To Be or Not to Be

By Mike James

Published on Dec 26, 2001


To be or not to be (chapter 14) The Wedding from hell!

Disclaimer- I do not know Nsync or bsb nor do I claim to. I do not know there sexual intret nor do I cliam to, so if you haven't guessed this is Fiction.

Okay so I go a ton and a half of feedback lately, so i thought that we would spice this up a little what do you think. Hence the title of this chapter. SO ON WITH THE STORY. HA HA HA HA

It was finally the day of there wedding and Justin was a nervous wreck. He didn't know if he was coming or going at times. He had never felt this nervous about anything before. Jc was walking back an forth in the same space for about 2 hours wondering what Justin was doing. They were going to be walking down the aile in like 10 minutes. They hadn't seen Brian for a few weeks so that was good. There parents were all in the church sitting down with all there friends. There family's had traveled miles apon miles to be here and Jc and Justin were just wishing everything went great.

Jc was still a little dizy but he was going to make it.

A few minutes later there was a knock on Justin's door.

"Come in" Justin yelled.

Justin was facing the mirror checking his tie, when Paul walked up behind him.

"Are you nervous." Paul asked.

"Just a little Paul. I wish mama could be here." Justin said with a frown.

"I do to Justin. Although I am sure she is somewhere watching you right now. I know that she is proud of you right now. It is just really sweet that you would pick her birthday for your day." paul said.

"I know, well, I guess it's time?" Justin said as he turned around.

They walked out of the room and Justin took his place by the door to the hall of the church and waited for Jc to come out so they could walk down the Aile like they had planned on. Jc was in his room putting the finishing touch on his tux. Then he turned around to walk out of the room, when he saw a familiar face stairing back at him.

"What the Fuck are you doing here." jc sreamed.

"There is no way in hell You are just going to go out there and fucking walk down the aile with that little pieace of shit. " Brian yelled.

"That so called pieace of shit is my life. And you are really starting to piss me the fuck off. When are you going to realize that we are over. YOu kicked the shit out of me almost every fucking day Brian. That is not love, Love is causing pain. You fucking hit me Brian, You raped me. You locked me in rooms so I couldn't do anything. That is over. That Is over." Jc said as he turned towards the door to walk out.

"Don't You fucking walk away from me" brian yelled back.

Jc comtinued to walk to the door, scared to death. He had never stood up to Brian and it felt great. Jc reached the door nobe when he felt something hit the back of his head. Justin started to get worried and went to see what was taking Jc so long. They were supposed to start this thing 15 minutes ago.

Justin knocked on his door and there was no answer. He turned the door nobe and walked in. He let out a horrible scream that brought famiy and friends running towards him. The room was empty and there was blood on the fllor in front of him. There was a note on the mirror. YOU LOOK FOR HIM AND HE DIES. HE AS TO LEARN THAT I AM THE ONLY ONE FOR HIM. It was written in a red liquid that Justin could only think that it was Jc's blood. Justin fell to his knees and began to cry. Karen kneeled bown beside him trying to comfort him, but she was crying to. Justin's world just crashed all around him and he didn't know what to do.

A little while longer Justin went looking for the backstreet boys, Brittney was with him. They finally reached the hotel that they were supposed to be staying at and they went in. Brittney finally got a room number for Aj out of the clerk and they went up stairs to find it. When the reached the door Justin bagan to pound on it as loud as he could. Aj came to the door and opened it his mouth dropping when he saw the young man standing there.

"Where the fuck is he." Justin yelled and pushed passed him.

"Who, where is who?" Aj asked.

"Brian, where the fuck is he." Justin yelled again.

By this time Kevin and Howie were in the room just looking at them. Kevin was trying to calm Justin down and Brittney was yelling at him to keep his hands off of him.

"Brian left a day ago and said that he needed time to himself. That he would be back in time for the show. Why what is going on?" Kevin asked.

"Your friend has my fiancee. He better hope to God he doesn't hurt him again. IF Brian so much as puts....wait he already did that when he made him bleed all over the damn Church floor. I am going to kill him." Justin cried out.

"Brian, our quiet shy Brian. Get the fuck out of here." Howie said.

"I thought he was done with him. He told me he loved me. Yeah he beat the shit out of me, but I was wrong. That is why I drank so much. I believe you Justin. He would do something like that. I won't let him hurt Jc though. I should of took care of this a long time ago." Aj said and ran out of the room.


So what do you all think of this one. I thought I would write as much as could and get it out to you. Feedback is always good.

Next: Chapter 11

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