Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on May 21, 2013


Hey guys. The usual stuff applies about age restrictions and all. I think you read it all before. Thanks to all of you who pointed out my screw up of inverting ch 12 and 13. I mislabeled the chapters when I put them together. If you can excuse my screw up, I think i finally got it together. Here is 15 as the story begins to wind down. Several have asked where the story will go. It will end with the start of college and may continue from there a little later. Depends on what you all think. Send me comments or suggestions at

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Thanks to all for the comments, both positive and negative. I need your input and ideas sometimes.


Chapter 15

That morning, Cole's family wasn't in court. I was surprised by that but didn't really care. At lunch there was some commotion outside with the press. Mr. Evans called Cole and I aside to say that there was an apparent accident involving his mother. We just listened showing no emotion. Later, we learned, she had gotten drunk and crashed her car into a freeway cement barrier and had been killed. I wondered how Cole would react. I put my arms around him and found he had little emotion. Just surprise. After some consoling, he said he would be all right. "She meant nothing to me anymore. Your mom is more of a mom to me than she ever was." He said quietly. I called my folks and they had heard the news and came over to be with us. My mom held Cole who quietly cried in her shoulder. My dad asked how I was holding up and I told him I was a mess but Cole needed to my whole focus. My father held me and for the first time in a long time, kissed me and said no matter what, I was someone he could be very proud of. It made me feel good inside and I felt a slight twitch in my cock. I think my father may have felt it too as he hugged me.

I had never even thought of having sexual thoughts about my dad. I did realize though that I was in fact gay. It was confirmed in my mind and knew I wanted to be with other guys and especially, Cole.

The trial dragged on. On a few days, we didn't need to be in court. The day Cole would have to testify was coming up and I wanted to do all I could to get him ready. I knew it would be painful. On one of days we were off, I convinced Cole we needed to go to the beach or anywhere just to be together and not think about court. He seemed to finally agree and asked if we could drive to the secluded beach many people didn't even know existed. It was sometimes busy on weekends but during the week it was pretty empty. There were no lifeguards on duty and it was known as a beach where nudity was allowed.

I agreed and we took Dustin with us. Matt had to work. Max and Ricky were also working so we just went as the three of us. Dustin was thrilled and thought it was cool to go to a beach where he could be naked. I was glad that Cole actually laughed when we told Dustin he could go with us. We packed some snacks and drinks and drove off in Cole's car. Dustin loved riding around in the convertible. We headed out and got there in no to long a time. We found the place only had a few cars. We walked until we could get a private spot where we spread blankets and slathered our bodies with sunscreen. It was great being with my lover and seeing his hot body and laying on the blankets soaking up the hot sun's rays.

Dustin was naked before either of us proud to be showing off his big dick. It was probably seven inches by now and getting thicker. He was one hot dude and kind of new it. He was admired by a few college age guys who certainly gave him a good look. We checked them out as well. Finally, Cole and I stripped off our suits and lay on the towels. Our shaved crotches exposing our dicks making them look bigger got a few glances as well. Once all the traffic other than a guy who set up his towel not too far from us, Cole leaned over and began kissing me and at first tickling me and making me laugh. The man saw us, looked over and gave us the thumbs up. We knew all was ok. Dustin soon came charging out of the surf to join us and join Cole in tickling me. His usual loud bravado, he was making fun of me for having shaved my pubes and telling me what a pussy I was. Cole was laughing too but more quietly. It was all good natured fun but I had to tell Dustin to be more quiet as to not alert others to our sexual antics.

He continued tickling me and moved his hands down to play with my cock kidding me about being hung like a horse. I kidded him about his growing dick and calling him pony boy. Soon, if all continued, he would be a horse cock boy too! He eventually went down on me and massaged my slippery sun screen coated piece making it even harder. It leaked precum and he kidded me about giving in to him to let him fuck me. Cole told him that my so called pussy, was only for his use. He laughed when he was saying it but it made me happy to think he wanted to own my body. A good change for him and it aroused us all. Cole wrestled with Dustin in the sand, For being a few years younger, Dustin held his own and I had to call a stop to it before they hurt one another. We were all laughing and carrying on and breaking each other's balls with our comments. It was so nice to be in the hurt sun just laughing for a change.

Dustin finally stopped and we all had some soda trying to cool down when Dustin said he had never been so happy as he was with us all. He missed not having Matt there too. He got a little sad when he said how much he would miss us when we went to college. Cole told him as his little brother, he could come visit us anytime and he would `wup some sense into him" We all laughed and Dustin looked so happy to be accepted by us all. "You guys could have just left me home but I really am glad you let me come along. This is so great!" he exclaimed happily.

We played with a Frisbee in the surf for awhile until we decided we needed some water and went back to our towels. Cole stretched out on the towel he had and was applying some more sunscreen when I looked up to see a few guys we had gone to school with. They were a year younger and now would be seniors too. I nudged Cole and asked if that wasn't Zack, Gary and Pete. WE had gone to school with them and Zack and Pete had been on our basketball team and Gary had run track with us. Cole kind of moaned and said he really didn't want to talk with them. He began to move to cover up his crotch and I said they were friends and we should just stay as we were. Cole looked at me and shrugged dropping his extra towel. They walked up to us wearing board shorts.

"enjoying the beach." I see said Zack. "How you guys been? Haven't seen you since school was out. You come here often?"

I said hi and just sat and said we came here when we had time and we had days off of work.

"We're just checking out for some babes and thought we would wander down to this end of the beach. `Ya never know what you might see." Said Pete.

"Yeah, I know. Haven't seen too many girls though." I said..

"Ah, you guys always get , well , naked and all here?" asked Gary

"Yep. We like all over tans." I said Cole was saying nothing but nodding when they came over.

"I guess, if it works for you it's ok." Commented Zack.

"Isn't this where most of the gays come?" asked Gary

"Yep." I said confidently.

"You mean, you guys are, ah ,gay?" said Zack with some astonishment

"Well, yeah, we are." I replied. "We came out right after school. "We were a little shy about it during school but well... Some things just happen". I replied with some confidence.

"Holy shit! You guys are a couple then?" asked Gary

"Yep. By the way, this is my new brother, Dustin. He is living at my house now." I said pointing to dustin who had moved his legs back together to conceal just a bit.

They nodded or fist bumped and said they had heard some rumors but didn't know if it was tru. They had also seen on tv the stories about Cole and his father and now the trial.

"We feel really bad about it all. I mean, we had no idea and you never said anything!" Gary said with some astonishment.

Cole nodded and said he appreciated their concern. He spoke kind of quietly. We all sat and I noticed the guys staring at our junk. Finally Zack said, " ah, not to pry or anything and I know I shouldn't say, but you guys are hung. Man, Todd, that is one big tool! Bet you make some girls pretty happy with that."

"Well, thanks, I guess, but as you can see, I am with Cole now and well, I don't hang with many girls anymore." I reached over and took Cole's hand. "shit, I didn't know you guys were, ah together."

"Come sit down with us if you want. We haven't talked in awhile." I offered.

The guys looked at one another and began to sit down in the sand. Finally Zack, said, hell, if you guys can go naked, I guess I can too!. He pulled down his shorts and stripped. Pete and Gary looked astonished at Zack but shrugged and pulled their shorts off too. They all had a lot of white on their butts and entire middle sections. "Yeah, it can be very freeing."

We didn't talk for a minute or so as I gazed over the guys admiring their dicks and what all I could see. Pete seemed to try to cover his junk a little.

"We like being naked and enjoy being naked at home too." I finally said. The guys nodded. "Yeah, it is kind of, well freeing in a way." Observed Zack.

"So, you guys are like, together now?"

Cole finally found some courage and said he was with me 100%. "Todd has been so good for me. He helped me in school and now with all this shit with my father. He's been a real super support for me and I , well, I guess you guys may as well know, I, I , well, I'm in love with him!" He looked a little like he might be embarrassed to have said it but he was now free about it. I was so happy he had acknowledged his sexuality to guys he didn't know all that well. I took his hand and held it up to my face and kissed it. I guess it was some kind of breakthrough for us both to be seen naked and holding hands. If they only knew the rest of it, I thought.

Dustin spoke finally and said we were such love birds. I kicked some sand at him and he fended it off but laughed.

The three guys got a little more comfortable. We talked about being together. The other guys, although straight, didn't ridicule or hassle us. They actually seemed concerned. We got more relaxed and didn't mind showing off our bodies to one another. Even Dustin, although younger, seemed to be ok with all of it. We went back in the surf and tossed a football around some. We sat on tour towels even making room for our three visitors. They got more relaxed and we had a pretty good time. Naturally, I was interested in their sexual escapades which were with girls. Sadly, none had anything really hot to tell us or at least that they would admit too. We talked some sports and tried to keep it all light. Eventually, I found my hands on Cole's junk and he didn't even blush or try to hide. I actually wondered if the guys with us found it erotic as they soon had no issue with showing their junk as well. Zack and Pete asked us about our shaved pubes. They thought it looked kind of cool. Gary didn't say as much but I did see he got a hard on which ultimately we all had. We didn't ask or try to touch them but they seemed cool with us touching one another, Cole and me. When it got to be time to leave, they all fist bumped. I noticed that Zack was a little more friendly hugging Cole and I and his hand brushed our junk and he smiled.

We went back home and Dustin was amazed how nice the guys were and told him they hoped he was in our school in fall as they would like to see his wrestling moves. Dustin was probably ready to do some stuff with them but we refrained from anything.

We went home and told Matt about our day. He was envious and didn't say he was sorry he missed the naked guys, but I knew he wished he had seen it.

That night, Cole and I had great sex. I fucked him and asked that he fuck me. I was glad when he fucked me without protesting. It showed me we were lovers and that was so much better. After worshipping his body and him doing me, he spoke up and held me close as I buried my face in his pits and said how much he loved me. He was glad he had been so open at the beach. "I know now that I can face no matter what happens in court or wherever. You've given me back something that my father took away. I am confident and with your love and attention, I can turn my life around. No, it won't be the same as before. I don't want to be seen as some kind of jock god. I hated that. I now want us to be happy and if you will stay with me, I know I can be the kind of person I always should have been. I love you most but your family and Dustin and, well everything you have given me." I fell asleep after promising I would always be there no matter what. I didn't know how but was sure we could do life together. My face buried in his hairy pits, I loved his guy smells and the softness of his hairy pits that were moist and warm. I was a happy boy!

End of ch. 15

Next: Chapter 16

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