Tims Strip Trip

By galanthus

Published on Nov 10, 2023


Category Section Gay authoritarian Tim's Strip Trip - Part 8 Filling in the Gaps


Background -- This is the story of Tim, an eighteen year old college student at UCSD with a taste for self-exposure that led to Tim being abducted, auctioned off as a sex-slave. He's now on a ranch outside Jibberding, Western Australia, and no one knows exactly how he and Kyle got there. Kyle is awake, making sense and feeling comfortable with the naked Tony. But what about Tim? How is he doing?


"Is Tim ok? I'm kinda worried about him, he's not woken yet. He's had hardly anything to drink, nothing to eat," Kyle says, worried. Tony replies, shaking his head, "Well Andy's brother, Daniel, said it's natural for the body to close down in an event like this, preserve energy. Andy said Daniel's coming over tomorrow to give you both a check-up, so we'll find out more then." They're both standing over the naked sleeping Tim, "Don't know what I'd do if he doesn't pull thru," says Kyle, hand over mouth. "Hey, no need to think like that, kid." "I should. It was my job to rescue him and look how I mucked that up!" "Rescue him? How? Why? You're no older than him." "I'm two years older but, yeah, that was the job I was on, to rescue him. I am, or was, a police officer." "Whoa, really?" Tony looks the naked Kyle up and down, trying to imagine the boy in front of him in uniform. "Yeah, crazy to think that now, eh? I got him deeper into trouble, not out of it." "You can't know that, Kyle, you really can't." "I know, but I can't help it. It keeps going thru my mind day after day, night after night, all the time ever since I turned up at the lodge." "Hey, you're remembering stuff. You wanna talk about it now? Or leave it til Tim wakes up?" Kyle shakes his head, confused. "I dunno. I'm guessing the sooner I talk the sooner I can make sense of it and the sooner we can find out what's going on." "You could start with both your full names, where you served in the police, any dates you remember, then Andy can get onto his laptop and check things out." "Hmmm, ok. Tim is Tim Street, was a student at UCSD." "UCSD? Where's that?" "University California San Diego." "Oh, ok. So that's where you were in the police, too?" "Yeah. I'm Kyle, btw." "Yeah I know that, kid, but Kyle who?" "Kyle Loughton." "So, you remember when all this kicked off?" "October, year before last? 2022." "2022? No, man, we're in 2026." "No way. Four years? We were held for four years? WTF? I dunno, that's crazy. We never had phones or laptop or news. Four years? Fuckkk." "You didn't know?" "No. I, we, lost track of time. I reckoned on eighteen months tops. But four years. Fuckkk. Bastards, they took four years from my life. And Tim's. WTF were people doing? Were they not out looking for us or something?" "I dunno kid, but now we got names, places, dates, we should be able find something out. Let me go tell Andy and get him to start looking." Tony gets up and walks to the door. "Don't you want to put something on first?" asks Kyle. Tony turns round, looks down and grins, "Reckon Andy's seen me naked enough times not to be phased. Won't be long. Just open the door and holler across the yard if Tim wakes up or anything. Ok?"

Kyle sits on the bed looking at Tim, and then spoons him from behind, feeling his cool body, warming him up, smelling him, breathing him in, "C'mon Tim, wake up. I need you. I want you. I love you." Kyle lies there, remembering the first time he had said that to Tim, apparently nearly four years ago. They hadn't been `in service', as they were told it was called, for long and they were inseparable, leaning on each other for support, Tim had looked at Kyle back then, not knowing how to respond, what to say, Kyle answering for Tim, "Hey, it's ok if you don't love me, we're here for each other, right? The two of us will get through this together, you and me. Ok?" And Tim had nodded, and that had been enough for Kyle, back then.

Kyle felt a hand on his shoulder and jumped, "Huh? Oh, it's you," recognising Tony. "You must have fallen asleep. You were out for an hour." "What, really?" Kyle answers, his arm still round Tim. "Yeah, the two of you looked so peaceful there I thought I best leave you. I gave Andy the info, he said he would get onto it straight away. Also said if Tim was still out of it, we should turn him, make sure he don't get bedsores." Kyle gets up and the two of them shift Tim over onto his right side, facing the room. "You gonna spoon him again?" Kyle nods and lies behind Tim, Tony on the bed in front of Tim so Tim is in between the two of them, Tony up on an elbow, looking over at the two boys, "Don't the two of you look a pretty picture!" Kyle can't help but laugh, "Maybe, maybe." "Telling you, you do." They chat for a while, Tony telling Kyle about his work on the ranch, three weeks on three weeks off, shared with a guy called Craig, who should be back in a few days. Kyle fills Tony in with his family, from San Diego, fourth son, police training, Tony laughing as Kyle describes how he got to the auction night, the photos, the embarrassment, the stupidity, the recklessness. "I bet those pics of you were damn hot." "Maybe, but I'm not sure I want to see them on the net now. So embarrassing. Anyway, it's not the sort of pic you'd search for." "How do you know that? You know, sometimes, it might be just what I want. I've been known to swing both ways, and Perth is a pretty cool sort of place for that." Kyle begins to feel uncomfortable, "That sounds a bit weird to me, you being into guys, naked with me and Tim, Tim being out of it." "Hey, I'm not gonna try anything, you got my word on that." "Why not? Not your type?" Kyle trying to diffuse the situation, "Sorry." "Hey it's ok. I just, well, you got me curious what the two of you got up to, kinda porn movie situation, but I know you weren't consenting in it, so it's a kind of headfuck for me to be honest." "Yeah. Headfucks all round. I know what you mean, for a gay guy like me, at first, it was like Birthday, Thanksgiving and Christmas all rolled into one, but Tim, he was straight before he got picked up by these guys. Ok, he had a kink of getting naked where he shouldn't, but that's all. And then he was forced into it. Got used to it. Had to get used to it." "So, you and him, you an item?" Kyle smiles, "I'd like to think so, I'm not sure what Tim thinks. I know he agreed with me, that we needed each other in that place, in those places, but now if we're free..." "You are, Kyle, you are free." "As I said, if we're free then I'm not sure anymore. About me and Tim." "That sucks, and not in a good way." Kyle laughs at Tony's joke. Tony leans over Tim and ruffles Kyle's hair, "Tell you what, I'll put in a good word for you." Kyle laughs and shakes his head, feeling his cock harden in Tim's crack, "Thanks Tony." "Anytime, anytime."


Kyle is putting the pieces together with Tony and Tim is still completely out of it.

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You can get in touch with me at galanthusgalanthus@protonmail.com to tell me what you think of Tim's trip.

Next: Chapter 9

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