Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on May 13, 2013


Todd's Senior Year Awakening Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Exams came and went. I was proud of Cole as his final grades went up to a B+ average which he credited all to me. I didn't want to take the praise as I knew he did it with help, of course but figured he was still smarter than anyone gave credit to.

We all attended the graduation except of course for Cole's father who didn't show. I could see how disappointed Cole was. I was one of the Salutatorians and gave a little speech at the ceremony. I talked about sowing respect for all and how we needed to work for better equality for all people. Yeah, it was corny kind of but I wanted to have Cole's dad hear me say that everyone had talent and deserved respect. I was surprised how ell it was received by most of the attendees and the staff of the school. It was also a prelude to coming out to the whole community. It made me nervous to talk but I guess I came across pretty good receiving lots of praise at the little reception that followed . Max and Ricky seemed to be so happy and said they felt better about coming out too.

I was glad my family all attended and made Cole feel better. They praised him for being named the most athletic student and giving him an award. That prick of a father should have seen it!

My folks even had a graduation party for Matt and me. We had several friends and I asked Cole to be my special guest and if he wanted, he could invite a few friends. I knew his father was not going to give him a party. We had talked about having a party at his house but he decided not to do it. He said most of his so called friends, would just come to drink and not really care about him. I was kind of sad about that so having him at my party was great. When my folks heard about his lack of a party, they said it would be for all three of us. I was so happy and pleased with how much they accepted him. I also said I would not hide that he was my boyfriend. They had to think about that but soon decided as it was at least a third my party, that was ok with them. I was proud of them for acting like they always talked about, accepting all no matter who they were.

My only kind of regret was that my father had hooked me up with a job. I so wanted to enjoy summer working again with my brother as a lifeguard. Dad told me one his closest friends,a lawyer, wanted me to work for him as a kind of office boy, gopher, phone answerer and other jobs around his office. He thought it might be good experience for the future as I did express an interest in law a year or so ago. I still didn't really know what I wanted to do in life after college. I knew the guy and thught he was nice and was always nice to my folks and to Matt and I when he and his wife came over. They had a son who I thought was kind of cool. He was a year older than us and did the job last summer. This year he was going abroad for summer studies. I wasn't sure I wanted to do it as I had to dress up a little leaving me little naked time, pool time or certainly time for all day sex with Cole. Being the good son I was, I had accepted though and would start the next week.

The party was great and I saw some of my relatives I hadn't seen for awhile. I made no bones about being with Cole and for the most part, they accepted it. Of course I invited Max and his family and now Ricky. Cole did invite his former best friend who he finally told, he was in love with me. He took some heat for that but by the time of the party, all seemed cool. His friend was one of our teammates on basketball. He came up to me at the party and said I was lucky to get Cole. He kind of implied I was Cole's girlfriend. Cole came up and after a little talk, told him it was the other way around. I think his buddy almost fell over in shock hearing that but I played it cool. No mention was ever made of the terrible video sex stuff that Cole was made to do. He did tell his buddy that he probably would do `modeling' again this summer which made me upset.

I was thrilled as was Matt that we made quite a haul of gifts and cash. Only one uncle of mine, my dad's brother to be exact, seemed disgusted when he learned that I was professing to be gay. He didn''t talk with me much after that. Dad's lawyer friend said it was not a factor for him. He just wanted my " smarts and intellect" which made me happy.

The party went well and Cole was thrilled that he was included. We all had a good time. It was hot and turned into a pool party as well and I think my cousins almost had orgasms seeing Cole and Matt and me having fun in the pool. The girls almost threw themselves all over Cole who was gracious and played along but I knew he could care less.

We only had quick sex after the party in the small pool house. I was kind of erotic and all never having had sex there. I was not as satisfied as I wanted but hey, take what you can get.

Monday came and I went to the job. I dropped Matt of at the pool and he said he could grab a ride home. All the hot girls and maybe a few guys too, would be more than happy to drop him off. I took our car and went to the law office. The morning was kind of dull learning how to answer the phones, make copies and crap like that. I dressed in nice slacks and a shirt and tie. I didn't wear a jacket or anything and my feet hurt from wearing socks and real shoes! It was ok and I consoled myself knowing it was just a summer job. I really began to think of what kind of work I would want to do. I knew it wasn't being a secretary!

His office staff was real nice and one girl seemed to bend over backwards to make me feel good. I think if offered, I could have had her in bed with little effort. I guess all the working out was helping me! Too bad I just wasn't interested anymore!

The lawyer called me over before lunch saying he wanted me to be near by after lunch as he had a special client coming in with someone from the court. I really wondered what that was all about. He explained that it was a teen boy from another town. He didn't give me any names but said the case had to do with being molested. He would be testifying against his father. This intrigued me. I was told I was there to be of comfort to him if he was scared of being with adults and telling his story. I thought this very strange but agreed to do what I could.

I was pretty nervous about it during lunch. Of course knowing me, I got nervous about a lot of stuff.

When I got back, Mr. Evans, the lawyer said I should wait and work at my desk. Several other people came and went and I was nervous about what I was supposed to do. I shuffled papers and did the phone thing. Around 1:30, the door opened and a woman about 35 came in and behind her was a kid around 15 or so I guessed. He looked down a lot and it was hard to make eye contact with him. He was obvious more nervous than I was. He was dressed in some decent jeans, a nice shirt. I noticed he wore Docker type shoes with no socks.

I introduced my self and asked them to wait in the Conference room until Mr. Evans was ready for them.

I tried to get a good look at the kid to see if I knew him but he seemed to look down every time I glanced at him. I got the lady a coffee and asked the boy if he wanted anything. He did look at me but said he didn't want anything. I got her the coffee and tried to smile at the kid. I didn't think I knew him at all. Mr. Evans finally came by and said he was going to see them now and asked that I stay at my desk but to come if needed. I did my best to remain calm.

After about a half hour. Mr. Evans came out and asked me to come in. I was nervous and sweating. What did he want from me?

Introductions were made and I learned the kid was named Dustin. No last names were mentioned. I shook his hand trying to act confident. Finally, Mr. Evans asked me to take Dustin to another conference room and to keep him company. I did and was thinking what was I supposed to say to him?

We went in and Dustin kind of slumped down in a chair. I again asked if he wanted anything. He said maybe some water. I got it quickly and proceeded to sit near him. I asked if he was ok and he looked down. I let it slide for a few minutes and then asked if I could get him anything. He looked up and told me I didn't need to be so nice to him. I looked at him puzzled. He then turned away and said he was scared to talk to anyone. I asked why. "I'm only here to help if I can." I told him. He nodded and sat a while longer then I saw a tear in his eye.

"Ya know why I'm here?" he asked. I said I didn't know anything about him but was here if he needed anything. He nodded and sat quietly for a bit longer. I looked around and kept glancing at him. He finally said I didn't need to be there as he wasn't going to kill himself or anything. I looked at him a little surprised and he finally smiled. I smiled back and he told me he been molested by his father he added.

I nodded and said I was real sorry to hear it. He shrugged and said he couldn't take it anymore and had tried to hurt his father and run away but he got caught. Apparently, the truth came out at a hearing or something. I asked if he was ok. He nodded and said he was . "I guess I'm as ok as a guy can be after being raped." I looked at him with my mouth slightly open. Really stupid look I guess but I had no idea that he was going to say that! He looked at me and shrugged. I guess I kind of surprised you, huh?"

"Yeah, man, I had no idea!" "Ya, they finally are going to do something about that prick of a father I have."I still was shocked and said I was real sorry and felt bad for him. Yet, my dick started to firm up. NO! I didn't want that! I tried to subtly rearrange my junk at little without being too obvious. What a way to start a new job hearing this stuff!

He didn't say too much for a bit but he finally asked about me. I told him I just graduated and was going to college in fall. He nodded and said he wished he had somewhere to go. He didn't want to go to foster care but didn't want to go back to his dad either. I nodded and asked him if he wanted anything. He said maybe another water which I jumped up and got for him with one for me too.

We sat while and he asked me about me. How could he care with all he had on his mind. I didn't tell him about Cole but thought about his plight of being abused.

I asked him if he wanted to talk about it and he told me a little. He had been getting used and molested since he was about 12. He told me he was now 16 and the home life only got worse. He said he had been raped almost everyday by his father who was now in jail. "I'm staying with some folks until the trial. If he goes to jail, I `m not sure where I will go." I felt real bad about him. He told me his family didn't have much money and didn't have much family around so he just endured and had no one he trusted to tell before he just snapped one day and hit his father with a shovel. He hoped the guy would die and he went to hell for what he did. I lost all feeling realizing what this kid went through and reached out and touched his shoulder and said I was sure it would work out for him. He shrugged again and said he hoped it would too but had no idea. He had no mother in the picture and no brothers or sisters. I told him I knew someone who had been molested too. He looked at me stunned. "A guy?" he asked. Now it was my turn to nod and I said yes. I thought I shouldn't have said anything but I knew Cole experienced the same kind of stuff. I quickly decided not to say anymore. He still had tears in his eyes and said he was sorry he dumped his shit on me. I told him it was ok and got up and impulsively gave him a hug.

He seemed to shrink away from that making me stop and saying I was sorry. He said it was ok. "I know the difference between molest and caring." He replied quietly. I nodded and sipped my water as I sat down.

"I, ah, well, never mind." He said

"No it's ok. I want to be here for you." I said not knowing what I could possibly do.

"We'', I'm gay or at least bi so one if the issues is, did I ask for it? Damn. I shouldn't have told you that!" he said.

"It's ok. And, if the truth be known, I'm gay too! But no one should have to be molested. It ought to be with just a person you want to be with." I said showing some confidence. There, I did it. I told someone I was gay and didn't even flinch. What a case I am I thought!

"You are?" I didn't know. He immediately warmed up to me and told me more about not having a boyfriend or anything but how he wanted one.

"You'll find someone once this is all over. It's ok."

He asked if I had a boyfriend and told him I did. Just kind of now came out though. It's tough in high school to come out. I didn't know I was until, well, we met and hooked up."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Can't trust nobody. At least no one I know."

I nodded and told him things would work out. Pretty trite but I couldn't think of anything to say. He asked if I thought anyone would ever want him now. "Of course they will. Just get this over with and take it a day at a time. Life will get better. It did for me. I was about to tell him how accepting my family had been but decided not to as I knew he wasn't so lucky.

Mr. Evans came in then and said Dustin should go with him. Dustin looked over at me and said "thank you! I am real glad I talked with you." I nodded . Mr . Evans smiled at me and said I could go back to the office. I wa kind of drained from all this but did as he asked.

Dustin and his lawyer left. I told Dustin I hope I would see him again. His lawyer looked at me strangely but Dustin actually smiled and said he hoped so.

Later, I asked Mr. Evans about the case. He said he couldn't tell me much but asked if Dustin had said anything. I told him what I had learned and he said he was glad I was so helpful to Dustin. I thanked him and then asked if kids getting molested was common. He said sadly it was and he dealt with a lot of it. I left and thought about it the rest of the day. I knew I couldn't tell anyone as law cases are confidential. I probably knew more than I should.

I thought about it all the way home. I wondered if I could ask Mr. Evans about Cole. I would think about that all night. Cole called me on his cell as I went home. He asked about my day and told me how much he missed me. I told him I felt the same. We agreed to meet at Starbucks later and chat. I had dinner with the family and Matt wanted the car so I texted Cole to get me. He was over sooner than I expected and he found me getting out of the shower. He came up to my room as my folks told him too.

He smiled seeing me naked. "Just the way I love you best!" he said as I came out seeing him sitting on my bed wearing skin tight jeans and a beater shirts revealing his great body. He wore flip flops exposing his great smooth and masculine feet. I wished mine were more manly looking.

He kissed me and I told him a little about my day. I dressed almost the same as Cole and we went to Starbucks. I said I was buying and he didn't protest. He said he kind of envied me having a job and all. He told me he felt bad just sitting around, sunning and doing nothing worthwhile. He added that he had applied for and got a job at a grocery store doing stock. His father almost had a fit telling him he was only to do the `work' he had planned for him as a model. I was surprised that he stood up a little to his father. See, it's the only way I figure I can show that I'm a person too. I hate the crap my dad has me do and you have shown me how much better your life is than mine. I want to be more like you." He confided.

I must admit I was surprised but said in some ways, he had it made. "No, I don't. I want to be different than my father. Plus, now you have shown me the way to be better and that I'm not so stupid and just a jock. I want you and will do anything to keep that alive."

I finally came to have the courage to say to him that I loved him more than I could ever imagine. "I didn't think things would go the way they did. I thought maybe I could just help you with school and maybe get to know you better. I hadn't planned on falling in love with you." I confided.

He smiled at me and took my hand. "furthermore, I added, I hate this master shit stuff. I don't want to be anyone's master. I think that is all bullshit and I don't like disciplining or trying to control you." I got tears in my eyes when I said it but there, it was said and it is what I meant.

"I thought you kind of got into this stuff. " he said quietly. "Not that you were ever mean or anything, but ..."

"No I hate it. I just want us to be happy." I interrupted.

He nodded and asked what we should do.

"I haven't got any ideas but I have decided I have to make it all different." I told him a little about my day and what I had witnessed with Dustin. I, of course didn't mention his name or even if it was a girl or boy, but told him about meeting a kid who tried to kill their father because of abuse. He listened to all I said. "We have to find a way to get you out of the control of your father. I'm glad you stood up to him and got a job but we need to do more and I want to help." I confided.

I asked Cole if he would mind if I talked to Mr. Evans about his situation. He wasn't too comfortable with it but I promised not to tell him any real names or identities. He somewhat reluctantly agreed. I knew he was afraid.

We walked out hand in hand. I didn't care who saw us nor apparently did Cole. We even ran into some of his friends and he didn't let go of me. He even told his former buds from school, he had come out and was with me. They were shocked and couldn't believe Cole was not saying he was gay. When we drove off to my house, they just looked shocked.

I again had a restless night. I was even interested in sex for the first time, I didn't jerk off before sleeping but had Cole on my mind all night. Matt was out and I guess I was asleep before he got home so we didn't do anything.

I went to work the next day dressed in my preppy clothes. For the first half of the day, things were routine or as routine as 1 day on the job could make them. Mr Evans returned from court in the early afternoon and told me I had done a great job with helping with Dustin. I was a little surprised as I hadn't done anything but keep him company but it gave me an opportunity to ask Mr. Evans if I could talk with him when he had time. He invited me in again praising me for my work. I thanked him and hemmed and hawed a little before telling him I knew someone who was also experiencing some abuse at home. I told him just enough to see if he thought I should do something.

He listened as I poured out some of the details not mentioned the master slave situation. He said he would be happy to talk with person and asked the age. I said the person had just turned 18 like me.

He said the person was now technically an adult and unlike Dustin, wasn't covered by juvenile court anymore. It would be a little tricky but he was willing to help. I thanked him and went back to my desk. On a break, I called Cole and asked him how he was.

He told me he was nervous but if I was with him, he might talk to the lawyer. I said I would do whatever he wanted. He was quiet and I assume nervous. I also asked him about his brother. He didn't want to say much but he did tell me he thought that maybe his dad and his brother were actually closer than he thought. He said his brother had used him a few times in a video mostly, but some things had happened at home too before his brother moved out. I asked Cole if he wanted to discuss this with his brother and he said he was afraid too. He didn't know how much his brother might be involved.

I was still anxious about it all. I thought how I might be jeopardizing our college deal and maybe losing Cole as well. I also considered that by doing whateve we decided to do, it would hurt my brother as well. I had a decent scholarship so I knew I could still go to school but Matt didn't and sending him to State would cost my parents a bundle. They seemed so happy that this "nice Mr. Rivers" was willing to do so much for our family. I don't think they ever considered all the stuff they of course, had no way of knowing.

I poured myself into the job trying to keep my mind busy but every little while, thoughts just kept coming back about the situation with Cole. It was a tough day. I decided that I would ask Mr. Evans if we could meet with him after hours so the whole office staff wouldn't know. He agreed and said not to worry. I also said I didn't have much money to pay him and didn't know if the person in question did either. He laughed and told me that as his employee, there were certain benefits and free legal council was one of them. I felt relieved but worried that I was taking advantage of him. he said not to worry.

Cole picked me up after work. Matt had our car that day. He was still dressed in his store work outfit but looked hot anyway. He kissed me and told me how much he thought about me all day while unpacking groceries. I smiled and said he was on my mind all day. He put his hand on my leg and I felt so good. I said if he could come by the next day, Mr. Evans would discuss his situation with him and give him advice. He thanked me for being so concerned. He wasn't sure yet if he could go through with it. He also told me his dad had told him in the morning that he had a model job for him but this time in Europe! I was a little surprised and he said he told his dad he might have to not do it due his work schedule now at the grocery store. His dad laughed he said and told him of course he would do it. The job he found was `crap' and that he still wanted him to make money for the company. " I guess he sees me as his whore to job out for the company profits.." Cole said sadly.

"You are no whore. You have to see the lawyer and put a stop to this." I told him. He looked over and smiled at me and said it was nice that someone saw him as a regular guy, who loved him and didn't see him as just a piece of meat. I leaned over and kissed him. I was afraid we might get into an accident so I stopped and just rubbed his thigh the rest of the way home.

Everyone was out when we got there. A note from mom said the folks went to dinner . Matt was with his girlfriend. I thought it kind of funny. Was he trying to get her to do what stuff I had done to him! Cole came in with me and we stripped out of our work clothes and stayed in just our boxer briefs looking for something to cook for a dinner. Finding some stuff, we made it and ate quickly and headed to my room where he pulled off my boxers briefs and I his and we went to town sucking and licking. I asked Cole to fuck me this time. He said he probably shouldn't as he liked my dick in him but I insisted. He kissed my dick and balls and then began to eat my hole to lube me up. He tongue felt so good in me. I said he didn't need to do that as I was probably a little smelly after not showering all day. He just ate away saying he liked how I tasted to him. he did mount me and slowly entered me taking steps to make sure he didin't hurt me. I really didn't care and pushed back to push him more inside. His dick felt so good . We must have fucked for half an hour or so letting his built up cum shoot out in my ass. If felt so good and he was so caring. He then ate his own cum out of my hole so I wouldn't leak later he smiled.

He shoed me he had worn his butt plug as I had asked him to. I had forgot about it and told him he should leave it out now as it must get rather sore. He said he liked it and made him think of me all day.

We messed around a little before getting dressed, me in just shorts and him back in his work clothes. We heard my parents come back and he stayed to greet them and tell them about his job. He seemed pretty proud of it. He left but promised to pick me up to take me to work in the morning. I kissed him with my parents in easy view. They just smiled and later said I must really care a lot about him. If they only knew!

The day went pretty good the following day with me doing my work of greeting customers, filing and being the office gopher. It wasn't bad really and the people in the office all seemed to like me. The girl who also worked there, seemed to keep up her efforts to get me to notice her and we actually went to get lunch together. Without being too nasty or anything, I tired to tell her I had someone I was seeing. She seemed kind of ok with that but I knew she seemed to be ready to put out if I asked or made any effort that way.

Toward the end of the day, Cole texted me he would pick me up. I reminded him he should come in around closing time to meet with the attorney. He seemed hesitant but replied that he would. He admitted he was kind of afraid. I knew he had to do it and didn't want him to chicken out. I even offered to go have a sexy time with him after if he wanted.

He just sent back a smiley face. Around five, he showed up looking a little sheepish. I had him come in and sit. The rest of the staff had just left and I said I was going too but had to wait for a ride. He came in and I knew he was sweating. He had changed and looked so hot I wanted to tear off his clothes and have sex right there. He smiled at me and asked if I was sure it was ok. I promised him it was. He told me he had little access to money other than his credit card his father let him have and I told him it was taken care of. He looked a little shocked. Mr. Evans came out and I think he was surprised to see it was Cole. He had seen Cole's picture in the paper and read about his athletic abilities. We went in and I made introductions. Mr Evans said nothing about our relationship but I think he figured it out. With some fear, Cole told him about his life not gong into much detail but enough that Mr. Evans got the picture. We must have talked for an hour . Finally, Mr. Evans told us that Cole had a good case against his father and advised him that he should go forward with maybe a police report and then serving his father with papers. Cole was very anxious. I took his hand and held it giving Mr. Evans a true picture of what he had maybe assumed.

I think Cole felt a little better getting the story off of his chest. Cole actually asked what might happen to his father and maybe his brother. He also asked that if his father was prosecuted, what would happen to him and maybe me too as his dad had agreed to fund both ours and my brother's tuition. He frankly told Cole it might be in jeopardy but he would check to see if it was already paid. He also said he would look into the rent situation at the apartment that was rented for us. Mr. Evans promised to call Cole on his cell and let him know what he learned before anything else would happen. In the meantime, he suggested that nothing be said. He did point out that as Cole was now 18, he was free to do as he wanted and he would not be treated as a minor.

We were both relieved to Hear that. Cole was somewhat nervous and said he didn't really want to go home that night. He knew he might be in trouble with his father but he didn't want to see him or give him an opportunity to tell Cole about going to Europe. He needed to by time. I called home and asked my folks if Cole could stay over night. They seemed ok with it when I told them there had been some issues at his home and he needed to not go home. Mom said he was always welcome but was sad that he and his father weren't getting along.

Cole said he was happy to stay over. My dad asked about where Cole was sleeping and I told him he was staying in my room. Without saying a word, I think they got a pretty good picture and although maybe not real comfortable with it, said it was ok. Cole brought his work clothes in with him and our family had dinner together. Matt and Cole chatted sports but I knew he wanted to see him naked in my bed again.

We sat around with my folks and Matt suggested we all go for a swim. My folks actually joined us for a bit. I gave Cole one of my swimsuits and we had a good time. The folks finally went in and Matt stripped off his suit. I knew the folks knew what we were doing but they knew Matt and I sometimes went skinny dipping as they called it, and didn't seem to care.

WE all swam naked until around 10 when I said we needed to get some sleep. Cole had to work the next day again and Matt had his lifeguard duties too. We all went up to our rooms with Cole stopping by after putting his swim wear back on and thanked my folks for letting him stay. He was always so polite and they liked that in him.

We all showered to clean off the chlorine and did our nightly rituals. Matt saw Cole with is butt plug in and got hard but didn't say anything. "Doing anything sexy tonight?" he whispered to me. I just smiled and said maybe he would find out.

We went to bed naked and Cole thanked me for caring so much for him he said he was so happy he got his story told but was still afraid. He held me and I buried my face in his hairy pits and savored his clean smell. I missed the sweat but cuddling with him was so great. I looked forward to sleeping with him every night at college. What really surprised me was when he hummed an old song I hadn't heard in a long time. I asked him what it was and he said it was something his mother sang to him when he was little and that stuck in his head. The song was "Someone to Watch Over Me" an old Gershwin song that I recalled too. He then sang a fear bars of it for me. He had a great singing voice. Gentle and not poished but in his sweet young man voice. He sang softly . He had changed the lyrics a little to There's a somebody I'm longing to see, I know that he turns out to be, someone to watch over me. I'm a little lamb who's lost in the wood, I know I could always be good, to One who'll watches over me."

"Sorry", Cole said. "I just wanted to sing you a song. You make me so happy."

"Don't be sorry. I love your singing. Nobody ever sang me a song before.

"It kind of describes a little how I feel you take such good care of me. You never ask me to do anything for you and I'm so willing `ya know."

I told him he could sing to me anytime. It got me hard! He just smiled.

He didn't sing the rest but I knew he was singing about me! I was so thrilled. I kissed him and he kissed me and held me even tighter. He smiled at me and said `thank you for being who you are.' It gave me shivers to think so much about me. He hummed a little more and we kissed. He wished me a good night and we slept together with me in his strong arms. It may have been stupid but I loved it.

The next morning, I awoke to him sucking my dick! It felt so damn good. He looked up when I awoke and smiled at me and whispered good morning, babe. His eyes were smiling at me as he licked and I moaned. I heard Matt in the bathroom and didn't care. Just seeing Cole's hot body over mine. I shot my load and he licked it off me. "Breakfast" , he said smiling.

Just then Matt wandered in and saw him. "Holy, shit what a way to start the day. So much better than a jerk off!" I smiled at him and called him over. "Just taking care of my hero here." Cole said showing no embarrassment about what he had just done and Matt saw. Matt smiled and said I was one lucky fucker.'

"Hmmmm." Cole murmured. Haven't fucked at all but I know I sure wish we had time. I laughed and I saw his morning wood still raging on.

"Maybe we can all do a little to start one another's morning right" I said.

Matt came over and I took Cole's stiff cock in my mouth and asked him to do the same with Matt and we had a nice blowjob with each depositing his baby makers in the other's mouths. We tried to be quiet but I'm not sure how successful we were. After, we all showered and Matt put on his life guard swim suit, me my office outfit and Matt his store uniform. We looked pretty good and all were smiling when we went down to join my folks for breakfast.

"Well. This is the most I've seen you guys all dressed in awhile. Usually its just shorts if anything at all!" my dad smirked. Cole looked a little worried but then dad said it was good to see us all so happy in the morning. " I hope all my boys have a great day at their jobs." I sensed he included Cole in that greeting and we all wished him and Mom a good day as they went out to go to their jobs. We weren't too far behind with Cole dropping me at work.

"I got to call my dad this morning and tell him. I didn't tell him I was staying at your place.. Is that ok?"

"Sure, but don't say a word about meeting with Mr. Evans. For now, we have to keep that between just us."

He nodded, kissed me and said " thanks. I love you for being you and caring so much about me."

It gave me a warm, not to say horny feeling. I went to work happy.

That day, Mr. Evans asked me privately a little more about Cole and then about Cole and me. I couldn't lie and told him we were together. He smiled and said it was cool with him. He also told me I needed to `babysit' with Dustin again. I told him I didn't mind at all.

When he came in with his attorney, he smiled at me and I think was glad I was there. He and his lawyer met with Mr. Evans and I took Dustin to the coffee shop which he liked. Mr. Evans said I could if I was ok with it. We chatted about general stuff and he thanked me for being there to talk with him. I told him I was happy to help him but didn't feel I did much. "You're the only one other than the lawyers and police I have felt like telling. My buds don't know about this and I'm, well a little afraid of what will happen when I tell them the story they saw in the news was about me. Maybe the suspect but I haven't seen them much as I'm with some foster family for now."

I told Dustin I felt for him and that I had a friend who was similarly treated. He was surprised but then told me more, opening up to me about what happened. I said he didn't need to tell me anything but I felt we had a little bond. He poured out his tale of how his father had touched him inappropriately at first and then moved on to eventually making him suck him off and finally raping him. He said although he was kind of into guys, he hated it with his father who beat him after for being a slut and denying him food and such. It was quite a tale. I told him I was gay and that I had a boyfriend. He seemed disappointed as he mentioned maybe after this was all over, if he didn't go to jail or juvie as he called it, he hoped we could maybe be friends with benefits. I smiled and told him I was always open to being his friend and would try to help anyway I could. Once back in the office, we talked a little sports and just teen boy stuff. Before he was called back into Mr. Evans office, I was startled when he kissed me on my mouth and said I was a real friend to him. It kind of made me horny but I focused it all on Cole.

After they left, Mr. Evans told me that the court date was set for the next week and that Dustin asked if I could be there for support. It surprised me and I asked if that was ok and Mr. Evans said he would appreciate it as Dustin seemed to open up more after being with me. I was kind of proud of myself and was glad he wanted me around.

Later in the week, Cole said he and his father had talked. Mostly his father talked and Cole listened but he did manage to tell him he didn't want to go to Europe and that he had no interest in the modeling anymore. His father was somewhat angry and tried to make Cole feel like a user and nothing more. I knew we had to make things happen soon as Cole said his father was still telling him he had to go to Europe for the photo shoot. I couldn't let this happen.

During the week, with both of us working, it was tough to find time for cole and I to be alone and have sex. We tried but someone was usually home. We did sneak off to Cole's one night when he knew his father was away. Cole told me he had discovered the secret location of the cameras and microphone that his father had placed in his room. He did his best to cover them up so we would have our privacy. I shaved Cole's pubes again as they started to get stubble. He liked the smooth look and so did I. I also knew he would soon have to shave his face as he was getting stubble there too. I liked him to be more like me and smooth. He asked what he should do to honor me and I told him nothing. I just wanted to make love to him. He was ok with that and we did. I ate his ass and he did mine. I asked him to fuck me and after a little persuading he did. I fucked him too and we left our cum inside one another to further show our love, I guess. He kept my cum in with the plug we had bought. I asked if I should wear one too and he said it was necessary but I decided I wanted one too. I would keep me horny most times and I didn't mind that at all. We went off to get me one and he wanted a very small one for me so it wouldn't hurt but I insisted and got my way with one just like his "You really don't like being a master do you?" Cole finally said. I shook my head no "Maybe that's why I love you so much. You are always kind and never do anything to really hurt me." Cole said quietly. I told him we needed to pursue the options Mr. Evans laid out about filing a police report and getting his father to come clean. He was nervous about it he said as he would have to tell all in a public court and reporters wouldn't keep it out of the press. I understood his fears but said it needed to happen if we were going to end his ordeal.

He agreed but still wasn't sure he could go through with it.

I told him about me going to court and now openly said the kid in question was named Dustin. I knew I shouldn't do that but just let it slip. I wanted Cole to know that other jock boys had been abused. The only difference was he no longer had the protection of juvenile court. It would be adult court. I would stand with him and openly be willing to tell what had happened and how I was involved. He smiled at me and told me I was one determined dude and he felt so much better with my confident position.

After our love making, I suggested that we tell some of what happened to my folks as even if it meant losing his father's funding, they would understand and support him all the way. He wasn't sure but said he would think about it.

I knew I couldn't do anything more without his permission. I had to be patient but so wanted to get going.

Cole agreed to take me home but then spend the night with me. I was so glad for that. He packed his worked clothes in a backpack along with his personal stuff. He made sure he had shoes and all he would need. He even asked if my parents would object to him staying . I said of course they wouldn't.

We got home and I told them Cole wasn't real comfortable staying alone so he was staying the night. They nodded and said hi to him. We all chatted a bit as he liked talking with my folks it seemed it seemed even they filled a need he had for normalcy. I watched as they talked and he told them about his job in the grocery. I think they found it kind of demeaning for him as he had so much money, or so they thought but he was proud of it and I knew it made him feel good.

With and admonition to not stay up to late, we headed for my room where we got naked real fast and climbed into my bed after cleaning up and such. I kind of held him with my arm around his shoulders. He seemed to like that. Maybe he felt safe. I wanted him to feel safe in my arms and it made me feel good. Not just the feel of his hot body but offering what I could to make him feel good. I asked if his father had punished him that weekend and he quietly said no. I was supposed to do that. Shit! Not my plan. I told him I could thin of nothing he did to warrant it and it wasn't going to happen. "It can if you want to. I don't mind. I know I'm weak and will let you do anything you want to me." He replied. I shook my head no and he said ok as he buried his face into my armpits. "Not as nice and soft as yours." I said. He just murmured a mmmmmm sound and licked at them. God it felt so good and got me horny. I moved around so my cock was level with his ass and pushed my cock between his cheeks. He pushed back and gently impaled himself on me and whispered, please fuck me. I kissed him and pushed my rock hard cock up his velvety hole and it felt amazing. He seemed to know every move to milk the cum out of me. After we finished. He said to push a plug in him as he didn't want to lose it. I nodded and did what he asked. I stroked him until he came in my hands and licked them clean offering some to his mouth. He ate it and we kissed.

Matt came in and saw us and smiled. "Damn, wish it was me", he said. Seeing as I had a queen sized bed, I motioned for him to join us which he did. Cole became our middle of the sandwich we created. We touched one another but didn't do anymore sex. It was nice to feel my brother and my lover in the same bed. I wondered if our parents would come in and see us but no longer really cared.

In the morning, Cole was at work sucking me and giving Matt a hand job as I awoke. He then buried his face in my hole and said how much he enjoyed eating me. I was ecstatic and got hard and shot off a load. My brother reached over and scooped up a handful and I was surprised when he licked his hand clean. "You got great cum, baby brother!" he whispered. I think I could get into this!" Finishing with my hole, Cole moved over and took Matt's cock in his mouth. He looked at me almost for permission and I nodded and he sucked him until he jazzed. I knew Cole was hard and kissed him before going down on his meat and sucking the juice out of him. We all had a great wakeup. Followed by showers and getting dressed. I noticed Cole still wore no underwear under his uniform. I told him he could if he wanted as I wore it to work. He said he liked to be free balling and it made him constantly think of me!

We dressed in our appropriate items for our jobs. Matt wore his red life guard swim trunks, flip flops and carried a muscle shirt over his shoulder. Cole wore his work oufit and I in dress slacks, shirt, tie and slip on shoes with socks. I felt really overdressed but both guys said I looked like a young budding, executive.

Cole took me to work and I reminded him he needed to decide on what he should do. He nodded and said he thought he could do it if I was with him. I promised I would be. He nodded and kissed me before I got out of the car at the office.

Once there, I turned my attentions to working. I don't know if the girl who was apparently hot for me saw us kiss or not but I really didn't care. Mr. Evans came in shortly thereafter and asked me if Cole had decided what he wanted to do. I said I thought he would proceed. He needed to get this off his chest no matter what might happen.

He agreed and then told me court was to be the next day and if I had one, I should wear a suit. I told him I did have one. He told me I would be kind of taking care of Dustin. He had asked for me to be there. I was amazed how he apparently trusted me to be with him.

Later in the day, Dustin and his lawyer came in. Dustin looked a little dejected. I found out that the true nature of his legal proceedings had been shared with the foster family he had been with. For some crazy reason, they said they couldn't keep him. I guess it was that he had attempted to kill his father and now they were afraid of him. How could they do this? He wasn't really mean or anything. He just had lost it after so much abuse and tried to end it. He was told he would now have to stay at the juvenile detention facility at least until the case was over. I felt so bad for him. He didn't dress up that day but wore a tee and some jeans. He looked pretty hot as at this point, most athletic teen boys did look to me! His tight 16 year old muscles which he developed from wrestling and working out, his only escape from his father, showed nicely. I took him in the conference room where he told me his story. He had to meet with Mr. Evans and the lady lawyer. I thought about his plight and after his meeting asked Mr. Evans if there wasn't some other alternative for him. He said not many foster families wanted to take in teen boys especially if they did something like Dustin had tried to do. He thought it sad too. He tried to lighten it up and said almost jokingly, you think your parents would let you have a little brother? I was stunned but said I wouldn't mind if they didn't. He said he would ask the court worker and attorney and I should check with my folks. I called my dad immediately and he said he didn't really know. He would talk to my mom. About an hour later, he called and said for a few days, it would be ok if the court agreed. I told Mr. Evans and he said the court would call and ask. Dustin was ecstatic. I told him about my parents and my brother and said he too was a wrestler. He seemed stoked when he heard that.

I texted Cole and said what was happening. He seemed ok with it although he wondered about where Dustin would sleep. I knew immediately, he feared an end to our relationship. I told him we had a cot and that Dustin could sleep there. Not even in my room if that's what Cole wanted. He texted back just a smiley face. I knew he was worried about losing me. I said I would never trade him for any 16 year old. He texted another smiley face back.

The court said it was ok for Dustin to come as long as his lawyer vouched for our family. Mr. Evans was glad to do it. The day went ok and late in the afternoon, Dustin and his lawyer came back. Dustin had just a small bag of clothes and a suit that was on a hanger. The case worker and I chatted about him a little. I knew she wanted to get to know a little about me. She then said she would bring him by. I said that was good and she left to take him to my house and meet my folks.

Cole came by and picked me up after work. I had to wait a bit as he was having some training to be a cashier. They really liked him at the store. I knew they wanted this handsome stud to be seen by more customers so they wanted him up front.

I told him what I thought and he was kind of embarrassed. He said he really didn't think he was that hot but was glad to be getting the promotion so soon. We drove home and saw the case workers care in our drive. I asked Cole to come in and meet Dustin. He was a little reluctant but finally agreed. I introduced Cole to the worker and made no excuse about the fact he was my boyfriend. She looked a little surprised but seemed ok with it. My parents were even surprised by my being so candid but just smiled.

Matt came home. I asked Cole to stay for dinner and he agreed with some prodding by my mom. He always complimented her on her cooking which made her feel good and certainly brought the two of them closer.

I was impressed with how well Dustin, just got involved. He seemed to be pretty happy. We discussed where he could sleep and I offered my room and said I would sleep on the couch or in the guest room. Dustin said he wouldn't kick me out of my room but offered to sleep there on a cot. I sensed h didn't want to be alone in a room of his own.Feeling that he needed someone nearby, my folks agreed. Cole left saying he really needed to be home when his father arrived. I secretly asked him if he decided what to do and he said he was going to tell his dad tonight that he wouldn't go to Europe. I was proud of him and kissed him before he left. Dustin caught that and just smiled.

I was glad Matt was around to talk wrestling Dustin. They seemed to hit it off pretty well. After we cleaned up the kitchen, we watched a little tv and then headed off to bed. It would be a tough day for Dustin tomorrow telling his tale in court.

Dustin and Matt were still talking wrestling moves as we headed upstairs. We all said our goodnights to the rents and I proceeded to haul out the old army cot that was stored in a hall closet. I took it in my room and started putting it together. Matt helped as Dustin tried to do what he could too. Once done, we looked at it and I got some sheets and blankets. Dustin lay down on it and it barely moved. "Pretty stiff? " I asked. "Yeah it sure is. It'll be ok, tough. Thanks guys for letting me stay here. I feel so much better. I hated the youth home. And I can't go back home anymore." I looked at Dustin sadly and said I wish it was better accommodations though. He said it was fine. I gave my bro a little hug and I told Dustin he could grab a towel in the bathroom and I gave him a toothbrush. I asked if he wanted to shower. "Guess, I should, he replied but maybe I should wait until morning. "

"Your call, man. Either is ok with me. I finished up in the bathroom and Matt was already naked. I still had on my boxers which I was about to slip out of. Matt and I were naked around each other a lot now and didn't care. Plus, sleeping together as we did sometimes, we were always naked and I had learned to appreciate all of Matt's hot body. I slipped off my boxers . Matt looked at me and I said no in regard to sleeping together tonight. He nodded and knew what I meant. Just then, Dustin came in and was a little surprised to see us both naked. "Holy, shit. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you guys>"

"No big deal. I bet you've seen lots of naked guys in school and we are just comfortable this way when we sleep. " Dustin nodded and kind of sighed a well, here goes and slipped off his tee and then dropped his shorts revealing a very nice 6.5 inch dick surrounded by hair. He was shocked to see I had no pubes and I smiled and said my boyfriend and I both shaved them off. He seemed to study my huge, as Matt called it, `horse cock' but he wasn't far behind me. "He's kind of hung, ain't he?" Matt said laughing. " Holy shit, is he ever! I don't think I ever saw one that big"

I laughed and got a little red. Matt padded off to his room and I to mine. Dustin was left to do his thing. When he came back to my room, he sat on the cot. I could tell it wasn't very comfortable. I knew from sleeping on it a few years ago on a camping trip. It was a bitch. He lay down looking to try to get comfortable. After a few minutes, I asked him if he was ok. "Yeah, but kind of hard." I didn't know if he meant the bed or himself but I said, he could sleep in the other half of my queen sized bed. He looked over and said was it really ok. I didn't bring any p.j.'s so I , well , like you guys, am naked."

"No biggy. I' ve seen naked guys before and you're fine. He came over and slipped in beside me. I immediately felt his body heat. He laid there real still after I turned off the lamp . I knew he was still awake.

"You nervous about tomorrow.?" I asked

"Yeah. Well kinda. Shit, I'm scared to death. What will happen to me after I tell my story?"

"I sat up and looked at him and said, without any basis, "You'll be ok." I could tell in his face that he was scared so I moved over and took his hand. "I'll be there with you. Mr. Evans will make sure all goes well."

Dustin nodded but I knew he was still anxious. I continued to hold his hand. "You ok, buddy." I asked him

"Yeah, but would it be ok to sleep close to you? I need to touch someone."

"Well, ok. I didn't think you would want that though." I said.

"You know I'm bi so touching another person is cool with me. It will make me sleep better knowing someone who cares about me is close."

I couldn't help to think about Cole. He so needed loving too. What was it about gay boys that they needed close body contact? Maybe we all do.

Dustin moved a bit closer and I felt his leg touch mine. It felt kind of nice as I was missing Cole badly. Witin another ten minutes, I flet his whole body up close to me. His boner was touching my ass.

"Is that a gun you got there>" I joked.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's just that you got me turned on. I think you and Matt are both hot. I sure would like to wrestle both of you." Dustin said.

"Well, I don't wrestle much except to play around so if you want to wrestle, Matt's your guy.

""I know but you have been real nice to me. I thought I would get stuck with some real prick to be with me for support. You know, some guy who I couldn't relate to you. But you are cool and I just want to thank you."

I felt his hand on my butt sliding toward my cock. "Dustin, we shouldn't do this. I think you're hot too but man I don't want to fuck things up for you. I'm supposed to be kind of watching out for you. Protecting you, `ya know." I said.

"It's ok. I've only been molested by my dad. I've secretly wanted to , `ya know, do stuff with a guy but one that I want to do it with. A guy like you or Matt. You guys turn me on and well, I want to do stuff with you." He said almost pleading.

"Well, I don't know. What did you want to do or have me do" I asked tentatively

"Can I touch you and maybe, suck you? I've been butt fucked by my father and I didn't ever want that. Plus after he fucked me, he would beat me for being a slut. I want to suck you and just give you pleasure."

"Well, I don't know. You can touch me if you want but I have a boyfriend and all and , well..."

"It's ok. He won't know. I bet he is hot too. You fuck him?"

"Ah, yeah I have but I shouldn't tell you this stuff."

"It's ok. I won't tell anyone. It's just between you and me. Ok?"

I didn't say a word but felt his warm hand on my cock and then he rolled closer so I could feel his cock which was hard. Mine got hard real quick too.

"Damn, it's so big! I love it. Can I see it?

I almost laughed when I told him how embarrassed I used to be even in middle school when I was bigger than all the guys in gym." It just grew. I think I take after my dad. I've seen his and it's big."

"Oh, man. What I wouldn't give to have it all the time. If you want, you can fuck me with it." Dustin offered.

"No. we won't do any fucking tonight. If you want to play with it, it's ok. It does feel good though." I whispered.

He played with my junk and eventually even fingered around my hole. Soon he had the covers off and was between my legs sucking on the head. He just seemed so happy licking me. I moaned with pleasure which must have awaken Matt as he came in and asked what was going on. It was clear as Matt saw my schlong in Dustin's mouth .

"What the hell You guys doing gay shit? Matt, you shouldn't be doing that with him!"

I know. I moaned but he wanted it and begged for it. I'm just letting him have his way." I knew it wasn't convincing but seeing Dustin swallowing my dick made Matt realize that he wasn't being forced. "He wants yours too, Matt." I told him

He got a smirk and then climbed into my bed too. He put his hand on Dustin's 5.5 inch cock that was pretty thick.

I soon was ready and he didn't pull off even after I told him and I shot a load in his mouth. After he looked over to Matt and had cum running down his chin. I pulled him to me and licked it off and kissed him and said thanks.

"Your turn now, Matt." Dustin then pulled Matt's cock to his mouth and began to suck. He buried his face in his pubes savoring the smell. "Love your pubes he gurgled. Todd don't have any and I missed them but his cock is gigantic. Good thing I've had practice, eh?"

Matt moaned and came soon again filling Dustin's mouth. He sucked it with pleasure and seemed so happy. He asked Matt to stay in the bed and he wanted to sleep between us. I looked at Matt and said "for what he just gave me, he can do whatever he wants." I laughed and pulled Dustin close and kissed him. His hot tight, beginning of being muscular body, felt real nice.

I held him close and he took turns licking each of us and playing with our cocks which he had cleaned off nicely. We finally all fell asleep and stayed together all night.

My alarm woke us all and we took turns getting our morning rituals done along with showers and brushing teeth. He got dressed, Dustin and I in our suits, Matt in his beach gear and went down for breakfast. |

My parents asked if we slept ok and Matt and I couldn't look at one another but knew each of us had big grins on our face. Dustin said he never slept better in his life! I told them the cot wasn't good so he slept in my bed but Dustin quickly added that he was very comfortable and I didn't snore or anything.

We all laughed and had a happy time. I took the car and dropped off Matt at the pool before heading downtown to court. It was kind of a scary thought not knowing what to expect.

End of chapter 12

Next: Chapter 13

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