Tom and Marco

By rob roberts

Published on Dec 5, 2017


Tom and Marco -- After College Ch. 19

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It's been awhile since I last wrote of my life with Marco and the boys. When I left off, I had just celebrated my birthday. What a hot day that was with Marco allowing me one of my two annual fucks. I did Colton, my main boy who Marco got me as a gift to help around the house. He has been a real blessing and keeps me company when Marco is away with the soccer team. Oh, of course, Marco always arranges to have another guy be our chaperone. I think he believes we can't care for ourselves and need someone in charge. We really don't though as I would never do anything that Marco doesn't allow such as fucking my boy or any other for that matter. But he likes us to be supervised most of the time. Before it was our neighbor, a 17 year old teen who was hot and took every opportunity to fuck us while Marco was away. That was ok as Marco gave him full reign but now Lucas, the teen, is owned by another Latino guy, his former teammate on the high school soccer team, Hector. Actually Lucas introduced Hector to guy sex and eventually gave himself to Hector as his boy. I still can't figure out why but these hot Colombian guys seem to just have something that turns us white boys into jelly and we accept their superiority over us. For me the realization was when we were still in school and my own father more of less gave me to Marco. Anyway, it worked out well and I am now Marco's. legal husband in our gay marriage , although he refers to me as his wife. Obviously, I am treated as a slightly lower in status person who defers everything to Marco's whim

Anyway, back to the present. Since my last writing, at the end of the pro soccer season, there were rumors about Marco being gay and he finally came out and even introduced me to the press and public. It was a big step for him. He told the public actually he was bi but had married another guy and was committed to me. I smiled politely for the pictures and all and the public just seemed to accept it. Had he not been such a good player and captain of his team, it might have been different but he was so valued for his skills that just about everyone just accepted the fact and moved on. I knew that Marco stilled fucked girls sometimes ,especially when he was away from home, but he used me like his woman and fucked me daily. He always made love to me and told me I was his submissive wife. He even used me so much that my hole is now more like a vagina. He has opened it so much that I keep a dildo or plug in me most of the time to prevent leakage. He loves my hot boy pussy and even eats me, which I love. But then I am now such a whore that I take `em all and love it no matter how decadent it is. Even my brother Adam sometimes shakes his head a me. Of course the pills that Marco give all of us boys in his house enhanced us you might say and keeps us constantly horny. We leak a lot of precum which Marco loves to see. My older brother just shakes his head but he gives them to his boy and wife, Tim.

Anyway, after I got to fuck Colton, I was so happy. My extreme desire for sex was fulfilled. Colton was very sore for a bit but I nursed his damaged hole back to good health. He was more open now and a bigger plug worked on him. He was happy though as he said he wanted to give himself to me for sooooo long. I loved him like a brother. Our other boy, Ian was coming along nicely too. He was very willing to do anything. I got to eat his boy and girl holes. Colton and Marco's kind of adopted son, Pedro, got to fuck him. Marco fucked him in both holes too and with the pills we all got, he leaked a lot of pussy juice. Pedro took a real liking to Ian and kept him in his room kind of as a pet. Ian didn't seem to mind though and liked being treated like a pet and stayed on his knees and wore a leash and followed Pedro around just like a pup. I made him stand up occasionally to help Colton and I with work. His tiny dick grew a bit and now measured about tow and a half inches. Pedro made him piss outdoors , lifting his leg to do so. Having a working penis made him proud. Of course with no balls, he couldn't cum but his pussy was always wet . None of us were allowed to touch ourselves there by Marco's order. He told us that those parts including our asses belonged to him and now Pedro. I was a bit miffed that a 16 year old boy was in a lot of control but Marco was making him a true Latino dominant male. He was taught to not abuse us and show us respect but it was clear that he was a man and we weren't.

That was ok as Marco showed us love and hugged and kissed us a lot. We all were happy!

Marco had informed me that as I was supposedly, Pedro's mom, I shouldn't have to tutor him. As an illegal alien, he couldn't go to school and was confined to staying on our property which initially he rebelled at . Marco had to teach him discipline and did on occasion paddle his ass until it was made clear what his limits were. Marco was also having his lawyer look for ways to get Pedro a green card and maybe to become a citizen. I doubted it would work but had no say in the matter. With our current lunatic of a president in Washington, getting illegal aliens any kind of resident status wasn't good. It was Marco's decision though so I stayed out of it.

Marco did want him educated though so he talked with me about hiring a tutor. I agreed as he was a difficult kid to work out and as a white boy whore, even though I was older and educated, he was a tough nut to crack. He said he was interviewing some Hispanic college students who were gay, to come to the house and work with him. I had to agree. He said he had reviewed several applications of guys who met his criteria. All had to be male, preferably gay, who could tutor Pedro in Spanish. He liked one in particular and told me the young man was coming by. Of course I wondered if he would be naked like us around the house but Marco didn't make it clear if that was the case. I guess it would the tutors choice but of course the rest of us would be naked. Pedro was often naked as he was too lazy to get dressed but he sometimes wore a jock. As we were all nudists, we got along fine and Pedro had slowly started to do the same. He was damn proud of his equipment and had matured well. Puberty had given him a respectable cock, and a very bushy set of black pubes. He had leg hair and butt hair. He was definitely a fine looking boy. I missed not having my pubes and leg arm hair but Marco now preferred me clean shaven. Colton had lost most of his hair too exceptfor his trimmed short bush and a small ring of hair around his butt hole. His arms and legs were now shaved too. Marco explained that white boys with few exceptions, were not really men but pussy boys and that's the way they should present. We just accepted that.

This was one day when Marco and I made love. He told me as he often did, how beautiful I was. It made me feel kind of like a girl but as always, I was up to submitting to him. He stroked my huge cock and played with my huge balls saying sweet things and making me so horny. He had taught me a long time ago that the only way I was to come was when he fucked me milked me. That had become so normal now. He rolled me over and licked my pussy. He eventually got around to fucking me and it was so pleasant. As he fucked me, he caressed me and lovingly kissed my neck. It didn't take long and he came in me. I asked him if I could cum and he had me get up on all fours, doggy style and he lovingly milked me until I shot my load. He told me he loved to stroke my huge horse dick. Yeah, he treated me like a pet . He also asked me to clean his cock and lick up my deposit which I did willingly. I asked if I could shower and he said he loved to see me leak and refused my request. Later, he told me. I went and made his breakfast and he milked Colton for his coffee cream. We were both happy boys. Ian was busy having being used like a pet and a whore by Pedro. I knew he would want breakfast after so I made some for him too. I put some in dishes for Colton and I and we sat and ate. I put the remains in a bowl for Ian and set it one the floor as Ian usually had to eat there on his leash at Pedro's feet.

The doorbell rang and Colton went to answer. None of us was inhibited by going to the door naked as we were. Marco slipped on some basketball shorts but no top as he ate and drank his strong Colombian coffee. He told me to brew more for him and our guest.

Colton came in and said a man by the name of Ramon was here. To us, all Latins were men and we were boys.

Marco had me join him and we went to meet our visitor. He was a 29 or 20 year old student. Not bad looking. He greeted us with some degree of shock but after seeing Colton in all his glory, I guess wasn't too surprised. Marco shook hands with him and introduced me as his wife and we went to the living room. I sat next to marco who immediately put his hand in my crotch and played with me as we all chatted. I said little. I could see Ramon was a bit surprised by our behavior but said nothing. Marco told him what he would need to do as Pedro's tutor. He explained that he excelled in math and hoped after graduation to move into the world of finance. Or engineering. He was a sophomore we learned. He semed a bit restless watching Colton who sat on the floor on his knees showing off his body. I could tell that Ramon didn't know how to react. Marco was known to him as being a pro soccer player and he really was impressed with him. It was obvious. He eventually got relaxed and sat on a chair across from us with his legs spread but soon he was tring to keep us from seeing his erection form. He wore basketball shorts and a tee shirt and flip flops. Marco had told him to be casual and reminded him that we were all nudists He explained our roles and said I, his wife, and our other boys and usually he too, went naked and told Ramon that he was welcome to be that too. Ramon turned a bit red but with encouragement, eventually pulled off his tee revealing a nice lean and rather cut body. He obviously didn't work out as we did but he had a tight body with the beginnings of a six pack. He kicked off his flips and exposed his nice feet. I noticed a bit of hair on his toes and wanted to go lick it.

Somehow, we got to talking about respect in the house. Marco explained that the white boys there had to submit to all Latin and black men. Ramon just took it all in . He asked if he had been greeted properly by us and Ramon kind of looked as if he was ging to say Huh. What do you mean. Marco explained that when Latin or black me and certain approved white males, we always were to kiss their feet and kiss their crotches as a sign of showing respect and authority. Ramon said that Colton had bent down and kissed his toes. "Kinda made me a bit horny" he replied as he adjusted his crotch. Marco looked to Colton and was questioning him as to whether he kissed Ramon's crotch. Colton looked down dejected and crawled over to Ramon and placed his face in his crotch and kissed it. Colton backed away a bit dejected and apologized to Ramon. Ramon's only reply was " damn, that was something I didn't expect. Oh , sorry, I didn't mean to swear. " Marco said he'd forgive Colton this time but if Ramon had the job, Colton would do that every time he came in. Ramon looked a bit shocked and I could tell his cock was now hard. He asked if he could use the lavatory. I figured he was about to jizz. Marco looked to Colton and then to Ramon and explained there was no need. Colton would take care of any need. Ramon looked shocked but Marco said not to worry. Colton was experienced in any need. Ramon looked at Colton an then to Marco as Colton scampered to Ramon. "Just slip off your shorts and he'll do the rest or Colton can do that for you too."

I just sat there, not shocked at anything . Marco was fingering my cunt and I was enjoying it and trying to hold back any moans.

Ramon shrugged and sliped down his shorts. He wore just a jock underneath and said he was planning on going to the gym afterward so he hadn't worn underwear. Maro said none of wore underwear at any time. Colton licked the jock an then quietly asked if he could remove it. Ramon, still shocked, nodded and Colton went to work. He exposed Ramon nice thing uncut cock. Marco smiled and Colton gently used his mouth to remove the jock and then as casual as could be, took the cock in his mouth an licked the foreskin and used his tongue to push it back. Ramon let out a small moan still looking a bit surprised. Marco told him to simply let go if he had to pee or if he needed to cum. Ramon again looked shocked. I don't know if he had ever experienced anything like it. " I do have to pee." Ramon said. Marco nodded and the young man began to piss slowly into Colton's mouth. Colton was a master of piss drinking. Ramon moved around a bit being a bit shocked at what was happening to him. Finished, Ramon began to pull away. "I think he enjoyed that. If you want he will leave it in his mouth in case you need to pee again or if you have to cum later, he'd be happy to drink that too." Ramon nodded and tried to smile but we could all tell he didn't know what to make of it. I know Colton continued to lick the cock slowly just enough to make Ramon hard.

He and Marco talked about the job and pay. Ramon was shocked at how much Marco was willing to pay and graciously accepted the offer, never having met Pedro. Marco finally said Pedro should be awakened and brought out. Ramon said he was looking forward to meeting him.

As Colton continued to lick Ramon's balls and cock and begin to move below his balls to get to his taint and asshole, I noticed Ramon couldn't take his eyes off me or well, at least my cock. Marco noticed this too and commented about my slowing growing cock. It didn't grow too much as it now stayed almost always close to its extreme 14 in. length and thick as a soda can girth. He seemed to look to my huge balls as well. Marco finally asked him if he wanted to look at it up close. I wasn't, of course consulted but knew my place and just smiled at him. Ramon said he had never seen such a huge cock or balls. Marco said it was something I was born with and all males in my family had such equipment. He gradually began to get up freeing Colton's mouth from his cock and came over. Marco told me to stand so he coculd examine them better. "holy shit." Was all Ramon could get out as he moved over to me and took my cock in his hand. It wasn't totally hard as it rarely got totally hard anymore. It was just huge and hung off my body. I couldn't really ever get it to stick out straight as it was just too big. I began to have the old feelings about being so ghastly huge. Ramon stroked me making me feel like the true slut I am for any Latin or black man. He gentle fingers probed my cock and balls and he again commented that he never saw such huge equipment.

Marco smiled and said he agreed. He also told him that he gave us all a drug to make our equipment get even bigger. He said that little Ian who he would meet shortly, also got T drugs to help him and make him more male.

Marco went on to say that he he always wanted a boy who he could mold into what he wanted. "White boys are basically so submissive. They need to learn and respect that Latin and black men are superior and that they need to respect them. Tommy boy didn't always appreciate his big equipment but now loves it and knows it belongs only to me and is willing to submit to any male I allow to touch him. He never fucks as it might really injure many guys but he does get milked as does Colton. It is basically a toy, my toy and I so appreciate it- the fact that he submits to all my wishes and takes such good care of me. Some might say it is grotesque, but in my circle of friends and family, it is something we believe al white boys should learn. Colton is well on his way too > He's still maturing but willingly gave himself to us. Technically, he is Tommy's boy for anything but as I said, only fucks twice a year when I give him permission and then it is usually in front of others. He doesn't have and reservations or embarrassment about that anymore. But he is my wife and I instill that he belongs to me like property. He is so beautiful though and something to be cherished. I want my boys to be happy though and all are treated well. They are never beaten or paddled as I don't need that and don't want their beautiful flesh damaged. I just love to watch as I mold them into something I want and need.

Ramon touched my cock. Colton , no longer able to access his cock, licked his balls and hole from behind making him feel wonderful as he moaned. The felt the the head on my massive equipment. "Damn, it's as big as a plum and his piss slit is so open and wide. I can't believe it. You say you enhanced him some?"

Marco replied that he had used some drugs to make it a bit longer and much thicker. It has also made the head grow. "The sound I put in him now is as big as a pencil. It doesn't hurt him anymore. We hae several including one with art work that completely surrounds his cock and looks like a snake. I really like that one. He doesn't get real hard most of the time as it is so big, it kind of hangs like a hose, but it is truly amazing to touch and look at. His boy pussy is also huge. Take a look at it."

I turned a bit so Ramon could see bending as I moved . "Damn it is so open. It's pffy too and makes it look like a cunt.!"

"That was my goal. The only problem is as I keep it open, it leaks a little, therefore the huge plugs or dildos. When he squeezes to push out a load of cum, a bit of his insides come out. That's what is called a rosebud. Do it Tommy, Make me proud.!"

I did squeeze and the prolapse I had begin to emerge..

"Damn, it's beautiful. Does he mind that he has a destroyed hole?"

Marco spoke for me and said I didn't mind as my job was to make him happy and he could modify me anyway he chose. I want him to look like a freaky male stud sex object that makes any guy, straight or gay, want him bad. Even his brothers and parents have seen it and seem to approve. His own brother had doene the same with his boy . By the way, you ever fisted a boy before?"

Ramon said he hadn't but Marco demonstrated. I was glad I had some lube as Marco slipped his closed hand an the first section of his arm up my pussy. He slid it out smiling and offered to let Ramon do it. Ramon did stick his hand up my cunt but went no further. I think he feared injury to me.

I don't let most white boys who use him to do that but Latin guys and blacks are ok. He needs to be reminded that he is now my property as well as my wife. He's learned to submit anytime and anyplace to my wishes and does so willingly. But, in case you think I'm abusive, I constantly show him love and affection. White boys are like that, They need to be controlled..

My cock was dripping now and Marco wiped it off with his finger and put it in my wiling mouth. I really wanted to be fucked but I guess that wasn't happening.

Colton was dispatched to get Pedro and soon returned. He was leaking to. "You'll note they never touch their ass or cocks or balls. That isn't allowed even to scratch them. One of the other white boys must do that for them or one of us men. They have to shower together to let the other wash all those parts including cleaning their cunts.

As they chatted about us, Pedro appeared wearing some basketball shorts. He was leading Ian out on a leash. Ian was on his knees and looked happy. He had a pup tail in in rear cunt that wiggled as he crawled.

"Here' s our guy, Marco said,, Marco spoke in Spanish to Pedro introducing Ramon as his new tutor. I think Ramon was a bit embarrassed being naked in our living room having his dick now again sucked by Colton I did catch that Pedro was expected to follow Ramon's every instruction and he would be graded weekly by him with the results going directly to Marco.

Marco then explained that he wanted him to be educated so if he got his green card, he could go to college. You know, he will be my heir. If something happens to me, he will take charge of everything including my wife and the other boys.. We all nodded in agreement and Pedro's chest swelled.

Pedro said he needed to let the pup out and we all went to the patio as he took Ian outside to piss. "The white boys do most of their business outside. It just makes sense and reminds them of their position.

"Even, your wife?" asked Ramon.

"Yes, usually. They also shower and clean out there too.

Wow was all Ramon could say. I think he was still flabbergasted. Ian came crawling quickly back to Pedro. I guess my second boy was becoming more loyal to him than me. Ian nuzzled his face in Pedro's crotch smelling and licking. Marco told Pedro he could take off his shorts too as everyone but Marco was naked. Pedro just slipped them off and tossed them aside. He was proud of his uncut meat and hairy bush and body. Ramon got a look at it and seemed impressed. "I let Pedro take a bit of the drug too as he wants to be bigger. I figure it can't hurt", said Marco. We went back to the kitchen and Marco suggested I make brunch for them all. I didn't mind as it would take my mind off sex.

Colton and I prepared a nice brunch with fruit and and egg dish while the men in our group sat at the table and chatted. Marco told Pedro he would have to follow all the study rules that Ramon gave him and work very hard. If you do, you get rewarded. If not you" lose privileges and possibly even lose control of your pet Ian. You know I gave him to Tommy as a gift and he lets you use him."

Pedro didn't seem to like some of what he heard and when Marco said he might even have to give up his ass to Ramon, he was real unhappy. When Pdro protested a bit, Marco told him in no uncertain terms that one Latin man fucking another Latin man was perfectly acceptable if it was needed. Ramon said nothing.

As we prepared, we heard activity at the back door and in walked Hector leading Lucas in on a leash. Lucas was on his knees and wore only some knee pads and the ring like ours that was through his nice cock. He also wore a pup tail stuffed up his ass. He looked a bit unhappy but was dutiful to his new master. Marco welcomed them in. He was proud to share with Marco the things he had done to Lucas. I felt kind of bad seeing our once master now reduced to being a pup.. Marco introuduced Ramon . Around Marco, Hector was a bit of a kid though as he wanted Marco to admire him and show to Marco that he was making his boyfriend a pet. Lucas sat on the floor doggy style and looked up to Hector like an admiring slave. Hector explained and showed off Lucas' ring in his cock. "It was a bit painful for it but , it didn't cry too much. I also let my bros have a go at its pussy and even mom likes having a white boy around to do all the work!" Marco looked at Lucas and gave him a hug. "I'm proud of you for letting Hector take control. You needed that and I knw you'll grow to accept Hector as your man and give up worrying aobut your future. You're in good hands>" Lucas tried to smile but it seemed hard for him. He was still learning and for a dominant jock like him, it was going to be tough. I just don't know how it happened. For a sub boy to give total control to a master was one thing (like I had done) but for a jock straight boy, well, it was something else.

The food was set out on the table. Colton took him position next to Marco and stood proudly waiting to be milked. I knew after all his worship of Ramon earlier, that he needed release. Marco showed Ramon how he gently milked his boy until he came and filled a small pitcher. "Tommy will provide more if we need it before Colton recharges", he said proudly. Once done with the milking, Colton helped me serve. Lucas and Ian were fed on the floor as pets. I sat next to Marco and we ate. Ramon commented that this was going to be a most interesting job. He said he had no idea of a household quite like ours. I smiled and Marco and Hector chuckled at the comment.

After the meal, Hector allowed Lucas up to have his leash removed so he could go and do our yard work. He dutifully did as he was told. I went our and spke quietly to hi asking if he was ok as he got the mower and equipment ready. He didn't say a lot but did admit it was a harder transition than he imagined. "I had no idea what you did to become a sub boy but, but,..."

He stated to tear up and I went to wipe his eyes and hug him. "If this isn't want you want, you must say so, I told him." Lucas shook his head no and said quietly that this is probably something he needed. I do love Hector and respect him. It's just that doing all the work around his place, and letting his younger two brothers use him like a whore, well, that wasn't expected. Even his Momma, like to humiliate me but Hecotr says it is just something I have to accept. I'm really trying though." He smiled a weak smile at me and I kissed him. Yes he had been a kind of master to me with Marco's permission but I always really liked him and didn't want him to suffer.

Colton and Ian who had cleaned up the kitchen came out to do their shit and shower. I joined them and told Lucas before we went off, it was probably the destiny for all of us. He asked me if the ring and weights ever stopped hurting. I said it would but admitted I no longer wore weights on my balls but my huge horse cock and balls were still something to contend with. He smiled and said he'd give it his best. He told me he loved me and all of us for that matter. "I needed guidance and love and attention. I guess I got what I asked for." He smiled and went off to cut the lawn and trim and edge our yard.

I liked seeing the tail wag constantly as he moved along pushing the mower. He was hot to look at and I knew he would be a great boy for his master. I just hoped that there would be lots of love too.

We all got on our knees and pissed and shit in the hole that was created for us and then douched one another with the garden hose. Ian really liked it and Colton enjoyed washing all our cocks and holes before I washed his and Ian scampered off he be with Pedro.

Ramon stood with Hector and Marco and watched saying softly, "holy shit and damn that's hot." Hector and Marco smiled and told the boy that when he worked, almost anything was ok to do with white boys. "These boys are true sluts. Most white boys are deep inside. They have learned that they should always be lower than blacks and Latins. They just do it and would probably do anything for us.' Hector agreed as he pointed to the naked, sweating Lucas, his cock and balls gently swaying due to the weights that extended his nuts.. "It's already working on my former team captain who now submits to anything I tell him. I might even let my dog have a go at him.' He chuckled. Marco reminded him not to be excessive. They grow into their role. Take it slow.

Ramon had to go and we came to help him dress himself. Pedro already had his fingers up Ian's pussy making him wiggle a bit.

After he left, Marco smiled and said we were all beautiful. Hector pulled out a bag and showed it to Marco " I brought gifts for all our boys." He announced. We were called over and he pulled from the bag, to C thong mens supposed swim wear. He also had three on side thongs. Marco asked me to try the C thong on. It basically was a very small cover to conceal the cock and then it went under and a small cloth covered piece of the frame went up between the cheecks of my ass. Obviously it was too small as my cock was much to big. We then tried the one sided thongs on Colton and I. It covered or tried to, the cock which laid to the side in it and the strap went around just one leg leaving the butt exposed. Marco thought they were hot. "Lucas might earn one too so I can take him to the beach. I'm sure his former buds and the girls will find it fun too. Looks like Colton can wear his but not so sure about Tommy.." Marco said it could be adjusted with a chain from my cock ring to the ring in my perineum. Just can't make him hard though but I'm sue there is a way to conceal 14 inches of cock. And, his balls should always show anyway. They hang so nice and low too." I looked to Colton who told me later he'd rather just be naked as he was used to it. We did thank Hector for the gifts before we went inside.

It was Marco's birthday and we were expecting guests. My folks, his mom and my brothers among others he invited. Colton, Ian and I would have some work to do get things ready.

Hector and Marco and Pedro went off to relax and watch football. They eventually took Ian with them to fuck and play with. He wasn't much help anyway but we wished we could have been there. We watched from the kitchen as Ian got fucked in each of his cunts by the guys. Pedro also liked playing with Ian's little cockle. He could never cum but it sure made his juices flow.!

Next: Chapter 35: After College 20

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