Tom and Jim

By A. Writer

Published on Jan 22, 2009


The usual disclaimers apply. This story contains mild scat.

Tom and Jim -- Part 2

It was a week later that Jim headed over to his brother's house again for their weekly workout. Last week he and his brother Tom had hit the weights, so that meant this time they would go jogging on their circular 5-mile route that would take them through Walker's Woods and then home again. As Jim headed up the front steps of Tom's place he reflected back on their previous workout, something he had been doing quite often this past week while jacking it in the shower or bedroom when his wife was out of the house. That was because they had engaged in more than a workout, since for the first time as adults they had indulged in some of the same activities they had as boys, revolving around their mutual fascination with sex and shit. As boys they had merely played around a bit, probing each other's assholes tentatively when they were out in the woods playing with Chuck and Lester, sniffing one another's assholes and watching occasionally as one of them would take a shit. Last weekend was a return to some of that, and even more, since now Tom and Jim not only were grown men with active sexual desires, but they acted on that by each of them giving the other a fantastic blow job to end their workout. Besides that, Jim remembered how hot it was when he was sliding his finger inside Tom's juicy ass while he was sucking on his stiff knob, and he remembered how warm and moist Tom's ass had been as he had churned his finger around inside of him, feeling a large turd up inside of him and wondering if he was going to let it slide right out of him onto the weight bench. He could have sworn that Tom had been very close to letting his log slide completely out of his ass, having felt its warm mass just inside Tom's asshole as Tom came in buckets. Just thinking of that possibility made Jim's cock twitch as he knocked once on Tom's front door and then let himself in, as was their practice. He was hoping that today, in addition to their workout, they would resume or enhance the activities from the week before.

As Jim stepped inside the door he met Tom already in his running shorts and shoes and ready to head out. They hugged briefly and then chatted as they stretched for a few minutes, taking their time to stretch out their hamstrings and calves, watching each other the whole time because each of them knew what they wanted to do and were hoping it would happen. Tom couldn't keep his eyes off of his brother's package, thinking about how nice it would be to have that six-inch cock in his mouth again, hoping it would happen, hoping his brother was as eager as he was, hoping his brother was looking forward to some nice assplay again.. Since last weekend Tom, just like his brother Jim, couldn't get his mind off of how nice it had felt to have Jim playing with his asshole, and he had played with himself a couple times since just to bring the memory back, although it wasn't quite the same. He knew that last week he had been close to taking a shit right there with Jim's hand right there at his asshole, and he wondered if his brother would have been okay with that, thinking that he probably would have been since he seemed to enjoy plunging his finger into Tom's ass the way he did, getting shit on his fingers that he clearly enjoyed sniffing and sharing with Tom. Tom could see himself getting off, literally, on shitting in front of his brother just like in the old days, except that this would be even better because now they would add the sex angle, and he felt almost sure they would both get off if they were bold enough to do such a thing.

After a few minutes the men rose and headed out the door and down the sidewalk and then started jogging up the street toward the edge of town. Their route took them past several blocks of residential homes, and then gradually curled around a field and eventually into Walker's Woods, a large tract of forest on the edge of town that offered a beautiful natural setting and was almost always deserted except for the cries of crows and blue jays. Tom and Jim jogged easily, since both of them were in good condition, and kept a steady pace as they entered the edge of the woods and down the path that led through the tract of land. After about a mile or so, with a decent sweat worked up by now, Tom gradually pulled up to walk and Jim joined him. "Everything okay, bro?" Jim asked.

"Yeah, it's good," Jim panted lightly. "Just a bit sluggish, I think."

Jim laughed. "Maybe you're carrying a little too much weight, eh?"

It was Tom's turn to laugh. "Nah, not really. Maybe just in the gut this morning. I sort of feel like I need to crap or something." Even as he said this Tom was hoping Jim would take the bait, because there was nothing that he wanted to do more than do exactly that: take a good shit there with his brother, the two of them hopefully jacking off or sucking each other off in the process.

"Well, let's just walk a bit," Jim said, "and if it doesn't ease up maybe that's exactly what you should do. It sure wouldn't bother me." That comment, he thought to himself, was the understatement of the year!

"Good idea," Tom said. They walked a few hundred yards and then Tom took a few steps off the path and stepped several yards deeper into the woods, where the trees would prevent anyone on the path from seeing him, and Jim followed. Tom looked over at his brother and said, "Well, would you mind if I unloaded some of this extra weight? Really, it's like begging to come out." Even as he said this Tom's cock jerked a little, and Jim felt his own cock twitch with the prospect of his brother taking a dump right now, right here, in front of him for the first time since they were kids.

"Go ahead, bro," Jim said, rubbing his crotch unconsciously, although Tom sure noticed. "You don't mind if I watch, do you? Just like the good ol' days!" He rubbed his package again and felt his cock begin to grow with the thought of watching his brother take a shit.

Tom grinned and said "Of course I don't," and pulled his gym shorts down his legs and all the way off, leaving him standing there only in his running shoes and top. He spread his legs a bit and began to crouch, but Jim interrupted him.

"Hey bro, let me get behind and watch, so just lean on your knees," he said. Jim stepped over behind his brother as Tom leaned over with his hands on his knees, his ass jutting out slightly towards Jim. Jim looked at his brother's white ass and the crack separating the cheeks, and his cock again twitched and began to swell. He knelt behind his brother and, reaching out to touch Tom's asscheeks he asked, "Do you mind?"

"Not at all," Tom said, and he grunted slightly to start the shit on its downward path. Jim knelt behind him and parted his brother's asscheeks so he could see the brown wrinkled shithole, and it winked at him as his brother grunted, and Tom pushed his ass further towards his brother's face, hoping Jim would take the hint.

He did. Jim pulled Tom's asscheeks apart and leaned in towards his brother's brown asshole, smelling even a foot away the faint odor of shit, and as he put his face closer to it the smell became stronger until Jim had his nose pressed right up against Tom's asshole. He sniffed deeply and relished the smell of his brother's ass, the smell of his shit, and he could hardly wait to see the brown log emerge from Tom's asshole before him. He sniffed again just as Tom's asshole opened briefly and a puff of gas farted out, smelling heavily of shit, since Tom's turd couldn't be very far inside of him. Both men chuckled and then Jim sniffed again, deeply, loving the smell of a shitty bottom, loving the thought of a firm turd only inches away from his nose and tongue, loving the thought of sliding his finger inside of his brother's ass to help matters along, and as he thought this his cock sprung up to full attention inside his shorts. He stood up and pulled off his own shorts, because he could see this was going to be some fun. His cock stood up rigidly against his flat stomach, its six inches swollen and hard, the mushroom head poking straight up. He looked down and could see that Tom's cock was just as hard.

He knelt down again behind Tom and Tom took his own hands and parted his own buttcheeks so Jim had a totally unobstructed view of his brother's asshole. It was brown and wrinkled and inviting, and Jim leaned in again and sniffed, then stuck his tongue out and licked tentatively at the hole, then again, and then he lapped at it wetly and broadly, leaving his saliva in a wide path up and across his brother's asshole, tasting the faint bitter taste of his brother's shit, and wanting to see and smell and maybe even taste more. He put his finger in his mouth and then poked it into his brother's anus, just so the tip of his finger entered, and his brother moaned softly and said, "Yeah bro, that feels all right." Jim twisted his finger around a bit and pulled it out, sucked on it again and then slipped it back inside his brother's asshole. Within an inch or so he suddenly could feel Tom's turd, and it felt firm and thick and massive. He pressed on it with his finger and wiggled his finger around it, feeling it slip a little further down the passage. He again pressed on it several times, loving the firm give of his brother's turd, relishing the thought of it sliding all the way out of his ass right in front of him. He reached around his brother and felt his hard cock with his hand, and as he probed Tom's asshole with his finger he stroked his stiff cock with his other hand.

"Oh that feels so good, bro," Tom said, and grunted again to hurry matters along, and he could feel his turd get close to the entrance. He was determined to go ahead and take this shit, since it was clear Jim was getting off on it because Tom could see his brother's hard cock out of the corner of his eye. He grunted again and knew it was only a matter of a few seconds before he'd release the whole log. And feeling Jim's hand wrapped firmly around his hard cock, increasingly jacking it in a firm and steady pace, was an amazing combination of feelings, and Tom began to wonder which would happen first, him completing the shit or cumming all over his brother's hand. "Hey, bro, get ready back there, because it's a-coming pretty quick now."

Jim slid his finger deeper into Tom's ass when he said that, practically burying his finger into his brother's turd, and then as he pulled it completely out, streaked heavily with brown shit, he could feel the turd follow. As he knelt behind his brother and watched he saw the brown anus wink again, shut, and then gradually open like the aperture of a camera. Its brown wrinkles spread wider as the dark hole opened up before him, and he could see the brown tip of Tom's turd getting ready to emerge. The heavy smell of shit hit him in the face and he watched as the brown log very slowly began to slide out, a half-inch, then an inch, a thick brown log of shit almost two inches in diameter, knobbly and firm and dark brown, and he leaned in close and sniffed it with his nose right against the moist surface, and the smell almost made him come right then and there even though he wasn't even touching his own cock, but was instead jacking his brother more quickly as he felt his brother's cock get harder beneath his grasp. He sniffed again the heady, earthy smell of shit, then leaned in and took a very light lick of his brother's turd, just a bit, then another light lick as the turd very gradually emerged further. When Tom saw this out of the corner of his eye and felt Jim's breath and tongue on his ass even as he was shitting, he almost came immediately and he knew it was only a matter of seconds before he did. By now his brown turd was sticking more than three inches out of his asshole, and Jim, whose cock was almost bursting as well, kept jacking his brother with one hand as he reached up and gently took hold of Tom's turd with the other and felt its thickness, felt its firmness beneath his fingers, and tugged on it very slightly as it continued its exit, the smell of shit heavy and thick as fog around them, and he finally extracted a log that was nearly five inches long and tapering at the end, and let the heavy weight of it balance in the palm of his hand as he watched Tom's asshole gape open for a moment and then gradually wink shut once again.

Tom immediately turned around and grabbed his own cock as he peered down at his brown shit steaming in his brother's hand, jacking his cock furiously as the smell of shit rose to his nostrils, and suddenly his hard cock began spurting a white jet of cum the first shot of which hit Jim in the cheek as he knelt before his brother while holding his turd in the palm of his hand, and the second shot landed directly on the brown turd, its white streak remarkable against the brown glistening surface of the turd, and the third and fourth landed on the log in Jim's hand too, and as Tom kept jacking for several more seconds Jim leaned in and took the head of Tom's cock in his mouth and sucked lightly on the knob, licking the head softly and sucking from him the last of his cum. Jim then stood and, since his own cock was red and hugely swollen and ready to burst, he grabbed it and jacked it rapidly until he too stood on his toes and shot a white stream of cum into the air, the first landing on Tom's shirt front, the second and third falling onto the brown turd next to Tom's, and he kept jacking until he felt his cock begin to soften beneath his hand, all the while the both of them looking at Tom's brown turd in fascination. Tom sniffed the air, heavily scented with the odor of his own shit, and Jim raised the turd up higher in his hand so it was only a foot or so from each man's face. Very tentatively Tom bent his head and licked at one of his brother's white gobs of cum that lay on top of the log of shit in Jim's hand. He could taste both the faint bitter taste of his shit and the slightly bleachy taste of his brother's cum. He licked again and then Jim bent his head and did the same, and then both of them stood and grinned sheepishly, realizing they had gone further than they ever expected, but both of them feeling very gratified and satisfied at their recent renewal of childhood games. Jim turned and tossed his brother's turd to the side and wiped his hand on the grass, and both of them put their shorts back on.

After a brief stretch the men took off again on their jog, both of them deep in a reverie regarding their mutual masturbation and shitplay. Tom finally broke the silence and said, "Well I gotta say, bro, that was quite the intermission, wasn't it?"

Jim laughed in return and said, "You got that right. And, uh, I really got off on it, bro. Just watching that shit come out of you, the smell of it, the feel of it, man it's almost making me hard again just thinking about it!"

"Me too, bro. I just wish you would have cleaned me up a bit back there, 'cause I can sort of feel a little bit still down there."

"Maybe next time, Tom my boy. I was close enough to it today, that's for sure."

"Well, frankly, I wondered there for a bit if you were going to do more than lick it, bro. I almost came when I saw you licking at my turd."

"I don't know if I could do that bro, but I sure like playing with ya this way. I admit I considered sliding into you with more than my finger, if you know what I mean. What would you have done if that had happened?"

"Enjoyed it, I suppose," Tom laughed.

"Well, look out next time then, bro. Regardless, it sure makes our workouts a little more interesting, wouldn't you say?"

"I guess so!" Tom replied as the men headed out of Walker's Woods and back into the subdivision. "We're on for next weekend again, aren't we?"

"A weight work-out next time? Will the wifey be home?

"Nah, she's gone next weekend at her mother's. We should have the house to ourselves."

"I can only imagine the kind of workout we're going to get in." "Yeah, I can only imagine," his brother replied.

And that's what they did for the next week as they anticipated their upcoming workout. Imagine the possibilities.

Next: Chapter 3

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