Tom the Dom

By Tom Dom

Published on Oct 22, 2015


Author's Note:

I'm Tom, and the following is a true story about a guy I hooked up with from Craigslist. I plan on writing several stories about my sexual experiences. Most of the stories will be about guys I met on Craigslist over the last several months. To preserve anonymity and increase readability, some details will be changed, but the stories themselves will be true.

In Part 3, I invited readers to vote on which story I should write next. Stories 4 and 5 received the most votes, so #5 is below and I plan to write #4 next. If you have an opinion about what I should write after these two, let me know. You can email me at to vote, ask questions, or provide constructive feedback. I've also started responding to questions and comments I've received from readers and posting other stuff on Tumblr. Follow me at

Finally, thanks to all the doms, subs, and vers guys who have emailed me. Keep sending the hot pics, links to your favorite videos, and stories about your own experiences. Hearing from all of you has encouraged me to spend as much of my free time as possible writing these stories.

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Part 5: The Unacceptable Sub and the Backup Cocksucker

I often post ads on CL when I'm traveling for work. For one thing, it's when I typically have the most free time. I don't have to worry about getting home by a certain time to make the wife happy or read the kids bedtime stories. I also generally have trouble sleeping in hotels, so I don't mind staying up late to hook up since I'm not going to be falling asleep anyway.

The events in this story happened last month when I was in San Antonio for a couple days. I posted the ad below when I got back to my hotel room the first night of my trip.

覧覧 Title: Dom guy needs cocksucker

You: Submissive guy who likes a man to take control, put you on your knees, and talk dirty while he uses your mouth.

Me: Married white bear. Clean cut, normal/sane. I act straight and I'm a nice guy in public. No one would ever guess that I enjoy dominating cocksuckers behind closed doors. Love to see a boy on his knees looking up at me while I fuck his mouth and shoot a big load. I don't reciprocate.

Can host or travel. Send stats/pics for response.


This ad didn't do as well in San Antonio as it usually does in Dallas, which isn't a surprise since there are so many more people in the DFW area. However, I still got emails from a total of 27 applicants over two days before I deleted the ad.

After receiving their initial emails, I identified about half the guys as time wasters or people I didn't care to meet and either didn't respond to them or politely told them I wasn't interested, depending on how polite and informative their own emails were. A tip for you subs trying to convince a dom to meet you. Do NOT send an email asking me for my stats and pic without at least telling me your own complete stats. Attaching a pic is also appreciated. If you don't give me any information about yourself, I will assume you are afraid to tell me for some reason or that you are incapable of following basic instructions. In either case, I'm not interested and will ignore your email.

Also, don't be embarrassed about sharing your true stats/pics. A lot of subs are older or overweight, and I'm going to see you eventually if you convince me to meet. If you aren't my type, it's better to find that out before I'm standing at your door. If I get your picture or other information about you in an email and don't think we're a match, I'll respectfully tell you. If you open the door and I see that you lied to me, I'm going to be pissed off and won't be respectful. In fact, I've come up with a great way to deal with subs like that.

A few weeks ago, a local sub in Dallas responded to one of my ads and convinced me to go over to his house. When he opened the door, I saw that he'd sent a picture from about 15 years ago. He was still fairly attractive in person for an older guy (I'd guess he was around 50), but I was pissed off because he lied to me. I told him I was either going to leave immediately or I'd stick around and punish him for lying. He chose punishment, so I spanked his ass so hard with my belt I could see the bruises forming before I was even finished.

The whole time I was spanking him, he was crying, apologizing, and thanking me for staying. When I decided he'd had enough, I put my belt back on and headed for the door. He asked where I was going. I told him I was leaving. He cried and said I had punished him for that. He actually thought I was still going to let him suck my dick after he lied to me and lured me to his house with a false picture. Fucking moron.

"Yes," I explained to him as though talking to a small child, "I spanked you for lying, but the rest of your punishment is that you don't get my cock. If you happen to respond to one of my ads in the future and you're honest, I'll consider letting you blow me."

I walked out the door while he was still bent over the arm of his couch crying. It was so much fun, I practically skipped down the sidewalk to my car. I decided I'd deal with all liars like this in the future. It lets me get out my anger and frustration at having my time wasted, and hopefully it also teaches the cocksucker to tell the truth to men he hopes to serve.

Two rules you should take away from this subs. 1) In your first communication, give your potential alpha enough information to let him decide if he wants your services. 2) Never lie to convince a dom to meet you. If he's a true dom, he isn't going to tolerate your lies. You'll be punished and won't get to serve him anyway.

One more thing to keep in mind, your appearance isn't the only thing I consider when I choose a sub. I usually get a lot of responses when I post ads. Send an email that catches my attention. Show me you have a good personality, tell me your fantasy, or give me a list of things you'd like to try. Be creative. You don't even have to write a special response for me. If you're on CL a lot, work on writing a good introductory email that you can send to every dom that interests you. Nothing too long. I don't want two pages of information about you before we even meet, but I appreciate receiving an email with 3 or 4 sentences that include a physical description and some of information about yourself/what you are interested in sexually. I've turned down the hottest sub to respond to a particular ad in favor of the most creative one more than once.

Getting back on topic, I had about half a dozen real possibilities in response to my San Antonio ad after eliminating the time wasters and guys I wasn't interested in after I saw their first email. I responded to all of them with some standard questions to determine compatibility ad my level of interest in each. If they didn't list their own stats or attach a picture, I asked for those. With an ad like this, I also typically ask what a sub enjoys doing most to serve a dom.

You wouldn't believe the responses I get to this second question. All of you subs should think for a minute about how you would respond, and email me the answer. I'll post the responses I like best on Tumblr without identifying who sent them (unless you tell me you don't want to be anonymous).

Some subs give thoughtful answers: "I like giving up my mouth completely so a man can use it to get off." "I squeeze his cock with my ass to milk the cum out and make sure my hole is extra tight to give him more pleasure." "Being made to lick his ass and feet." "I most like using my mouth and tongue to clean his dick after I make him cum."

Others are unimaginative: "I like to suck dick." "I want to get fucked."

Still others focus on what gives them pleasure as subs: "I really get off on having a dom guy slap me and fuck my mouth hard." "Getting fucked raw and rough makes me so horny."

There's one answer I get more often than any other. It isn't a bad answer, but I've come to dislike it because it's so common and it requires me to ask a follow up question. Far too many subs say something like, "My favorite thing to do is whatever you like best." Sigh. Of course it is. Making alphas happy is what you were made for. However, I'm obviously asking this question to find out something about you. I feel like Eddie Murphy at the beginning of Coming to America when he's interviewing the woman chosen for his arranged marriage after he's told she has been taught since birth to do whatever he says. "Hop on one foot. Bark like a dog." Of course I want obedience from a sub and making me happy should naturally make you happy, but I also want you to have thoughts and ideas of your own especially when I ask you for them.

When a sub says he likes whatever I like best, I tell him that's a great answer for a slave, but I want to know what he really enjoys doing to find out how compatible we are. Does he like kink? Does he want to be tied up or spanked? Does he like to bottom or only sucking cock? If he had his choice of doing anything he wanted with a dom, what would that be?

San Antonio subs who responded to my ad weren't very creative, so I ended up choosing the one with the best face pic. I don't provide face pics myself and only show limited body pics (ones that don't show scars or other features that would allow my wife to easily identify me). I also don't require guys to send me face pics and sometimes not any pics before I meet them if they tell me their complete stats. In those cases, I tell the guy that I may decide when we meet that we aren't a match and leave immediately and that he can tell me the same with no hard feelings. Even so, it is nice to see a face pic if a guy doesn't mind sharing one. If I'm going to be plunging my cock into a boy's mouth, I like to see what I'm going to be working with before we meet if possible.

The sub I ended up picking was named Lewis. He told me he was 28, white but very tan, light brown hair, green eyes, 5'10", and 185 pounds. He texted me a couple more face pics (selfies he was taking on his phone) while he was driving to my hotel. I really liked his slightly curly hair and green eyes. He has the kind of hair a dom can really dig his fingers into while fucking a sub's face.

I had been watching straight porn while chatting with subs and trying to pick someone to meet and left it running when Lewis got to my room. I moved my laptop so I could continue watching and told Lewis to get on his knees in front of the room's more comfortable chair. He followed my directions and then put his hands behind his back while looking up at me. I smiled down at him and started to pull my gym shorts down.

I had a semi from watching porn for the last hour, and it didn't take long for Lewis to get me fully hard. He didn't have great cock sucking skills, but I figured he was good enough to make me cum.

I started out running my fingers through the soft curls of his hair. I can't explain what it is, but there's just something about that type of hair that I've always found super sexy. It's the kind of hair that seems straight when it's cut short but ends in curls when it gets a couple inches long. Not super curly, but those big soft curls that you tend to find more often in women's hair than men's.

While playing with Lewis's hair, I started slowly rocking my hips forward and back, sliding my dick in and out of his mouth.

"Yeah boy. I love seeing you on your knees like this, playing with your hair while I use your mouth. I've been sitting here thinking about fucking a nice mouth like yours all night while watching chicks get fucked on my computer."

As I've explained before, dirty talk doesn't have to be true, but I do try to make it true whenever possible. That's especially the case if I'm going to give constructive criticism. I don't want to tell a guy his mouth feels better than any other mouth I've ever fucked and then tell him 30 seconds later that he needs to change how he's working on my cock. With Lewis, I knew immediately that I was going to have to give him some direction.

"Use your tongue more to work my cock, boy, and don't suck quite so hard. I want to feel you slurping on my dick but if you do it too hard I'm never going to cum."

I'm curious as to whether other dudes like having their dicks sucked really hard. It's okay for a few strokes, but I'll go soft if a sub does it too long. It seems like a lot of subs go for heavy suction, and I'm not sure what doms are telling them that's a good thing.

Doms, don't let cocksuckers get away with giving you a shitty blowjob. If you're too afraid to speak up and tell him what feels good or how to give better head, you aren't really a dom.

And here's another free tip for you subs. Using more suction isn't the same thing as making your mouth tight for a dom to fuck it. Pressing your tongue firmly against my cock so I'm sliding along it and the roof of your mouth creates a nice tight fuckhole for me. Sucking extra hard pulls the foreskin forward so that it covers up the most sensitive areas around the corona. It deprives those sensitive areas of the pleasure they receive from the softness of a nice velvety mouth. It also makes the head more sensitive so that any inadvertent contact with a tooth hurts more.

Lewis wasn't great at following directions. He seemed to take things too literally. He started acting like he was actually trying to slurp on my dick, which would have felt pretty good if he had kept his jaws wide while doing it. Instead, he closed his mouth too much and felt like he was trying to bite my cock while he suckled on it.

"Watch your teeth, damn it! You need to keep your jaws open and lips closed. If you bite me again, I'm going to slap you."

I ended up having to slap Lewis twice. The first time I only hit him a little hard. The second time was a solid smack across the cheek that turned it bright red.

"I told you not to bite me cocksucker. This isn't working. I'm not sure I'll be able to cum with you after all."

He looked up at me and said, "I promise I won't bite you again. I'm just trying to make you happy. I'll keep my mouth open and use my tongue like you said."

I paused for a second. "Alright," I finally told him. "This is your last chance. Think about what makes your dick feel good when you jack off and try to do the same thing with your mouth to please me."

Lewis started slowly bobbing up and down on my dick. He used his tongue a lot to lick around, and I was actually starting to get into it.

"Yeah baby. That's the way to do it. Your mouth feels so soft and hot and wet now. That tongue feels great sliding up and down my shaft. Keep doing it just like that bitch."

Since he was finally getting some positive feedback, Lewis seemed to settle into a good rhythm. At one point he got a little too excited and started going up and down faster than he could while maintaining good control of his mouth. He ended up running one of his back molars into my cockhead.

"Ouch!" Slap. "Slow down and watch the fucking teeth cocksucker. Don't go any faster than you can control. My dick needs to slide right into the middle of your mouth every fucking time. You make a lot of errors for a cocksucker."

I thought about kicking Lewis out right then, but he had been doing pretty good before he got overly excited. Besides, I was super horny after watching porn and getting half a blow job, so I decided to stick with it.

Lewis got back into a good rhythm, and I got a firmer grip on his head to keep him at the pace I wanted to go. After I few more minutes, I was almost ready to cum.

"Fuck boy. You're getting me so close. I've got a huge load. I can't wait to feed it all to you."

Lewis shook his head a little.

"Why are you shaking your head? You don't want my cum?"

Lewis pulled his mouth off my dick and said, "I don't swallow."

Excuse me? You don't swallow? I couldn't remember exactly what I'd put in my ad. Was it unclear? Didn't I say something about fucking a mouth until I drop my load in it?

I decided I didn't really care if he swallowed as long as I got to cum where I wanted, so I said, "That's fine. You can spit it out after I'm done."

He looked at me like I was crazy. "I really don't like cum in my mouth," he responded.

I asked him, "Where do you expect me to cum?"

"I don't know. You can cum on my face if you want."

While I tried to figure out how to respond, he went back to licking my dick and sucking on it a little. Then he pulled off, grabbed it with his hand, started jacking me off, and said for me to let him know when I was getting close. That insolence finally brought me to my senses.

"Nah, that's okay," I said. I pushed his hand away and started to stand up from the chair.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I really wanted a blowjob, not a hand job. I expected to cum in your mouth. If I wanted to jack off, I could do that myself watching porn," I explained pointing at the computer screen.

He looked stunned and asked, "Are you serious?"

"Yes. I didn't post an ad for a hand job. I wanted to cum in a nice warm mouth. If you aren't okay with that, then I can jack myself off better than you were doing it."

I picked up my underwear and shorts and started to put them back on.

"You're actually serious?"

"Absolutely. I have no more use for you. I wanted a real cocksucker. If you refuse to swallow or even let a man cum in your mouth, you don't qualify. It's time for you to go."

Lewis awkwardly got to his feet and said, "I can't believe you're really kicking me out."

"And I can't believe a self-proclaimed cocksucker doesn't like having cum in his mouth. What do you think happens when you suck a dick?"

Lewis looked baffled and didn't answer. I escorted him to the door, and as soon as he was gone, I started laughing out loud to myself. The look on his face had been truly priceless. It was hilarious. I couldn't help but laugh.

I'm not normally a mean or cruel person. I'm courteous and treat people with respect 95% of the time. Even when I'm using a submissive bitch, I respect his limits and try to make sure he's having a fun time. I never try to actually hurt a sub except when he tells me he likes pain or if he lies to me.

When Lewis told me he doesn't like cum in his mouth, I felt like he had misrepresented himself to me, and I didn't mind laughing at his shocked expression when I kicked him out of my room. It was obvious no other alpha had ever put him in his place, which made it even funnier.

Now I had a dilemma. It was starting to get late, but I still needed to cum. Fortunately, one of the guys I'd emailed with earlier, Nick, told me doesn't get off work until 10 p.m. I'd written him off because I wanted to meet someone earlier than 11:00, but I kept him in reserve as a backup plan. I was glad I had.

Nick described himself as a 24 year old gay black "boi" who likes to suck cock. He said he is 5'7", 130 lbs, and has "perfect lips for sucking dick." He sent me a full body pic that showed his face when I emailed with him earlier. He was a cute kid.

I had a little time to kill, so I took a shower and then emailed Nick a few minutes after 10.

"You want me to come over?"

After a couple of minutes, he answered, "Yes. Would like to suck that dick of yours."

I like to play hard to get sometimes, so I told him, "It's pretty late. Are you worth it?"

"I understand if you don't want to come over tonight, but I want to taste your cock sir."

I wasn't going to make the same mistake I had with Lewis. I was going to make sure this cocksucker knew exactly what was in store for him before I left my hotel room and drove 20 minutes to see this kid.

"If I come over, I'm going to cum in your mouth and might want to shoot twice. I'm not pulling out until I'm totally finished using you. Got it? Send address if you agree to those terms."

Nick quickly responded with his address.

A few minutes later, I was out the door and in my rental car. Nick's house was on the north side of the city, so it was about 10:45 when I finally arrived. He led me back to his bedroom, and I told him to get on his knees while I started to unfasten by belt. It was past time for me to cum, and I was in no mood to waste time. I unbuckled and unzipped my pants while Nick looked longingly at my crotch.

"You ready for this cock?" I asked.

Nick licked his lips and said, "Yes, sir."

I pulled down my underwear and let my dick flop out in front of Nick's face.

"Get to it, cocksucker."

Nick immediately opened his mouth wide and put my whole dick in his mouth. I thought, "Fuck yeah, this kid is much better than Lewis."

Nick didn't have to be told what to do. He started stroking my cock with his tongue while it was buried in his mouth, and he was sucking me lightly to get me hard.

"Good boy. Get me nice and hard so I can fuck that mouth and give you what you need."

Nick moaned in response. I've never met a sub who doesn't get off on dirty talk. Even Lewis liked it. I just wished I hadn't wasted the effort on him.

Nick started working his mouth up and down my shaft as my dick grew stiff. When I get a really good cocksucker like Nick, I usually like to take my time. It's fun to use his mouth to edge myself. Get close to cumming, pull out for a minute, then go back to fucking the soft sweet mouth. Or if I'm sitting back and he's doing most of the work, I can relax and get a nice leisurely blowjob while patting him on the head and telling him what a great cocksucker he is. However, tonight I wanted to cum before it got too much later.

Once I was hard, I grabbed hold of Nick's head and started fucking his mouth hard. He had no trouble keeping up with the pace.

"Fuck yeah. You're such a good cocksucker. It's so nice to find a boy who can take care of my cock while I use his mouth like this. I'm going to keep fucking you just like this until I blow."

Nick kept licking my cock, sucking, and moaning his agreement. He was eager to eat my load, and it showed. His eagerness actually reminded me how pissed off I was at Lewis (that ungrateful bitch), which made me even more aggressive. I started yanking his head into my groin was I thrust forward into his mouth over and over again.

"I'm going to fuck your face as hard as I want boy. I only came over here because you agreed I could use your mouth until I was completely finished with it and that's what I'm going to do. Yeah, bitch. Take that cock all the way. Do your job, cocksucker. Make me feel good."

About five minutes of this was all I could take before I was ready to explode. I usually tell guys when I'm about to cum in their mouths so they're ready to swallow, but I decided this kid was an expert and didn't need any warning.

"I'm working up a nice big load of cream for you. I hope you're hungry."

He moaned again.

"I'm not even going to tell you before I shoot it. I'm just going to keep hold of your head, shove my cock all the way in, and hold you there until you milk every fucking drop out of my balls."

More moans of agreement. Why can't all cocksuckers be like this?

Within 30 seconds of telling Nick I was going to fill his mouth up without warning, I felt myself passing the point of no return. I kept up the same pace, fucking his face hard while grabbing his head with both hands for a few more strokes. When I felt the cum starting to shoot through my shaft, I pushed my cock all the way in and held Nick's head down as hard as I could. I must have held him like that a good 30 seconds while I spurted rope after rope of cum into him.

After I was finished, I started slowly fucking Nick's mouth again.

I told him, "Use your tongue to get me good and clean. Your job isn't finished until I pull my cock out and tell you I'm done with your mouth."

I kept sliding my cock in and out of Nick's mouth and enjoying the sweet intensity of post-orgasm head for two or three minutes before pulling out. I told Nick he could get off his knees as I pulled up my underwear, buckled my pants, and fastened my belt.

"Good job, cocksucker."

Nick thanked me as he walked me to the door.

"Send me your email address or phone number and I'll get in touch when I'm back in town."

"Yes, sir. I'd like that."

"Next time, maybe we'll have more time and you can really show me how skilled you are with that mouth."

Nick smiled, "Yes, sir. I'm looking forward to it already. I'll work hard to make sure you leave very happy."

"I know you will. You're a good sub," I said and thought to myself, "Not like that dumb fuck time waster Lewis."

Next: Chapter 6

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