To Fulfill a Prophesy


Published on Aug 29, 2001


teen2b slow)(43/56)

The following is a pure work of fiction and is the property of the author. If you are looking to get off quick, read something else. This story is presented in serial form and you'll read a lot of background, before you get any mind-blowing sex scenes. If you are bothered by same sex relationships, read no farther.

This is a story about the interaction of males with each other in a fanciful setting. It's a story with some sex, not sex with some story.

This is the one I warned about. Some of you won't like the discipline, so skip over it. Those who have developed enough faith in my story will know that it is saying something.

Jason's thoughts and reaction comes later. LJB

To Fulfill a Prophesy

Section 43

Ted - Friday afternoon

Brian brought Len and Gus to Dojo, twice this week. He asked permission from me and Mr. Chen and we both thought it an excellent idea. The boys seemed to enjoy the lesson and joined in the community swim afterward. They had never swum nude with a group before, only with Brian. Everything went fine, once they joined up with our boys and I think they all had a good time. Brian, Dale, Jason and I, all made a point of spending time with Gus and praising him on his swimming skills. He told us he wanted to be a life guard, just like Brian and we all encouraged his goal. He started to say something about Denny at one point and I saw Denny look at him sharply. Gus stopped immediately with a very shocked look on his face. I wondered what had happened. The next morning I found out.

"Dean," I said casually, as the four of us were laying in bed before our shower, "did you notice how well Gus did last night with everyone ?" There was a snicker out of Davey and Denny turned his head into my pillow, so I didn't know what his reaction had been.

"Yes, I did Ted." Dean replied. "He seemed to control himself very well." At this statement, Davey started to laugh out loud and Denny turned to face me and cuddled in, even tighter than normally, against me, the side of his face pressed tight against my chest.

"You better tell them, Denny," Davey told him, "or else I will."

"You promised not to say anything, Davey." Denny replied, looking over his shoulder at his brother.

"Davey's not going to have to say anything," I interrupted, "because if there's something we should know, then your going to tell us. Right, Denny ?" All was quiet for a moment. Denny let go of his tight grip on me and moved slightly away, so he could look into my face.

"You might be angry and punish me." he said.

"It's you who knows whether you should be disciplined, or not, Denny." I responded. "Just tell me what you need to and then we will see how serious it is." His big eyes looked at me, almost pleading his case.

"Gus was talking last night about coming to spend the summer days with me." Denny related. "I told him I was looking forward to having him here to play with and I wanted us to be friends, but he better understand right off, I wasn't going to put up with any of his crap." He stopped and waited, continuing to stare at me, to see if I was going to say anything about his language. When I said nothing, he went on. "He said he didn't know what I meant, but he did. I told him whenever he told a lie about me, or my brothers, or Len or anyone and I found out about it, he would wet his pants and everyone would know." Davey started laughing and Dean and I both had a little chuckle.

"Well I don't think that's a terrible thing." I told Denny.

"That's not all, Dad." Davey interrupted. "He did it. He made him wet himself." I looked at Denny.

"He was going to lie about me, last night, in the pool, but he didn't `cause I made him pee. In the pool." Denny admitted and then hung his head. Dean was having a hell of a time, trying to keep from laughing. Davey just went ahead and roared. I also suppressed my urge. "It's what you and Uncle Dean would have done." I thought about it and he was right. I would, if I could.

"I wish you had talked to me about this, Denny, before you did it." I said. "It's actually not a bad idea at all. I'm not sure how to explain to Brian and Lily, why it happens, but I think you should continue. The key here is when he stops lying, he'll stop wetting himself. It's up to him."

"I agree." Dean added. "Tell the staff not to give recognition for it, just to send him to change, by himself , or with Denny, if possible. That way, you can rub it in a bit to reinforce it, Denny. I'll speak to Lily and Brian. They will need to react the same way." We now, thanks to Denny, had a workable plan to help Gus overcome his problem.

Dojo was held Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings with very full turnouts. Everyone was talking about the carnival. Everyone had a wonderful time and other than Kevin's accident there were no problems. Many staff came over to check out Kevin and everyone was pleased he hadn't been injured seriously. Davey was still doing excellently with his training and I felt when he finally took his cast off, he would be ready for competition and promotion. Kevin and Denny also were working hard and improvement was evident.

At dinner Wednesday, the boys had something to ask. They, meaning Davey and Jamie by telephone, had begged and pleaded Kevin and Denny, into wanting to go out to the bush section of the estate and camp out. Saturday overnight was being proposed. We thought this may take a little more preparation for them to actually camp out, so it was suggested they just have a sleep out in a tent at a location nearer the buildings. With some mumbling, this was accepted as a compromise.

Everyone made their final fitting appointments to Mr. Peters, the Tailor, during the week and on Friday all the clothing was picked up. This set the mood for another learning dinner and Dean suggest a `Black Tie' affair for the Friday after school ended for Jamie, in two weeks. It could be a celebration for the end of exams. Dean proposed it and everyone was in favour. Dean called Debra and told her and she decided to attend as well.

Anson - Tuesday morning

Monday evening, after community swim time, Dale came over to me and told me to be at his suite at 11:PM. He didn't ask me, he didn't invite me, he told me. Now I am use to taking instructions from Dale, but this was different. This was not the way Dale normally phrased his instructions. Usually they were phrased, "Will you", or "I'd like you to", or "Please, do so and so", but this time, he just plain TOLD me.

Digger had said he arranged for me to spend a couple nights with Dale and Jason while he was away. I had thought about it briefly and figured he did not want me to be lonely, but I had decided I could manage the five nights and would not need company. Now Dale had just TOLD me, to be there. I had to think really hard about this. What was it Digger had actually said. "I have asked Dale and Jason to be with you a couple nights and you can do what Dale says." No, that was not it. "I have arranged for Dale and Jason to spend a couple nights and you can do what Dale asks you." No, that wasn't quite it either.

I though and thought about it. We were laying on the bed and Digger said, "I have arranged for Dale and Jason to take you a couple nights and you do what Dale tells you." That was it. Now that I have it, I can see the differences in it. "Arranged", "take you", "do what Dale tells you". This was not necessarily the thoughtful support for my loneliness I had originally thought. This was an instruction to me from Digger. Of course I would comply, I was committed fully to our relationship, with him being dominant, but now I started to wonder what this was about. I had to find a chance to speak to Jason.

I kept my eye peeled the rest of the evening. Every time I saw, or got near Jason, there was Dale, usually with an arm draped over Jason's shoulder. Was I paranoid, or was Dale actually making sure Jason was not alone, so I could speak to him. Finally, out of desperation, I asked Kevin to get Jason out of the room, without Dale. I figured Jason is usually paired with Kevin, so there should be no question about Kevin wanting to speak to him. At last, Kevin brought Jason out of the room and down the hall.

"What is going on ?" I asked Jason quietly, when I walked up behind him.

"I don't know." Jason whispered back. "Dale only told me to be ready to do as I was told tonight and to not talk to you about it."

"Jason." Dale called from the end of the hall, where he stood, staring at the two of us. Jason went back to him, right away.

That's all I knew as I walked from my room to their suite at a few minutes before eleven. I timed it, so I knocked on their door at exactly 11 o'clock. Dale opened the door and admitted me. He was wearing slacks and a golf shirt and looked as if he were going out. He immediately told me to go into the bedroom and strip. As soon as I entered the bedroom, I noticed a paddle laying on the end of the bed. I then saw Jason, kneeling naked, head in a corner, a dog collar strapped around his neck. His buttocks were a bright red and I knew the paddle had already been used.

"I told you to strip." Dale said as he entered the room, snapping my attention back to what I should have been doing. I ripped my clothes off, as Dale shut the bedroom door and walked over to sit on the end of the bed, setting another dog collar down next to him.

"Come here." he commanded, when I was naked. I fell to my knees and crawled over to him. He picked up the collar and strapped it onto my neck.

"Over my lap." he instructed. I placed my body across his lap, with no delay, so my butt lay exposed, directly in front of him.

"Jason has received his punishment for disregarding my instructions." he informed me. "Now you will be reprimanded for enticing him." He raised the paddle and brought it down sharply four times across my very vulnerable butt. Dale is a powerful man and I knew the strokes I received were a long way from what he was capable of executing, but each stroke was decisive and each one stung sharply. Before the fourth, tears had formed in my eyes. There was a pause, then one more landed, sharper than the others had been. "The fifth is discipline, because you were not stripped, when I entered the room. You can get off my lap."

I slid back to the floor and knelt beside his leg with my eyes to the floor. After a moment or so, Dale rubbed his hand through my hair and stroked the back of my neck. It occurred to me just then, Dale had done this because he knew it was required, not from malice or vengeance. If there had ever been one, there now was absolutely no question in my mind Dale was the Master here and Jason and I were to do his bidding. Digger had not pushed the issue in our room, but it would also be true of him, once he had claimed me. I had known it, but this was snapping home the reality of it. I had accepted I belonged to Digger and because Dale was an extension of him, at this time he was my Master. Dale was again being the model, making it clear to me there could be a down side to the choices I was making. Had he set this up ? Was this one of Dales' `lessons in life' like he had shown me before when I was first curious about serving someone ?

"Jason, come here." Dale instructed and Jason crawled out of the corner, came over and knelt by Dale's other leg. I glanced at Jason, as he looked at me and I saw a tear track on his cheeks. Jason had been reprimanded more severely than I had. I thought about it. This had actually been my fault, when Jason had, at my encouragement, disobeyed Dale's instruction about talking to me. But Jason was his, therefore his action was perceived by Dale as being more serious. "You two may console each other on the bed briefly. I have something to do. No talking."

Dale rose off the bed and took the paddle into the closet. He came out with a bunch of other equipment and took it into the bathroom. Jason crawled up onto the bed and pulled me along with him. He gave me a hug and kissed me gently. I started to speak, but Jason put his hand over my mouth and shook his head. He continued to hug me. One of his hands moved down and he laid it lightly on my left ass cheek. The hand felt very cool and I realized how hot my cheeks must be. I did the same to Jason and his cheek seemed hot enough to fry an egg.

"Try these." Dale told us, as he came out of the bathroom and threw us a couple small towels, dampened with cold water. We each draped one over the others butt. It was almost like heaven, as some of the heat and soreness was absorbed into the cool cloth.

"Y'know the best cure for that problem ?" Dale asked as he passed through, back into the closet, without waiting for a response. "Make sure it isn't necessary in the first place." he trumpeted as he walked back again, glancing over at us with his eyebrows raised.

"Okay, gentlemen." he announced. "All ready for you. Come into the bathroom." We entered the bathroom and found two, filled, enema bags with tubing attached. "Anson, Jason's going to show you how to prepare yourself, for what may, or may not, happen this weekend and then he will supervise, while you do it. Come on out to the bed, when you're both done." He left us and Jason began his instructions.

Half an hour later, I was prepared. When we came out to the bedroom, Dale was waiting, stretched out on the bed. We stretched out, laying on our stomachs. The sting and heat in my butt had subsided, but was renewed when pressure was applied. Dale reached over and stroked along my back.

"I want you to rest your head on the bed up there with your butt in the air and your legs spread." Dale informed me. I took my position and a few moments later, Jason crawled between my legs and gently parting my crack, began to lick my ass. His tongue was like magic and he dabbed and stroked with that muscular digit and then began probing for access to my depths. I relaxed as much as possible and in short order, my entry eased open and his tongue invaded my tunnel and stroked the soft lining. I was heaven bound. The feelings and sensations had me gasping and groaning. Then he stopped.

Dale had Jason move around and sit in front of me, so his fully extended dick waved in my face. Dale instructed me to chow down on it and I complied happily. As I was doing my best to take Jason out of this world, I felt Dale insert a finger into me and start to probe and stroke. He twisted and turned it, stretching my anal ring. He withdrew the finger and soon had two tapping on my entry. They slid in with little resistance, as he again began the stretching exercises which eventually allowed him to slide them in and out with no resistance. Then they disappeared and were replaced by three digits. The discomfort caused by this new invasion passed quickly, as the exercises were repeated and the stretching, allowed his easy movement into my depths.

During this, I had been busy stimulating Jason's cock with my lips and tongue. The long dips my head took, engulfed his shaft to the groin, as his rigid lance slipped comfortably into my throat, where the crown was compressed and vibrated. In response, I was receiving the sweet moistness of his precum, coating my tongue each time the head glided over it. Jason's cock, totally extended from its protecting foreskin, was about 8" in length and it appeared to be trying to exceed its natural proportion, as it reached deeper and deeper into my throat. He was reaching the point of no return, as I could tell from his usually low hanging globes, snuggling up to the base of this tool.

"No, I don't have permission." he rasped at me and I knew immediately, Dale had instructed him not to cum. I backed off and allowed him to return from the brink.

"All right, Anson. Your choice." Dale said. "I can either fuck you, or bring you off with my fingers, while you suck Jason. Or Jason will suck you, while I fuck him. Or Jason can suck me, while you fuck him. What's it to be ?"

"You would fuck me ?" I asked him. "What about Digger ?"

"He knew it was a possibility." he told me. "He said he would claim you, no matter what was decided." I thought about it. If Dale did it, I would be so much more ready for Digger. The suspense would be over, the initial pain would be past. I wasn't sure. I looked at Jason, but he couldn't help me with this decision. "No, thank you anyway. I belong to Digger and he is going to be the one."

"Good for you, Anson." Dale said. Jason reached up and ruffled my hair.

"Let's just finish off what we've started here and see what comes up later." I suggested. "May I make Jason cum, Sir ?" He told us to go for it and I went back to my labours. Dale thrust his fingers in and out of me and with the other hand reached through my legs and started to milk my spout. I had been dripping sweet fluid all the while he had been loosening my hole and I was solid and sensitive. He began poking my button with each inward thrust and then added dragging his finger over it, as he pulled out. That did it. The flashes of lightening in my mind pulled it from everything else. I vaguely recall Jason groaning and panting, as he bounced on the bed with his shaft deep in my throat, spurting his fluids into me.

The storm within me, felt like it grew from behind my rod and spread throughout my entire body, dragging me body and soul into it. When it burst, it was given evidence by the flood my dick dumped over the sheets, but that was the least of my reactions. My spine snapped rigidly and caused my back to arch and my head to lift back as far as possible. My muscles throughout my body cramped and my brain lost all contact with this world. They told me later I growled and howled. When my body finally relaxed, Jason caught me as I fell over him and Dale laid me gently out on the bed. My breathing started again with a gasp, as I slowly slipped back to this side of reality.

"That was not bad." Dale told me. "Let's see, if we can get you there again, tonight and then Thursday night, we'll really put you through your paces."

Brian Taylor - Wednesday night

I had an unusual experience tonight. I can't say it was unexpected, because Dean had told Mom and me it would happen, but I was still a little surprised, when it did. I brought Len and Gus to Dojo tonight. They both really are enjoying the lessons and it was a chance for me to spend some time with both them and with my friends. I'm actually starting to think of a number of the people here as friends. Anson has definitely become a good friend. If it wasn't for him, Mom wouldn't have been given the opportunity for the job she got here. Len and Gus are also coming here this summer, in large part due to Anson's help.

Jason and Dale are also becoming more than just my supervisors. They make me feel like part of the team, although I realize our jobs are very different. They look after the safety of the boys and bosses, first hand, while my role is more related to tending to the property. Still they make me feel included. Ted is friendly, but he is more like I have imagined my father would be like at this age. I envy the relationship he has with his boys. I know how much I have missed, without my Dad, when I see them all together. And then there's Davey. I feel guilty about my lusting for him, but I have tried to put it aside, since I found out he is only 14 and have tried to be just friendly. He has accepted my friendship, but with him interacting with Len and my having a closer relationship with him, I am concerned about my feelings becoming transparent and the others rejecting me, in response to the need to protect him. I have to do something about finding someone else, to divert my passions.

Anyway, about tonight. We were in the Dojo and Gus came over to me and hugged me around the hips with his face pressed into my side.

"What's the matter, Gus ?" I asked. He just held on without saying anything.

"Do you have a problem ?" I asked again, He looked up at me.

"I was just trying to fall right and Denny made me......." he started to say and then his eyes opened really wide and he let out a little gasp. I felt wetness against my leg and stepped away from him. The front of his pants were wet. Gus had wet himself.

"If you don't want that to happen, then don't tell lies." I told him. "Go and ask Denny if you can borrow a pair of pants and underpants from him. You're not riding home in my car like that." I turned and walked away from him, leaving him standing there. Dean had said to give no undue attention, just to deal with the situation and let him work it out. I saw him eventually seek out Denny and ask for a loan of clothing. As they passed me, I heard Denny.

"Told another lie, didn't you ? When are you going to learn ?" I made a point, after they returned, of standing and watching him and then telling him how well he was doing. Some of the other guys did the same thing during the class.

I finally got my courage up and had made an appointment to talk with Dale this afternoon. When I met him at the Security Office, instead of staying there for our discussion, he took me to his suite and we sat in his lounge area. I had never seen these suites before and it was really impressive. Before he sat down, he offered me a drink and I was so nervous, I accepted. I ended up with a beer and he had one too.

"This is a personal matter, Dale." I said. "It has a little to do with work, but it's mostly about me."

"That's fine, Brian." he responded. "I'm always available to you for either. We like our men to be comfortable and settled, but we especially like our friends to be."

"It's funny you should say that." I told him. "I was just thinking a short while ago, about how many of the people here feel like friends to me. I really have a sense of belonging."

"I'm glad to hear that, Brian," he answered, "because I know we all look on you as one of our friends, even one of the family." I smiled at what he said and it gave me a great deal of pleasure.

"I don't know whether that makes what I need to say and ask you easier, or harder." I replied. "Dale, I've been talking with Anson and he told me I should come and see you, or Ted. I'm a little more comfortable with you, because if it weren't for you, I wouldn't even be here any longer. Dale, I'm gay." He just sat there and looked at me. I thought about the calm before a storm. I wondered if he was going to throw me out and if Anson was wrong and he'd fire me. I wondered why he wasn't saying anything.

"And the problem you wanted to discuss with me was ?" he asked. He wasn't shocked. He wasn't surprised. He just moved on to the next topic, as if I had said my hair was blond.

"You aren't surprised." I said. "Do I seem gay ?" I was a little concerned.

"No." he replied. "Do I ? Does Jason ? Do Anson, or Digger ?"

"Well, no." I answered and realized it must have sounded like a stupid question. "What I need to know, is what do I do about it ?" He looked at me for a few seconds and then he asked me in a quiet, understanding way.

"Brian, what do you want to do about it ?" I had to stop and think. I had never really thought about it in terms of a clear, concise set of actions. Here I am, 20 years old, shy and never been kissed.

"I want to get laid." I told him. "I want to find out what being gay is about. I want to find out who I really am. I have been too busy for this all of my life. There has been school and work and caring for my brothers. I've never really had close friends, who I hung out with. I didn't have time for sports. I have never had a physical relationship with another person, male or female."

"Do you want men in general, in large numbers ?" he questioned. "Or do you want a man, to love and love you back and explore between the two of you." I had to think.

"I have always wanted a close relationship with another male." I told him. "I don't think I would find it easy to be intimate with someone I didn't know. But I don't know if one man can be a total experience."

"Trust me, Brian," he responded, "when it's the right man, it can be all the experience you'll ever want. What are you into, Bri ? What kind of fantasies do you have ? What turns you on when you jerk off ?" I was a little embarrassed by these questions. He was one of my biggest fantasies. "Be honest."

"You and Jason." I admitted. "Anson, in fact, just about everyone on the senior staff, including the bosses. I think about fucking and sucking and touching. I have a thing about being spanked by Ted. I guess it's because my Dad died so early." I decided not to mention my big turn on, Davey.

"Let me see what I can find out for you, Brian." he told me, rising to his feet. Funny, that's exactly what Anson said about my Mom and brothers. Maybe there's some hope in this. He guided me to the door.

"One more thing." he said, and as I turned, he took me in his arms and kissed me. I was so startled, I nearly shit. This was not a friendly, brotherly peck. This was serious, deep and sexual. I thought of pulling away, but then realized I didn't want to. This was like one of my jerk off fantasies. So I leaned into it. His tongue swept my teeth and then the rest of my mouth. It entered my throat, checked my tonsils and I expected it would eventually lick my feet, from the inside. He withdrew his tongue and I started to chase it back to its home, but he broke the kiss and I realized my chance had ended, without any participation from me.

"Sorry if I shook you, Brian." he told me. "I needed to be sure you meant business and weren't just teetering on the edge about this, seeing as you didn't mention you biggest fantasy"

"No, I'm sure, I'm gay," I told him hesitantly, wondering how he would know, "but thank you for checking it out." He chuckled as he let me out the door.

The Prophesy of the Guardians

The House of Chen, being both old and honourable, shall be the Caretakers of this vision of the yet to come.

From this time forth, one son will be born to the House of Chen in each generation to the number of 110.

These males shall be the Caretakers and shall guard this knowledge until its time arrives.

In the world of new beginnings, a Shogun (Leader/Prince) of infinite wealth, after being lost and found again by his Samurai (Warrior Chief) will both learn that their real riches lie elsewhere. To them will come four treasures to be nurtured and guided. They will father the four to manhood. . During the course of their growth, the Father will meet a fatal end. He will be held first and forever

Each Guardian will possess gifts.

One will hold the gift of dreams and control of the emotions.

One will hold the gift of looking into and influencing the minds of his fellow man and knowing truth.

One will hold the gift of communication and know all languages, written and spoken.

One will hold the gift of prophesy and he will be the catalyst to the power of the four.

Each will sense the presence of others.

Together, as one, the Guardians will hold a gift never allowed before to man.

There are dark forces and men who fear the power of the Guardians and would use it for their own purposes.

Care must be taken to preserve them while they grow and develop their skills. They must learn to love and trust, so that they may serve the needs of mankind.

(Translation error included)

Next: Chapter 45

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