Tofers Place


Published on Oct 31, 2008


Tofers place Halloween edition.

Colin was pushed into a corridor that had jail cells that ran down both sides of the walls. The cells ran the length of the building.

"Move you fucking prick" Brent the night guard snarled as he shoved Colin again.

"I will..... kill you... when I get free you fat bastard." Colin's voice oozed with hatred and venom.

"Fat chance of that happening. You stupid cock sucker." He shoved Colin again making him fall face first onto the hard concrete floor. Colin pushed himself over onto his back and stood up. He could feel that blood run down his chin from the cut lip he just got from falling. That goes along with the bruised ribs and cheep kidney punches that The guard inflicted as he was chained to a bench and couldn't defend himself. Colin drug the shackles along the floor that were bound around his ankles. Walking slowly trying to protect his injured ribs.

"I said hurry up you son of a bitch!" Brent said as he lunged toward Colin. Colin quickly dodged to the right and out of the way of the billy club. Brent lost his balance and went down on the floor in a heap. Colin was on him like a pit bull. He wrapped the leg chains around Brent's neck and proceeded to strangle him to death. Colin unwrapped the leg irons from around his neck and grabbed the handcuff keys and unlocked himself. He looked down and said "I told you.. you stupid fuck.. that I would kill you." He slipped off his orange jumpsuit and put on the guards clothes and made his way out of the building.

Colin headed to the nearest busy street sticking out his thumb hoping for a ride back to LA. If he couldn't catch a ride by hitchhiking he would be forced to steal a car. That's the last thing he wanted. It's easier to get caught trying to steal a car than hitchhiking. An hour later someone finally pulled over. The window was rolled down and the older man asked. "Where are you going?"

"L.A. Are you going that far?" Colin asked.

"Yeah I am, go ahead and get on in it looks like its going to start raining soon." Colin got into the car and shook the mans outstretched hand. "The names Roger, What's yours?"

"Colin.. Hey, thanks for stopping. " They sped off toward LA with Colin chatting like he was everyones best friend. They reached the outskirts of LA and Roger asked "Colin where did you want me to drop you off at?"

"Go ahead and take the next exit, there is a small cafe called Zimo's thats sits on the right hand side. I would like to buy you dinner if you would let me.?"

"That would be great.. I am getting hungry. Plus I have a few more hours to go before I am finally home. Roger pulled the car into the parking lot for Zimo's and shut the engine off. They walked into the cafe together and sat at a both next to the windows.

Roger sat and talked about his wife and kids as the food was ordered, delivered and devoured by the two men.

Colin sat getting bored with the older mans ramblings thinking what would be the easiest way to kill him. He called the waitress over asking for the check. Colin got up and out of the booth and went and paid for their meals. He came back to leave the tip on the table and Roger followed him out of the cafe. They got to Rogers car, Roger got in and rolled down the window to chat with Colin for a few more minutes.

Colin pulled the exact o knife out of his pocket that he stole from the police station and slowly opened it making sure that Roger didn't notice anything. He leaned into the window of the car and shook Rogers hand and thanked him for the ride. He pulled his hand back out of the car and switched the blade to his right hand and reached in and slowly and deeply slid the blade up the inside of Rogers thigh cutting the femoral artery. Colin stood staring as the blood started to seep into Rogers pant leg and the seat below. He slowly walked away after Roger took his last breath.

Colin knew where he was headed.. He wanted to kill no one more than his ex.. Matt. He made his way through LA until he came to the street he was very familiar with. 33rd was the street Matt lived on. He hoped that he would catch Matt and his new boyfriend together so that he could kill them both at the same time. He prayed that fate would be on his side.

Colin made his way around to the back of the house through the side gate that was very rarely used. He came around the corner of the house to find Matt's dog laying on the back porch. He picked his head up and stared at him trying to figure out if he was friend or foe. He realized that it was Colin and got up and ran over to him waging his tail. Colin bent down and scratched his head and petted him for a few minutes and then placed both hand on the dogs head and twisted his head severely to the right breaking the dogs neck. The dog immediately fell to the ground. Colin picked the body up and moved it around to the side of the house to make sure that it wouldn't be seen.

Colin crept along the back of the house until he came to the first window peeking inside to see if Matt was home. He saw no movement from this side of the house. He got down on his hands and knees and crawled through the doggie door. Trying not to make any noise. Once inside the house he stood up and made his way into the kitchen pulling open the drawer that held all the butcher knives. He selected the largest one. Shuting the drawer he turned and headed down the hall to the stairs. He saw no movement from the front of the house so he turned right and headed up the stairs taking them two at a time, staying to the side, trying not to make any noise. He reached the top of the stairs and headed straight for Matt's bedroom only to find it empty. Colin sat down on the bed trying to come up with a plan of what he was going to do too Matt when he did come home.

Colin laid back on the bed closing his eyes for a moment when he heard a noise down the hall. He bolted up off of the bed making his way to the door. Peaking around the door frame he saw a shadow moving in Matt's office. The shadow moved closer to the Office door. Colin stepped back behind the bedroom door waiting for his next victim to either come in the bedroom or walk by. Matt walked slowly into the bedroom heading for the bathroom. Colin went over and sat on the bed waiting for Matt to make his appearance from the bathroom once again. He heard the toilet flush and the water in the sink running and knew that it was close to the time he had been waiting for. Matt walked out of the bathroom not paying much attention until his gaze focused on Colin sitting on the bed. Colin stood up and laughed at the shocked and terrified expression on Matt's face.

"I told you that I would kill you.. and thats exactly what I am going to do." Colin moved toward Matt. Matt stood his ground. As Colin got within striking range he swung the knife towards Matt's chest.. Matt deflected the knife and slammed Colin's hand against the dresser. The knife fell to the ground and Matt kicked it out of Colin's reach. Matt slammed his hand down on the back of Colin's neck sending him to the ground. Matt jumped over him moving toward the knife when Colin grabbed his leg sending Matt face down on the carpet. Matt could hear Colin getting up and knew if he didn't get to the knife first he would more than likely be dead. Matt scrambled for the knife about the same time that Colin did. He ended up not making it in time. Colin swung around with the knife ready to go in for the kill. Colin ran full force toward Matt bringing the knife up and slashing Matt's arm wide open. Matt stumbled back and fell to the ground. Matt was clutching his arm as Colin advanced on him with hatred in his eyes.

Colin grabbed Matt by the hair picking him up off of the floor and throwing him on the bed. He crawled on top of him and brought the knife with both hands above Matt's chest. He slowly lowered the knife pushing it into Matt's chest piercing his heart. In massive pain Matt screamed himself awake as the door bell rang. Matt got out of his chair and went and opened the door to hear. "Trick or treat smell my feet give me something good to eat.. HAPPY HALLOWEEN."

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