To Serve Duke

By Bud Buddy

Published on Feb 2, 2015



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Note to readers: I love getting e-mails and pictures from you guys. I hope you enjoy this story about a man truly giving himself over to the black man as is right and good.

Not much fucking in this first chapter, but lots of nasty shit to come. Enjoy.

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Note to Black readers: thank you for reading Sirs. any ideas or thoughts you might have on how you would use a bitch you had complete control over would help me make this story better. i love all Black cock, a picture of yours would inspire me.

To Serve Duke By: suckbuddy420420

I truly began my journey towards complete servitude to the black man two years ago one desperate night when I began searching the internet to find a black God that I could truly be owned by. I was looking for sites that were for guys like me that wanted to hook up with superior black men in hopes that I could find a dominate nigga to own me in a more permanent way. I started actively seeking only black dudes a few years before that, after I had my first experience with a sexy nigga in a gas station toilet in Texas, near Houston. Before that, I was just scared of black men. I avoided their eyes on the streets and stayed away from the "bad side of town". I hadn't realized yet that my fear was based in my lust for the power they emanated and my need to serve them and elevate them above all men.

I had just filled my tank and I went into the toilet on the side of the building to piss. When I opened the door there was a lanky black guy standing at the urinal next to the completely exposed toilet. The bathroom was clearly meant for one at a time, but the door was opened and he nodded me in with his head, as if he was giving me permission, so I entered and closed the door behind me. I had never even thought of having sex with a black man. But something clicked in my head as I walked over to the toilet. This guy gave off a dominant vibe right away and I liked it. I'm of Arab decent myself and had always dated and fucked around with white guys.

I wasn't sure what to do at first, but decided to sit on the toilet and piss. I don't know why, maybe it was because the dude was letting it all hang out and he had a beautiful fucking dick. I was a little embarrassed cause, even though I had a nice thick piece it was a grower not a shower. I immediately felt inferior to this skinny, sexy black kid. I was nervous and hoped he didn't think I was a pussy for sitting down to piss, not that I could piss with the hard-on that I was trying to hide.

"Why you pissing like a girl?" He asked looking down at me, his hard piss stream shooting into the urinal at my face level. "You a faggot or something?" I looked up at him. I didn't know what to say. I mean, yes I was gay. I wasn't used to being called a faggot though. He looked down at me waiting for an answer as his piss stream stopped and my eyes dropped down to his dripping dick in his hand. He stroked it a couple of times and it started to thicken.

"I guess I got my answer." He said and shook his dick at me. I looked up into his eyes again and I saw a look that hooked me. He looked at me like I was a convenient place to blow his load. No other way to put it. He reached over with one long arm and locked the door.

"Get on your fucking knees then faggot and suck my black dick." He said looking down at me menacingly. I looked down at his dick again and it was hard now. About 7 inches and pretty thick, nothing special, I'd had much bigger white cocks in my throat. But something started to work in me. I stared at that dick realized that I wanted to suck it bad. I wanted to give this black kid all the pleasure I could cause he deserved it and I was a nasty faggot who just happened to appear just in time for him to plant his seed deep in my throat. So I dropped to my knees. This made him laugh.

"I knew it. Suck it good, cocksucker." He slid most of his hard cock into my mouth and right down my throat. "Mmmm...yeah, that's it. Suck that black dick, boy!" I looked up at him and he had his head thrown back a little and his eyes closed. He grabbed my head and thrust it forward as he pushed his crotch forward and worked it the rest of the way in at once. "Yeah, bitch." Right then I choked on his cock and instead of letting me pull back he grabbed onto my head harder with both of his bony hands and shoved it in deep over and over as I choked. He just grunted and fucked my throat hard. I managed to get a little control over my neck muscles and started to take his fuck. "That's right bitch relax, you getting some good black dick, you a lucky little faggot. Just hold still and let this nigga fuck yo face."

I was 39 at the time, 6'3 and 240lbs., this skinny black kid maybe 17 or 18, was 5'10 and 160 max. I haven't been called a little anything much in my life, but suddenly I knew he was right. I was a little faggot. He was a big man and I was a lowly hole for him to relieve himself into. I never felt this way when I was sucking white dick, I realized.

"You gonna swallow every drop of my thick nigga cum fag." He said and pushed my head down so that he could deep dick my neck harder. "Here it comes, bitch. Here it comes." He shoved in deep and gripped my head tight so there was nowhere to go until he was done shooting into me then he let me go and as I knelt there gasping for air he wiped dick off on my hair, he zipped up and left without another word. The whole encounter took 5 minutes. I locked the door behind him, pulled myself together and cleaned up.

I was shaking with lust. My cock was hard as a rock but I tucked it in my pants and left the toilet. It seemed wrong to jerk off right then. I wanted to but, it was somehow enough to have gotten him off. I was usually a pretty selfish lay, but today I was reveling in the high of just giving in to a real man's desires. It felt like I had just sucked a cock for the first time. I was nervous like someone was gonna find out about this awesome thing I'd discovered and take it away. I got in my car and pulled back onto the freeway in a daze. Something had changed.

It became an obsession.

I travel for work all through the south. Suddenly everywhere I went I noticed, as if for the first time, that I was surrounded by black men. I also noticed something else. A lot of them noticed my ass. I'm a big guy, and though I'm mostly in proportion, my ass had always been kinda big. It was hard to get pants to fit right and they always seemed to hug my thick ass. It wasn't huge or anything, just big, round and fleshy. White boys were all about my dick. It was thick and about 8 inches hard so I had mostly been the top in sex. But I loved sucking dick and though I'd only been fucked a couple of times, I had really enjoyed that too. White guys didn't really pay attention to my ass. But black guys did. I'm sure they had before, but they weren't on my radar. Now I noticed that even straight black men eyed my ass with lust.

I started to seek out black men exclusively. I had sex with quite a few of them over the some with really huge dicks that really opened my pussy up so that I could now take a huge cock with relative ease. I had learned that all black men didn't have huge ones, it didn't matter. I loved every black cock that I had a chance to taste or take in my ass. But I needed something more than what I was finding in the gay bars and areas of town. I found myself drawn to the black side of town, the alleys and parks where I could get used by rougher black men. I started to feel like I was finally on the right track. I was discovering my purpose in life. I began to stay in seedier motels during my work trips so that I could put out craiglist ads offering my worthless hole for the relief of any and all black cock and they would come to my room and use my hole for their pleasure and leave. This was more satisfying, but I felt like there had to be a way I could be of more service.

So two years ago I found myself searching m4m personals and found a site matching up prisoners with pen pals. Right when I saw it I felt another one of those clicks in my head. I didn't just need to service any black man, I wanted an unpredictable, violently masculine black man. I wanted to be afraid. I wanted to worship a black man and help him to gain his rightful place as a God. I looked through the pictures and wrote letters to the meanest looking felons that I could find on the site. They had pictures and had all written general letters on their profiles. I wrote to those of them of them that declared themselves as straight dominant men who would be willing to hear from a gay man. I wrote 14 letters to prisoners that were getting out of prisons in my state in the next 6 months.

To make a long story short all of them wrote back. I chose Duke or I guess he chose me, cause the moment I read his letter I knew. He told me that he wanted a faggot to serve his every need when he got out. He said that when he moved in I should plan on following his orders and giving him the respect he deserved and that they had tried to take away from him in the 15 years he was in prison. He didn't say if. He said when. He was 6'6", 270 pounds and 45 years old, six years older than me. What really sealed the deal was the picture he sent of himself naked with a soft cock, it was the only thing soft about him. It was at least 9 inches hanging in the picture and I beat off to the thought of serving that dick constantly for the next 5 months until he was released. He also had an amazing, bulky, muscular body. He had a lot of tattoos that looked like they that had been done inside. He was an incredible, deep, dark black. He looked Ethiopian in skin tone, but he didn't have an Ethiopian body, he was thick and muscled and in every way, the all american, ex-gang member, corner street thug.

He had done 15 years for murder and was being released into my home with an anklet that tracked his whereabouts. He pretty much had to stay at home from 7pm to 8am for a year. He also had to get a job. I had arranged that too. He now "worked" for me. I was well off and semi-retired but still ran an small internet business from my home to bring in extra money. I agreed to everything. I signed all the forms.

I had gone to visit him several times. Wearing the tight clothes he insisted on in his letters and bringing him the gifts he demanded. We weren't allowed to touch and he laughed at me and told me the other prisoner's laughed and teased him about the faggot with the fine ass he had visiting him. They joked that I could smuggle a lot of contraband in my big ass. One time he had me wear the tightest pair of white pants I could find and told me to bend over and show my ass off to all the black guards. I almost got thrown out that time. Every time they brought him into the visiting room in his chains, my eyes locked onto his big swinging cock in the loose orange jumpsuit he wore. Sometimes, if I was lucky it was semi-hard and tented out the jumpsuit like he had a live python in there. He never told me how big it actually was when hard, but I was starting to guess it was 11 or 12 inches based on what I was seeing in the visitors room. Not that it really mattered at that point, if he had a two inch cock I would have worshipped him because I had no choice, but I was glad that his dick was big enough that it would be a challenge to take him into my stretched out pussy. I wanted it to be pleasurable for him. Somewhere along the way it became obvious that I belonged to him. I once came in my pants just listening to him talk about how he and another prisoner were gonna rape a new inmate that night. He had the sexiest, deep fucking voice I'd ever heard as he whispered his plans to me over the table and I was so jealous of that inmate.

The day I came to get him, I was running late due to some car problems that morning, that's no excuse, I know. I had already learned that there were no excuses where Duke was concerned either I had fucked up or I had barely done what was required and got a stern look. I was afraid that day because I was going to be with him alone. No guards, no chains. I had a feeling there was a lot of violence behind those stern looks every time I brought the wrong brand of cigarettes or did something else wrong on one of my visits. It was time to pay for my mistakes in person and now I was late on top of it. Over the last five months everything in my life had become about him.

He was standing outside the gates of the prison when I drove up. I could tell immediately that there was no apology or anything else that I could say that would work simply by the way he stood there. He was dressed in normal clothes that fit him very tight and I was again taken aback by how huge he really was. I jumped out of the car and lifted his bag avoiding his gaze.

"Put that in the car and keep your stupid, faggot mouth shut." I did as he asked and we rode in tense silence until he saw a KFC sign and said, "Pull over and get me some fucking chicken." I went in and got a big bucket of chicken with all the sides while he stayed in the car and smoked the cigarettes I had waiting for him on the front seat and drank from the bottle of brandy I had for him as well. When I got back to the car, I set the bag of food on the floor and as I sat back up, he cold cocked me right in the eye which knocked me back against the driver's side door. He then leaned over me and threw down a rain of punches on my head and torso. I was glad that I had parked in the back of the KFC, away from other cars. He silently beat me with his big fists and I took it as quietly as I could. He was so fucking strong. "Stupid fucking cunt." He said as he lifted the brandy bottle to his thick lips and drank deep. "Sit the fuck up and drive, faggot." He said and then lifted the large bag of food onto his lap and started to dig into it like nothing happened.

My hand shook as I started the car up. I could feel drops of blood falling off of a cut above my right eye where that first punch had landed. I realized that I had a hard on. "Damn, I been missing this chicken!" he said as we got back on the freeway, looking over at me and grinning like a fool, his face covered in chicken grease. I wanted to lick it off of his lips. I drove down the road and after about twenty minutes and half a bucket of chicken he took a break and lit a smoke. I felt his greasy hand on the back of my neck. I could tell by the way he was rubbing my neck that his mood had changed.

"We gonna make this work, bitch. But you gotta do things right and the way I tell you." He squeezed my neck hard once. "I know you a worthless faggot, but I'ma let you live with me and serve me, you just gotta keep yo shit in check." We pulled up at a stop light and he reached took his hand off my neck and grabbed my jaw turning me to face him. "You hungry, bitch? This chicken is finger-lickin' fuckin good. Here lick my fingers for me." He said and slid two of his greasy fingers into my mouth. "That's a bitch, taste yo nigga master for the first time. You been waiting for this haven't you, bitch?" I nodded as I suckled on his finger. "Light's green." He said and pulled his fingers away, turned on an R&B station and started humming along to it as he dug into the sides. That was all the chicken I was going to get and I was thankful that he had forgiven me

I drove us home, excited about showing him that I had gotten all the things he told me to. I had everything ready for him. I wiped the blood off of the cut above my eye and licked my hand clean listening to the smacking sounds of my man enjoying his meal. My lip was swollen and my right eye was nearly swollen shut. There was blood on my shirt. My cock stayed hard the whole way home. I was at another stop light at one point in the drive and there was a car next us with two black guys in it. The guy on the passenger side looked over at me and saw me there bloody with Duke talking away about how he was looking forward to getting together with some old friends of his. Both of the guys in the car stared at the two of us for a second and then started to laugh and point saying "looks like that white boy said somethin wrong." and "stupid bitch got a good beat down." They were still laughing when the light changed. I was so humiliated., but I nearly came in my pants. I had never been happier in my life.

"Get your fucking clothes off, bitch." He said as soon as we walked in the front door. I stripped and he walked around the place like he owned it, puffed up and swaggering, half drunk, a bottle of brandy and a Newport in one hand, and I followed him silently as he pointed out things for me to change or buy. I had gotten rid of a lot of my old furniture and replaced it with the stuff he had told me to, a huge new tv and a large black leather couch. A pool table and a top of the line stereo and game system. After the tour he seemed happy enough although he did say that the TV was too small and I needed to trade it in for a 72 inch tomorrow. I made a silent note it. I had stocked the master suite with all new clothes for him, everything he had told me to buy, and had already moved all of my things down to the basement and set up my little office down there so that I could continue to run my small internet business from home. He especially seemed pleased that with what I had done with the back yard.

One night when he was still inside he had called me and was in a dreamy mood. He had described to me how he wanted his new crib to have a big private yard with a pool a big hot tub and a built in BBQ area so that he could have his bros over and party with them. I lived out in the country and and had plenty of land it was the perfect place for him to set up operations again and he needed it to be the center of activity for his gang so that they would respect him and he could rise back up in the ranks. I was fairly well off and it pleased me that I could give him exactly what he had dreamed of. I wanted him to walk out of prison and into his own castle. I had done good with the yard, even put up a super tall fence all around for extra privacy outdoor showers and a fully stocked bar area. He stood there surveying the yard and I could feel his confidence growing. He snapped his fingers and pointed to the ground beside him. I dropped to my knees and he put his big hand on my head and absently stroked it while he stood there at the edge of the pool and looked over his new domain.

"This is alright, cunt." he said and smacked the back of my head lightly. "Ya done good." He lifted my head up by hooking one of his big, thick fingers under my bruised chin and looked down at me for a moment. "I got some of my bros coming by tonight. Clean yo bitch ass up while I take a hot shower and then roll up some blunts and get shit in order fo us to have little welcome home party. Oh, and cover up that tiny ass clit of yours, don't nobody wanna see that." He said and then he pushed me into the pool and walked away into his house. be continued.

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