Tofers Place


Published on Sep 17, 2008


Disclaimer: This Story is a complete work of fiction. It is Written by me.. and owned by Tofer. Why? Because I gave it to him. The story is not to be moved, copied or changed in anyway without the authorization of the author (Me) or owner (Tofer). Okay if you are to young.. blah blah blah.. or if its against the law.. blah blah. Hope you enjoy the story.. I sure have enjoyed writing it.

Dedication: This story is dedicated to You.. Tofer. I was lucky enough to have you walk into my life from a crappy little story that I write. I can honestly say that I am honored to have you as a friend and have you call me your friend. It's awesome to know that age has no boundaries. I appreciate the fact that I get to know this awesome guy, when some don't. Thanks for being a part of my life. Luv ya bud.

Tofer's Place Chapter 2

Tofer and I sat and talked for a little longer before he had to leave to get back to work. I had a smile plastered on my face the rest of the day. Why.. I don't really know.. it was just a date. It's not like we were getting married or moving in together. I guess the whole thing was knowing that someone did still find me attractive at my age. Okay.... beyond the psycho Colin that is.. and I think he was only stalker quality material anyway.

Since CJ was the new manager I decided to head home earlier than usual and do some work around the house. So I left the bar at six.. CJ was in complete and utter shock when I told him I was leaving and actually walked out the door.

I decided to stop at the store and pick up something to BBQ along with corn on the cob and Baked potatoes. The only thing I needed to decided was what I wanted with the potatoes and corn on the cob. I parked and walked into the store and grabbed a shopping cart. I grabbed some bananas and apples and some potatoes. I then headed to the meat section. I picked out two really nice looking Filet Mignon's and two chicken breasts. I figured I could freeze the Mignon's in case anyone ever came over for dinner, and I would marinate and cook the chicken breasts tonight. I decided to make some apple crisp for dessert so I went back to the fruit section and picked up some granny smith apples. I needed cool whip to go with it so off to frozen foods I went. As I was turning to go down the isle I ran into another shopping cart. "I am so sorry!" I began as I looked into the most beautiful set of green eyes again. "Tofer?"

"Matt?? wow.. I'm so sorry for running into you like that.. are you okay?" He asked concerned.

I chuckled and said "Yes, I'm fine. What are you doing here?" I asked suspiciously.

"I had a little bit of shopping to do on my way home."

I looked down into his cart to see what he had.. He had frozen dinners, frozen potatoes and frozen vegetables. I looked back up at him and asked "So your not stalking me or anything then?"

He belly laughed saying "Nooo.. not unless you want me too. I live in some apartments over on thirty third."

"No, I will pass on you stalking me.. one is bad enough. I live on 30th."

"Wow really.. theres this beautiful older home on 30th that I just love. You probably have seen it since you live on that street."

"Oh really, which one?" I asked.

"It has a beautiful wrap around porch.. its white with green shutters. It has a beautiful garden in the front." At that point I started laughing. He looked at me with a slight smile on his face and asked "What?? did I miss something?"

"Yeah, you did.. Thats my house."

"No shit? Really?" He asked shocked.

"I've owned it for about eight years now. It was really in bad disrepair when I bought it. You will have to come see it sometime and I will give you the ten cent tour."

He smiled from ear to ear saying "I would love to see it. It's a beautiful house."

"Thank you kind sir. Its taken a lot of hard work to get it looking like that." I leaned over and looked into his cart again and added "What are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing really. I was just going to go home and make something to eat."

"That's what your having for dinner?" I asked.

He hung his head with a slight pink to his cheeks saying "Yeah." and then chuckled and added "Its just too hard to cook for one person, so I tend to take the easy route and stick with frozen foods."

"I totally understand that, since I live alone also. But hey... if this isn't being too forward.. why don't you put that stuff back and come over and have dinner with me tonight?"

"No.. that would be too much trouble... and I wouldn't want to put you out like that."

"It's not any trouble, and I wouldn't have asked you if I didn't want you to come over for dinner. So you might as well just say yes and put all that nasty shit back where it belongs."

Laughing he asked "Are you sure?"

"Positive. I was planning on having chicken with baked potatoes and corn on the cob. Is that okay? Or I have Filet Mignon if you would rather have that than chicken."

"That sounds awesome. Chicken if fine with me.. I don't eat that much red meat." he said as he was scrambling to put all the frozen stuff back in the spots he took it from.

"Oh... were going to have home made apple crisp for dessert. I just need to pick up some Cool Whip." I said as I left my cart along side Tofers and walked to the other end of the isle to grab a tub. I walked back and set it in the cart and asked "Okay I'm done shopping.. is there anything else you need to pick up?"

"Yeah.. I need to pick up some condoms and lube. I have this date tomorrow night with this really hot nice guy, and I'm hoping to get laid."

Laughing and blushing I replied with "Well.. I'm sure the guy is not that easy.. and probably doesn't sleep with anyone on the first, second, third or fourth date."

"Oh dang.. Maybe the fifth date huh?"

"I could check with him and get back to you on that. It probably depends on if the guy likes you enough to get that involved."

Tofer started laughing and said "Damn.. hes a tough one. Even with my good looks and amazing body and great personality?"

"Yes even.. And I wouldn't want you to forget that amazingly huge ego to go along with the good looks, bod and personality."

"Well yeah.. that's why everyone loves me." He said smiling at me.

I just looked at him for a minute trying to figure out if he was serious or joking around. The huge smile was a give away. He was not in the least bit serious.. I totally liked that about him. He did have a great body. A great personality and was a total hunk but really didn't flaunt it. I looked at him and said "You ready to go ego maniac?"

Smiling he said "Yep, I sure am."

We walked up to the register without the condoms and lube. As we loaded everything Tofer tried to insist on paying for the groceries.. "Come on Matt.. you invited me over, at least let me pay for the food." He whined.

"NOO.. I invited you. So I will pay."

"Fine." He said defeated and then added "I AM paying for dinner tomorrow night. I asked you out so I'm paying." I started to object.. but he held his hand up saying "I asked you. I'm paying."

Laughing I said "Fine.. use my own words against. You can pay tomorrow night. But I'm paying for the food tonight."

"Deal." He said smiling from ear to ear. I paid for the groceries and as we were walking to my car I said "Deal. But you have to pick out the restaurant for this date tomorrow night."

"Your an evil old man." He said and started laughing.

"And don't you forget it young'n." We both started laughing at that point. We loaded everything into my car and I told Tofer "Why don't you follow me to my house that way you wont have to worry about your car."

"Okay sounds like a plan. Give me just a few minutes to find my car."

"Well hurry up.. I thought young people these days are suppose to be fast at just about everything."

He raised an eyebrow saying "I am fast at everything except one thing."

Blushing and laughing at the same time I said "Just go get your car." As he was walking away I yelled "You big perv."

"Yep.. but you'll get use to it." he replied turning and walking backwards he had a huge smile on his face the whole time. He then turned back and sprinted away.

I got in my car and backed out waiting for him to pull up behind me.

I pulled into the driveway and shut the car off as Tofer pulled into the driveway behind me. I got out and met him at the trunk. As we walked up the steps of the front porch Tofer said "Man.. this is a beautiful place Matt. I love it." I could see Dakota come storming to the front door barking like crazy. I'm sure he heard Tofers voice.

"Kota stop." I turned and looked at Tofer saying "He wont bite.. just pet him some and he will be your best friend." I opened the door and Kota came storming out with the hair on his back standing straight up. He smelled and sniffed Tofer making sure he was okay.

"Kota in the house." He turned and looked up at me and rubbed himself against my leg.. I patted his head and sent him out and into the back yard by way of the doggie door. I finally turned and responded to Tofer. 'Thanks bud. I love it too.. I couldn't imagine living anywhere else." I ushered Tofer inside and then closed and locked the door behind me. We walked into the kitchen and set everything on the center island. Tofer walked over to the French doors that overlooked the back yard and said. "Wow you have swimming pool?" He opened the door and walked out and onto the back porch. I followed him out and cleaned up the BBQ grill. I went back into the house to make the marinade since. The chicken had to marinate for at least thirty minutes. I washed up the potatoes and turned on the oven and started peeling, coring and slicing the apples. Tofer walked back in from outside saying "Matt this place is so beautiful.. you did a great job on it."

"Thank you. Would you like something to drink?. There is beer or wine in the small fridge over at the end of the bar. I have lemonade or pop in the fridge. I'm going to make myself a pot of tea if you would like some of that instead."

"I don't drink, so I will pass on the alcoholic beverages. I try and stay away from all sugars. I would love a cup of tea though."

"Great.. it should be ready in a few minutes." I put the water on to boil and asked "Did you want the grand tour?"

"Yeah I would love it."

I took him and showed him the whole house. Walking from room to room he would notice the little things like the ornate molding on the wall or the way the floor was inlaid with a contrasting wood. I was very impressed with his knowledge of home improvement and construction in general. He was just an all around funny nice guy. As we walked into my bedroom I picked up a few clothes that I had left on the floor. I walked into the bathroom and threw the dirty clothes into the hamper and walked back out of the bathroom to Tofer standing there twirling a pair of my underwear on his finger. "I think you forgot these."

I'm sure my face turned red as I walked over and snatched them from his finger. I started to walk away and looked over my shoulder as I said "You didn't sniff them or anything did you?"

He busted out laughing and then said "Noooo." He started walking towards me and added "but I will if you want me too.. bring them back."

"I don't think so.. You really are a perv aren't you?" I smiled at him and walked in a threw them into the hamper. He followed me into the bathroom and saw the jacuzzi tub and pulled his shoes off and stepped in and sat down.

"Theres enough room in here for two or maybe three people, why so big?"

I blushed a deep crimson red I'm sure and responded "I like taking baths and if you have someone to take one with it makes it even better."

"Yeah that would be nice wouldn't it." He looked at me and winked.

"Okay perv.. lets go.. before you start stripping off and running the water." I offered my hand which he grabbed and I pulled him to a standing position.

Back downstairs I cleaned the corn on the cob and made some chili butter. I was going to cook it on the grill with the chicken so I left the husk on. I liberally smeared them with the chili butter and put them aside. Tofer was sitting on a bar stool watching me the whole time. I turned around to get something and noticed him staring at me with a smile on his face.


Smiling wider he said "Nothing. I just really like you Matt. Seeing you all domestic and everything.... proves me right."

"About?" I asked confused.

"That you're a really good guy and anyone should be proud to be with you."

"Awwww thanks Bud." I walked over and as most guys do... instead of a hug I slugged him in the shoulder. I walked away smirking to myself.

"OWWWW dang.. that hurt."

" Good.. now stop being all mushy and shit." That brought a round of laughter from both of us.

The company was great, the dinner was great.. and the dessert was okay.. the apples turned to mush rather then staying together.. but don't think we both didn't eat some of it. I asked Tofer if he wanted to watch a movie since it was only nine. He agreed so I let him pick it out. I went into the kitchen and made some popcorn and grabbed two bottles of sugar free iced tea. I sat down on the couch next to him since it was easier that way to share the popcorn. I handed him a napkin and the tea and he started the movie.

"What are we watching?"

"Donnie Darko, if that's okay?"

"Donnie Darko?? where the hell did that come from?"

"It came from the little collection of Jake Gyllenhall dvds you have over there." He said pointing. He had that cute little smirk on his face.

"Oh okay.. I guess I didn't remember I had that one." I said laughing to myself.

The movie started and we sat and watched it and ate popcorn. I originally had the bowl of popcorn sitting in my lap, but I moved over and sat it between us. Okay okay.. the reason was because every time he would reach in the bowl it would give me a hard on. About an hour into the movie I must have fallen asleep. I woke up at one thirty as the movie was replaying itself for the third time.

I raised my head up and looked down at Tofers face which some how was now in my lap. He was sound asleep. He had this really cute little soft snore. The popcorn bowl must have been pushed off of the couch by one of us and was all over the floor. Well.. what was left of it anyway. I reached down and grabbed a hold of and shook Tofer by the shoulder. He didn't budge or wake up. I shook him a little harder this time. And he finally started to move. I shook him again and said "Tofer you have got to get up. I have to pee really bad." He just moved his head a little and nuzzled back into my crotch.

"Tofer.... I'm gonna piss on the back of your head if you don't get up." I started to lift him as I tried to get out from underneath him. The extra strain was too much and I leaked a little.. I finally was able to get him off of me. I looked down and saw the wet spot starting to form. "Great!" I said to no one in particular. I ran into the half bath down stairs and peed like a race horse. I came back out of the bathroom as Tofer was sitting up and trying to wipe the sleep from his eyes.

"Wow Matt I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to fall asleep." He looked down at my crotch and asked of course with a smile on his face "What happened?"

"Well this guys head was parked in my lap.. he was snoring so loud that I couldn't wake him. I had to piss.. The extra effort of getting you off of my lap was way to much for my bladder and I leaked."

"Oh man I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. It will wash out." I walked over to where he was sitting. I picked up the bowl and the empty tea containers and started to leave the family room when I heard a snicker as he said "Is that what happens when you get old.. you start leaking."

I turned around and threw an empty tea bottle at him and said "God I hope not." I flipped him the bird and went into the kitchen. I could here him laughing from the kitchen.

I walked back into the family room and said "Well I'm going to go to bed."

He got up and started stumbling around saying "Shit Matt, I'm sorry.. how rude of me. I should get going and let you sleep without a head in your lap."

"Tofer..." He kept rambling on about keeping me up.. I finally said it loud enough for him to stop what he was doing and listen "Tofer listen.. You can stay if you want. I have three extra bedrooms or if you want I have a big king size bed. It's up to you.. but I'm heading to bed." I went over and opened the door and called Kota in and locked the back door and the doggie door. "Hey bud.. if you decide to go home could you make sure the door is locked when and if you leave." I didn't wait for a response and headed up the stairs. I walked into my bedroom and over to the dresser and pulled out a fresh pair of boxer briefs. I walked into the bathroom and stripped off my clothes and started the shower. I felt dirty and needed to get the piss off of me. A five minute shower was all that I needed. I soaped up rinsed off and got out of the shower and dried off. I slipped on my boxer briefs and slipped into bed. I had just started dozing off when I felt the bed move.

I rolled over onto my back and said "Goodnight Tofer, Sleep well."

"Night Matt. Sweet dreams."

I rolled back over onto my side and moved a little closer to the center of the bed and drifted off to sleep. I woke up at four thirty needing to pee again. Damn that tea. I lifted up Tofers arm and slid to the side of the bed. I got up and went in and did my business. I walked back out and sat down on the side of the bed. As I heard.

"You need to stop drinking so much tea before bed."

I chuckled and said "Thank you dad.. I would have never thought of that."

I could hear his snicker and then he asked "Are you coming back to bed?"

"Yep.. I just have this kink in my neck.. probably from the way I was sleeping on the couch." I could feel the bed shifting.

Tofer was now right behind me as he said "Let me help you with that.. relax a little and I will massage it out."

I relaxed my neck the best I could.. Once Tofer touched me it didn't matter. I was putty in his hands. He massaged my neck working out all the kinks for a good ten minutes and then proclaimed that he was done. I just laid straight back onto the bed. I felt like total rubber. "Oh my god Tofer.. that was awesome.. I feel so much better now."

"That was the whole point." and then he added "Can we go back to sleep now?"

"Oh yeah, sorry..." I got up and off of the bed as Tofer held the covers up so that I could crawl in. I moved toward the middle of the bed and laid on my side as I usually do. Tofer moved in closer and draped his arm around my waist until it lay flat on my chest. I moved back until we were skin to skin and almost every part of our bodies touched.

"Night Matt."

"Night Tofer."

I can truly say that I slept better that night then I have in years. It just felt right to have him holding me.

I slowly woke up stretching. I noticed that Tofer was not attached to me like he had been all night. I figured that he was more than likely at work. I rolled onto my back stretching again. I looked over at the clock and noticed that it was a little past nine. I got up and out of bed adjusting my morning piss hard on. I walked into the bathroom and did my business. I stripped off my underwear and tossed them into the hamper and proceeded to brushed my teeth and start the shower. As I was walking out the door of the bathroom I came face to face with Tofer. I jumped back and screamed like a little girl.

Tofer started laughing and then said "I'm sorry bub.. I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to let you know that breakfast is almost ready." He looked me up and down and stopped on my now flaccid penis.

I figured since he had already seen pretty much everything that I had to offer, there was no sense in covering up now. "Holy fuck Tofer you scared the shit outta me." I punched him in the arm and added " I thought you were gone. When I woke up and you weren't in bed I figured you probably had to get to work."

He finally looked from my crotch to my face and said "OWWWWW.. what is it with you and hitting." He gave me that little smirk again and added "I have the day off, I figured since you made dinner that I would fix us breakfast." The smirk turned into a full blown smile as he said "But I think I have found something better I would like to feast on." he then looked back down at my cock again.

"Keep dreaming bud. It isn't going to happen anytime soon."

"Well you cant blame a young, Verile stud like me for trying."

I pushed past him and walked over to my dresser and pulled out another pair of boxer briefs. I walked past him smiling as I said "Ego Alert."

I could hear him laughing as I walked back into the bathroom and stepped into the walk in shower. I stepped underneath the shower spray and let the warm water run down my body. I opened my eyes with the feeling that someone was watching me. You know how you get a tingling sensation that runs down your spine and it actually brings out goose bumps all over you body, that's how I was feeling. I turned and spotted Tofer standing at the shower entrance. I turned my face so he wouldn't see me smiling and asked "What are you doing?"

"I was wondering if it would be okay if I took a shower also?"

"Of course it is." and before I said another word Tofer was naked and in the shower with me. I started laughing and said. "You know I was thinking that you would actually take one after me.... not with me."

"Come on bud we do live in California.. were suppose to conserve water."

"Ohhhhhh, that's the meaning of conservation.. I always wondered what they truly meant by that." I turned another knob which turned on the overhead rain system.

"Totally cool." Tofer said leaning around me to grab the bottle of liquid soap.

Okay..... to say that I was a little uncomfortable would be putting it mildly. But don't think that I wasn't checking out his package. Believe me I did and was when he caught me.

Snickering he asked "Don't be afraid to look at me bub. You can look all you want. I don't mind at all. Actually I like looking at you too."

At that point I turned and faced him and showed him that I did like looking at him. I looked down and realized that he liked looking at me too.

The only thing he said was "Nice!!"

I finished washing my hair and stepped out of the shower to dry off. I reached into the linen closet grabbing him a towel as I heard the shower turn off. I slightly turned and tossed it to him.

"So where are we going for dinner tonight?" I asked as I was bending over drying my legs. Tofer stepped out and smacked me on the ass. I yelped and Jumped away saying "I will get you back for that."

Smiling from ear to ear he advised "I want to try out this little Italian restaurant that a coworker told me about. Is Italian okay bub?"

"Yeah Italian sounds wonderful." I slipped on my boxer briefs and walked out of the bathroom.

I got dressed as Tofer came walking out of the bathroom still naked. "If you need something to wear I have some smaller boxers in the top drawer of there." I pointed to the dresser over by the window. "The rest of the clothes are in the closet.. just help yourself. What did you say is for breakfast?"

"Its a bacon and potato Frittata. It's actually in the oven cooking and should be just about ready."

"Sounds awesome.. I'll run downstairs and check on it while you get dressed." I walked out of the bedroom feeling a lot of different emotions. They ranged from extremely happy to confused and total amazement was added in. I wasn't sure why a guy like Tofer would want to be friends with me or hell even date me. He has everything going for him. Hes smart, funny, has a great job and the bonus package is a killer body. I mean I'm not trying to sell myself short.. but come on .. I'm old enough to be his father. What could he possibly see in me? I started scolding myself.. you need to stop this bullshit about being so hard on yourself. If he likes you.. then great.. he likes you.. take it as it comes. You cant stress over something that could be great for both of you. If that happens. "Okay! okay!" I said mainly to myself trying to reassure the doubts that were running through my mind. "I wont do this anymore. I wont question what's going to happen. I will just sit back and enjoy the ride. (so to speak)"

Tofer walked in the room saying "Thats good to hear. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself. Your a great guy bub, as I have told you before. Anyone.. and I do mean anyone would be happy to have you."

"Okay so now I'm totally embarrassed that you heard all that." I said turning from pink to red with embarrassment.

"Don't be.. I'm totally flattered." He walked up to me and leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.

I pushed him away saying "Your not helping either."

"What! What did I do?" he questioned smiling from ear to ear.

"Don't act like you have no idea bud. You've been hitting on me from the moment we met. It still totally shocks me. The shock then turns into total brain lock and I get flustered and have problems forming my words." I answered.

"Awwww that's so cute." He said with a shit eating grin on his face.

I shock my head and started laughing and went over to the oven and pulled out the frittata. I sat it on the kitchen table and grabbed two plates with silverware and two glasses. "What did you want to drink Tofer?"

"I will get it.. go put that stuff down on the table before you drop something." he walked over and opened the fridge door and pulled out the orange juice. He turned and looked at me asking "What did you want to drink bub?"

"Milk please." He walked over and poured the milk for me first, then his orange juice and then sat down. I dished two big serving for him and one for me.

I looked at him and said "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course you can.. shoot."

"What is with you calling me bub?"

Blushing he said "It's what my dads side of the family use to call me . It's a term of endearment. Kinda like when you call me bud."

"Oh okay." I looked down and added "Well I guess I need to figure out something better then bud, don't I." I looked up and he was smiling that mega watt smile that melted me. WHAT!! did I just think that.. what the hell. Ive known him for one day.. could I be falling that quickly?. Get a grip Matt.

"I guess you do"

I shook my head and started eating. Breakfast was great.. and of course the company made it taste even better. I couldn't help but smile every time I looked at him. Most of the time I sat on the edge of my chair waiting for the next comment or next story he was going to tell me. He truly was a very smart, good looking, studly man.

I looked up at him and asked "You did well in school didn't you?"

Blushing he chuckled out "Yeah.. why? how did you know that?" He asked back.

"Well.. because your kind of a nerd trapped in a hunks body." I said smiling at him.

He full belly laughed. Once he calmed down he said "Yeah I guess I am. I actually do have glasses at home.. I'm wearing contacts."

"Hey Tofer.. Do you believe in amor a primera vista?"

"Actually, yes I do."

"Good.. so do I." I paused and added "Okay.... I need a term of endearment for you. Hmmm." I said tapping my finger to my chin. "Okay nerd and hunk. How about hunner.. or...Nehu oh I like this one.. Nerhu.. Yeah I like that Nerhu."

He was smiling that full melting smile as he said. "I like it. I like that a lot."

"Okay.. Nerhu it is." Not realizing that we had actually been sitting talking for about three hours. I got up picked up the dishes and started clearing the table as Nerhu was telling me about His mom and the struggles of working construction until he went back to school. I was leaning against the counter over by the sink as he brought me the pan that the frattata was in. yes, we ate every bit of it. It was delicious. I took the pan from him and set it in the sink as he grabbed me around the waist and swung me around to face him.

Laughing I said "What are you doing?"

"I wanna dance.. lets go dancing tonight after dinner. What do you say?" as he moved in closer and put he arms around my waist. We started swaying to the music in his head.

"Sounds great." I said as I wrapped my arms around him. He laid his head on my shoulder and I did the same. I sighed a deep long sigh of contentment. As I was breathing in I could smell his smell mixed with my body wash. The close proximity was having some major effects on my body so I pulled away slightly to prevent him from feeling my... umm..arousal. I could feel his body shaking as he laughed at me. So I played stupid and asked "What's so funny?"

"You are." He backed me against the kitchen counter and added "You didn't need to be embarrassed."

Still playing dumb I asked "Embarrassed about what?"

He pushed his crotch into mine saying "Embarrassed about being hard. Because as I'm sure you can tell.. I'm the same way."

Believe me I could tell. "I wasn't embarrassed. I just didn't want you to think that I was perving on you."

He leaned into me placing his cheek next to mine and whispered "But you are, aren't you? I really don't mind bub. Because I'm perving on you too."

My brain was screaming.. too fast too fast too fast. I pulled back a little and kissed him on the cheek and then said "Well okay.. I guess we have established that we are both pervs."

"Yeah I guess." He replied as he leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. THE FIRST KISS.

I pulled back from him and then hugged him to me saying "I'm not going any further than kissing you at this point Nerhu."

"Bub.. I'm totally okay with that. I just want you to know that I really do like you. These last two days have been awesome, and for me it's not all about sex. I want it to be about us.. our wants, desires, goals and sex will be an added benefit. An awesome benefit but and added one"

"Awww that's so sweet. Who woulda thunk there would have been a good guy inside your ego maniac persona."

"Yeah I know.. I fool a lot of people. Can I just ask one thing though?"

"Sure.. what is it?"

"Can you at least give me a blow job every once in a while until we start having sex?"

I pushed him away and smacked him on the arm saying "Your incorrigible"

"Owwwww." He said rubbing his arm. "What is it with you and violence?"

"I'm usually not violent.. I guess you bring out the worst in me."

"Hmmmmm." He said tapping his finger to his temple. "That could be really hot in the bedroom." He jumped away before I could hit him again.

Totally embarrassed I said "Don't you have somewhere to go or someplace to be?"

"Nope.... I'm all yours bub."

"Well... okay.... fine." I said making it sound like thats was the last thing that I wanted. When in reality I was jumping for joy inside. "I do need to head to the bar to make sure everything is okay. Did you want to go or hang out here or GOOO?" I said with hope in my voice.

"Ummm.. let me think about it. Hmmmmm... I think I will.. Gooo with you. It's almost two now. What time do you think we will be back?"

"It shouldn't be any more than a couple of hours. Why?"

"Well I have this really hot date tonight. I want to make sure that I get home to clean up and change clothes."

"Wow really.. You sound really excited about it. The guy must be really special."

"Nooo not really... I'm just after his hot body." Again the jerk jumped away before I could hit him. He walked up and wrapped me in his arms saying "Instead of hitting me all the time why don't you just kiss me instead."

"Well... because..... I would be kissing you all the time then."

"My point exactly." He slowly leaned in and kissed me on the lips. His tongue was trying to gain access into my mouth. I slowly opened my mouth allowing for a little tongue play. I moved down to his lower lip taking it between my lips and sucking on it. After a few seconds I took it between my teeth and bit it!. Tofer yelped and pulled away. Laughing I swatted him on the ass and asked "You ready to go?"

"No.. Hold on a second I need to see if my lip is bleeding?"

"Oh my god.. you big baby. I didn't even bite it hard enough to draw blood." he grabbed me and wrestled me to the ground. The little shit was strong. He had my hands above my head and his legs wrapped around my legs preventing me from moving.

"Okay now what?" I asked wondering what he was going to do.

He slowly leaned in and kissed me and then said "This!!!" He started sucking on my neck. The jerk gave me the biggest hickey that I have ever had in my life. He finally let me up so that I could see how bad it was. As I was looking in the mirror I yelled "Fuck Tofer.. To cover this monstrosity up I would have to wear something that goes up to my ears."

He walked into the bathroom laughing at me. I gave him the evil eye and said "I will get you back, somehow, someway or somewhere.. I will get you back! Do you know how much shit CJ is going to give me over this." He just walked up to me, hugged me from behind and kissed me on the neck. That was good enough for me.. I smiled at him in the mirror and said "Let's go Nerhu. We don't want you to be late for your date."

Next: Chapter 3

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