To Protect and Service

By Desert Rat

Published on Nov 9, 2022




This story depicts graphic sex acts between consenting gay males. If gay sex offends you or is illegal at your locality, you'd better move on. If words like cock, cum, asshole and fuck bother you and you prefer penis, ejaculate, sphincter and intercourse, maybe you'd better move on also and snuggle up with an encyclopedia! Other wise, I hope you enjoy my story.

My characters always swallow cum freely and the only time rubbers are worn is if you expect some hunk to lick the cum off your cock after you fuck his legs off. In the real world, exercise caution; play safe and live long.

As always, I appreciate comments and story suggestions are always welcome. The greatest compliment I can receive is that my stories made you hard or made you want to pop a load.

Thank you for the opportunity to share my fantasies with you

Desert Rat

"To Protect and Service"

It's getting darker earlier every day I thought as I pulled the big Kawasaki to a stop facing the setting sun. I was late Friday afternoon. Straddling the bike, I could feel the subtle vibrations on my thighs and especially on my balls. As soon as the shift was officially over, the cup was gone and now my cock and balls could breath again. Soon I would be home and I could get out of this uniform. Normally, the black wool wasn't bad but today had been unseasonably warm for October. Now, the blazing sun was causing my pits to get damp. The light changed and I sped off, the air movement cooling me.

I had joined the force as soon as I had graduated from the Academy and had gradually worked my way up to motor unit. From my first day, this was what I wanted. I patiently waited out the required service interval before they would consider me for the unit. The freedom of the bike alone would have been enough but that fucking uniform! I got a tug in my balls when I saw myself or the other men dressed in it. The unit was like a brotherhood. We would do anything for each other. I always thought it was because of the vulnerability we had that the patrol officers didn't. I often wonder why the men in the unit seemed more masculine than the other cops. It always gave me a good feeling to be one of them. With those thoughts, I pointed the bike in the direction of the station and doing my shift report before heading home.

What was I going to do tonight? Maybe watch that new video. That is, IF I still have a TV and VCR. The rundown old building I had my loft in was not in a good neighborhood. It was so bad, I wouldn't take my unit home but left it at the station. I had misgivings enough about my Jeep being on the street but so far, it hadn't been touched. When rumor that a cop was living in the building had sprung up, crime moved a street away, I got a cut in my rent, and my plumbing got fixed. I actually could take a long shower and not run out of hot water. Na, the place wasn't fancy but it was mine and I wasn't sharing it with some messy, demanding woman. I had three girlfriends in four months and when Shelly and I called it quits, it had been her apartment so I hit the bricks and swore off living with anyone ever again. That was three months ago and although I wasn't happy, I wasn't miserable either.

Yea, maybe tonight the video and a nice long jerk off. I didn't do it often but when I did it was usually when it was time for bed. Maybe tonight I'd make a whole evening of it. Get some scotch and get a little high, strip naked, maybe a little lubrication on my cock that would suffice until my natural juices kicked in. Yea, really prolong it and see how far I could shoot. The night I first got the video I had made it all the way to the wall behind my head. That was the first time. A little while later, I didn't do as well and only hit my face. A little while after that, just my neck. I guess I'm just getting old, I thought. Now I could feel my cock surging with blood and I was actually looking forward to the night. Yeah, the video had been a good idea. It probably wasn't a coincidence that one of the guys in it looked like Ed but didn't have a fraction of the body.

Ed was a construction worker over in the old city center that was undergoing renovation. He was working on the building of a high-rise luxury apartment building. He was a steelworker and had looks and a body that made me feel odd every time I looked at him. Which was every time I could and not be obvious about it. I'll be up front, I knew I had `leanings' but, with the exception of that one time with Randy while we were at the Academy, I had never gotten the experience to find out one way or the other. I checked my watch but it was going on six and he had been off work since five. Being a Friday night, I was certain the young stud was already gone for the weekend but I liked seeing the site because it made me think of him and that would definitely help this evening. I sped off in that direction.

Nearing the site, I saw the silhouette of the building in the setting sun. I stopped opposite the site. It looked pretty deserted. I glanced around. On the opposite side of the street was another building. It had mirrored glass. I saw my reflection straddling the saddle. The vibrating made my balls tingle but the reflection made my cock start swelling. Now why couldn't I have him? I thought and laughed to myself. Hey why not? Look at him. A fucking sex machine: tall, close cropped black hair, deep blue eyes, pretty good tan, great body with l-o-n-g legs (my breeches have to be made to order because I have a 38" inseam, also the Danner boots due to my requiring a size 13), respectable amount of body hair and very nice equipment, if I do say so myself. My 7 1/2" cock even made my own mouth water.

I started off again. Passing the side street, I saw a figure crouched behind one of the barricades that had closed the street during the construction. He was close to the construction trailer. I suspected maybe a break-in. I stopped and cautiously proceeded down the street. It was Ed; a beer bottle was in his hand. There is a no open container in public law in the city so I guess he got a little nervous and slid the bottle back in the bag but there was three other bottles on the ground at the curb.

"Hey Ed, what's up?"

"You're not going to pop me for this are you? I can't afford to lose my job," he stammered.

"We can settle out of court with your cock down my throat," I wanted to say. Instead, I waved my hand away. He grinned. He was dressed in the usual Levi's and a white undershirt. His hard hat was still on his head, the collar of his work shirt was stuffed into a back pocket the rest hanging down a shapely ass.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked.

"My fucking girlfriend hasn't gotten here yet. Probably out with her fancy girlfriends getting drunk on Mai Tai's at some classy place. Too good to go anywhere with me, I'm just a dumb welder. All I am to her is a cock with a body attached to it. I guess it's time to move on again." He sounded bitter. I actually knew nothing of him or his history. I had only learned his name by hearing the other guys talk to him.

When they had first started the building, I used to go by on my usual circuit. Once I saw the workers at the project, I started making it a regular stop usually during their morning and afternoon breaks. Often a guy or two would strip off his shirt to get some rays during the break. That was always hard on time for me, that is if it weren't for my cup. But to be honest, there were a couple of times I jerked off in the men's room at the local McDonald's thinking about the guys. Of all the construction projects downtown, this site had the best looking, and best built studs. Ed stood out head and shoulders over the rest.

Ed was just over six-foot and weighed maybe a little less than 200 pounds but it was solid muscle. Honest muscles, a body earned by a man who got it by manual labor. A worker's body and judging by the huge biceps and pecs, I'd say he worked his ass off. The moderately thick black hair on his chest was a major turn on. Lately I had noticed my hard ons were more intense when caused by hairy chested men. He had looks also. Not beautiful looks, but good ones. One of his best features was his charcoal brown hair. At first sight, you'd think it was black but when his hard hat was off and the sun was hitting it just right, you could see it had brown in it. Also, the eyes: the darkest brown imaginable, almost black. I can't tell you how many times I had cum thinking about us staring into each other's eyes as we jerked each other off. Lacking in experience, my fantasies had a narrow scope.

And the man was moderately, if not well, hung. That was evident in the morning when he first got to work in the nicely snug levies. His cock was always slung out to the side. We were through roll call by 7:30am and I could just get to the site before they started working. The guys would be milling around with cups of coffee and maybe a last minute cigarette before work started. Usually dressed in clean tight levies that by the end of the day would be stretched out and dirty. I hadn't decided which I preferred. Morning you could see length and outline. Evenings, mass became more evident and cocks settled down the legs and balls moved more freely. Right now, Ed was in that state. I was in a state of heavy desire.

"Want a beer?" Ed asked, holding one of the two remaining out to me.

"Thanks, Ed, but I can't. I'm in uniform," I explained. "Otherwise, I would kill for a beer."

"Hey, I won't tell anyone if you don't." He smiled a wide grin that seemed to melt my heart and start the blood pumping a little faster, all over.

"Well, not right here. Maybe over there," I said nodding toward the construction trailer. Not wanting to possibly call attention to us, I pushed the bike instead of starting it. Police motorcycles starting seemed to be readily noticed and I often saw heads turn when I started mine. So, we stashed the bike behind the trailer. It was fairly dim now. Standing, we opened the bottles and clinked them together.

"To a new start," Ed declared with a big grin.

"To a new start," I echoed.

I checked my watch again and it was after 6:00. I decided I had better radio in before the dispatcher realized I hadn't logged out. Motioning Ed to be quite, I called in saying I had stopped at the bank and was going to be delayed. We exchanged smiles and I took another pull on the beer.

"Look, I gotta piss and the porta-pot is inside--" Ed said.

"Go ahead. Shit Ed, I'm a guy just like you. I piss in public if I need to, I drink in public if I want to." I leaned my head a little closer to his, "You wanna know a secret we're sworn not to ever tell non-policemen?" He nodded his head eagerly and leaned closer. I could discern the heavy scent of his body after a day's work and beer on his breath. Not at all an unpleasant combination. "We've even been known to fart!"

Ed threw his head back and spun around with his back to me laughing hysterically. Then, he started bouncing up and down and said, "I gotta do it, NOW. And he fumbled getting his cock out just as the stream started. He groaned loudly. He wasn't quite facing away from me and I could see his meat. It was magnificent. Even soft, that was the only word I had for it. As many men as I had seen in the gym or at the station and Yes, I check guys out at the pisser just like every other guy does. I had never seen a cock as beautiful. Okay, I exaggerate! I had a major lust going here, it was extra nice, for the light being so dim. But I had seen it. Ed finished, shook it off and turned towards me, cock still hanging out. I tried not to look but unable not to. I nervously downed my beer.

The look on Ed's face told me he knew. I don't know how but he knew. "He's a beaut isn't he? Why don't you give him a feel," he said, his deep voice silky, almost hypnotic. My hand was on it before the sentence ended. It was heavy. I squeezed it. It responded. We stood there for an eternity then he leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "Suck me." His hand was on my shoulder nudging me down. I squatted fearing dirt on my knees. My mouth opened, he was in me. That night with Randy I had been too drunk to know the sensation of having a man's cock in my mouth. Although not yet fully hard, it filled my mouth. He tasted slightly salty but I decided that had probably been sweat. As his cock started to stiffen from my tongue and lip massage, I pushed my face further into his crotch, trying to clear the levies and feel more body. Ed pushed back. His cock stiffened faster than I thought possible. He backed off, held my head in his strong hands and started fucking my mouth. I had to hold on to his thighs to keep from loosing my balance.

Once into a good rhythm, we heard a car horn. I tried to pull away but he held my head in his tight grip "Fuck you," he grunted.

`No, fuck me,' I thought. A longer blast.

"Get the fuck out of here, bitch," he muttered. And as if the sound had carried, we heard a squeal of tires and then silence. I felt Ed's hands relax as he started pumping harder. Fully hard now, the long thick cock was sliding deeply into my throat. It would be years before I would find out that was something I wasn't supposed to be able to do the first time I sucked. We were both getting into it when the security lights from the site came on and we are bathed in light. Ed jumped back trying to get his rigid cock covered. I fell backwards barely able to avoid falling on my ass.

Now standing there in the bright light, I could see the massiveness of Ed's cock and I wanted him all the more. "Wow, that was close," I said.

"Not as close as I was!" Ed said.

"What, are you going to do now? I assume that was your girl friend."

"Ex-girl friend. It hasn't been good for a while now. We just don't fit any more. I guess I'll hop the fence and sleep in there somewhere," he said nodding in the direction of the work site.

I went for broke. "Look, it isn't much and I've only got one bed but if you want to, you can crash at my place. No strings attached."

"You think maybe we could finish this," he said gesturing to his crotch, which hadn't softened at all.

"I can't think of anything I would rather do."

"Hey, you got it, guy," he said with that heart stopping grin.

Okay, I've got to get my unit back to the garage then I'll meet you back here. It'll take ten minutes, tops. You'll wait?"

"Sure," he said. "Would it be okay if I got some more beer?"

"No prob, Ed."

I hoped on the bike and made it to the station in record time, even running one light but the downtown area was deserted this late on a Friday night.

I parked the bike in parking area, signed out and sprinted to the Jeep. Normally, I would have changed in to my street clothes but tonight I didn't want to run the risk of running into anyone and being delayed. The thought of the hot stud sleeping on the ground instead of next to me was as unacceptable as not getting that load he had been so eager to give me. And my shift report would have to wait. I was good about doing it before leaving for the day so no doing it today would be overlooked if even noticed. Fortunately, my keys we in my pocket. I sped off.

I arrived back at the site and Ed was standing there, his cock now soft but still highly visible. My balls stirred in anticipation and I felt my cock expand. I got out so Ed could see me. Recognizing me, he hurried over. Instead of another six-pack, he had a bottle of something.

"I hope you like scotch. I decided I might need something stronger than beer."

"My favorite." My heart leapt and my cock stiffened more. I wanted this young hunk and I wanted him badly. An hour earlier I had been will to jerk off only fantasizing about having him and now it seemed as if it was going to be a reality.

The drive to my neighborhood had only taken a few minutes. I lived in a section of the city that in a few years would undoubtedly be redeveloped also but now, it was seedy. Noticing the abandoned car with it's smashed windows, Ed said, "You really live here?" He sounded doubtful.

"Yeah, this is home, Ed. Come on." We got out of the Jeep and I set the alarm glancing back like I always did as if I wasn't going to see it again and I knew that was a possibility. Ed looked decidedly nervous for no good reason. With his physical size and obvious strength, he could hold his own with just about anyone.

We entered the lobby. Next to the entrance was a desk that years ago had been occupied by a receptionist or perhaps a security guard. Now it was littered with yellowing newspapers and discarded soda cans. Cigarette butts littered the floor even thought the old man said he swept it daily.

Taking what had served as the freight elevator to the fourth and top floor, we got out. I had my hand on my service revolver. It didn't go unnoticed.

"Now you're really making me nervous," Ed said.

I laughed trying to brush it aside. "I'm just giving you a heard time. Relax!" I gripped his shoulder tightly. It felt so solid, so good. I wanted to take him in my arms and feel all of his body. When the elevator stopped, I held him back with my hand on his hairy chest and peered out. "It's safe," I said laughing again. The feel of his chest caused my cock to leap to attention again. I felt a trickle of fluid on my balls and knew I was dripping and I wasn't even completely hard yet. I propelled him out of the elevator with my hands on his bare shoulders. The warmth of his body was comforting. Leading him to my door, I unlocked the big pad locked and slid it aside. I switched on the overhead lights. The room blazed from too much illumination.

"Jeez," Ed muttered.

I turned on the few lamps I had bought to get away from the harsh glare of the industrial lighting and switched back off the lights. "Better?" I asked.

"Yea, much. Got some glasses?" he said nervously gesturing with the bottle.

Everything seemed to be going in my favor but even I was nervous. As I got the glasses, it was evident the young man was checking the place out. "Yea, I know it isn't much but the rent is cheap and I'm not really here too much. Basically just to sleep and maybe a little TV." I glanced around. The small counter that was supposed to serve as a kitchen only had a hot plate that seldom worked and my new microwave oven that worked but was seldom used. Rounding out the look of total depravation was an industrial sink that was so badly stained I wouldn't even use it instead opting for a couple of dish pans for those rare occasions when I needed to do dishes. Even the refrigerator was on its last leg but still froze ice. Well, at least my glasses were clean even if I did only have two of them.

He poured each tumbler half full of scotch, I dropped an ice cube in into each.

We stood there awkwardly talking about nonessential BS trying to get comfortable with the obvious intent of him being here. It seemed easier before we entered the room when the act was still out in the future. Now the impulsiveness of those brief moments at the construction site had passed and I could tell the young stud was nervous. I didn't know if I was to wait for him to signal his willingness as he had done earlier or should I be the aggressor. Maybe just a slight reminder was in order. I reached over to touch his cock but my hand trembled so violently even Ed noticed it. I jerked it back quickly nervously taking a gulp of my drink.

He looked a little surprised and then realization must have set in. "You've never done this before have you?" he said.

I couldn't speak but just shook my head. He smiled at me sweetly, melting my heart and said, "Then it will be the first time for both of us. Would it be okay if I took a shower? I would feel better about it if I did."

I retrieved a couple of clean towels, I had just had the laundry done and the sheets were clean also. I gave the wall behind the bed a fast glance hoping I hadn't left any obvious stains. I lead him to the decrepit bathroom with the makeshift shower stall that had been installed in hopes of renting to people to live in the building that could never pass any type of commercial or industrial fire inspection. Ed pealed his tank top off and started unbuttoning his Levi's. I longed to watch him but decided to give him some privacy. I started to leave and close the door.

"That isn't necessary," he said.

I left him alone but I could see his movements as he unlaced his boots and stripped off the levies. Self consciously, I looked away out of fear that he would see me staring at him but once he was in the shower stall, I could see the tanned surfaces of his body through the thin plastic curtain. As he was soaping his crotch, the swelling of my own cock reminded me I was still in my uniform. I knew I had to change. Levies, would be too awkward, just underwear too obvious. I settled on gym trunks and a T-shirt and decided maybe Ed would be more comfortable in clean clothes so I laid a similar set out for him. I hurriedly stripped. My cock feeling freedom for the first time all day surged up, it was wet, sticky, and not even very appetizing for me but I doubted he would even touch me so it didn't matter. I pulled on one of the T-shirts I wore with my uniform since it had longer tails and would help hide my hard on that would be inevitable if my luck continued to hold with this hunk.

I heard the water shut off and Ed padded in toweling off. My heart stopped. This was the first time I had seen him naked. Bits and pieces here and there had been revealed. The final piece a little while ago but now, the whole package was breathtaking. I couldn't take my eyes off him. He was looking at the blank TV screen. He had found a spot to stare at that didn't mean holding my gaze but allowed me to look at him. Perhaps this was his way of showing consent or maybe it was just a gift he was giving me.

"I'm sorry, I'm getting water on your floor," he said to the TV.

"You're not going to hurt it," I said looking at the scuffed and stained surface. I knew it was clean but not very attractive. I would be completely willing to lick the water off the floor just knowing it had touched his body. I stared at him drying his body. It seemed a very erotic act. At times, the towel would move and I would get a glimpse at the thick cock and massive balls. Or he would dry a pit and I would see the stark white towel sliding across his deeply tanned body with its beautiful venire of black body hair.

He broke my concentration. "You got any porno? That might help," he said hesitantly. I was hoping he wasn't having second thoughts. I nodded. "Straight ones?" he asked hopefully.

"That's all I got, as I said, this is new to me also." I moved to the TV to show him the titles. But I startled him. He moved the towel slightly covering his cock that when I was at a distance, he had willingly let me look at. Skittish, I decided and knew I had to move slowly.

He knew I saw the movement. "You going to shower?" he asked, embarrassed hoping to cover the overreaction.

I hadn't thought of it but in case he did get adventuresome, I should be ready. "Sure, if you don't mind."

He laughed a little, "Hey it's your place, remember?"

"Sorry, just nervous." He nodded agreement. "You look through the videos and pick one out that looks good to you. I'll just be a minute. There's a pair of trunks and a tee shirt you can put on." I disappeared in the bathroom leaving the door open. I concentrated on washing just the essentials. I showered, dried off and dressed in probably less than two minutes and for the size of my body and my love for long showers, that was a record.

Reentering the room, I saw Ed was sitting on the edge of bed. Instead of the clothes I had provided, he had wrapped the second towel around his waist. One darkly tanned thigh was visible. I felt myself stirring inside my trunks. He had refreshed and brought both our glasses to the table. I felt good seeing both glasses side by side. I walked over and took a healthy gulp of the glass I assumed to be mine it being the fuller of the two. Well, at least he didn't try to move away, that was a start.

He glanced up for the first time actually looking at my body. "You got a nice shape. You work out?" I nodded not wanting to speak for fear my tone would indicate a degree of ego I didn't like to acknowledge. Sure I knew I had what it took to be a stud. Now, my newly laundered T-shirt was stretched tight across my pecs showing the excellent definition and deep cleft. The thick black hair on it was a definite plus in my eyes. To me, there were very few things that looked as good as a deeply tanned muscular chest with a healthy pelt of black hair. I was satisfied. I absentmindedly rubbed my hand from my chest to my belly. The shirtsleeves bound my biceps from the movement. This was usual and they were always a little uncomfortable until the fabric stretched a little. My belly was okay. Probably my only weak point. I kind of neglected it in favor of my chest and thighs. It was flat and hard but with just a hint of ripple.

"I don't have to," he said flexing his biceps and grinning at me. I was stunned at the cantaloupe-sized masses but the sight of his armpits accentuated by the flexed muscles sent shivers down my spin. This was something I had never encountered but suddenly his pits looked almost as good as his chest.

"I wouldn't think you'd have to," I said weekly and walked over to the TV set. You want to start this now?"

"Sure, might as well get it over with," he said quietly.

I felt a pang in my stomach. `Get it over with'! Was this a duty or an obligation for him to suffer through. I felt my face sting and I knew I was blushing.

I kept my back to him hoping to recover before he could see but I didn't succeed. He noticed.

"Look... Jeez, I don't even know your first name!" He exclaimed with an ironic whine that I didn't even find irritating like I did when it was coming from women.

"Terry" I said quietly.

"Terry, come here," he patted the bed beside him. I sat down, a foot or so separating us. I stared at the floor or more precisely, his foot, which was next to mine. "Terry," he continued. "I don't know what I can do or can't do. Maybe I got it in me, I don't know. Maybe that is why I seem to change girl friends as frequently as I change socks. I told you, I haven't ever done anything like this. You seem like a nice guy and I am glad it is going to be you. Just be patient and go easy with me, okay buddy?" And with that, he placed his hand on top of mine and gave it a firm squeeze. This was a masculine gesture but tender and one he could easily make. I think that was when I fell in love with him.

I got up to dump some more "liquid courage" in our glasses. The movie had started. Ed swung his legs up on the bed but was resting with his back up against the wall on leg pulled forward. The towel was tucked between his legs but the thick outline of his cock resting on his thigh could not easily be disguised. I returned but didn't know what to do. His sitting on the bed had not been suggestive, besides the TV set that was sitting on the box it had come in, the bed and a battered night table were all I had. There was a rack that held my uniforms and the few casual clothes I owned and a card board box held my socks and jocks. Everything else was neatly stacked on the shelf above the rack. But that wasn't really furniture. There was no place for me to sit. On the floor would be stupid. He had told me he was willing, so getting on the floor might seem like I was rejecting him. Getting on the small bed seemed logical but I didn't want him to think I was moving in for the kill either. I went over to the other side of the bed and stretched out on my side somewhat lower than he, propped up on one elbow with my legs opened into a wide "V", the leg still on the bed was lightly touching his calf. In this position, my head was opposite his thighs. His one leg that was up I could see on his inner the little trail of hair leading to his crotch that was a little thicker than the rest of the hair on his legs. I fantasized about where ended when not concealed as it was. My cock stiffened. I looked down but it was well concealed.

We watched in silence for probably five minutes. The TV was at a right angle to the bed and Ed's face had been glued to the screen. This allowed me to check him out at my leisure. Wanting desperately to touch him but holding back. I saw his cock slowly start expanding. Every so often, the towel would move as his meat started displacing more of the territory between towel and thigh. My own cock was solid in anticipation. It was also visible, having not chosen trunks too wisely. The jersey was stretchy and I was stretching it! It showed. At lest if he chose to look at it, he couldn't see how wet it was becoming.

The alcohol was getting to me. I knew I had to make a move. My hand still trembling, I reached over and ran my hand gently down the exposed thigh stopping just short of touching his balls. Then back again. Slowly, with steady pressure. He glanced over at me like he had forgotten I was there. Our eyes met, held and then he glanced away but reached down to the towel tugging it open. He slid down flat on the bed, bunched the pillow under his head and turned it toward the TV.

Naked and with his cock filled out, he was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. The heavy muscles of his body completely at rest now but looked like they could spring into action with little or no notice. The white sheets accentuated his deep tan. I reached over and took hold of his cock. It seemed heavier than it had been earlier. I pulled on it gently. He stiffened quickly and soon was hard. Ed's cock felt like it had been made for my large hand but it still seemed huge. Judging by how much my hard prick would extend with my hand wrapped around it, I estimated this stud possibly had an inch or so on me and definitely a bit thicker. I'd give it a definite 8" and probably a little more. His balls where hefty but I knew mine were bigger. I stroked slowly and every once in a while he glanced over at my hand. A drop appeared at his slit. I leaned over to lick it off his knob it seemed the only natural thing to do. Ed misinterpreted my move, rested his hand on the back of my head, and pushed my mouth down over his cock.

"It's about fucking time," he groaned as he arched his back and pushed his head deeper into the pillow and his cock head deeper in my throat. With out missing a beat my tongue sprung into action, licking the thick shaft as I drew it out of my mouth polishing the knob with a flourish before lunging back down. My heart was racing and I could hear blood pounding in my ears that failed to drown out Ed's slow deep moans.

"Man, that is so fucking good!" he groaned out as he rotated his hips and backed off attempting to continue fucking my mouth as he had done earlier. The brief minutes I had been on him had been enough to demonstrate to me that sucking him was vastly superior to having my mouth fucked. When I was sucking him, I was in control of the movements. It was easier to blend the sensations for both of us and it allowed me to moderate the amount of stimulation he received. Already greedy for this to last, I had no intentions of him popping too soon. To discourage his thrusting hips, I placed my hand on his belly just above his cock and with firm pressure pushed down. Then rubbing my fingers back and forth through his bush, another dimension was added to the experience.

Cautiously, I glanced up to his face but all I could see was his broad hairy chest and his throat. His head was pushed back into the pillow. Obviously, he was enjoying this. This was the first time I had a man's cock in my mouth so I wasn't certain what I should do to make it better. The exploration with my tongue was more a result of my own lust but it seemed to be stimulating him also. I gave his cock head another polish and was rewarded with a large drop of his pre-cum.

As nonchalantly as possible, I reached down to my crotch. Pulling my shirt up, I slid my hand in my trunks to retrieve my meat. My steady dripping had left my hip slick, as was the entire length of my shaft. I managed to get my trunks down under my balls and started stroking myself in time to my sucking his thick prick. My cock was more sensitive than I had ever known it to be. All my senses were combining into sexual responses I had never dreamed possible. I knew there was no way I could every go back. If my future didn't include this highly desirable stud whose cock now owned my throat, then it would be some other. It was now inconceivable that I could ever jerk off alone again and enjoy the act.

Breaking my concentration, Ed was pushing gently on my forehead. "I'm getting too close, don't want to cum yet." I gave the underside of his knob a broad lick and backed off. I eased my cock back inside my trunks and pulled the shirt down. It showed but it would be unrealistic of him to think I wouldn't respond to his body. He should be able to tell just by how I was sucking him. My ego was strong enough to where I wanted to know how I compared to the women who had been on him but I thought it would be an inappropriate topic, considering.

I eased up on his bush at the gentle pressure from his hips. I think he had gotten the message. I used that hand to cup his balls. And rolled then around in my fist. They felt good and very heavy. With no hesitation, I leaned down and sucked one into my mouth. Ed sighed and rotated his hips slightly pressing his shaft into my nose. His cum tube was playing tag with the tip of my nose. Finding it was impossible to get both in, I settled on alternating between them. Their hairy surface stimulating my tongue and making me want to explore more of his hairy body the same way. A wild thought of me licking his entire body almost made me laugh.

"Suck me some more." Ed said. He knew what he wanted and I was willing to give it to him. I had no way of knowing what the future would bring but if tonight was a fluke and he was only looking for immediate relief, I had to find some way of getting him to fuck me. I could see my long legs resting on his broad shoulders and it made my asshole pucker in anticipation.

With more than a little difficulty, I pulled his cock away from his belly and was about to slid my mouth down over it when he twitched it in anticipation causing the slippery pole to escape my hand and slap with a loud smack on his belly. We both chuckled and I then repeated the process with a firmer grip. Once more, he was in my mouth. I slipped my cock out and began stroking it. The taste of his pre-cum and the textures of his skin were threatening to push me over the edge. I had no option to abandon my stroking. In this position, I would shoot all over his legs (and in all probability the TV set!) and I wasn't certain that would be welcome and the TV wasn't paid for. Now that we had an understanding and he was letting me do the work on his cock, I massaged his balls as I sucked. The only movement on his part I enjoyed was when I had him all the way in to the hilt and he would push back with his hips.

Suddenly, his body tensed and he yelled, "STOP!" It was almost a shout. Being trained to respond quickly, I froze not knowing what was going on. Then I felt his body quickly relax allowing me to relax also. I was about to pull off to see what was going on when I heard him moan "Oh, fuck!" and my mouth was immediately flooded with cum. His body was in the grip of muscular contractions. My lips could even feel the contraction of the muscles at the base of his cock causing the cum to jet out into my eager mouth. As my mouth filled up, it started seeping out and running down his shaft. His body went limp and he groaned. I let go of his cock, savoring the flavor of his cum, then regretfully, swallowed my first load of cum. Not having the experience to know when he was close, I couldn't back off and let him come down prolonging this. He shot sooner than we both wanted. But I felt jubilant and wanted to hug him but knew I couldn't. Instead, I pulled his still hard and dripping cock forward and lick the stray jizum up. While I was licking his balls clean, he rose his head up.

He had a forlorn look on his face. "I'm sorry Terry!"

"No, that's okay, I didn't mind you cuming in my mouth."

He looked confused, "No! I'm sorry I came so soon! I just assumed I was to blow it in your mouth. I'm sorry I lost it so quickly." He was quiet a moment and then he said, "You do usually swallow don't you?"

"I told you this was my first time. I don't know what other guys do but I knew I wanted it that way."

"Wow, your first taste of cum and it was mine." He actually sounded in awe. I almost laughed but it sounded so sweet. I decided the big macho stud would probably be embarrassed if I called attention to it. He also had no concept of the times I had inadvertently tasted my own.

"Did you cum?" he asked noticing my cock for the first time. The waistband of my trunks was holding down my pole and about two inches of shaft was sticking out. My T-shirt may have concealed my prick but my dripping had soaked into it and there was a wet spot about 3" in diameter.

"No, I just drip a lot."

"Yea, me too." Which I knew to be true.

"I'm sorry you didn't cum. You did such a nice job on me. I think it was the best head I've ever had." After a momentary hesitation, "do you want me to jerk you off? It's the least I can do."

"No, it isn't important."

"It sure as shit is! I've never left a partner yet unsatisfied and just because you are a man isn't going to be an exception." He started to reach down to me.

I rolled off the bed to retrieve my glass tucking my cock in side the trunks to make it less obvious and to add an additional layer of fabric to absorb my juice. As badly as I wanted to cum. I had a hunch my ejaculatory prowess would freak the young man out. Even as a boy when my buddies where lucky to hit their navels, I was hitting my chest even if it was just a few drops. As I grew older, the volume I thought I understood because of the size of my balls but the distances increased to where it seemed the sky was the limit. Something told me this was unusual. Later, as an adult, porno seemed to verify it since few of the men in them did more than dribble. I eventually had to limit my jerking off to the shower out of fear that my mom would notice any stray jets. To the best of my knowledge, none of my sex partners had any idea. I had never been sucked off either. Oral sex had always been a part of my sex life but I found after the initial stimulation, it wore thin and more often than not, I was anxious to get that part of it over with. As I started to come to grips with the true nature of my sexuality, I would jerk off fantasizing about the men I met. Not being willing to limit these to just the shower, I would jerk off in bed after my partner of the moment had departed for work or was out shopping. I would always wash the sheets to make sure. They always thought it was so sweet of me to be so thoughtful. I also developed a fondness for clean sheets! No, I knew I would have to pop before the night was over. Probably after the lust of my life had crashed for the night when I would sneak into the bathroom and blow my load while sitting on the pot. No doubt, I would hit the ceiling after what I had just experience!

Ed got off the bed and stretched his arms straight up. The sight of his pits again giving me a shiver. I wanted to run my tongue thought the dense hair but decided that might repulse him so I contended myself with the visual. His cock was still firm and standing out at a right angle to the plane of his body. I had a strong pang of desire having not been satisfied. He picked up his glass and toasted me with it, "Thanks buddy, I wish I could repay you."

"You don't have to thank me Ed. I just hope the pleasure wasn't all mine."

As if to answer me. He moved closer to me. He put his arm around my shoulder, took one of my hands, and placed it on his cock. "You know, I'm usually good for another one."

My heart was doing flip-flops as he took a long swig of his drink and used the remote to turn off the TV. "I think I've had enough of that. You know, after you get used to it, you realize there isn't anything to fear."

Then why aren't you kissing me? I wanted to ask but I was willing to take anything he had to offer. I reached out and ran my free hand over his chest. I felt his muscles tense for a fraction of a second. Maybe my hands are cold I tried to rationalize but I knew the truth. Defiantly, I rubbed his chest for a minute or so. Barely a foot separated us but when it comes to sexual attraction, a foot might as well be a mile. I had one hand on his cock, which was responding, the other on his chest, which was making me respond. As many times as I had felt my own chest, his felt much better. I knew he had more mass than I did but there was a quality to his body I couldn't put a name on. He had an edge to him, something that set him apart from other men. I finally just dismissed it as being lust.

Finally, I felt his arm tightening a bit and drawing me toward him. Or did I imagine it? His cock was now hard and my own slab of meat trying to escape my trunks was hampering my movements on it. No, he was definitely nearer. I let go of his cock, wrapped both arms around him, and pulled him in my arms. Ed immediately buried his face in my neck, no doubt to avoid kissing me. Countering this move, I slid a hand down his back and cupped an ass cheek. I pulled our crotches together and started grinding my hips into his. I figured I might as well go for broke and I started squeezing the ass cheek. I liked the smooth skin of the cheek and the hairy crack. I half expected him to pull away repulsed by my action but instead, I felt his lips on my neck. Between Ed's kisses and warm breath, shivers were running up and down my spin.

Ed moved his mouth up to my ear and kissed my ear lobe. "Suck me some more," he whispered. I released him and pushed him back to the bed. He stretched out separating his thighs slightly. Instead of getting on the bed, I knelt on the floor beside him using the discarded towel as a kneepad. I thought in this position, I could not only stroke myself without fearing turning him off and then either shoot in the towel or on the floor under the bed and it would go unnoticed.

Ed looked a little surprised but didn't question me. I started out by sucking his balls and then graduated to the inside of his thighs. I was surprised at how he responded rather enthusiastically to being licked. I separated his legs a little further, licked the junction between hip and thigh, and then up and into his bush. His bush was a play land for my tongue. I had never fantasized about doing anything like this and I felt exhilarated to find it was a turn on for me. I pulled his cock back as far as I could so I could get to it all. As I pumped my cock steadily, my hand was making loud sucking sounds from the contact with my wet knob. He had to notice. My mouth slurping on his cock had masked the sound earlier but now my oral stimulation wasn't generating the spit required to disguise that much noise. I didn't care. He knew I had needs also. His own cock was rigid and standing a couple of inches off his belly. I gave it a few licks to remind it of what it had coming later and started licking up his belly. I could tell by his deep breathing and the occasion sigh, that he was getting into this, as was I. But there was frustration at being able to only get to half of his body.

"Come up here."

Had I heard that? Or was it wishful thinking? I continued licking but listening.

"Terry, buddy, come up here," he said with that velvety voice he had used at the construction site.

I reluctantly put my cock away. The wet surfaces clung to the jersey and even the T-shirt failed to hide it. I rose up to the bed. He moved over to the center of the bed. Straddling his legs I started back at his navel and licked all around it before darting my tongue over the hairy little bump.

Continuing to work my way up to Ed's massive chest, I felt his hands on my shoulders. Strong fingers were kneading my muscles. With no hesitation, he pulled the shirt off me, having to tug a little extra to get the sleeves free of my biceps. His hands started exploring the surfaces of my body as I licked his chest. My cock was throbbing. I reached down to pull it out but came in contact with his instead. I wrapped my fist around it and stroked it slowly. I wasn't on him more than a minute when he pulled my hand away.

"No! I'll cum too soon." Something told me the young stud wanted a long haul and I was more than willing to give it to him. Reaching under his cock, I cupped his balls and massaged them while I continued licking him. Ed's hands started becoming bolder and now were steadily working lower. Both his hands were now sliding up and down my sides going all the way up into my armpit and then down to my waistband. I wondered if it was coincidental or intentional that he was slowly working the trunks off my hips. Shortly, the only thing that was keeping them on me was my engorged meat. It was still slung out to the side and the stretched jersey allowed it to swing forward effectively blocking my trunks from being pulled down. I was about to free it when Ed's hands slid around to my belly until his fingertips were rubbing my bush. This seemed to turn him on and he dug deeper pushing his fingertips lower and lower until they cleared the waistband and brushed the side of my shaft. In one movement, he pulled his hands back allowing my cock to swing free and slid the trunks off my thighs. I managed to kick them free. Becoming the master of the unexpected, he wrapped one hand around my cock just as he was pulling my face down to his. We slid our tongues out at the same time and meet halfway, sliding them around each other; he slid his back in and allowed my tongue to follow.

Not caring if he came or not, I released his balls and wrapped my fist around his pole and started stroking in time to his strokes on mine. Ed's fist was tight and felt good. If he had any reluctance due to my wetness, he didn't show it. Abruptly he released my cock and with his hands on the small of my back and pulled me down. I released his meat to accommodate the contact of our crotches. He moved his hands down to my ass and started the rhythmical pressure that was grinding my cock into his. Both of us wet, our shafts slipped around on each other often being driven through the density of our bushes. Our tongues continued to explore each other's mouth, his being in mine as much as mine in his. His hands moved slowly up my back, over my shoulders and down to my biceps.

Gripping my biceps firmly, he pushed me away from him and onto my back, breaking the kiss only long enough for him to roll over on top of me. Now, it was going to be my turn to play with his body, especially that beautiful ass of his. But before my explorations even started, he sat up straddling my thighs. One massive hand moved down to our cocks and gripped the two together. He stroked them slowly, never taking his eyes off the two large cocks. Both my hands free now, I started rubbing his shoulders and chest. Occasionally flicking, my fingertips through his pit hair I decided I like the way it felt. I was getting into what was happening and decided if this was how he wanted to blow, I wouldn't stop him. At least I would get the full force of my own load and not he. I wound up being wrong.

"I guess," his voice rasped, "if I'm going to do this, I should do it right." He slid down a ways, with the same enthusiasm he had shown for stroking it, opened his mouth, and started sucking my cock. Evidently, he had no problem with my slick pre-cum because he was tonguing me steadily rubbing my balls with his free hand. As the initial shock wore off the pleasure started setting in and it was my moans echoing in the cavernous space and not his. I propped myself up on my elbows so I could watch this delectable hunk feast on my prick. He had his hand anchored around the base of it, possibly to moderate the amount he would get, but he was rhythmically squeezing me. Ed's lips held me tightly and his tongue seemed to everywhere at once. I wondered if the thoughts running through his mind had been the same as mine when I had done the same thing for him. I reached down to continue massaging his broad shoulders. I saw he was stroking his own cock. I wanted his meat also.

Tugging him free of me told him to swing around. He knew what I had in mind and quickly spun around. Hungrily I dove down on his cock. He resumed sucking mine. Slowly we developed a rhythm that made it seem as if I was sucking my own cock. I reached around and started rubbing his thighs and ass going lower and deeper until my fingertips were pressed into his hole massaging it. This seemed to be another area he wasn't squeamish about because he matched my action.

Things were definitely looking up for me. The stud that had flinched at my touch was now sucking my cock! We continued in the sixty-nine position until Ed pulled me off of him panting, "I'm getting close!" I was all for slowing down a bit but not wanting to abandon this position, I attacked his hairy nuts. I assumed because mine were much larger than average, they never pulled completely up when I came. His own seemed to verify that as a possibly being true because they were only marginally tighter than when we had started. I sucked one into my mouth and started pulling on it with steady pressure while rubbing his ass cheeks, occasionally allowing my fingertips to drift over his soft, velvety hole. Each pass over the puckered orifice resulted in a slight response from him. He seemed to push his ass into my fingertips. I liked the way it felt and wondered how it tasted. Nothing ventured, nothing gained I thought and with that I let go of his nut and attacked his asshole with my tongue.

His response was instantaneous. He pulled off me and yelped in surprise. I held on to his thighs thinking he would try to dislodge me. Instead, he put his hand on my head and forced my face deeper between his cheeks. I decided this was something I like doing, particularly with Ed since his response had been so intense. I had seen this done in my video so I knew it to be something that men did engage in. I just wasn't certain I could do it. Ed returned to my cock and was sucking with more determination than he had earlier. Suddenly he pushed me on my back and straddled my chest diving back down on my cock. In this position, I was in the perfect position to tongue him. I kept driving my tongue over the insides of his cheeks and over the little velvet button. Looking at it, I wondered how something so small could stretch to the extent it did. I was still lapping away when Ed spun around. Holding my slick prick firmly upright, he sat on it. In one plunge of his hips, he took me in to the hilt. As my prick invaded his virgin ass, he threw his head back with a shout. The whole action was a surprise but I felt an incredible tightness and warmth surround my prick. He immediately started grinding his ass into my crotch with wide circular motions. The shout was now replaced with a low rumbling groan. His head snapped forward, leaning to my mouth, he started kissing me with more passion than before.

Leaning as he was allowed me to start pumping my rod into his tight fuck chute. His wild kissing was mixed with deep groans as I plowed my prick in and out with urgency. I was certain I was only seconds from cuming and the assessment was correct. I felt the growing tingle in my balls followed by the first jolt. The initial spasm was so strong, it knocked our chins together. I could feel my hips driving deeper and deeper into him and my body jerked uncontrollably. When the contractions subsided, my body went limp but my cock was still imprisoned in Ed's tight hole. Ed sat up and continued pushing down with his ass and rotating his hips.

"You're sure this was your first time?" I panted

Ed grinned and nodded his head. He wrapped his fist around in cock and started stroking in it. "Man, I could feel your cum shooting in me. You good for another? I haven't popped yet but I can just shoot on your chest if you don't feel up to it."

I couldn't take my eyes off his rod being stroked so lovingly by it's owner. I knew the second was easy for me but sometimes, I needed a short rest to allow my prick to re-energize. I did a "systems check" and my cock was still rigid. Well, I thought, it wouldn't do any harm to fuck him a while longer and let him pop. I ran my hand over Ed's magnificent chest, feeling the coarse body hair and the tight muscles still hard from his day's labor. I could fall for this guy very easily. I pulled him down to my mouth and slid my tongue in. Less than a half hour ago, he had avoided this simple act and in that short span of time, he had broadened his experiences to include the sucking of my cock and of his own volition, had plunged my prick up his virgin ass. Where had this guy been all my life!?!

I started pumping him slowly. He groaned and pushed back with his ass. I pulled him as close to me as possible and rolled him over to where he was on his back and I on top, my cock never dislodging from his hungry hole. Ed wrapped his legs around my waist and we continued fucking. The intense look of pleasure on his face convinced me there was no way anyone could ever convince me this was wrong. I knew now in my heart and mind that two men could be lovers and still be men both within themselves and within society.

I slowed my pumping to an easy pace. I kissed him gently on the lips and staring into his darker than dark brown eyes whispered "I don't' want this to end." I felt his hands on my shoulders gripping me firmly, kneading my muscles. I knew no woman could ever make my body feel like he was making it feel. There was roughness to our sex. Not violent or painful but forceful, vigorous sex. I took his cock from him, it had a good solid rigidity to it. Although bigger but still not at all unlike mine, it felt good in my fist. I started stroking it. No, not just stroking it: making love to it with my fist just as his tight hole was making love to my cock.

My thrusting and stroking continued until I knew the end was near. With a load groan, Ed arched his back driving my prick as far into him as possible. I felt my release begin just as Ed's face contorted and I let the wetness of his cum splashing on my chest. The look on his face as he was deep in the throws of his orgasm was imprinted in my mind and would be remember forever. "I love you," I grunted in his ear as we finished shooting our loads. We lay there motionless for several minutes, breathing deeply. I was aware for the first time of the sweat dripping off my body and on to him.

"I seem to have made a bit of a mess," he said with a grin. I got up on my knees, his legs still around me. Cum was streaked from his navel to his neck. His glistening cock was still firm but now just lying on his belly, cum dribbling out on to his hairy belly.

"Yea, I guess I'll just have to clean it up," I said sliding my softening shaft out of his now well lubricated fuck chute. I started licking the cum off his shoulder.

"What are you doing!?!" he asked with a chuckle.

"Cleaning you up," I grinned back. He laughed and propped himself up on his elbows to watch me.

"Want a taste?" I asked.

"Sure, why not?" he said with a smile. I licked a broad swipe on his chest and moved my mouth to his. He opened it and I slid my tongue in. His tongue slid around mine and closed his lips down as I started to withdraw. "Not bad! More!!" It did take a while but between the two of us, every drop of cum was licked off his body and swallowed. We continued kissing a short while before I got up to get something to really clean the man up with. I didn't own any washrags so had to be content with using the towel he had dried off with. I tossed it over by the TV when I was done. After turning off the lights, we crawled under the covers and snuggled, he getting as bold as I. I went to sleep with his hand massaging my balls.

I awoke just before dawn. I could tell this mainly by the lightness of the room due to the large skylights overhead. I felt a movement in the bed and Ed slid out. I smiled to myself and wondered what type of sex we would have when he came back to bed. I was already looking forward to having him fuck me. If I got half the pleasure out of it that he seemed to be getting from my prick being up his ass, I was certain it would be a memorable experience. Then I had a thought, maybe he is not a "morning sex" person. Maybe caution would be best and allow him to set the pace. I continued to pretend I was sleeping.

Ed came back in from using the toilet. I got a rush from seeing his still stiff prick rising up from between his legs but was disturbed to see he had something bulky in his hands. The realization as to what it was like a knife to my gut. There was no doubt about it, he was going to dress. The light was bright enough to where I could see him tuck his rigid cock in his levies. Leaving his boots and hard hat at the door, he walked very quietly to the bathroom and closed the door. The light came on and was only on a minute before being turned off. He was probably counting out the money he is going to leave on my pillow, I thought. As if to verify my fears, he came up the bed and lay something on the pillow he had slept on. I lay there gritting my teeth with my eyes closed so tightly I though they would be permanently sealed shut. I held my breath, hoping... Hearing the door slide open was like a death sentence. Then it closed.

I couldn't tell you how long I lay there, totally unmoving. My mind was numb. I reviewed the whole events of the night. I had forced nothing on him. He had even made the initial overture at the construction site. He had bought the scotch, he had had instigated his own involvement. I just responded to his requests and actions. Still, I didn't have to allow him to do what he had done. I shouldn't have fucked him. But even that had been his doing but I had been too willing and had allowed it to happen. Why did I have to give into a stupid fleeting thought and tell him I loved him? And rather than face me, man to man, he snuck off in the night. He would rather walk in a neighborhood that last night had made him uneasy than to face me and allow me to give him a ride somewhere. And that was further proof, he had no place to go so living at a construction site was more desirable than living with a faggot.

The room became lighter and lighter still. I stared out across the bed where Ed had slept. His arms wrapped around me, my head resting on his chest until we went to sleep. In the middle of the night, I woke up, no longer in his arms but lying next to him, my face pressed into his arm and a hand on his belly. He had a night erection. I gently wrapped my hand around it, not want to wake him. Squeezing it gently, he murmured in his sleep and shifted his body pulling free of my hand. Had he really been awake then? Was that the first sign of the eventual rejection?

I got up more due to a need to piss than anything else. I walked past my clothes that had been discarded only a few hours ago, the shirt was lying on the floor with my pre-cum stains clearly visible. In the bathroom, he hadn't flushed to toilet after using it probably out of fear it would wake me and he would have to face me. What did he feel? Remorse at giving in to feelings he hadn't previously identified? Was I just to satisfy his sexual appetite that had been stimulated by too much to drink and a porno? I guessed I'd never know. I flushed the toilet before using it and then went through my morning routine just like I always did, refusing to think or face the facts. The ultimate cruelty seemed to be still being able to taste his cum and finding one of his body hairs in my mouth.

Now my teeth brushed and freshly showered, I dressed and paced the space around the loft trying not to look in the direction of the bed. I had to stay busy until work on Monday. Maybe I should drive up to the mountains. I made plans that I immediately discarded thinking of a myriad of reasons why I couldn't do them. I thought I heard the phone but realized he didn't have the number and I wasn't listed. I kept glancing at the pillow, hoping the note would disappear. I busied myself organizing my clothes. That took five minutes.

With a deep sigh, I walked to the bed and picked up my trunks and T-shirt and the towel I had cleaned Ed up with. It was still damp and matted from the remnants of the cum on his chest. I threw them in my laundry basket. I rewound the video and put it away. Both our glasses were still on the end table, side by side. I smiled slightly at the sight remember the warmth I had felt seeing them like that last night. I picked them up and dump the remnants in the sink and carefully washed, dried and put them away. The scotch bottle I put in the little cabinet above the hot plate. All these acts were my way of finalizing the experience. No holdovers, no reminders, just an open void for the future. Looking at it as philosophically as possible, I at least now had an experience and it was enough to assure me this was something I wanted to do again and for the rest of my life for that matter. I knew in time, this betrayal would no longer hurt. It was just the achievement of that day that was my goal.

Finally, I knew there was the one last act. I walked to the bed and sat on it looking at the pillow and the little yellow note. I don't know how long I sat there staring at it. It was folded in two. "Terry" was neatly printed on it. Well, who the fuck else did he think was going to get it? I asked myself angrily picking it up and opening it in one motion.

`Terry, I'm sorry, I tried...' At first, tears rolled down my cheeks and then a massive sob.

Two years later...

I stretched luxuriantly and rolled off the bed. Stepping into the bathroom and switching on the light, I was greeted by my reflection. My thick chest hair was matted down in broad streaks from cum that had been smeared in, cock softening after having spurted twice had a long drop of cum threatening to break free. I reached down, retrieved it with a finger, and licked it off; no use letting it go to waste. My lips red from whisker burn and my right eye was blood shot from an errant jet of cum. Umm, I thought, I wonder what the guys at the station would think if they could see me now. They wouldn't believe it. Hell, they would all drop dead if they had seen what all had happened during the past hour!

I had arrived home at a little after 6:00. Getting out of the ancient elevator, I could see the pad lock was gone from the heavy industrial door to our loft. Ah, my man's home, I thought in anticipation. Today was my 30th birthday. I knew I was in for something special but didn't know what he had in mind. Sliding the door opened, I could hear him in the shower. There was a drink already poured and waiting for me on the table. I took the gun out of my holster and put it on the dresser. Our sex acts took on a verity of forms and, not knowing what to expect, it was a needed precaution. I glanced around the vast space. It was shaping up nicely. Both of us had no need for useless objects and our needs were simple. It had a heavy industrial quality that we both were comfortable with. The whole space centered around the huge bed. For that matter so did our lives, although the new bathroom, kitchen (even though still unfinished) and the roof had all seen us engaged in such a variety of sex acts it was impossible to equate one space with any one act.

I heard the water shut off. I glanced at the doorway expectantly. He walked out, dripping water on the newly finished wood floor. Wood that had been treated so lovingly during our restoration and protected with layer after layer of industrial finish to make it immune from anything we could do to it and believe me, it had already seen some action. He walked over in front of the mirrors we had installed next to our bed. Their sole function was to enhance our sex.

As always, my heart skipped a beat when I saw him. His eyes held mine and I felt drawn to him. Wordlessly, I walked over to where he stood. He moved the towel that was covering his crotch revealing a rigid cock. My mouth started watering. I buried my face between his pecs and started licking the shower water off his body until I got to his cock and in one long plunge took the whole prick in to the root. His still wet bush was being ground into my face. He had obviously been playing with himself in the shower because he was dripping already.

Seemingly concentrating more on drying his body, I knew he was watching the reflection of me sucking him in the mirror. He allowed me to suck passionately for the length of time it took him to finish toweling off. Then, tossing the towel aside, he pulled me to my feet, wrapped his arms around me and slid his tongue in my mouth. I had to lean slightly being a couple of inches taller than he was. We held the kiss; his cock pressed into mine still trapped inside my jock strap. The wool of my breaches adding a contrast to the soft wetness of my mouth he had just experienced. He started humping my crotch. Without even looking, I knew he was dripping on me. The third pair of breeches in two weeks that will have had to go to the cleaners before being due.

He broke the kiss and stepped back a foot. He stripped me slowly. Laying my utility belt on the bed but respectfully hanging my uniform over the back of a chair. Finally, he removed the jock strap. My cock free now, rose quickly to my belly rigid and moderately thick. He put my boots back on my feet. This was new but I knew not to question his action. Everything had a purpose and lead in one direction and that direction was always spurting out of the end of a cock. It worked for me. I had difficulty pinpointing the role he was taking and what role he was expecting me to take. Normally, our sex was a free-for-all with some light roll playing at times to add a little spice. I had always assumed this was because of my being a cop, didn't know, didn't care. It suited us.

He lead me to the bed, stepping aside, I new he wanted me on my back. I obeyed, lying in the center of the wide expanse. He had straddled my chest making sure my arms were on the outside so my hands couldn't get to my cock. He started rubbing his big cock over my face before parting my lips with the head and sliding in. Stuffing the pillow behind my head, he fucked my mouth slowly. The slurping of my mouth, the slapping of his balls on my chin added to our grunts, groans and moans became a sexual symphony. My own cock was dripping out of control and I feared I would lose it before I ever had been touched. I felt his pace slow even further and become ragged. I braced myself for the burst of cum I knew would be delivered shortly. I felt the first onslaught fill my mouth, the following ones of equal volume forced me to swallow some but more was overflowing and running down my chin and throat.

His body spasmed a few more times as I licked his still hard meat. He slid out of my mouth and down my chest, his seeping cock leaving a trail from my chest to my abs. He licked his cum off my face while sliding further down to give me long lingering kiss; his cum still in my mouth. In this position, my expectant cock was pushed upright and pressed into his ass. I could feel the hairy surface as he slid further pushing my cock upright. He rode me, humping my belly with his still rigid pole and stroking my cock with his ass crack. I wondered if he was going to sit on me and blow his load on my chest like he had done in the past after he had fucked my face. Hard to say.

Raising up, he released my cock allowing it to slap back on my belly with a wet smack that was only marginally muffled by my hairy belly. He licked his way down to my cock lingering on my nipples with that maddening intensity that made me arch my back and drive my pec harder against his tongue. Slowly, he worked his way down my belly until his face was in my bush taking mouths full of my hair and running his tongue through it. He moved around to my nuts and sucked them alternating from one to the other. Then he attacked my cock with a suddenness that even surprised me. He sucked me slowly knowing where pressure could be put to make it last and where the right pressure was to make me cum quickly. Both sets of knowledge had their uses. As he sucked me, he lifted my legs to his shoulders. I felt a finger at my hole, rubbing lightly at first and then with a little pressure. Oh, my turn to bottom, I thought as he slid his thick finger in. I squirmed down onto it showing my willingness to bottom for him he repaid the gesture with a little extra polish on my knob.

Abruptly he stopped sucking, spit on his hand, and worked a couple of fingers in then three. Withdrawing his fingers, he reached for my nightstick. I was surprised but not alarmed. I trusted him completely and my baton was not as thick as his human nightstick. He had joked about me doing it to him once but we had never followed through with it. He lubricated it with spit and worked it in slowly, continuing to suck me. This was indeed a new sensation that I had never felt. Both of us were comfortable as top or bottom but aside from being occasionally fingered while we sucked, we had never actually been fucked AND sucked at the same time. My groans were deep. His free arm was around my thigh and his hand was pressing down on my bush keeping my hips immobilized in case I started thrashing or bucking and potentially hurt myself. One more reason why I trusted the man. He reached the depth where he had predetermined he would stop the inward thrust and then slid it almost all the way out equally as slowly.

He continued fucking and sucking me, at the rate he was going, I wouldn't last a whole lot longer. He was holding me strongly and the only movement I could make was pushing my shoulders down on the bed with my arms up over my head. A light film of sweat was forming on my chest. He could tell from the tensing of my body when I was about the pop. He slid the baton out and slid off my cock at the last second replacing his warm mouth with his fist. He knew the angle. My body wrenched violently, my first shot hit the sheet a foot above my head. The second, square in my face stinging one eye. As my body continued jerking, the rest covered me from my neck to my belly.

As I lay there gasping for breath, I felt him rise up, my legs falling off his back. He slid into my arms, My cum lubricating our bodies and matting down his beautiful chest hair. His tongue licked the cum off my face before sliding into my willing mouth. I wrapped my long legs around his waist, as I knew he liked for me to do when we were in this position. He raised his body up, lifting me with him. He reached around my leg and I couldn't tell what he was doing until I felt his cock probing my ass. Obviously, he wasn't done yet. With his tongue in my mouth, I felt him slide in smoothly and with little resistance but I still felt a rush as he slid in just I had when he had been the first man to ever do this to me

Raising my legs to his shoulders and gripping my cock, he pumped slowly matching the steady strokes of his fist. Just as he knew I liked it. His mouth constantly on mine until we were forced to come up for air in gulping breathes. By pumping slowly, he prolonged his and my own orgasms. I was surprised we held off as long as we did but the last six strokes of his cock and fist had increased slightly in tempo and his hips were hitting my ass with a solid slap. Final, groans muffled by each other's tongue escaped us and we came together. Because his mouth was welded to mine, the trajectory of my load hit us in the throats and on our chests.

We lay there gasping for air, cum flowing everywhere. His cock still firmly buried in my ass. Slowly, life returned. My legs were lowered to his waist again. He kissed me deeply then spoke the first words I had heard since arriving home, "Happy birthday Sweetheart."

"Thanks," I groaned. "Do we still have any clean sheets or did we use the last set last night? You check and I'll get a couple of wash rags. He let me up and rolled over on his back. Stretched out, one arm over his head with that fucking gorgeous face that begged to be touched and most of all kissed. God, was I a lucky man.

Now, standing in front of the mirror trying to assess and repair the damage. Unfortunately, tomorrow was work. Well, a blood shot eye could be just an infection or did I use that one before? Maybe say nothing and just wear the sunglasses. The whisker burn they should be getting used to. I wisely didn't try to cover that. Everything else my uniform covered. I started washing or at least trying to. I knew a shower was the only thing to really clean this mess up with.

"Hey, you about done in there!?!" he called out.

I ducked my head out the doorway. Ed lay there stroking his rigid cock. "You didn't really think we were done did you?" he purred.

(You didn't really think this wasn't going to have a happy ending did you? Oh, the note said `Sorry, I tried not to wake you but I didn't want to be late for work. See you tonight, Studman.')

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