Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Jan 16, 2014



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley.

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Series 2

Chapter 9

2 weeks! That's all we had was 2 weeks until the most important day of our lives. Lord help me. There was still so much to do. My hen weekend had been and gone, which was wild success and all the girls (and guys) loved it, and tom's stag night had gone down well with them all being very drunk from what I had heard. Now however was the time to really focus on the upcoming event? the wedding. The replies had come back from everyone that was invited and for the most part everyone who was invited were coming. We had the families coming, my mum and dad, my brother had agreed to come from china but only if we paid for his flight which tom was quick to agree to. Then my sister, her partner and my nephew, plus my aunty, uncle and cousin. Then my 3 cousins from Ireland had agreed to come and with them my first cousin Lisa (the eldest of the 3) was bringing her husband and daughter and my cousins Aaron and Jonathan were coming alone. Then we had Tom's mum, 3 brothers and then his grandparents (both sets), plus his aunties, uncles and cousins and between them there were around 12 of them. So his family was almost the same size as mine. Then of course we had all our friends, Kash, Jake, Shannon, Sam, Ryan, Dannielle, Daniel, Chris and Jack plus a few of tom's friends - Nikita and Sophie who I really didn't along with but it was for tom so I would be all smiles for the day. Then of course we had some family friends coming, so for example Tom had invited Jack's mum and dad, then one of his mums best friends she was coming with her husband and then one of his dad best friends and his wife. We had limited ourselves to 3 family friends for the day event and then more for the evening of which a fair amount of the ones we had invited to the evening event had declined saying it was too far to travel, so for the most part on both occasions it would be roughly the same amount at the day as there were would at the night event. Of course I had invited my mum and dads friends, Ian and Jan and they were bringing there son Phillip along as he and I had been friends whilst we were growing up. Then I had invited my mums friends Annie and Les and lastly some neighbours Steve and Jackie along with their daughter Fay and son Adam who I had grown up with. Tom had also allowed me to invite more, so I had asked two other neighbours Carrie and Moira to come who had readily accepted as well another of my mums friends Ann. So that was a nice way to see them all. Additionally we had invited Jake's mum and dad, his sister Macey and Sister Jodie, then his brothers Tyler and Dale and they were all to attend. Then of course we had a few celebrities coming that we were both close friends with that being: One Direction, The Wanted, Cheryl Cole, Johnathan Ross and his wife, Michael McIntyre and his wife, Gabbie and Vernon were coming from the splash team. Plus Andy who was Tom's coach along with his wife and then Jamie our agent and his long term girlfriend. Additionally I had invited Daniel's mum, his twin brother, plus his older brother, his girlfriend and their two children. Plus there were a handful of others that we had both agreed on but the final total came out at 100 people staying.

When I had originally booked the hotel, I had also booked out all the rooms that being 93 rooms. Now I had the wonderful task of sitting with a room list and assigning people to rooms, so that the hotel had an idea of who was coming and what rooms they were to be in. I was hoping that people like Ian, Jan and Phillip wouldn't have to share rooms but I was sure that we would be okay. I mean after we did only have 95 guests that would be staying the night and most of those were couples. So there I sat allocated rooms and writing down who were in which rooms. I enjoyed doing this part alone and in silence so that I could think straight. This took me an hour. I was seriously hoping that Tom was going to be more helpful when it came to the day itself. Although I was very sure he was planning something I just hadn't quite worked out what yet. So after spending so long sorting the rooms, I then sat on my laptop putting everyone's food selections on a spreadsheet so that the chefs at the hotel were ready to cook the food. I then had to decide on evening food, which I had decided on a standard buffet the hotel offered. My final part for the hotel before I drove over there was a table and seating chart. For the most part Tom and I had worked on this together and come up with where each and every person would sit. We also came up with a funny way of naming each table after a different type of dive. So on the head table there would be our parents, the groomsmen and best men, then on a separate table would be our families that were not on the head table with the exception of Tom's cousins, aunties and uncles as there were a lot of them so we put them on a table of their own. After that we just spread everyone out. With only 100 people to seat and 15 people to a table it was easy enough to do it.

Finally after several hours of work I printed the bits the hotel needed, grabbed my stuff and jumped in the car to head over to the hotel. The drive took less than hour and when I arrived the hotel was buzzing with activity. Because everything was happening at the hotel from the ceremony to the day and evening events, tom and I had decided not to hire a wedding car and just drive ourselves there separately. He was getting at the apartment on the day and I was at the house. All the other guests could simply drive and if they had no car then we did have the arrangement of organising cars for them to be taken to the hotel but so far there was no need for that. Additionally with a lot of the guests travelling from distances we had arranged for all the guests apart from those who were local to stay at the hotel the night before the wedding so I had a bill to settle for that as well. As I entered the hotel I was greeted by Mel, who was the events planner for the day. "James great to have you back." She said. "Thanks, I have brought you all the info you need." I said handing her the documents. She checked them over and then said, "All brilliant that's just what we needed." She told me. "I also need to settle the bill for those guest that are staying the night before the wedding." I told her. "Yes, I have the bill for that here." She said handing me a bill. The total was ?16,000 for those to stay the extra night. "Your hotel will have made a killing on this by the end of all of this." I said handing her my debit card. "We aim to please." She said as I entered my pin. "That's great all gone through." She said handing me my card back. "Last thing is, would you like a tab behind the bar for the day?" she asked. "Yeah Tom and I talked on that, we would like for just everyone's drinks to be put on one big bill. Then we can settle that after the wedding." I told her. "That's fine, we can certainly do that. I will make the bar staff aware of this on the day as well, and I will be around for the ceremony to make sure things go smoothly." She told me. "That sounds great." I said. "also I have taken a call from Hello Magazine, they have advised that two photographers are on for the wedding, one will be staying here the night before and will then be on hand for the whole day, the other will be coming to your home address to take pictures as you get ready." She told me. "Great." I said. "If there is anything else you need do let us know, otherwise we have everything now, the tables and decoration have been colour coded to the scheme you asked for." She said. "The team GB colours, I love it." I said. "Also can you let me know when there is a good time to get a hold of your husband to be, as he called to make a request and I wanted to let him that I have spoken with the relevant people and all is fine." She told me. "Hmmm a request eh? I wonder what he has been planning." I replied. She smiled at me. "He did say it was to be kept quiet, so I can't say anymore I'm afraid." She told me. "Say no more, I knew he was planning something." I told her. "Well he wants to make this day about showing how much he loves you." She told me. "Do you know what this surprise is?" I asked. "I do indeed, and if I may say. I think you will love." She answered. "That just makes me want to know more. But I can wait." I replied. "Well enjoy the rest of your day and I will see you on the wedding day." She replied. "Thanks Mel." I replied as I left. I climbed back into the car and headed home to work on more stuff for the wedding. The DJ wanted a list of music to choose from so I sent him a long list, but he wanted to know our first dance song and Tom had chosen one but other people had suggested songs to add to the day so I had to send him those. The suits had arrived for which I was grateful so they were all hung up in the spare rooms. When we originally planned the day, Tom and I weren't sure what to do about the whole being given away thing as we both wanted to be given away. So at the last minute we decided to both be given away by our parents, with him going first and me I guess being the blushing bride. So I made sure that Tom's mum was ready for that as my mum and dad were as well. The whole thing was just a big nightmare for me as I was normally so organised.

But finally at 3pm after sitting on the phone to people and making sure that everything was sorted I finally breathed before I realised there were some small bits that I needed to sort. I grabbed the house phone and called Toni and Guy to book myself, Daniel and Jake hair appointments for the morning of the wedding which they were happy to sort me for at 7:30am. Then I booked eye brow waxing for us all the day before. Lastly I grabbed a list from my bag and saw the make-up colours that everyone had been tested for on their skins to find the right tones to match them, that included me, daniel, tom, Jake, jack and Chris and I grabbed my stuff again and drove into town to head for boots. Spending 45 minutes in there while the woman grabbed six different foundations followed by powder and some other bits, then grabbing six different bottles of perfume for us each and then the other bits I finally paid ?265 for it all. As I was leaving boots, my phone went off. "Hello." I said not recognising the number. "Mr Leete, it's the jewellers here. Your wedding rings have just come in that you ordered for delivery into the shop from the shop you bought them from in London if you would like to collect them." Said the woman on the phone. "I will be in to collect now." I told her. "Great, see you soon sir." She said hanging up the phone. I headed for the shop and picked up the rings before heading home again. Getting home I went into the front room to find Jack and Tom and Chris all munching food with their feet up talking all spread out across the sofas. "Oh that's it, come home, mess up my house and take a load off I would. It's not like I have been busy all day trying to sort this wedding out." I said in frustration as I dropped onto the sofa next to Tom. "Sorry babe, I thought you were out collecting Jake." He said. "Shit Jake, I forgot." I said sitting up. "Its fine, he knew you had forgotten because he normally gets a phone call from you, so I sorted him a taxi. Stop stressing." Jack said calmly. "I'm sorry, I'll be glad when this is over." I said. "Babe, you're stressing over nothing, what else is there to do." Tom asked me cuddling me. "Nothing more to do now until the day before the wedding, where me and Jake and Daniel have eye brow waxing and day of relaxation. I have booked, paid and bought everything else that was needed today and dropped the last bits off at the hotel." I said. "Then why you stressing?" tom said. "I'm not now." I replied grabbing a fag and lighting it. "How did it go at the hotel?" he asked me. "Good, they were happy with everything we had done and I paid for the rooms for the guests to stay in the night before the wedding." I told him, then thinking about what Mel had told me. "Oh yeah, by the way Mel told me to tell you that she has spoken to the relevant people and everything is fine for whatever surprise you have planned for me." I said. "Oh man, she wasn't supposed to say anything." Tom said looking annoyed. "Don't worry she didn't tell me what you planned all I got was that message. Now it's making me nervous what you have planned." I said kissing him. "You're going to love it. I have actually had the last bit of the confirmation sorted today so I know we are all set for it." He told me. "Oh god, I'm scared." I replied. "Don't be." He said kissing me again. "You know I can just find out what you have been doing by looking at our bank statement online. It will show who you have made payments to." I told him. "Ahhh that's where your wrong you see, I did this on my Amex card, which you can't see." He replied. "You don't have an Amex card." I replied. "That's what you think. I do now." He said pulling it out of his wallet. "Sly fucker. I can guess your passwords." I replied. "James, don't ruin it. I have gone to so much effort for this, for you." He replied. "I won't I'm teasing you." I giggled. "Good." He replied again kissing me. "Have you two and the other two all written your speeches yet?" I asked Chris and Jack. "Nope, but we will." Jack replied. "You better." I replied. "Who else is going to be speaking?" Chris asked. "Me, and I think your dad is too babe." Tom replied. "You are?" I asked. "Yeah, it's tradition for the groom to speak." Tom said. "So I guess I really am the bride for the day." I replied. "I think you are James." Jack replied. I threw a pillow at him from the sofa and he simply laughed as it hit him.

Later that night after Jake came home, he and I cooked his amazing Brazilian curry for the 6 of us before curled up on the sofa with yet another film. We had seriously turned into film guys and always watched something either newly released or something we all enjoyed when we were younger. Tonight was the turn of Magic Mike and we all certainly loved the film watching Channing Tatum get his kit off "Reminds of the hen do." I said aloud to which Daniel and Jake both laughed. "Yeah badly." Jake replied cuddled up on the sofa with Jack. We all laughed and continued to watch the film. At 11pm, we all took off to bed and as I climbed into bed Tom curled in behind me and wrapped his arms around me. Normally now we would be getting down to naughty things but we had both agreed not to have sex with each other until the wedding night. 2 weeks of no sex would kill me, but then I always had my right hand and the never ending amount of naked pictures I had of tom on my phone. "I love you." I said as he curled up to me. "I love you too, I can't believe we are so close to getting married." He said. "You are still sure you want to do this?" I asked. "I have never been surer of anything." Tom replied. I smiled as he kissed my neck. "FUCK ME!" I heard come from Jake and Jack's room. It sounded like Jack. "Well at least someone is having sexy time." Tom replied. "It was your idea that we don't." I said laughing. "I know I know. But still not long to go now." He said kissing my neck again. "Enough or you will turn me on." I told him. "Okay, I'm sorry. Good night." He said kissing my neck one more time. "Good night." I replied turning off the lamp and drifting off to sleep.

Comments and feedback always welcome. Thanks in particular to Daniel who has started to read the story after a year. Hope you're enjoying it. Email me Just to let you know that there is one final chapter to come in this series of Tom Daley and Me before a short break but I will be returning with a 3rd series thanks to the success of the first two. Love hearing from you guys and the support you have all shown has been incredible. Thanks again and keep emailing. Much Love. James Leete xx

Next: Chapter 20: Tom Daley and Me II 10

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