CU xoxoxoxoxoxo

        D: showtime man

Parents: Timothy

        At 8 am sharp Danny rang the doorbell, although I knew Danny was sitting in his car outside my house since 7:30. He was nervous; so was I. I have never had a boyfriend before. My parents knew many of my friends from high school; I had experimented with a couple. But Danny, Danny was a new feeling for me. I liked him; I liked him alot. He made me feel possessive, tingly, and horny at just a thought.

        “Hey Danny,” I looked around, saw no one and kissed him. He looked so hot in new jeans and a grey short sleeve henley. Nice casual.  “My parents are in the kitchen having coffee. My sister is there too.” Danny’s eyes widened. “Not the worst. My parents are going into work late so they can “get acquainted”--their words.”

        “Skewer and then grill me.” Danny gave a weak grin

        “Yeah, but we will be OK. I am with you all the way.”

        “Let’s do the dead man march,” Danny grabbed my hand and walked into the kitchen. My dad was casually reading the paper while mom was as casually on her laptop. I realized they were nervous too; I felt better.

        “Mom, Dad this is my boyfriend Danny, Danny Duncan.”

        My dad stood and extended a hand. “Nice to meet you Danny.”

        “And you too Mr. McNeil, sir.” Danny extended a tentative hand and a weak smile. “I brought donuts.” Danny shifted foot to foot as he handed a box of Krispy Kreme to my mother.

        “Hi Danny,” my mom trilled from her chair, “so good to meet the young man that has our son all aflutter.” Danny went over to shake her hand, but mom pulled him down into a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “This is very thoughtful.” mom said as she took the box.

        Dad gestured to us to sit. We did, ready for the Inquisition.

        “So you’re my dorky brother’s boyfriend.” Danny gulped a yes. “He is really cute,” my sister said in the authoritative voice only a fourteen year-old can produce. I sat waiting for the rest from Sara, Spawn of Satan in my mind. “Didn’t think you could bag yourself a real hottie considering how lame you are.” a smirk formed at me and then a beatific smile at Danny.

        “Behave Sara,” my mother chided. “Timothy says you work at the zoo.” My mother seamlessly turned the conversation to Danny.

        “You really work at the zoo?” my sister interrupted, suddenly Danny was her full attention. She was in love with my boyfriend.

        “I’ve worked there since I was sixteen, mostly grunt work: preparing food, cleaning caged, and sometimes helping the vets.” Danny smiled as he was on familiar and loved ground.

        “I met Danny while he was cleaning the lions’ cages,” I added just to impress her with my daring. It failed

        “Can I get a tour, behind the scenes.”

        “They give tours on the second Saturday of the month. I can add your name.” Danny was being gracious and scoring points.

        “Can you give me a personal tour, just you?”

        I coughed, “He’s my boyfriend and not your future date.”

        “Can’t we share.” She batted her eyelashes at me.

        “No.” She just grinned at me and returned to Danny.

        “So a private tour?”

        “Sorry,” Danny meekyl replied. “Against zoo rules.”

        “But you gave my brother one.” Her tone was accusatory.

        Danny blushed scarlet, “No, I haven’t, and he is too polite to ask.” Now Sara turned scarlet and was silent. I loved my boyfriend.

        “Sara,” my dad interceded, “you need to get ready for your swimming lessons.” My dad’s tone, while mild, his eyes said leave the room now or. We never waited to see what that “or” was.

        She promptly stood up and kissed Danny on the cheek, “Very pleased to meet you, Danny. You make my brother happy.” And she flounced out of the room. I shrugged a bewildered look to Danny.

        “Thank God I have only one teenage daughter,” my dad laughed out a groan.

        “Got that right, Don,” my mother commiserated.

        “You have any siblings?” my mother asked.

        “Three older sisters.” Danny responded.

        “Baby of the family,” Dad said, “tough. I was the baby too. Tough being the youngest; tougher being the only boy.”

        “Yes, my sister Peace, who is six years older than me, thought I was a doll she could dress up. Mother has pictures of me at two with lipstick all over my face from my sister. Once she turned fourteen and started liking boys, I was then free from her fantasy.” My mom and dad looked at each other. “No that did not make me gay, and I don’t do drag. To many humiliating experiences.” Everybody laughed.

        “Danny says you're going to spend a weekend with them in two weeks. I can then assume that they are supportive,”  my mom’s turn.

        “Yes. I told them I was gay at twelve, but they said they knew since I was five and had a crush on my G I Joe.”

        “Timothy was a late bloomer at fifteen. But we knew when his poster was Brett Favre and not J Lo,” my dad. “Timothy says you're going to U of Michigan in the fall to vet school.”

        “Yes, sir,” My dad raised a slight eyebrow at the sir. “Vet assistant then maybe a full vet. If I continue working at the zoo, I can get scholarships to a vet school. The vet assistant gets the hand-on I want and a leg up to vet school. The competition is stiff.”

        My parents smiled at each other. “I am sure you will have your pick when the time comes. You strike me as an intelligent and level-head young man.”

        “Thank you sir,” Danny blushed slightly.

        “Timothy, why don’t you gather what you need for the day.” Danny and I looked at each other, apprehensive. “Don’t worry, dear,” my mother soothed, “we’ve had breakfast. Danny will be in one piece when you get back.” Dad chuckled.

        “Your backpack is by the door,” Danny yelled as I headed out of the room. I was glad he gave me the head-up, because some of Brad’s toys were tucked inside.

“Danny, what do your parents do?” I heard Dad asked as I went up the stairs. Maybe not be eaten, but definite grill marks.

  I packed a few things in my backpack and headed down to the kitchen. I heard Danny and my dad laughing. Good sign I thought until I realized dad was telling Danny about one of my more embarrassing moments. I walked into the kitchen and glared at them both. They shifted uncomfortably in their chairs and then they burst into laughter. “Come on Danny before Dad gives away everything.” I pulled him up out of the chair. I glanced around and mom was gone.

“Left for work, which I need to do too.” Dad stood, “We’ll all walk out together.” I groaned quietly. “Sara, we are off. Mrs. Jackson should be here in a few to take you to swimming, be ready.” A sure echoed back. On the porch, dad stopped before we headed toward Danny’s car and dad headed toward the garage. Dad extended a hand to Danny, “Bev and I are very happy to meet you.” Danny returned the sentiment. “You are welcome here anytime, with or without my boy. And you are welcome to spend the night.” I looked at my dad shocked. “Timothy, you have a good day doing whatever two young men do.” He grinned and patted my butt. The plug jostled my prostate, and my dad knew it.

Once in the car, Danny leaned over and kissed me.

“Did you survive?” I asked

“Yes,” he smiled back, “I like your parents. They are cool.”

I rolled my eyes, “I’m horny.” The car smoothly accelerated.

Parents: Danny

        “Welcome Timothy,” Danny’s dad said as he pulled me into a bear hug that had me gasping for air,the strength surprised me since he looked to be in his 60’s. Danny’s dad was shorter than me, broader and hairier, and nicely hung. All this was obvious in his bright green tank top and flower print surfer shorts,  that showed he was freeballing. His junk moved with him; he moved--he had no subtle moves--junk moved like a tether ball: he was big, bold and animated--so was his package. I glanced at Danny, who just gave me a my-dad embarrassed look. “Timothy, please come have a seat.”

        “Thank you Mr. Duncan.”

        He put a finger to my lip and pulled me to the sofa. “No mister, makes me feel old. Just call me “Horse”.” I blinked in confusion. “A nickname from high school that I have never been able to shake, not that I mind it.” He laughed loud and strong as he gently pushed me onto the sofa, his package shaking in front of me. “Nope don’t mind at all, got it because I’m hung like a horse.” I snickered not only at the explanation, but that he also laughed like a horse. He sat on the sofa beside me, with his left hand rearranging things between his legs. I blushed.

        “Where’s Mom,” Danny said, enjoying my discomfort too much.

        “Out in the backyard setting the table,” Horse said to Danny but looking at me. “Thought we’d eat out there since it is a temperate night.” To me, “Don’t get many of those in Chicago.”

“Right Dad,” Danny said. “I’ll go help Mom.” I glared at Danny as he left me with Horse. Danny just grinned; “I will get even” I mouthed to him as he left with a high flutey laugh.

“Danny says that you met at the zoo and fucked there.” I turned red. “Do you usually fuck strangers?”

This was not a conversation that I expected to have immediately. I wanted to panic, but couldn’t because his face was not accusatory, just curious.”

“I’m eighteen and perpetually horny. And Danny is so sexy.”

Horse he-hawed, I suddenly wished I had a carrot. “Best reason to fuck, Timothy. And from what Danny says you have done a lot of that.” He laughed again. I smiled weakly. “Danny says that you and he spent a weekend at Brad’s and that convinced you to change from just fuck buddies to a more serious status.”

“Yes, si--Horse.” I tried to put on my most serious face. “I really like Danny and want to get to know him beyond…” I just could not say it.



“Fucking is good. It is something we can do until we die. So do not be ashamed of fucking every chanch you get.”

“Yes s--Horse, I will keep that in mind.”

“You and Danny exclusive?”

“No, since we’re both off to college and eighteen and horny.” I fumbled to a halt.

“Very smart. Danny told me about you and Brad.” My eyes widened in panic, “Danny tells Crystal and me everything.” My mouth fell, “Yes, everything. I want my Danny, our baby, safe, so we do not judge, condemn, or berate. We do point out consequences. So far this arrangement is working, and Crystal and I sleep a little better.”

“That is nice to know that Danny has your support.”

“How are your parents on you and Danny.”

“Very good Horse. I came out when I was sixteen, but my mom always said she knew. Dad had been remarkably chill about it.” I smiled as I settled more comfortably into the sofa and felt my butt plug. “I think he knows that I have a butt plug in. He keeps making questionable comments.” Horse tensed. I quickly went on “Like when I left he slapped my ass and grinned. They want Danny to spend the night.” We laughed, “My mom wants to watch gay porn with me.”

“I think Crystal and I need to meet your folks. I think we would like them.” I blanched at the thought of our parents meeting. “Danny said that Brad gave you a real workout and you took abuse well. You impressed Brad and made Danny you acolyte.”

“When I am challenged, I don’t like to lose.” I grinned.

Horse laughed, the sofa shook and so did my ass. I smiled. “Are you into the abuse and pain?” more curious than judgemental.

I thought carefully, “No,” I paused. “Yes, some of it I like, especially with Danny. Some of it was interesting, some once but never again.” Horse nodded. “I feel I need to explore my limits and I am too young to know what they are. And I don’t want to be too old and have missed something.”

“Timothy, I am impressed by your maturity.” Horse smiled affectionately.

        “Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying;
And this same flower that smiles today
Tomorrow will be dying.”

He recited.

I remember that poem from my English class-

        “Then be not coy, but use your time,
And while ye may, go marry;
For having lost but once your prime,
You may forever tarry.

Mr. Murphy made us memorize hundreds of poems.”

Horse quietly stared at me, and then jumped up. “I am a horrible host Timothy. I never offered refreshments. Our household gods will chastise me and have a bird poop on my car.” I laughed. “I offend the gods frequently judging by the gifts birds leave.” I laughed again. “Soda, coffee, ice tea, beer, wine, cocktail.” He paused and grinned, “Guess the last Danny will need to serve you.” I groaned.

“I don’t want to get drunk on my ass and make a fool out of myself, so coke.”

“Timothy, you would not be the first person who got drunk on their ass and made a fool out of himself. Have Crystal tell you about Danny’s eighteenth birthday party.”

“OK, but I will let you decide on something that goes with the meal.”

He returned and handed me a dark beer that I have never seen before. “A Belgian Trappist ale, it is dark and smooth.”

I took a sip from the odd-shaped glass. My dad liked beer and occasionally he would let me taste, but this was not like any beer I ever had. “Wow.”

“Wow.” Horse repeated. “Now the rules for the weekend. First, the house is clothing optional. Nudity is permitted anywhere except the front yard. Don’t want the neighbors complaining again. Two, Sex is permitted in Danny’s bedroom.” I nodded at the reasonable request, “and in the backyard, pool and jacuzzi,” I smiled at that. “Danny’s basement playroom, the kitchen--we have canned whipped cream, the family room, the laundry room--fucking while the washer is on spin, a must do, and Crystal and my bedroom.” My mouth fell open. “Kidding on the last. Our bedroom, the dining room and the living room are off. Rule three, you dirty you clean. You jizz on something, you clean it, you piss on something you clean. Understand the rules?

“Yes, Horse,” I grinned, “Danny and I can pretty much run naked and fuck anywhere, as long as we clean up after ourselves.” My grin increased as I got hard. “Thanks for the tip on the washing machine. How did you discover that?”

“Danny,” Horse laughed and I did too.

“Hi Timothy,” a female voice interrupted the laughter. I stood to face Mrs. Duncan. She was a good three four inches taller than Horse, She was a thin, pale blonde with many strands of  gray in her late fifties or early sixties. Her eyes stunned with lustrous blue. But what stopped me was the tight cut-off shorts and the halter top that retained a pair of Clydesdales. I stared. She laughed, “Are you bi?” and took both hands on either side of her breast and shook her rack--tsunamis of flesh.

“I am sorry for staring Mrs. D--Crystal. I tried it once--finding limits--and it was uncomfortably embarrassing for both. She begged me to be gay because no woman should be force to experience such mechanical awkwardness. I promised readily and we are now friends. So never bi. It’s just I’ve never been this close to a real buxom woman with so much showing.”
She untied her halter top, “Do you want to feel them?”

“God no,” She laughed and leased her puppies. “Don’t get me wrong, your breasts are beautiful in a speculative way.” I stopped before deciding if I could be bold, “Now give me a nine inch cock and my hands would be all over.” Everyone laughed.

“Timothy,” she grabbed my hand, “you are so perfect for my son. Horse you need to start grilling. It is white hot.”

Horse grabbed  Crystal’s butt, “You mean the food or Timothy?”

Danny walked into the room and sat next to me, his hand slid down the back of my shorts to finger my crack. “Want a tour, I’ll show you my bedroom and my playroom.” We stood, his hand still down my shorts.

“Dinner will be in about 30 minutes,” Crystal said, “you boys have time for a quicky.”

“Timothy is worth more than a quicky. We’ll just prime our pumps,” Danny said with no hint of embarrassment. Crystal laughed and slapped my butt with Danny’s hand still sliding a finger along my plug.

Danny’s room at first glance was very similar to mine: clothes on the floor, desk and laptop, a soccer ball, trophy’s on a shelf, and a queen bed.” I plunked myself on the bed with my feet on the floor. The bed was a four poster, the posts rising about five feet above the mattress and ending in steel rings. Danny smoothly pulled my shorts off and was sucking my cock. He pulled my plug out and inserted his cock, slowly massaging my insides. I was in heaven and hard as a hammer. Danny pulled out and swung himself over me and sat on my member. Heaven went up two levels. Danny hopped off me. “Need to show you my toy box,” he said as he rolled off the other edge of the bed to a large cedar chest. I pulled myself onto my stomach and over to the other edge. Danny opened the box with a flourish. I gasp. It was full of sex toys: ropes, dildos, plugs, whips and paddles. One side was filled with various fabrics and textured objects. I was impressed. “We’ll use these later. Now to my playroom.” He grabbed my hand; I grabbed my shorts as he pulled me out the door and down into the basement.

The basement was converted into a family room with a large screen TV and comfortable sofas and chairs. At the end of the basement were two doors, one painted red. “The red door is my playroom. Used to be my sister’s but since she moved out and no longer plays house, it is mine.” He grinned with pride. The door opened and Danny pushed me into the room. The walls and ceiling were all mirrors and in the center hung a sling. “My dad did this for my 16th birthday.” I was speechless. My parents were accepting of me being gay, but I could not image my dad doing anything like this. Danny closed the door. The room was lit by one high basement window. Danny went over and pulled a thick drape; the room went dark. “Find the switch just by the door” Danny said. I did and rope lights bloomed along the edges floor and ceiling, with the mirrors the room was bright. “Cool, man.” Danny was very proud of his space. “Tomorrow we will use this. Might invite a couple of buds over if your cool with it.” I could only nod agreement, less from the thrill of group sex but more from being stunned by the playroom. “Need to head outside for supper. You hungry?” I wiped a bit of drool from the edge of my mouth, not caused by the thought of food.

“Famished,” I said as Danny led me back upstairs, “I need some thick meat.”

“That is later,” Danny laughed. “Right now you will need to settle for steak.”

The backyard was nothing spectacular except for the tall fence and the hedges along it making the yard very private. A pool and jacuzzi filled most of the yard beyond a large patio with a picnic bench. Off to the side Horse was pulling steaks off the grill while Crystal put a salad and fries on the table. She looked up, “Just in time boys. Take a seat.” Danny and I scooted next to each other poking each other’s ribs like nine year olds.

Horse dropped a huge platter of meat in front of us. “Keep your hands to yourself while we eat. No horseplay at the table unless,” he quirked a grin, “I’m the horse.”

“Does that mean I get to ride you?” I shot back and then realized what I just said and blushed.

Horse laughing raucously, he sat next to his wife, “You got a pistol there Danny, Think you can handle it.”

“His pistol has already been handled.” Danny shot back.

Horse laughed louder, birds took to the air, “Bet you have. Timothy has Danny tamed you yet?”

“No,” I looked Horse dead in the eye. “I am taming him. I’m better with the whip.”

Crystal joined the laughter, “Thank god someone can tame my hellion. I have some ammo you can use that will drop him in his tracks.”

“Mom, no,” Danny whined. We all laughed and tucked into the food.

The conversation flowed about my plans, about my family, about Danny’s siblings visiting tomorrow--I blanched, Danny squeezed my knee under the table. After the meal, I offered to help Crystal clean up, and she gave me the dirt. I liked her. Horse came into the kitchen, “Just about done? S’mores by the firepit.” Crystal and I dried our hands, she thanked me for the help; I thanked her for the ammo.

The fire pit was at the opposite side of the pool. Danny was there adding a few splinters of wood to the fire. I sat in one of the four plush Adirondack chairs. Danny sat next to me handing me a long-handled fork with two marshmallows on it. I leaned over and whispered, “Lisa,” Danny screeched, “Mom you didn’t” His mom just smiled while putting her marshmallows into the fire. At about five Crystal found Danny and a neighbor girl, Lisa, naked in the garage. Danny was in tears because someone had taken Lisa’s peepee.

Horse joined us from the house with a tray, “I always like a spot of cognac after a nice steak dinner. On the tray were four snifters, each about a third full. I never had cognac and so waited until I saw Horse smell and then take a small taste. I followed suit; the first impression was alcohol burn but as it coated my tongue, flavors burst out like a spring garden. “Don’t often serve the good stuff,” he said as he took another sip. “Royer XO is good stuff” he sighed as he took another sip. It went well with the smores. “If you guys want to use the jacuzzi, don’t let us stop you.” Danny jumped up striped, so I did too. “Nice pecker on you Timothy. Bet Danny’s ass loves it.” Horse said. I blushed from head to ass. Crystal just laughed. I ran to the jacuzzi and jumped in. “don’t be ashamed of what you got boy,” Horse shouted to me, “Be proud of what god gave you.” Me, being sometimes impulsive, turned toward him, put my hands on my hips in the best superman pose. His laugh filled the backyard. “That’s the attitude Timothy.”

I eased myself into the jacuzzi. Danny’s hands were on me before I was fully in the water; a gator after a dangling chicken, he lurched at my rod. His mouth was around it before I even sat. The weight of his attack stunned me and I fell against the side of the jacuzzi, stunned while Danny submerged, just eyes into the water. “You’re so hot,” He whispered in my ear as he came up for a breath. Danny’s black long hair ran rivlets down his chest.

I kissed him ferociously and then shoved him back against the opposite side of the jacuzzi. I was now on top of him and in control. “You’re so hot” I murmured into his ear. We both burst out laughing. I eased my love chute onto his love pole, rocking back and forth with the pressure of the water jets. “Like this.” I grinned while looking into his dark eyes.

“Shit yeah, but,” Danny gently moved us both . “This jet here is best for fucking.” Danny moved us over a water jet that was angled right at our joining. The jet hit my ass as I moved up and down; it hit Danny’s cock as I moved up and down. We moaned together as the third member of our lust stoked and stroked us. Danny screamed as he came inside me.

“Boys clean up any mess.” Horse yelled with a laugh. “Don’t want old jizz getting into my pubes the next time I soak.”

Danny stood with me still firmly attached, “Still got it corked in so won’t leave a mess.” Crystal and Horse laugh with no embarrassment over me, ass to them with their son’s dick safe inside. Horse threw a towel over and Danny laid me gently on it, gave a few more thrusts and pulled out. I leaked thin white fluid: jizz and jacuzzi water. “Let’s swim.” Danny picked me up and threw me into the pool, following with a cannon ball. We swam and lounged by the fire pit and swam some more. Exhausted we crawled out of the pool for the last time and luxuriated in the warmth of the fire pit. Horse gave us a beer and a shot of peppermint schnapps, to ward of the ague he claimed. The warmth of the schapps coursed through me. I was sweating and horny. The horny seemed to be a perpetual state since I met Danny.

“Time I take this boy to bed,” Danny rose from the chair and grabbed my hand. I followed, compliant.

“Have a good night boys,” Crystal said as she pulled Danny and then me into a kiss on the cheek.

“Try to keep the fucking noise down,” Horse laughed. “The old folks want to sleep.”

Danny and I waved as we disappeared into the house, went up the stairs and into his bedroom.

        I was spread eagle on Danny’s bed, arms and legs secured, and smiling like an idiot. I was so turned on. “Timothy,” Danny said, his face so close that his breath tickled my ear. “I know you trust me and that I will not hurt you.” Danny held his breath a second, “much. I mean I will hurt you, but you took everything Brad tossed at you so I know that you are one tough dude. Any limits you want honored?”

        That was a difficult question. “Some of the things Brad did to me were too extreme, but the whole weekend was extreme. So I am not sure that the setting did not taint future exploration. I trust you Danny, you are my boyfriend so I trust you. And I have my safe word “pickle”. Danny’s grin was both one of awe and one of mischievous possibilities. “No piss,” I said

        “Shit,” Danny said with disappointment.         I quickly responded, “Not that either.” Danny laughed, “I wanted to drink your piss because I will not release you for a potty break.”

        I laughed, “Fine you can drink my piss. But as far as pain, remember your parents are sleeping down the hall, we do not to disturb them with my screams from torment.”

        “Don’t worry man,” Danny smirked, “I have a gag for you.” He pulled from beside the bed a red foam ball about the size of a tennis ball and placed it by my head. “For later, but right now I want to blindfold you.” I nodded ascent. Once the blindfold was in place just above my eyes, he said,”I want to play a game. I will touch you somewhere on your body with an object. You identify the object you get a kiss. You misidentify I punish you for thirty seconds.”

        “I’m not sure about this.” Danny sat back a little at my remark. “I mean a kiss lasts only a few seconds and the punishment 30 seconds. Now does that seem fair?”

        Danny smiled at me, “OK thirty second kiss.”

        “Better, and the time limit for the game?”

        “Ninety minutes.” I knew Danny was trying to stoke me, so I just frowned. “OK forty-five minutes.”  He reached over and placed a kitchen time on the bedside table. “Deal?”

        “Let the games begin.” Danny slid the blindfold over my eyes and I felt him jump off the bed and then heard him rummage through his toy chest. Then silence. Something brushed my right nipple. It was very fleeting, almost wind. “Not fair,” I huffed. “There needs to be sufficient time for me to register the sensation and I get three guesses.”

        “My game, my rules. Too late to dictate.”

        “Yeah, asswad, then I will not play.” I sealed my lips tight.

        “You are in no position to challenge me.” Danny snarked back with humor, “Some asswad is tied in my bed and unable to move.” I stuck my tongue out at him, but remained silent. “You left me no choice.” I felt Danny straddle my hips. The tickling started: fingers lightly scraping my ribs, the bottom of my feet, neck. I squirmed and bucked, almost throwing Danny off me. But I would not relent, finally, Danny stopped. “Fine three guesses and a five second contact.” Danny crawled off me and I felt the first sensation.




        “Too easy”




        “No,” Danny said gleefully.


        “Lucky guess.” I just smiled broadly at him.

        Something round and cold surrounded my right nipple. I was confused. Danny slowly slid it down my abdomen and then it was off.


        “Yes, but what is it?” I paused--a round metal object.

        “A coaster”

        “No, one more guess.”

        “No man this is my first no, you said yes to the previous guess.”

        “The first guess was wrong, but since I made the mistake and said yes, I will give it to you. I am the one in the position to be generous.”

        “A metal washer?”

        “Nope.but in the right area”

        “A piece of metal pipe?”

        “Not even close.” Danny laughed. “It’s a cock ring.”

        “How’s a cock ring close to a washer.”

        Danny’s laughter shook the bed. “You’re the ass who believed what I said. Now the punishment.” My nipples suddenly flared in pain. “Like the nipple clamps?” I just moaned.

        After a long 30 seconds, the clampes were removed. “Next item for you.” My nipples suddenly were on fire.

        “A match?”


        “Hot penny?”

        “Not even close.”

        Since Danny lied to me before I thought he might be lying now and I was close. “Hot coin?”

        Danny’s triumphant laugh annoyed me. “No man, ice.”

        “You’re a lying bag of shit.” Danny slipped the ice cube between my lips.

        “You’re nipples were so sensitive because of the clamps that ice will feel hot.Brad taught me that.”

        “Fuck you mister, you played me man.”

        “Sure did, now the punishment.” Danny was bouncing with glee. My chest responded to the first strike of a flail whip; I moaned. It moved down my chest to my abdomen, and then to the bottom of my feet and finally to my groin. “Fuck” I yelled.”

        “Next sensation.” Danny said,

        It felt like a pizza cutter with pins. I had no clue. “Hedgehog? Porcupine? Sea urchin?” I rattle off rapidly. To three quick nos.

        “It’s a Wartenberg wheel. A basic item in every man’s toy chest. What torment can I inclict now,” Danny cackled in imitation of a mad scientist. “Yes, this is perfect.”

        I felt a gentle tingle at the base of my cock. “Capsaicin gel?”


The sensation moved to the head of my penis. It felt like ants. “Something like fiberglass?”

“Hell no, that would cause damage.”

Zap, zap on both nipples. “Electricity”

        “Close enough, a violet wand.”

        Danny ran a soothing hand over my chest, “Last one.”

        The first touch I knew, “Hot wax.”

        “Very good.” Danny continued to dribble the wax over my chest.

        I move as best I could on the bed trying to avoid the hot globules hitting my chest. “I named correctly so you can stop.” I said through clenched teeth.

        “Don’t recall that as being part of the rules.” glee was in Danny’s voice, the wax moved down to my privates, my dick responded and hardened. Danny removed my blindfold and pulled my head up. “See, I wrote my name on your body. The wax will leave a red mark for a little while. I have marked you as mine.”

        “Goina untie me?” I asked, batting my eyelashes.

        This prompted a kiss on my eyelids. “Nope, man, not done play with your hot body.” He pulled out suck cups for my tits, a vibrating dildo, and finally a glove. The glove was black latex with each finger a different texture, and it vibrated. Danny worked my body from head to toe, in and out of every orifice, including my ears. The pleasure was intense and time after time I came close to ejaculating and Danny pulled back. I begged, pleaded, cried, screamed. Danny gagged me; I drooled copiously around the edges of the gag onto the pillow until it was saturated. At the edge of my exhaustion, Danny stopped and untied me and removed the gag. His kiss was intense and deep. I barely had energy to respond.

But I was playing weak. Danny grew concerned that he may have gone too far and hurt me. My breathing was shallow and gasping. I continued to drool like in a stupor. Danny moved over me, panic in his voice as he kept asking if I was OK. I unfocused my eyes. Danny came closer; I bear hugged him and flipped him on his back, pinned his arms, raised his legs and plunged my hard hard dick savagely into his ass. Stunned and not resisting, Danny fumbled for words. My eyes held primal lust that my body responded to with deep thrusts, more violent than I thought myself capable of. Danny’s shock turned to a slow smile then a feral grin. He moaned in pleasure. I slowed my pace and started to make love, to try to hit Danny’s pleasure zones. Danny had edged me to my brink, I could not last and shot deep inside him. My whole body shook as I violently ejected sperm again and again. I collapsed onto Danny’s cum soaked chest--Danny blew too. My head was by his ear, I was panting. “That was….wow.”

“Wow.” Danny whispered softly in my ear. “Time to sleep.” So we snuggled together, my arm tight around Danny’s chest.

The sunlight trickled into the room like a dripping faucet, insistent and annoying. I was in that snuzzle state between wake and sleep, a fuzzy world of cotton candy--sliding between dreams and the warmth of the bed. I felt someone sit at the foot of the bed; I felt for Danny--he was still beside me. I opened a slit of eyes.

“Hey, dude, you Danny;s boyfriend?” said a cherubic blond face of a lad.I mumbled a yeah, “I’m Taf and Crystal says breakfast will be read in 30.”

“Hey Taf, nice seeing you man.” Danny rolled over with a smile, the bedding falling to his waist. “Everyone here?’

“No,  Zak’s late.” This prompted an eye roll from Taf. “You know how he needs to be the scene.”

“Yeah,” Danny said, crawling out of bed, nude.

“But,” Taf laughed, “Your hot boyfriend will kill it.” I slowly slipped out of bed, nude also but embarrassed. “Nice whip.” Taf casually said; I blushed. And then turned red, Taf was on the bed nude too. Clothing optional apparently applied to everyone.

“Tell Crystal we will be down after a quick shower,” Danny said as he pinched Taf’s naked butt.

“Yeah, hot shower, two dudes, never fast.” Taf laughed as he left the room.

“That’s my nephew, my sister Gracie’s youngest.” Danny explained as we entered the shower. “Very smart kid, eleven and in ninth grade. So exposed to all the ninth grade hormones and trash talk.” Danny soaped my chest. “Talks tough but still innocent.” I scrubbed Danny’s back and lower. Danny sighed in pleasure then jerked to attention. “Need to stop because you need to meet the family. Don’t want you seeing them in a sex flush.”

“They would object?” I rinsed both of us off.

“No at all.” Danny handed me a towel, “rib the hell out of you.”

I was drying Danny’s back. “I can take it.”

Danny was drying mine, “My family has no filters when it comes to sex and all, I mean all, sexual activities are open for examination.”

I was worried.

I put on a nice pair of jean shorts and an aqua polo and no shoes, a concession to Danny who wanted to introduce me naked. From the noise most everyone was outside playing in the pool. Crystal,a man and a woman both in their mid twenties were in the kitchen gabing and preparing food for the grill. Crystal turned around and spotted us. “Finally pulled your asses out of bed,”

“More likely pulled their ass out of each other,” the man said. He was medium height, pale skin at the edges of his tank top, more of a farmer’s tan with an adorable angelic face, but a slightly pudgy midsection.

“David,” Crystal said, “let me introduce you to Timothy.” I extended my hand, but instead I got a close hug and a hand down my shorts.He fondled my hole and grinned.  Crystal coughed discreetly, and I was released, “This is Timothy, Danny’s boyfriend.”

“Nice to meet you Tim.” I looked at David, mischief in his eyes.

“I prefer Timothy.” I stated firmly.

“Oooh, fancy man” David replied, then laughed, “I prefer David to Dave or Davie, so gotcha man.”

“Next to the wise ass,” Crystal smiled, “is my daughter Peace.”

“And not piece of,” the younger woman laughed and extended her arms in a hug, which I allowed--family. “Nice to meet you. That man with his hand down your crack is my boyfriend” she said and then whispered in my ear. “need to watch your ass around here. We like to pinch bubble butts.” I jumped as she pinched my ass. Everyone laughed.

I pulled away with an exaggerated rub of my bum. “Now I know where Danny learned to do that.” I turned to Danny, “Will you still love me when my ass is all black and blue?”

“Sure will man, like my rump roast tenderized.” Danny laughed as he pulled me into the yard.

Someone stirred up the chicken coop from the way everyone was running around. Kids and adults were screaming in mirth as adults threw kids into the pool. The kids climbed out as fast as they were thrown in to be tossed back again. Taf caught my eye as he flew high into the air; he waved at me, and then hit the water with giggles and waves of water. He pulled himself out of the pool running naked to us, grabbing a naked young girl as he came.

“Timothy,” Taf said out of breath, “will you play with us?” He then frowned, when a girl Taf’s age approached.  “Oh this is my sister Tar, we’re twins.”

“Nice to meet you sir,” she said shyly as she extended a hand most lady-like.

“He’s not a sir, Tar, he’s family.” Taf said, his smile stating the obvious.  “So can you play?” Taf redirected the conversation.

I looked questioning at Danny, “Of course Timothy can play. He’s family.” He shoved me toward the twins with a smirk, but I didn’t mind.

“You can’t swim with your clothes on.” Taf firmly announced. So I stripped, I had the foresight to put a swimming suit on under the shorts. “Thanks,” said a female by the pool. She was in her early thirties, blond hair, elven build like Danny-- obviously Danny’s sister. They wore us out.” Soon I was a growling water monster chasing Taf and Tar around the pool. Their flight from the monster was not frantic because they enjoyed being caught, tickled and tossed into the water. I was having a blast and thought I might like kids of my own someday.

        “Lunch in five,” Horse bellowed, “Out of the pool and dry off.”

I helped Taf and Tar out of the pool and into thick towels. I received a kiss on each check from them as thanks. I dried off, dressed and found Danny leaning against the poolside bar. “Did you have fun?” he asked. Strangely, I did. He handed me a Bloody Mary; I choked on the amount of tabasco; he laughed, and we went to the large table set with waffles, eggs, bacon, ham, salads, a bowl of yogurt and dishes of nuts and dried fruit.

“Hi, I’m Gracie, Taf and Tar’s mom. I really appreciate you entertaining these two Spawn of Satan.” Taf and Tar stood on each side of a woman.

“Who are you calling Satan,” laughed a man who walked over to us. “I’m Steve. These two are my spawn,” He ruffled the Taf’s hair, which prompted a please-Dad-stop whine. “And Gracie is my she-demon.” That prompted a slug on the shoulder from Gracie. Steve was tall, muscular, with thinning hair, strong face and large hands. His handshake was firm, professional; he was accustomed to meeting people and putting them at ease. “You are Danny’s boyfriend.” he stated, did not ask. “You have your hands full there.” Then he grinned, “or more likely an ass full.” I blushed. “It took me awhile,” Steve continued, “To appreciate the unusual rearing habits of Horse and Crystal--so open to self-expression and unencumbered nudity. Their views on sexuality was a shock to my strict Lutheran upbringing that I almost abandoned the love of my life,” He glanced at Gracie. “After thirteen years, I have learned that sexuality, in all its forms, are God’s gift to us and not to be refused or seen as an embarrassment  like grandma’s knit sweater, ugly and ill-fitting, only to be worn when required.” He looked down at me, I had not realized at first how tall he really was, well over six feet. “What I am saying Timothy is welcome to the family.” I was pulled into a hug that Gracie, Taf and Tar soon joined. “Let’s eat,” he said as he pulled out of the group hug and led us to the table.

“Can I sit by you, Timothy,” Taf asked shyly. Danny and I sat next to each other at a large picnic table.  Taf squeezed in by my side and Tar squirmed in next to Danny, as she wanted to be part of us like Taf. Taf was next to me, close, hip to hip, leg to leg, a protuberance out of myself.  I was a little uncomfortable with the intimacy, but Taf seemed shy and reserved, so I went with the flow.        

The conversation flowed around the table; the topics similar to when Danny met my parents: college, interest, family, myself, Danny. They were not reticent about sharing Danny’s misguided youth. How Danny stopped being bullied by showing up to school one day with a big sign around his neck, “I’m gay, you touch me, you must be too.” Some of the teachers objected, but the principal said it was freedom of speech and was not outside the school’s dress code.

“The sign worked, mostly,” Danny grinned, “for the first few weeks, some of the jocks would push each other into me. I’d kiss them, everyone would laugh. A few returned to be kissed again.” Danny gave a devilish grin. “Being open gay gave me many girl friends. I became the intermediary for budding romances. A guy didn’t get my seal of approval, the girls shunned him. I was popular with the guys too.” another grin.

“I didn’t officially come out in high school,” I said since we were sharing, “I was not in denial. I just didn’t talk about it. I was on the swim team and the soccer team, which had a higher proportion of gay guys than football or basketball. But I did learn a few things to do or not do, particularly the not do. Don’t give a blow job just after eating a peanut butter sandwich.” That garnered a laugh from everybody. Taf slid a little closer to me, I was uncomfortable but I did not move. Danny noticed my discomfort and pulled his head around me to face Tar, “Kid you horning in on my boyfriend?” Tar blushed and moved away from me, fractionally.

“You better treat your man right,” Gracie belted out from the other side of the table. “He may toss you for a younger man.” Everyone laughed. Tar laughed too, not sure why he was laughing.

“Finally, here,” boomed a voice of a tall, lithe, almost elfen, blonde wearing sweets. Beside him was a voluptuous red-head. “Syble couldn’t decide what to wear. Like any of you care.” She punched him in the gut; he just smiled at her in adoration. She wore an emerald green frock the flared half-way up her thighs. She had legs and wanted to show them.

“Glad you made it for dessert.” Horse bellowed. “Zak, Syble just horn your way into a seat. Zak came over and horned his way in between me and Tar; Tar was not happy.

“So,” Zak leaned in close to me, “your my baby bro-in-law boy.” I fumbled a yes. “He likes it rough? You able to satisfy him?”

“My whip seems to make him purr.” I smirked back. I was not going to be goaded or be submissive. I reached over and firmly pinched Danny’s left nipple--he yipped. “He is mine, and I handle him just fine.”

Zak laughed loud and long, “Like you kid. You're good for my bro. He needs a strong hand. Just ask my wife.”

I smiled at Zak and said, “Yes, she needs to have a strong hand.” Unknown to Zak, she was standing right behind him. She reached over and pinched his nipple hard, then forced her way between Zak and me. Tar was further removed from me and was now frowning. Syble introduced herself and we started a conversation on how to handle the Duncan men. Danny and Zak glanced at each other behind our backs. Zak mouthed “we’re lost” to Danny, who rolled his eyes in despair. Syble and I just grinned at each other and continued dishing. I liked her. She was strong, funny, and evil.

The meal progressed with amiable conversation mixed with ribbald comments and sex jokes. I offered Danny, Tar, and Taf and me to clear the table while the rest could lounge by the pool. Danny and Taf were not happy about it but Tar beamed. A firm glare at Danny solved his issue and Taf wanted to do what Tar wanted, so no argument ensued. Heard Gracie tell Crystal that I was a good man for Danny, I walked a little prouder.

The four of us quickly cleared the table and cleaned the after meal dishes. Taf was like a puppy following me and doing everything I asked. As the last plate was put in the dishwasher and the last pot scrubbed in the sink, Danny slapped my shoulder and yelled, “Pool time.” He ran out of the kitchen toward the pool pulling off clothes as he went until by the time he reached the pool he was naked. I followed, but did not remove my clothes until the edge of the pool, hesitant. Tar blew past me throwing himself butt naked wildly into the pool. He surfaced and splashed water at me, “Chicken,” he yelled.

I stripped and dove in. A careful swan under water until I saw his legs, and grabbed, pulling the surprised kid under. “You mess with me, you pay.” I said as he sputtered water from his mouth. That started a water fight between the two of us that Danny quickly joined, then Zak, Horse, Taf, Steve, David, Gracie, and Crystal. Peace and Syble stayed safe far away from the pool gossiping. This soon morphed into a game of water polo with Zak, Tar, Danny, David and I on one side and Taf, Gracie, Crystal, Steve, and Horse on the other. Crystal was a fierce competitor. She had no qualms about grabbing my balls to gain the advantage. We lost. And were forced to serve drinks for one hour. Of course we made Taf do most of the running.

Danny and I slipped off to the jacuzzi to make out. No one seemed to mind, in fact they seemed to expect it. Deep into kissing and fondling I saw Taf standing at the edge of the jacuzzi. He was naked, boy cock to use, and shifting foot nervous. “Yes?” Danny asked, more curious than annoyed.

“Can I watch you fuck?” Taf said. Having just emerged from blowing Danny, I was mouth deep in the water and snorted water in and coughed it out.

“Why?” Danny’s voice was calm. His reaction was neither shocked, offended, or encouraging; it was just curious.

“Wana see how guys do it. Seen how guys and girls do it.”

“Where did you see guys and girls do it?”


“And you didn’t look for guys on the Internet?” Danny challenged..

“Yeah,” Taf blushed, “but I’d like to see it real.”

“What you want,” Danny said firmly, “is to see Timothy fuck me.”

Taf shifted very uncomfortable. “Yeah,” he put his head down. “He is so hot.”

Danny just laughed, “That he is dude, but what you are asking for is a very private act between people. Most people do not like a peanut gallery.”

“I wasn’t gonna eat peanuts,” Taf said softly, I could not help but laugh.

“What do you know about sex?” I asked.

“Everything,” Taf boldly said.

“Have you ever had sex?” I asked, certain of the answer.

“No.” in a hushed voice.

“Then you do not know anything about sex.” I softly said. “What you see on the Internet is fake, it is made to turn people on, but is is not true sex, not making love.”

Taf stood silent, but did not move. “If I watched you, I could learn?” He shot me a grin then bowed his head.

“How old are you Taf?” Danny asked.

“Eleven soon twelve?”

“Have you ever ejaculated?”

“Huh.” Taf face looked panicked, “ejastlate.”

“Ejaculated,” I added, “is like pissing except it is white and creamy.”

“I don’t think so.” Taf answered dejected.

“You will in a few years,” I soothed.

“Sometimes, I wake up and my sheets are wet and smell full, but not like piss,”

“And what about your penis then?”

“It is swollen like from a spider bite. I get worried, but it goes down.”

Danny and I laughed, “The swelling is part of becoming a man, and the damp sheets is you ejaculating during the night.” I explained, “It is perfectly normal and not to be afraid of.”

“Hey guys, what you discussing so seriously.” Gracie slid into the jacuzzi.

Danny looked at Gracie and casually said, “Taf wants to watch Timothy and me have sex.”

Gracie paused and looked at Taf. “Did you ask to watch them?’

“Yes, mom.” Taf meekly said, then hurriedly added, “but you always said to not be afraid to talk about sex.”

“I am not upset with you Taf; I remember saying that and you are correct. But sex is something that many people do not like to talk about. I meant you could ask me or your dad anything, Or family.” Gracie added.

“Danny is family.” Taf countered.

We all grinned, repressing a laugh. “That is true.” She looked at us. “What was your response to his question?”

I was flumox for a response, Danny responded, “We talked about sex and how private it can be. We asked about his knowledge of sex. He is having nocturnal emissions, so puberty is coming. But we never answered his question.” Danny paused and looked at me. “Frankly, you are the one to decide first before we decide.”

“Yeah, I am his mother.” She motioned Taf to join us in the jacuzzi. “My little boy is growing up and needs to learn about this, particularly since he is obviously gay.” She pulled Taf into an affectionate hug. “While I might wish him to stay innocent until he is 21, I must be realistic and  look out for him now.” She gave Taf a kiss on the forehead then looked at Danny and me, “I am willing if you are. But I need to talk to Steve first while you two decide if you want this little squirt involved.” Gracie puller herself out of the jacuzzi.

I looked at Danny, uncertain, then looked at Taf looking at us expectantly. “I don’t know, this is way too weird. I mean he is only eleven.”

“Almost twelve.” Taf interjected.

“Almost twelve,” I amended “but, but he is a kid and I am six years older.”

“Know what you mean, man,” Danny said, “but Brad was more than six years older than you. So six years is not the issue.”

“No, right. But Brad is an adult, I guess it is maturity.”

“What grade are you in Taf?”

“Ninth, I skipped two years ahead,” Taf said proudly, “I am smart.”

“No doubt you are smart,” I smiled at Taf, “but being mature is how you use your smarts.So tell us why you want to watch Danny and I make love?”

“My penis swells when I imagine it.”

Danny and I both laughed. “That is a start, but that is physical. What is going on in your head that wants this.” I continued.

“As mom says, I’m gay. I’ve known that I prefer boys naked over girls naked since third grade when I saw Mr Weinstein's penis.”

“Did he do anything to you,” Danny asked, very concerned.

“No, you know how he likes to wear loose gym shorts while mowing the lawn. He had a short pair on and as he pushed the mower his dong would peak out. It was so lovely I could not take my eyes off of it. I finished ninth grade and the kids, specifically boys, are always talking about sex and whose hot. They say a lot of things,mostly boasting I think, but it does not sound right. I need to know what boys do together so I do not screw up when I get my first boyfriend.”

“Do you have a boyfriend now?” I asked.

Taf hesitated. “Maybe, but he is fourteen and doesn’t know I like him.” a shy smile, “yet.”

“Once you snag this stud, Taf, what do you plan to do with him?” I asked with reserved humor.

“I don’t know. See that is the problem. I don’t know how to be gay. That is why I need you.” Taf’s hands threaded through the water in obvious frustration.

Danny looked at me and I shrugged. “Taf,” Danny said, “could you go get us a beer while we discuss this.” Taf jumped out of the jacuzzi and scampered away. “What do you think?” Danny said looking at me.

“He is only eleven,” I tried to point out.

“Almost twelve and soon to be a sophomore in high school. What did you know about gay sex as a sophomore?”

“Nothing.” my statement was emphatic but not decisive, “I wish someone had mentored me when I was younger. It sure would have prepared me for the onslaught of hormones and increased my confidence.”

“I guess we have made a decision.” I nodded weakly. Taf returned with Gracie and Steve, and two beers. Danny motioned everyone to sit while both of us took a big gulp of beer.

“Steve and I talked this over.” Gracie said to us. “It was not our first conversation on this topic since we knew Taf was gay for a few years. Our biggest concern is that Taf learn to be proud and gay. That he learns to respect his body and the body of his partner.” Danny and I both nodded agreement.

“But it is also important to us,” Steve chimed in, “that he learn about sex from a responsible source, from someone he respects and admires.” I shifted uneasily. “Taf has really taken to you Timothy. You are level headed, thoughtful, and bossy.” Steve looked at me with a smile, “I mean that in a good way. I saw how you got my kids to pitch in to clean up. God, I wanted to bring you home so you could do that there.” Gracie laughed with an agreeing nod. “So bottom line is we trust you to start teaching Taf how to be gay in a most positive way.”

“I’m honored at your trust in me, but I am uncertain. I’m only eighteen and still exploring my own sexuality and its limits. There must be better choices.”

“That response reassures me that you are the right choice. You and Danny will respect my son, challenge him and show him what he needs.” Steve looked me in the eyes.

“I worry tremendously as Taf enters tenth grade. He is physically two years younger than all of his classmates.” Gracie said, “He has two years less experience than them. It is too easy for him to be misdirected, misguided, or abused unless he has the strength inside himself. We, his parents, cannot give that to him. That has been our worry.”

“You know you have a great kid here,” I said. “He had the fortitude to approach us about this, so he knows, like you, that he needs to learn.” Gracie and Steve nodded with pride. “He will do ok because he is pushy.” That earned a firm laugh from everyone but Taf. “But Danny and I both understand your worry and it is valid.”

“What Timothy is trying to say is ,” Danny broke in. “we will do it.” Taf bounced like a pogo stick and ran over to sit between us.

“There is one condition.” I said sternly looking at Taf, “You will obey us completely. You don’t; you're out on your ear. Understand?”

“Yes sir,” Taf quickly responded with a radiant grin.

“We can start now,” Danny said, “since everyone is agreed and everyone is here. After today, we will meet once a week, date determined by Timothy and my work schedule. Sometimes it may be just one of us. Is that ok”

“Just like soccer camp except sex camp.” Steve laughed, “we’re good with that, right Gracie?”

“Yes, and thanks Danny and Timothy.” Gracie moved over to give each of us a kiss. “It is a relief to know our son will be in good hands and learn how to be a proper gay man.”

“Does this mean I get to watch you fuck now?” Taf asked, jumping up from between us.

“No, Taf,” I said, “it does not mean that. Today is basic. In the future maybe.” Danny and I pulled ourselves out of the jacuzzi and Tar immediately grabbed both our hands pulling us along. I shrugged; Gracie and Steve just laughed and shooed us along.

Up in Danny’s room, Taf bounced like a sprung jack-in-the-box. “Taf, you understand that Danny and I are your teachers.” I frowned putting on my best Mrs. McClellan face, ex-army, my third grade teacher, whose mere presence made me crap my pants. I seldom saw a smile on her face except when I did very well. I dreaded her at the time but today I would thank her.

“Yes, Timothy”

“As we are your teachers, you will address us as sir, treat us with respect, not back talk, and do as we say?” I gave Taf a stern Mrs. McClellan scowl.

“Yes sir,” Taf meekly replied, head bent.

“First, boy, you will stand up straight, shoulders back, head held high. You are a proud gay man, and not a snivelling faggot.” Taf stood up straight, a little soldier. “Second, boy, you must be proud of your body. It is yours for a lot of years. Treat it right now, it will treat you right later. Third, boy, (I liked calling him boy--power rush) your mind must be sharp and learned. You will do your homework each day, seek help when you need it, and use one thing that you learned in school outside of school at least once. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” Taf squirmed. The usually eleven-year old body doing what it needed--movement.

“Fourth, to make your body stronger you will exercise everyday. To make your mind strong, when you see us, you will tell us what you have learned.” I paused seeming for dramatic effect but more unsure where to go next. Then a lightbulb. “To make sure you exercise each day and use what you learn you will write down each day in a notebook how you exercised, how long you exercise, what you are studying and how you used it. Repeat that back to me?” Taf did with some hesitancy. He was not certain that he liked what I required; it did not fit his expectation of Danny and me fucking like monkeys, but he knew I was in charge and to get to the fucking like monkeys he needed to do as I said.

“If you do not show us your notebook each class with us, you will face the consequences,” I saw Danny hold his lips tight to avoid laughing. “Understand, boy?”

“Yes, sir.” Taf said quietly.

“I did not hear you, proud gay boys do not whisper answers.”

“Yes, sir.” Taf responded loud and clear with a hint of a smile.

“Now stand straight, hands behind your back.” Taf immediately and gleefully responded. I asked Danny to get me a riding crop. He looked at me concerned but did. Danny returned with the riding crop, I put the tip under his chin, I saw a look of both panic and determination in his eyes as he looked straight at me. “When I said stand straight, it als means not to move, fidget or squirm.” He looked at me funny, still was a foreign concept.  Before me was a naked eleven-year old: hairless, slim, trim, baby-faced, and baby genitals--an apple not yet ripe for picking. I was suddenly aware of our responsibilities to help him be independent, self-worthy, and strong regardless of whether or not he is gay. “Danny, please visually inspect our student.” Danny, deliberately slow, walked around Taf making umms and huff as he inspected. He nodded his approval.

“If I asked you to suck my dick, what would you do?” I asked Taf.

Taf went immediately to his knees, in front of my crotch. “I would suck you dick.”

I put the tip of the crop under his chin, gently raising his face to look up at me. “Wrong answer. Very wrong answer.  You never do anything sexual just because they ask. How should he have answered, Danny?”

Danny was startled by the sudden inclusion of him in this session. He stuttered a bit, “If it is Timothy asking I’d be on my knees gobbling his sausage like a hungry trucker.” Danny looked at me, I rolled my eyes. “But this is because Timothy is my boyfriend, and I trust him and like him alot. Otherwise I would say no. Sex should be with people you care about, you trust to treat you right. If a man stopped you on the street and wanted to give you a ride home, what would you do?”

“I’d run and tell mom or dad.”

“That is the right answer, Sometimes the man in the car that you do not trust might be a neighbor, a boy at school, or someone in authority, like a teacher or minister. If you do not want to do something, don’t. Just because they asked, say no. It is always fine to say no.”

“You understand, Taf?”

“Yes, sir, but I really want to suck your dick.”

I laughed, “Not happening.” I handed the riding crop to Danny. “Would you point out the erogenous zones on Taf body?” Danny stripped. “Exhibisionist” I muttered. “Voyeuristic perv” he muttered back

“This is a male body,” Danny said stroking down from chest to crotch on Taf  with the edge of the crop . “In the next few years your body will change like mine did when I was about your age. What feels good now to you will change too. Your penis,” Danny touched the tip of the riding crop to the tip of Taf’s penis, “Will be the most sensitive for sexual pleasure. Touch it, play with it.” Taf did, resulting in a small response. “As you get older, your penis will expand when it wants sex. Believe me it will do it on its own just to embarrass you.” Danny pointed to his hard rod. “This is called an erection, hard-on, boner, woody and several others not-for-public-use words. The tip of the penis is the most sensitive…” I sat back on Danny’s bed and watched in fascination as Danny went through a dozen erogenous zones using himself and Taf for comparison and contrast.

Danny was still going strong 45 minutes later to an enraptured Taf when Gracie yelled up, “Ice cream and Crystal’s pecan pie by the pool now.”

Danny stopped but did not  dress, Taf ran naked yelling from the room. I looked at him gobstocked. “What?” he asked. “Crystal’s pecan pie is heaven on earth. If you don’t move now I’ll eat your piece.” I shoved him on the bed to gain an advantage and raced to the pool ahead of him.

I didn’t need to worry because she had baked several, but I did see the rush because it was amazing; not too sweet, rich buttery filling, and chocolate lining the crust. I sighed with my mouth full when asked if I liked it. I said it was better than Danny’s cum. That provoked a laugh from everyone but Danny, who threatened to withhold all his juices from me. I attacked Danny pinning him to the ground, Taf and then Tar joined in. Soon Steve and Horse joined by holding Danny’s legs and arms. I looked at Taf and Tar. “Do you think we can tickle him enough so that he pees himself like a baby?” That was all I needed to say and the two kids were on him like voracious leeches. Danny squirmed, screamed, wailed and cursed. I sat holding  his head between my knees so he was forced to look at me. “Bro, you thought you could deny me what is mine? Your juices are mine when and where I want them. You got that?” Danny , managed to get out a Fuck you. Crystal came over and offered advice to the kids on places that Danny was particularly sensitive. He yelled traitor glaring at his mother. I adjusted my position without losing my hold and kissed Danny deeply. “If you withhold, I can to. Like my dick in your hole? Like how I make you shoot? Like how I feel in bed?” Danny grinned wide. “Then submit or my minions will not relent?”

“Shit,” Danny screamed, “Uncle, I give up.” The kids stopped, reluctantly, looking at me for permission to continue.

“What am I allowed to do to you?” I smiled kindly at Danny.

“Anything you want, sir.” Danny smiled back, obviously enjoying the whole rough play.

“Are you going to withhold anything, deny me anything?” A spread my knees so they were not holding his head.

“No sir nothing.”

“Good boy.” I looked at the twins, “We make good partners.” I glanced down and saw the fluid dripping from his penis. I pointed to the spot and said, “Mission accomplished.” I did not tell them it was not pee.

Horse and Steve helped pull myself up, “Hell, Timothy,” Horse said with a loud guffaw, “Wish I had thought of this technique to bring Danny to heal when he was a kid. Sure would have saved both of us a lot of grief.” He swung his arm around my shoulder, “Let’s get us a drink, you coming Steve?”

As I left buddy armed between Horse and Steve. I saw Danny scoop up Taf and Tar mid torment of his wetting himself and throwing them both into the pool, him following, all laughing.

Gracie joined us at the patio bar, “Thanks Timothy, I can already see more confidence in Taf.” Steve voice agreement. “What did you do?”

“It was the riding crop.” Gracie stiffened. “I remembered the movie Patton and how he intimidated without using it. I held it to demand his attention and respect. I lectured him on pride, self-respect, and the value of saying no.” I looked steadily at Gracie to reassure her that her son was not harmed. “The tip under the chin got his full attention.” “We need one” Steve interrupted with a laugh. “Oh, Taf’s sheets may be a little messier. Danny gave Taf tips on places he might like to touch when he jerks off.”

“Guess, Taf will need to learn how to do laundry.” Gracie laughed. She then pulled me into a hug and a light kiss on the cheek. Thanks.” She turned to Steve, “Time to take the brats home.” She turned to me, “Unless you want to take ownership?”

I laughed, “I’ve got enough with Danny; don’t need two more kids.” Gracie laughed in agreement while Steve went to gather the twins.

I followed Steve, Gracies, Tar and Taf to the door. Taf gave me a great hug around the hips. “Thank you sir,” he said loud and firm, “I want to grow up to be like you.”

“Wrong answer kid.” I pushed him away. “You need to grow up to be just like you--proud, strong, smart, kind.” I kissed him on the forehead. Steve shook my hand and said, “Glad to have you in the family with or without Danny.” Gracie gave me another kiss on the cheek; I thought I saw a tear at the edge of her eye. “Taf, I need to make sure your grades are good before we start our classes.” I turned him to face the door, swatted his butt hard and pushed him after his family.

Horse put his arm around me, buddy fashion, “What Steve says is true, we like you Timothy, and while right now you and Danny are boyfriends, you both are only eighteen. You have a lot to experience, and you most likely will find other people. That is how life is. I had several serious romances before I met Crystal, my true and now only love. What I am saying kid is enjoy your time with Danny, see where it goes. But regardless of anything between the two of you, you are always welcome here.” I did not know what to say so I said nothing.

Crystal decided to add her say, “Horse is right Timothy, we like you. You are very good for Danny, but Danny has further to go to find himself. That can make any relationship difficult. How you handled Taf, shows some maturity beyond a normal eighteen year old. How you treat Danny is as an equal without all the romantic ‘he is so perfect’. I know he is far from perfect. And I know that whatever happens between you, you will be his friend.” She grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

This was getting too deep for me so I asked, “Is Taf and Tar the twin’s real names?”

Horse and Crystal laughed, “No, it’s Ben and Sara. Their mother gave them the nicknames while she was nursing. Ben always clung to her nipple while feeding. He was like taffy pulling away he latched on so firmly. Gracie says her right breast is two inches longer than the left. Sara just pushed into her and stuck like tar. Now we have Taf and Tar. I like the names; it seems to suit them.”

“Got them off?” Zak asked as we entered the patio. He was sitting next to his wife, Syble, who was nursing a martini. Zak patted the empty seat next to him so I sat. “You’re my baby bro’s boyfriend?” I replied with a tentative yes. “Good, he needs someone to take charge and satisfy his darker needs before he gets himself into trouble. Don’t get me wrong, I love Danny to death, but his lust for kinky sex can get him into deep shit if he connects with the wrong people. I do not want to see him hurt emotionally or physically.” He poured me a martini from the pitcher. “Are you into that scene too?”

I paused deciding if I wanted to answer, but Zak was honestly concerned and I could understand why. “I am exploring my limits, so Danny and I have experimented together. Some of it is fun, inventive, and orgasmic, but others will not be me.”

“Smart man, Timothy,” Zak said. “I’ve been down that road that Danny is on. It may be exciting at first, but it can become addictive until you lose yourself to the pain and endorphins or to some SOB who uses you. Fortunately, I was saved by Syble.” She raised her glass in salute to both of us. “Syble satisfies all my needs. She is very inventive without needing to destroy my ego.” I looked at Syble in surprise; she smiled back at me--it was the first time I’ve seen her smile--her eyes, however, were ice blue. “Why don’t you and Syble talk. I want to spend some time with my bro.” Zak left and joined Danny by the fire pit. Syble and I talk, or more, she instructed and I learned.

We talked for well over an hour until Crystal and Horse brought out leftovers for supper. We chatted through a convivial supper. Zak was an architect and Syble an interior designer, but they seldom worked on projects together. They did bounce ideas off each other though. I enjoyed watching the dynamic synergy between them; it was intelectual and erotic. We talked about Gracie and Steve and the twins, David  and his lack of commitment to Peace. I was drinking more than I should, but I still felt sober and alert.

“Timothy,” Danny broke into a conversation about global warming, “I have a couple of friends coming over tonight, thought we might use the playroom if it is OK with you?”

“You are my social planner this weekend,” I grinned at Danny, patting the inside of his thigh. “Like to meet your friends.”

“They want to meet you too.” Just then, two young men walked onto the patio. Both were tall, thin and muscled, not in a bodybuilder's way, but sinewy.  Both wore tank tops and loose jersey shorts; both obviously freeballing by the movement as they walked. “Hey Danny,” the both chimed. “This your boy?” The African American with dreadlocks said as he walked over to me.

“Naw, dude, I ain’t his boy. He don’t own me. I’m the boyfriend, his better.” I stuck out my hand for a shake, which he returned with a grin and a pat on the shoulder.

“Timothy, this is Ed and Damien, friends from high school.” Danny said as I shook hands with the tall, dark haired and fair skinned Ed.

“Yeh, Danny, Damien and me were very close in school. Right kid?” Ed punched Danny in the shoulder. I then realized that friends was a generous term for their relationship, more like fuck buddies with Danny most likely the fuckee. “Want to play games one last time before we all head different ways?” Asked Damien as a statement.

“You  gay, straight, bi or fluid.” Damien asked as we got to the stairs to the basement. I said gay, “Cool man, Ed and me are straight, but Danny has the best mouth and pussy in town. No girl does it better.”

“Aw guys, flattery will get you my ass every time,” Danny sweetly said.

“Danny boy would give us blow jobs before games to relax us and  his fine ass after if we won. He is one fine bitch.” Ed pinched Danny’s ass, which prompted Danny to squeak in a high falsetto. Both boys had their tanks off by the time we reached the bottom of the stairs.

“Strip,” Damien said looking at both of us. Danny immediately did with an eager smile.

“I’m not your bitch so no,” I said. My refusal startled them and they paused to look me over. I was nervous that they would grab and strip me themselves.

“Fine dude,” Ed said after they processed my refusal. “Just never new a gay boy to not drop his pants when an alpha male commanded.”

“Danny was our bitch, and we could do anything to him, and he never refused.” Damien added. “Didn’t know gay boys could be butch

“I’m not Danny and I'm an alpha male. Many gay men are butch, so butch that if you said what you just said to me, they would have you pissing in your pants just with a glare.” This tough facade was not in my nature, but neither was I a pushover to two scranny jocks. I like this aggressive side to me. “If you have the balls, step into the Swing, it's a gay leather bar on Russell. Been there a couple of times. I only go with a leather friend since I’m under 21; otherwise my ass would be Michigan Avenue at rush hour. One of the bartenders is over 6’ 5 and an easy 300 pounds, and that is not fat. Saw him once pick up two obstreperous drunk dudes, one under each arm, chain them to a beam in the back bar and whip them until their skins were lobster red. Once done he said their asses were open for business. By the time my friend and I left, each dude was leaking so much cum on the floor, they put Caution Wet Floor signs by them to warn people to walk carefully.” Four eyes were wide with disbelief, Danny’s mouth was open in surprise that I had been to such a place. I did not need to say that I spent less than 30 minutes in the place; even with my escort, my teen ass was a red cape to a bull, so we post haste.

“Sorry,” Damien said sheepishly, “didn’t mean to offend. Danny here is our only contact with gay boys, men, so ….” He sputtered to a stop.

“You’re both going to college. Can’t let you go ignorant.” By now Danny had unlocked his playroom and positioned himself on the sling. I cuffed Danny’s arms to the back chain and, raising his legs so his ass showed, cuffed his legs. “Nice ass right?” I asked as they looked at Danny shocked by my attitude. Obviously they never did more than get sucked and fuck Danny. I was feeling dominant, and these two straight boys were mine to use. “Why does Danny like to get fucked?” That earned blank stares; this was a concept they never thought about.

“Guess, he likes being used.” Ed tentatively said.

“Yes he does, but what does he get out of it?”

“Figured it was a psychological aberration,” Damien said. He looked at me for approval of his right answer.

“Wrong dude,” I smiled slowly, “It feels amazing. Getting fucked is almost the same as a girl getting fucked. You fuck a girl right, she has an orgasm that makes you a hero. Same with all guys. Fuck them right and they have an out-of-this-world orgasm.” I looked at Danny, “Right, getting fucked feels good.”

“Hell yes,” Danny grinned back at me, “if the guy knows what he is doing.”

“On your knees boys.” I commanded. “You're too tall to see what I am going to do to Danny’s ass that he will love.” Damien and and dropped to the floor, one on either side of me. I slowly ran my finger around the rim of his hole; Danny moaned. “This area is very sensitive and a gentle rubbing is pleasurable. I ran my finger around and around and then started randomly inserting just a tip of my finger. “.Notice Danny’s erection, how hard he is. Does he look like he is in pain?”

“No, sir,” they both responded, I was surprised by the sir, but let it slide.

“This is just the appetizer for Danny. Of course you both have fucked him and that means you need to insert your dicks inside.” I smiled at both boys, who nodded an enthusiastic yes, “But,” I licked on my finger and slide it into Danny’s rectum. I quickly found his prostate and started massaging. Danny moaned a fuck that feels good. Both boys looked at Danny and then at me. “Like women have a cliterous, men have a prostate. If suitably massaged it can induce great pleasure. Watch.” I fingered Danny; he moaned and howled in pleasure, lost to everything but the sensations in his body. “I could if I wanted to make Danny cum with just my finger massaging his prostate. But that is too easy. Danny needs more.”

I went over to the wall and selected three dildos of different sizes. “Which do you think I should use on him?” I asked Damien and Ed, still on their knees. The both selected the smallest. “Good choice because we don’t want to hurt Danny. He is my boyfriend.” pausing as I ran the dildo around Danny’s hole. “But to be fair, you both need to be naked too. You are participants and not observers.” They both disrobed without standing.” I was impressed by their attention to my orders. “This didlo is for wimps,” I said as I placed the smallest dildo on the sling beside Danny. “This is for a man.” I took the largest, which was only about 7 inches and maybe 3 and half thick. I handed it to Damien, who was less timid, “Put it in your mouth, feel how big it is.”

“Damn, that’s gotta hurt.” Damien said as he pulled the dildo out of his mouth.

“Yes, it does. But a real man can take the pain for the pleasure after the pain.” I spit several times on the dildo and slowly, for the guys’ education, slid it  into Danny. He screamed obligingly in pain; he knew what I was doing and was enjoying the show. I slide it in about halfway. “Holy fuck.” Ed said. “That’s gotta hurt.” I quickly shoved the rest of the didlo in, Danny thrashed violently.

“No dude,” Damien said, “You gotta take it out. He can’t take it. You’re hurting him.”

I slowly slid the dildo slowly out and rammed it back in. “How does that feel Danny?”

“Amazing, give it all to me. Make me come.” Danny said, his face flushed and sweaty.

“See, Damien and Ed, how strong Danny is. He is not some pussy cunt, but a man who knows what he likes, takes the pain and the pleasure.” Damien and Ed were focused on the dildo slowly sliding almost out and then full back in. “Now let’s make Danny come, but I need your help.” The both looked expectantly at me, cocks hard. “If you would each take a nipple, like you would a girl's tits, and lick them. But Danny is tougher than any girl, so I want you to bite and pull on them.”

When both boys were eagerly on Danny’s nipples, I started to plow him earnestly with the dildo. Danny was in a fifth heaven. He instructed Damien and Ed to suck harder to bite harder. His whole body went rigid, and he screamed. Jism shot onto Danny’s chest, some hitting Damien and Ed, neither of them noticed. “See boys, do you think that Danny liked being fucked?” Damien and Ed were enthralled by Danny’s orgasm and agreed. “Now guys down here by me. You both want to fuck him now.”

Like eager puppies they came to my side. “Danny is now my boyfriend, and you need my permission to fuck him. You can understand why, would you let your girlfriend just fuck anyone.”

“Gotcha dude,” Ed said  with pleading eyes, “You are going to let us fuck him. I mean I am so horny now.”

I smiled, it was gracious and amused, “Sure, I am not possessive of Danny, he is an adult and has control of his body. I know where his heart is even when he is sexed by others. Gay men are far more willing to share. We are less territorial of the body.” I smiled as I rubbed Danny’s ass. “But, you need to be worthy of his ass. You need to understand how it feels to be fucked.”

“What does that mean?” Damien asked, suddenly cautious.

“It means that I will insert a dildo into your rectum and stimulate your prostate while you fuck Danny.” Both boys took a step back. “You saw how Danny loved the anal stimulation. Believe me your orgasm will be mind blowing.” I rubbed Danny’s hole, stretching it a little with my fingers. I could almost hear the boys’ saliva dripping on the floor.

“I get Danny’s ass?” Ed asked. I nodded. “Just a dildo?” I nodded again. “Not the one you used on Danny? That’s too big. Not that I’m not tough enough to take it.” He quickly added. I showed Ed a thin dildo that was about nine inches long. He examined it. “The sex will be mind blowing?” I nodded with a broad smile. “Sure, I’m game.”

“OK, dude, stand between Danny’s legs ready to plunge in, but first let me get your ass ready.” I spread his cheeks and rimmed him.

“Shit that feels sooo good.” I put lube on my finger and played with his hole, which twitched with anticipation. “God, fuck, this is amazing. Who knew.” I slipped a finger in; he winced but did not complain. I soon found his prostate and slowly massaged it. “Holy, fucking shit.” he yelled. “I almost just shot my wad; it feels so good.”

“Now Ed, enter Danny and fuck him. I will slide the dildo in, you should feel it but it should not hurt.” Ed started fucking Danny, I knew he did not have any stamina so he would shot soon. I slide the dildo in, aiming for the prostate. Ed moaned in ecstasy building up speed. I turned the vibrator for the dildo on low. Ed’s head rolled back as his pleasure intensified. I slowly turned up the intensity of the vibrator and Ed screamed, plunged deep into Danny, once, twice, three times and collapsed onto Danny’s chest panting like an overheated dog.  

Ed slowly regained his breath and pulled out of Danny. As he pulled out of Danny, he looked at me,eyes still slightly glazed, “I...amazing...best...never thought…” He sank to the floor, mute.

“So, Damien, you think you might like the experience?” I smiled and pulled some disinfecting wipes from a container and cleaned the dildo thoroughly.

Damien looked at Ed still recovering on the floor, “Danny’s too worn out for me.”

“No way dude,” Danny yelled, “I’m ready for your dick, if you are man enough to give it to me.” Danny rocked the sling so his ass swung toward and away from us.

“Sure, OK, what the hell,” So I loosened Damien’s ass like I did Ed’s. He refused to acknowledge the initial pain of my finger entering his virgin hole. Damien’s experience, while not as intense as Ed’s, left him staggering to a corner. I untied Danny and we stood together waiting for the two guys to return to this reality.

Finally, Danny broke the lethargy, “That was two amazing fucks. The best you ever gave me.” Damien and Ed smiled.

“I think we need something to drink,” I offered and opened the door to the playroom. We winced at the brighter lights of the basement and went upstairs to the patio. David and Peace had left. Horse was alone by the pool bar with a beer.

“Hey guys,” Horse bellowed, “looks like you all need a stiff drink.” He poured four tequila shots. “Did your games go well and who won?” Horse asked with a sly laugh.

The four boys looked at each other, finally Danny said, “I think Timothy was the master player.” He winked at his father. “Yeah, Timothy sure taught us a new way to play the game.” added Damien. “It was a real eye opener, among other things,” chimed in Ed. Horse just raised his shot glass in salute. We downed ours too.

“Let’s go for a swim.” Danny said, tearing off to the pool with the other naked men following.

The guys horsed around in the pool: splashing, dunking, and grabbing asses. Ed finally stood still. “Did having the dildo up our ass make us gay, because I still like my girlfriends twat?” Damien stopped splashing Danny and looked at Timothy for an answer too.

“Well guys, you had your asses played with and you fucked a guy, what do you think?” I paused and saw panic in Ed and Damiens faces. I laughed, “You’re just too hung up on labels. If it felt good, and you want to do it again, who cares if your gay, straight or bi. Sex is about sharing oneself and not about the labels.”

“Yeh, you are right because I sure as hell enjoyed it.” Damien laughed with me. “But I wish I could get my girlfriend to loosen up and try this with me. The vibrater in my ass while I fucked Danny gave me one hell of an orgasm.”

Danny looked up, “Excuse me, I need to get something.” He rushed out of the pool and into the house.

“Timothy,” Ed said, “you are very good for Danny. I mean me and Damien have made him our bitch for two years in high school. He seemed to enjoy it, but I am afraid that he wants to be subservient and tends to crave abuse. We sort of keep that in check, we really like Danny as a person and never tried to take advantage of him. At least not too much. I mean he does have a great ass and a talented mouth. But what I mean we never abused him, humiliated him, or degraded him.”

“Ed is right,” Damien further commented, “we like Danny as a person; he is funny, he helped us with homework, he is a pal. Since we are going off to college, we worried about who will keep Danny under control. We hope it is you.”

“I like Danny a lot, and your fears are mine too. But I am still learning my limits as an out and proud gay man. He has to find his own limits. I do not know how much control I actually have if Danny heads into sex scenes that I will not follow him into. So far we have done more kinky, but fun stuff, than I ever thought. But some of it was definitely at the edge of what I find good for me. I am not Danny’s boss.”

“We know that, but you sure took charge down in the playroom.” Damien smirked, “Got us exploring limits we never would have thought of, and we found new depth to sex.”

Danny came running back “Got you guys a present, for being best buds.” He handed Damien and Ed each a package.

“What the hell is this,” Damien said as he looked at the package. “Why would I want a butt plug?”

“This is no ordinary butt plug. It vibrates and has a remote control.” Danny said, assuming the two guys would see the obvious advantage. Not getting a response Danny continued. “You put it in your ass while you fuck your girlfriend. She has the remote so the plug’s speed is in her control. She can play with the intensity of the vibration to control your fucking her, fast means go faster, slower means slower. And when you are ready to cum, she can kick into high and both of you can have a great orgasm.”

The light suddenly dawned on Ed, “Hell yes. Gwen just might do this. She is always giving directions when we fuck. Thanks Danny.” Ed leaned over and kissed Danny on the mouth.

“Wow,” Danny said, “I would have given you sex toys more often if it meant a kiss.” Ed laughed and kissed Danny again, full tongue.

“Thanks dude,” Damien said hugging Danny, “but time for me to head home. May play with this tonight as I jack off.” He hopped out of the pool and Ed followed.

After retrieving their clothes and dressing, Danny and I walked them to the door. “So this is it, our last fuck session.” Danny said, clearly sounding melancholic.

“Yeah, think so, but you never know.” Damien said, “very nice meeting you Timothy, take good care of our bud.” He gave me a kiss on the cheek and a man hug. Ed said his goodbyes too, but I got a full tongue kiss from him,

        Danny stood in the door waving as the two men drove away. I put my arms around him, pulling into my chest. “High school is over, bro. On to new experiences.” I kissed him gently on the forehead. As we closed the door, I smacked him on the ass, “All that sex play and I never got off. I want your ass now on your bed.” Danny giggled and off to bed we went. I had a great fuck then we fell asleep.

        I awoke Sunday morning full of energy, except I could not move. Danny was sitting on my chest and my arms were tied. “What the fuck,” I said pissed, confused, and turned on.

        “Thought we would play a little before breakfast. We have an hour, and we have barely used anything in my toy box.” Danny smiled sweetly--a little boy ready to play. He bent over and kissed me while tweaking my nipples, hard. I started to get an erection but couldn’t. I notice a key around his neck, a small gold key to the cock cage. “Yeh,” he smirked, “you’re caged, and I am going to make you come in the cage.” He kissed me again. “Ready to play.” He laughed, “Oh, right, you're tied and caged so you have little choice.”  

        “Fuck you,” I said, my voice was stern and belligerent, but I was also very turned on. I trusted Danny.

        “No,” Danny giggled, “you did that last night. And boy, you were amazing. Now it is my turn to fuck you.” Danny got off my chest and started rummaging through his toy box. “Now what should I do? Feather, nay, tit clamps, nay, but strong suction cups.” He pulled two out and applied then; my nipples expanded into the hollow cone above the base. It was agony, but I knew he wanted a response so I just smiled serenely. “Good, fight it. What else do I have?” He pulled out a huge dildo, a good 14 inches and as thick as a beer can. “Think you can take this all the way up your ass.” He moved down between my legs and played with it around my hole, edging the tip in without lube. “Your hole is too nice to ruin.” He frowned as he threw the dildo back into the box. “Do you trust me?”

        Here I was tied up and he asked if I trust him, “A little late for that question.” I tugged on the restraints. Danny laughs, but the question is serious. “I trust you mostly. No blood, no piss, no shit, no marks that I would need to explain.”

        “I agree to all of those. None of that was what I had in mind. It will be a challenge for you--a new limit. It might be too much for you to handle.” Danny said pushing all my macho buttons to agree.

        “Fine, I am yours. Will I be able to use the safe word pickle?”

        “Yeh, you do need something. I will gag you so you will not be able to speak.” Danny rummaged through his box and attached a bell with string to the headboard. “You should be able to reach this string and pull the cord. Once the bell sounds, I will stop everything. Try it.” I could easily reach the cord and the bell was loud. “Good. now the gag.” Danny shoved what looked like a large black pacifier in my mouth and fastened it to the back of my head. “Can you breath ok?” I nodded, drool was oozing around it. Now I am going to show you what I will be using besides the nipple pump. By the way your nipples are nice and perky. First this dildo will go in you butt.” He waved in front of me what looked like an atomic bomb, a very thick shaft that narrows and then a broad base. “I know it is too fat to just push it in, so I will lube you well and expand your hole before I put this baby in. It has one interesting feature--its got juice.” Danny showed me a metal cock cage. It fit tight with a tube for the urethra  “You may not have noticed the wire dangling from the head of the cage. I attach it to this and we have a circuit.” I tried to protest but the gag only allowed me to moan and drool. “Next I have three whips I will use: cat-o-nine tails, cane, and bat flogger. These will make you red but not cause and lasting marks.” He lay the three across my neck,.” I was starting to panic. Danny saw it and said, “Timothy, if all this is too much for you, just pull the string. Not everyone can take this. I know my first time was tough on me.” I glared at him, determined not to submit. “This is a bag of clips, which I will use on your body as my whim determines.” He emptied a back of about fifteen various sized clamps, clothespins, and binder clips. I heaved up and they all fell off me. “That display,” Danny laughed, “will not prevent them being used.” Danny ran his hand softly across my chest, down my abs, to the cage, which he gently tugged. “Now to the last implement.'' He held up a thin wand. He touched it to my side; an electrical zap shot out; I lurched up. “Not harmful, like a static electricity shock, but effective.” He soothed my hair back, kissed my forehead and then my neck. “Now that we have the implements, we need to prepare you. First ear plugs--won’t even hear yourself scream, and last a blindfold for almost total sensory deprivation except for touch.” He slipped the blindfold over my eyes. “You are so beautiful, Timothy, and we are going to have great fun.” This was the last I heard or saw.

The worst part was the anticipation, which I guess was the whole purpose. Time was not relevant, a minute could be an hour; an hour could be seconds. All that existed was my mind and the flashes of pain. I responded to the pain and my penis clashed with its gage. I suddenly realized that part of me enjoyed everything Danny was doing. The zaps from the wand, the tugging on my nipples, the clamps on my ears, thighs, between the toes and my balls, the sting of the various whips. My ass was slowly stretched until it felt like a soccer ball could be easily inserted. Cold metal went inside my rectum. Danny played with it. The tingle of the electricity flowed through my prostate, up my caged dick and back.

 Danny removed the ear plugs, “You are amazing Timothy. Now I want you to cum.” He turned up the power in the dildo and started jacking me, as he slowly released clamps and my nipple suctions. Pain hit me along with the pleasure of Danny massaging my cock. I could not distinguish pain from pleasure nor which was more intense; they merged--I shot. “Good boy Timothy, you did very well.” He removed my blindfold, gag,  the dildo from my ass and Danny removed the cage and my penis stood proud and free, thrumming with electricity. He gently rubbed my tormented body. “One last thing and were done. I’m going to fuck you and seed you.” So he did, alternation between languorous and frantic. He came in a blaze of glory, a scream of ecstasy. I came again.

Danny collapsed on me and so we lay for a long time, if time had any meaning. “That was fucking awesome,” Danny said as he untied me, “You were fucking awesome, man.”

“Boys,” Crystals came from below the stairs. “Breakfast in twenty.”

“Time to shower and soothe my man’s aches.” Danny smiled as he led me to the shower.

Breakfast was served in the kitchen nook. It was just the four of us and mounds of bacon, eggs, toast and the other usual breakfast fixings. “You guys must have slept late because we didn’t hear a sound from your room until just before Crystal called you to breakfast.,” Horse said.

Danny and I looked at each other and giggled. “I know how to keep my mouth shut,” I said and Danny and I giggled again.

“Used the gag?” Horse said with his braying laugh. “Did you have fun with Danny’s playset?”

“Yes, sir, I did.” I smiled at Danny, who winked at me. “He tied me up, limited my senses to touch and had his way.” I felt bold and leaned over to kiss Danny on the lips. “It was an interesting experience, stretched my limits. Can’t say that I will do it often. Just too intense for me. I like to be more in control of what is done to my body.”

“You now know what it feels like,” Crystal said, “you can use that when you are the one in control. Always best to know how your partner feels.”

“Crystal, you make the best eggs,” Danny said, his face was slightly flushed. “And I don’t really appreciate your candor, Timothy, about what we did.”

“Lighten up dude,” I hugged Danny, “you were the one that said you tell your parents everything. And it was just sex, not like we were dealing drugs.” Horse and Crystal laughed.

“Just sex,” Danny said miffed. “Just sex. Nothing special just a guy in your ass fucking you. Just another fuck.”

“Dude,” I said trying to sooth a wounded ego, “just sex, phenomenal sex, but we were not making love. I was a body you were trying to break, to challenge, to explore. You used toys on me because you wanted to test me. I am not complaining because I loved it too. But Danny, making love is sharing each other, like we did last night. So what we did this morning was just sex made special because it was with you.”

“Shit, Timothy.” Danny moaned, “now you make me feel bad because you make it sound that I do not love you and was just using you for my own jollies.”

“Danny, it was my jollies too,” I pulled him into a hug, “I never rang the bell, but you sure rang mine.” I picked Danny up off his chair and threw him to the ground before he could do more than yelp. I pinned him to the ground and looked him in the eye. “Just sex with you is the most exhilarating experience I have ever had. But don’t forget that paybacks are hell. And I know where you live and work.” I gave him a ferocious kiss that started with his lips and traveled to his crotch, which was hard.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Horse suddenly started chanting. So I did. I pulled Danny’s shorts to his ankles , tucking the shorts behind his head so his legs forced his ass high, I unzipped and pulled out my penis. With a plop, a tube of lube landed beside me, I glanced up at Horse, who pointed to Crystal; she smiled. I lubed well and plunged in. It started off driven but slowed to making love. “Danny, I am making love to you. Do you see and feel the difference? I want you to feel me: I want to feel you; I want us to feel together. Danny’s hands were free so he started stroking his rod; suddenly we were insync, each pushing the other to climax. I shot and then Danny did. I slid down and licked my juices from his love chute. Then I released his legs and we hugged. I tucked myself in and pulled Danny standing. Both Crystal and Horse were beaming smiles. “Sorry,” I said to them, “I didn’t mean to do a floor show.”

Horse laughed loud and raucous, “That weren’t no floor show, Though you definitely were on the floor.  Timothy, that was making love, which is a rare gift regardless of the location.”

“That was not just sex,” Crystal added. I blushed red as the full weight of what we just did in front of Danny’s parents. “Don’t be embarrassed, Horse and I know about sex, we have four kids. And I am so happy to know that my youngest has found himself a wonderful man.”

“Yeah and a good fucker too,” Horse laughed. “Come finish breakfast.”

So Danny and I returned to the table, finished off with pecan pie and Bloody Mary’s. After breakfast, Danny and I decided to relax in the jacuzzi; I was a little sore from Danny’s exercise routine. We made love there too.

As we lazed, I noticed that the sun was heading high and time for me to head home. So Danny and I slowly, arm in arm, wandered into the house. We found Horse and Crystal in the family room watching PBS. “Crystal, Horse, I need to get home. I want to thank you for your hospitality, for welcoming me into your family. I truly enjoyed it here. You are absolutely wonderful people and I would like you to meet my parents.” I pause, “They are not as open about sex as you are, but the are good people.”

“I will love meeting your parents, Timothy,” Crystal smiled like a cat, “We are all going out to dinner together in two weeks, You both have that Friday night off.” If someone had hit me with a brick I could not be more shocked. Crystal laughed, “I spoke with your mother this morning. We had a long and delightful chat. She is not as much of a prude as you think Timothy. The six of us are going to dinner at Chez Andre’s. The reservation is for seven.”

“Oh,” I was at a loss, “OK.”

Danny laughed at my discomfort, “This is not to plan a shotgun wedding, is it?” Danny let out a peal of laughter. “Because I ain’t knocked up.”

I smirked at Danny, “That ain’t true, I’ve knocked you up plenty, but just not with a baby.”

As I said my goodbyes at the door, Crystal gave me a package of a pecan pie, which I thanked her for effusively. I told Danny I would see him Thursday to spend time with Taf. I was off home, a bit concerned about what our mothers’ shared. I walked into our family room; my dad looked up and said, “Looks like you had an active weekend. Did you get out of bed at all.”

“Of course we did,” I shot back, “Danny has a playroom too.” My dad just laughed.

“You know I spoke to Crystal this morning?” My mom asked, a little concerned about my reaction. “She is a very nice person; I enjoyed talking to her. You know we have reser…”

I cut her off, “I know at Chez Andres a week from Friday.”

“Are you upset with me for presuming a meeting.”

I sat down on the sofa next to her and kissed her cheek, “No, I want you to meet them. But I must warn you they are far more relaxed then you both are.”

My dad raised an eyebrow. “More than letting you leave the house with a butt plug?”

I blushed, then decided to up him one. “Danny and I made love on their kitchen floor.” No response, flatline, dead air. “At his father’s encouragement.”

“That is nice sweety,” my mom said, “At least you had a chaperone.” I looked at both of them, sitting primly in their well worn places. Then I burst out laughing, they did too.

Next: Chapter 11

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