Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Aug 27, 2014



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley.

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Okay so its summer and guess what that means we are back!!

Series 3

Chapter 2

As I awoke that morning to soft and gentle kisses along the side of my kneck I had to smile. Sending shivers down my spine I curled up into a ball and slowly opened by eyes to see Tom behind me his warm body and toned abs pressed into my back. "Good morning birthday boy." He said softly down my ear. I smiled at hearing this. "Good morning." I replied as I moved around and faced him our foreheads touching. "How are you this morning?" he asked me. "Feeling old." I replied. "You are not old, you are only 25." He told me. "Yes thank you for reminding me." I said jumping out of bed and heading for the toilet. Once I had relieved myself I went back into the bedroom as Tom stood there holding my dressing gown. "What's this?" I asked. "Well you do need to make me breakfast." He said. I looked at him in total shock. "You aren't serious." I replied. "Damn right, now get moving." He told me. "You know your such a jerk." I said as I marched passed him and into the hall. As I stood at the stop of the stairs I saw put his dressing gown on and follow me. "Go on." Tom said. I huffed and walked down the stairs and I could feel him behind me. As I got to the bottom of the stairs I rounded the corner and entered the kitchen. As I walked in I found Jack, Jake, Chris and Dan all stood around the central island. "You're late." Jack said. I looked back at Tom who was now stood in the door way. "I beg your pardon." I said. "Get making our breakfast." Chris said. "Do you know what Fuck you lot, Its my fucking birthday. Get knotted." I said as I grabbed my fags off the side and marched out the back door making sure it slammed behind me. As I sat on the chair beside the pool I grabbed a fag out the packet as I checked my phone. I had so many messages on facebook and twitter from people who were wishing me happy birthday. I sat and read through some of them. As I was finishing my fag the back door opened and Tom walked out. "What do you want?" I asked as I put it out. "Can you come back inside please? We want to say sorry." He said. "Fine." I said as I stood up and headed back towards the door. As I walked in Jack and Jake, Chris and Dan were nowhere to be seen. Tom closed the door behind me. I turned "Okay so where are they to apologise?" I asked. "Dunno, check the dining room." He said smiling. I opened the dining room door and there they stood in front of the table. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" they shouted. I smiled, clearly this had been a surprise. Tom came behind me and put his hands around my waist. "Happy Birthday baby." He said as he kissed me. "And for the birthday boy, breakfast!" Jack said as he stepped to one side and I saw the table laid out with pancakes for us. "Sir, if you would please take a seat." Jake said as he guided me round to a spot. I sat down as we began to eat and we talked. I noticed the birthday banner and the balloons that were set up. "So how does it feel to be 25?" they asked me. "No different to be honest." I said as they laughed.

After breakfast was done they took me through to the lounge where I opened cards and gifts from my parents, my sister, from these guys and then from Tom. I got lots of great presents and couldn't quite believe how many more facebook and twitter messages I had been getting. "And now for something else for you." Tom said. "And what is that then?" I asked. "Well, some good news first, Splash team have decided to add in young Jack here as my companion in crime when we do the shows, and then an amazing bit of news, Splash want you to come onto the show." Tom told me. "Really?" I asked getting all excited. "Yep, so get your trunks out because you are coming and getting in the pool with me." He told me. "Oh my god this is amazing." I said. "Yep, now get showered as we have a meeting with Jamie and then I am taking you out for lunch." He told me. "Yes mum." I said getting off the sofa and heading up the stairs. Going into the bedroom I shed my dressing gown and jumping in the shower as the water hit my naked body as the steam filled the bathroom I couldn't help but think of the best bits of the day that were too come. The meeting with Jamie was a big one more for me than Tom as it was the start of my celebrity career with things going on everywhere. Then the meal out tonight as well as lunch and shopping and then of course the birthday sex. But that's later. As I stepped out the shower I found Tom had made the bed and tidied the bedroom up just the way I liked it. I walked over to my wardrobe and picked out my outfit for the day and began to get dressed. Just as I slid my aussiebum boxers on, Tom walked through the door in his grey low cut jogging bottoms and no top. As he wrapped his arms around me he kissed me on the cheek. "Your happy today." I said. "Of course, it's the day when I get to spoil you rotten." He said. "I like the sound of that." I said as I turned to face him and wrapped my arms around his neck as I pulled him in for a kiss. As the kiss became more intense I could feel myself getting hard and Tom was definitely hard, as this I could feel. As the kiss became more passionate I slid my hands down his back and into the back of joggers to find he was going commando as I lay my hands on his smooth arse. "mmmm." He moaned as I began to work my fingers towards his tight hole. In turn he had slid his hands down the front of my boxers and began to play with my cock. It was this moment that we both heard someone clear their throat from behind us. I quickly let go of Tom and pulled my hands out of his joggers as I looked up and saw Jack, Jake, Chris and Dan stood in the door way. "Do not move your hand." I whispered to Tom. "Why not James." Jack said with a grin. I threw him a look. Tom soon let go of my cock and pulled his hand out of my boxers and then completely turned around so that I could cover behind him. "Can we help you?" I asked clearly embarrassed at being caught.

After the slightly embarrassing moment of being caught by all of our friends, Tom got showered and dressed as I finished getting dressed and making myself look good, before we left the house and headed over to Birmingham. Arriving at Jamie's office we signed in and headed up to his waiting room as we sat there waiting for Jamie to finish with his client he was seeing. As the door opened I was genuinely surprised at who I saw walk out. None other than Justin Bieber. "Hey guys." He said smiling as Jamie appeared in the doorway. "James, Tom glad you could drop by, come on in." he said as we got up and walked through the door. "Justin fucking Bieber" I said aloud as the door opened. "Yeah I'm managing his UK stint. He is over here for a few months doing some modelling, tours and other little bits." He told us. "So let's get down to business with you two." He said. "Tom I am going to start with you as your list is fairly short because of all your training going on." Jamie told him. Tom nodded and settled back as Jamie told him about Splash coming up, a TV ad and the next step for Adidas Neo range along with a few photo shoots. "So that's it for you, but James I have a lovely long list." Jamie said. "Hit me." I replied. "Okay so I know Tom has told you about splash so you are joining that after the summer. Tom and Jack will be doing your training. Other celebs will include Dan Osbourne, Zac Efron from the US, Justin is sticking around to do it. Then there's also the likes of Daniel Radcliffe, Liam from 1D." he told us. "Sounds good." I said. "Then you have been signed up for 5 modelling shoots, one with Adidas Neo where you will join Tom, but then Aussiebum are coming over to do an underwear shoot in London and they have asked for you. Then also we have Superdry want you, Ralph Lauren, Ted Baker and Diesel. So that's going to be happening soon. You are also then going to be a shoot with Justin for the naked issue of GT and also for Attitude but that one is with Dan Osbourne." Tom certainly raised an eyebrow to that one. I smiled. "Then in October you are doing the opening ceremony for Star Trek London which I knew you would love to do and also in August you are going across to Minnesota where the director for As the World Turns new series wants you for 2 weeks of continuous shooting for a spot as the new lover of Luke Snyder played by Van Hansis and then finally you have a guest spot on one episode of Dante's Cove playing alongside Gregory Michael to name a few. Then last but not least and that is a big one. To mark the 20 year anniversary of Air Force One the film which is in 2016, they are doing a re-make of the film, and they have decided to cast you as the president. So get cracking on the American accent because you're going to Hollywood." He told me. "OH My GOD!" I yelled. I looked at Tom who had the biggest grin on his face. "But how the hell did they cast me when I didn't even audition for any of these things." I said. "Well certain YouTube videos of things you have done when you were younger on stage have been seen by a few people and they went to other people and then the high up people and low and behold they want you." He said. "This is like the best birthday ever. Thank you so much Jamie." I said hugging him. I then turned to Tom and hugged him. "You so deserve this baby." He said. "So when does this all start?" I asked. "Next week it starts." Jamie told me. "Thanks." I said as we both rose to leave.

Later that afternoon we had shopped till we dropped and spent a lot of money on us both, had lunch and gone out for the most romantic meal possible and now were cuddled in bed completely naked and both us hard as a rock his cock slowly entering my wet hot hole. "Fuck me" I begged, the slow entry too much to bear. He did as he was told and pushed his full sheathed dick deep into me as I let out a gasp and groan all at once. He began to fuck then, pushing deeper and deeper his thrusts becoming faster. He moved one hand, pushing my face further into the pillow. I loved the feeling of complete helplessness as this Hercules of a man pounded my ass and pinned me down. Both of us were groaning and crying out with each thrust as He kept the pace, his years of endurance training not wasted. My ass was on fire with pleasure, his legs weak, but it wasn't over yet. He pulled me up, kissing me roughly before laying down himself, his dick pointing to the roof of the four poster. "Ride me until you come." He said, his hands softly running up and down my torso. Climbing on top, I felt a renewed wave of pleasure as the dick filled me up again, only this time I was in control. I rode him hard and fast, slipping up and down his pole while wanking myself. Meeting eyes with him, I leaned down and kissed him, our tongues caressing as fiercely as our dick and ass. Suddenly it was too much, the pleasure was running in waves as I slipped up and down his dick and he too was thrusting hard up to meet me with every rise, and I felt the rush building inside of him. His dick grew stronger and he arched his back, groaning loudly. "I'm going to come" he groaned. His dick felt huge in my ass as all my muscles tightened together and oblivion came over me. I came then, the first shot of cum covering his neck and upper chest, the next two onto his tight stomach. He felt my body go numb and fiery all at once as the last few spurts went onto him. Watching me shoot hard and fast had pushed him over the edge. He pulled me off his cock and laid me on his back; ripping off the condom his dick still pointing to the ceiling he let me drop back on to his cock as his bare cock entered me again. The feeling was so much better than before, sending him over the edge he quickly shot load after load inside me. Feeling his seed enter my body and build up we both groaned loudly. Sinking down into the bed next to him, he pulled me into an embrace, our heavy breathing loud in the now silent room, the loads of cum still inside me and all over him made the whole thing feel more intense. It felt like we had laid there for hours before either us spoke. "That was the best birthday sex ever." I said. "Tell me about it!" He said his body finally resting and relaxing after the excitement of the last hour. "I love you so much, Happy birthday baby." He said. He pulled me into the crook of his arm as he drifted off to sleep as I lay there with a shit eating grin on my face. My phone screen lit up and I looked across, "Happy birthday sexy." It read. Then I looked at the sender. Oh for god sake!!!!!

Thanks for reading, I do hope I have still have readers as it has been so long since I have written so I apologise that this has taken so long but I had a minor case of writers block and I know this chapter isn't the best bits of my work but this is a build up to the remainder of the series and the next chapter is already under way. Feedback and comments or suggestions are appreciated and can be sent to James x

Next: Chapter 23: Tom Daley and Me III 3

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