Together with Tammi

Published on Jun 2, 2023


Together With Tammi Part 21  

    Together With Tammi Part 21    
by Bill Beaumonte (  

This work contains explicit material intended for adults over 18. If you are under 18 or are offended by non-traditional sex, do not continue.  

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Author’s note:
_An older man finds a gurlfriend to share in his retirement. I hope you enjoy this fantasy.


    I got up the next morning and saw that the paddle and the rope I used to bind Tammi's wrists were still out, so I picked them up to put them away. I smiled as I handled the rope, thinking about the surprised look on Tammi's face when I presented the rope loops for her to put her wrists into. It seemed only fair to surprise her, since she surprised me by essentially asking to be spanked!

The rope was rather attractive — a soft texture with a blend of blue and yellow. I got to thinking of another use for the rope, decided to call my friend Cynthia a little later in the morning. Meanwhile, I went down to the kitchen and started coffee, pouring some orange juice for Tammi.

I returned and gently kissed Tammi on the forehead. She awoke and pulled my lips to hers, parting my lips with her tongue. She was an amazing kisser — I was the luckiest guy in the world to have her in my life.

I finally pulled back and said, "Orange juice for my princess." She drank the juice and thanked me, suggesting that we shower together — she had something she wanted to try. There were so many delightful possibilities I was sure it be a memorable experience.

We washed each other, giving special attention to the private parts, gently soaping, massaging and rinsing. As I washed her buns I slipped a soapy finger between her cheeks, gently slipping inside, then withdrawing. "Better do more than one," Tammi said, and I resumed with a second finger, then a third, spreading them to open her up.

Tammi soaped me up and slipped me between her cheeks and into her. The slippery soap made it easy and it felt so wonderful to be inside her. I wrapped my arms around her as we tried to find the best footing to allow me to stroke in her. After I time we had it figured out and I massaged her breasts as we made love. It was so incredible to be joined like this. I was about to massage her clitty but she said she was cumming and soon I felt her tighten around me. I held her close as I pumped a few more times, finishing in the woman I loved so dearly.

Already in the shower, cleanup was easy, and we helped each other dry off. "We need to decide on a church," I said, as we got dressed.

Tammi had a church but I did not. My old church closed and I never got around to affiliating, not being especially religious.

"I'm okay if we get married in your church, dear," I said.

"Oh we can't do that!" she said.

"I thought you'd be most comfortable there," I said.

"I can't — what if someone recognizes me?" she protested.

"Nobody will recognize you," I said, "They know you as Bob and you are completely passable."

It was true, but Tammi was still nervous about it, so I agreed that we would find a church of my old denomination and get married there. It was really important to me, but a woman's wedding day is often the most important day of her life, and I wanted it to be perfect in all respects.

After breakfast I called Cynthia, who agreed to help us out. After hanging up, I said to Tammi, "Tomorrow we will have a handfasting ceremony."

"Handfasting?" responded Tammi, "What's that?"

"It's an ancient Celtic ceremony in which our wrists are bound with rope," I explained, "Symbolizing our engagement."

"Is this another trick, like that handcuff knot of yours?" she asked.

"Do you trust me?" I asked, in complete seriousness.

"Of course I do," she said.

"Then trust me," I answered. That was all that was said. I did a web search for churches of my old denomination and found one nearby. I called and talked with the pastor, who said he had time to meet that afternoon, so we headed off to the church.

We talked with the pastor, and reviewed the dates we had in mind and agreed on one of them. The church had a large fellowship hall and a nicely appointed kitchen. We agreed that it would be a great place for the reception. With these details handled, there were many more things to work through — invitations, catering, music, flowers, the cake — it seemed like hundreds of things yet to do!

On the way home Tammi asked, "Have you told your sons about me?"

"Of course I have," I said, "They know you're going to be my wife."

"I mean," Tammi said hesitantly, "I mean do that know that I'm —-"

"Trans?" I said, "Of course not — there is no reason for them to know. Tammi, you know you are COMPLETELY passable, don't you?"

"I guess so," Tammi replied.

"Now see if you can remember if ANYONE has EVER read you," I said, "Can you think of any?"

Tammi agreed and said it was just a constant worry for her.

"The only ones to know that about you are your doctors and myself," I said, "Unless you tell others."

"The only others who know are some of my trans friends," Tammi said.

"Then there is nothing to worry about," I said, squeezing her hand.

The next day we left for Cynthia's. We had an 11am appointment for the handfasting ceremony. Upon arrival Cynthia greeted us dressed in a Celtic robe. She led us into her back yard to a circle of stones about eight feet across.

"Did you bring a rope?" Cynthia asked. I took the rope out of my pocket and handed it to her. Tammi recognized it and smirked, asking, "Are you sure this is legit?"

"Trust me," I said.

Cynthia introduced Bryce, a photographer she invited.

Next she had us stand together in the circle facing each other. Cynthia entered the circle and moved our right arms so that they touched, with the wrists overlapping.

Cynthia began, "The circle in which we stand is symbolic of the cycles of life, a sacred place created for divine interaction, in which any negativity from the mundane world can be left outside with all the love and joy we feel for Bride and Groom contained within."

She wrapped the rope around our wrists several times and tied an ornate, decorative knot, and then continued, "We celebrate the divinity within each of us and how we are all interconnected."

We gazed into each other's eyes, completely in love, and almost in a trance, broken by Cynthia saying, "Time for the kiss."

We drew together and kissed as passionately as ever. "Bill, you don't have to swallow her!" warned Cynthia. I backed off as Tammi giggled.

"You can take the rope off whenever you want," said Cynthia, "Or leave it on as long as you want."

Cynthia led us to a table where she had some wine poured and some snacks. We decided to remain bound until we had to drive home, so we fed each other. Bryce showed us the digital pictures, which were great, including a close-up of the of our knotted wrists.

Afterward, Cynthia untied our wrists and wished us well. Of course, she and Bryce would be invited to the wedding. As we drove home, Tammi said, "That was really special — thank you."

"You are an incredibly special woman," I said, "I like to do special things for you."

Tammi shifted to a playful mood and said, "You realize that you'll have to keep that rope handy."

"Oh?" I responded, "Why?"

I expect to be bound with that rope every time you spank me!" Tammi said.

I guess there will be more spankings in the future — good thing I really like Tammi's buns!

We arrived home and Tammi slipped off my trousers as Tammi removed her panties — we still did that every day to make ourselves more accessible to each other. She unbuttoned her blouse and asked me to unhook her bra, which I was always glad to do. I kissed her while fondling her lovely breasts.

"You can do that later," she said, "Right now I have something else have to do."

She walked to the bedroom, carrying her blouse and bra. I went to the kitchen to get things out for dinner. Tammi joined me in a few minutes. She had her blouse on, but it wasn't buttoned. It was loose in the front with little bulges over each breast. I drew near her and opened her blouse, revealing the nipple cups she had just put on.

Tammi smiled, and said, "I really like the way they feel — like you are sucking them. You'll need to massage me after dinner — I heard somewhere that breasts develop better when massaged regularly."

"I'm not sure where you heard that," I said, "But it's sure worth a try!"

We prepared dinner — a nice chicken cacciatore. We turned down the heat to let it simmer. I poured two glasses of wine, set the kitchen timer for fifteen minutes, and sat on the couch in the living room. "Time for these to come off," she said, holding her blouse open, "Pull them off fast."

I took firm hold of each nipple cup and pulled them off with a pop. Tammi let out a small scream and said that was the best part. I put my hands on her breasts and gently massaged them. They felt wonderful in my hands. They were a perfect size, and I was so glad Tammi was happy with them as well. We kissed as I massaged until the timer went off. One last kiss and went to the kitchen to dish up dinner.

Dinner was great — we talked about wedding plans — there was just so much to figure out. Tammi said that Rachel, one of her friends, was going to help her with the wedding planning. I breathed a sigh of relief — we could use all the help we could get.

After dinner we cleaned up and adjourned to the living room, snuggling on the couch, where Tammi promptly fell asleep. At bedtime I kissed her awake and led her to the bedroom. After getting ready for bed, we spooned with my arm around Tammi, hand on a breast — drifting off to sleep.

  To be continued . . .

Feel free to contact me with your comments or requests.
–Bill Beaumonte (

Next: Chapter 22

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