Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Mar 10, 2013



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidence. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley.

Chapter 5

As I stood out on the balcony with a steaming cup of tea and a fag on the go in my dressing gown, my mind began to think of everything that had happened in the last week. In the week just past I had gained a boyfriend, but not any ordinary boyfriend, a celebrity boyfriend. It was like god had decided to pay me back after dealing me a load of shit over the last few years. I had decided to get up early to prepare myself for the day ahead, today was the day Tom was going to come out to everyone. He has spoken with Jamie his agent yesterday afternoon whilst I was preparing dinner and they had agreed to do it in two ways. Firstly he was going to post on twitter about it all and then we had prepared a press conference to happen here at the flat. A bunch of journalists had been invited to the flat along with Jamie and Andy. His mum had the kids to look after but she really wanted to be here to support him. She had said she would be watching and listening. There would be a live feed on his website as well as it would be on the afternoon and evening news, and he wanted me to be part of it all. I was half way through the fag when he walked out on to the balcony in my spare dressing gown and wrapped his arms around my waist scaring the shit out of me. "Good morning." I said. He lay his chin on my shoulder and smiled. "Good morning." He replied. I took another drag of the cigarette and exhaled. "Dirty habbit." He said. I laughed. "This is much needed for the day we have coming our way." I told him. "Don't, I'm so nervous." He said. I finished the last drag and threw it over the balcony. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed him. "mmm, you make things so much better." He said. "I'm here, and I am going to support you through all of this, and know that no matter what people have to say we are always going to have each other." I said. "Your right as always." He said kissing me again. "What time are they due?" he then asked. "9am." I said. He looked at the time to see it was 7:30. "I guess we better get ready." He said. Luckily we had cleaned up the day before and everything was perfect. "We can share." I said. We headed for the bathroom and I turned on the shower as we both shaved and brushed our teeth and then jumped into the shower.

After showering, drying and getting dressed it was now 8:15. I was just putting the finishing touches to my hair with my GHD's as tom was putting some hair spray on. "I need to get on twitter." He said. "The iPad is in the living room." I said. "Thanks baby." He said kissing me on the cheek and then leaving the room. I was dressed in cream chinos, a dark blue superdry hoodie with red writing on it and then a pair of black toms. I put the straightners back on the table after I had finished and turned them off and headed into the front room as tom was sat on the sofa, with the iPad beside him. "Well?" I asked. "I've done it." He said. "And?" I asked. "I can't bring myself to look." He replied. I sat next to him and picked up the iPad. "Do you want me to?" I asked. He simply nodded and I slid the slider across. It was still on his twitter feed and I just looked. His tweet read `@TomDaley1994 I WANT TO FINALLY TELL THE TRUTH AND SAY IM GAY AND IN A HAPPY RELATIONSHIP AND DESPITE WHAT PEOPLE MAY THINK I AM HAPPIER THAN EVER. THIS IS NOT A JOKE THIS IS ME OFFICALLY SAYING THIS!' I smiled. "That's the best thing you could have put." I said to him. "Do you think?" he asked. "Yeah, it's clear and to the point." I told him. "Thanks babe, what's the feedback?" he asked. I read what people were putting about it all and things were coming through good. I smiled. "It's all good." I said. He looked at me and said, "Really are you sure?" he asked. "Look." I said as we cuddled on the sofa and read it all people were saying congratulations, or so happy that he has admitted it, or that they were happy to see him happy with someone. "This feedback is amazing." He said as we continued to read. It wasn't long before his phone began to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket and the screen showed Jack Laugher was calling him. He answered. "Hey mate, hows you?" he asked. "Good thanks tom, I saw your tweet. Congratulations for coming out mate. I have tell you I have tweeted about this as well and the response I am getting is all good." He said. "Cheers mate, I am happy that things are going well." Tom replied. "Good, I will be looking out for you on the TV later." Jack said. "Cheers mate, we will have to have a catch up soon." Tom said. "Yeah be good to see the two of you." Jack replied. "See you soon." Tom said. "Bye mate." Jack replied and the phone went down. Then Chris mears rang tom to say good luck for the coming out and then congratulations. Just general stuff really. At 8:45 the journalists started to arrive with Jamie and Andy. Jamie told me and Tom to go into the bedroom while the journalists set up and that way we would be out of the and it gave us chance to prepare. At 9am Andy came to get us and we walked from my bedroom to the lounge where there were cameras and journalists set up everywhere in my lounge. We took a seat with each other on the two seater sofa which had been set up for us both. There were cameras clicking and flashing as they took pictures of us both. Jamie nodded at me and tom and tom cleared his throat. "I have asked you all here, to announce officially that I am coming out as gay. I know this has been a long time coming and many people will have already guessed this in the past. But I am now happy to say that it is true. I am no different from the Tom Daley that everyone has known me to be and I don't want anyone to think of me differently." Tom announced. "Questions?" Jamie asked as he came to stand by us. They all started to raise there hands as Jamie picked someone. "Yvonne." He said. She was from the sun. "Tom why now have you chosen to do this?" she asked. "I guess now was the right time. I am now in a relationship with this wonderful wonderful man, and I don't want to hide this." He said taking my hand. "Ahh yes Charles." Jamie said. "Tom who is this mystery man in your life." He asked. Tom looked at me. "This is James, and he is the best thing to happen to me. He has been so supportive through all of this." Tom answered. "time for one more." Jamie said. Again they all raised their voices and tried to get attention. "Helen." Jamie said. She was from Heat magazine. "James, now that Tom has come out, how do you feel?" she asked. I was stunned to get asked a question. "I am happy. I am so proud of him and he is the best person in my life. I wouldn't change him for the world and I want everyone to know that I love him." I said looking at him. "I love you too." Tom replied looking back at me. We shared a kissed and as we did the cameras were going off like crazy. "Thank you ladies and gents for coming." Jamie said. At that everyone started to pack up and leave.

An hour later and the flat had been put back to normal. After speaking with Jamie and Andy they between them had agreed to give Tom some time off to let him and everyone get used to this idea and to give him the chance to spend time with me. We sat in the lounge talking and I was so happy. "You did amazing babe." I told him. "Thanks babe, I was so nervous but after it all im just over the moon, and you did so well. Im so glad that you were there with me." He said. "Always going to be here." I said kissing him. We decided that instead of going out anywhere for the day we would stay in and just relax and chill for the day. So we came to a mutual understanding that we would watch some Star Trek DS9 and then some Voyager so we would both get to watch what we both love. It was actually lovely to sit with him for the day and everything was just so lovely. Tom sat in between my legs as we cuddled and watched the TV just episode after episode over star trek and slowly the day just went away. It got to 6pm, and the episode we were watching had just finished. "We need to make dinner." I said. "Yeah we do." Tom replied. We got up and headed for the kitchen and looked through the freezer. We decided to just put a pizza in and some chips and leave them to cook. Just as tom was clearing the dishwasher the house phone went off. I went over and grabbed the cordless and answered, "Hello." I said. "Hi son." My mum said down the phone. "Hi mum, how are you?" I asked. "Doing good thanks." I replied. "Good, just seen you and Tom on the news." She said. "And what did you think?" I asked. "Looked good. We are very proud of you." She said. "Thanks mum, that means a lot." I replied. "So when do we finally get to meet him?" my mum asked. "Well, that depends when you guys want us to come over?" I asked. "Well we aren't doing anything this weekend?" she said. "Well Tom has splash this weekend, but we can come to you on Sunday." I said. "That sounds great." She replied. "Wait let me just check." I said. "Tom do you wanna go to my parents on Sunday?" I asked. "Yeah that sounds good." He replied. "Yeah mum that's fine we will see you on Sunday." I told her. "Okay son, see you on Sunday." She said. "Great, love you." I said. "Love you too." She replied as we hung up the phone. "You can see jack as well when we are up there." I said. "Yeah, he's not far from your mums is he?" tom asked. "No not that far." I replied. He smiled and kissed me.

The following week went by so quickly. The press had been a buzz. They followed me and tom everywhere all trying to get shots and in the end Jamie had backed them all off and eventually they took the hint. We had been on the front of the papers almost every day and people at work were all talking about it and happy about it all. Getting up in the morning and going to work was always the hardest part. Tom would wake up with me and I would get ready for work and leave for work leaving him in bed. I would come home and he would have cleaned and tidied the place and also gone out to the gym and a lot of my mates would go round and see him in particular Kash would spend a lot of time with him. As for our sex life, I loved having him around so much. We would have amazing hot sex every night. Come Friday he took off for London and headed to splash rehearsals. I was sad that he had gone but I knew that on Saturday morning I would see him, and sure enough I saw him and we had an amazing day on Saturday and then a great time at splash. On Saturday night after the show we stayed at the Savoy and come Sunday morning we got up at 5am, and got on the road by 6am to head to my mums. 5 hours on the road and we finally made it to my mothers. As we got out the car we stretched and mum and Royce were walking down the drive to greet us. "Hi son." My mum said as she came to hug me. "Hi jim." Royce said as he gave me a hug while tom stood behind. "so come on then introduce." My mum said. "Tom this is my mum Tessa and my dad Royce." I said. "Nice to meet you Tom" my mum said hugging him. "Good to meet you son." My dad said as he shook his hand. "Come inside." Mum said as we walked down the drive and into the house.

We spent a few hours talking with the folks and catching up as mum finished off cooking dinner. "Come on through." My mum said as she poked her head round the door. We went through and she had made a spag bol with garlic bread. "Not a traditional Sunday dinner but it's just as nice." She said. We sat round the table and talked. "So tom how did you and James meet?" she asked. I smiled as tom talked about how we first met. The few more hours we sat there and talked and caught up it was just lovely. They got to know Tom and in turn he got to know them. "We are going to see Sarah and Scott and George for an hour before we head through to Ripon to see Tom's mate Jack, before heading home." I told them. "Short n sweet but its been lovely to have you both and we will spend some more time before the wedding." My dad said. I smiled and we made our way out with hugs and cuddles before we left. We went to see my sister and nephew and caught up with them for a little while and I got to have a hold of my nephew. "He's gotten so big now." I said. "I know he's doing so well." Sarah said. "Do you want to hold Tom?" Scott asked. "Can i?" he asked. "Of course." My sister said. He took him off me and he was a natural. "You're a natural at this." I said. "All the practise with my brothers I guess." He replied. I smiled. Maybe one day we could have one of our own. We went to jacks and I got to meet another diving champ and spent an hour or so with him and soon after at around 6pm we headed back home. On the drive home he turned to me. "I love you after this week." He said. "I love you more." I replied. This was just pure amazingness and I was over the moon.

Next: Chapter 6

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