To Thine Own Self Be True

By firehose Joe

Published on Jul 27, 2023


This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. Shakespeare (Hamlet)

Thanks to Chael for assistance in editing and proofing the story. This is wholly fictional with no reference intended to persons alive or dead.

Please do not distribute to other sites without permission of the author. Comments can be sent to

From the previous chapter:

"Let me set up a meeting so the two of you can connect your vision with his technical skills. I imagine he could become a key player if he has time to get involved. This is no small thing you're doing," John said.

Before they concluded their conversation they scheduled a time to get together for a workout. Alejandro couldn't wait to meet the guy. On his end, as John cradled the phone, he smiled hoping the guys would hit it off in a variety of ways. If they did Alejandro was in for a bit of a surprise.

Chapter 42

Alejandro mulled over the rough drawings for each of the buildings under consideration. He knew that nutrition education came best from hands-on involvement. That meant growing some of your own food and making it part of your daily diet. Kids could do neither without adult guidance and supervision. Real food didn't come in styrofoam containers. It came from dirt most of the time. Kids knew dirt; they just needed a constructive reason to play in it.

The pairing of older adults with youngsters was the key. People who were available when kids were not in school could build relationships, help establish core values and watch over children who usually had the street as their playground.

With a sense of pride in ownership, Alejandro hoped there would come a domino effect of `Me Too!!' - that other kids would want to get involved. Kids who were interconnected at an elemental level watched each other's back. There would be a word on the street to leave these gardens alone.

Alejandro was certain this would be the keystone to making this project a life-changing venture for those who lived and worked in these buildings. He even dared to hope that the notion that life is disposable could be altered in a significant way. Investments of time and relationship paid dividends in curious ways.

Alejandro was grateful for the network he'd developed as he attacked various challenges with the housing project. He still felt some chagrin at calling John O'Malley for advice having let so much time pass between visits.

John, for all his bravado in bed, had a level head and had developed a growing network of friends, personal and professional. When he and Alejandro met either for lunch or a workout, Alejandro was intrigued how integrated John had become in the professional community -- not just the players, but people who made things happen on the ground.

O'Malley called Alejandro the same afternoon with news that his friend Matt Grunwald was interested - very interested in fact - but couldn't meet Alejandro for a week and a half. He had suggested a Wednesday morning the following week if Alejandro were free.

With Matt Grunwald's number in hand, Alejandro called and left a message with Matt's firm that 10:30 a.m. the following Wednesday would work and to please have Mr. Grunwald call to confirm. After giving directions to his office, Alejandro turned his attention to other matters.

Alejandro was immersed in Algara Group business concerns for several days and the building projects were on a back burner since other initiatives were taking the lead at the moment. The weekend was a blur as he and Charles enjoyed unfettered time and continued to finalize plans for Alejandro's upcoming 25th birthday. Hotel rooms had been blocked and were nearly all reserved with incoming guests to arrive in time for the weekend's festivities.

Charles had been on top of things with hold-the-date reminders, teasers about activities and had confirmed `yeses' from most of the guest list. There was a private tour of the Institute of Art scheduled with a sumptuous hors d'oeuvres buffet with champagne. A luncheon was scheduled at Symphony Hall in one of their reception rooms with a string quartet playing a recital. Golf at Alejandro's club, horseback riding at the Algara stables and trails, and racquetball were available for those wanting some exercise.

The piece de resistance was Charles' surprise gift. Frederick, Alejandro's best friend from college days, was coming for the party and would be the host for a `roast' of the guest of honor. A film company had been contracted to assemble footage of Alejandro's life and to incorporate interviews of many of the guests. Charles had seen the late cuts prior to the final edit and was extremely pleased. It had cost a small fortune but was a fitting gift. Best of all, Alejandro had no clue it was being made.

Back at work Alejandro could delegate and assign. There wasn't the pressure of planning to host dozens of guests for a weekend. When Wednesday rolled around, Alejandro was looking forward to his meeting with Matt Grunwald.

Alejandro didn't know what to expect, nor had he thought much about it, save for the man's technical ability and interests. When his secretary showed Matt into Alejandro's office, Alejandro was impressed with an immediate sense of physical presence.

The man wasn't big - actually he was shorter than average. Alejandro guessed 5'8" or 5'9". His head was a mass of chestnut-brown curls.

His attire was geared for outside work and seemed a bit incongruous in an office setting. Under a heavy flannel plaid shirt with a T showing at the neck, Alejandro could see a thick chest and large shoulders hiding beneath. Matt's neck, thick and muscled, sat atop a set of trapezius muscles that flared out on either side. Alejandro thought for a split second that such a neck could bridge an elephant off in a wrestling Match. His smooth unlined baby-face was a complete contrast to the mature, studly body of the man standing in front of him.

All this Alejandro took in as he walked around his desk toward Matt with an outstretched hand. The calluses on Matt's thick stubby fingers were from hard physical work. His grip was deceptively gentle, however, Alejandro thought, as they shook hands and looked at each other. It's his eyes Alejandro realized. Clear, fearless, direct, as if he's looking not only at but into me. `Damn, this man is a walking dynamo of energy,' Alejandro thought as they exchanged greetings.

Matt quickly gave Alejandro an overview of his professional credentials and a list of projects in the city Alejandro could use as references. Alejandro in turn related briefly the impetus of the projects telling Matt of the work being done by Zach in San Francisco. When Alejandro began to explain in some detail the container and covered growing areas, along with roof gardening Matt's eyes danced with excitement.

"Damn! Ooops, I'm sorry. That just slipped out in my excitement. I would love to see what they're doing there," Matt said with enthusiasm.

"Let me show you the proposals I have to date and see what you think might be possible here," Alejandro replied. "If we think we can work together, a trip to San Francisco is a definite possibility."

At Alejandro's office conference table the two men poured over plans. Matt took scale dimensions and asked for some larger paper if it was available. Alejandro sent his secretary to find some flipcharts. As they waited, Matt began to tell Alejandro what could be done with creative engineering in limited spaces.

Matt began, in rapid fire, to outline greenhouse construction for growing zone 5b, that of urban Chicago. With broad-brush descriptions he detailed various thermal mass opportunities that large masonry structures offered. Most of this Alejandro was vaguely familiar with from visiting Zach's project. What Alejandro found most intriguing was the heat exchange possibilities using piping buried several feet beneath the soil where the temperature remained in the mid 60º range.

When Alejandro's secretary returned with the pads, Matt quickly sketched out greenspace in a larger scale. He roughed in potential layouts of growing areas for both roofs and ground level. His excitement was contagious. At times Alejandro realized Matt was as much talking to himself aloud as directing comments to Alejandro. Alejandro was impressed and wanted to know more.

"What I really need is to see the physical locations. Do you own any of these properties? Can we visit them? Can we get access to the roofs?" Matt asked with a stream of consciousness that was a bit mindboggling.

"Slow down, Matt. I'll answer your questions, but one at a time, please," Alejandro responded smiling.

"Sorry, I spend so much of my professional time thinking about turf, seasonal ornamentals, shrubs and trees. This is where my real passion is. The other pays the bills," Matt said.

Alejandro filled in some of the blank spaces from their earlier conversation, telling Matt where they were in the process. Instead of seeing Matt become somewhat deflated that he couldn't get his hands on things immediately, Alejandro was pleased to see the opposite.

"That's great! If potential buildings can be reviewed for their `growing potential'," Matt said making his fingers into quote marks, "we can maximize yield and not have rework since the greenspace will be part of the master renovation plan."

The morning had sped by. Alex finally said, "Can I take you to lunch, if you don't have other plans? Afterward perhaps we can drive by several of the buildings being considered if that would help you understand further how the concepts might work."

They were soon enjoying their lunch. Conversation was easy between the men. Alejandro continued to wonder what he was sensing in addition to Matt's enthusiasm for the project. He knew his intuitiveness about other men being gay was not particularly accurate. Matt was friends with John but that didn't mean anything. Still Alejandro wondered.

"I've only been in the Chicago area for a short time and I'm not familiar with your company -- the Algara Group if I remember correctly," Matt asked Alex. "John O'Malley said the company was very large and diversified. Forgive my saying so, but you seem awfully young to be running such a large organization."

Alejandro gave Matt the thumbnail outline of the organization and how he had come to his position. Matt made the usual sympathetic noises. Alejandro turned the questions toward Matt, wanting to learn more about him.

Matt's description was made up of high points like Alejandro's had been. Born and reared in Illinois, he had grown up in a farming family. When Matt said that he went to the University of Illinois on a wrestling scholarship to major in Horticulture and Landscape Design, Alejandro's attention was riveted.

Matt didn't seem to notice. He continued telling his story. After describing his being hired by the landscaping company and his work in Chicago, he fell silent.

"I didn't know what to expect when you walked in this morning," Alejandro said.

"Well, I should have thought and put on a suit. I know I look like a bumpkin," Matt said with a touch of chagrin, thinking that there was possibly some veiled criticism.

"No! I didn't mean anything about your clothing. Shoot, a suit is my uniform for business as I imagine how you are dressed is your daily wear. Please don't think I was.." Alejandro felt he was stumbling for words. Matt came to the rescue.

"Well not knowing you, I wasn't sure but I've learned to be real comfortable in my skin and wasn't going to let it bother me if, well you know," he said with a smile and cock of his head.

Alejandro tried again, "What I meant was, I didn't know if you were primarily a landscape architect designing spaces for contractors to complete."

"I'm that too. I start from scratch. I do the design and oversee the purchases to make sure that the genus/species specified is being provided. What set me apart when the company was interviewing was my insistence that I be allowed to be on-site, making sure things were done correctly," Matt said. "Most guys who do the design work don't get their shoes muddy on a regular basis."

"That's got to help you stay in such good shape," Alejandro said hoping to turn the conversation to wrestling.

"Not really. I work out regularly, sometimes with O'Malley. Plus I spend hours each week at a dojo doing Sambo. I really enjoyed wrestling in high school and college but found that getting a match after I graduated was difficult. Guys didn't keep an edge on their game and that's what I wanted," Matt explained.

"So how did you get involved with Sambo, and what is it exactly?" Alejandro asked, wondering if he should even mention his interest in wrestling.

"I got involved quite by accident. I was working on a project in the West Side of Chicago when I first got here. It was, and to an extent still is, a Russian community. Someone had recommended a diner in the area near our work site. After lunch, when I was leaving, some street toughs tried to rough me up. It was two on one, or so I thought. One grabbed me from behind while the other punched me in the gut. I guess he expected me to fold." Matt snorted a quick laugh at the memory and thought.

"I was still in competitive wrestling condition at the time and was able to throw the guy on my back onto the guy doing the punching. Then I took the guy down throwing punches of my own. Stupid I know. I should have gone back inside the restaurant, but I was pissed! Uh, I'm.."

Alejandro waved off the expected apology and said, "I'd have been pissed and likely done the same thing."

Matt smiled and continued, "I was doing okay and thought I'd at least let them know I was no easy mark when I heard a yell from behind. A confederate of theirs was heading toward me with a knife. One of the restaurant patrons caught him by the arm and wrestled him to the ground.

"The noise distracted me and I turned to look and managed to get a fist in the side of my head. I held my guy down and fended off the other guy as best I could. It was then I saw his knife. I was sure I was going to die at that moment. I heard a scream behind me where the man and kid were at it. Soon the older guy, the guy from the restaurant - he must have been in his mid-40's but he looked old to me - was facing off with the second guy with the knife.

"He circled around the boy effectively drawing him away from me and the guy I'd pinned. Before I knew it, the man put a set of maneuvers on the poor kid that looked like a combination of wrestling and judo. They were on the ground in no time. The knife flew harmlessly from the kid's hand and landed in the street. The kid was screaming as the man wrenched his arm back. He had the kid's legs tied up and was bending the knee putting it under painful pressure.

"Seconds later, though it seemed much longer, I heard sirens. The restaurant had emptied. Men were coming to my aid and standing over the kid behind me who was still yelling about his arm being broken.

"Statements were taken. An ambulance arrived and took the injured kid off somewhere and the other two were taken downtown." Matt was looking off in mid-distance as if reliving the moment.

"Mr. Rostropovich, that was the man who helped me, told me, when I asked what kind of moves he'd used on the kid, that he was a Sambo Master. He explained it is a combination of martial arts and wrestling perfected by Russians," Matt said.

"That's an amazing story," Alejandro said, shaking his head in near disbelief. "So you began to work with Mr. Rostropovich?" Alejandro asked.

"Yeah, I met him for lunch the next day. `It was on the house,' the owner said and insisted we come back. Master Rostropovich explained the history and what training was involved. He actually tried to warn me off, saying I'd have to relearn a lot of my wrestling techniques. That was five years ago and I never looked back. It is the most intense exercise and competition I've ever experienced," Matt said.

"Oh, you compete, like with other clubs?" Alejandro asked.

"No, not like that. Sambo is not well known as a combat sport. Master Rostropovich has built up his dojo so that there are quite a few of us and we fight among ourselves. Some of the men are on a wrestling circuit, pro and semi-pro and say it gives them a distinct edge. Most others are like me, working guys who want to stay in shape.

"Being a short guy as I all too often hear, motivates me a good bit I guess. It's why I got into wrestling. I got tired of being picked on and my Dad's comment was always, `You'll have to learn to take care of yourself'. Boxing was out; I didn't have the reach. Wrestling was a team sport, well accepted and once I was friends with the wrestling guys the teasing stopped.

"I found I liked it and was reasonably good at it," Matt said with a slight self-depreciative shrug. "What about you? From where I sit you look fit," Matt observed.

"Thanks, I try to stay in shape."

Matt pressed a bit, "What do you do to stay in shape? I know from O'Malley that you two work out at the same club. In fact he mentioned how serious you were about form and posture. It's made him tighten up a bit; you know straighter back, lower shoulders, the whole nine yards.

"What else? You seemed to pick up on the wrestling thing. Have you wrestled? Do you still? I don't mean to be prying - just interested." Matt was back to the stream-of-consciousness questioning.

Alejandro wondered if his thought process was like that much of the time. He didn't want to answer the question, uncomfortable as to where it might lead but really couldn't avoid it.

"I wrestled in college. Not on the varsity team, but as part of an intramural club. That was only for a year or so. With the things that happened with my family I couldn't work the club practice times into my workload with school and business. I try to hit a gym several times a week and run." He hoped it was enough of an answer.

"I don't know if John's mentioned it but he did some wrestling in college too," Matt said. Alejandro wondered if he was imagining being toyed with or if it were just an exchange of information. Matt seemed to have a smile playing at the corner of his lips.

Hoping to turn the tables again Alejandro said, "You mentioned that you and John work out. Do you and he wrestle?"

"Yeah, we do." Matt added, "I've got some mats at my home that I use for training occasionally. He and I get together several times a month to beat on each other and work up a sweat. Now I mean no disrespect to John when I say he's a good example of a guy who was likely a good wrestler when he was active in the sport but his skill level isn't competitive. It's just for fun."

"Yes, I imagine it is," Alejandro said before he realized how it might sound, especially if Matt and John wrestled to the finish that John liked.

"Yeah, it's lots of fun." Matt's tone and slightly raised eyebrow said much.

Alejandro was both put out and excited. He could feel his sex swelling against the fabric of his boxers. `Damn! Double damn!!' he thought. Now what did John tell Matt? Had he been made a fool of? No, what he'd said at lunch was much more than he'd said to John. Well, if John had said anything about their bed wrestling, so be it. He'd enjoyed it and hoped to do it again.

As Alejandro sat thinking, some of his consternation must have shown on his face.

Changing the subject, Matt said, "I don't want to tie up your entire day with my stories. You said there was a chance we could look at some of the buildings under consideration. We can wait until another day for that, if you need to get back to your office."

Alejandro changed gears smoothly, grateful for the dependable ground of the reason for their meeting. "This is important to me. I want you to see the spaces so you can begin to think of them in more concrete terms -- no pun intended," he said and smiled.

The moment had passed. Alejandro's breathing and pulse returned to normal. He breathed a deep sigh. Matt noticed and smiled but said nothing.

Signaling for the check, Alejandro instructed the waiter to add a gratuity of 20% and send it to the office.

"I use this place often and when I'm in a bit of a rush they are happy to help out this way. You ready to go?" Alejandro slid back and they stood. He could feel his penis was still full and likely pressing against his trouser leg slightly; that was not a problem he thought and smiled.

All their conversation the remainder of the afternoon was focused on how to help future residents grow their own fresh food. Matt mentioned a program he knew of that paired grandparents (or older people in communities) with youngsters 10 and under. He said it was a natural mentoring that yielded much more than just vegetables. He talked about work ethic, nurturing living things, care for the environment, responsibility and numerous other benefits.

Alejandro was convinced this man could be a big help, if he had the time. As they drove back to Alejandro's office Matt asked him about his name. The remainder of their trip from the South Side was filled with Alejandro giving some of the family's history and how they had developed their businesses. Back at the office, they said their good-bys after exchanging business cards and promising to be in touch.

Alejandro had a much clearer picture of the kind of site that would be most advantageous and made copious notes from the morning and afternoon conversations. During the next week and a half he visited Matt's home and was stunned at the innovations he had put into place for his vegetable beds and greenhouses. They discussed Alejandro's commitment of support with money and resources. Matt asked for and got a half-time leave of absence from his company. They were happy to be linked with such a potentially prestigious project.

Alejandro picked up Matt's missing portion of salary and increased that by 50% with the justification that Matt would be working far more hours. Matt agreed with a big grin, adding he'd be enjoying it more than his day job, as he referred to it. Plans were set for him to travel to San Francisco with the other representatives.

The birthday fast approached. He and Charles took care of last minute details and enjoyed each minute of their time preparing for and anticipating spending time with their friends. The guest list included mutual friends and colleagues from the University and Institute and members of boards from cities around the country. The New York Metropolitan contingent was the largest of those. Numerous members of the board had expressed their appreciation for Alejandro and Charles, and particularly appreciated Charles' opinions on specific works. Long-time family friends from both Chicago and beyond were included.

When the weekend arrived the people and events cascaded with joyful celebration. Charles and Alejandro were consummate hosts and spent time with each guest. Charles regretted that Frederick couldn't be part of every event but he was the key to the surprise.

He arrived on Saturday morning. The roast and filmed tribute were scheduled for after the luncheon and brief recital. Charles checked and double checked each element of the technical pieces. He felt he had all the various elements well in hand.

What Charles had not anticipated was the news that would be shared by one member of the Metropolitan Board.

On Friday afternoon the contingent from the New York Metropolitan arrived. Charles and Alejandro were at the hotel to greet them. While Charles was chatting with two other members, the chairman of the Met Board pulled Alejandro aside. "I'm sure you're aware that Charles has applied for the position as Senior Assistant Curator. Thanks to you, we've had a chance to get to know him prior to the vacancy. Though the decision to recommend a candidate will be made by an in-house committee, the board has let it be known through various channels that we would be pleased to have him join our efforts. The invitations for final interviews will be issued next week. He will be included. I just wanted you to know so you wouldn't be surprised."

For a second the air was sucked out of the room. Alejandro's expression didn't change. Isabella and experience had been good teachers. He recovered immediately, "I'll not breathe a word, of course." With a quick confidential wink, he said, "Thanks for telling me." With that the two men shook hands and the chairman departed to his room as Charles walked across the lobby.

"What great people. Of all the boards I serve on, without doubt, the Metropolitan is my favorite. Don't you agree?" Alejandro's bonhomie appeared genuine and Charles was quick to agree, remaining clueless as to what had been shared. Alejandro didn't know what he felt so he shoved that information away for later consideration.

On Saturday morning, Charles had arranged with the current owners of the former Algara town home to let him borrow the porch for the morning. He convinced Alejandro to go with him and a photographer to the various places of Alejandro's youth for a memento scrapbook.

Alejandro argued that the idea was a bit hokey but with Charles's urging and the encouragement of some of his friends who'd been seeded with the information and enlisted to help, Alejandro agreed. For the appearance of legitimacy the car and photographer made several stops. Finally they arrived at the Algara home.

"Did you ask if we could do this?" Alejandro asked with a touch of concern for the people's privacy.

"I did, telling them that we just wanted a shot of you on the porch. They thought it was a grand idea. Get out and remember to smile!" Charles ordered.

As Alejandro and the photographer approached the steps, Frederick stepped from behind one of the large pillars that had shielded him from view. Alejandro froze in his tracks, looked and blinked. His forehead wrinkled in question.

Frederick laughed and said, "Yeah, it's me, not some ghost."

Alejandro took the steps in two leaps and grasped his dearest friend in a bear hug.

"So you wanna wrestle here, Alex? Don't you think we'd better find a more appropriate place?" Frederick said laughing.

Alejandro was laughing and crying at the same time. He set Frederick down and held him tightly by the shoulders as if to make sure he didn't get away.

"I can't believe it. It's been so long. I'm so sorry I haven't been in better touch. It's so good to see you. I don't believe it." Alejandro's words stumbled over themselves. He smiled `til his face hurt and the tears flowed freely. So many memories, so very many memories flooded both his heart and mind.

Charles waited for a few moments then approached.

"You two will have all the rest of the day and tomorrow to spend time catching up. Now it's time to go and clean up for the luncheon and recital. You will be able to join us, won't you Frederick?" Charles said with just the tone that made Alejandro spin `round.

"You have to come. You likely won't know most of the people but you'll stick by my side and we'll have a blast." Alejandro let it be known by his sternness that there would be no discussion.

"If you insist..." Frederick faltered.

"I do insist! Now come on!"

Back in the car they talked as fast as they could, filling each other in on the recently past years. Back at the condo, Frederick, with hands on hips, looked around and said, "Well you've come up in the world both figuratively and literally. Nice!"

"Please make yourself at home. Charles show Frederick around and get him something to drink. I've got to get on my glad rags." With that Alejandro disappeared through the bedroom door.

Charles grinned pulling Frederick out onto the patio. "I think we pulled that off. May the rest go as well!"

It did. Frederick played the reticent guest throughout all the introductions and lunch. When the recital was finished and met with enthusiastic applause the lights dimmed as a screen lowered. The quartet moved further to the side. A spotlight was turned on and searched the room. Frederick stood and walked quickly to the front.

"Whoa. Yeah, it's me. Will you stop blinding these people!" Frederick seemed to address the spotlight that quickly set its beam on him. "I'm here, and now we can start the show." With a big grin he looked at Alejandro and said, "Ladies and gentlemen help me celebrate one of the greatest people I've ever known. I present to you Alejandro Davila Bojorques Algara." With added emphasis, he said, "Alex, this is your life!" The audience applauded loudly and a few even whistled their enthusiasm.

With that, the lights dimmed and film rolled. There were clips from old eight millimeter movies that his Father and Isabella had shot all during his life until the first year of college. Interviews taped during the past year featured many of the guests present. Voice-overs narrated some still shots of trips he and Frederick had taken, parties on campus and Alejandro posing with the Wrestling Club for the University Year Book.

When the closing credits began to roll the room burst into applause. Alejandro was beaming through the streaks of moisture on his face from his tears. He turned and with genuine affection hugged Charles around the shoulder. The lights remained partially dimmed.

"Now Ladies and Gentlemen, the afternoon is young and the microphone is yours. Let's tell our friend Alex what we really think!" Frederick's comment was made with a wiggle of eyebrows, a wink and a suggestive smile. A number of the guests had been forewarned and had humorous stories to share. That got the ball rolling. Before the afternoon was over everyone had laughed, wiped away tears from emotional moments and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

The evening's activities included a dinner dance with a jazz ensemble including one of Chicago's best known singers. The day was an enormous success by any standard. Alejandro insisted Frederick stay in the condo so they could catch up. As they talked, Frederick shared that he was in a long-term relationship; Alejandro got up and hugged his friend.

"I want to meet him. Please let me continue to be a part of your life." He held his friend in a tight hug, sharing the joy that was evident on Frederick's face. Then he whispered in his ear, "Besides payback for this afternoon is going to be hell!" They both laughed and soon went to their beds to sleep.

Sunday's brunch was at the hotel where most of the guests were lodged. The afternoon was unstructured until time for the open house at the condo. The weather accommodated them though it was chilly. There were heated canopies anchored in various locations on the deck. The caterer had done a masterful job with presentation. Carved ice statues adorned the tables; flowers were everywhere. A dance floor had been laid for those who wanted to move with the music of a small dance band. There was a jazz pianist who played at other times. The last guests left after 2 a.m.

After escorting each guest out, Charles, Alejandro and Frederick collapsed on the sofa and chairs in the living room. The caterers were cleaning up, musicians were leaving and rental staff were tearing down the canopies on the deck. They laughed at shared anecdotes of things seen and heard throughout the weekend. All three were exhausted. Charles insisted that he would stay and make sure the condo was secure and sent the other two off to sleep.

Sleep would not come for Alejandro despite his exhaustion. He lay awake pondering the news he'd learned about Charles and wondered how it would affect his life. God knows he'd been through enough change and would make it through this. With change came unforeseen consequences. What were those likely to be? Who would they involve? Fatigue finally won out and he drifted into dream-filled slumber.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The peculiar food and drink of writers is the comment from the reader. Please feel free to drop me a note at

Next: Chapter 45

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