Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Dec 29, 2013


DISCLAIMER!! This story is purely fiction; any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley or who he maybe seeing

Chapter 7

Christmas was over. The holiday was over. January was now here. Whilst it was still freezing cold, Tom, Jake, Jack and I were probably the most tanned people in Coventry. I had a lovely bronze glow and I had caught the sun in the Seychelles very well and I was feeling the most relaxed I had in months. But now it was back to reality. Tom and Jack were back training and working harder than ever what with Rio not too far away. Jake was back to work at Tulip with me pitching into help every now and then. But the main thing on my mind was the upcoming wedding. We were 6 weeks away from the wedding and the whole idea was absolutely terrifying for me, especially as the whole concept of getting married had finally hit home. Was I ready? I mean of course I was ready. I love Tom, but there was something else. For the last few nights I had been having some really weird but naughty dreams. And none of the men in the dreams were Tom. The first nights I had dreamt about sleeping with Jack and boy were they good dreams, but then on the 3rd night I had dreamt that I was sleeping with Liam Payne from one direction and Nathan Sykes from the Wanted. Liam, Tom and Nathan were like seriously close friends and since we had been together Tom had never once introduced me to them. He had gone away to see them but they had never come to our home or anything and it was about time that changed given how they were going to be coming to my? I mean our wedding. So I just knew I had to cook up a plan.

That evening when Tom and Jack came home I was just about to take off out the door to pick up Jake from work. Since the holiday Jake and Jack had been spending everyday staying at ours and it was now like we were a little family. "Hey babe, just going to get Jake, you two get showered and then Tom I need to speak to you." I said. He smiled and kissed me. "Okay babe." He said. I climbed into my car, a brand new VW Sirocco which I bought out of my dad's money, and drove off to Warwick. The drive was easy and Jake was waiting for me as soon as I arrived. He jumped in and soon we were off and I was desperate to avoid the traffic to get home. "So how was your day?" I asked. "Okay, apart from Tesco orders for Doncaster and Bristol failed on EDI so I had to spend 3 hours putting all of the orders on the system." He told me. "That's easy just get the GXS reports." I said. "We did, but it was still hard making sure I didn't fuck up." Jake said. "How was your day?" he asked. "Good, I have a little plan I'm cooking up." I replied. "Oh god." He said as we both smiled. "What is it?" he added. "Well, you know how Tom is good mates with the 1D lads and Nathan and Tom from the wanted, they are all close mates." I said. "Yeah, he goes off to meet them now and then doesn't he." Jake asked. "Yeah, and leaves me at home. We have been together now for 2 years and I have never met these people once, so I'm going to call Tom out on it and get them round to ours for a quiet dinner when I can meet them all. The last thing I want to do is meet them on my wedding day." I said. "That's true, I mean you have met all of Tom's other mates." Jake replied. "Exactly, and well that went down a treat but at least I've met them, and he has met all of mine, what just because they are A list celebs I'm not allowed to meet them, Christ we are A List celebs." I said getting frustrated. "Calm down, so call him out on it." Jake said. "I will do, don't you worry." I said smiling. "Do you want a fag to calm down with?" he asked me. "I think so yeah." I replied. He smiled as he sparked two up and handed me one. "So what's for dinner tonight?" Jake asked. "Chicken Hotpot." I said. He smiled and soon we arrived home. After pulling onto the drive and then making our way inside I found Tom in the kitchen on the iPad and I heard Jack in the living room watching the TV. "Hey." I shouted to Tom as I walked in. "Hey babe." Tom said. Jack came running out of the living room and jumped into Jake for a hug. "Hey you." Jake said kissing him. "Oh god get a room." I said smiling. "Might just do that." Jack said getting down. "Yeah well dinner will be an hour so make it quick." I said walking into the kitchen. Tom got up and walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist before he kissed me. "Hey sexy." He said. I smiled a really cheesy grin; I always did when he called me sexy. "Hey stud." I replied which made him smile. "How was training?" I asked as I started with dinner. "Good thanks, I was mainly up on the 10m board today and doing some free weights in the gym." He told me. "Awww my baby boy hard at work." I said making him smile. "Anyway you said you wanted to talk to me?" he asked. "That can wait till later, we can have a little me and you time in the hot tub." I said. "Sounds saucy." Tom said in a very posh British accent. "Dirty bitch. Now help me out and set the table and unload the dishwasher." I said to him. "Aye Captain" he said standing up and moving over to the dishwasher. We chatted for a while longer as I cooked dinner and tom tidied around me.

Later that night and I found myself naked in the hot tub curled up with Tom, some ice cold refreshing juice (no alcohol) talking. "So what's up?" he asked. "Well, you know how I've introduced you to all my mates and you have met my family and I've met your family" I started. "Yeah?" tom said trailing off. "Well there's a part of your friendship group you haven't introduced me to yet and it upsets me that you don't feel that I can be apart of that. We have been together for 2 years and are due to get married in 6 weeks and I don't want the first time I meet these people to be on my wedding day." I said. "I know what your talking about, your upset that I have never introduced you to the 1D lads or the 2 guys from the Wanted, who by the way are the only A list celeb mates I have that are close to me. Why you so eager to meet them?" he asked. "Well I thought it would be nice, they are your mates after all and I think its right that I get to know them and they get to know me. Plus they have never seen the house or anything." I said. He took his arm away from me and kind of let me go. "What?" I asked. He looked away. "What is it?" I asked. "It's just? well? okay please don't get mad at me." He said looking at me. "Well then don't give me a reason to get mad at you." I said now more serious. "Well it's not exactly true that they haven't seen the house and well they do know what you look like." He told me. "Wait back up, they have been here and seen this place? And where was I?" I asked. "You have always been away when they came round, like your trip to Milan or your trip New York." He said. "You mean the trips you paid for me to go and booked for me and?" I said before trailing off as a sudden realisation hit me. "You didn't want me to meet them. Did you?" I asked. He didn't reply he just looked down. "DID YOU?" I repeated only this time shouting at him. "No." he said quietly. "Why? Because you're ashamed of me? Because you don't want the mates that you have to know that you're sleeping with some lowly guy from Coventry? Because your actually ashamed that your gay? Or maybe you just haven't got the balls to let me meet them. Do you know what, just fucking forget it. I don't want to meet your mates, and right now I can't even stand to be near you!" I said getting up and grabbing a towel before heading inside. I slammed the back door behind me, and walked in through the hall, sobbing as Jack and Jake appeared from the lounge in the doorway. "James what's wrong?" jack asked. "Nothing just leave me alone." I said heading up the stairs. "James wait?" Jack said following me up. "I SAID FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE! ARE YOU DEAF?" I screamed as I walked into the bedroom and slammed the door behind me. I looked at the bed and just collapsed onto it and began to cry. He was such a dickhead. Thinking his mates are too good for me. Well maybe I'm not good enough for them but I sure as hell wasn't about to sit around here and take shit. I walked over to my wardrobe and grabbed a little suitcase. I packed in some jeans and chino's, a couple of hoodies and some t-shirts, boxers, socks and shoes. I then put in some smellies. I grabbed a pair of trackies and put them on along with another hoodie and headed out of my bedroom, but not before going to my bedside table and grabbing my passport then straight down the stairs. I grabbed my phone, keys and wallet and went straight out the front door which slammed behind me. I put the case in the car and got in as the front door opened and Tom appeared in his towel with Jake and Jack. "James!!" they shouted as I drove out of the cul-de-sac and away from the house. I pulled out on the main road and headed for the motorway. I grabbed my phone and searched through the contacts before finding the number I wanted and dialling. "Good Evening and thank you for calling the Virgin VIP line, can I take your name please." The guy said. "Yeah it's James Leete." I said. "Mr Leete, using your mobile number I have brought up your account details, how may I help?" he asked. "I need a flight tonight leaving from Heathrow to JFK" I said. "Let's have a look sir." He said before I heard him tapping away on his keyboard. "There is a flight leaving in 2 hours and 30 minutes. The cost of the flight being seated in the business class area is ?2,985 one way. Would you like me to book that for you?" he asked. "Yes please." I replied. "Certainly sir, I have all your details to hand already from when you have previously flown, I shall pop those details in for you and advise Heathrow of your arrival. When you arrive at Heathrow, please head for the VIP desk and check in there, you have 2 hours from now to check in, 30 minutes before the flight leaves and the desk will close and you will not be able to board." He told me. "I understand." I replied. "Very well, we wish you a safe journey and thank you for calling." He said. "Thanks." I said hanging up. By this time I was already on the motorway and according to the sat nav I was 1 hour 35 minutes from the airport. So I just drove on. The phone rang a few times and it came up with Jake, Jack or Tom and I just ignored them all.

The time soon flew by and soon I arrived at the airport. I parked in the long stay car park and headed in for the terminal. I located the desk and checked in my bag and got my boarding pass and quickly headed for the security check point. Once they saw me I got pushed to the head of the queue and was cleared very quickly before I made a bee line for the gate. I handed over my passport and boarding card and then made my way for the plane. I pulled my phone out my pocket just as it started to ring, it was Tom again. I ignored it and switched my phone off. I got taken to my seat and pretty soon we were up in the air. I was on my way to New York. A chance to get away from my irritating and selfish fianc?, the stress of the wedding which was building up on me, my mum who wouldn't stop going on about the wedding and who was being a pain in the arse. Just everything. I needed an escape and this was it. 8 hours of flying and I would be there.

Those 8 hours went by so fast mainly due to the fact that I had slept for most of it. When we landed it was 11:30pm local time and the airport was still busy as ever. I got through the customs area and grabbed my bag before making my way to the exit. It was then that I realised that I had no cash. No dollars at any rate, so after making a pit stop at a cash machine and withdrawing money from my debit card I headed outside and into a cab. "Where to sir?" the guy asked me. "To the 4 seasons please." I asked. "You got it." He replied in his American accent. He drove me through the city and soon landed at the hotel. "That'll be $60.00 then please." He said. I gave him a hundred dollar bill and told him to keep the change. "Why thank you kind sir." He said as I got out the taxi. The doorman of the hotel approached me. "Good evening Mr Leete, it has been a while. May I help with your bags?" he asked me. "No I'm fine thanks." I said giving him a five dollar bill as a tip. "Thank you sir." He said. I walked to the reception to be greeted by a female. "Good evening Mr Leete, welcome back. Can I get you a room?" she asked. "Yes please, although I'm not sure how long I will be staying for." I told her. "That's fine sir, we have a superior grand suite available for you $680 per night okay for you?" she asked. "That's fine thank you." I said handing her my debit card. "I'll pop your card details on the system ready for when you check out." She said handing me a key. "Can I get your some help with your bag?" she asked. "No I'll be fine thanks." I said. "No problem sir, your room is on the 22nd floor with a lovely view of the city and your own private balcony. Enjoy your stay." She said. "Thank you." I said leaving her and getting into a lift. I took it up to the 22nd floor and found my room. Walking in it was like a palace. The room was beautiful and walking out on to the balcony the whole place was a dream looking out across the city. I sparked a fag and switched my phone on. I waited for a few minutes before I saw a load of messages and missed calls appear. Reading them they all were from Tom and Jack. "James please call us we are worried about you." Was the message from jack and one from Tom, "James, ring me when you get this. I am so sorry. I love you more than ever xx." It read. It was then that my phone rang again. This time I answered. "Hello." I said. "James, oh thank god. I thought you had been killed. Why was your phone off all night and where are you?" Tom asked. "Why do you even care, I'm not good enough for you clearly." I said. "James you know that's not true you mean everything to me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I'm marrying you soon." He said. "Really, you want to marry me do you? Are you sure I won't be an embarrassment for you? You can have your pick of anyone, why pick me? I'm just going to show you up and make you look bad. People will say 'err look who Tom Daley is with' " I said as I started to sob. "James, listen to me. Remember the day we first met, in diesel when you were with your mates. I knew as soon as I met you that we had a connection and then spending the day with you and your mates, asking them questions and getting to know it made me fall in love with you right there. Even now 2 years later, granted we have had some rocky patches but I still love you. I always have loved you and I don't care what other people say because to me you're special and you always have been. I'm crazy about you. You are my sole mate." He said to me as I cried a river. "Oh my god baby I love you so much and yet now we are so far apart." I said. "Baby, please tell me where you are." He said. I cried more and finally said "I'm in New York." I told him. "Baby why did you go all that way?" he asked me. "I just needed to get away, the stress of the wedding, of letting you down, of my mum constantly going on at me, it was all too much and then you saying you didn't want me to meet your friends just set me off even more and I had to get away." I told him. "Baby I understand and if you need to be on your own then that's fine I will leave you in peace and let you get your head together and then when you are ready come home to me, Jake and Jack and we will be here waiting for you." He told me. "I love you so much; I just wish you were here with me." I said still crying. "Me 2, but we will see each other soon. Just take your time." He said. "I will do, tell Jake and Jack I'm sorry." I said. "They understand." He told me. "WE LOVE YOU JAMES." Jack shouted. "WE MISS YOU COME HOME!!" Jake shouted. "Where is he anyway?" jack asked in the background. "NYC" tom replied. "See you soon" I said to them. "Bye Babe." I replied. I lit another fag and looked out now chilled and relaxed. "You should quit them things you know, not very good for you." A male voice said. I looked to my right and I couldn't believe who was there in front of me. "Oh my god." I said looking at him. "Yeah I get that a lot. Your James right, Tom Daley's partner." He said to me. "That? that? that's right." I said barely able to get my words out. "Well I'm?" he started before I cut him off. "I know who you are." I replied smiling. "Why am I not surprised. Bet you even watched the movies." He said. I smiled. "It's a nice night, do excuse my attire I just got out the shower." He said. "It's fine, I'm not complaining." I said. "I bet not, so did you manage to sort things out with your boyfriend?" he asked me. I simply looked at him. "Sorry it's a bad habit listening in on peoples conversations, I guess I'm just nosey." He said. "Well there's something I never imagined. And to answer your question yes we did sort ourselves out thanks for asking." I said smiling. "No problem, say I haven't eaten yet, would you like to have dinner with me, maybe have a night cap before bed." I smiled. "Sure I'd love to, room service?" I asked. "Is there anything better?" he asked me. "My place or yours?" I asked. "Now there's a line to stop every boys heart. Let's say yours, as you can see I'm not wearing much, but ill pop something on and head over." He said. "Cool, well I'll see you soon." I said heading back inside the room. I was still reeling from who I had just spoken to and who I was about to have dinner with. I was about to have dinner with Zac Efron. My dream man since the first time I saw High School Musical. Oh lord help me. While Tom is my dream man now, there's something about your first crush and he was certainly mine. A few moments later and the door knocked, in just a few seconds he was about to walk into my room and have dinner with me?. What the hell!!


Thanks to everyone who has been reading and getting back to me, as always emails appreciated, love to here from you guys. Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and see you again in 2014

Next: Chapter 18: Tom Daley and Me II 8

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