Tom the Dom

By Tom Dom

Published on Feb 18, 2023


Author's Note:

I'm Tom, and the following is a true story about a guy I met on Craigslist. You can email me at to ask questions or provide constructive feedback. To preserve anonymity and increase readability, some details will be changed, but the story itself is true.

As some of you know, I used to maintain a blog on tumblr, but I had to delete it because of a threat to my personal security. After several months, I finally feel safe enough to start publishing stories again under this identity, but I can't promise that I will be submitting them frequently. You're getting this one because I felt like writing it. Several people who followed my tumblr blog have asked me to submit stories to Nifty that I previously published on tumblr and that got deleted when I deactivated my tumblr account. I am considering doing that, but no promises.

This work is copyrighted, and commercial use is prohibited without written permission from me, the author.

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Part 12: How to Enjoy Sports When Your Team Sucks

My favorite team sucks this season. There's really no other way to put it. A team that had so much promise on paper has been riddled with injuries, and the healthy players have been performing far below their potential. I'm not kidding. Only 1 fucking win so far in the month of February. We have a serious coaching problem that the team doesn't want to address right now, probably because the coach's contract expires at the end of the season and this season is already lost.

Like many Men, I can get passionate about sports. When my team is having a shitty game, it brings me down. When it's a shitty season and the playoffs are out of the picture, my mood really starts to sour. Fortunately, I've found a way to cope.

As those of you who followed my blog on tumblr know, I have a local faggot I call "Frank." Because Frank lives near me and is pretty loyal in a land full of capricious and flaky fags, I have allowed him to serve me for almost three years now, which is longer than any other fag I've known.

While Frank isn't perfect, he continues to improve every time he serves me. Like many faggots, he's a slow learner, but after a lot of coaching, he has finally learned to use his tongue properly throughout an extended blowjob session. He used to complain about getting tired after 20 or 30 minutes, but last week I used his mouth for a full hour and his tongue kept up the whole time.

The only real flaw Frank has is his excessive use of poppers, which causes him to become overly eager. When that happens, he sometimes scrapes my dick with his teeth. Then I have to slap him, spank him, or grab and squeeze his balls while he repeatedly says he's sorry and begs my forgiveness. My response and the severity of punishment depend on how well Frank is performing overall and how much of his teeth I felt.

Back to the point of this story, as my team's performance turned from lackluster in January to abysmal in February, I decided I needed a better way to watch away games than sitting at home cursing at the television. So I texted Frank last Thursday and told him I'd be coming over. I usually stop by about once a week and I was due for a visit anyway. I told him I would not be in a hurry because I planned to watch the game while he served me. He was excited and honored by the opportunity.

After this many visits, Frank and I have a routine. I text him when I'm on my way over. He leaves the door to his apartment unlocked and waits for me in his bedroom naked on his knees. When I enter the apartment, I take my time making my way back to his bedroom. A lot of times I stop to use the restroom. If I'm feeling generous, I call him into the restroom and let him kneel in the shower so he can swallow my piss. But tonight I just pissed in the toilet instead of giving Frank the honor.

After a long piss, I walked into Frank's bedroom. He was in his usual position, kneeling at the foot of the bed waiting for me. I noticed that he had done something new with the bed. He'd arranged several pillows to create a throne for me to sit on while I watched the game.

"You made a throne for me," I said.

"Yes, Sir. I wanted you to be comfortable and feel like the king you are while you enjoy the game," Frank answered.

I smiled at him and said, "Ever since I told you about my other fag cocksuckers, you've been working harder to please me. I can see you're trying to earn bonus points tonight."

"Yes, Sir. I want to be the one to take care of you."

"I know you do, boy. Keep showing this kind of effort and you're likely to continue being rewarded."

Frank couldn't keep the smile of his face as he thanked me.

Sometimes I have Frank take off my shoes, socks and pants for me while he's on his knees, and other times I do it myself. Today I took off all of my own clothes before stepping up to him and letting him taste my dick.

Those first few moments inside Frank's mouth always feel incredible. There are few things in life better than being engulfed by that amazing warmth as his soft tongue begins licking and stroking my shaft and I hear him moan in delight.

I pat him on the head and say, "You're always such a hungry cocksucker and that mouth feels so nice and warm on a cool night."

Frank simply moaned louder in response. It took a while, but he eventually learned that it isn't acceptable to stop sucking my dick to respond to my comments. He feels an almost desperate need to convey to me that he hears my remarks and appreciates what I'm telling him, but he knows he'll be punished if he opens his mouth to answer me. My pleasure comes before any need he feels to tell me things I already know. Sometimes he still manages to get out something like "Thank you, Daddy" if he's licking and kissing up and down my cock when I speak to him, but he knows not to switch from sucking to worship just so he can try to speak.

I got to Frank's apartment several minutes before the game started. So I took a few minutes to stand in front of him and use his mouth with him on his knees. I like standing up with a cocksucker kneeling in his proper position. I think it's good for a sub's state of mind to begin in that position even if he doesn't stay there very long.

When I was ready to move to my throne to watch the game, I grabbed Frank by the hair and dragged him along as he climbed up onto the bed behind me. I allowed him to take a hit of poppers while I got situated, and then he went back to work worshiping me like a good faggot.

Frank started by licking my balls. At this point, the most important thing for him to do was keep me entertained and feeling good while keeping his head below the sight line of the television. Starting with my balls and some long licks up my shaft was a smart move.

I ran my fingers through Frank's hair while enjoying his soft tongue lapping at my ball sack as the game began. I was in excellent spirits. I was proud to my plan come to fruition. I was going to enjoy this game no matter the outcome. After all, how could a Man not enjoy a game when he has a dedicated cocksucker taking care of him throughout? Seems like it should be impossible, right? Unfortunately, my team was prepared to test the theory.

They were disorganized from the beginning. Bad passes, giving the puck away, no defensive coverage. But this was expected by now. It's why I had Frank's mouth there to distract me and keep me from getting pissed off about the little mistakes that were inevitable with this team. No big deal. I could live with this. I would just lean my head back for a minute and enjoy Frank's lips and tongue while he buried my dick. He's a good cocksucker. This is what I'm here for.

"Fuck yeah, boy. Such a sweet mouth. This is just what I needed to relax while watching a shitty performance."

I focused less on the television and more on the sensation of Frank massaging my cock with his tongue and throat as he repeatedly swallowed with my dick buried deep. The realization that I was only half hard showed me how distracted and frustrated I had already become by focusing so much on the game. If my plan to was going to work, I had to shift my focus.

I started talking to Frank more, "Good faggot. Open that throat up for me and take my cock. That's a good cocksucker. Do your job well and distract me from this travesty on the TV."

Frank murmured assent as he continued to work his way up and down my cock. And for a few minutes, I was happy. My team was still playing like shit, but nobody had scored yet, and I was getting a good blowjob from a very motivated and happy cocksucker. This was what life was meant to be for a Man like me.

A couple minutes later, my team got a power play, and I thought things might turn around. I held Frank's head all the way down and planted my dick in his throat for a full 30 seconds in anticipation of the change in fortunes. This was definitely the proper way to enjoy a game I told myself.

My exuberance lasted less than 50 seconds. That's when my team gave up its first short-handed goal of the night.

"Damn it," I shouted! "Can't win a fucking faceoff to save our lives tonight. And dropping back to leave a man wide open at the top of the circle while his teammates screen your goaltender's vision is always a brilliant defensive strategy."

Frank turned his eyes up to look at me. I could tell he was confused and a little scared by the outburst. I don't think he knows anything about hockey, but I decided to lighten the mood by treating his confused expression as an actual inquiry about my remarks.

"What? You disagree," I asked him.

Frank looked even more confused but gave his head a slight shake before going back to what he was supposed to be doing, which was taking my mind off these shitty plays and making me feel good. I took a deep breath and sighed in response.

Then I said, "That's right, faggot. Your job is to focus on that cock and making me feel good. You don't need to question my commentary about the game."

He looked up and said, "Sorry, Daddy" before moving down to lick my balls some more.

I slapped him and said, "Don't talk either. If I want to hear from you, I'll let you know."

Usually the best way to deal with Frank apologizing is to ignore it. If I punish him for speaking, he typically apologizes more. To avert this common trap, I shoved his face back down into my balls and looked up at the TV. At least the TV allows me to show him that my attention is focused elsewhere to he'll shut up when I want him to.

Frank alternated between licking my balls and sucking my cock for the next few minutes while I watched two players fight and then tried not to let more horrendous play bring me down. However, there's only so much any true sports fan can ignore.

Frank was soon jolted from his state of mental bliss by me exclaiming, "Are you fucking kidding me!?" and pounding my fist into one of the pillows serving as an arm to my throne. While my team was getting ready for another power play during the delayed penalty call, it pulled the goalie for an extra attacker. One of our players made a horrible no look pass and shot the puck straight into our own empty net from center ice. It's the kind of thing you see 7 year olds do by mistake. It isn't something that should happen at this level. Ever.

Obviously, no game watching plan could have withstood this level of incompetence. No cocksucker on earth was going to keep me calm while watching this spectacle. Time to switch tactics. I grabbed Frank's hair and yanked his mouth off my cock.

"Time for you to get fucked," I told him.

Frank looked a little frightened. Not really scared, but somewhat trepidatious. I usually spend at least a little time playing with his hole and getting him warmed up before fucking him. I would have tonight too if the game wasn't going so poorly. I had plenty of time. After all, we still had a couple minutes left in the first period, and I was in no hurry to leave. But I needed to release aggression in a way that sitting back on a throne would now allow.

Frank got on his hands and knees on the edge of the bed while I got out a condom. After putting the condom on, I slathered it with plenty of lube and then wiped my hand across Frank's pussy before roughly shoving one finger inside and jamming down on his prostate a few times, eliciting a high pitched moan/squeal from Frank.

I pulled my finger out of Frank's hole, lined up my cock, and thrust inside his pussy hard, immediately burying my cock all the way. I didn't slow down to give Frank time to adjust. The purpose of this fuck was for me to relieve aggression. Hell, the whole point of using Frank during the game was to relieve stress, and I intended to take full advantage. So I started pounding away, using his ass hard. In and out. Quick, deep thrusts. Over and over.

Frank was immediately moaning and shoving his head into a pillow to muffle the noise he was making. He was almost beyond words, but after a couple minutes I could hear him repeating, "Mmm. Feels so good. Mmm. Mmm. So good."

That's what I like about fucking fags like Frank. Even if I don't prepare them and start as rough as possible, within a few minutes, they all love getting fucked mercilessly. They want nothing more than to be used like a worthless hole.

Seeing and hearing how much Frank was enjoying getting pounded was exactly what I needed to start turning my mood back around. I started turning from angry aggressive to playful aggressive.

I slapped Frank's ass a few times and said, "Damn I love using your cunt. It's always so warm, tight, and ready for me."

"Yes, Sir. It belongs to you. Anytime you want it, it's yours. Please use it, Sir."

"You wish I'd come by more often to fuck you, don't you?"

"Yes, Sir. I wish I could feel your dick inside me every day."

"Typical greedy faggot. Of course, if I actually texted you every day, you wouldn't be ready to commit and serve me properly. Fags always over promise while getting fucked."

I let the conversation die there for a while and simply enjoyed using Frank's pussy. I'm never totally silent during sex, but I wasn't talking to Frank or saying anything that gave him a reason to respond either. I was in my own world, enjoying a tight hole, doing what I was meant to do. Likewise, Frank was in his own world, enjoying taking my cock and letting me use his pussy however I wanted, doing what he was born to do.

After several minutes of steady hard fucking, I had to slow down. Anger and aggression will only postpone an orgasm for so long if I don't exercise restraint. Frank had already been working my cock for about 45 minutes before I started fucking him, so I had to slow down and start varying my thrusts if I was going to make this last, and I planned to make it last.

I buried my dick and started gyrating around inside Frank's ass so he could feel me stretching the outer edge of his hole and pressing against the inner walls. He moaned loudly in response like he always does when I do that.

"You feel how hard my cock is buried inside your pussy, boy? It's like a steal rod in there opening you up and stretching that hole to make it easier for me to fuck. Molding your cunt to perfectly fit my dick."

"Yeah, Daddy. I love how hard you feel inside me."

"I told you before I came over tonight that I'm not in any hurry. I'm going to make this fuck last. What's the longest you've ever been fucked?"

"I don't know, Daddy. It was with you."

"Of course it was. I think the longest I've gone fucking you is only about 25 or 30 minutes. I'm going to use your cunt for a lot longer than that tonight, so I hope you're ready. You've gotta keep it nice and loose for me like this so I can give you the fuck you need," I told him as I continued working my dick all around pushing against the sides of his hole.

"Yes, Sir. Anything for you. I love when you call it a cunt and remind me what it's really for."

I laughed to myself and thought, "Typical faggot. Gets turned on by having his asshole called a pussy and a cunt and his dick called a clit."

Very slowly, I started sliding my cock out of Frank's hole until only the head was left inside. Then just add slowly, I reversed course and started sliding back inside until my dick was planted deep again. I wasn't counting the seconds, but I was moving so slow that it probably took four or five seconds to pull out and another four or five to push back in. I was moving so slow that it was almost agonizing.

"Oh fuck, Sir," Frank whined. "You tease my hole so good."

"That's nice faggot, but I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it because I enjoy feeling your pussy lips squeeze every millimeter of my dick as I fuck you. I told you that I'm going to make this last. I'm going to play with your hole and keep myself entertained however I want. It doesn't really matter to me if you like it or not."

"Yes, Sir."

After a minute or two of the super slow thrusts, I switched to pulling out slow (but not quite as slow) and then slamming in hard. Then I went back to a steady pace, maintaining an even rhythm, neither too fast nor too slow. I think of it as the just right speed to enjoy a pussy for a long fuck.

When I settle in to fuck for an extended period, I have to mix things up to keep it interesting. The "just right speed" is sort of like the base rhythm for the fuck. I'll deviate from that for variety when I feel like it, but then I return to my standard tempo.

For my long fuck with Frank, I mixed things up by incorporating short bursts of hard, rapid thrusts where I slammed into him deep several times before returning to my steady, relaxing pace. I like those rough moments interspersed throughout an otherwise steady rhythmic fuck, and trust me when I say that no bottom boy has ever complained about them. The problem is condoms.

I'm married and not very trusting. I'm even less trusting after a faggot tried to blackmail me last year. So I always wear a condom when I fuck guys, even the ones I see almost every week like Frank.

The problem with condoms and fucking submissive men is that assholes aren't self lubricating the way vaginas are. So if you are fucking a sub guy for a long time, the condom is probably going to break.

About 20 minutes into fucking Frank, the inevitable happened and the first condom broke. But that was alright. Like a boy scout, I was prepared. I had a spare condom because I knew that I was planning for a long fuck.

After changing the condom and applying more lube to my dick and Frank's hole, I went back to fucking. As I pushed my cock back inside I realized that Frank really does have a great hole.

I tried several rhythms fucking Frank, enjoying my time focused completely on his cunt before the second period began. I hoped that once the game started again my team would motivated to redeem itself after how embarrassing the first period had been.

The puck dropped, and I congratulated myself again on my plan to make the game more enjoyable no matter the outcome. A few minutes in, I got so distracted watching a two-on-one break away that I stopped moving. I felt Frank sliding backward into me and then forward as he began fucking himself on my dick.

"I might as well be a dildo standing here. You can't go five seconds without me fucking you, faggot?"

"I'm sorry, Daddy. I just need your dick so bad."

"Fine. Show me how badly you need it. I'm just going to stand here and enjoy the game while you do the work. Use that pussy to milk my cock."

Frank did as he was instructed, and I gave him a few hard slaps across the ass. He started rocking back and forth on the bed, engulfing my cock with his cunt and then pulling it back up. That lasted for about 30 seconds before I took control again. Sometimes I will allow a boy to ride me while I lay down in bed, but if I'm standing up in position to fuck, I'm going to control the tempo and depth of each stroke. Your job is to be still and accept whatever I decide to give you.

I grabbed Frank's hips to hold him still and started slamming into his pussy hard once again. As I began this fresh assault, I grabbed a fistful of his hair, yanked his head back, and leaned forward to speak directly into his ear.

"You don't really want to be in control, rocking back and forth on my dick like a desperate faggot alone with a toy. You want me to take control and use you like the bitch you are, to fuck you the way I want to use you with no regard for how you feel. That's the only thing that really makes you feel satisfied."

Frank moaned something unintelligible in response, and I shoved his face down into the pillow. Then I grabbed his wrists and pulled his arms behind his back. I used his wrists for leverage, holding one with each hand and pulling back on them hard with every thrust as I slammed my cock into his tight hole over and over again. Every time plunged into his pussy, I said a single word, "You . . . are . . . just . . . a . . . faggot . . . who . . . needs . . . his . . . holes . . . used . . . by . . . a . . . real . . . Man. . . . I . . . own . . . you."

Frank moaned louder. At least it sounded louder. It was hard to tell with his face buried in the pillow.

One time, right before deleting my tumblr blog, I posted a short message about fucking Frank so hard he couldn't walk after. I was determined to make this fuck just as memorable.

The best thing about using a fag for sex instead of a woman is that I can enjoy multiple things at once. A woman wants you to be focused entirely on her. Imagine telling a woman to suck your dick while you sit back with a beer and watch TV or saying you want to fuck her while simultaneously watching a game. She'd be pissed off. A fag is the opposite. It turns him on more to know he's being used while you're enjoying something nonsexual at the same time. It makes him feel more objectified to know that your attention is divided. We both win.

The whole time I was fucking Frank, I was also keeping an eye on the game. I allowed the flow of the game to dictate my own movements. The speed and intensity of my thrusts varied with the action on the screen. It was almost like developing my own sexual choreography to accompany the game.

When my team finally scored a goal, the fucking turned celebratory. Frank got several hard slaps on the ass and then I grabbed his shoulders and pulled his back into a nice arch so that I could thrust upward and fuck him hard for a few minutes.

Throughout the varied speeds and intensity based on the game, I kept myself well under control. I would get close to cumming but then pull myself back from the edge. I love using a nice cunt or mouth to edge myself, and that's exactly what I was doing with Frank. I was also intentionally pushing Frank's buttons. I had him moaning almost constantly like a fag in heat. I kept up the dirty talk at appropriate intervals and used positioning to make sure I was hitting the rights spots as I fucked him.

Frank has told me many times that no other Man has the ability to put his mind into a submissive state the way I do. I knew that he was loving every second of being controlled and fucked while I enjoyed the game and used him like an object. Every time I angled my thrusts to push into his prostate, he clenched his pussy tight and let out a higher pitched moan. When I did it several times in a row and pounded hard, directly into his prostate while he squeezed his pussy tight, his whole body started to shake like he was almost there. But I didn't want him to reach that point, so I slowed down and changed my position again.

Frank kept on squeezing after I changed the angle, and I knew he was hoping to make himself cum, praying I would give him enough pressure in the right spot enough times to make it happen. But I'm experienced enough not to allow that if I don't want to. By adjusting the direction of my own thrusts, I was able to toy with Frank. I could give him more or less intense pleasure depending on how close he and I each seemed to be getting to cumming.

As good as I am at controlling myself and my bottom, when my team scored again to tie it up, I almost lost it. I started fucking Frank hard again without thinking. I grabbed his hips and rammed my dick deep, burying it inside the warm fuckhole over and over again. And then I felt it. After almost an hour of fucking . . . the second condom broke.

"Damn it!" I cursed and pulled out of Frank's ass. "Fucking condoms. Sorry faggot, no more cock in your pussy tonight. But I have some good news for you. You get to taste my cock some more."

I grabbed Frank and sat him on the floor with his back against the side of the bed. Placing the palm of my hand on his forehead, I pushed his head back into the side of the mattress.

"You can thank me for that fuck by making your mouth a good pussy for me to use. You know this is one of my favorite positions. I always like shoving my dick in deep to fuck your mouth when you have nowhere to go."

"I know you do, Daddy."

"But if you bite me tonight while I'm fucking your throat, I swear I will castrate you. Do you understand me, faggot?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good," I said, and without giving Frank even a second to catch his breath, I shoved my dick in deep loving the feel of my head passing under his tonsils. "Keep your lips tight and your tongue up. I want your mouth to feel like a warm, soft, wet pussy. Don't try to get creative and move your tongue around. Your sole purpose right now is to give me a hole to fuck."

Frank was smart enough not to attempt a response with his mouth full, but he obviously heard me because I felt his lips tighten and his tongue move into position.

"There you go, cocksucker. Be a good hole for me. Earn my load. Serve your purpose."

I kept my left hand on Frank's forehead to anchor his head against the mattress and placed my right hand on the bed next to him to use as leverage as I angled myself downward and began thrusting into his mouth in earnest. I typically felt like I could use a cocksucker in this position all night if I really wanted to, but I'd already gotten 45 minutes of head and spent nearly an hour fucking Frank. By now, I was getting desperate to cum. I know I have more stamina than most men, but even I have limits. Still, I wasn't going to push it. I was going to enjoy that sweet mouth and cum whenever it felt right. Besides, I still had a couple minutes left in the second period to enjoy before I even needed to let the mouth become my primary focus.

There I stood, fucking Frank's mouth, sometimes slowly, other times with more vigor, while I enjoyed the game. I've used a cocksucker during a game before, but I always thought of it as a minor enhancement rather than a necessary feature to make the game palatable during an otherwise intolerable season. This was a new experience, and I knew I'd be repeating it.

While I have a cocksucker's head pinned, I like to shove my dick in deep and leave it planted in his mouth. Sometimes I do that and wiggle around a bit, like I'm stretching out a cocksucker's tonsils. It's kind of the same thing I do when I push against the walls of a tight pussy to stretch it out while my cock is buried inside.

Frank knows that when I hold his head down on my cock, he is expected to use his tongue to stroke it. However, having his head pinned and used like a pussy in this position tonight apparently caused him to forget his prior training.

Apparently, he needed a reminded. I slapped him lightly and said, "Listen cocksucker. When I keep my dick buried in your mouth, you're supposed to move your tongue to lick and stroke it. Then when I start fucking again, you push your tongue back into mouth pussy position."

After being instructed, Frank started doing his job as a cocksucker properly again. It's amazing how thoughtless faggots can be if a Man isn't constantly telling them what to do.

I continued using Frank's mouth for the last couple minutes of the second period and through most of the second intermission before I decided was ready to let myself go over the edge and cum. Usually when I cum, I do it with my dick buried inside a boy's mouth or ass or while I continue to thrust in and out of whichever hole I'm using. But tonight I decided to give Frank a special treat.

The last stroke before I came, I pulled my dick out of Frank's mouth, grabbed him by the hair with my left hand and pulled his head forward so he was looking straight at my cock. I wrapped my right hand around my dick and with half a stroke (but without giving Frank any warning), I started shooting a massive load all over his face. After the eighth shot erupted from my cock, I pushed Frank's head back against the bed and plunged my dick back into his throat for the last couple of squirts.

Frank was moaning euphorically and frantically licking at the underside of my cock trying to taste the little bit of cum I'd given him. After riding out my orgasm in his mouth and fully enjoying it, I pulled my dick out and used it to wipe some of the cum from his face onto his eager tongue. He's always such a hungry cocksucker, and I knew he'd want to eat as much of my load as possible. He once confessed that he eats my cum out of the condom when I fuck him if I leave it on the bed instead of throwing it away myself. Of course, I haven't thrown away my own condom since.

After feeding Frank, I grabbed the towel he set out for me before I arrived and used it to wipe myself up. I began with my head and chest. I was drenched in sweat after such a long and vigorous fuck. On top of enjoying the game, I got a decent workout.

After I wiped the smeared cum and spit from my dick, balls, and legs, I tossed the towel over Frank's head. He hadn't tried to move from his spot sitting next to the bed yet.

All in all, my plan to enjoy the game was a complete success. By the end, I wasn't even worried about my team inevitably fucking up and losing in the 3rd period, which it did.

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