To Fulfill a Prophesy


Published on Aug 25, 2001


teen2b slow)(36/56)

The following is a pure work of fiction and is the property of the author. If you are looking to get off quick, read something else. This story is presented in serial form and you'll read a lot of background, before you get any mind-blowing sex scenes. If you are bothered by same sex relationships, read no farther.

This is a story about the interaction of males with each other in a fanciful setting. It's a story with some sex, not sex with some story.

Thanks to those who are encouraging me to continue with the presentation of this series.

This block of sections 36 - 40 are presented through the kind efforts of David at NIFTY and my always helpful editor, Tommy. LJB

To Fulfill a Prophesy

Section 36

Dean - Friday afternoon

Arrangements for the birthday celebrations took the rest of the week to confirm. The dinner on Friday night was the first "dress up" event the boys would be attending. Their appointment with Mr. Peters for fittings on Wednesday, resulted in them each having a suit available for Friday afternoon. Ted and I had counseled with the other adults and formulated a gift list. We didn't want to place anyone on the spot about providing gifts for four boys at one time, so we chose to have all gifts given by the family, as a group. Through the balance of the week, each participant ended up asking if they could give each boy some small item from themselves and we agreed with that as well.

Our in-house staff was catering the birthday dinner on Friday night, but the Saturday gala was being presented by a firm I had hired. All our staff were invited for Saturday as guests, with their families, so we were expecting about 300 people. Guests were asked to come, anytime after 4 o'clock and when they arrived, would find a full carnival set up behind the `castle' in the open area beyond the gardens. There would be rides and games and treats, as you would find at any community carnival. The pools would also be available for those wishing to use them and life guards would be on duty, just to insure safety.

We had not told the boys about the details for Saturday, so they were focused on the Friday night dinner celebration. Jamie and Digger had flown out on Wednesday afternoon and arrived safely back at the school. Jamie had called both Wednesday and Thursday nights and had been just as anxious to talk to each of the other boys, as to speak with me. Ted and Dale had been busy securing all the arrangements for our two days of festivities and I noticed, they were both making maximum use of Anson and Brian as a team. Brian's was becoming an increasingly familiar face around the facilities.

Denny had made a miraculous recovery. He was up and about from Wednesday morning on, with no residual effects, as if he had never been sick at all. Ted said, Dale had been very evasive about what went on with him and the boys before breakfast Wednesday, but Ted relied on Dale's judgment enough, not to push the issue. We became aware, after that morning, the boys had started to refer to Dale as the "Protector". Ted asked Davey about it and Davey told him, it was a nickname they had given him, because he looked after them all the time. I must admit, he did do that.

Tim Wright seemed to be settling in very well. Mr. Chen talked to him about a suite for him and Kevin to use, but they seemed to feel, they wished to remain in the room they were currently occupying. Tim had started working with Davey and Denny for a couple hours each day. Copies of their school records had been obtained, but were of little help, due to extended absences and gaps for both of them. He must have caught their attention, because there was not a single complaint about the time they spent with him each day. Dale, Jason and Anson had each commented about the boys working on reading and mathematics when they had observed them with Tim.

Kevin's school records had indicated he was an excellent student. His previous high school had issued him full credit for this past year, even with his absence the last half of May and all of June, so he would be fully ready to enter grade 11 next fall. He spent some of his time helping Tim with the lessons Davey and Denny were doing. Ted and I managed to get caught up on the work which had piled up while Denny was ill and considering all the things going on, it appeared life was finally going to settle into some form of a routine.

Brad, my lawyer, had petitioned for a guardianship order to cover Kevin and had received a temporary order. The court was communicating with Kevin's home state to work out arrangements and jurisdictions, so the matter was left pending. After receiving guardianship orders for Davey and Denny, Ted had assigned a section from head office security to investigate their backgrounds and legal status. Juvenile Authority representatives visited us on Thursday to do their interview and inspection, to formulate their submission and recommendation to the court. Denny's mother had been located by our staff and Juvenile Authority had her arrested for abandonment and child endangerment. She signed off on Denny's custody, in exchange for the charges not being pursued. Jake, the boyfriend, had also been found by our people and arrested on child abuse charges. He pleaded on a lesser charge of endangerment and accepted registration as a sex offender. This meant Denny would not have to go to court, although I believe he would have managed well and been a very credible witness.

Ted had given me back the proposal on building a new residence. He had added a number of suggestions, all of which I thought were valuable. It has now been sent to the architects to see what kind of designs they can come up with. They should be ready for review by the end of next week. I would like to do it when Jamie and Digger are here on the weekend, so everyone can have a say in it. I miss Jamie, even though he is only away for two days. It makes me wonder how I could have ever done without him for three whole years. The other boys certainly help to fill the void, but I still miss him. I was really giving into my feelings Wednesday night after he left, but it didn't take Ted long to straighten me out.

It's 2 o'clock on Friday afternoon. I'm sitting in my office doing some odds and ends, until it's time to go out to the airstrip and meet Jamie and Digger. They should arrive shortly before 3 o'clock. The family's birthday dinner tonight, will be at eight. Everything appears to be all set and this should be a busy and fun weekend for all of us.

Ted - Friday afternoon

This has been a busy week, but we have a lot of things accomplished. I decided earlier this week, I was not as aware of what all the boys were thinking and involved in as I should be. We were not talking and sharing as much as we had previously and I thought this was my fault for having spent less time with them and allowing others to fill in for me. It's not that I was displeased they were relating more fully to the other men, it's just I didn't want to lose the close contact with them. I resolved to have a talk with each of them and make a conscious effort to spend more time with all of them, especially Davey and Denny. Jamie had his father and my relationship with him as `Uncle Ted' remained secure.

I hardly knew Kevin at all, in part because we had resolved to allow Dale a free hand in sorting out some of the more severe problems Kevin was experiencing and I had not had the contact with him, I had with the others. Dale indicated a lot of the basic work had been accomplished, when Tim entered the picture and had become the central figure for Kevin. I was not entirely sure how we were going to fit this all together. Originally, I had intended to adopt Kevin with my other two boys, but it did not appear to be the way this was headed. If someone else adopted him, we ran the risk of that person becoming the victim of the Prophesy. I sat and talked with Kevin and Tim on Thursday afternoon.

"So, as you can see, the best laid plans do not always work the way we think they will happen." I explained to them after outlining what our intentions had been at the start.

"I could adopt Kevin." Tim offered. "But I guess that would make our relationship more than a little bit questionable and I am only 13 years older than him."

"Why do I need to be adopted ?" Kevin asked. "Can't we just go on with things as they are for the next two years, until I turn 18 and I become an adult ?"

"We could, but it would present several obstacles, which I'm not sure we can work around." I replied. "For one thing, there could be a hassle for jurisdiction between the States involved. One holds guardianship, while the other is your State of residence. It also means, we would have to obtain permission from outside every time we wanted to do anything with you, such as travel out of the country. We also would need outside approval for your medical needs. I am not sure we could protect you and Tim, if your relationship with each other became an issue. There is also the matter of your inheritance. Control over that money could get complicated if two State beaurocracies get their fingers in the till."

"I can see why an adoption would be the solution to bring about the best results for Kevin and everyone else." Tim said. "Are you considering still adopting Kevin ?"

"It remains a thought, but I am afraid it would only be an adoption of convenience." I told them. "I have to consider what it would do to my other two boys. Kevin would become their big brother. I want to teach them about love and trust and relationships, but the type of distanced relationship Kevin and I might share would not be an example of what I want them to learn. Kevin and I have not had a chance to get to know each other, much less decide if we even like one another. I don't want to build a relationship with him which looks like a competition between you and me, Tim. Although I'm sixteen years older than Tim, I can't see where you needs a father either."

"You might be surprised about that." Tim replied. "I had no father growing up, nor any close male relatives. Having a father figure in my life, just might help fill in some of the losses which I feel. One of the main reasons I gave up teaching was because, so many of the children needed a strong, male, father figure and I felt incapable of even attempting to project such an image."

"I think you're under rating yourself and your abilities, Tim," I responded, "but I thank both of you for sharing your feelings and opinions with me. We will make a point of talking more about this, soon."

The interview ended on a friendly and open note and I was glad both Kevin and Tim were willing to share their thoughts with me. Maybe, after we had spent more time together, we would find a relationship the three of us could share, mutually.

I had made a point of spending a little time with Jamie, Wednesday after lunch. He had gone on the morning outing with the others, but he and Digger had remained when they left again in the afternoon, having said their `good byes' in advance. I found him in his room, trying to decide what to pack to take back to school and what to leave.

"Hey, Sport. How are things going ?" I greeted him.

"Hi, Uncle Ted." he responded. "I can't decide what to leave here and what to take back with me."

"Well," I counseled, "is there anything here you just can't manage without until you get back on Friday afternoon. It's only going to be two nights and two days."

"Yeah, it doesn't sound like a long time, but it sure feels like it's going to be." he said.

"I guarantee it will pass, before you hardly realize it has." I assured him. "I wanted to stop in and catch up with you on things. How has the visit gone ? Did you enjoy yourself ?"

"Oh, Uncle Ted." he told me. "It's been the most wonderful time, except for when Denny was sick. It's been everything I hoped for. Dad had time for me and I really got to be with him. And you. And Denny and Davey and Dale."

"Dale has become kind of special to you then ?" I suggested.

"Oh, yeah. He's just what the Protector is supposed to be. He is just there when......." he stopped and looked at me sharply. "You wouldn't use me, would you, Uncle Ted ?"

"I would never set out to use you, Jamie." I assured him. "If you told me something by mistake, I might have to use that information to solve some of the riddles which keep wandering through my mind. Would you consider it to be using you ?"

"Yes, it would," he told me, "'cause is makes me have to be very careful around you and that's not how I should feel."

"You're right, Jamie." I told him honestly, "I will try very hard not to do it. If I slip, you tell me and I will correct it. The last thing in the world I would want, would be for you to feel uncomfortable when I'm with you." He stared at me and I could feel him searching my mind, determining my motives.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Ted." he apologized to me. "I try very hard not to read you, or Dad, or Mr. Chen, but you must not make it difficult for me to trust you. I don't want it that way and I know you don't either."

"You're right, Jamie." I assured him. "I will not give you any cause to mistrust me. I promise."

"Thank you, Uncle Ted." he said, coming over and giving me a big hug around my waist. "You are one of the people I love most in the world and I need you." The boy certainly knew how to wrap my heart in his hand and hold it tight.

"Are you and Davey getting along okay ?" I questioned.

"Is that what you really want to ask me, Uncle Ted ?" he questioned back, grinning at me.

"No it's not, Jamie," I responded, "but it's the most polite and least embarrassing way I can try to find out what I want to know." He laughed.

"We are getting along fine, thank you." he told me. "I have learned a lot a young man should find out when he is exploring with his brother. Davey has taught me where the limits should be, until you are in love and I have learned the difference between being with a friend and being in love. I have enjoyed being with my brother and shall continue to learn, but I look forward to some day being in love."

"You sound like you have learned an awful lot from your brother." I commented.

"I have also learned having a good friend and brother," he said, "is a lot better than not having one." I smiled at Jamie and nodded.

"I won't be at the airstrip today, when you leave," I told Jamie, "so you have a good trip and I will look forward to seeing you back, on Friday afternoon." I reached over and pulled him to me for a big hug and kissed him on the top of his head. "I love you, son."

"I love you too, Uncle Ted." He hugged me back and raising his head, kissed me on the cheek. As I walked out his door, he called to me.

"Uncle Ted, thanks for sending Mr. Bailey to watch out for me." He just stood and looked at me, smiling, as I wondered how long he had actually known Digger was one of my men.

"Any time, Sport." I called back to him and continued on my way.

Wednesday night, Dean had been really down. Jamie leaving was very hard on him and I wished now, I had been there when the plane left. It brought back the guilt he felt about the time he had lost with Jamie. He was quiet at dinner, but he attended `dojo' and the community swim. We played cards in the Game Room and had a couple drinks before heading to bed.

When I crawled into bed, Dean was already there, curled into a ball, on his side, with his back to me. I turned the light out and then moved over and snuggled up to him, pressing my chest against his back and curving the rest of my body around his torso, butt and legs, so I fit to him like an outer shell. I bent one arm under my head, like a pillow and the other, I lay along his hip and we just lay there quietly without moving or speaking. Slowly, my cock became engorged and moved outward and upward until it pressed with a significant force against his perineum and the lower half of his butt crevice.

"What are you doing ?" he asked.

"Sorry, just a natural consequence of being close to you." I explained. I shifted back to allow enough room for my rigid member to snap up against my belly and then moved back close to him, so that it now lay upward along the crack of his butt.

"What is it doing there ?" he questioned again.

"That's where it's supposed to be." I responded. He let out a sigh of exasperation.

"I don't feel like having sex tonight." he said.

"That's fine, honey." I replied. "I know how you let these things get you down. We'll just go to sleep. Good night." He let out another sigh. We lay there for a few minutes in silence.

"You're getting me wet." he complained. "And what do you mean I let these things get me down."

"I'm sorry about the wet." I consoled him. "You know you don't want sex, I know you don't want sex, but he doesn't know you don't want sex. He's just doing his part. And I waited three years for you to get over your last pout, so I can wait a night or two for you to get past this one. After all, if our sex life is going to be dependent on whether your son is at home or not, we might as well get use to it right off." We lay there in silence for another few minutes.

"You don't fight fair." he told me. "I see I'm only left with two choices. I can throw a hissy fit and get all insulted and go and sleep in my own bed, or I can grow up and turn over and share my sad feelings with the man I love and let him help make them go away."

"If this is up for a vote, I pick number two." I interjected. He unfolded himself and turned over.

"So do I." he responded, kissing me. It was a sweet kiss. It shared some of the frustration he was feeling, but was packed with the love that was also there. When he broke it, he moved up and kissed on my ear lobe and then down my jaw line and onto my neck. He pushed me over on my back. From here on, there was nothing subtle. He skirted his way down my chest and abdomen, through my pubic bush and with no further preparation, dove onto my hard cock. His head bobbed five or six times, pushing it deep into his soft, wet throat. I groaned and pulled my knees up a bit.

"What'sa matter boy, can't you take it ?" he pulled off my tool and hissed at me. He dove down on me again, stroking my shaft over and over with his mouth in rapid succession. This was turning quickly into masturbation by mouth. I felt down the front of his body and located his cock, hard and dripping as it swung back and forth between his legs, leaking precum down his legs and on the sheets.

"Okay, big boy," I said, flipping him off me easily and onto his back, "you can give it, let's see if you take it. I rose to me knees and leaning my elbow on his chest to hold him flat, I grabbed his mighty pillar and dove onto it in the same manner he had used on me. He huffed and puffed and very quickly started shaking his head back and forth across the pillows as he moaned and groaned. I continued the rapid rise and fall along the length of his cannon with my lips pressed tight against his hot flesh.

"Fuck me, Ted. Please, fuck me." he gasped. I stopped my lip stroking and reached to the night stand.

"No." he rasped at me again. "Do it now. Do it hard." He was in heat. His eyes were glazed and his breath puffed in and out of his chest. Sweat poured from his body. I was going to do as he asked, but I was concerned about hurting him. I rolled him onto his stomach and pulled his hips into the air. This way at least, if the pain was too much, he had somewhere to move away from me.

Moving behind him I felt in his crevice for his pucker. Everything was wet with his sweat. I eased my finger into him and found that the entry was not all that tight. Reaching between his legs, I squeezed his cock and caught a stream of precum which I added to my own, to lubricate my shaft.

"Fuck me. now, you son of a bitch." he wailed over his shoulder. I put my cock at the entrance to his tunnel and pushed. He wailed as I slid into him, balls deep. Immediately his hips started moving, not away from me, but back and forth, as he fucked himself on my tool. I picked up his pace and stroked in and out of him. "That's it, that's it," he groaned, "keep going, stud, pound me, pound me." And pound him I did. I rammed him over and over, satisfying the bitch in heat he seemed to be. After five minutes of this rutting, we were both covered in sweat and I was sure we would both be chaffed and sore. This needed to end.

Reaching below Dean, I grasped his tool and encircling the crown, I stroked rapidly with no lubrication except the sweat on my hand and the precum which had not yet dripped onto the bed. The friction had to be intense. Dean raised himself on his hands and started to let out a howl. His sphincter clamped on my shaft and tried to trap me within him. The extra pressure sent me over the edge and we howled together as our bodies expunged the fluids that had built up during our union. We collapsed forward, me sprawled on top of Dean, both of us sated. All was quiet for several minutes while both of our breathing slowed to a normal rate and our senses were re-collected.

"You have to understand," Dean told me slowly, "there will be certain times, I just don't want to have sex with you. When that happens, I expect you to respect my decision and fuck the shit out of me, just like tonight."

"You can count on it, lover." I assured him. As I slid off of him, I pulled the sheet over us and we both were sound asleep before we could say anything more.

I got a chance to talk with Davey on Friday morning. He and I were still laying in my bed after Dean had taken Denny into the shower. He was spooned up against me, having one of those moments when the teenager was allowing himself to be the little boy. Oddly, I felt the change in his persona as it happened and he became Davey, the Guardian.

"You want to talk to me." he said. "You have several questions you want answered. I can't tell you everything you want to know."

"I thought we trusted one another." I told him, still holding the boy's body close to me. There was a pause as if he was thinking, to choose his words carefully.

"I do trust you, Dad." he assured me. "It's just we have two different objectives. We want to see the Prophesy fulfilled, as it was written, you want to intercede to try to prevent that from happening. I can't always help you, when you are out to achieve your ends, at the expense of ours. That doesn't mean we don't love and trust you."

"The only part of the Prophesy I want to change, is the one which forecasts the death of either someone I love, or myself." I tried to explain.

"You already know from Jamie Uncle Dean is not the one." he said. "If I assured you that you would not come to any harm, in fact, in the end, no one would be harmed, would you believe me ?"

"What you say raises all sorts of conflicts and questions for me, Davey." I answered. "Yes, I trust you and if you need me to accept what you are saying, I will."

"What we need from you, is what we told you before." he reinforced to me. "We need you to be our Dad, our parent. We need you to love us and guide us as we grow. We need to become good men, like you and Uncle Dean. We need your skills, intelligence and discipline, so we can be everything we are meant to be. Very soon our gifts will be set in each of us. We must master them and you, Mr. Chen and Tim will be our guides and trainers." Davey rolled over and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"I love you, Dad. We love all the people here at the `castle'. We would not allow anyone here to be harmed." He kissed me on my cheek and hugged me. I hugged him back. My big boy was back as Dean and Denny came out of the bathroom, yelling at us to get moving.

Later that morning I had an unexpected interview. Working in my office, approving the final security arrangements for tomorrow's activities, my phone rang and I picked it up. It was our secretary, Mr. Dennis.

"Excuse me Mr. Tanner, but I have a gentleman without an appointment here to see you." he announced.

"Who is it, John ?" I asked.

"He says his name is Thompson. Mr. Dennis Thompson." he replied. I stopped and thought for a minute.

"Please show my son in, won't you John ?" I answered. John opened the door to my office with a big smile on his face.

"You come back and see me soon, Denny." he said as Denny came in behind him.

"Would you like a chair here at my desk, Mr. Thompson," I asked, "or would you prefer to sit over in the lounge area ?"

`Let's sit over there, Dad." he replied, pointing to the lounge area. We went over and when I sat on the couch, Denny crawled up beside me.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit ?" I questioned.

"I thought you forgot me." Denny said.

"How could I ever forget you ? You know I would never do that." I assured him. "Why would you think that ?"

"You talked to all the others this week, but you didn't talk to me." he told me.

"I talk to you every morning, when you climb in my bed to get warmed up." I replied. "We always talk then."

"Yeah," he agreed, "but not about important stuff. You never ask me any questions like you ask Davey. I know lots of things, cause I hear talk all the time and people never pay any attention to me being around." I thought very hard about what Denny was saying. It was true, he was part of the in' group as far as the boys were concerned. They talked freely around Denny. They likely discussed things, they normally wouldn't repeat outside of the group.

"Denny, do you know what trust is ?" I asked him.

"Sure, Dad." he replied. "It means you don't have to worry. It's like at the hospital when I was afraid about you giving me a bath, because of Jake and Davey told me I could trust you. He meant, I would be safe with you, like I was safe with him.

"That's right, Denny." I agreed. "But when trust is given, then you have a responsibility to see the trust is kept. When people talk in front of you, it's because they trust you not to say anything. If you do repeat something you have overheard, then you have broken their trust and they should not trust you again."

"Your telling me, it would be wrong for me to tell you things I've overheard," he said, "knowing you weren't suppose to hear them. If I did, then no one would be able to trust me anymore." I nodded to him. "But then, you won't know what's going to happen about the Prophesy."

"I trust Davey and the other boys to tell me what I need to know, so they and you can be kept safe." I told him. "I didn't know enough to do that, for a while, but I do now." He wiggled over to me and got up on his knees. He wrapped his arms around my neck and put his cheek next to mine, speaking quietly.

"I love you, Dad. And I trust you. There's a storm coming, which we will handle for you, if you let us. It's time for you to know. I am the fourth Guardian."

The Prophesy of the Guardians

The House of Chen, being both old and honourable, shall be the Caretakers of this vision of the yet to come.

From this time forth, one son will be born to the House of Chen in each generation to the number of 110.

These males shall be the Caretakers and shall guard this knowledge until its time arrives.

In the world of new beginnings, a Shogun (Leader/Prince) of infinite wealth, after being lost and found again by his Samurai (Warrior Chief) will both learn that their real riches lie elsewhere. To them will come four treasures to be nurtured and guided. They will father the four to manhood. . During the course of their growth, the Father will meet a fatal end. He will be held first and forever

Each Guardian will possess gifts.

One will hold the gift of dreams and control of the emotions.

One will hold the gift of looking into and influencing the minds of his fellow man and knowing truth.

One will hold the gift of communication and know all languages, written and spoken.

One will hold the gift of prophesy and he will be the catalyst to the power of the four.

Each will sense the presence of others.

Together, as one, the Guardians will hold a gift never allowed before to man.

There are dark forces and men who fear the power of the Guardians and would use it for their own purposes.

Care must be taken to preserve them while they grow and develop their skills. They must learn to love and trust, so that they may serve the needs of mankind.

(Translation error included)

Next: Chapter 38

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