Timothy and the Lion Boy

Published on Aug 24, 2022


Timothy and the Lion Boy Chapter 10

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Works of fiction are all fantasies about other people's lives. Those lives have their own trajectory of wants and needs, actions and reactions, hopes and despairs. Fiction allows us, the reader, to share their paths, vicariously, without personal consequence. We do not need to approve or disapprove of their actions because it is their lives. Our role is to bare witness and take what we find relevant to ourselves.

This story is intended for adults who like homotropic erotica. Erotica is more about the journey to sexual fulfillment than the event itself. All erotica is aimed for those 18 and older.

© 2020 Boethius Cell


Timothy and the Lion Boy--Chapter 10 The Chains that Unbind

        After New Years, Danny and I video chatted at least twice a week. He looked pale, withdrawn, and troubled. I received a couple of messages from Sean that he was concerned about Danny, that he seemed depressed. I talked to Dale Bladsoe, Danny’s Master in Michigan. He was also concerned. I spoke with Horse and Crystal; we were concerned. But Danny refused to talk about anything.

        How do you convince somebody that you love them no matter what when they refuse to believe you?

        Gradually, our video chatting went from once a week to maybe once every two weeks. He did not return my text messages, emails, or snail mail, I sent funny thinking-about-you cards. Danny was turning away from me; he was running. Brad and I discussed a trip to Danny’s school. As things deteriorated and Danny stopped talking to Brad, we took a trip to U of Michigan.

        Sean and his girlfriend Keshia were somber. They had not seen Danny in over a week although all his clothes and everything were there. We learned he had not attended classes for at least two weeks. Dale Bladsoe had seen Danny three days before. Dale tried to keep Danny at his home because it looked like he had not eaten and was living on the streets. I was beside myself with fear, anger, and worry. Where was Danny’s head? We returned home and told Horse and Crystal about our futile trip. The police could do nothing because his disappearance was voluntary, no foul play. My studies suffered; I was sullen at home, waspish with friends. I needed to center myself.

        For Valentine's Day I received a card from Danny with hearts and kisses and that we would talk soon. I put the card under my pillow. A week later Sean called to say that Danny returned with no explanation, but he returned to classes. I felt relieved. Then the following week Danny called all happy. He said he was coming home on the first weekend in March. I asked if he was going to stay, but he was evasive.

        I sank back into my studies, making up the ground I lost in my academics. I caught myself singing for no reason. Everybody noticed, but said nothing. My Danny was coming back to me.

        The Friday Danny returned, he picked me up from work, took me to diner, and then to Brad’s for hot hot sex. The sex was frantic and desparate but was missing the connection. It was sex and not making love. It was physical without the connection of our minds. We both fucked and were fucked and then Danny fell asleep. We did not cuddle, like we usually did. The pit of my stomach growled with apprehension, while my mind said we have been through a rough patch and need to reconnect.

        In the morning, I sat with Brad, Danny still sleeping, “Things are not right with Danny and me.” I said stirring my coffee into a whirlpool.

        “You both sounded attuned last night,” Brad replied with a smirk.

        “Yeah, we had good sex, but the connection was not there. You’ve seen how psychicly we are joined during sex. It was not there last night. It could have been sex was a good hook up.”

        “Danny has been through a tough time with himself and his addiction to abuse and humiliation. It may take time for everything to settle back to a new normal. Be patient with him. He is still sharing your bed, so things can’t be that bad.” I nodded but was not that sure.

        That afternoon, we spent time with Horse and Crystal. Danny was cordial but remote, like he had other things on his mind. Horse and Crystal sensed the distancing, but made sure that I felt welcome. I was still seeing Ben (Taf), who was well into the first stages of puberty with acne and an oscillating vocal range. It was funny, except to Ben. We stayed for supper, but Danny was the stranger at the table.

        “Timothy,” Danny said hesitantly, “I have tickets for a show I would like to take you too.”

        I was all up for something fun, just the two of us. We never really dated. We were a couple from the first fuck in the lion’s den, but a show would be fun, would be normal. “Sure, that would be great. I would like some time just the two of us.” Danny did not smile.

        We drove to a bank of warehouses on Wabash. It was not an area I would like to be in after dark. It was after dark. Danny parked, and grabbed my hand like a drowning soul. “Timothy, you are very special to me, you will always be very special to me.” He unbuckled his seatbelt and exited the car.

I followed him about a half block down the street, toward a door with a single light above it. I noticed men dressed in leather leading slaves and dog boys into the door. I wanted to throw Danny over my shoulder and run. But maybe Danny needed this, a final farewell, like an alcoholic going into a bar to prove he did not need to drink. Hand in hand  Danny pulled me after him.

Inside the door, I stopped and looked at the Felliniesk carnival: the smell of leather, piss, and cigars; vendors of leather good, whips, and sex toys; men in slings, and the central piss fountain. I was both aghast and aroused. Danny pulled me after him. We paused in front of a thin young man inside a metal cage. Randomly he would yelp in pain.

“Like my little contraption?” An older man, balding with a paunch, said from a folding chair at the side of the cage. “My own invention. Hope to find someone to help me market it.” My look of shock he took as interest. “See there.” He pointed to three spotlights  set away from the cage. “Them photo electric lights. When a person walks in from, it sends a charge to my pet in the cage.” I turned to the hapless person inside the cage as he jumped trying to avoid the sides of the cage, which shocked him randomly as people moved. “Don’t you just love watching it try to avoid the pain,” the man said with a cackle. “More entertaining than watching cockroaches in a frying pan.”  I wanted to ripe the cage apart with my bare hands, except the creature inside the cage kept saying, “Thank you master.”

“Come,” Danny grabbed my hand and pulled me further into the mob, passing a demonstration of a St. Andrew’s cross, passing the piercing booth, passing the hawker of whips, canes, and paddles. Danny’s forward motion was stopped by a mastodon in leather and chains. He stood at least 6’ 4” and 300 pounds. He wore a leather vest, no shirt hiding his greying chest hair, leather pants, and boots to mid calf with bright yellow laces. He was smoking a stub of a cigar. He looked at me and then Danny as if he might use us as toothpicks. I took a step back.

“Timothy,” Danny said with his head down. “This is my new master.” My jaw dropped and my mind emptied. Danny reached into his pocket and pulled out his car keys. “Here are the keys to my car. The title is in your name. Now leave me.”

I went to grab Danny’s hand and pull him away; the man growled at me. “Fours, cunt.” Danny went to all fours at the man’s command. The man took a thick leather collar from his pocket and put it around Danny’s neck, then attached a leash. “Heel.” The man turned and Danny followed like a dog without a look back. I turned and ran from the place, shoving several burly men aside like bowling pins.

Safe in Danny’s car, I grabbed the steering wheel and shook. My mind was in a vortex with nothing to cling to. My breath exhaled but never reinflated. All I could see was Danny on all fours, like an animal being led away to slaughter. Somehow I navigated to Brad’s, not knowing if I ran red lights, cut in front of others, or forced a little old lady with a walker to dive for the curb; “I pounded frantically on Brad’s door.

“There god damn needs to be a fire,” Brad groused, dressed in only briefs. “Oh, hi Timothy. Misplace the key again Danny.” He stopped when he realized Danny was not with me and I was trembling like a frightened dog. “My god Timothy, what is wrong?” I flung myself at him sobbing into his chest. Brad led me into the living room. We sat, my convulsive sobs not abating.  A man, I think I had met, joined us in the living room. “Paul, please pour us three stiff drinks of whisky.” Paul nodded and left for the kitchen. “Timothy, what is wrong. Where is Danny?”

All I could say between heaving sobs was, “Gone.”

Paul returned with the drinks, Brad handed me a glass, almost full. I downed it in one gulp, coughing as it burned sanity back into me. “Gone where? Was there an accident?” Brad was on the edge of panic too.

“No gone. Gone with a master.” I gained some control, looked at my empty glass and continued. “He gave himself as a slave to a master.”

Brad sat still uncertain that he heard correctly. Paul sat down on the other side of me. “There was the leather bondage expo tonight,” Paul said. “Did someone kidnap Danny?”

I sat back on the sofa, my mind whirling as I realized that everything for the past two months was part of his plan to be owned. The thought made me furious at Danny. “I wish. It was a planned meeting.” I told Brad, with Paul carefully listening, that this weekend was his saying farewell to us. I told Brad about our visit with Horse and Crystal, how distant it was. And then I described the man who took Danny away.

“We need to call the police and get Danny back.” Brad fumed.

“Since it was consensual, the police will not get involved unless there is a crime,” Paul said, shaking his head.

“No,” I said, “this is what Danny wants. Let him go.”

“I’m going. I’ll take a cum check,” Paul said with a grin to Brad. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow. But tonight hold Timothy and grieve the loss of a friend.” Paul let himself out.

“I’d give you a sleeping pill, but with the drink it would not be wise. Strip and crawl in my bed. I’ll be in in a second.” Almost catatonic I undressed and buried myself in Brad’s bed.

I crashed into troubled sleep, but not waking until the smell of coffee tickled my nose. Walking into the kitchen area Brad asked how I was. “Shitty, angry, furious, ripped apart, numb.” I sat and stared at the cup of coffee Brad put in front of me. “The fucker gave me his car. Title is in my name. And I was too stupid to figure out what was happening.” I stuck my middle finger into the hot coffee just to feel another distracting pain.”Fuck him, fuck him to hell and back. He is one selfish bastard to hurt me like this. I love him,” I whimpered to Brad. “I love him and this is how he treats me. Runs off with some Neandertal.” Brad said nothing. “Why?” I looked at Brad like he was a wise man on a mountain top “Why?” I looked at Brad for an answer. “Why wasn’t I enough for him?”

“I cannot fathom the mind of Danny. He was always on the edge of darkness. But you need to know that he did love you, but that scared him. Your love for him was a shining star that he was too afraid to wish on.”

I looked at Brad and started to laugh, “That is a real bunch of crap you spouted. Never become a psychiatrist.” We both started laughing, mine was both release and manic, but it felt good. “But it did help, not the way you intended, but it did help. Thank you for being my friend. Now is the hard part. Telling Horse and Crystal that they lost their son.”

“Want me to come with you?” Brad’s offer was most sincere, but I declined. I needed to do this alone.

“Thanks for the offer, but I can handle this. It gives me a chance to sort the events out, pull myself together, and plan a future without Danny. Others have lost loved ones and survived. So will I.” I was not sure if what I said was true, but it felt good to say it. It was hope. “I’ll call you tonight.” I looked at Brad; he needed to grieve too. “We both lost someone important to us, but we have each other.” Brad moved to sit next to me. We hugged. “Sorry I interrupted your evening fun. Paul seems like a nice guy.”

“He is a nice guy.” Brad smiled sheepishly. “I like him alot.” I hugged Brad and said that is good. I dressed and left for Horse and Crystal’s.

        Although Horse and Crystal live in the burbs, it was still Chicago. I walked through the unlocked front door to the patio, where I knew the family would be out enjoying the sun, although the weather was still cold. The patio was turned into a sun porch with windows and a wood stove. “Hiya, Timothy,” Horse bellowed as I entered, “Didn’t expect to see you today, but you are always a welcome sight.” He pointed to an extra chair while he got up to grab me a beer.

Crystal shifted in her chair sensing I was distraught. “What’s wrong Timothy?” She moved closer to me.

“Danny’s gone.”

“He head back to Ann Arbor?” Horse handed me the beer, which I just looked at.

“No, he is gone, gone.” I gripped the side of my legs trying to hold back the tears. Both looked at me confused and concerned. I told them how we went to the expo and Danny left with his master.

“Shit, fucking kid.” Horse swore. “What the fuck was he thinking of? Any idea of where he went? Because I’m ready to show him what a real ass whipping is if that is what he wants.”

“Not a clue.” I softly sobbed. Crystal moved close to me and put her arm around me. We both quietly sobbed. We sat sepulchre silent for a very long time.

Horse finally stood, slamming his empty beer bottle on the table. “Kid’s fucking nineteen. He is of age to make his own decisions, even bad ones. All we can do is be ready when he needs us.” Horse turned and stormed into the house.

“I am sorry Timothy that Danny did this to you. It is very selfish and cruel.”

“Yeah,” I shrugged still in her arms. “I should have seen it coming after New Years, but I doubt any of us could have prevented this.”

Crystal released me from her grip, and wipe tears with the hem of her tank top, exposing more of her breasts than any gay man should ever endure. “You are right, hon. But you are  still part of this family, Taf will be devastated, but I know you will help him. There is nothing that we could have done.”

“This was not a sudden impulse. Danny planned this. I think his new friend allowed him a few weeks to get things in order and to meet to officially start the relationship last night. After he returned to school, all happy and energized, he was still pulling back from me.”

“Same with us, but we chalked it up to embassament at pulling the stunt.”

“Danny gave me his car. He even had the title changed. You can have it if you want.”

Crystal looked at me with a thin smile. “That is good. Please keep it. You need a car now that you are in college.”

“I’m not sure I want it. It will always be Danny’s car.” I started crying. Crystal pulled me into her monstrous bossoms, which was strangely comforting.

“Timothy,” Horse said as he re-entered the poarch. “I called your parents. I don’t think you should be driving.”

“Thanks,” my voice muffled in Crystal’s mammaries. I pulled out, it was like escaping quicksand, and sat upright. “I will be fine. I will heal and move forward.” I looked at the devastated Crystal and Horse, they lost a son. If he died, they could bury him, but lost in some sort of masochistic hell how do you stop worrying, stop missing him, start living. “I lost my boyfriend, my love, but you lost your son. How will you heal?”

“I don’t know,” Horse said, his head in his hands. “Guess we pray and focus on those we have and love them as much as possible. Appreciate their good, tolerate their faults, and love them like there is no tomorrow.” Horse looked up at me. “This includes you. You are part of our family with or without Danny.”

        “What’s the family crisis,” Syble said as she led Zak behind her, still buttoning his shirt.

        “Tell you when everyone gets here.” Horse brusquely said.

        Soon my parents arrived and covered me in hugs like they were spaghetti sauce and I was a white shirt. Then Gracie, Steve and the twins rushed in. Peace and David were not far behind.

        Once everyone was settled with age appropriate drinks, Horse began. “To be blut, Danny ran off with another man.” Noise erupted around the table. Taf looked at me with wide eyes. “We do not know who or where, but he agreed to it. Didn’t tell a soul. The bastard had Timothy drive him to meet the fucker he ran off with.”  Everyone was shocked at the callousness of Danny.

And until Horse said it I had not thought that, but it was true. I gave the love of my life to another man without a word of protest. What kind of boyfriend would let his man go. I was a horrible boyfriend. Crystal moved next to me and whispered, “This was Danny’s decision. You could not have stopped him once his mind was made up. He planned this. He planned to hurt you. I am ashamed that my son did this to you.”

“You are right Crystal, Danny did this.” I looked at everyone, taking strength from their pain. “ but if I chose to be hurt or not, is my choice. How I respond is my choice. I will not hate Danny now or ever. Nor should anyone else. I only hope that he finds what he needs.”

“You are a very fine man,” Crystal said. “Your parents should be very proud of you.”

“We are,” said my mother, who was sitting on the other side of me. Both women kissed my checks, I blushed, but was proud of myself. I knew I needed to speak privately with Taf. Everyone was invited to stay while Horse and my Dad would pick up Italian from Ralph’s.

I pulled Taf to Danny’s room. I looked around the room: at the bed, with the restraints, the toy box, and the mirrors and lost it. Ben, he was a young man, held me and let me cry.

“It’s OK,” Ben said as I gained control. “Danny isn’t the only fish in the sea.”

I looked at  the thirteen year old who unashamedly used a grandma cliche; I lost it in laughter. “Yes Ben, there are. And you remember that too when your heart is broken. Because to love someone always risks a broken heart, but I would not turn back the clock and undo any of my time with Danny.”

“I hope I have my heart broken a few times,” Ben solemnly said, “because I want to fall in love a lot because I saw how wonderful it was between you and my Unc.”

“How did you get to be so smart?” I pulled him into a close hug.

“I’ve had a good teacher who taught me to love myself and then to love others.” Ben pulled away and looked seriously in my eyes. “Will you fuck me?”

I laughed, shaking my head, and released my hug. “No. No and No”

“Worth a shot. Thought maybe rebound grieving sex.”

“You’re one coniving little fucker.” I laughed.

“Not a fucker yet but I hope soon.” He hit me with doe eyes.

“No and no. I will reconsider when you turn eighteen.”

“That’s six year.” Ben took a step away from me. “But you will be an old man by then.”


“Yea, an old man.” He quickly ran from the room so I could not grab him. I stood and looked around Danny’s room. “Goodbye Danny, I love you and have no regrets. Stay well.” I left the room better. I knew I would hurt for awhile but I was stronger than the pain.

That night at home my dad came into my room. “You doing OK Timothy? I know the last day has been a real kick in the nads.”

He was right; I felt like I was kicked in the balls, but I would survive. “Right now I am shaky, but I will survive. It was Danny’s choice and there was nothing I could do. Will I miss him? Will I worry about him? Fuck yes. But it will not stop me from living. I have a great support system with you and Mom, with Horse and Crystal, and my friends. If I get stuck, I will talk to you.”

“Son, I know this hurts right now and part of you will never be the same, but learn to trust your heart and be open to love. People may say that there is only one true love, but they are wrong because they never open themselves to truly love again.” My dad kissed me on the forehead and left. I never appreciated how wonderful and wise my dad was. I needed to tell him and Mom how special they are.

My phone chirped; it was Sean. His red hair, all wild, encircled his peach colored face with several freckles. “Hey Timothy. Sorry to call you so late but I just got back from a weekend away with Keisha.” I heard Keisha yell hi. “All Danny’s things are gone. Did he move back home?”

“No, he has left school to be with another man.”

“He fuck did what?” Keisha’s head bumped Sean’s out of frame.

“Yup, last night he took me to a leather and BDSM expo here in Chicago. Introduced me to this monster of a man and left with him.”

“Left willingly or dragged? Sean asked, still confused.

“The last several weeks Danny has been planning an exit with this man, his master.  Last night I officially handed Danny over and he crawled away from me on all fours like a dog.”

“He planned this for several weeks?” Sean was still looking for the punk.

“Yup, gave me his car keys and his car last night. Changed the title to my name.”

“That is really fucked up, man. On so many levels.” The reality was hitting Sean, “Maybe if the guys here had been more protective or demanding or something this would not have happened.”

“No, nothing you would have said or done, even chaining him to his bed would have changed it. This was totally Danny’s decision. It is what he needs. We may not have wanted it but done is done.”

“How are you doing? How are his parents?” Keisha asked, sharing the screen with Sean.

“Besides the shock of being dumped, I will be good. I spent time with his parents today when I told them what happened. They will adjust, but he is their son and will always be. I will visit them more often, and we will heal.”

“Baby,” Keisha said, turning to Sean. “You ever do anything like that to me I’ll rip your balls off.” Sean and I both laughed, Sean’s a little more forced.

“Don’t worry, Babe. I’ll drug you first so I have a head start.” They kissed. It was so cute, but it hurt because I could not do this with Danny.

We said our good nights. They both wished me well. Keisha stated that she would start looking for me a good boyfriend. I laughed at that with no humor. We said we would stay in contact, but I doubted that we would. Danny was our link; that link was sundered.

It was a strange night of sleep for me. I would sleep solid then awake crying and then plunge back into sleep again. In the morning I was not rested but also not tired. I had class and work. I have a routine to keep at bay the hounds of depression. I prayed often for Danny to be safe. But I would not wait for him to return because I knew that was unlikely.

I would heal. I would be strong. I would hold Danny in my heart, but he would not keep me down.

Next: Chapter 18

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