Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Jul 21, 2015



This story is pure fiction and has no basis on real life events. It in no way is affiliated with Tom Daley and anyone associated with Tom Daley. Everything written is purely from my own imagination and anything written that may be in relation to real life is purely coincidence.

Chapter 7

"Tom, the baby will be fine in that, the whole idea of the carry case is so that it can be secured in the car with no fuss and then when he or she gets older we upgrade to a forward facing seat. It clips in and out of the push chair we get one push chair and one carry case, I am not fart arsing around trying to find two separate cases for each different car and then start working out how to fit them. It doesn't stay it will always stay in the house. Now will you please just make your choice out of these three. I know which one I want you just have to pick yours and if we don't agree then I'm going to kill you end of!" I said getting seriously and truly wound up having spent the last hour and a half in the mother and baby boutique shop in London. Tom and I had literally everything read for the baby to arrive and with only 8 weeks remaining of the pregnancy we had come to the rapid and sudden realisation that whilst we had literally everything from bottles to steriliser to stair gates to nappies and had everything set up in the house ready for our new arrival I found that we were actually missing one very crucial and important thing. A pram. So after wrestling with Tom for the last few days over going to different baby shops from mothercare to mammas and pappas we finally found this boutique shop online that was ideal for our tastes. As normal with Tom he was convinced that buying the pram online would be so much easier but as I continually argued with him I was not buying it online because I wanted to see the bloody thing before I shelled out good money for it. "Okay, Okay I like this one." He said putting his hand on one. I looked and smiled. "Very good choice." I said to him. I turned to the shop assistant. "How long before this can be home delivered?" I asked. "3-5 days we can have it delivered to your home and also assemble it for you." She said. "And how much is this one again?" Tom asked. "Does it matter the comfort and safety of our child is immaterial regardless of the cost." I said angrily. "Right you need a fag and to chill the fuck out because I am sick to death of you snapping at me over this. I am sorry if I want this to be right and if that means us taking a little bit longer then so be it. Go and have a fag and chill NOW!" he said to me angrily. "Fine." I said walking out the shop and sparking a fag. Taking short and sharp in takes of the cigarette I could feel myself calming down and relaxing and by the time I was done I felt back to normal. Going back in the shop I could see Tom looking at the blankets that were on display. "Hey." I said smiling. He turned and looked at me, "Feeling better?" he asked. I nodded and kissed him on the cheek. "Oh so now you want to show me some loving." He said as I slipped my hands across his arse and giving it a little feel. "I was just stressed you know me." I said. "I do, at least I bloody should do considering we have been married and seeing how you have been part of my life for the last 3 years." He replied. "so the pram?" I asked. "yeah lets buy that one I like it and I can see that you do" he said. I smiled and walked to the lady. "We will take this one." I said. "Okay so including delivery which will happen in 3 days its ?7950." She said. I smiled as Tom's ears perked up and before he could say anything I had put my amex card in the machine. "How much was that again sorry?" he asked. "?8,000" I said. "This is one lucky arse kid you know that." He said to me. "I should hope so with parents like us." I replied. He smiled to me as the woman handed me my receipt and we quickly left the shop.

Later that night we were back home and I had just cooked us a delicious sausage and mash. After dinner Tom had gone up to the gym and I chose this time to go and lounge in the pool. As it was a nice a night I opted to go without any clothes and swam around commando. I liked doing this as it meant I was free. Whilst I was in the pool I heard my phone go off so I swam to the side and found myself with an email. It was from a young guy by the name of Adam Fox. The email read 'Hi James, I am a massive fan of yours and would really welcome the chance to meet you in person. I can't stop looking at your photo shoots and I am very curious of what was hidden ;-). Included are some photos of me and I look forward to hearing from you. Adam xx' As he said there were pictures of him and his home address. I guess you could say curiosity got the better of me and I checked out the pictures. He was pretty fit had a great body and well quite a large cock. I emailed him back saying thank you for the email and I would be happy to meet him sometime and left it at that. Soon Tom joined me in the pool and I didn't mention anything to do with the email I had just received. "What you got on tomorrow?" I asked him. "A full day of training. My coach is putting me through an intensive workout and active session. She wants me there at 6am and had told me I can't leave until after 8pm. So you will be on your own tomorrow I'm sorry baby." He told me. "That's fine I can get up when you get up and head over to Lincoln and do a spot of shopping." I replied. He pulled me close to him and I rest myself against his strong chiselled chest. "I love you so much." He said. "I love you more." I replied. He kissed me gently on the cheek and we lay there watching the sunset relaxing in each others company. Soon the sun had gone down and now was the time to head on up to bed. After having a relaxing shower I got into bed fully naked and move close behind him. I kissed along his neck and he soon turned to me as our lips locked. He slowly climbed on top of me. I loved the feel of Tom's body. He was so smooth apart from the small trail of hair that led down into his underwear and he had an amazing set of muscles and 6 pack. He began to kiss down my neck and work his way down my body. He ran his tongue over my nipples circling them causing me to breathe heavier while he continued to work his way down my body. While he ran his tongue over my 6 pack I could feel his tenderness against me straining to get out of his boxers. He moved lower and played with my 8 Inch cock over my underwear. He pulled back the waist band and licked the head of my cock which was pulsing. He then pulled my boxers off before taking hold of my cock and plunging it in his mouth going all the way to the base before coming back up and bobbing his head up and down sucking my cock. I moaned out loud as he continued to suck his cock. "Stop!" I said. He looked up and said "What? Did I hurt you?" he asked worried. "No, you were just making me very close." I replied. He smiled and came back up and kissed I him being careful not to squash his cock. I then wrapped my legs around him twisted him over making me on top of me. I then repeated the same actions to him. Moving down his body and playing with his nipples making them hard and biting them lightly. I then removed his boxers and taking his 8 Inch hard cock in my mouth sucking heavily which also made him moan out loud. As he looked down he saw my head bobbing up and down. I looked up at me with his cock still in my mouth and this really turned him on. I released his cock from my mouth and went over to the drawer in the bedroom and grabbed some lube before going back over to him "Fuck me" I said. "I thought you would never ask. He used the lube on my waiting pink hole and then put the condom on. He also placed lube over his cock before lifting my legs in the air revealing my 6 pack more and slowly pushing his cock inside me. I felt a wave of pain for about 2 seconds before it subsided and he continued to push in to me. Once I could feel he was all the way inside he began to fuck me slowly before picking up the pace. "Fuck yeah" I called as he started to pound my arse hard really fucking me. It felt like he was going to split me in two as I could feel his cock hit my prostate over and over again making me squirm and moan loudly. "Oh my god yeah, keep going" I shouted out. I could feel myself start to tense up. He continued to push in and out of me. I suddenly felt myself explode as 5 or 6 loads of cum shot out of the tip of my cock and all over my body. My cock started to go flaccid but Tom continued to pound my arse over and over. I could feel the beads of sweat running off his forehead and on to my body. Eventually he started to tense up and soon I could feel his warm cum filling my arse. He must have shot 6 times up my arse before pulling out and lying back on top and kissing me. "That was amazing." He said. I kissed him again. "Yes it really was." I replied. He rolled off me, and we snuggled and spooned and he wrapped his strong arms around me making me feel warm and secure before we drifted off to sleep.

The following morning I woke to find him emerging from the bathroom in a towel. "Morning baby." I said. He kissed me softly. "mmmm good morning to you too." He said. I moved passed him and into the bathroom, and after a quick morning piss I put my dressing gown on and headed back out to find him in his team GB tracksuit and just closing up his bag. "Got everything?" I asked. "Yeah babe, ill have breakfast you get yourself ready for your day of shopping." He said. "Thanks babe, will you pick me something to wear that's nice." I said turning around and heading back into the bathroom. After a quick shower and shave I went back into the bedroom to find Tom had left me a pair of Gucci Jeans, a D+G shirt and a pair of Adidas hi-tops. I noticed there was no underwear out and for tom this meant he wanted me to go commando. After dressing quickly I went down stairs to find the coffee he had made for me and a fag lit outside ready for me. "Love you." I said stealing a kiss quickly before heading outside. After having my fag I went back in as Tom was finishing his breakfast and putting his bits in the dishwasher. "I'm off, have a fun day." He said. "I'll try." I replied. He kissed me a long deep and passionate kiss and eventually left. I grabbed my phone and sent a quick email to Adam saying I was in Lincoln today and I would be by his house at around half 12 but discretion was a must. So getting my things together and heading out the front I drove off to Lincoln.

Arriving in Lincoln at half 10 I took a walk round a few shops before heading back to the car where I set the sat nav for his house. It took me 45 minutes to get there and when I arrived I knocked the door, wearing a pair of shades so as not to be recognised. He answered the door to me and was hiding behind the door. "Hey." He said. I lowered my glasses so he could see it was me. "Oh heyyy." He replied smiling. He let me in and we sat in his lounge. "I can't believe your actually here, this is awesome." He said. "I cant stay for too long and you understand that no one can ever know about this." I said. "Of course, I am just so glad you came." He said. "So you said you wanted to see what was hiding in from the photo shoots, well ill show you if you have a room we can go to." I said with a wink. "Sure, this way." He said. He took me to a room that I can only assume from the d?cor was his parents room. "So yeah." He said as we go in. "First off strip." I said to him. It took him literally seconds before he lost every item of clothing. His dick was solid as a rock. In turn I took off my shirt and then my jeans and stood there totally naked. "Oh my holy fucking shit." He said as I flopped down on the bed. He stood at the end of the bed taking in the site. "Your so fucking hot." He said. "May i?." he said. "Be my guest." He climbed on to the bed next to me and began to run his hands over my body. At first the top half and then he found his way going lower, until his hands were wrapped around my cock. I moaned at his touch. He started giving me a soft kiss on the neck. Then he kissed me again, again, and again all on my soft neck. I lay enjoying every minute. Adam moved a bit closer and started giving me soft kisses on my cheek, then the corner of my lips, my chin, then he flipped me over and planted one right on my pink lips. He went in for another kiss but this time he pulled on my chin so my mouth would slightly open and then Adam slid his tongue right in there. I was in absolute heaven and figured all bets were off so I started rubbing on Adam's back and grew the courage to even grab his butt. Wanting to take things ahead but keep control Adam tugged on my hair to pull my head back and flicked my tongue on my delicate lips. I liked getting my hair pulled by guys and that only made me squeeze on Adam's surprisingly bubbly and firm butt even more. But the kissing was getting a bit stale, Adam wanted more than that. He flipped again so he was on the bottom and I was lying on top then he pushed my head down to my crotch and told me it's a free for all. I looked in awe at the thickness of Adam's soft cock lying against his thigh with two big balls lying comfortably between his thighs. I just sat there and admired Adam's lovely slab of meat, veins as clear as day, a big mushroom head and dark pubes but they were kept trim and neat. I leaned in and kissed the head, then kissed both balls, and then I licked all around Adam's ballsack before licking his cock. Leaning his head back in pleasure and letting out a low moan Adam placed his hands on the back of my head and directed it all around his cock, my tongue moved in motions with Adam's hands. Then he released his grip and let me do whatever I wanted. I took a breath, opened wide and deepthroated as much cock as he mouth would let me. Because Adam was still soft I didn't have much difficulty getting most of the dick in my mouth but Adam was quickly stiffening up. Hanging soft Adam was about 5 inches in length but once I got me standing all the way at attention he ballooned to a magnificent 8 inch long cock as thick as a grown man's wrist. I slobbered up and down Adam's meaty cock as much as I could so it would be easier to slide that monster down my throat but I could barely get more than half down. Not wanting to disappoint I simply jerked the shaft while wrapping my tongue around the head and slowly going up down, which was driving Adam insane. I kept licking at the head but then I worked my hand down under Adam's sack and decided to tickle his anus and before you know it I had Adam squirming and moaning like a little boy in heat. Adam gasped for air and banged his hands on the pillow because he couldn't believe how much pleasure he was getting from my blowjob. It was so damn good that I could poke my tongue at Adam's dick and he'd flinch. At this point Adam had to keep telling me to give him a break because he didn't want to cum too early but the fashionable guy I am wasn't having any of that. Adam tried to move around on the bed and hold his cock away from me until I pinned his hands down with all my force and went right back to town on that big dick. He didn't fight it this time, in fact he wanted the control. Adam grabbed the back of my head and pushed it down ever so slightly so more of that cock would disappear in that sweet little mouth. We were locked into each other's eyes but that didn't stop Adam from pushing my head down even more, and although I was struggling a little bit I didn't try to take the dick out my mouth.

Adam pushed and pushed all he could and now his entire dick was jammed in My mouth and I could feel his head in my throat. I was gagging and spitting all over it but I showed no signs of it being too much and swirled my tongue all around Adam's thick dick. Then when I finally came up for a breath of fresh air I looked at Adam with lust. "I want it hard Adam," I said while biting on my lip. "Let me get that hole wet first," Adam replied. And wet he got it. Adam dabbed the baby oil on each of his fingers and slid all of them individually up my awaiting hole with care. He slid them in a slow, wiggled them around a bit once they were in, then pulled it out slow. Once Adam had slid each of his ten fingers into me, one by one of course, he slid two inside. Instead of wiggling them around he decided to fingerfuck me, but he did it slow and delicately. He kept the fingerfucking at a slow pace while rubbing on the area right underneath my sack and it was making me wimper with pleasure. I was now face down in the pillow with my ass up in the air and Adam was about to go in for the kill. Once he thought he had me good and ready he placed the head of his meaty cock right outside the hole. He used two fingers to open the hole up a little bit more and gently he pushed his cock inside, inch by inch. I was squeezing the covers and moaning into the pillow but that didn't mean i wanted Adam to stop. I had been dreaming about this happening ever since we met and now that it was actually happening the moment it was more than just sex, it was pure intimacy. "Fuck me Adam, fuck me now!" I yelled with anxiety in my tone. And Adam did what he was told. He grabbed my dainty little hips and thrusted his cock inside deeper and harder. He quickened his pace and now you could hear the sound of his thighs colliding with my ass. His big balls which were the size of golf balls were also slapping soundly against my thighs but Adam wanted more. He was getting into his zone and once that happens there's no stopping him. He started to pound his cock into my ass, deeper, harder, faster! I had my face buried in the pillow to hide my muffled yelps and loud moaning but that only made Adam hornier. Adam placed both hands on my shoulders and pushed his dick in as deep as he could. I got up from my knees and was now just using my feet and his shoulders to keep my balance on the bed but that didn't mean the pounding had stopped. Adam was giving me fast but hard paces, you could feel the passion coming from Adam as he pounded away I was reduced to panting like a dog because Adam was giving it to me so good. Then suddenly Adam stopped, his dick was still in I but the pace stopped at in instance. Turns out Adam was just changing the position so now Adam was carrying I who had my legs thrown over the buff divers shoulders and we engaged in a passionate kiss before Adam went to work. All you heard was the sound of skin slapping against skin as Adam hammered his cock all the way inside me. I had my arms wrapped around Adam's neck and he loudly moaned in Adam's ear begging me to continue and to go even go harder. Adam, never being the person to deny someone a favor, did exactly that. I looked like a small animal getting pummeled as Adam assaulted my ass with that huge cock. The dick was so good I couldn't make any audible sounds, my mouth was open but nothing was coming out. Adam pounded me like he'd never have sex again and I loved every single second of it. "Cum inside me Adam, please," I wimpered while he was licking at my neck and ears. "I'm not cumming just yet!" And with that Adam tossed me on the bed like he was a little ragdoll. I looked at him with fear and tried to slide over away but Adam grabbed me by my ankles and made sure I was laying face down but my ass was sitting up nice and pretty. Not even trying to be gentle Adam jammed his dick all the way inside of me and continued to pound away at my tight hole. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head up while violenty thrusting his big dick in and out making me moan with ecstacy. I even had the audacity to place my hands on Adam's leg and push it back as a sign that I wanted him to slow down. What I didn't know was that Adam was in the zone and you don't mess with him when he's in the zone. Adam put me in the full nelson position and the room was full of nothing but my screams and an extremely loud sound of skin slapping against skin. Adam had reduced me to calling him daddy and even had me begging to slow down but there was no stopping the beast. Adam was thrusting his dick into me like a jackhammer and he wouldn't even think to slow down until it was time to drop his load, one which he was getting close to. Letting out moans of his own Adam could feel the cum churning in his loins, he knew he was close to an explosion and he wanted it to come at the best possible time. He let go of my arms only to immediately grab my hips and his thrusts were harder and more powerful than ever before. I was screaming like a mad man and Adam was fucking me so hard and fast it looked like I was about to take flight. With several more powerful thrusts Adam was released rope after rope of hot gooey cum into my ass and it was all accompanied with passionate moans from love making. Adam had came so hard he couldn't even control his body and he started to shake and squirm like he was on the verge of death. When he finally pulled out there was nothing but a stream of cum leaking from my ass. As soon as it was done I grabbed my clothes and started to dress. I looked at him, "well that was new, and im sorry but that cant happen again. I hope you understand." I said. "Totally." He said. I finished dressing and quickly left the house and drove straight off.

That night after driving home I got back to the house to arrive just at the same time as Tom. "You okay baby?" he said looking at me. "Yeah baby." I replied opening the boot and grabbing out the bags. "here let me help." He said. "Spending a fortune I see." He replied. I smiled. "You know me." I replied. "Of course that's why I love you." He said. I looked at him. "I love you too." I said. In a realisation of the days events I knew that Tom was the only one I wanted in my life and that was the way it had to stay forever and ever. We got into the house. Tom took the bags upstairs and I went into the kitchen and began making dinner. Jack, Jake, Chris and Dan were all coming over for a late night meal so I threw in some pizzas in the oven followed by some garlic bread and checked my phone. There was an email from Adam, 'Thank you for today. It was incredible. You don't have to worry though the secret is safe and ill be deleting your email address. Just wanted to say thanks.' It read. I replied simply. 'No problem.' I smiled to myself as I deleted the email and checked twitter. '@colboi83 love you James think your amazing im in Nuneaton would love to meet you sometime.' Someone had tweeted me. "And so it begins again." I thought. Tom came into the kitchen and kissed me on the cheek. As our lips locked the doorbell went off. "Go let them in." I said. The doors opened and in walked Jake, Jack, Chris and Dan. "Hey guys." I said. Looking at them I knew my life was going good and had no intention of wrecking it. Deleting the tweet I simply went over to Tom and put my arm around his. "Pizza and beer okay guys." I said. "Perfect." They all said. "Oh and the hot tub." Tom said. They all smiled. "So James whats going on with the baby programme. Not long left now." Jack said. "8 weeks." I replied and the conversation just began to flow from there. The last thing I needed now was the baby here to make my family complete. I smiled at the thought and away the evening went.

Feedback and comments welcome and I always try to reply to emails. Thank you to all who have been patient and waiting for a new chapter I am sorry it has taken so long and now that I am back to writing I promise you wont have to wait for long until the next one, many thanks. Emails to: James x

Next: Chapter 28: Tom Daley and Me III 8

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