Tom the Dom

By Tom Dom

Published on Oct 4, 2015


Author's note:

I'm Tom, and the following is a true story about the first guy I hooked up with in college, my best friend Tristan. This story ended up being a lot more about Tristan and less about me, but I learned I was a true dom by listening to Tristan talk about his experiences and sometimes spit roasting subs with him. We loved getting guys airtight our last year of college.

I plan on writing several stories about my sexual experiences. Most of the stories will be about guys I met on Craigslist over the last several months. To preserve anonymity and increase readability, some details will be changed, but the stories themselves will be true.

You can contact me to ask questions or provide constructive feedback at Trolls will be ignored.

This work is copyrighted, and commercial use is prohibited without written permission from me, the author.

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Part 1: Tristan and Frat Boy

I've known I was bi since junior high, but I never had any sexual experiences with other guys until college. One guy in particular, Tristan, was my best friend throughout college and came out to me in the middle of our junior year. After I admitted to being bi and curious, Tristan and I hooked up a few times. I may share more of those stories later, but this story is about Tristan's first experience dominating another guy.

I was pretty average looking in college, but Tristan was a stud. He played sports and went to the gym at least 4 or 5 times per week. He had an incredible body and an engaging personality. He's the type of guy who makes everyone feel special just because he notices them, and I felt lucky to be his best friend.

I was shy, but Tristan was outgoing and a natural leader. I never would have had the courage to suggest we hookup because I didn't want to risk getting rejected and making things awkward with Tristan. I don't think Tristan ever considered that people might tell him no when he said he wanted to hookup. He was extremely confident and never got embarrassed about anything. If he wanted something or thought it would be fun to try something, he'd say so and expect you to go along with it, which is how we ended up hooking up and having some awesome three ways later on.

Tristan used to love telling me stories about the guys he hooked up with. I wasn't jealous, and he enjoyed bragging. Of course, I also liked hearing the stories. Tristan was a good story teller, and we were both constantly horny, like normal 20 year old guys are. Sometimes we jacked off together after Tristan finished telling me about one of his hookups. Other times, we did more.

This story is about the 3rd or 4th guy Tristan had sex with. The guy was a frat boy Tristan saw at the gym all the time. I don't know his name. Tristan always referred to him as "the frat boy," so that's what I'll call him here.

Tristan noticed the guy checking him out while he was lifting weights and again in the locker room. Tristan told me if he and frat boy arrived at the same time, frat boy would always pick a locker close to Tristan's since the lockers weren't assigned. Tristan told me one night when we were discussing his conquests that he was going to talk to frat boy the next time he caught him staring in the locker room.

A few nights later, Tristan and I were hanging out again, and I asked if he'd done it. Tristan smirked and said yes. I knew Tristan wanted to tell me the story, but he made me beg before he agreed.

At the gym, Tristan timed the end of his workout to match frat boy's. He headed into the locker room, showered, and took his time getting dressed. Tristan told me he stood by his locker naked, turned slightly toward frat boy, gelling his hair for about 2 minutes to make sure frat boy got a good look. When he sensed frat boy was checking him out, Tristan turned and looked him straight in the eyes. Frat boy tried to look away quickly but knew he'd been caught.

After he finished getting dressed, Tristan sat down on the bench by frat boy and introduced himself. He told frat boy he was gay and appreciated other guys admiring his body since he worked hard on it. Frat boy didn't deny checking out Tristan's body but said he wasn't gay. Tristan said that was cool and told frat boy they should work out together sometimes since they seemed to be on a similar schedule at the gym. Tristan told frat boy to give him his phone number so Tristan could call him later. Because people never tell Tristan no, frat boy gave him his number.

Tristan called frat boy a few hours later and asked if he wanted to hang out. Tristan told me frat boy sounded nervous and was a reluctant, but it's very hard to tell Tristan no when he wants something. After a few minutes, Tristan had talked him into meeting.

They met at a coffee shop close to campus since frat boy (a sophomore) wasn't old enough to get into bars yet. After half an hour, Tristan got frat boy to take him back to his apartment.

They sat on frat boy's couch talking and bullshitting for another 30 minutes or so. Then Tristan turned the conversation to sex. He said he knew frat boy wasn't gay (yeah right), but wondered if he was curious about hooking up with a guy. Before frat boy could answer, Tristan told him it would be their secret if frat boy wanted to try anything. Tristan said that he'd just starting telling his friends and family he was gay a couple months earlier and would never do anything to push another guy out of the closet. Tristan told frat boy they could test his sexuality without fear of being exposed.

Frat boy sat there thinking for a minute, and when he turned to Tristan to answer, Tristan quickly moved in for a kiss. Frat boy later told Tristan he was going to decline the offer because he was too scared, but once the kiss had started and he felt Tristan's arms close around him, he didn't have the will power to stop it. Since frat boy didn't push him away or pull back, Tristan kept on kissing him and started running his hands over frat boy's body.

Frat boy was shy and wasn't really kissing back much, but he was following Tristan's lead and clearly into it. Tristan decided it was time to move things along, so he grabbed frat boy's crotch and felt that his cock was hard. Frat boy began pulling away, but Tristan started rubbing his dick through his shorts and whispered, "Let it happen man. I know you're liking it because your cock is rock hard. Relax and roll with it."

Frat boy didn't speak but stopped trying to pull away.

Next, Tristan put his hand under frat boy's shirt and gently rubbed across his chest. Tristan located a nipple and began softly pinching it. That's when frat boy first started to moan. Tristan grinned to himself and moved down to kiss frat boy's neck.

When he told me the story, Tristan said that the whole time this was going on, he had a feeling frat boy would do anything Tristan wanted as long as Tristan kept control. Tristan hadn't dominated anyone before, but really wanted to try it. We'd talked about it a few times, and Tristan had some ideas about what he wanted to do. Since frat boy had been checking Tristan out in the gym but seemed afraid to make a move, Tristan thought he might be a good candidate to dominate. It was time to find out.

Tristan stopped kissing and groping frat boy and asked frat boy if he was having fun. Frat boy looked embarrassed but said yes. Tristan told him that was good, but that frat boy needed to communicate and take a more active role if they were going to make the most of this experience. Frat boy looked scared and asked Tristan what he meant.

"I can't read your mind," Tristan explained. "I don't know what you want to try. I'm sure you've thought about this a lot and have fantasies about what you want to do with another guy. I know I thought about it a lot before my first time. Tell me what turns you on."

Frat boy shook his head. "I can't. It's too embarrassing to talk about those things."

"Come on, man. It's not embarrassing. I'm sure you haven't thought of anything original. Other guys do whatever you want to try all the time."

Frat boy shook his head again. "You don't understand. You aren't afraid of what other people think. You do whatever you want, and everyone thinks it's cool. I wouldn't have even made it into my fraternity if my parents weren't rich."

"Alright buddy, I've got an idea. You don't have to say a thing."

Tristan reached over, and unzipped frat boy's shorts. Frat boy took in a sharp breath but didn't say anything. Tristan reach in and pulled frat boy's cock out through the fly of his boxer shorts.

"You have a nice dick dude. Have you measured it?"

Frat boy nodded his head. "It's six-and-a-half inches."

"Cool bro. I'm a little over 7 inches. Want to feel?"

Frat boy didn't answer, so Tristan grabbed frat boy's hand and pulled it over to his crotch. Frat boy didn't resist and immediately groped around feeling Tristan's cock.

"Here's what we're going to do," Tristan told frat boy. "I see that you're too nervous or afraid to tell me what you want, but your body doesn't lie. Your hard cock says you're into this and want me to keep going, right?"

Frat boy nodded.

"Since you're too afraid to verbally admit what your body knows it wants, I'm going to use your dick to find out. I'm going to grab it like this," Tristan explained wrapping his hand around frat boy's hard cock. "Whenever I say something that turns you on, I'll feel your dick throb. So you don't have to say anything. I'll ask questions and get my answers by feeling your dick. Having me take control like this makes you horny doesn't it?" Frat boy's dick throbbed, and Tristan knew he had him.

"That's perfect. I'm a natural leader and like to be in control." Frat boy's cock pulsed again. "Were you too embarrassed to speak because you didn't want to admit that you want to be dominated by me?"

No reaction.

"Do you fantasize about submitting to athletic guys you see at the gym and having them use you sexually."

Big pulse from frat boy's cock.

"You want a man to put you on your knees and make you suck his dick."

Another big pulse shot through frat boy's dick, and Tristan smirked.

"Now I know how to start, but I don't know how far you want to take this. Sucking dick isn't easy your first time."

Frat boy gave a wary look.

"It's hard to get more than a few inches in your mouth without gagging if you have a strong gag reflex. But in fantasies you always imagine your lips pressed against my body and my dick all the way down your throat, don't you."

Frat boy's cock was steadily throbbing now and started to leak precum.

"Looks like you're enjoying this. I'll need to be careful not to let you cum holding your dick like this."

Throb, throb, throb.

"I think you're ready for the next step. I know your secret now. You want a big strong guy like me to dominate you. You need to submit to my desire. Since I already know, you can admit it to me. Plus, I can't keep squeezing your dick or you're going to cum in my hand."

Frat boy looked embarrassed, but Tristan said, "Hey man. There's nothing wrong with you or what you want. A ton of guys have the same sort of fantasy. I have fantasies of my own. I've always thought about finding a submissive guy and using him for my own pleasure. I won't do anything too extreme with you the first time, but I think it'll be hot to hear and feel you gagging on my cock a little, don't you?"

Frat boy looked at Tristan but didn't answer him.

"You know what else turns me on?" Tristan asked. "Hearing a guy ask if he can suck my dick."

Frat boy looked nervous and visibly swallowed.

"I'm trying to decide whether I should make you ask. I know saying what you want out loud is a huge step for you, so I won't make you beg, but I think I'll get hard again later and jack off replaying you asking to suck my dick, so I really do want to hear you say it. The fact that you look so terrified right now tells me you won't ask unless you want it really bad. You aren't a slut running around campus asking every hot guy you meet if you can blow him. If you ask me, it will prove that you are desperate for my dick, which is totally hot.

"I know this whole topic makes you horny because I can see you leaking precum over there just thinking about it, and you've never even seen my cock hard. I know you've watched it hanging there limp in the locker room because I made sure you had chances to get a good look like this afternoon. Do you want to see it hard?"

Frat boy nodded his head.

"Should I make you ask to see it?" Frat boy didn't respond. "I guess I'll give you the preview for free." Tristan started unbuttoning his shorts but then stopped and said, "Actually, I should have you do this. Come over here and get on your knees in front of me."

Frat boy took a deep breath and then started to move. He slid off the couch and onto his knees, turned toward Tristan, and scooted over in front of the handsome athlete.

Tristan waited to see if frat boy would require more instructions, but he didn't. Frat boy ran his hands up Tristan's thighs while staring at Tristan's crotch. He grabbed the zipper and started pulling it down.

Tristan kicked off his sandals while frat boy was working on the zipper and then lifted his butt so frat boy could pull his shorts and underwear down. Tristan worked one foot out of his shorts and told frat boy to take them off the other.

After Tristan's shorts and underwear were off, frat boy started to lean forward, keeping his head down and avoiding looking up at Tristan's eyes. Tristan put out a hand and put the palm on frat boy's forehead to stop him from leaning in farther.

"That's close enough to get a good look," Tristan told him. Then Tristan turned frat boy's face up so he could look into his eyes. "I told you that you have to ask me if want to suck it. Now that you've seen it in person and not just in your fantasies, the question is how much do you want it? Do you want to suck my dick badly enough to ask for it?"

Frat boy leaned back on his heals and looked down at Tristan's hard cock. Tristan grabbed his dick and stroked it a couple times while frat boy stared at it.

"Well? Do you have a question you want to ask me?"

Frat boy looked up, and Tristan winked at him.

"Come on," Tristan said feigning exasperation. "We're both going to remember this moment and jack off reliving it in our minds later on. We both know you've dreamed about being on your knees in front of me. You barely hesitated when I told you to get down there. Now it's time to give us both something to remember. Ask for what you want, boy."

Frat boy looked up when Tristan called him boy. Tristan smiled down at him. "Should I call you cocksucker instead? I would, but that wouldn't really be true, at least not yet. You haven't done this before have you?"

Frat boy shook his head and said, "No, I've never done anything with a guy before tonight."

"All you have to do to make your fantasy come true is ask, but I am going to make you ask. If you don't ask, I'm going to put my shorts back on, head over to my friend Tom's place, and have him suck me off."

Tristan liked to throw comments like that into his stories to get a reaction out of me. I played along saying, "You didn't really tell him that you'd get me to suck your dick."

Tristan: "Whatever. You suck my cock anytime I ask because you need it almost as bad as frat boy."

I rolled my eyes. I did suck Tristan's dick almost every time he asked me to, but he sucked mine too. Besides, we both knew I wasn't a submissive bitch like frat boy. I'd never asked if I could suck Tristan's dick and didn't plan too. Even though I enjoyed doing it, I didn't get off on sucking cock. I viewed it like any other favor I did for Tristan when he asked for something.

"Alright," I said, "you've delayed sharing the conclusion of this sordid tale long enough. Tell me how he begged to taste your cum or whatever bullshit you're going to claim."

"I didn't make him beg to taste my cum, he did that voluntarily," Tristan retorted.

"So anyway, frat boy was on his knees, staring at my cock as I waived it inches in front of his face threatening to leave. When he still didn't ask to suck me, I asked if he wanted me to go."

Frat boy shook his head.

"The head signals aren't good enough anymore," Tristan told frat boy. "I need to you say what you want."

Frat boy looked up at Tristan and said, "Don't leave."

"That's a start. Now, ask if you can suck my cock."

Frat boy finally gave in. "Can I suck it?" Tristan looked at him without answering. "Please?" frat boy asked.

Tristan smiled. That was easier than he expected.

"Okay, cocksucker. I'll let you taste my dick."

Frat boy leaned in, and Tristan ran his fingers through frat boy's hair. "Start by licking the head."

Frat boy quickly obeyed Tristan's command.

"Mmmm. Nice. When you start sucking, don't forget to use your tongue. Have you ever gotten a blow job?"

Frat boy nodded, pulled back a moment, and said he'd gotten blow jobs from a couple of girls.

"Think about the things they did that made you feel good and try to do those things for me," Tristan told him. "Run your tongue up and down my shaft when you bob your head up and down. Alternate between gentle sucking and firmer sucking. I'm not shy so I'll tell you what I like. You just have to follow my instructions, which is exactly what you want isn't it?"

Frat boy started to nod, and Tristan told him to answer out loud. "Yes." Frat boy paused a moment and then added, "I like you telling me what to do."

Tristan patted his head, told frat boy "good boy," and said it was time for him to learn how to suck a dick. "Lick your lips to get them moist, then open your mouth and wrap your lips around my cockhead." Tristan sighed, "That's nice, boy. Now work your tongue. Swirl it around the head. Lick up all the precum. Does it taste good?"

Frat boy moaned and nodded his head.

"That's a good start. Now let's see how far down you can go before you start to gag." Tristan moved his hand to the back of frat boy's head and started to pull his mouth down on his dick.

When frat boy stopped moving down, Tristan said, "About four inches. Not too bad, but you aren't gagging yet either. You need to learn to relax the back of your tongue and let my cock slide into your throat. Try swallowing and opening up your throat when you finish."

Frat boy did as Tristan told him and got the dick another half inch into his mouth. "Aww yeah. Good job, bro. I knew you wanted this."

Frat boy started to slide his mouth up and down Tristan's cock. Tristan let him go at it for a couple of minutes before ramping things up another notch.

"Okay. Since this is your first time, your mouth is going to start getting tired pretty soon. We'll work on your stamina later, but tonight I need to feel you gagging on my dick, and I know you want that too."

Frat boy kept sucking but didn't answer.

"Are you ready?"

Still no answer.

"I'll take that as a yes," Tristan told him and grabbed frat boy's head with both hands. Frat boy stopped moving his head, so Tristan slowly guided him down until he had as much of his dick in frat boy's mouth as would comfortably fit.

"I'm going to hold you here for a minute so you get used to your mouth being completely full with my dick. Open your jaw wide and work the underside of my cock with your tongue while you're adjusting."

Frat boy obeyed.

"Yeah that's it cocksucker. Fuck your tongue feels good. I could sit here all night with that tongue working me like this."

Frat boy like being encouraged and started working his jaw open even wider to give his tongue room to maneuver. It was the moment Tristan had been waiting for, and he took advantage. Tristan didn't try to pull frat boy's head down farther because he knew frat boy would tense up and resist. Instead, he quickly thrust his hips upward while holding frat boy's head in place.

"Oh fuck yes. Damn it feels so good all the way in your mouth. Aww yeah, choke on it, bitch."

Frat boy was gagging and trying to pull his head up. After about 10 seconds, Tristan sat back down on the couch so frat boy could breath, but he kept a strong grip on he back of frat boy's head to keep him from pulling away.

"God that was hot, boy. You did a great job taking my cock for your first time. You ready to do it again?"

Frat boy tried to shake his head no.

"Don't pretend you didn't enjoy that. You're shaking your head no, but you haven't tried to pull your head away from me since I pulled my dick out of your throat. Maybe you don't want me to do so fast next time, but you know you want to learn to throat my dick. Admit it!"

Frat boy could have nodded agreement but he started licking Tristan's cock instead.

"Fuck yes, baby. I like it when you say yes by licking my dick and making me feel good. You're showing me how much you like having my cock in your mouth by licking it like a good boy. Maybe I should start making you signal yes and no with your tongue."

Tristan was really enjoying himself. He still had his dick planted deep in frat boy's mouth and liked the tongue working his shaft. He pulled out most of the way to let frat boy swirl his tongue around the head. Tristan could feel the throat slime on his dick from frat boy gagging and felt like he was getting even harder. He wasn't ready to cum yet, but he was as hard and horny as he could ever remember being.

"Alright cocksucker. I'm ready to slide past those tonsils and feel your throat clenching around my cock again."

Frat boy moaned. He liked Tristan talking to him like the submissive bitch he was, and Tristan was getting off on degrading frat boy.

"This time, we'll take it a slower. I'm going to stand up to give you a better angle, but don't come off my cock while I'm getting off the couch."

Tristan held frat boy's head in place with one hand and used the other to help himself stand up. Frat boy kept working his tongue around Tristan's dick the whole time.

"That tongue feels so good boy. You are making me so hard it almost hurts, but I'm not going to cum until I feel that throat again."

Frat boy let out another moan.

"Push your mouth back down as far as you can go. Yeah, that's it boy. Now drop your jaw and flatten your tongue on the bottom of your mouth. I'm going to hold your head in place and start to push in. Take a deep breath and try to relax."

Tristan started slowly moving his hips forward. He could feel the pressure on his cockhead as he slid into the narrow opening between frat boy's tongue and tonsils. That was his favorite place to slide through in a guy's mouth. Gliding through that small passage always felt so good and feeling the tightness as his head slid back and forth through it is what usually got him off when a guy was sucking him.

Frat boy started to gag, and Tristan stopped moving.

"I'm going to stay here for 10 seconds and then pull back to let you get another breath. Try to relax while you listen to me count. 10, 9, 8, . . ."

By the time Tristan reached 0, frat boy was totally relaxed.

"I can feel your breath coming out your nose, so I know you don't need me to pull back. You better take another breath 'cause I'm ready to feel that tight throat again."

Frat boy tensed up a little and almost started gagging.

"I'll give you three seconds to get yourself under control, but then I'm going in whether you're ready or not."

Frat boy tried to relax but couldn't. As Tristan reached three, he thrust his hips forward fast and hard, plunging his dick into frat boy's throat. Frat boy tried to cough and pull back, but Tristan hunched over and grabbed the back of his head to hold it firmly in place.

"Fuck that throat feels good. Take that cock, bitch. I knew I was going to be balls deep in this mouth the second I saw you staring at me in the gym."

After about 20 seconds, Tristan pulled most of the way out of frat boy's mouth.

"The only way you're going to get good at this is to keep doing it. Practice makes perfect, so take a breath and get ready."

Frat boy quickly swallowed and took a deep breath. As soon as frat boy seemed ready, Tristan pushed his dick back into his throat. Frat boy started to gag, and Tristan pulled out.

As he started to thrust forward again, Tristan said, "I'm going to get in a rhythm now. Try to match your breathing to my pace. Take a breath ever second or third time I pull out of your throat. If you try to do it every time, you'll rush and end up gagging."

Tristan was taking a little bit of time between each thrust to give frat boy some time to adjust his breathing. Sliding into frat boy's throat was also getting easier, though that probably had more to do with the slime coating Tristan's dick than any skill frat boy had developed in the last couple minutes. Throat slime made the best lube, Tristan thought to himself.

"You have no idea how sweet your throat feels dude. Does it make you horny knowing you're making me feel so good?"

It seemed like frat boy tried to nod his head yes, but Tristan couldn't be sure. He also really didn't care what the answer was. Tristan was getting what he wanted and was saying any thought that popped into his head because talking during sex always got him hornier. Treating frat boy like an object to be used for his personal pleasure and amusement made it even hotter.

"I'm starting to get close, boy. I didn't ask if you wanted to swallow my cum earlier. You probably would've said no, but I know you want it now."

Tristan kept methodically fucking frat boy's mouth the whole time he was talking. Shoving his dick all the way into frat boy's throat and then pulling back out past his tonsils. Over and over again. Frat boy had gotten the breathing down and was moaning while Tristan spoke to him.

"You want my cum in your mouth for 2 reasons. First, you will get off knowing that I used your mouth and throat as I pleased without asking if you were going to swallow. The idea of me taking complete control and not giving you an option makes your dick throb so hard you might cum without even touching it."

Frat boy moaned loudly, and Tristan grinned down at him.

"Second, you want to make me happy. Being dominated turns you on, but you also need to know you are pleasing me to feel satisfied. That's why you've let me abuse your throat like this. You know I won't be happy if I have to cum with my cock hanging out in the cool air conditioning of your apartment instead of your soft warm mouth. And if I'm not happy, I might not let you suck my dick again. But now you're addicted and you're going to be begging me to suck on it constantly."

Frat boy moaned some more.

"That's why you're going to let me cum wherever I want even if you didn't think you'd let me cum in your mouth 10 minutes ago. You're going to swallow every drop I give you because you need to serve me and make me feel good."

Frat boy's moans got louder and louder as Tristan talked. When Tristan was finished, frat boy started frantically trying to push his head up and down Tristan's cock as fast as he could.

Tristan yelled, "Ouch!" He grabbed frat boy by the hair, pulled him off his dick, and slapped him. Not too hard, but hard enough to make a point. "Watch you're fucking teeth!"

Tristan scolded frat boy, "A good cocksucker doesn't let himself lose control. You need to follow my lead. When I'm fucking your mouth, I set the pace, not you. You are here for my pleasure. This blow job is about me getting what I want. Your focus has to be on making me feel good, not trying to satisfy your own sick desires."

Frat boy looked appropriately chastened and nodded his head.

"Because your teeth scraped me, I'm going to make you ask for my cum before I feed it to you."

Frat boy was so horny by now that he was past feeling shame about his need to submit to Tristan. He looked Tristan in the eyes and said, "Please let me keep sucking your dick, sir. I want to taste your cum. I need to feel your dick sliding into my throat."

Tristan was going to remember that little speech for a long time. Maybe forever.

"Good boy. Since you asked so nicely, I'll feed you my load. Open up."

As soon as frat boy's lips parted, Tristan rammed his cock all the way in. He felt frat boy's throat muscles clench like they were trying to milk the cum out of him.

Tristan got himself back into a steady fucking rhythm. He didn't have to hold frat boy's head in place anymore. Instead, he had his fingers wrapped through frat boy's hair and was pulling it just hard enough to make it hurt a little. Frat boy seemed to enjoy the pain.

"I'm getting close again, cocksucker. I'm going to make your wish come true and feed you a big load, boy. I usually cum at least once every day, but I haven't jacked off since the night before last. I told my friend I was going to make my move on you and decided to save up a little to give you a nice big taste."

Frat boy was moaning again. Tristan saw him grabbing his cock occasionally and said, "Stop touching yourself, bitch. You can jack off after I cum. Put your hands behind your back."

Telling frat boy he wasn't allowed to touch his own dick and seeing him immediately obey the order to put his hands behind his back sent Tristan over the edge.

"That's right boy. I'm in charge. Ohh, fuck. I'm gonna cum."

With that, Tristan grabbed frat boy's head hard and shoved his cock all the way in again. Tristan's body trembled, and he said, "Fuck! Yes! I'm shooting my load straight down your throat! That throat feels so good!"

After the first few shots of cum went down frat boy's throat, Tristan pulled out a little and let the rest of his load squirt out on frat boy's tongue.

"Yeah, bitch. Taste my cum. You like that, don't you."

Frat boy moaned and moved his tongue around again to show Tristan his appreciation.

"Oh yeah. Such a good cocksucker. Your tongue feels so sweet stroking my cock while it's covered in my cum. Now it's time to swallow my nut."

Frat boy looked up and started working to swallow. He gagged a little, not used to the thick cream, and started to cough.

"Here, let me help," Tristan said and thrust his cock all the way back down frat boy's throat. "Fuck yeah. I'm gonna push my cum down your throat with my cock. Take it all bitch."

Tristan fucked frat boy's mouth a few more times to push more cum down his throat and prove that he was still in charge. Then Tristan pulled his dick out and gently smacked frat boy on the cheek.

"What do you say?"

Frat boy momentarily looked puzzled, then said, "Thank you, sir."

"That's right, cocksucker. You need to be grateful when I let you suck my dick and eat my cum."

Next: Chapter 2

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