Tofers Place


Published on Oct 8, 2008


Disclaimer: This story is truly fiction.. it is completely made up. If you're to young to read this than.. don't.. If its illegal in your state, county, country or whatever then don't read it. This story should not be moved to any other website unless permission is given by the author or co-author.

Thank you to everyone who has written with the wonderful comments and encouragement. It is greatly appreciated. This chapter and any future chapters will be written by myself (Brent) the author and (Tofer) who is the co-author.

Tofer thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to write the scenes (Tofer's point of view) and everything else that you have written. Awesome job boo boo.

And finally here's chap 3.

Tofers Place Chapter 3

"Okay.. quit being such a girl and let's go. I'm getting kinda hungry." Tofer said as he stepped away smacking me hard on the ass. He left his hand there and rubbed the spot trying to take the sting away and added. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hit you that hard."

"Don't worry about it. I'm a guy I can take it" then I added "But don't do it again." he leaned around my shoulder and kissed me on the check apologizing again. "Okay lets go." I grabbed his hand and walked him to the front door. I opened it and shoved Tofer out laughing the whole time.

"You think your funny old man??" He walked up to me and grabbed me by the waist and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "Tofer!!!" I said surprised. "Tofer!!! dammit put me down." He started walking away from the open door. "The doors still open you jerk.. if your not going to put me down at least lock and shut it." He walked back over and turned the bottom lock and pulled it shut. I started squirming trying to get him to put me down. As he started laughing he said "If you keep moving around like that you may fall and break a hip old man. So stop moving around.. I don't want to have to nurse you back to health if you break that fragile hip of yours."

I bent a little to the left away from his shoulder and smacked him in the back of the head.

Tofer walked around to the passenger side of his car. Opened the door and put me down. Once I was seated in the car he shut the door for me. He walked around and got in the driver seat.. Once seated he was rubbing the back of his head. I looked over at him laughing. He turned his head looking over at me and gave me a dirty look as he was saying "That hurt. I think I have a concussion."

"Nice try Nerhu, I didn't even hit you that hard." He moved over closer to me placing his hand on my thigh. I picked his hand up and removed it from my thigh saying "Thats a little further than I really want to go right now bud. But you feel free to kiss me as much as you want." He leaned over smashing his lips against mine. The kiss totally took my breathe away. If it is possible to melt into a puddle, It would have happened. He leaned back over to his side of the car with a huge smug smile on his face. He started the car and backed out of the driveway driving us to the bar.

I walked into the bar laughing at Tofer, he was walking behind me with his head down acting like he was crying. I walked back over to him putting my arm around his shoulder saying "Nerhu.. you had no way to know that the big bad pole was in your way. Who would have thought that it would have been there to keep people from parking to close to the fire hydrant."

"I know but I hurt my car." he said mock sobbing.

"If it will make you feel any better I will call the insurance company and tell them that that damn pole jumped behind you. That it wasn't there when we pulled in." I squeezed his shoulder and jumped about a foot as he pinched my ass hard.

Laughing at me he said "I cannot believe that I backed into a pole.. and a big yellow pole at that. Seeeee.. if you hadn't been distracting me I would have seen it!"

"Me.. I wasn't distracting you. I am totally innocent." I said with a slight smile on my face.

"MMMMHMMMMM innocent people don't have their hands on the crotch of the victim."

"Oh my god.. you are so wrong." I said cuffing him on the arm. "I hand my hand on your hand. That was originally on the gear shift. YOU moved it to your crotch not me. So don't act like I was feeling you up." I was laughing at this point because of the look of horror on his face.

"Oh my god.. I cant believe you.. how dare you accuse me of that. I had an itch and...."

laughing harder I said "Yeah you had an itch that you wanted me to scratch for you." At that point we both were laughing. CJ came walking out from the kitchen to make sure everything was okay.

"Hey CJ.. Hows it going?" I said walking up to him giving him a hug. Tofer followed me over and shook hands with CJ. I could see CJ looking at the hickey on my neck.

"Oh my god Matt... what he hell happened to your neck!!"

"I fell." was my only response..

"Yeah.. you fell into someones sucking lips. Is what it looks like." he said eying me.

"It's his fault!" I said pointing at Tofer.

"Meeee!!! I didn't do that." He said in mock disgust.

I gave him an angry look and said "You know that date you have tonight. I hope he's an ugly and cruel troll." As CJ was walking away I heard him say "He's a troll alright."

I picked up a packet of sugar and threw it at him beaning him in the head. "Troll huh!"

Tofer and I sat down at the bar, ate lunch and talked the whole time. He truly was a really nice funny guy.

"Well I suppose I should be going." Tofer said as he stood up. "Like I said I have this date tonight, and I'm really hoping he wont turn out to be a troll like CJ said."

"Wow you have a date too?? that's so amazing. I'm really hoping MINE... will still have his testicles by the time we go out tonight." Tofer instinctively put his hand over his crotch. Laughing I added "yep.. you may want to guard those babies." Tofer laughed, then walked up and hugged me saying "You about ready to go.. I will drop you off at your house."

"Sure... let's go." I called out to CJ telling him that we were leaving. We went out, got in Tofers car and he drove me home. He pulled up into the driveway again and shut the engine off.

"I just want you to know that I have really enjoyed the last two days Bub. It's been the best time that I've had in a really long time."

"Awww.. thanks Nerhu.. I feel the same way. It's been a breath of fresh air for me. Your a great guy and I cant wait for the date tonight. Well... even... though.... ummm... your still sitting here." I started laughing and hung my head from embarrassment.

"Don't be embarrassed I'm excited about the date also." he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and said "So I will pick you up here at seven... right?"

"Yep.. seven o'clock. By the way where are we going?"

"It's a surprise, you will have to wait and see."

"O..K...A...Y.. well what should I wear then?"

"Nothing is the preferred wardrobe. But if you insist on wearing something.. go with casual dressy."

"Sounds good, see you... at seven Nerhu." I got out of the car. I began to walk a little and noticed that he was still sitting there. I turned around saying "Stop looking at my ass you perv!"

Laughing he said "I'm not.. well yeah I was.. but.. I am going to wait for you to get in the house, just motion that you are inside. I don't like to leave without knowing my dates made it into their house."

"Oh okay, see you in a bit then." I walked to the house, the smile on my face went from ear to ear, I could hear my heartbeat in my head. Why am I falling for this guy so fast? I pondered the question as I went to the door. Suddenly I was face first on the ground. My whole body hurt, someone tackled me from behind. I got up quickly to see who it was. I was expecting to see Tofer, so I could yell at him, but instead I saw someone else. "Colin?!" I looked into his eyes and they radiated hate and madness. In his hand was a large knife, he gripped it tight and smiled with an insane look on his face.

"I told you didn't I!!!" His eyes grew bigger. "If you ever went out with someone else, I would kill you and them."

I looked around and remembered that Tofer was still parked on the side of the house, he couldn't see me or Colin. I screamed his name in my head, but, I didn't want to put him in any danger.

Colin came closer and swung the knife trying to stab me, I jumped out of the way and kicked him in the groin. He went down quickly clutching his testicles. I grabbed my cellphone from my pocket and dialed 911. When I heard the operator ask what is your emergency, I felt a great pain coming from my leg. I let out a yell and fell to the floor dropping the phone. I looked down seeing the blood seep through my jeans. I turned around and saw in slow motion Tofer punching Colin in the face and knocking him unconscious. The only thing I remember is Tofer picking me up and telling me everything will be okay before I passed out.

I came to in Tofers arms. I could hear the paramedics saying "Sir you have to let go of him so that we can take care of the cut."

"I am not letting him go.. I will carry him to the ambulance. I am not leaving him." They must have agreed. I could feel myself being lifted off of the ground.

I opened my eyes and looked up at him. What I saw was fear and a tear running down his handsome face. I grabbed his arm so that he would know that I was awake. He looked down at me and said "Bub your going to be fine. The ambulance is here and the police took Colin into custody. My bub is going to be fine." I wasn't sure if he was reassuring himself or me at this point. He gently put me in the ambulance and sat at the top of the bed. So that he could look me in the eyes. They hooked up an iv and gave me some morphine for the pain. The only thing I remember saying is "Nerhu I'm gonna sleep now." as everything turned black.

I woke up in what I would assume to be the emergency room. I looked around and saw Tofer sleeping in the chair beside the bed. He had pulled the chair up as close to the bed as possible. His fingers were intertwined with mine. I brought our hands to my mouth and kissed the back of his hand. He stirred, opening his eyes, looking at me.

"Ohhh Hey.. bub.. are you okay.. did you need anything?"

"No I'm okay.. When can we go home."

"They're just waiting for you to wake up. Let me go get the nurse." He stood up and went to remove his hand from mine but I wouldn't let go."Thanks Nerhu, I'm sure you saved my life. He probably would have killed me."

He leaned over and kissed me on the lips and said."No problem," with a smirk on his face added. "I am YOUR knight in shining armor bub."

"How did you know?"

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"How did you know what was happening."

"As I was waiting for you to go inside I saw someone following you. I got out of the car and followed also. I saw him walk up and tackle you to the ground. You both actually got to your feet at the same time. Thats when I saw him lunge at you with the knife and you kick him in the nuts." He smiled and added "I really didn't think he would have moved after the kick you gave him. It totally shocked me when he stabbed you in the leg. Thats when I ran up and punched him in the face."

"I appreciate you staying to help me."

He smiled that slight smile and asked "So.. that was the famous Colin."

"Yeah that was him. This wasn't as bad as the last time he caught me going out with someone."

"Really?" he said shocked.

"Yeah.. he broke out all the windows on the bottom floor of the house. Of course I couldn't prove it was him.. but I knew, and he knew that it would rattle me."

"I'm so sorry bub."

Laughing I replied "You have nothing to be sorry for Nerhu. I let my guard down. Hopefully... this will be the last time I hear from him. You know I started taking self defense classes after the window thing. I took some judo and boxing. The stalking was getting worse and worse so I figured that I needed to be able to protect myself from him." I looked over at Tofer and you could see that he was physically upset. "You okay???"

"Yeah I'm okay.. if I would have known he was putting you through all of that. I would have hit the asshole a few more times."

"No need nerhu... I'm sure he'll get what he deserves now that he's in police custody." I shut my eyes and added "Nerhu could you please go get the nurse.. I'm ready to get the heck outta here." he got up and walked out of the room. A few minutes later he returned with the nurse in tow.

"Your son says that you're ready to leave us, Is that true?"

I started laughing and looked from her to him and back to her. I had tears running down my face. I looked back at Tofer and answered "Yes I am ready to leave. Ummm if it's okay to go... I'm sure my SON will be more than happy to help me get into the house and settled."

"Of course I will old man." he said smiling at me.

"Okay let me get the papers and orders and we will get you out of here." She turned and walked out of the room.

I looked over at Nerhu and asked "Son??"

"They weren't going to let me in, so I told them a little white lie. I'm sorry I probably shouldn't have, but I didn't want you to wake up in the ER all alone."

"Nerhu... my Knight." He smiled from ear to ear.

The nurse came back in and explained how to care for the wound. She also said that I had twenty eight stitches at the wound site and that I should not be doing any kind of exercise until the stitches were removed, and no walking up and down any stairs for at least 24 to 48 hours. I groaned when she told me no shower for at least 24 hours. They gave me a prescription for pain killers and some antibiotic ointment.

We finally left the ER at 12:35 in the morning. I looked down realizing that the only thing I had on was my boxer briefs. I looked up at Nerhu Horrified saying "I'm not leaving here dressed only in my boxers."

"Come on bub. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You have a great body. Who cares if your only in your boxers."

"I do!!" I said laughing. "I don't want everyone seeing my bits and pieces."

"Bub... stop being a girl. How bout if I take off my pants and you can wear them.. and I will be in my boxers."

"Hell no what good is that going to do me... then I will have another problem to deal with."

"Oh really what's that?" he responded sincerely.

I looked at him like he was crazy.

He looked shocked at first and then started laughing. "Yeah I am pretty damn sexy aren't I."

I shook my head and said "Ego alert!!!. forget it.. lets just go." yes he wheeled me out in my boxer briefs for the whole world to see. Thank god there wasn't anyone around at that time of the night.

Tofer ran out and got his car as I waited by the ER entrance. He drove up driving like a maniac. He got out and ran around to my side and opened the door for me. I sat down on the edge of the seat and slowly bent my leg trying to get it into the car. It shot severe pain through my thigh into my hip. I winced and Tofer freaked.

"Oh my god, are you okay.??" he said stressed.

"Nerhu I'm fine.. I just have a lot of pain right now with bending my leg. I'm okay. Just give me a second." I took a couple of deep breaths and moved my legs the rest of the way into the car. Tofer shut the door once I was settled. He ran around and got in the drivers side and started the car and off we went. Again he was driving like a maniac "Nerhu I would like to get home alive.. would you mind slowing down a bit."

"Sorry bub.. I guess I'm just stressed about the whole situation. I just want to get you home and in the house. Then I will feel better knowing your safe."

"Aww.. Thanks Nerhu, you really are my knight." He did end up slowing down to a reasonable speed. We made it back to my house safe and sound.

We arrived at my house as Tofer pulled in behind my car. He refused to let me walk up the stairs... so he carried me in his arms. Once we reached the front door he still wouldn't put me down.

"Come on Nerhu put me down.. I can walk from here."

"I don't think so.. I will just have to pick you back up and carry you up the stairs anyway. So I might as well just keep you in my arms and then carry you straight up the stairs."

"I wanna make some tea."

"I will get you whatever you need bub. You tell me what you need and I will make sure and get it or fix it for you."

After I unlocked the door and pushed it open I said "Jerk!" and looked up into his green eyes. He leaned into me and kissed me on the mouth hard.

He pulled away saying "God I have been wanting to do that all night."

"I could tell."

"What do you mean.. I didn't give you any indication did I?"

"No not until just a minute ago.. when you tried to knock my teeth out of my mouth."

He started laughing and said "Sorry.. I guess I was a little rough wasn't I."

"Yeah.. but that's okay I sometimes can deal with rough."

"Hmmmm.... I will have to remember that."

"Get your mind out of the gutter Nerhu. You big perv."

"MHMmm." Was the only thing he said as he kicked the door closed behind him and carried me up the stairs.. he laid me down on the bed and bent down and took my shoes and socks off. I pulled my shirt off and threw it towards the bathroom door. I smiled at him saying "I will pick that up later." Tofer bent over and grabbed the elastic waistband of my boxer briefs and started to pull them down.. I grabbed his hand asking "Do I really need my boxers off?"

"Well I was going to get a tub of hot water with soap in it and give you a bath."

"Tofer you really don't need to do that. I will be fine until morning."

"You have blood all down the side of your leg. Its not a big deal Matt. It wont take that long."

"Okay fine." I said releasing his hand and allowing him to remove the only article of clothing I had on. Once I was naked I felt very vulnerable. I was praying that he would make the scrub down fast. My other fear was that I would get a hard on. I kept saying over and over in my head.. please stay soft.. do not inflate. God please help me with this..don't let my dick rise to the occasion. I heard.

"What are you doing?? you look like your in pain or concentrating really really hard."

"Shhhhhh.. I'm trying to concentrate."

"On what? Its looks kind of painful."

I started laughing and responded with "Shut up.. your not helping." He started to scrub my leg down where the blood was. I just closed my eyes and thought about anything that was bad.. snakes.. spiders.. my brother naked. Ewwww. That should take care of any chance of a hard on happening. That was until Tofer got closer and closer to my crotch. Then I started chubbing. He finished my hurt leg and then started on my other one.

"I thought you were only doing my hurt leg?"

"Well I figured we may as well go ahead and do the whole bath since your not going to be able to shower tomorrow."

"I see." I said looking at him with narrowed eyes.

"What????" he said smiling and laughing.

"You're such a perv! Well hurry up and get it done then. I'm tired and want to go to bed." He scrubbed me down from head to toe. But stayed away from my crotch area. My dick kept inflating little by little. Until it was fully hard. I kept my eyes closed, I didn't want to see the look on his face. I was cursing god for the lack of help. Tofer started washing my crotch.. he went from my pubic area to my nuts.. and down a little further between my balls and my hole. I felt the bed move as he moved down to my hole. I felt some pressure as his finger circled my hole and then pushed in a little. I moaned my approval. Letting his finger slowly enter my hole.. Tofer moved back up to my balls as he leaned over and sucked one into his mouth. I pushed my hips up off of the bed trying to coax him into taking more into his mouth. He spit that one out and then took the other into his warm moist mouth. I again moaned from he sheer pleasure. I opened my eyes and looked down at him. I saw that my cock was seriously leaking precum. I had a puddle on my stomach. I reached down to take my penis in my hand but Tofer slapped it away.

"Come on Tofer.. I need to get off." I said whining.

"I will take care of you bub.. just lay back and relax and let me do everything."

Tofer's point of view:

Matt laid back putting his arms in back of his head. I gently grabbed his cock stroking it, massaging it in my hands. His light moans were more than enough encouragement for me to envelop him into my mouth. As I sloshed the head of his cock in my mouth, Matt moaned with happiness. I sucked the gush of precum leaking from his slit. I sucked every last dribble that came out.

I deep throated him right to his pubes. The smell of him filled my nostrils, making my mind cloud up. My mind went blank, but yet I was filled with so many unexplainable things. As his moaning became louder, he placed his hand on the back of my head tangling his fingers in my hair. He forced my head to bob up and down as he lifted his hips with every thrust.

I pulled his cock out of my mouth and went down to indulge on his luscious balls. Putting one into my mouth, I felt his body slowly lift up. His hips rose off of the bed, his head tilted back and his mouth opened, letting out deep moans. His ball slipped out of my mouth so I took the other into my mouth, sucking on it, sloshing it through my mouth. His moans became more like soft roars. Music to my ears, as my cock became harder in my jeans.

I moved his legs slightly apart so that I could gain access to his tight, yet open hole. I slid my tongue down the inside of his thigh, and slowly made my way to his hole. I went down further until my face was directly aligned with his ass. I stuck my tongue out and slowly and teasingly licked around it. His body shook, his hands clenched the sheets, his toes curled in. He tilted his head back as his mouth opened emitting the animal noises that makes me so hot. Finally I lifted my face a little so that I was licking everything inside him. My goatee scrapped against his tender skin, my tongue caressing his ass, my nose smelling the great manly scent he wore. I began to pick up the pace, going a little deeper and a little harder, his body shook, his hands pushed and pulled tangling themselves even further into my hair.

Finally with a loud roar, his cock shot out a geyser of cum, it gushed everywhere. He was practically pulling my hair out and yet pushing my head back into his ass. His roar died down to a loud groan, which went to a deep moan. His breathing was deep and rugged. I hoisted myself back up sucking every last bit of cum off of his chiseled chest. His moans kept me going as I slowly went down dragging my tongue over and into his navel, driving him insane. I moved up shoving my tongue into his mouth, kissing him furiously, both our tongues fighting for the space in each others mouth.

Matt's point of view:

I pulled away from him saying "God I want you." He slowly got off of the bed stripping off his clothes. I moved up until I was in a sitting position and watched the show. Once he was completely naked he started moving back to the bed. I said "Wait..Wait.,, stay there for a moment.. I just want to look at you Nerhu. Oh my god your so beautiful." He was stunning. From that cute little smile on his face, to the neatly shaved goatee on his chin. As I moved down his body I noticed the nickel sized nipples that begged to be sucked and chewed on, Then the light coating of light brown chest hair. As I went down further I noticed his rock hard eight pack abs and the thing that I love most on a guy, his happy trial that leads down from the navel. And last but definitely not least the amazingly huge cock and balls hanging between his legs.

"Oh my god Nerhu your body is just amazing, your beautiful. Get up here so I can taste you." He climbed up the bed like an animal on the hunt. I was so hot for him I was hard and leaking again. He straddled my chest so that his magnificent piece of meat was inches from my face. I took it in my hand and jacked him a few times until he was leaking. I scooted down on the bed as he moved up and took the head into my mouth. I tasted his essence with my tongue, god it was magnificent, just like him.. I wanted more. He was so thick that I wasn't sure that I would get much more in my mouth. I started to bob on that wonderful hard piece of meat. He was moaning so loud that I thought he was going to wake the neighbors. I pulled off and laid my head back against the pillow and said "I want you to skull fuck me... But.. take it easy at first since your so large. Okay.. Nerhu." He growled his response as he moved up my body until his low hanging nuts were over my mouth.. I took one into my mouth and sucked on it getting it really wet, and then did the same with the other. He moved back until the head of his dick was in line with my mouth. I opened up and took as much of him in as possible. He moaned his approval. I kept working at relaxing my mouth and throat to accommodate such a big weapon. And eventually I did just that.. His approval turned from moans into deep body shaking growls. The first time he entered my throat his body shook, he threw his head back as he crossed the threshold into his best ever orgasm.. so he says. I have to say that even though we didn't out and out have sex. It was the best sex that I have ever had ,so far. Hopefully theres a lot more to come.

Okay y'all thats Chap 3. Please email me and let me know what you think. Email address is

Thanks for reading.

Take Care


Next: Chapter 4

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