Todds Boys

By Locked Cub

Published on Oct 31, 2023


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This story is the sequel to my first book, "Southern Chastity". I encourage you to read it to get the backstory on Matt, Bo, and Todd.

Todd's Boys

Part 14: The Neighbor

The neighborhood we lived in was a pretty quiet and sleepy one. No kids were running around and we did not know any of the residents well except Scott who lived at the end of the street. He was about the same age as Todd and had the typical dad-bod. Every evening he would make laps in the street and I would occasionally wave to him when I went out to check the mail in the late afternoon. On one particularly warm day in late April, he flagged me down as I walked to the box and jogged over.

"How are you doing today, Matt?"

"Not too bad, Sir!" I replied. "How is your run going?"

"Ugh, it should not be this warm in the spring," Scott replied with a huff. "Listen, I am looking for someone to cut my lawn for me. I ran into Todd the other day and he mentioned that you might be able to do it. Are you interested?"

"I'd be happy to help you out," I replied. "How often do you need it done?"

"Once a week is fine," Scott said with a grin. "I'm sure I can find a way to reward you after."

"Happy to be of service, Sir!" I said.

"You are a good boy," Scott said. "Can you come over Saturday at about 10 am?"

"I'll be there!" I replied.

"Good," Scott said. "I will see you then."

He waved at me and continued his jog and I collected my mail and went inside.

The following Saturday, I got up early to service Todd. Once I had swallowed his morning load, I got breakfast started and fed him and Bo before cleaning up the kitchen and getting some laundry going. I had told them both I would be going over to Scott's and I put on a jockstrap to support my cage followed by some shorts and a t-shirt before walking down the street.

When I got to Scott's house, I knocked on the door, and he answered in his boxer shorts. He smiled at me and opened the door wide.

"Come on in, boy!"

"Thank you, Sir!" I replied as I walked in.

Scott's house was built similar to our own, though he did not have a basement. When I entered, I noticed he was in the middle of watching TV and had some coffee and donuts set out.

"I'm just relaxing here and catching up on some email," Scott said. "Let me show you out back and let you know what needs to be done."

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

Scott led me out the back door into his yard. He had a nice-sized lot that was half grass. The back half was under large pine trees and overgrown with weeds and vines. He had a fenced-in yard, but some weeds and vines were crawling up the edges.

"As you can see, it is a mess out here," Scott said. "You will need to clean up the yard well on your first few visits before you just cut it normally. To start, I need you to go around the perimeter and pull all the weeds from the fenced area and then use the trimmer to knock down the grass and overgrowth. In the back part, you can use the lawnmower to knock down some of it, but a lot will have to be done by hand. You will need to rake the clippings and dump them over the back where the ground drops off into the woods."

"Ok, Sir," I replied.

"Of course, you will need to cut the lawn here and in the front of the house and edge it, but I have some pine straw that I would like you to put out under the trees out back to help control the weeds. I know that is a lot and I don't expect you to do it all today."

"No, this is fine, Sir!" I replied. "I will see how far I can get."

"If you need to take a break, I will leave some water bottles on the back porch for you," Scott added,

"Thank you, Sir!" I replied.

"Ok, well the lawnmower is in the garage as are the rest of the tools you will need," Scott said. "Do your best!"

I smiled at him as he went back inside and I walked around to the side of the yard and opened the fence and then walked to the front. He had already opened the garage, so I got the lawnmower out and filled it with gas and cut the front first before proceeding to the back.

It was a humid day in the city and even though it was still morning, I was sweating like a hog after only thirty minutes. I took my shirt off as it was completely soaked and then edged the lawn after I completed the first run of the mower. By noon, I had got most of the weeds taken care of along the fence line and I walked to the back porch and sat on the steps to drink some of the water Scott had provided.

While I was trying to catch my breath and cool off, I heard the door open behind me and I turned to see Scott in his shorts and a tank top smiling down at me.

"How is it coming?"

"Good, Sir!" I replied a little out of breath. "I am about to turn my attention to the back part of your property next."

"You are making progress, then!" Scott said. "There are some gloves in the garage on the metal shelves. I would put those on since there is some poison ivy back there. I don't want you to be covered in a rash."

"Thanks, Sir," I said. "That will be very helpful."

"I'm making some sandwiches for lunch; would you like one?" Scott asked.

"I would appreciate that, Sir!" I replied.

"I'll call you over when they are ready, then," Scott said.

After he left, I put the water down and got the gloves he mentioned and proceeded to start to work on the overgrowth and weeds in the back. It was slow going and I had only done about a quarter of it when Scott appeared in the back door an hour later and called me over to eat. When I got to him, I was covered in sweat and dirt."

"You are a hard worker!" Scott said. "Todd was not lying!"

I grinned.

"Just like to put my best effort into tasks that I have been asked to do."

"Well, go wash your hands with the hose there on your right and I will put your food on the patio table," Scott said.

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I walked over and took my gloves off and rinsed the grime from my hands and lower arms.

When I came over to the table, I noticed he had made me two ham sandwiches with some potato chips and put out a large bottle of cold water. As I sat down to eat, Scott appeared with a small, portable fan in his hand, which he plugged in and sat next to me.

"Maybe that will help cool you off, boy," he said.

"I appreciate that," I replied with a smile.

When Scott went back inside, I paused for a moment to cool off in the breeze of the blades and then devoured my lunch. I was exhausted and overheated, so I rested for about fifteen minutes before putting my gloves on and heading back out to the yard.

I worked out there for another two hours and had completed about seventy-five percent of the work knocking back the weeds and growth when Scott appeared. He walked out to check on my progress and handed me some more water.

"Why don't you call it a day for now," he said. "It is getting hot out here and you can do the rest another day. I am impressed by how far you got!"

"Thank you, Sir!" I replied. "I am pretty exhausted."

"Come with me and we will get you cleaned up and cooled down," Scott said.

I smiled and followed him to the house.

"Strip all those clothes off before you enter, boy," Scott said.

"Yes, Sir!" I replied as I undressed.

After I was down to my cage, we went inside and walked around to the guest bathroom. He turned the water on and set it to a cool temperature and then turned to me.

"I've been wanting to see you in your cage," Scott said with a grin. "It looks good on you!"

I smiled as I stood in front of him.

"I love how small that is," Scott said as he reached over and felt my cage. "When was the last time you orgasmed?"

"It's been a few days, Sir," I replied. "Sir Todd likes me pent up and horny."

"I bet he does," Scott said. "Would you be up for burning some of that stored energy pleasuring me after you are clean?"

"I'd be happy to, Sir!" I replied.

"Well get that piggy ass in the shower and meet me in my bedroom when you are done," Scott said.

"I'll be there shortly, Sir!" I replied.

Scott put out a towel for me and then left the room. I stepped into the shower and let the cool water cover my body. I put my head in the stream and closed my eyes and let it lower my body temperature before using the soap to rinse down. There was a lot more dirt on me than I expected, but once I was done and refreshed, I stepped out and dried off.

When I got into the hall, I saw the master bedroom door open and I walked down and entered. Scott was sitting in a chair next to the window on the far side of the room and he looked up and grinned at me.

"Do you feel better?"

"I do, Sir!" I replied.

Scott was naked and had his legs spread. He reached down and fondled his balls and stroked his soft cock. I walked over and knelt before him and he moved his legs apart more as I reached out and felt his sack. He had some large testicles and as I rubbed them, his cock twitched. I reached up and grabbed it and ran my tongue from the root to the tip from underneath and Scott shuttered and leaned his head back.

His cock lengthened in my hands as I continued to lick it. I brought the head to my mouth next and tasted the fluids that were forming as beads on the tip. He tasted sweet and as I pulled his cock in my mouth he groaned.

"I haven't cum in three days, boy."

I pulled off his shaft and stroked it and looked at him.

"Well, you deserve to have those balls emptied then, Sir!"

"Good boy," Scott said as he leaned back.

As I continued to pull his cock into my mouth, he reached down beside the chair and pulled out a leash that was attached to a collar. He pushed me off his dick and told me to hold still as he fastened the leather strap around my neck and latched it. He then leaned back and pulled on the leash, which pulled my head to his cock.

"That is not too tight on you is it, boy?" Scott asked.

"No, Sir," I replied.

"Good," Scott said as he pulled on the leash and I went back to sucking on his cock.

As I was bobbing up on it, Scott held the leash tight so I could not completely come off him and he talked to me.

"That's a good boy. Suck on that bone. You like that don't you, boy?"

I looked up at him and grunted in the affirmative as I sucked on him. He was obviously into pup play and I adapted my stance slightly so that my back was arched and my knees and legs were touching the floor. I wiggled my butt when he told me I was doing a good job.

"Have you ever worn a tail, boy?" Scott asked me.

"No, Sir," I replied as I came off of him.

"Stay right there, then," Scott said as he put the leash down and got up and crossed the room.

When he returned, he had a tail in his hand that had a medium-sized butt plug attached to it. He lubed it up and stood behind me and I felt him feel for my ass. I raised my rump and he fingered some lube in me before pushing the plug inside. As my ass opened up and let it in, I gasped as it felt larger than it looked. When he got past the middle part, my ass clenched down on it and it was firmly embedded inside me.

I looked back and saw the tail portion bobbing behind me. I wagged my ass and the tail bounced back and forth. Scott smiled and then sat down in front of me and grabbed the leash.

"That's a good pup. Now, back on my bone!"

I wagged the tail in my ass and then went back to sucking on him. The sensation of the pup tail was interesting. As it moved back and forth, I felt the plug inside my ass move. It put pressure on my prostate and I felt beads of precum form on the tip of my nub in its cage. I could see why some of my friends were starting to get into the scene.

I continued to suck on Scott's cock and he precummed more. It was freely flowing down his shaft as I licked his balls and sucked on them. I saw the glistening liquid as it ran down over his sack and as I brought my tongue over to clean it up, Scott pulled on the leash and got my attention.

"You like my bone, boy?"

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

Scott frowned at me.

"Pups don't talk. They bark."

I nodded at him and he spoke again.

"Do you like my bone, boy?"

I barked at him twice and wagged my tail and he grinned.

"Does the puppy want my load?"

I barked at him three times and repeated the tail wag and he pulled on the leash and brought me near his cock.

"Work that bone good, boy. I want you to drain me."

I grinned and took him into my mouth and bobbed up and down on it. As I felt his head hit the back of my throat, I applied some pressure and let my tongue swirl around his shaft. I used some spit and grabbed the lower part of his shaft and jacked it as I sucked. Scott leaned back and held my head near him with the leash. He groaned and his legs began to shake.

"I'm close, pup. Keep it up!"

I moved up and down on him faster and massaged his balls. I felt them move so I pulled him deep into me till his cock was embedded in my throat and I felt his cum start to shoot out and go right down into my stomach. Scott growled loudly as he climaxed and he reached down and held me on him.

"Fuck, boy!" he screamed as more loads came out of his balls.

I could not keep up with it and I coughed, which forced the cum out of my mouth and down over his balls. A few drops hit the floor too. When I felt him start to slow, I pulled off him and did my best to lick and swallow what I missed. My mouth was covered in cum when I looked up at him and he grinned.

"That's a good boy."

I wagged the tail and stuck my tongue out and barked at him.

"Lick the floor clean, boy," Scott said. "I think you missed some."

He let the leash go slack and I bent over and saw the globs of cum that had splattered on the floor. I licked them and when I came up, I put my nose under his balls and took a deep breath.

"That's a good boy," Scott said. "You like my scent, don't you?"

I wagged my tail as I came up and looked at him. Scott reached down and rubbed my face and then undid the leather collar and removed it from me. He put the leash on the floor and walked around and gently removed the tail from me. As it came out, I groaned as I felt my ass open and then clench shut. Scott put the tail on the floor and then moved in front of me.

"Stand, boy," Scott said.

I got to my feet and he reached over and felt my balls. As they rested in his hand, he brought his thumb over and ran it across the bars of my cage. It was coated in precum, which was still flowing out of my nub.

"You seemed to have liked that!" Scott said. "And you can talk again, by the way."

I grinned.

"Thank you, Sir. That was fun."

"I think next weekend when you come over to finish the backyard, I will load up that ass of yours," Scott said. "I have a pup hood that would fit you. Would you mind wearing that when I fuck you?"

"I'd be happy to wear it," I replied.

"Good boy!" Scott said as he squeezed my cage. "Well, you can go."

I nodded and walked out of the room. My jock was wet and stunk, so I just put my shorts on and then grabbed my shirt from out in the backyard and then walked home. I could not wait to tell Bo about my first experience as a locked pup.

Next: Chapter 15

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