Tom Daley and Me

By James Leete

Published on Apr 17, 2013



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coinsidentle. This story does not reflect the sexual preference of Tom Daley

Chapter 6

The more and more I lay there in bed thinking the more and more I was getting happy. I looked at the clock and it was 5:30am and Tom was fast asleep. I looked over at him and he his breathing was slow and steady. His muscular toned body was moving up and down and I couldn't help but sit and stare, the room was in total darkness but I could still see him and I was so content. "stop staring at me." Tom muttered as he was half asleep. "Sorry babe, you just look so hot when your asleep." I replied. "Come here." He said as he put his arm out. I cuddled up to him and I lay my head on his chest and I could feel his heart beat and his chest heaving up and down. I simply smiled and went back to sleep on his chest.

In the morning, I woke up to find myself spread out across the bed and no Tom in sight. I had the smell of sausages cooking wafting through the house. He was clearly cooking me breakfast, and a few minutes later he arrived in the bedroom with scrambled egg on toast, with sausages on the side and the whole thing covered in ketchup, with a glass of apple juice on a tray. "Morning sexy." He said as he smiled at me. "Hey gorgeous." I replied as I sat up in bed as he put the tray on my lap. He climbed in next to me as I took a drink of the apple juice. "Thank you my beautiful man." I said kissing him. "Go on eat and then you have work to do." He said as he got out of bed. "where's yours?" I asked. "Babe, it's 10:30am and I have been up since 8am, been out for a run and had my breakfast." He said. "God, it's late. Grab me my laptop please." I said. He left the room and brought it back to me as I ate my breakfast and turned the laptop on. As I was half way through my breakfast I had just logged into the remote server and was checking my emails and seeing what was happening. There were several accounts that were on credit hold that I could easily release and other things were checking the banking, and seeing what money had come in. I sent an email to both the sales team leader and the credit control team leader, saying that if any problems come up to call me but I will be available and to just keep me up to date. After doing a few other things and then finishing my breakfast I sat there and worked as Tom wandered around the house in a pair of shorts and a black vest top. He looked so fucking sexy. "I'm getting in the shower." He said to me. "Okay well the team leaders know what to do at work, I just need to go in at about quarter to 5 tonight just to check things and the banking for the end of the day." I explained. "Well in that case why don't we get ready cause we need to take a drive to Birmingham to meet Jamie, as he has a lot of media for me and also a lot for us both." He explained. "Both of us?" I asked getting worried. "Yeah both of us, the media were impressed by you the other day and they want us both together. Jamie says we will be the next biggest gay couple around." He explained. "Sounds cool." I said. "Well how about you get your sexy ass in the shower with me" he said as he pulled off his tank top and dropped his shorts to see his cock just hanging in between his legs and strutting off to bathroom. I leapt from the bed and ran and followed him to bathroom.

At around 11:30 after showering getting dressed and tidying the flat we started to make our way out of the flat and just as we walked out the main building doors the cameras started flashing and the paparazzi started going mad with trying to get photos of us together. We climbed into his car and we drove out of the car park and on our way to Birmingham. "They really want a piece of us." Tom said. "Oh yeah clearly they do." I said. As it took about 45 minutes to drive over the Birmingham we just chatted and listened to the CD we had playing. When we pulled up to a set of offices we climbed out of the car and into the building. After signing in at reception we went up the Jamie's office and waited out in the waiting room and eventually he came out to see us. "James, Tom so glad you could come over." He said as we headed into the office. "So quite a week it has been for you both. Tom you have been very good in this and James I am glad he has had you around to help him through this." I smiled and we shared a kiss. "Now, we have had a lot of media attention from this and I'm hoping you can be into this. The money they are offering you is very healthy. Are you interested?" he asked. "Yeah, we are more than interested." Tom said. "That's what I like to hear. Now let's get started about TV publicity first of all. First thing, they would like you on channel 4 on the Alan Carr show interested?" he asked. "Yeah we love Alan Carr." I said. "Good the filming is in 2 weeks' time and they wanted to pay you both ?2,000 each. I've got you ?3,500 each." He said. "Perfect." I said. "Next, they would like you both on good morning TV on ITV, to talk about your coming out, Tom and they would like James there to show a united front." He said. "Yeah I can do that." Tom said. "?1,500 each and that's finalised." Jamie told us. "Lastly, they want you at ITV again, on the Paul o'grady show. ?3,300 each." Jamie said. "Done." Tom said. "Perfect. Those prices have already taken off the fee I charge." Jamie said. I nodded in confirmation. "Next we have magazines. Gay times and attitude are both interested. Also we have heat and okay magazine interested. All of them want to pay ?2,000 each. What do you want to do?" he asked. "All of them." Tom replied. "Perfect, heat have said they will add another ?500 for the two of you if you do the heat torso of the week. GT have added that they want you to the naked issue as well as a full interview and if you agree to the naked shoot, they will pay ?1,000 for you both and send you on a holiday to either Barbados or the Seychelles all expenses paid. 5 star resorts" Jamie told us. "Even bloody better." Tom said. "Yeah let's do it." I said. "Now finally, the sponsorship. We have had a lot of offers, but the main one's I would like you to do, is Addidas, Lloyds TSB would like you to have a joint account and have offered you a premium account together. Two more, topman would like you both as their models and lastly, O2 would like to offer you a contract each to signify the relationship and then last but by no means least, Mini are pleased that you are both driving their cars so now they want to offer you both brand new mini cooper S's with all the extra's free of charge and ready to pick up in one week." He told us. "Yessss." I said as me and Tom hugged. "Are you happy?" Jamie asked. "Yeahh of course we are." Tom said, "Right babe." He asked looking at me. "I'm over the moon." I said. "Fantastic, right well I'll speak with these guys and work out a work rota for you both and then get back in touch and I shall also sort out the promotion with mini, Lloyds and O2." He said. "Thanks Jamie." Tom said as we shook his hand. "Good to have you both on." He said as we both left the office.

The ride home was short but enjoyable, Tom and I talked about everything that was going to happen. "So not only are you going to get your lovely salary your also going to make ?18,000 and get loads of free stuff." He said to me. "Yeah but it wouldn't have been possible without my amazing baby boy." I replied causing him to blush and smile. "I love you, you realise that don't you." He said. "I love you more than ever. You have made me so happy." I told him. He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "Anything for you." He said.

2 weeks went by and soon tom and I found ourselves in Manchester where we would spend the afternoon filming the Alan Carr show and then straight after we would do the Paul O'Grady show. We had already done the interviews for attitude, Ok, Heat and gay times. We had also done photo shoots for them all apart from gay times which was the naked shoot and this would be done when we were in Manchester. As Tom and I sat in the hair and makeup room of the studio getting ourselves ready, there were clothes ready for us. Alan was already interviewing the wanted and we would be sat on the same sofa as them. The whole idea around his show was the new series starting and it was to show how he had just got a new sofa that could fit loads of people on and tom and I were the last to be seen. After around 15 minutes of hair, makeup and getting ready we got taken onto the stage where Alan met us as we walked down the stairs. After the usual hugs and handshakes we finally sat on the sofa and there sat Daniel Radcliffe, followed by the wanted and then we sat closest to Alan. "Well welcome you two, now do you want a drink?" Alan said in his camp voice. "Yeah, what you got?" I said sitting on the edge of the sofa. "God he's keen, don't know how you keep love." He said to Tom as everyone started laughing. "Right well we have some of this pink stuff I don't quite know what it is, or we have some Cactus Jack." Alan said. "I'll take the cactus Jack." Tom said. "There you are, James what you want honey?" Alan said. "I'll try the pink stuff." I replied. "There you are, sorry I didn't have the white stuff." Alan said. Everyone was in fits of laughter. I was sat next to Nathan Sykes and I could feel his hand near my arse, and I was almost ready to get a hard on but I managed to hold it back. "Right now let's talk shop, so what's this I here you have joined my side and to top it off you already pulled, what that about?" alan said. Everyone howled again. "Well I thought now was the right time. I couldn't hide it anymore and I didn't want james to feel awkward about keeping who he is hidden." Tom said. "And James, why did you have to snap him up for. Never gave the rest of us a bloody chance." Alan said. "I guess I just had to have him. And we couldn't be happier." I replied.

The interviews went well as did the photo shoots and I was so happy. The publicity had done wonders for us both and we were being featured everywhere. I had celebs that I had only read about now following me on twitter, but I made a promise to myself that I would never change and I didn't think I had. My friends and I had grown closer as had my parents and I. Tom and I had now been together for over a month and things were just perfect. I looked forward to coming months and what they had in store.

Next: Chapter 7

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