Tommy and James

Published on Feb 14, 1998




Tommy had lusted over James from the first day they started rooming together. Several months into the quarter, Tommy's feelings were stronger than ever, but there was nothing he could do because he knew that James was straight. He was a macho ladies-man, out with a girl every night he wasn't in the dorm studying, which wasn't very often. Tommy never made any attempt at anything physical toward James because he was afraid of what the reaction would be. James would, at worst, punch his lights out or, at best, detest him and that was something Tommy could not bear.

James had been nice to Tommy from the first day they met. He was like a big brother to his roommate, even though they were as opposite as they could be. Discounting the fact that Tommy was gay and James was straight, they were very different physically. Tommy was small built, almost girlish in build; whereas James was a jock, muscular without being a body builder. He had the type of body that Tommy liked on a guy. That didn't help the situation. Perhaps if James were not so perfectly Tommy's type, he would not be so drawn to his roommate.

Since James had been so friendly toward him, Tommy did not want to jeopardize the situation. He worshiped this gorgeous hunk from afar and hoped that James never noticed that he peered from behind a book to catch glimpses of that perfect body whenever James would be in the room partially dressed. Tommy was sure that James didn't suspect anything; or if he did, he didn't seem to mind because he was not shy about his body in any way. He usually stripped off his clothes in the room before heading into the bathroom for a shower and always came out to finished toweling off before putting on his underwear that he wore around the room a lot without putting on pants.

Sometimes it was more than Tommy could take and he would have to turn away from the show to compose himself.

It was hard enough to have his roommate just across the room from him in just a pair of tight briefs, but Tommy heart went into spasms whenever he got a chance to see James's melon butt and huge cock. It was the biggest cock Tommy had ever seen, not that his experience of cock viewing was that wide spread. James was probably eight or nine inches hard . . . and Tommy had seen it hard a few times when James came out of the bathroom after a shower and dried his dick with a towel before dressing. Even soft, James had a big cock!

Tommy continued to sneak his peeks as James's bodacious bod and yearn to at least run his hand over that scrumptious chest or squeeze those marvelous butt cheeks. He knew there was little chance of that and the thought of ever getting near that radical cock was too weird to even think about. He would be content to have James as a friend and to enjoy the scenery.

But one night that all changed.

James had gone out on his usual Friday night date with a new girl. He had made comments before he left that Tommy need not expect him back until late if at all that night because he planned to have a "fucking good time!"

Tommy had settled in for a night of reading and studying when the door suddenly opened and James staggered in. He could tell by the way James walked that he was slightly drunk; and when his roommate sat on the edge of Tommy's bed, he could smell the beer.

There was definitely something wrong. Tommy knew that when he noticed that it was only eleven o'clock. James was never back this early from a date.

"Thought you told me not to expect you back until late . . . if at all."

"Damn, fucking bitch!"

"What happened?"

"That bitch got me so horny I thought my dick was going to bust out of my pants, and then she left me high and dry," James said, unconsciously rubbing the crotch of his pants. "Damn, I'm horny. I could fuck a duck."

"Why a duck?"

"Just speaking hypothetically. I could fuck anything right now."


"Really. Man, my dick is so fucking hard it ain't funny."

"You really want to fuck something?"

"Shit yeah, but unless you got some fucking piece of ass stuffed in the closest, I'm out of fucking luck."

"No, I don't have a fucking piece of ass stuffed in the closet but . . ."

"No buts. What you got in mind?"

"That's just what I've got in mind . . . butts."

"Shit man, I know I'm drunk, but you ain't making a damn bit of since."

"Look . . . I don't have a piece of ass in the closet . . . but I do have an ass, and . . . well, you're welcome to fuck it to get your rocks off."

James was silent and stared as his roommate for what seemed like a long time. Tommy was sure he had fucked up now. He was expecting James to grab him by the shoulders and bash his head into the wall, but he didn't. Instead James smiled a crooked smile and said, "You shitting me, Tommy?"


"You're actually offering to let me fuck your ass."

Tommy nodded. "If you want to."

"Well, hell, I've fucked a girl's ass a few times but never a guy... but damn, I'm horny enough tonight to . . . "

". . . fuck a duck?"

"Yeah. You ain't no duck but . . . "

". . . but will I do."

"You sure now?"

"I'm sure."

"I sure want to plow my cock into something tonight, but I don't know."

"But you don't know if you want to fuck a guy's ass."

"It's not so much that . . . of course I don't go around fucking guys . . . I never have before . . . but . . . hell, it's just that . . . Tommy, you're a good guy, and I've always liked you."

"But now that I've offered to let you fuck me, you're not so sure about me any more."

"No, it ain't that. Hell, I've wondered about you from the first day of the quarter. I mean you never go out with girls and all that, but I wasn't sure."

"You weren't sure if I were queer?"


"But now you are, and now you want me to just leave you alone."


"It doesn't bother you that I'm gay?"

"It would . . . if I had known that before we started rooming together. Shit, Tommy, I . . ."

"You don't like queers . . . fags . . . homos."

"Man, it ain't that. I don't know. I guess I never thought about people as being like that. But you . . . you're a great guy. You've helped me a lot this quarter. I'd probably have flunked out the first of the quarter if you hadn't gotten me to study and helped me get things through this thick head of mine."

"But you don't want to fuck me."

"That's just it. I want to fuck something. And if you're offering your ass to me to fuck I'd take it in a heart beat, but

. . . I don't want to hurt you."

"Hurt me?"

"Tommy if you haven't noticed I got a big piece of meat on me. This fucker is full size tonight and there ain't no way it's gonna fit in your . . . in you."

"Is that it? Is that why you hesitated? Not because you hate me because I admitted that I'm gay, or that I offered to let you fuck me in the ass . . . but because you're afraid I can't take you cock up my ass?"


"James, a girl's pussy isn't that big, but you've put that big cock of yours up a lot of them I know."


"Believe me, I think I can take it up my ass . . . at least I want to try. -- James, this isn't just for you. I'm your friend and I want to help you out, sure . . . but I've wanted that big cock of yours up my ass since the first time I saw it."

"Ok, if you're sure."

"I'm sure."

James got up and unsnapped his pants. He pulled the zipper down and then pulled his jeans off, throwing them across the room. Tommy could see from the bulge in James's briefs that the protruding pecker was indeed raging to come out. As James slid the briefs down over his waist, the head of his cock poked over the waistband and as he pushed the jockeys on down over his ass and down his legs, Tommy could see the magnificent dick in all it's glory.

Looking down at his cock and then at his roommate, James asked, "You sure, Tommy?"

Tommy nodded. "Just get the some Vaseline from the bathroom."

While James went into the bathroom to get the lubricant, Tommy pulled his T-shirt off over his head and was sliding his pants off when his friend returned. As he watched James rub Vaseline all over his massive cock, he slipped his own underwear off, throwing them in the same direction that his roommate had thrown his.

"Now, let me have some of that," Tommy said, reaching for the jar of Vaseline. James handed it to him and watched as Tommy lifted his ass in the air and applied a generous amount of lubricant to his ass hole.

"I still don't know. You got a mighty small ass hole," James commented.

"Trust me," Tommy assured him as he worked his middle finger up inside his ass hole to thoroughly grease himself. When he was finished, Tommy looked at James and smiled. "Just go slow, Buddy."

James pulled his shirt off and approached his friend, still working the Vaseline up and down on his cock. He placed the tip of his dick at the puckered hole his roommate offered him and slowly pushed it inside Tommy's ass.

"Woah!" Tommy hollered.

James began to pull his cock out.

"No,"Tommy told him as he grabbed his roommate's melon ass and pulled him back toward him. "That was a comment, not a command.

Just go slow."

James began to work his cock in and out of Tommy's tight ass hole. He didn't know how his roommate could take such a big piece of meat up inside himself, but he was managing and he didn't not seem to mind. James could hear Tommy moaning, much the same way girls did when he fucked them with his big cock. It didn't make sense, but it felt so good to have Tommy tight ass hole squeezing his cock, that James didn't try to rationalize. He just enjoyed the ride.

And it was a ride. James rode Tommy like he had never ridden any girl in his life. Most girls would complain or be ready for it to be over with, but Tommy just kept moaning and occasionally would say, "Yeah, fuck me. Fuck me, Buddy. Fuck my ass."

Neither guy was sure just how long they maintained this action.

Neither had looked at the clock when they started and neither really looked at the clock when they finally finished. James was too caught up in the rush of cum that he was shooting inside his roommate's ass. It was a rush unlike any other fuck he had ever experienced. But what made it even more unusual was watching Tommy working on his own cock during the fucking. James forgot that girls got their orgasm from a guy's cock rubbing inside their pussy and he had never understood just how a chick came. But he guessed by Tommy reaction to being plowed by the cock inside him, that he was feeling some type of sensation that was pleasurable. As James drove his cock in and out of his roommate's asshole, he watched Tommy rubbing his own, smaller cock, jacking off. When James finally came and shot his load inside Tommy, he didn't pull his cock out right away. He was transfixed watching Tommy continue to jack off for a minute before he shot his own load over his chest. Even thought he still jacked off occasionally and had seen his own cum spurt out of his dick's head, James found it interesting to watch Tommy spew his cum out of his much smaller cock.

Tommy looked up at his friend. "Fantastic."

James grinned that crocked grin again. "Fuckin' fantastic."

Tommy moved his hand across his chest, rubbing in the cum like it was lotion. "I must have been horny, too."

"You did shoot quite a load there, Buddy," James said, and not realized that his cock was still stuck inside Tommy ass whole, he lowered himself down on the bed on top of his roommate and hugged the boy who had just given him such pleasure. "Thanks, Buddy."

Even though James had seemed to take the news of Tommy's homosexuality in stride and had enjoyed the sex they had, there was still a chance that in the morning light he would rethink what had happened and turn against his room mate. But Tommy saw no signs. James had gotten up late the next morning, showered and left with no mention of the night before. He returned a short time later with a bag of sausage and biscuits. He dropped them on the desk in front of Tommy and said, "I got the biscuits You make the coffee."

"You never could make coffee worth shit anyway," Tommy told him.

"That's just the trouble. That's what it tasted like . . . shit."

As Tommy put water in the coffee pot and plugged it in, James began to take the food from the bag and put it on the desk. Finally he said, "Tommy, . . . about last night . . . "

Here it comes, Tommy thought to himself.

"Whatever was said . . . whatever happened . . . it's just between the two of us."


"We're still friends. Nothing has changed that."

"I'm glad because I don't want to lose you as a friend. That's why I never told you before."

"You're still the person you were before last night. You're a decent guy who has really been a friend to me. You've helped me get through most of this quarter. Last night was last night." James grinned that "shit eating" grin he was famous for. "Besides . . . that was one of the best fucks of my life."

Tommy had to smile, too. "It's there for you any time."

"I was kinda hopin' you might say that, Buddy."

Tommy wasn't sure he had heard what he heard, but he sure as hell hoped he had. "Why?"

"Well, you're still you and I'm still me, and I don't intend to give up fucking chicks, but I tell you, Buddy . . . last night

. . . fucking your ass was something else, and I'd kinda like to try it again . . . just between the two of us."

"Sure. Yeah. Just between us. You know I'd never tell anybody James," Tommy reassured his roommate as he pulled his shirt off over his head. "And you can fuck my ass any time."

James began to undo his jeans. "Uh, Tommy, . . . uh I don't know exactly how to say it . . . ask it."

"James, we're friends. You can ask me anything. You just asked me if you could fuck my ass."

"I know," James said looking down at the floor as he pulled his jeans off. "I just wanted to ask . . . would you suck my cock? Do you do that kind of thing?"

"I don't just go around the campus sucking cock . . . but yes, I do suck cock, and I would really like to suck that big one of yours."

"I really like to have my cock sucked, but a lot of chicks won't do it."

Tommy knelt in front of his roommate and rubbed James' big cock through the thin cloth of his briefs. "Then don't know what they're missing." As he pulled the waist band of the briefs down over James' hips, Tommy was face to face with the cock of his dreams. Even though he had seen James' cock numerous times, he had never seen it this close up and personal.

James's cock was already getting hard. It twitched as Tommy began to lick the entire length of the big piece of meat offered to him. He tongued the shaft, the head, and then licked James's big balls.

"Damn! Shit! Fuck!" James moaned. "No chick has every done my dick that good."

Tommy opened his mouth and took the entire length of James's cock into his face. He sucked the dick good and hard.

"Damn that feels great!" James told him as he placed his hands on the back of Tommy's head and guided the boy back and forth over the huge prick. "That's it, Buddy. Suck that dick!"

Tommy did just that. He sucked. He brought his roommate close to the edge and then would ease off. He did not want James to cum yet. He was sure this stud could produce a lot of jism, but he didn't want to waste this first load. He wanted James's cock inside his ass hole shortly.

After a while, Tommy pulled off James's cock and looked up at his roommate. "Are you ready to fuck me?"

James put his hands on Tommy shoulders and eased him up. "Ready, willing, and nine inches of able." Gently turning his friend, James bent Tommy over the bed and began to pull down his short and underwear. Tommy kicked off the clothes when they fell to the floor and spread his legs a part to give James ample access to his ass hole.

James reached over to the bedside table and picked up the Vaseline that had been left there the night before. With one hand he scooped out a generous amount with two fingers and using his other hand he spread Tommy's ass cheeks apart and began to apply the grease. Not only did he rub the lubricant around the puckered opening of his friend's ass hole, James plunged both fingers inside Tommy's shit canal and then pumped them in and out. These actions surprised Tommy, but he was not complaining.

He was butt naked, bent over, spread eagle with a gorgeous hunk lubricating his ass hole. It couldn't get much better than this . . . until James maneuvered his massive cock into that same hole.

James eased his cock into his friend's ass hole until it was in all the way. His pubic hair brushed Tommy's hairless butt. He waited a few second to let Tommy get use to having this big piece of meat in him and then James began to pump his dick in and out. Tommy's low moans let him know that his roommate was enjoying this experience as much as he was. It was still puzzling to James how Tommy could get so much enjoyment out of having a cock up his ass hole, but he wasn't going to question it. It was a great feeling for him to fuck his buddy. He had thought about it while he got the biscuits. This was something completely new to him. He had never even thought about, much less considered, having sex with a guy. And if it hadn't happened with Tommy last night, James was sure that it never would have happened.

Tommy was enjoying every minute, every pump, of it. The first time had been unbelievable . . . in more way than one. It was the unbelievable sex. The best fuck he had ever had . . . mainly because it was James, someone very special, who fucked him. But it was also unbelievable that James actually did it, liked him, and wanted to do it again.

James big hands gently gripped Tommy's hips. "Damn, Buddy, last night was great. But this is even better."

"Maybe it's because you're sober," Tommy joked.

James didn't reply but gave Tommy's hips a friendly squeeze.

As James continued to fuck Tommy, he leaned over more until his chest was rubbing against Tommy's back. His face was pressed close to Tommy's, and he began to move his hands over Tommy's body, exploring every region. He rubbed his roommate's chest and tickled his nipples and gradually moved down toward Tommy's dick which was now very hard. Tommy could not believe that James was actually touching his body, but he was shocked when his roommate wrapped his fingers around his dick and began to massage it. He wasn't sure if James actually was aware of what he was doing or if he were just caught up in the sex. Whatever reason didn't concern Tommy. He was just along for the ride. James had his big hand on his dick giving him a hand job, and his big cock in his ass whole fucking the life out of him.

"I'm fixin' to cum," James whispered in Tommy's ear as he pressed his face next to his roommate's. Almost before he got the words out, his cock shot a massive load of jism into Tommy's ass hole.

As he had done the night before, James did not immediately pull his cock out. He kept it in as he continued to rub Tommy's cock.

"You close to cumming?" he asked, rubbing his stumbled cheek against Tommy's.

"Yes," Tommy replied.

"Lie down and I'll finish getting you off."

Tommy did as he was told and lay down on his back. James knelt by the bed and continued to massage Tommy's dick.

Tommy watched as James big hand jacked him off. He looked at James's now soft cock. Even soft it was still big and covered with cum and Vaseline.

"I'm not being too rough on your cock, am I?" James asked.

"No, it feels great."

"I can get pretty rough on mine sometimes when I jack off. I just didn't want to hurt you."

Tommy was about to reply when he felt the cum swell up and begin to shoot from his dick. James did not let go of the spurting cock. He continued to rub it gently, extracting the last drop of cum Tommy had to shoot. Even after Tommy's dick quit squirting and begin to soften, James continued to rub it and then to rub his hand up Tommy's body.

"I think we need to get cleaned up," James finally said.

"You go ahead and shower," Tommy told him.

"There's room for the both of us," James told his roommate as he lifted Tommy off the bed and carried him into the bathroom. Standing his friend in the shower, James turned on the water and stepped in, too. There was enough room, but barely. Their bodies touched. James picked up the bar of soap and bean to rub lather all over Tommy's body. He lathered his friend's pubic hair and cock before reaching around and rubbing the bar of soap all over Tommy's small ass. After soaping his own body, James put down the bar of soap and put his arms around Tommy. His pressed his lip on his friends and kissed him.

"Remember, Buddy, whatever happens between us, is just between us," he reminded.

"Whatever you say," Tommy replied.

"I still like chicks," James told him as he turned off the water and got out of the shower. He got both of them a towel. As he dried off, he continued, "I still want to fuck chicks . . . but I want what we just had, too. I don't understand my feelings except that I like what we did."

Tommy dried his body. "Whatever you want, James. You know my feelings. So whenever you want to have sex with me, I'm here. And I will never tell anyone what happened last night . . . or this morning . . . or any other time. I just hope there will be other times."

James ran his hand over Tommy's butt. "There will be, Buddy. There will be."

The relationship between James and Tommy grew over the next month. James continued to go out with girls and fuck their brains out when they would let him which was most of the time, but he also continued to fuck Tommy when the urged struck him which was becoming more and more frequent.

One Thursday, James told Tommy that he was planning to go up to a cabin that his parents owned near Lake Harris for the weekend.

"Would you like to go with me?"


The boys left the college Friday afternoon after their last class Even though he and James spend a good deal of time together on campus, Tommy looked forward to spending a weekend with his buddy. On the ride up to the lake, James talked about all the summers he had spent at the lake. Tommy felt like his roommate was sharing something special in his life with him.

The cabin was nothing fancy, but it was nice. James lead the way down the hall to his room and when the door was opened, Tommy noticed that there was only a double bed. James must have seen Tommy's expression because he told him, "It's big enough. We can share."

James took his buddy on a guided tour of the cabin and the woods outside. They went down to the lake and sat on the dock, just talking until it began to get dark.

As they lay in bed, side by side that night, both in just their underwear, James reached over put his arm around Tommy's shoulders. Tommy had stopped being surprised by anything that his friend did. He just accepted it and enjoyed it.

"Tommy," James said after a while of just laying in silence.


"What's it like to have a guy's cock up your ass?"

"Well, it's kind of hard to put into words. It just feels good. I don't know all the biological facts. I just know that when a guy has his cock up my ass hole, it feels good. My cock gets hard and I cum."

"I remember when I was little and I got sick once at my Granny Smith's house. I had the stomachache real bad, and she gave me an enema. You ever had one?"

"Yeah . . . I think our grandmothers went to the same medical school."

"I had forgotten all about that until . . . until we started fucking, but then I remembered how it felt having that little nozzle thing stuck up my butt. Even back then . . . I guess I was about eight or nine . . . maybe ten . . . but any way I remember getting a hard on 'cause I had to hide it from Granny Smith. --- Is it anything like that?"

"Yeah, something like that. It's just different because it's . . . well it's something your doing with someone . . . you like."

James grinned that grin of his as he turned his body more toward Tommy. He ran his hand over Tommy's check, rubbing his nipples playfully. James's hand moved down his buddy's body until it rested on the band of Tommy's underwear. Sliding under the waistband, James gently cupped his hand over Tommy's dick and began to massage it.

"Would you fuck me in the ass, Tommy?" James asked.

"You sure you want me to?"

"Yeah, I want to try it, and you're the only person in the world I would let near my ass."

"Sure, if you really want me to."

James raised up in the bed and pulled Tommy's underwear down and completely off. He moved both hands up Tommy's legs and around his dick and balls. Tommy was getting a hard on.

"I've got some Vaseline in the bathroom," James said getting out of bed and going to get the lubricant. When he returned, he applied some to Tommy dick first and then handed the jar to his friend. "Lube me up, will you, Buddy," he said as he pulled off his underwear and got into position on the bed.

Tommy scooped up some Vaseline on his fingers and spreading James's ass cheeks, applied it to his friend's puckered ass hole.

"You ready?" Tommy asked.

"Yep, plug that cock into my ass."

Tommy position himself behind James and began to enter his roommates inviting ass hole. Even though he was generally on the receiving end, Tommy had fucked a few guys before; but this was so unexpected. At the beginning of the quarter, he thought himself lucky just to be near James and to get to see him naked was all he thought he could hope for. When James fucked him and liked it, Tommy thought his luck had gone as far as it would go.

But no. Tonight he was actually fucking the ass of the Adonis he had loved for the past few months.

As Tommy fucked his friend, James was the one who uttered low moans. He was actually enjoying the experience. He didn't understand it, but he was getting pleasure from having Tommy's dick up his ass hole. And he was getting a hard on.

"Yeah, do it, Buddy. Plow my ass hole. Plug it! Pump that cock of yours into my ass hole!"

Tommy did not have to be encouraged. He was enjoying the experience and pumped his dick in and out of James's hole. His hands gripped his buddy's hips and occasionally circled the two melon cheeks of James's ass.

James had gripped his hard cock and was pumping it. He had jacked off before, but never with something up his ass. He knew he was close to cumming. His balls were tight and ready to blow their load.

"I'm fixin' to cum," James told Tommy.

"Me, too," Tommy told him. "I'm really close."

"Here it comes!" James shouted as he squirted gobs of cum out of his cock and onto the sheets. "Shit! Damn!"

Tommy was not far behind. He soon shot his load of cum in James's ass hole.

Both guys collapsed on to the bed, Tommy on top of James. "That was somethin' else, Buddy," James said. "Somethin' fuckin' else."

"Yeah, for me, too."

James rolled over so that he was facing Tommy. "Remember, this is all just between us, Buddy."

"Sure, I remember. Whatever you want, James. I just want you to be happy."

"I am, Buddy," James said wrapping his arms around Tommy and pulling his smaller body tightly toward his. "Just between you and me," he repeated as he pressed his lips to Tommy's and kissed him.

After a while, the guys showered and then changed the sheets because James had left a large wet cum stain. Neither James nor Tommy bothered putting their underwear back on. They slept naked with James's muscular arms wrapped around Tommy.

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