Todds Senior Year Awakening

By rob roberts

Published on May 23, 2013


Todd's Senior Year Awakening Ch 16

The usual rules about age and such apply. Thanks for reading and giving me so much positive feedback!

The story continues with some more details on the trial.

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Chapter 16

We went back to the trial later in the week. That day Cole had to testify. He spent most of his time looking at Mr. Evans who let him tell his story, and at me for encouragement.

Late in the day, Mr. Evans showed the videos that Ricky and Max had found. They had been shared with the defense and they knew they had no rebuttal. Cole almost shook as he sat in the witness box seeing himself, his brother and so many others revealed. He told how he had been told never to question anything his father said but simply to comply. He told about how his father had disciplined him and set such high standards. He also said how he feared his father and didn't want to say anything after seeing what he saw happen to other boys used for sex in the video. He mentioned the kid who was beaten and who he never saw again. He was damned scared! He only briefly mentioned me as his tutor who had been aware and to witness his weekly discipline. The defense lawyer had me on the stand and I had to confirm what I had witnessed. It was a terrible thing and I shook as much as Cole did.

The jury was appalled seeing the photos and the videos. It only lasted one day but that was more than enough for me. I was embarrassed as my father saw it all sitting in the court room. Later he told me that he was shocked and wondered why I hadn't ever told him or my mother about it. I said, like Cole, I was just too shocked and afraid frankly to be up front. He seemed to accept that and let it lay.

By Friday afternoon, the court case came to the end. We had a long weekend waiting for the jury to decide what to do. It was pretty well confirmed that Mr. Rivers would be doing time. It was a matter of how much and then what would happen.

Brock, Cole's brother called him once on his cell and asked that they talk. Cole found the courage to tell him he wouldn't meet with him without me present. Maybe Mr. Evans should be there too I thought. Cole said he needed to confront his brother one last time. I don't know how he found the courage but Cole told me I was such an influence of bring him around that I gave him the courage he needed.

We went to Brock's hotel. It was pretty posh. We went to his room us wearing pretty normal stuff. Not too sexy or anything. We knocked and he opened the door wearing just a bath towel explaining that he had just got out of the shower. We went in making no comment about his dress or lack there of.

He invited us to sit and we sat staring at him and he at us for maybe two minutes. He spoke then saying that Cole shouldn't have done what he did. "He raised you, man and gave you stuff and made you an easy life." He commented. Cole and I said nothing. "You really fucked him over."

Cole found his voice and said it wasn't like that at all. He began to tell how he was always expected to perform. He got tired of trying to be something he wasn't. Brock brushed it off saying that cole liked all the sexy stuff that happened. "You were always a pussy bottom and liked having me do you." Brock began to massage his hidden cock. "I bet you would let me do it again if your boyfriend here, said it was ok. Oh, or is he your master and you now only do him?"

I was angry by now and spoke up and said I would never make Cole do anything he didn't choose to do. I started out as just a tutor and we fell in love." I was angry yet desperate. Cole nodded in agreement.

Brock looked at both of us with disdain. "I was thinking maybe I should offer you a job in my company. You still got it and with a little adjustment, we could make you a hot circuit boy. Ya know, make you look a little younger and stuff." He chuckled. Maybe we could let your master fuck you on camera too. There's big money for him as well.'

Cole jumped up, making a fist and went to his brother and told him in hot anger, that he was never to say that to either of us again. "I love Todd and he's no whore. You made me one and he saved me from it all." He then was about to punch his brother but Brock moved away quickly, losing his towel.

I looked up and yelled NO to Cole who backed off a little. "You guys just wanted to see my magic." He spoke gesturing to his very large cock with a big ring in the end of it." I had never seen except in pictures and in the porn shop we visited, a pierced cock . I was amazed and couldn't take my eyes off it. "I see your boy or master or whatever he is to you, likes it." Brock said as he touched his big dick.

"You are disgusting and it just shows what a whore you are. Just like I figured." Cole hissed at his brother. I looked to Cole and said nothing.

"Yeah, I guess I am a whore. See, dad set me up in this business. Yeah, I finished college, not that you cared, but he offered to set up a business for me in Miami. I got two bars now where we got dancing boys and a they do real well. None of this 9-5 office shit. Just used my brains and his money. All legit by the way. I don't mess with none of the stuff he apparently gets into. I do a little, shall we say, side work as well but I guess you don't care and aren't interested. I was hoping you'd join me. Like a good little brother who is a whore too. Just like me." Brock said.

Just then, another big guy walked out of the bedroom. He was dressed in leather shorts and sported some kind of harness. He came up to Brock and sat next to him. "This is Simon. My partner. Well, actually, he's my man." Brock said.

It looked like Simon was some kind of daddy figure who had lots of control. He wore leather boots and he had a powerful hairy chest with nipple rings. It was my guess that Simon kind of controlled things.

Cole looked at him and made no effort to go shake his hand or anything. I didn't either. "Simon and I are partners. He's also my, well, my man. He makes me real happy." Brock said.

"I hoped maybe you would testify against our father for what he did to us as kids and for all the abuse we took. I can see, you don't care. You're in as deep as he is!" Cole said.

"Yeah, well, I guess I am but in a different way. See, like I said, I learned from the old bastard. I don't make the same mistakes he did. He should have known better but he always seemed to think he ruled it all. I guess not." Brock smirked. "I don't plan to help you unless you come join me and work for me. See, I'll get some cash when he finally folds. I think that won't be long in coming. You, boy, maybe will get something too. Hoped we could merge our money and let the old shit, rot in hell while we live a pretty good life. He taught us and yeah, he turned us into something, but well, we will get the last laugh." Brock chuckled.

"Yeah, that may be the case. I looked up to you growing up. You were my hero. Then you left me and I had to suffer it all. I hated you then and well, I still do. If it wasn't for Todd, I probably would be a pussy and just fold and let you do what you want. I don't want that. I want and I have seen what real caring people can do. I don't want you and I don't want any of your money or dad's for that matter. Todd has kind of set me free. I know what loving is now and that's all I want." Cole said as he stood. I stood with him. "Have a good life, man but don't call me and ..." Cole teared up some, " just leave me alone!"

I took his hand and we started toward the door. I was so proud of Cole for more or less, telling his brother to go to hell. Brock shrugged, through his towel over his crotch and Cole gave him a glaring look.

We left the room and went home. I offered to drive and Cole agreed. He broke into tears as we drove realizing his whole family had fallen apart. "Be with me, Babe. I don't have anything anymore." He said as I drove out of the hotel complex. I took his hand, stopped the car and kissed his hand and pulled him closer to me " I will always be there for you, no matter what life brings." I said.

The weekend was upon us as I mentioned. The court case was basically over except for the verdict Mr. River's attorneys asked that he be allowed to go home with supervision, an ankle monitor and no outside contacts. I guess they thought it was maybe his last time there for awhile. The judge looked at all of them and said absolutely not. He was to remain in the jail all weekend. I felt a little bad for him but rethinking all that he had done to his own sons and the illegal stuff he did, I came to my senses and thought the bastard ought to rot in jail!

After the meeting with Brock, it was another trying time for us. I held Cole and he was like a young kid in some ways. He felt so alone except for me and my family. I wanted to make love to him but decided that unless he wanted to, it wasn't a good time. I did get him to eat dinner and even play some basketball with Matt and me. We mostly sat by the pool. My folks were around but other than to be supportive, kind of left us alone. Max and Ricky came over but Cole just wasn't into much company. He was nice to everyone but I knew he felt different. Cole did thank Ricky and Max for all they had done in research to help him. they both hugged him and Cole said he wanted to do something for them. He had no money to speak of so I don't know what he could do but the gesture was nice and they appreciated it, still amazed that the top school jock even talked to them let alone all the other stuff that happened! They knew Cole was a sincerely nice guy and they felt his pain, as Bill Clinton used to say.

Late Sunday afternoon, Mr. Evans called. Unusual for him to call on a weekend but he said he needed to talk to Cole. Cole put my cell on speaker so we could both listen. He said there was nothing that could be said that he didn't want me to know.

"I don't know how to tell you this, Cole, but , well, your father is dead! We were both in shock and didn't know what to say. "It seems, that in spite of having a police officer there, he found a way and killed himself. I suspect he knew that things would not turn out well for him. He had apparently hung himself using the bedding in his cell. He was found minutes afterward but it was too late.

We sat there stunned for a few minutes not knowing what to say. I reflected in my mind how his whole family seemed to disappear in such a short time. Not that I cared much. I don't think Cole did either as he had decided not to go to his mother's funeral. She had abandoned him and now he abandoned her.

I put my arms around him as he slunk down almost like a child. I had no words, nothing of meaning anyway. I just held him for some time before I went to tell my family the news. They were in shock and immediately came to him and held him like their own sons. Dustin said quietly that he could relate as his father was so awful to him and now with him in prison, it was like he had no family, other than ours he quickly added. Cole wanted nothing and I knew my job was to just be supportive. We sat and I read. I constantly held his hand. The police came along with Mr. Evans and we talked. Mr. Evans said that he was working on a settlement with the court to provide Cole with some funds after it was over with. He pointed out that Cole would never get all his father's money as most of it was being seized by the government. Even his legitimate businesses would be taken over and sold to pay what the government was owed. Mr. Evans had no idea if the government would cooperate or if so, how much would be left. It was likely to be divided between Cole and his brother if anything was left over.

After a few hours, I got Cole to eat something and we sat quietly. He was totally spent and when he spoke, it was almost like he was not coherent. I had no explanation for him and I knew he flet so alone. Now, two parents, not very good ones, but yet his parents, were both gone.

My dad asked Cole if he wanted to see his father or perhaps, be involved with his funeral. He quietly shook his head no. "He abandoned me. I can't show him any respect or love. I know he gave me stuff but he used me and ruined me. I only have Todd and you guys now. I don't know what I will do." My dad and mom both held him and he cried like a child. I even cried seeing my love so alone. My dad finally said "Cole, we will be your family as long as you want us. We will do anything we can to help you. You have a home here now and well, it may not be ideal or what you are used to, but we want you here with us."

Dustin came over and hugged Cole and said it would be ok. They have been so good to me. I didn't deserve them but they show me love and care about me. They have big hearts and if they did it for me, they'll do it for you too, man." I was proud and happy with Dustin. Matt said he would do anything to help Cole too. I was so proud of my family!

I was shocked when my father came up to me and quietly said, " Take Cole to your room. I know you guys are, well, intimate so if he needs you, make love to him if he is willing. He needs you so much now."

I must have had my mouth open wide enough to catch bugs but I simply nodded and took Cole and said he needed rest. Mr. Evans had a doctor send of some tranquilizers for him and I took those and we went to my room where he sat almost limp as I took off his clothes. He didn't protest at all. He still had tears and I put my arms around him and after I got naked, we climbed in my bed and I pulled him down and held him until he fell asleep. We slept all night and in them morning, I checked to make sure he was ok. He opened his eyes and looked at me and gave me a little smile. I was so glad to see it as he hadn't smiled much in recent weeks and his smile was beautiful. I smiled back and kissed him. We didn't need to go anywhere so I held him until he got up to piss and then came back to bed. He looked at me standing therein his radiant glory. I loved his hot body so much. I asked him if he wanted to come back to bed. He nodded yes and I pulled back the sheet. "You are so beautiful and kind to me." He said. `How can I ever repay you?"

"Just get in bed with me and let me make love to you." I said meekly.

He nodded and slid in beside me and kissed me. I took that as he might want some loving so I reached down and found his cock and gently rubbed it. He smiled at me and said thank you. I didn't reply but took my other hand and touched his lips and said to just lay there. I think I needed him more. I turned so I could move and moved down his body givng him light kisses and interspaced that with my tongue. I felt him get a little hard and continued. I got bold enough to move down his body and revealed all of it spreading his legs some until I got to his cock and put the head of it in my mouth. I began to lick and then suck on him and he let out a little moan. I continued and just kept licking him and sucking on his manhood until I swallowed it all. He got hard and I knew he was definitely responding to him. I licked and sucked him faster until I felt him get rigid. "I'm coming." He whispered and I just sucked more. He shot off a load of cum in my mouth which I savored and didn't swallow right away. I had some all over my lips. I pushed his legs apart and found his hole. I so loved the soft hairs in there. I then buried my face in it and ate him. He came again but less this time. His hole and my mouth were covered in cum.

"As long as you want me, I will do this for you everyday. I love you so much and want you to be happy." I said. He pulled me up to kiss me and taste his own cum and ass juice. He didn't care and neither did I. I crawled up and buried my face in his pits and savored the young man smell. He hadn't showered since yesterday and he was musky tasting and I loved it.

He said I shouldn't as he was dirty. I told him I didn't care, I just wanted him happy. He said he was so happy, it made me smile. We lay there for another half hour until Matt and Dustin appeared in the doorway. They were both naked. I looked over and told them to come over. They did and we all embraced. "We are your family and willing to do anything you want." I said. Dustin in his usual, way, said if it would make you happy, you can fuck me or make me do whatever you want. I'm just glad to see you smiling again, bro. I was happy he called us his bro's. I pulled him in and kissed him. "Tastes a little like cum and shit, but don't get me wrong, I love it."We all laughed and I slapped his tight nice ass.

"Get in here and make my lover happy, I told them. They jumped on my bed and began to suck and lick him all over. As Cole was a little ticklish, it wasn't long before he was laughing and trying to push them off but Matt held him and said he wanted to lick Cole's ass. I told him to go ahead and he just buried his face in between Cole's ass. "No hair up front but man you got some manscaping to do down here!" he muttered. I think Cole was embarrassed but we didn't care. I pulled Dustin down and said to him, I wanted to suck his cock. "Almost as big as me, horse boy and I want to taste me some Dustin dick."

"Yeah, man,' he chuckled. You get to taste a real stud!"

"My man likes a smooth guy," I retorted. "And I like him smooth too. Real men shave their junk and just let it show in all it's natural beauty." Dustin laughed and said he wanted to be a man!

Cole began to laugh. I'm sure it was pent up frustration and maybe some misery. I think he was so glad we played with him and he got some release.

Finally, Matt said he was starved and need to chow down. We all agreed and got off the bed. Matt and Dustin were first in the shower. I held Cole a little and he smiled at me and again said thanks for being you and getting me going again. I was proud that we got him feeling better. We went to the shower where Cole told Dusint if he didn't hurry, he would hold him down and shave his pubes off. I think maybe Dustin believed him and got done so Cole and I could shower.

We dressed casually and went down making a ton of noise. My folks were in the kitchen and smiled as we all came in. Mom made us blueberry pancakes, something cole really liked. He ate for the first time in what seemed like days. I was proud of him.

After eating, we put on shirts and shoes and went outside to relax at the pool. I don't know why we got dressed but cole said we shouldn't dress like nudists when my parents were around. I just agreed and we did.

As we all sat, before stripping down to swim again, my dad called us together. "We have decided to ask you guys a question." Matt said "yes, Dad, we will do the lawn work."

"No, it is something more important than that. If you guys are ok with it, we want to ask Dustin if he would like to be adopted." His mouth fell open. "You mean some family wants me!" he said astounded.

"Yep, ours does." Dad smiled and mom joined in.

"Oh, wow, I don't know what to say. I mean, it's my dream but I know you guys have got other things and like two other guys here. Wow! I can't believe this is happening!" Dustin said with such excitement. He ran over and hugged both of my parents.

Matt, Cole and I looked on with big smiles. Dustin went on showing such excitement. I went over to my folks and hugged them. "You guys are so cool and nice. I am so happy. And now, I can say I have a little brother!" Everyone laughed as Dustin came over and hugged me and Todd. I felt kind of bad for Cole as he smiled but I knew what he must be thinking. Now Dustin was going to have a family and he just lost all of his. I went over and hugged him and whispered. It's ok. We all love you, especially me, just as much. Dustin whooped and hollered and said he would make my parents proud. "I'll do anything for you guys. Oh thank you, thank you!" he exclaimed.

My folks said they were glad he accepted their offer and proceeded to prepare a big celebraton dinner for everyone. Dustin jumped right in helping my folks as I put my arms around my brother and Cole and said our family just grew a little. Cole seemed genuinely happy for Dustin. He hugged him and and even gave him a little kiss on the cheek.

As we ate, and celebrated, my folks said they had talked with the Evans and decided with us leaving for school, the house might seem a little empty. They felt that with all the space they had, they could accommodate Dustin and give him a better life than he had ever known. He was so happy and I think, grateful. They would go to court and become his legal guardian and eventually, would have the adoption finalized.

Later, as we prepared for bed, Mom and Dad had said they would make the guest room over for Dustin. He seemed a little disappointed which he told me later. He said he wanted to stay in one of our rooms and promised he would take good care of it. "Plus, it will make me think every night, about the hot times we have had. " We all chuckled and I slapped him on his bare ass as the four of us prepared for bed.

Cole and I slept together and although their was a bed in Matt's room for Dustin, they slept together. My brother seemed to really like having Dustin's hot body in his bed. I knew Dustin would offer his body to Matt as well. That was, if Matt would let him do stuff and I sensed my brother was beginning to have thoughts about how hot boy on boy sex really was.

"Dustin is so lucky to have you and your parents now." Cole reflected as he lay next to me.

"Ya know, they love you too. It's just that you are officially an adult like Matt and me. I don't think they would assume you wanted any parents anymore.

"Yeah, I know. But I never really had a family like yours. Mine is or was, so twisted and bad. I wish I had grown up in a family like yours. I know you are gay, like me, but everyone is so normal and it's obvious, even when Matt breaks your balls, he loves you too. It's all just for fun and families like yours are kind of rare. I mean the guys I know, even the girls, all seem to have big issues and shit with families and can't wait to get away. If it was me, I would stay. But, I know, it's just me looking at it from the outside."

I pondered that thought as I held Cole and kissed him and explored his great body under the covers. It made me wonder what would happen to Cole now that he actually had no one.

End of 16

Next: Chapter 17

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