Together with Tammi

Published on Jun 3, 2023


Together With Tammi Part 22  

    Together With Tammi Part 22    
by Bill Beaumonte (  

This work contains explicit material intended for adults over 18. If you are under 18 or are offended by non-traditional sex, do not continue.  

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Author’s note:
_An older man finds a gurlfriend to share in his retirement. I hope you enjoy this fantasy.


    T he months had flown by, with Tammi becoming more beautiful every day. Truth be told, the biggest change has been the depth of my love for her. She is the girl of my dreams and love of my life, and we enjoyed every moment together. As winter drew to a close, we walked the local parks together, enjoying the leafing out of the trees and the wildlife now populating the newly formed vernal ponds. Walking hand-in-hand along the many trails, we paused frequently for kiss breaks. I truly love kissing Tammi on any part of her body, but kissing her lips was the very best — our lips locked together, tongues dancing, breathing together as one.

As Spring became Summer, I said, "It's time for us to go to Traverse City." We'd been looking forward to a mini vacation for a long time. This would be a prelude to our upcoming honeymoon. Of course, Tammi would be going as my wife — she will be anyway in a few months, but to me, it's like we've been married all along!

On the morning of our departure, I awoke and snuggled with Tammi. I pressed my body to hers in our usual spooning fashion but felt especially amorous this morning. I was fully aroused, pressing myself between her soft, round buns. Tammi stirred awake and turned to kiss me. "I'm so excited about this trip," she said, "And I can tell you are as well."

"Just what about this trip excites you?" I asked.

"Being your wife!" Tammi said, "I know it's not official yet, but we'll be presenting that way."

"But I've treated you as my wife nearly from the start," I said.

"But you never told I was your wife to anyone," she opined.

"I didn't know that would make such a difference," I said.

"It does to me," Tammi replied, "And notice what it's done to me."

Her clitty was more aroused than I'd ever seen. I took her clitty in my hand, but she stopped me.

"I don't want to cum that way today," she said, "Make love to me — that's the way it should be." She handed me some lube, which I put on myself and gently pressed into Tammi. She eagerly pushed back, forcing me in.

I wrapped my arms around Tammi as we lay on our sides, coupled in love. I reached up to her breasts and took hold of her nipple. Tammi had been wearing the nipple cups I gave her for months, and her nipples seemed to nearly pop out of her lovely breasts. My fingers were still moist with lube, so gently squeezed her enlarged nipples as we made love. It was a wonderful "ride" and soon Tammi climaxed without either of us touching her clitty. Our lovemaking, along with squeezing her nipples was enough to take her all the way.

I felt her tighten around me, which pushed me over the edge — I thrust deep and held her tightly as I finished.

"I wish you could stay in me all day," she said, "But we'll never get to Traverse City that way."

It felt so nice to be inside Tammi, but I was beginning to slip out of her, so I got up and got a washcloth to clean her up. Then it was off to the shower to get more completely clean. After showering, we got dressed and had a light breakfast. We kept it light because we planned to stop for lunch along the way.

Within two hours the car was packed and on our way from Grand Rapids. We stopped at a Thai restaurant in Reed City. I explained Thai food can be really spice – we needed to specify the spicing level on a scale of 1 to 10. "Since you don't like spicy hot, I suggest that you don't get anything higher than a five. Okay if I order for you?"

"Sure," Tammi replied, "Not sure I'll get it right?"

"Not at all," I answered, "But I have something in mind."

We discussed the menu and Tammi told me her choice.

When the server came to take our order I said, "I'll have the massaman curry, spice level seven, and my wife will have the shrimp friend rice, spice level four." The server thanked us and took our order to the kitchen.

Tammi's eyes seemed to light up, and she said, "That was wonderful! I feel so great to be called your wife."

"We are both looking forward to our wedding," I said, "But I didn't realize that calling you my wife meant so much to you."

"It makes a world of difference," Tammi acknowledged, "The only thing better is BEING your wife."

"Then I think we should move up our wedding date," I said, "When we get back, why don't you call Rachel [the wedding planner] and figure out how soon we can be ready."

"I'll do it right now," she said, "Why don't you call the pastor and see what earlier dates he can marry us?"

"I'll do that after you talk to Rachel," I said, "Then we can pick a date that will really work."

After Tammi talked with Rachel she announced that we could move our wedding up as much as three months. Our meals arrived and we enjoyed them as we reviewed the calendar to choose alternative dates. As we left, I called the pastor and asked if there were any openings in his schedule that would allow us to move up our wedding. While he couldn't marry is three months early, but he could move us up two months.

Tammi and I were thrilled and quickly agreed upon the new date. She called to advise Rachel.

"Bill, this is my dream-come-true," Tammi said, "Before you, I could only fantasize about being a bride — I never imagined that it could really happen — but now we're on our way to making it really happen!"

Tammi smiled the rest of the way to Traverse City. We registered at our hotel and unpacked in our room. It was a hot day, so Tammi suggested that we go for a swim, so we changed into our swim suits. Mine were rather plain trunks, but Tammi had a really hot two-piece suit. It showed off her breasts nicely, while the bottoms showed off her buns, without exposing too much. Tammi was too modest to wear thongs in public, saving that for me while in private.

"Just one problem," Tammi said, "I can't get to bottom on." Her clitty was fully aroused, even though I didn't do anything to arouse her. I knew that I was a very lucky guy indeed if being my wife was such a turn-on for Tammi — I knew I had to help her out.

I moved Tammi to the bed, putting her on her back as I pulled down the swimsuit bottoms, exposing her lovely clitty. I took her into my mouth, counting my blessings as we joined so intimately. Soon she climaxed, and insisted on sharing a kiss with me — as was our custom.

"Better get the bottom in place while you still can," I said. Tammi pulled it into place, adjusting the way it hugged her cheeks.

We went down to the pool, attracting the gaze of more than a few horny guys, and some envious gals. I got Tammi into the cold water before her clitty could get out of control again.

"You are my hero, Bill," Tammi said with a saucy grin, "rescuing me when I needed it the most."

"You can count on my rescue any time you need," I assured her.

We enjoyed the pool (and each other) for an hour, and then returned to our room. We got dressed and went out to dinner at a little mom and pop Mexican place. It was kind of a "hole in the wall" place, but the food was great. We enjoyed dinner and then drove out to Mission Point, walking along the beach near a lighthouse.

We walked until dusk, and then drove back to our hotel. The travel and walking in the open air had tired us, so we retired early. Neither of us wanted intimacy, but always welcomed the closeness we shared at bedtime.

As we spooned, I said, "Goodnight my precious wife."

"Goodnight hubby," she returned, wigging her buns against me. I hoped that it would always be this way, as we drifted off to sleep.

  To be continued . . .

Feel free to contact me with your comments or requests.
–Bill Beaumonte (

Next: Chapter 23

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