To Fulfill a Prophesy


Published on Sep 1, 2001


teen2b slow)(47/56)

The following is a pure work of fiction and is the property of the author.

If you are looking to get off quick, read something else. This story is presented in serial form and you'll read a lot of background, before you get any mind-blowing sex scenes. If you are bothered by same sex relationships, read no farther.

This is a story about the interaction of males with each other in a fanciful setting. It's a story with some sex, not sex with some story.

Thanks to those who are encouraging me to continue with the presentation of this series.

I do not usually acknowledge e-mails, instead using my time to write. I do appreciate hearing from you. Hope that you continue enjoying the story. LJB

To Fulfill a Prophesy

Section 47

Davey - Friday night

I don't really think, I am a jealous person. All my life, other people have had things, I haven't had. I've always accepted that, without any problem and made do, with whatever I have had. Now I am in a place, where almost anything, I ever thought about, could be mine, by simply asking and yet, these things have no real meaning to me. I have people around me, who give me a lot of attention and share their kindness and love with me freely. I have special people, like Dad and Uncle Dean, Anson and Dale, who I love and admire. There is no one in the world, I love more than Denny, even my other brothers. So why is it, I feel so damn jealous, when Denny races into the bedroom every morning and gets right in next to Dad and Dad wraps his arms around him and holds him tight ? I know, Dad doesn't love him any more than he does me. I know, I am older and Denny is still a young boy, in so many ways. Is it, because I understand, Denny is so much more powerful, than the rest of us, that I might feel he doesn't need to always be the one.

Uncle Dean is great. He holds me too, but it just isn't the same. Besides, Jamie will be home permanently soon and Uncle Dean will want to cuddle with him, when we are all there. This is really silly. I know that. Is this what they mean by, `sibling rivalry' ? I don't know and I feel silly asking anyone else about it. Dale wouldn't tell anyone, if I asked him. Maybe, Brian would understand better. He has younger brothers. Yes, I would feel much more comfortable, sharing this with Brian. I'll have to see about this.

It was kind of embarrassing last night, at the community swim and this is something, we are going to have to work out. Brian and I had been doing really well. We were playing with Gus and trading off going to swim with Lenny, being really careful about looking too seriously at each other's body, to avoid the obvious reaction. Ever since we had started kissing occasionally, our bodies had started reacting to each other, without warning, whenever they wanted. We talked a bit about things in general and avoided touching each other, most of the evening.

Then something unexpected happened. I had a flash in my mind and I could see Jamie, standing and talking to me. I looked around for Denny and saw him sitting on the side of the pool, watching me. I knew he was aware of what I was seeing. Jamie spoke in my mind.

"Been trying to reach you every day, a couple times. This is the first time, I know I've made contact."

"This is the first time, I've felt you." I responded in my mind.

"I've prepared my memories, of what has happened here this week, so I could share them with you." he said. "I hope this will work. I will see you all, tomorrow afternoon."

I stood still and watched as all the things Jamie had done all week flashed through my mind. It included a Wednesday night session, coaching two really super looking guys, through their first attempt at anal intercourse. Needless to say, I got instantly hard, watching their activity. Then Brian spoke to me.

"Did you hear me, Davey ? You kind of winked out for a second. Are you okay ?" I turned to him, with a big smile on my face and said, "Watch." I projected Jamie's week to him. He had a really startled look on his face and then, he too, broke into a huge grin. We were now both, rock hard.

"What's with you two ?" Lenny's voice startled our attention, back to the here and now. "You both look like someone told you a dirty joke. Ha, ha. boners. Wanna tell me ?" Brian quickly said something about racing him and they took off, while I went back to playing with Gus.

I knew he was doing it, before I even opened my eyes. I tried to resist, but he just kept taunting me. I could feel his stare and I knew, he would be standing just outside of my reach. Even in my new bedroom, I wasn't safe from him.

"Dad's gonna beat your butt, when I tell him you been staring at me again, to wake me up." I finally said without opening my eyes.

"Dad wouldn't hit me." he answered back to me. "Well, not very hard, anyway."

"No, but I will." I roared, lunging at him. Damn, I missed. He was off like a shot, out the door and through the connecting door to Dad's suite, without even a pause. I have to figure out, how he got that security lock open to get into the suite and my new bedroom. Of course, I had to stop and pull on some pajama bottoms. He never does this to me, when I have them on, only when I sleep naked. Maybe it's his revenge, `cause Dad makes him wear pajamas. If that's it, maybe I should just rub it in and not wear any, when I go in there. With him running in on them, without any notice, Dad and Uncle Dean don't have time to get theirs on, most of the time anyway. I think they have pretty well given up. What does it matter ? We just take them off again, when we head into the shower.

I strolled through into Dad and Uncle Dean's bedroom and started to crawl up from the bottom of the bed to my usual place.

"Sorry, Sport." Dad said. "Afraid your going to have to settle for me, today. Your brother has thrown me over, for his Uncle Dean." I looked and Denny was snuggled in tight to Uncle Dean, who had his arms wrapped around him. Denny was smiling, one of his big, happy grins.

"Oh, I guess I can live with that." I answered and quickly crawled under the covers and backed up tight against my Dad. He reached around and held me close to him. Laying there, I inhaled his familiar scent and the warm, safe feelings, he had given me so often before, were renewed. I remembered, how important he is to all of us, but especially to me. He had loved me, since those first few hours in the hospital and I loved and trusted him. We just lay there together quietly and I could feel his love, wrap around me like another blanket. This is what I had missed so much.

"I don't know what got into your brother this morning." Dad told me. "Apparently I have morning breath. He just decided, he wanted Uncle Dean and that was all that would do."

"It's just fair, we share both of you." Denny answered. "I should get some time with Uncle Dean, sometimes. Davey can't have him all to himself, that wouldn't be fair." Denny watched me, the whole time he had been speaking and I knew, he had done this for me. I guess he loves me, as much as I love him. Jealousy is a stupid thing.

"Dad, Brian and I would like to go out somewhere tonight, just the two of us." I ventured. "We thought maybe bowling, or a movie."

"I'll have to come along." Dad replied. "Brian isn't experienced enough yet, to take you out at night, without added security."

"But, Dad," I whined, horrified at the thought of a date, with my Dad along. "You can't really be serious."

"Well, maybe one of the other guys, would consider going," he answered, thinking I didn't know he had a big smirk on his face, "Dale, Jason or Digger. Anson's not experienced enough." I thought hard about it.

"It's Friday night and there's no Dojo, tonight." I proposed. "Can I ask Mr. Chen to go ?"

"You may ask him." Dad chuckled. "Don't be surprised, if he turns you down." I had actually been thinking more along the lines of begging him.

Denny and I had our morning lessons. Tim kept telling us how well we were doing. I must admit, reading was getting a whole lot easier and I was really enjoying the books Kevin was giving me to read. He would sit and have me read to him for an hour every morning. He would leaf through the book, before he gave it to me and then, he would sit and listen and anytime I missed a word, or was stuck on one, he knew what it was, without even looking at the book again. I hoped someday I could do that, but then his gift was different than mine.

After Tim let us go for the day, I went to find Mr. Chen. He was out in the gardens, talking with some of the gardeners. As I approached, he finished his conversation and without turning spoke to me.

"You have come to ask Chen a big favour. What is it I can do, to serve you today, Mr. Davey ?" He turned to face me.

"My Dad, said I could ask you, Mr. Chen, but he also told me, you would likely say `No'." I told him.

"And what is this question, Mr. Ted has already decided, Chen will refuse for his Davey ?" he asked me. That was the first time he had ever referred to me as his Davey', instead of Mr. Davey'. I told him what Brian and I wanted to do and the limits, Dad had set on us. He thought for only a moment.

"Chen will accompany you and Mr. Brian, this evening." he stated. "You will let Chen know, what time you wish to leave and Chen will drive."

"Thank you, so very much, Mr. Chen." I said. "I really appreciate you helping us like this." I bowed deeply to him to signify my respect.

"It will be my pleasure, Mr. Davey." he told me as he returned my bow.

At lunch I told Dad, Mr. Chen had agreed to accompany Brian and me this evening. He was very surprised and so was Uncle Dean. It was apparently very rare for Mr.. Chen to go out at night, unless it could not be avoided in any way. I realized, he had done me a great honour, by granting my request. I checked with Brian, to confirm what he wanted to do and then went to make sure Mr. Chen approved.

We were all at the airstrip, when Jamie and Digger landed. It was like Jamie had never been away. We quickly caught him up on what had been occurring here while he was away and he had to tell the others, about his exams and how well he felt he had done. He didn't tell them about everything, he had been doing. When we arrived at his room, he was surprised and pleased with his new, king size bed. I took him over to see my new bedroom, in his father's suite. He of course had seen it many times and it hadn't changed any, other than my presence in it. We had some time to sit and talk before we had to be anywhere.

"I felt your emotions in the memories you sent me." I told him. "It didn't turn out to be what you intended, did it ?"

"I had the feeling from the start, Todd was trying to use me." Jamie said. "After I met Brendan, I realized they were just two uncertain guys, who were afraid and unsure and rather than trying to use me, they just hoped they had found someone, to help them through their fears. They are actually very nice guys."

"I had the sense you ended up liking them." I confirmed. "I need to talk to you about my relationship with Brian."

"Are you still going to be able to sleep in my bed," he asked, "as my brother, without any sex activity ?"

"You understand then ?" I wanted to know. "This does not change my caring for you in any way."

"I know, Davey." he assured me. "You helped me, when I needed you and we understood, we were helping each other. You know that Denny said, my mother would be a grandmother ,with many grandchildren. I still have lots of adventures ahead of me and I'm sure you'll still be guiding me." We hugged each other. Jamie would always be my best friend.

Brian and I decided to go and have a hamburger and then see a movie. This meant, Mr. Chen would be away from the Dining Room tonight, but when I checked with him, he said, it was not important. Brian came about 7 o'clock and we left shortly afterward. Dad, of course, told us to behave ourselves. I guess I would have been disappointed, if he hadn't. Mr. Chen, as he had said earlier, drove us in his car. It was a 1999 Chevrolet Venture, 3.4, V6, loaded and I swear, I don't know how he sits in that car and ever sees over the dash board.

We headed to the city and we're downtown, in about 15 minutes. Mr. Chen stopped at a Burger King and insisted on staying in the car, while we went to eat. We went in and ordered a couple meals and sat in seats, near the front window, where we knew he could see us, so he would not be concerned. I didn't realize how much I had missed the taste of fast food. Well balanced meals might be good for you, but burgers and fries can sure hit the spot. We talked as we ate.

"Gus and Lenny will be upset ,if they find out we came here without them." I said. "We should try to bring them sometime soon."

"I can take them any time," Brian commented, "but I don't get very much chance to be alone with you. What are we going to do about that ?"

"We'll have plenty of times." I told him. "Just give it a chance and things will settle down. I talked to Jamie this afternoon and he and I won't be doing any more sex experimentation. We might sleep together sometimes for company, or just to be together, but there will be no one for me, except for you, from now on."

"That may make things kind of hard." he blushed at his double-entendre. "You know what I mean. We aren't allowed to do very much. It can get pretty frustrating."

"Dale has set the limits for a reason." I said. "Dale always has a plan, or a reason, when he does something. We will talk to him and find out what his purpose is. He will only likely discuss it, if we talk to him together."

"How much do you know about Dale, as a person ?" Brian asked. "I use to be almost afraid of him. Now I really like and respect him, but there is still something almost `dangerous', about him."

"He is our trusted friend and Protector." I explained. "Denny trusts him completely, so you can be sure, he is totally reliable. I understand what you mean by `dangerous' and you are right. Dale is capable of doing, whatever needs to be done, but I know, he would never hurt, or harm any of us."

"Tell me about Ted." he asked. "I don't really know him at all."

"He and Uncle Dean are like one." I related. "They are the kindest, most thoughtful men, I have ever known. They have watched for the Guardians for many years. Dad decided to adopt me, before he was sure, I was one. He gave me love at a time, when there was not very much to love about me. They both did."

"I know what that's like." Brian interjected. "I loved you the first time I saw you. I didn't even know who you were and it didn't matter." He reached across the table and put his hand on mine. I knew what he said was true.

We went out to the car after we had finished eating. Mr. Chen was waiting patiently for us. He made no comments of any kind, he just was there. I found myself thinking about Mr. Chen and the relationship I had with him. Ever since I met Dad and Uncle Dean, Mr. Chen had just been there. The first time I saw him, while I was still in the hospital, he had appeared so unexpectedly. I knew as soon as I had seen him, I liked him. I had always had a sense he and I were friends, as though I had known him all my life, maybe even before that.

It is really hard to describe Mr. Chen's appearance. The first thing you notice about him is, he is only about 4' tall and couldn't have weighed 90 lbs. His face was Chinese. It wasn't old, it wasn't young, it was just Chinese. His eyes were black and he had a long, string kind of mustache which hung down to his chin on each side. He also wore a little goatee on the bottom of his chin. Mr. Chen always wore the same type of clothing. Usually, they were silk pants and a silk jacket, that came down to his hips. I know Mr. Peters, the Tailor, made all his clothing for him, so he always looked very neat and proper. He usually wore sandals and silk socks. A single, braided pony tail, ran down Mr. Chen's back from his head to his waist. Sometimes he wore it up, under a round cap, but I had never seen it any other way.

He had always been a friend to me, ever since our first meeting and I was aware he treated me very specially. He had cared for me, when I was injured, he was responsible for my hip healing and my arm. It wasn't that he didn't look after everyone, I just felt, he treated me special, like coming out with us this evening. It was something extra, which I knew he would not normally do. He was my very special friend and I loved him and had a great deal of respect for him.

We had previously selected the movie we wanted to see and Mr. Chen headed for the theater, as soon as we were settled in the back seat of his car. Brian and I sat, holding hands and talking quietly.

"You know, it won't always have to be like this." Brian said. "Once I am properly and completely trained, I will be able to take you out, without an extra security person. Why did they let us go with Mr. Chen ?"

"Believe me," I warned him, "you don't want to find out." I told him about Anson, questioning Mr. Chen's ability to protect us, when he had first arrived and about the incident, when we were shopping at Wal-Mart.

"Thank you, for giving me a `heads up'." Brian whispered. "I sure won't fall into that mistake. I know he is Shihan, at the Dojo, but I kind of thought that was an honourary title."

"Some evening, I would be pleased to meet your challenge for the honour." Mr. Chen responded from the front seat. Brian was startled and then embarrassed.

"Your pardon, Shihan." I said. "No disrespect was intended."

"And none was taken." Mr. Chen replied. "It is I who should apologize, for overhearing conversation not intended for these ears."

"Your apology is never required to us, Mr. Chen." I answered. "Good friends, spoken about by one another, do honour to each and should be heard by all." Where that came from I don't know, it was just in me.

We arrived at the theatre and found a parking place close by. Mr. Chen announced, he would be going in with us, but would be sitting in a location away from us. We tried to insist he stay with us, but he had his mind set. When we reached the theater, I stepped up to the window and purchased three tickets. Brian gave me a scowling look when I went back over to them. At the confectionery, we chose a selection of drinks and treats. Mr. Chen would take only a small drink of `Sprite'. I handed the cashier more cash and got another sense of annoyance from Brian. We went in and found seats, with about 10 minutes to spare, before the show was to start.

"You and I have to come to an understanding about paying for things." Brian told me. "When I take you out, I expect to pay for what we do and get. I don't like you dishing out your money, on my behalf."

"Brian," I said, "you need to understand something. I have never had anything in my whole life, until now. And now I have something, I don't need it. All my needs and wants are looked after by Dad. You have a family you help to support. Your earning are needed for that. I have nothing to spend anything on, except you and me. If you want to pay, when we are out, then you must let me start helping to support the family. That's the only fair way."

"I see what your saying, Davey," he answered, "but it just doesn't feel right. If I had a girl friend, I'd be taking her out and paying for the date. It wouldn't matter what other responsibilities I had. That's the way it would be. I feel strange when you pay for me."

"I'm not your girl friend and this is not a traditional relationship." I responded. "If you want to be the `man of the house', then I'll just turn my allowance over to you every month and you can use it to pay, when we go out. I hope you don't think you're going to be on top all the time, too." Brian was concentrating so hard on rejecting the first part of my statement, it took him a moment to think out the second. When he did, he blushed brightly.

"I don't want your allowance to dole out, you should do that yourself." he conceded. "As far as being on top, I don't know yet, where I'll want to be, until we explore all our options. I do know, with you is all I want to be." He continued to blush. I smiled at him and he reached for my hand, just as the movie started.

It was a good picture and we both enjoyed watching it. We both appreciated spending some time with each other with no one else around. The theater was far from filled and we managed to hold hands during the entire film. When we got up to leave, Mr. Chen was waiting patiently for us at the ticket office. The drive home went quicker than we realized and when we exited Mr. Chen's car, it was only eleven o'clock. We both thanked Mr. Chen for going with us and he returned our bows, before he headed to his rooms. Brian was not on duty tomorrow and asked, if it was possible for me to spend the day at his house. I told him we would have to check it out, so we went in to find Dad.

Most of the family was in the Games Room. Denny of course had gone to bed earlier and Digger and Anson were gone, but the others were still gathered. Greetings were made all around when we entered and we went over and sat down by Dad. He asked how the movie had been and where we ate, genuinely interested in us having had a good time. Brian explained to Dad what he had suggested to me and asked, if it could be arranged. Dad said there were some plans for tomorrow, but he would take me to Brian's house in the morning, if he could have me returned by 2 o'clock. We arranged to be back by 1 o'clock and to meet with Dale at 1:15 p.m.

Digger - Saturday morning

Finally wrapping my arms around Anson at the airstrip on Friday afternoon, made my entire week worthwhile, as I received the best hug of my week. Other than the hug I had received on Sunday, when we left, it was my only hug that week. I had spoken to him on the telephone every night and as wonderful as that had been, in many ways, it made me start to miss him all over again every day. I can't remember anything feeling as good to my arms, as his strong, muscular body, when they are tightly wrapped around it. I was so totally thrilled to be back with him, it took me a little while to realize something was wrong.

When we entered our room, Anson had hardly said a word to me. I was surprised by the new king size bed, Anson had not told me about. I turned and looked at him, but he stood silently beside me, with his eyes downcast, not looking at me.

"You have something to say to me ?" I asked. I could see he was really bothered about something.

"I present myself to be reprimanded, Sir." he replied.

"Explain." I instructed.

"I have questioned your instructions, Sir." he told me. "By doing so, I caused Jason to disobey his instructions and to be reprimanded. It was my fault and I present myself for your reprimand, Sir." I thought briefly about what he was saying to me. I picked up the phone and called Dale, explained what was happening and asked him to clarify the situation for me. He did.

"Dale says you have been reprimanded for what happened." I said to Anson, once I had finished my telephone conversation. "I consider his reprimand suitable. Do you still have a problem ?"

"Master Dale punished me for what I did as far as involving Jason, Sir." he explained. "He could not reprimand me, for not following your instructions, because he didn't know I hadn't paid close enough attention to what you said, Sir."

"I see." I responded, starting to see where this was going. "What would you feel was an adequate reprimand for the way you have been behaving, Slave." I saw the little smile on his lips when I said this and knew I was catching on to where this scene had been headed.

"Well, Sir." he started. "Being your lowly slave, I imagine I should be spanked and then thoroughly fucked." He lifted his head slightly to see my reaction to his suggestion.

"Well, Slave." I suggested. "Maybe instead, you should be spanked for trying to control the Master and then not claimed for another week or two, until you learn better manners."

"Aw, come on, Digger." he whined, looking me full on now. "You can't blame a guy for trying to speed things up a bit, when he's been through what I went through for you this week. Do you really know what Dale did to me on Monday and Thursday ?"

"I know, my love." I said, as I gave him another big hug, holding on to him tightly. "And you will praise and bless him, when you find how easy he has helped to make it for us to be totally together this weekend. But later, not now just because you're horny and don't want to wait any longer."

"Aw, shit." he moaned and joked. "Well you can't spank a guy for trying." I gave him a look and he slowly tried to back away from me. "Come on, Digger. Surely, you can't. Digger, come on, you know I was just fooling, Digger......."

Denny - Saturday morning

It wasn't so bad, sleeping in this big room alone, now it was all mine. Well the bed and the closet and the bathroom were all mine. I still had to share the toys and fun area with Davey, but that was okay, `cause it gave me someone to play with sometimes. And I had been offered the big double bed from Jamie's room, but decided to keep the twin beds I already had. I opened my eyes and looked around. It was light out, so it must be a good time to get up.

Besides, it was Saturday. No lessons with Tim today. I really like having the mornings with Tim and Kevin, but let's face it. School is school and any day there is none, is a good day, whether you like going. or not. I don't want anyone to think I like it. They might think about me going in the afternoons and that would be too much. It would be nice to have a school with some other kids though, so I would have more people to play with. Everyone tries hard to keep me busy, but I know they often have other things to do. There's always swimming and riding, but they won't let me go by myself, so again I have to find someone with nothing to do.

I been riding my bike lots. They let me do that alone and I have been all over the estate. Don't tell anyone, cause I'm not suppose to go out of sight of the castle', without Dad knowing where I'm going to be. How can I tell him ? Most of the time, I don't even know where I'm going to be, until I get there. Rules and adults can sure make it hard on kids sometimes.

This morning, when I woke up, I went to see if Jamie wanted to come in to his Dad's and my Dad's bed. He isn't mean when he wakes up, like certain other people we know. I called him and told him what time it was and asked if he wanted to come. He said he did and got up to come with me. Jamie doesn't sleep with any pajamas on either. I'm starting to think I'm the only person in this whole house, maybe in the whole world, that has to sleep in pajamas. I'm going to have to ask around about this. Anyway, I asked Jamie if we should see if Davey wanted to come and he said `yes', so I suggested he go in and call Davey.

We went out to the hallway and Jamie asked about calling over to get into the suites. I told him it was no problem anymore and when we reached the door, I just turned the knob and it clicked and opened. He thought that was strange, but I told him it had been that way all week, so we went in and over to Davey's bedroom. Jamie opened his door and went in and I just stayed in the doorway. He leaned over the bed and shook Davey's shoulder, asking if he was awake. Davey pounced on him, yelling he had finally caught him. Them sorting out who was who was really funny, but I was the only one who laughed. I knew when they both looked at me, they had missed the humour, so I decided it was time to get in Dad's arms and left.

They were right behind me. Davey seemed to have worn his bottoms to bed last night. I thought I might have some trouble, but when I went through the bedroom doorway, I saw the Uncle Dean wasn't in bed. I scurried across the bed and snuggled up close to Dad, as they both arrived at the door and stopped and stood there.

"Well, my little man," Dad said to me quietly, "looks like the dogs nearly nipped your heals this morning." I knew what he meant and I also knew it wasn't my heals they had been after.

"Morning, Dad." I answered, as my older brothers stood in the doorway glaring at me. "What are we doing today ?" Uncle Dean came out of the bathroom and slid back into bed.

"Are you two coming in," he asked, holding the covers up for them, "or are you going to spend the morning standing there ?" They looked at each other and then they both came over and slid under the covers, into the middle of the bed. Uncle Dean wrapped his arms around him as Jamie moved tight against him.

"Got any room left in there ?" a voice asked. We all looked over to the door and it was Kevin. "I thought, seeing as we were all together for a change, there might be an early morning meeting."

"Good," said Dad, "we were nearly short a pair of bigger arms. Come on over." Kevin came and crawled up the end of the bed and then squeezed in between Davey and me. Without saying anything further, he reached over and wrapped Davey in a solid hug and pulled him in tight to him.

"Come on, little bro." he told him. "It's about time you and I had a little personal time together." Davey held tight to Kevin's arms and was pleased to have some time with our big brother.

"It's nice to have you with us, Son." Dad assured Kevin and reaching over, brushed his hand through his hair a couple times.

"I'm shy, Dad." he replied. "It's taken me some time to feel like part of this group, but I do now and will be interacting a little more often."

"Good idea." Davey said. "Denny can start coming over to wake you in the morning, instead of always hitting on me." I could do that, I thought.

"No, I don't think so," Kevin replied, "but he can come and snuggle with us now and then, until it's time for Dad and Uncle Dean to wake up. How would that be, little man ?"

"Hey, Dad, did you hear that ?" I asked. "Kevin called me what you do, `little man'."

"Well, I guess as your biggest brother," Dad replied, "he's allowed to do that, isn't he ?" I thought about it and then I decided, I liked it, so I nodded my approval.

When it was time to get up, Dad wondered if six of us would have any room in the shower. I said I wasn't leaving and Davey said he had his shower there every morning and he wasn't leaving. Jamie said he was only home for two showers a week, so he wasn't leaving and Kevin said he wasn't going to be the only one to leave. So, all six of us had our showers together. I think I had it worst, cause I'm the shortest and I had to make sure none of them stepped on me. I also had to make sure who thought they were looking after me, cause by the time we were done, I'd had my hair washed three times, by three different people. I think being the youngest is really the hardest.

Next: Chapter 49

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