Tom the Dom

By Tom Dom

Published on Dec 6, 2015


Author's Note:

I'm Tom, and the following is a true story about a Tumblr follower I hooked up with the other night. I've written several stories about my sexual experiences and plan to write more. To preserve anonymity and increase readability, some details will be changed, but the stories themselves are true.

You can email me at to ask questions or provide constructive feedback. I also respond to questions and comments I received from readers, post short summaries of encounters with guys I use for sex, and reblog stuff I think is hot on Tumblr. Follow me, ask questions, or submit hot stuff to me at

Thanks to all the doms, masters, subs, betas, faggots, cocksuckers, and other guys who have emailed me. Keep sending the hot pics, links to your favorite videos, and stories about your own experiences. Hearing from all of you encourages me to keep writing these stories, so keep the comments coming.

This work is copyrighted, and commercial use is prohibited without written permission from me, the author.

I also want all of you to donate to Nifty so we can keep enjoying free access to stories like this one. Do it now. The Nifty archivist did me a favor, so I'm ordering every sub who reads this to go make a donation at the following website:

Part 9: Rob

Rob has been following me on Tumblr for a few weeks and caught my eye pretty quickly. We've traded several messages, and he happens to live in an area I used to visit frequently.

Although I'm reluctant to meet local Tumblr followers, not all of the same considerations apply to followers who live hundreds or thousands of miles away. For example, the odds of me running into Rob with my wife or kids at the local grocery store are much smaller than a local guy. I've also grown comfortable with Rob while chatting with him over the last few weeks and worked with him to put some additional safeguards in place to maintain anonymity.

Rob is now the second "true sub" I've had the pleasure of using. For those of you who only know me from Nifty, a short description of my first encounter with a true sub is on Tumblr if you want to check it out. Go to my site and look up "Sub of the Day: Chris."

Part of the reason I was willing to meet Rob in spite of my general reluctance to meet people from Tumblr is that he had proper restraints and masks that I could use with him to keep things anonymous if I decided I couldn't fully trust him after meeting him in person. In fact, he sent me pictures of some of the items he owns ahead of time so that I could plan our night. The pictures included a hood, blindfold, collar, and wrist and ankle restraints. I posted one of the pictures to Tumblr for those of you who want to see exactly what equipment I used with him.

I had some new rules for meeting Rob that don't apply to my Craigslist hookups. First, I didn't provide any pictures at all. I also didn't provide any additional information about myself other than what was already publicly available on here or on Tumblr. Rob had to decide whether he wanted to serve me based on the information he had.

Second, he was not allowed to see me until I decided whether I trusted him. To avoid meeting Rob face-to-face before I was ready, I left the door to my hotel room cracked so Rob could enter when he arrived. I had a suite with a separate bedroom and kept the door to the bedroom closed. I waited in the other room while Rob entered the living area and prepared things for our time together.

Before he came over, I gave Rob specific instructions. I told him to enter my hotel room, strip to his jock strap (I told him what to wear), knock twice on the bedroom door after he was undressed, kneel in the middle of the suite's living room, put the blindfold on, and wait for me. He followed my directions exactly and also unpacked his bag so that all of the items he brought along for my enjoyment were laid out for examination. Unfortunately, because the hotel clerk was a dumbass and put me and one of my colleagues in rooms right next to one another (and it would have seemed odd for me to object while checking in together with my colleague standing right next to me), I wasn't able to use as many of Rob's tools as I would have liked.

When I came out of the bedroom and found Rob kneeling as instructed, I rubbed his head and shoulders and told him he was a good boy for following directions. Rob is a tall white guy with a hairy chest and broad shoulders. He has a deep voice and is a perfect specimen of a masculine sub. His brown hair is cut short, and I could tell that he washed it before coming over. He didn't soil his hair with gel or other products, so it felt extremely clean, fresh, and soft, which made it a pleasure to run my fingers through it the entire night.

After examining Rob, I took a minute to check out the toys he brought with him. In addition to the items already mentioned, he brought clips to lock the leather wrist and ankle cuffs together, ropes, tape, locks and a variety of other tools. The hotel room couch was almost completely covered by a neatly organized display.

I picked up one leather wrist restraint, took hold of Rob's right hand, and put the bracelet on him making sure to fasten it tightly. I repeated the process with the other wrist and both ankles.

Because Rob was blindfolded and I was focusing on his sense of touch, I intentionally kept quiet while performing these tasks and guided him with nonverbal commands. When I put the restraints on his wrists and ankles, I simply grabbed his arms and legs and belted the restraints without speaking to him. I did the same with his collar. I put it around his neck, pulled it tight, and fastened it in place without saying a word. The whole scene was very erotic for me.

Then I pulled Rob's hands behind his back and clipped the cuffs together to lock them in place. Either Rob is very trusting, or I give off a vibe of being very trustworthy. Ironically, I think I come across as very genuine and trustworthy. I say it's ironic because I'm married and hooking up with guys like Rob, but I'm also very honest and direct with the guys I meet, and I think people can sense my sincerity even though I keep a large part of myself hidden from those who know me best.

Whatever the reason (maybe Rob was just desperate to be bound and abused by anyone, even a psycho killer), he let me put the restraints on him and lock his wrists behind his back without ever laying eyes on me. Then, with him unable to resist, I took a couple moments to pinch, twist, and otherwise play with Rob's nipples and run my hands over his upper body. I like masculine guys and found Rob's broad shoulders, muscular neck, and short soft hair as attractive as I find any features on another man.

After binding my boy for the night and checking him out, I stood behind him and undressed myself. Rob was positioned high on his knees with his back straight. I walked around in front of him and pushed down on his shoulders so that he would squat back into a lower kneeling position and lower his mouth to cock level.

Then I decided to tease him a bit. I rubbed the tip of my dick around Rob's lips and watched him stick his tongue out trying to get a taste before I pulled it away. Because I hadn't cum for a couple days and was super horny, the precum was already starting to flow, so I stroked my dick to milk some out the slit and give it to Rob. He lapped at it eagerly.

Watching Rob blindly try to follow my dick around to keep his tongue and mouth on it was fun. I considered stepping back to see how far he could lean forward without losing balance while his hands were linked behind his back but decided not to be too cruel to my new toy. Also, while I was having fun with the silent treatment, my loyal readers know it's really not my style.

"Look at you trying to get a taste of my dick boy. Here, let me get some more precum for you to taste. Mmmmm. How's that boy?"

Rob was too busy licking and trying to follow my cock around as I kept pulling it away to answer. Finally, I held still and let him get the tip in his mouth. He immediately went to work sucking and licking all over it.

I had identified a new benefit of meeting people who know me from Nifty/Tumblr and not only from short CL ads. Subs who read my stories here know what I like if they pay attention. They know I like a lot of tongue action, and Rob was prepared to deliver that. I wasn't going to have to give him instructions on how to properly serve me because he'd already read my playbook.

I gave a contented sigh at the realization and said, "Fuck yeah. Lick it all up boy. Use that tongue the way you know I like it. You've done your research haven't you cocksucker? You know what daddy likes and you're going to work hard to make me feel good."

I pulled the head out of Rob's mouth a couple of times then stuck it back in for the tongue swirling tease Rob was supplying, but before long I was ready to feel all of his mouth wrapped around my cock, so I stepped forward and thrust my dick inside. To my fellow alphas, let me just say, this boy has a sweet fucking mouth. If you ever get the chance, I fully recommend making use of it.

I stood in front of Rob, with him blindfolded, kneeling before me, hands bound behind his back, and used his mouth for about 40 minutes. The boy has talent. He kept his tongue working the whole time. He was eager, but followed directions when I told him to stay still so I could fuck his mouth at my pace.

I can't remember all the nasty things I said while I was using Rob's mouth in this first position of the night. He received lots of compliments for the way he worked his tongue to stroke and lick my cock. I also remember telling him I could use his mouth like that all night because he was so good with it.

A lot of doms claim to have stamina, but I really love long blowjobs. They are my favorite sex act. With the right mouth, I can stay hard without cumming and edge myself indefinitely, and Rob had the perfect mouth for it. If you're a cocksucker would enjoys spending two or three hours on your knees at a time, let me know. I'm not joking about the length of time, so if you contact me, you shouldn't be either.

I wasn't as verbal with Rob as I normally am because I was watching ESPN while using his mouth. Because I had a work friend in the room next door, I turned the TV on for some ambient noise and ended up getting distracted by UCLA beating Duke. I don't really care about either team, but it was an entertaining game.

Although Rob never complained and would have kept serving me in that position as long as I wanted, I decided to change things up when I could tell his feet were falling asleep. I unclipped his hands from one another and sat in the chair so that he could lean forward and use his hands to support his weight while he continued sucking my dick. I'm sure his knees were sore, but that at least allowed him to stretch his back and move his feet around a bit without losing his balance.

Whether he was in pain or not, Rob continued doing an incredible job working my cock with his mouth. He alternated between soft gentle strokes and hard fast ones. Then he would bury my dick for long stretches and continuously swirl his tongue all over it while it was sunk deep in his mouth. I am astonished that no man has snatched this boy up for his own exclusive use. If he lived nearby, I would be sorely tempted to claim him as my own property.

While I was enjoying Rob's mouth, I also wanted to fuck him. He warned me ahead of time that he has an extremely tight ass and said it is nearly impossible to fuck him without just raping him. He made it sound like he enjoyed rough anal sex while tied up, and I thought it was super hot.

As he sucked me, I teased Rob that he was working so hard with his mouth because he was hoping to save his ass from my cock. I told him his plan wasn't going to work because I intended to feel how tight his ass felt with my dick planted in it. The harder he worked on my dick, the more I commented on how good it was going to feel buried in his ass.

After Rob had been sucking me for about 20 minutes while I sat in the chair, I moved him to the padded footrest in the suite's living area. I laid him on his back and clipped his leather ankle restraints together. Then I hooked the shoulder strap from my luggage to his ankles, wrapped it behind his head, and clipped the other end back to his ankles to hold his feet up.

Rob's ass was perfectly positioned for a nice fuck, and he looked hot bound up like that. I wish I would have taken a picture. Actually, I wish I would've taken several pictures but having Rob in this position is what I had been thinking about ever since I saw the picture of his leather ankle cuffs and collar. I have always wanted to fuck a boy in this position, and I was stoked to finally be getting the chance.

With all that anticipation, imagine how disappointed I was when fucking Rob proved too difficult to be worthwhile. I'm a dom and I might not care if a sub gets off. I might not even want him to get off when he's with me. However, I'm not cruel, and I try to avoid intentionally hurting other people whenever possible (unless we've agreed on spanking or other discipline play as part of our meeting).

I didn't fuck Rob because he flinched away and really seemed to be in a lot of pain every time I started to penetrate his ass. He was just too tight for me to get any sort of real rhythm going. It didn't matter how hard I was or how much lube I used, his ass was unyielding. I tried flipping him over on his knees, but that position didn't work any better, so I finally gave up.

To say I was unhappy would be an understatement. I really wanted to fuck Rob and had spent an hour edging myself with his mouth in anticipation of cumming while fucking his ass. If I hadn't heard my hotel neighbor and colleague return to his room while I was spent 15 ultimately useless minutes trying to open up Rob's ass fingering him and trying to get his ass to adjust to my dick, I would've put the gag Rob brought along in his mouth, fastened it around the back of his head, pulled out my belt, and went to work on his ass. However, I didn't want the sharp slaps of leather hitting flesh to penetrate the thin hotel walls and raise awkward questions around the office.

Since I couldn't take out my frustration by beating Rob, I grabbed his hand and led him to the bedroom. I pushed Rob onto the bed, laid down on my back, and shoved his mouth toward my dick hardly speaking to him.

I was so angry at first that I wasn't even able to enjoy Rob sucking my dick. Most of the time, I don't feel a need to penetrate a sub's ass with my cock. I don't even want to fuck a lot of the subs I meet. I usually prefer oral sex. However, there was talk in my pre-meeting messages with Rob regarding his ass that made me really want to fuck him, much more than I usually would, and I had developed a specific plan for the night centered around fucking him. I knew I was going to fuck him with his jock strap on and his ankles either clipped to his collar or pulled up some other way. I thought using my own luggage strap was inspirational.

Fucking a faggot in that position with restraints was a fantasy I'd had for a long time. No work to do holding the legs in place, just fuck away at the hole and enjoy. When it didn't work out, I was pissed.

However, there are few things in life that time and good head won't fix. After a few minutes of expert sucking, I started enjoying Rob's expert oral skills again, and I was ready to shoot a huge load.

For a second, the thought of cumming made me angry again. I'd planned to cum while fucking Rob, pull the condom off, and demand that he clean up my dick with his mouth before I unfastened his ankles from his collar. Again, part of my fantasy was ruined. I had it all planned out. Oh well. It was time to get past the disappointments and enjoy myself.

Rob was laying between my legs facing toward me. I grabbed hold of his head and started fucking his mouth. As I got closer to cumming, the dirty talk increased and got more focused.

"I'm trying to decide whether to let you taste my cum cocksucker. I can't call you a faggot because you're unfuckable, so you're nothing but a cocksucker. You're good at sucking dick though. Should I cum in your mouth because you're a good cocksucker or pull out because you're a bad faggot? That's my dilemma."

These are rhetorical questions, of course. I'm just thinking out loud while I continue fucking Rob's mouth. It's not like the cocksucker gets a vote. That doesn't keep him from expressing an opinion though. It's clear from his moans and tongue action that Rob wants to swallow a load from the first real man he's had the pleasure of serving in a long time.

I knew that already though. Before we met, I asked Rob how he would like to be rewarded if I decided he had been a good boy. The first item on his list was that he wanted to swallow a load of my cum.

"Maybe I shouldn't have had my heart so set on fucking you, but I did. I imagined your ass gripping and milking my cock perfectly, and I love fucking guys on a footstool like that. It's the perfect height to stand above them, fuck deep, and grind my cock into their pussies. But not your fucking cunt. It's too good for my cock apparently."

By now, I had mastered my emotions and knew I wasn't going to punish myself more by cumming with my cock hanging out in the cool air of my room instead of buried in the soft warm mouth I was using. However, I liked pretending to still be angry to keep Rob wondering. I'm not sure whether he was fooled, but he got quiet after the dirty talk turned insulting.

"That's enough talk about your ass boy. I should focus on the pussy that is available to me. Your mouth is pretty sweet, and you have been using your tongue like a good boy the whole time. You really are an exceptional cocksucker. For any other sub, that would be enough to earn my cum. And I have certainly made full use of this mouth pussy tonight."

I looked at the clock next to the bed to check the time. Rob had been in my hotel room a little over 90 minutes, and I'd had my cock in his mouth close to 80 of those minutes. I figured that was pretty good service for a guy who enjoys long blowjobs as much as I do. It was time to give him the good news.

"I've made a decision boy. Since you've been such a good cocksucker, I'm going to let you swallow my load like you requested. I need a better angle to cum though, so get up on your knees."

Rob obeyed and got on his elbows and knees. He put his arms under my thighs ready to lock his head down on my cock and ensure no cum escaped.

When he was in position, I pulled Rob's head forward and tilted it so that I could plant my dick all the way in his mouth without any resistance. Then I started really fucking it.

"Yeah cocksucker. Take my dick boy. This is what boys like you need isn't? A man to totally take control of your mouth and use it the way he needs to get himself off. Fuck yeah I'm getting close baby. You've done your job as a cocksucker and you're finally about to get your reward. Oh fuck yeah. Here it comes boy."

When I was ready to shoot, I held onto Rob's head extra tight and pulled my cock halfway out to make sure he got a good taste of the first couple spurts of cum before I plunged my dick deep for the rest of my orgasm.

As I shot my precious seed into his mouth, I told Rob, "There you go cocksucker. Eat that cum all up. That's my gift to you for being such a good boy and working so hard to earn a tasty treat."

When he was finished cleaning up my dick, Rob thanked me and laid his head in my lap for a moment. Because he had performed so well, I decided to give Rob an additional reward from his list.

The second item Rob wanted was to hug or cuddle. I wanted to use Rob's mouth again before I released him from my service, but I was tired and needed to rest up before round 2. Feeling particularly generous after such a luxurious blowjob experience, I allowed Rob to remove his blindfold and restraints and take a nap with me.

When he was taking off his wrist and ankle cuffs, Rob asked if he could also take off his chastity cage because it was beginning to chafe. Because of the jockstrap, I hadn't been certain he was wearing one. It's not like I tried touching his dick since I was focused solely on my own pleasure, and we had agreed before meeting that Rob would not cum.

Knowing Rob had been straining in his cage while sucking my dick for almost an hour and a half made me even more pleased with his service. I was so happy with him that when we laid down to nap, I let him put his head on my chest and ran my fingers through his hair before we fell asleep.

I don't usually share intimate moments like that with subs. Typically the only time I rub a boy's head is while my dick is in his mouth. I'm not uncomfortable with the intimacy, but intimacy isn't what I'm looking for when I meet a guy. I have plenty of intimacy and cuddling with my wife and kids. However, I liked wrapping my arm around Rob and taking the "protective" cuddling position. Because he's a tall, strong, masculine guy, and being in the man's cuddling position with him curled up beside me made me feel even stronger and more masculine.

When I woke up from my short nap, I repositioned my body, whispered to Rob that he had more work to do, and gently pushed his head down toward my cock. If he was groggy from sleep, he didn't let it affect his performance. He got right back doing his job, working his tongue all over my dick and sucking it like he was starving for more of my cum.

Throughout the various positions of the night's first blowjob, Rob's tongue stayed underneath my dick stroking it from the bottom. That is the natural position to milk a load of cum out of a man's dick.

This time, Rob was at the opposite angle so his tongue was circling the top and side of my cock head and around the corona. This creates a more intense or "sharper" sensation that makes it more difficult to orgasm, but it also feels amazing and I love getting head from this angle.

Based on when I thought Rob needed to leave, I figured I could use his mouth for about half an hour before he'd need to get ready to go. I kept him working on my dick for about 20 minutes then told him to roll over onto his back so I could fuck his mouth the way I'd wanted to fuck his ass.

Getting deep in Rob's mouth with his head pinned to the bed and his tongue stroking the top side of my dick felt incredible.

"Fuck yeah, boy. I'm using this mouth like the cunt I wanted to fuck earlier. Keep working that tongue. It feels so good baby."

Even when I started fucking hard and fast, Rob did a good job staying in position so that I only hit his teeth a couple times. When that happened, I'd slow down and grind my crotch into his face to plant my dick deep.

Getting the tip of my dick wedged into Rob's throat felt great. It's hard to describe, but he'd start to gag a little and the head of my dick would get a massage from all angles. If I could have kept planting it right there every stroke, I would have cum, but good as he was, Rob couldn't quite keep up the rhythm. Just as I got close to the edge, Rob turned his head to keep from choking and my dick came out of his mouth. After that happened the third time, I gave up trying to cum in that position.

I checked the clock. Thinking I was running out of time, I rolled back over and leaned back toward the headboard on a couple pillows. I had Rob crawl up between my legs so I could use his mouth in the natural position again and feel his tongue on the underside of my dick.

"Come on boy, use that mouth to milk the cum out of me. I need to shoot another load before I let you go."

Rob did his job well, and it didn't me take long to finish.

"Oh yeah. Suck that dick boy. Get that cum out of my balls cocksucker. Fuck yes, your mouth feels so good. Oh yeah, I'm about to cum. No no. That doesn't mean change what you're doing damn it. Keep using that tongue. Stroke my dick with it. That's how your going to earn my cum cocksucker."

As is my custom, I grabbed my cocksucker's head and thrust deep to enjoy my orgasm with my cock buried all the way in a nice warm mouth. Because this was my second orgasm in a pretty short time, I started to go soft fairly quickly. I pushed Rob's head off my dick and, being the good boy he is, Rob thanked me for feeding him another load.

Being the gentleman I am, I responded, "You're welcome, boy."

When he had cleaned up my dick, Rob crawled up next to me for some additional cuddle time. After a few minutes, I figured out I must have misunderstood or misremembered the time Rob said he needed to leave by. In any event, it was getting late, and he was making himself at home in my bed.

I got up, took a piss, came back to the bedroom, and started getting dressed. Rob took the hint and got out of bed so that I didn't have to actually kick him out of my room. It would've been a shame to ruin such a nice night by expressly telling him it was time to get the fuck out. Then again, maybe he was waiting for me to do that. Some subs think it's hot to be kicked out when a man is done using them. Either way, Rob and I parted on good terms, and I look forward to feeling his tongue work my cock for another couple hours the next time I'm in his area.

Next: Chapter 9

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