Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Oct 20, 2013



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley.

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Series 2

Chapter 4

As I awoke the next morning, I sat up in bed and thought of the next few days and how they would pan out. Tom was away from tomorrow with Jack Laugher for 10 days training in Brazil. I was going to be working back at Tulip while Jake settled into the new job I had gotten him. This would help me to take my mind off Tom and concentrate on the wedding that was coming up very soon. "Good Morning babe." Tom said. "Morning." I said. He kissed me before he got out of bed heading for the bathroom. Even now when he gets out of bed I cant help but stare at his well formed arse naked as the day he was born and totally smooth. "Stop staring." He said not even turning around to look at me. I smiled and got myself out of bed put my dressing gown on and headed down stairs to the kitchen. I put the kettle on, started breakfast and sparked up and a fag standing out the back door. Tom came down a few minutes later and took over breakfast and handed me a cup of tea. "Thanks babe." I said. "So what's the plan for today?" he asked me. "Well, we need to go to town to get Jake bits for the new job and you have some speedos to collect from the sport shop." I said. "Guess I best get in the shower then." Tom said. "You do that, ill start your breakfast." I said. "Aww babe, you're a proper little house wife." He said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me on the back of the neck. "I know. Just get moving." I said. He kissed me again and headed up the stairs as I put my fag out and went inside and made tom his breakfast. Because of his up coming training he was on a strict diet. All bran as a cereal, with slices of fresh fruit - in this case melon and water melon and then his usually shake that he had to have. I made my own breakfast and took it all to the table as Tom came down in his towel with still wet hair and I smile on his face. "Thanks babe." He said as he tucked in. "I'm going up for my shower. See you up there." I said as I put my bits in the dishwasher. I kissed him again and went upstairs. I started the shower and then headed out on to the balcony from our bedroom and had another fag. Tom hated me smoking but I just couldn't stop. After finishing my fag I jumped in the shower and cleaned myself down and afterwards had a shave and cleaned my teeth. I emerged from the bathroom to find tom just going through the wardrobe. "Hey babe." He said. I smiled. "Your in such a good mood today." I said. "I know, I have to be happy because this is the last time I'll see you for 10 days." He said. I looked over to see his suitcase already packed, apart from his speedos which were collecting. "Babe, you have been away for longer. I will be fine." I said. He kissed me again as we got dressed.

After Tom taking forever with hair and his look we finally left the house and drove to the apartment to grab Jake and Dan. As we walked in I saw Dan emerge from the bedroom fully dressed. "Jake will be out in a minute then we can go" Dan said smiling at me. "You look nice James." He said. "Thanks Dan you too." I replied. He smiled as I went out to the balcony for a fag. "So Mr Leete, anything new with you?" he asked. "Not really. Tom is going away to Brazil tomorrow for 10 days which sucks but other than that everything is good. How about you Mr Moseley?" I asked. "All good, Jake and I have stopped arguing which is good and I'm glad he has this job." He said. I smiled. "Well your welcome on that." I said. "Heyyy, I'm ready." Jake said. "Coming." I said. "Not literally I hope." Dan said quietly. "Shut up you." I said laughing. We left the apartment and headed for town. I took Jake to a suit shop and got him all set up with a suit, some shirts and ties and shoes. Then I bought him a new bag, a new watch and got him a hair cut and made him look the part for the type of environment he was about to enter. "This was a productive morning." Jake said. "I know. Shall we do lunch and then go to the sport shop for your bits babe?" I asked Tom. "Sure sounds good." He said. He decided the noddle bar was a good place because of his diet so we headed there. As we arrived we were seated and the idle chit chat began. I was sat opposite Dan and tom was sat opposite Jake. Part way through the meal I was sure I could feel someone sliding their foot up my leg but dismissed it. Later in the afternoon we went to the sport shop and tom collected and tried on his speedos. Each time coming out of the changing room and sending the girls in the shop to screaming and swooning mode. It was starting to become annoying and I swear he did it for the attention. "One more time I see you come out of that changing room to show off another pair of speedos and there will be no sex for a month. I cant be doing with screaming little girls." I said to Tom. "Oi, he can't help it if he's so fit." A girl stood near me said, with her gang of girl mates. "Listen, I know he's fit that's why I'm shagging him. But you screaming all the time don't help. Now go away and leave him in peace." I said. "You don't deserve him anyway. I'm sure he would be great at filling my wet pussy and fucking me all night." She said. I laughed. "Bitch, he don't want no disease. Your probably riddled with the clap and go knows what else. Plus he likes it tight not a bucket like yours. Now do 1!" I said. Jake and Dan howled with laughter. "James your killing me here." Dan said crying with laughter. "Little whores. Bitches." I said. They both were in creases of laughter. "Will you two stop." I said. "You done insulting girls now babe." Tom said. "yes babe." I replied. "Can I come out? Is it safe." He asked. "Yes, besides you came out a year ago of course it's safe." I replied. He laughed and kissed me. "Come on." I said.

That evening was spent relaxing and chilling and having lots of good bye sex. When I woke up the next morning he had gone. His flight was at 5 and he was being collect at 3 so I had missed him go. But he had left me a note and it was so cute. I went about my morning and got into my suit and took off for a day at work. I collected jake and drove him over to Warwick. We got to Tulip at just before 8am and I took him inside. After signing in I took him on a tour and showed him around and introduced him to people as they came in. At 9am, I went off to work and left him in the hands of Liz. She took care of him and I got down to looing at the accounts and ledgers and seeing who owed money and looking at debit notes, raising credit notes and processing some orders. I was a busy morning and before I knew it was lunch time and jake was asking me what we were doing for lunch. I decided McDonalds was a safe bet so took him over there. After lunch the afternoon went into full swing and the day just went by. At 5pm everyone left and I was about to leave when my phone went off. "Good afternoon Tulip" I said. "James babe it's me, we have landed." He said. "Oh babe, I'm so happy to here from you, did you get to the hotel okay?" I asked. "Yeah really tired though. But I had to at least let you know we are here. Wait, speak to jack a minute while I pee." He said and gave the phone to Jack. "Jameseyyyy" Jack said. "Jackyyyyy." I said. "Oh my god I'm so tired. But we are here fine and your man is fine as well. How are you?" he said. "Im good, just about to leave work." I said. "Aww bless ya. Well he's back, I now need to pee." He said. "Okay Jack." I said. "Byeee." He said and ran off. "Hi babe." Tom said. "Hey, Jack sounds proper hyperactive." I said. "Yeah well he drank about 5 red bulls on the plane." He told me. "Haha." I said. "Right babe, we are going to get some sleep but ill speak to you tomorrow." He said. "Okay babe." I said. "I love you so much." Tom said. "I love you too baby." I said. "And I love you as well James." I heard Jack say. "I love him too tell him." I said to Tom. "Jack he loves you too," tom told him. "Yayy." Jack said. "Bye babe." I said as we put the phone down.

I drove us home and dropped Jake off at the apartment. That night I went home, watched some TV and chilled out. It was nice to be on my own for once. It was just right. At around half 9, my door bell went as I was watching an episode of star trek. I got up and went to the door. I opened it to find Dan stood there. He drenched. It was raining heavily outside and I hadn't realised. "Dan?" I asked. "Can I stay here with you for a couple of nights. Jake and I had this huge row and he threw me out. I couldn't ring you as my phone is dead." He said. "Sure come in." I said. He took off his shoes and stepped in. He took off his coat which I hung up and then looked at him. "Your soaked. We need to get that stuff off you and into a hot shower before you get a cold." I said. I brought him through to the kitchen and he started to take off his clothes, first his hoodie, then his t shirt and his nipples were definitely erect. Then he dropped his jeans and socks and I put them all in the wash. "And the boxers." I said. "Really." Dan said. "Dan I've seen it all before. Remember I met you naked." I told him. "True." He said and dropped his boxers, but made no attempt to cover himself. I couldn't help but look. Even though it was cold and wet outside he still managed to maintain his size. "Well Mr Moseley let's me take you up and into the shower." I said. We walked out the kitchen and up the stairs and he headed for the bathroom as I got him a towel. I heard the shower start and the bathroom fill up with steam. I put the towel in the bathroom and said, "Towel is on the radiator, I'll see you down stairs." I said. "Thanks." He replied. I left the bathroom and went down stairs and into the lounge. I carried on watching the episode of star trek and soon Dan came down in the towel. "What shall I wear?" he said. "Oh shit yeah." I said pausing the DVD and going back up with him. We went into my room and I handed him a pair of Tom's grey trackies and a t-shirt of mine and a hoodie of mine and then turned to let him dress. "Ermm James, do you have any boxers unless you want me to go commando." He said. "Oh god yeah, ermm?" I said and grabbed him a pair of my Hollister boxers. "They okay for you." I asked. "Yeah thanks." He said again dropping his towel showing all. "See you down there. Do you want a drink or something to eat?" I asked. "Yeah a cuppa would be great and a just like toast or a sandwich." He said. "Okay." I said and went back down as he got dressed. I made him his tea and a sandwich and he came down and sat next to me as he tucked in. We spoke for ages about what happened with him and jake, and how he was being to rough when he was high, or just being an arse hole and when it came to sex he was too selfish and always wanting to be the dominant one and then when he was dominant he was to rough there. "Babe, it will be fine. You two will get over this. Just tell him to stop the weed and talk to him. That's all it takes." I said to him. "Your right. Thanks James. I'm going to give him a few days to cool off first though." Dan said. "Oh definitely. Lord knows what would happen if you didn't." I said. "You have to work with him tomorrow." Dan said. "No I don't actually. He's getting the train in tomorrow. I have a meeting in the afternoon with the woman who is designing the initiations for the wedding." I said. He smiled and went into full talk about the wedding

A while later we both decided to call it a night. "Where shall I sleep?" Dan asked. "Well as Tom isn't here you can sleep with me if you want?" I said. He smiled and said "Excuse me?" It was then I realised what I had said. "I meant you can share the bed with me." I replied. He smiled and we went up to bed. He got undressed down to his boxers and climbed in as I finished getting myself sorted. I finished getting undressed and got in next to him. "Hope you don't mind me being rude but I cant sleep in clothes, mind if?" dan said. "Of course not, I was thinking the same thing." I said as I took off my boxers and he did the same. I turned the lights out and he came in behind me and hugged me. I could feel his soft cock nestled in between my butt cheeks. "Now now Dan, remember I'm an engaged man." I said. "Sorry your just so warm." He said. "It's fine, actually I feel weird if someone isn't holding me. Tom always does it, just like you are now." I said. "Guess that's a good thing then yeah." Dan said. "Yeah, although when he does that it tends to lead to other things." I said laughing. "Well he's gone for 10 days so you wont be getting that." Dan said. "Unless?." He said moving hand down my leg and going around my crotch. "We can't." I said. "Are you sure, you don't seem to want to stop me. And your friend is saying something else." Dan said. It was true I was getting hard and I did think Dan was fit as fuck. "Tom can't find out." I said. "Neither can Jake, it's just two friends helping each other out. Besides Tom and Jake fucked which means I think we should." He said. He kissed me and this lead to passionate kissing and our hands roaming each others bodies. "mmmm you make me so horny." I said between kisses. He broke the kiss, grabbed me and pulled me on top of him and we continued to kiss. I grinded my hardening cock into his stiffening member. I broke the passionate kissing and went down to Dans left nipple and then his right, he let out a groan of pleasure. I kissed between his pecs and down his stomach right down to his hard 8 inch cut cock. I licked the swollen mushroom head of is cock, Dan sighed. And then I took his shaft into my mouth. "Oh god!" Breathed Dan. I sucked on his cock, swirling my tongue around his shaft, tasting the saltiness of his precum, the wonderful odour of Dan. I could not pull myself off of his member. "FUCK MAN, that feels amazing!! But I need your cock! I need to suck on you too babe!" he screamed. I pulled off and moved myself around so we could get into the 69 position. I love sucking on a hot cock and having my cock worked at the same time. What felt like an expert cocksucker taking my member in his mouth was incredible! I moaned while Dans cock was still in my mouth. I pulled off his cock. "Ah Dan, you have some serious skill" I said, and I went back to working his gorgeous shaft and balls. He pulled off my cock, "Thanks, you have some serious skill as well. I hope you have skills when it comes to being a top." He said. I probably could have exploded at that point, but I wasn't near climax yet so it was okay. I moved myself again so we could do some deep kissing action again. "You want me to fuck you?" I asked. "I need you inside me," Dan moaned. "Ah baby, I want you so bad!" he added. "Me too," I said and our lips locked again. My boner was raging hard and was ready to penetrate a hot ass. I lubed up the shaft and pressed the head of my cock against Dan's ass. "OH FUCK!!!" Dan squirmed. "I want this so much!" he shouted. And I pushed the head of my cock in. "Ah shit, ya! Oh god! Fuck ya!" Dan Moaned. I continued to push my hard shaft into his warm hot ass. I pushed in until my balls were touching his ass, and then I pulled out slowly. I pumped his ass at a gentle rhythm at first. We locked lips as I slowly pounded his ass. "Your cock feels amazing inside me," Dan moaned. "You ass is incredibly hot, and perfectly tight!" I said as I picked up the pace a bit, and was getting closer and closer at the sight of this hot stud below me taking every inch of me and loving it. Dan wanted it, harder faster, deeper. I pounded as deep as I could and our moans got louder and more intense with every thrust. "Fuck man I'm gonna cum!" I said. "Pull out and shoot in my mouth" he said. At that instruction I couldn't hold on another moment. I pulled my cock out of his ass, took off the condom and got up close on top of him with the tip of my cock in between those hot lips. I stroked my cock faster and harder, and then I began to shoot warm hot streams of jizz in his mouth. After four loads, he smiled and grabbed my head and pulled me into him and kissed me. He saved some of my load for me and made sure I had some. We both swallowed my hot cum, when minutes later he said he was ready to cum. I wanted his load the same way he took mine. I told him this so he got on top of me stuck the tip of his cock at my mouth and stroked his cock. Then He moaned and shot a wave of hot cum into my mouth. The hot jizz felt amazing hitting my lips and tongue. After he was done shooting his load, I pulled him close up to me. I was reluctant to share any of his load, but it was incredibly hot making out with him. I grabbed his hot hair and pulled him into me and shared his cum with Dan. We made out for at least half an hour after that. Then he moved over, right in the crook of my arm, pulled my other arm around himself and he fell asleep. All I could do was lay there awake, thinking it over in my mind. How would Tom react if he found out. What about Jake? Yes the sex was amazing and I don't regret it. But I had so much to loose if this was found out. I stayed awake for a while just thinking before I finally drifted off.

Next: Chapter 15: Tom Daley and Me II 5

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