Tommy Loves His Sub

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Jul 15, 2023


Chapter 44. The last lazy Sunday before the wedding.

Tommy wakes up first, facing Dylan, and lies there in the quiet morning gazing on the face of his beloved, lost in love and adoration. He chuckles quietly at the fact that Dylan is wearing his slave collar like some kind of security blanket. He wonders why it is that Dylan has taken the suggestions of their friends so seriously, suggestions that the two of them are actually Master and slave. He asks himself how he actually feels about the suggestion. Is it for real? He does know this: ever since that evening when Dylan first knelt before him and sucked his cock, he has enjoyed an endless amount of hot sexual pleasure, whenever he wants it, however he wants it , and under any conditions he wants it.

Dylan is single-minded about his role in this; Dylan never refuses him. In fact, because of Dylan's willing obedience, Tommy has discovered that his sexual appetite keeps increasing and that he gets as much as he ever wants from the one person he loves the most in the world. How could they not have discovered this when they were in middle school or at least in high school? Such a mystery. But there's no use thinking about that. What they have is now, and now is wonderful for both of them.

As with most subs locked into chastity, Dylan's restricted sexual freedom has translated into an overwhelming desire to give more and more pleasure to Tommy in every way he possibly can. Yes, Tommy admits to himself, he is the Dom in this relationship. But the Master? For some reason, he is far more comfortable with the D word than the M word. He's always known Dylan as submissive; how could he not have? Even in grade school, he always knew that Dylan would do anything he wanted, that Dylan would go along with any plan he made, that Dylan was continually waiting on Tommy's decisions about all things. And dylan's sweet smile has always urged Tommy on to take care of him, to make sure he is safe and happy at all times, to protect him when necessary, and it has always given him great pleasure that their friends and classmates and teammates have always recognized the nature of their relationship as a given and never questioned or derided it.

Tommy has never ever refused Dylan anything he needed or asked for, although Dylan is usually reticent to voice his needs and wants, but rather just waits simply for Tommy to meet those things unspoken. But this is something new now. Just two weeks before their wedding, and Dylan has taken to wearing this slave collar, which Tommy must admit, looks so endearing on him. And what is amazing is that he actually asked for it on his own! How could Tommy refuse him?

Dylan opens his eyes and reaches up to rub sleep out of his cheeks like an infant, and is mesmerized by the sight before him: Tommy gazing into his soul. Tommy, Tommy, Tommy. Bright-eyed Tommy. Dylan's need for him is every bit as great as it has been since the beginning, since he one day realized that for the first time, Dylan met someone he trusted. Yes, indeed. Tommy could be trusted, could be adored. Tommy has always been the most important thing that has happened to him. Not only important but permanent. Not only permanent but masterful. Dylan wants so much to begin this day by worshipping his Master.

Yes, he said it. Master. Dylan reaches up his hands and strokes both of Tommy's cheeks and then puts his thumbs in Tommy's mouth. Tommy licks them and then gently bites them, holding them in his mouth. Dylan kisses the tip of Tommy's nose and then each cheek and, as Tommy lets go of his thumbs, he kisses Tommy on the lips and Tommy doesn't care about breath but lets some juices flow into dylan's mouth. Dylan moves down and kisses Tommy's chin, then licks his neck, then continually moves himself down, down, down, adoring his lover. He sucks Tommy's nipples now that Tommy knows how good that can feel and even dares to nip them with his teeth, getting Tommy to moan. Dylan works his way lower, down to his navel, down through his pubic hair (which only he has) and to the root of his dick which has already gotten hard. Dylan licks the way up Tommy's dick, licks off the pearl drop which formed on the tip, and then closes his entire mouth over Tommy's beautiful dick—the most beautiful of all—and gently slides down, taking it into his mouth as deeply as he possibly can without choking. He has learned Tommy's preferences well. Soft, gently sucking; no choking unless Tommy asks for it or commands it. Dylan pleasures his Master, moves to his balls, licks the sweat which has formed between his balls and the sides of his groin, then throws off the covers and slides all the way down to Tommy's feet and suckles each toe, like a slaveboy in love.

"Okay, baby, you've done it," says Tommy in a soft sexy voice. "Now I want to fuck my slave and I don't care if it gets me dirty." "Dirty Master," mumbles Dylan, who immediately turns over on his tummy while Tommy shoves a pillow under his groin. "I think I'll rape my slave this morning so it knows what it is and how it is under my power," whispers Tommy, responding in kind to dylan's prevailing mood. He reaches for lube (which is now all over the house—just in case---) and lubes himself up and then shouts "Here it comes, boy. Open for your Master, all the way," and rams himself into Dylan. Dylan screams out "I love you!" as the pain of the assault drives him wild and he pushes back against Tommy, proving that it isn't really rape at all. Tommy rams himself a couple of times, withdrawing all the way and then pushing back inside quickly while Dylan moans and grunts and tries to match his rhythm. Then he settles down and with long slow strokes, makes love to his precious treasure while licking and nibbling on the back of his neck beneath his collar.

"Fuck me, Tommy, fuck me and make me your bitch forever. Brand your name inside me, my awesome dude. You own me. I belong to you. All of me, heart and soul and spirit and mind." Tommy didn't let himself cum last night, but this time the feeling is all too strong, and he can feel the tension growing within him.

"I'm gonna breed you, boy!" he says, and then pulls out for a moment, letting the urge to cum subside, edging himself. "Are you edging yourself inside my ass, Master?" "I can if I want." "Yes, Master, use me however you want for your pleasure. That is why I exist, Tommy. That is why I'm your slave."

Tommy tries three times to back off but finally the pressure is too great, and with one powerful thrust into his boy, he has one of the most powerful orgasms he has ever had, and Dylan practically raises his ass all the way up off the bed to accommodate Tommy's time of ecstasy. Tommy breathes heavily and sweat is dripping off him. He holds himself inside his boy until his erection subsides and he slips out. He looks down and says to Dylan, "We need to get to the bathroom right away!" and jumps up and runs inside to clean his dick with a tissue. Dylan follows and sits right down on the toilet and expels what he can while he also pees. Tommy stands over him and pees down his stomach and over his cage. "marking my territory, slave," he says almost every time he does this, leaving a lot left still inside his cock.He was going to shove it into dylan's mouth until he remembered that he had just been soiled, and so he changes his mind and shakes himself over his boy's body.

"Too yucky for you to taste right now, sweetheart. You need an enema and we need showers." AS soon as he says this, Dylan slides off the toilet and gets into position on the floor, head down and ass up, while Tommy reaches for a fleets and squeezes it into the boy, who then holds it until he can't any longer, and empties himself into the toilet.

Tommy turns on the shower, sets the temperature, then helps Dylan up off the toilet and brings him into the shower. They sweetly wash one another; Tommy pays particular attention to pouring body wash into dylan's cage and spraying it clean, which always makes Dylan giggle. Dylan washes Tommy's groin and makes sure it is good and clean. They wash one another's hair and cuddle under the warm water for a while before Tommy turns it off. They dry each other off. Tommy kneels down and takes a very close look at dylan's backside to see it the evidence of the cane is still showing; not much.

"Your ass is pretty clear, slave. Guess I'll have to work hard to mark it up today again."

"Please, Master. Please whip me like a real slave. I'm craving it bad."

"Well you'd better start by fixing my breakfast, slave." says Tommy, winking at him. Dylan falls to the ground and crawls to the kitchen on his hands and knees—something that he rarely ever does—but it gives Tommy a pretty clear indication as to what kind of a mood he's in today. Dylan hums to himself while he makes a breakfast feast: bacon, pancakes, small cheese omelets, coffee, toast, butter. He piles it all on one plate and sets the table for Tommy, who in the meantime has managed to get dressed in black jeans and a studded leather harness. (Dylan has never seen this before; Tommy bought it on the sly.) When he struts into the kitchen, Dylan is beside himself looking at how unbelievably hot his Master is. He runs to him, throws his arms around him, and wiggles a bit, feeling his own bare chest rubbing up against the leather that Tommy is wearing. "Surprise!" Tommy smiles at him. "Holy fucking whiplash!" shouts Dylan. He settles Tommy into his seat and kneels on the cushion alongside him, hands on Tommy's thighs. Tommy begins eating and feeding Dylan at the same time, knowing full well how much Dylan enjoys being taken care of this way.

Once breakfast is finished, Tommy orders his slave, "Clean the kitchen, boy. I'm going inside to get a few things ready for me to use on you this morning. And you're not going to like all of it, boy. Be warned." "You can do anything you want to me," says Dylan.

"Oh, I intend to. I want to see how far I can get before you safeword me. Just be forewarned."

Dylan smiles at him and kisses him once before Tommy leaves the kitchen. But in a couple moments he comes back and lays a blindfold on the table. "I want you to put this on before you come inside. I'll lead you on a leash."

When Dylan calls Tommy, he comes back in with a bondage collar and a leash. He puts the collar on Dylan and has him get down on the floor to crawl and he leads him by the leash back into the bedroom.

"What do you want, Dylan?"

"For you to work me over."

"That means you might not like it all."

"So? A slave doesn't have a choice."

"What is your safeword?"


"Very good. Now stand up." Dylan stands. Tommy puts on wrist cuffs and clips his wrists to his collar, then removes his cage. He uses chains to fix the collar to a hook he has installed in the ceiling. Dylan is stretched pretty tall and his cock is hard now that his cage is off.

"Okay, slave. I'm gonna play hard with you."

"Do whatever you want to me, Master. You own me."

Tommy, being in a diabolical mood, plans to do things which Dylan definitely does not like, trying to get him to safeword as quickly as possible. He starts with Ben Gay on his balls and his cock. Then four clothespins around each nipple, where usually Dylan has trouble accepting one on each. Dylan immediately starts breathing through his teeth.

"Damn," he says. Tommy slaps him lightly across the face. "Silence!" Next, he puts clothespins on the boy's balls, which are already hurting from the Ben Gay. He whistles to himself while he fixes 8 pins to the boy's balls. Dylan breathes more deeply and tears are in his eyes now.

"I'm just going to sit in this recliner here and watch you suffer, slave." Tommy sits down, wondering how long it will take.

After about 10 minutes, with Dylan crying openly now, Tommy takes a riding crop and smacks the boy across the ass a few times, which, of course, causes him to shake and jiggle his balls. He lays a few lashes across his upper shoulders, causing his to move his upper body, jiggling the pins on his chest. Then he crops the boy's chest and actually knocks a clothespin off his chest. Then two. Dylan shouts out. Then three, four, Dylan shouts even worse.

Tommy uses the crop to slap away at the boy's balls, and finally Dylan shouts out, "DYLAN!"

Tommy quickly removes the clothespins, which, of course, cause more pain as they are removed. Dylan howls now. Finally, once Dylan has all the clothespins off his boy, he hugs him from the front and rubs his back. Dylan sobs into his neck and whispers, "Thank you, sweetheart, for reminding me that I'd make a horrible slave."

Tommy laughs out loud and kisses the boy, unclips his hands and helps him down.

"Cuddle, Daddy?" asks dylan and Tommy is delighted that Dylan has gotten his kinks out of his system and is ready to be adored like the little boy he wishes he could have been. But Tommy is making up for all of it whenever Dylan wants a dose of the kind of loving only Tommy will ever give him. They have the whole day free; they can play any way they both want. Tommy snuggles his best friend and feast his eyes on dylan's innocent smile.

They're about dozing off when Tommy's phone rings. It's Sammy---um, tyler.

"tyler, good morning. I'm surprised to hear from you since subs usually aren't allowed to speak directly with Doms without previous position."

"I'm sorry, Sir and will take punishment for it, but something has come up and I really need to speak to someone like you, someone who can be trusted."

"I understand, boy, so why don't you tell me on what's on your mind?"

"Well, Sir, Peter has been working me over lately and also talking to me a lot about what it would be like as his slave, and . . . I'm confused."

"Again I want to suggest that if you're confused you need to speak to the person who's confused you. I can't answer any of your questions because I don't know the whole story"

"Okay, Sir. But there's one thing I'm sure you can tell me since you spend a lot time with Peter and his other boys. My question is this. Peter has been very formal and strict with me as he teaches me how to act around him."

`Yes, I understand boy: protocol training."

"What do you mean by that, Sir?"

"A protocol is a prescribed way of acting and speaking to one another."

"Yes. Very cold and strict as well, like he's laying down the law and that's that. But Sir, perhaps you can tell me: "Is Peter always like that or does he allow some relaxed and gentle moments?"

"Again you need to tell him about your concern and let him take things from there. This negotiating stage is a two-way street, boy, don't forget that. So ask your question and get his answer. Then take if from there. If you find out he expects strict protocol at all times—and I've only seen a couple of pairs like that—well then, you should decide whether or not you can handle it. But I suspect you're overthinking everything right now just like novice slaveboys tend to do. Now go talk to Peter or call him. And I'll give you a suggestion. Test him. By that I mean when you see him walk right up to him like you're a regular buddy of his and begin talking. You'll find out soon enough if he won't allow you to act that way at times. then, if necessary, back away from it all. Don't forget, boy: consensual. You both have to agree to everything."

Tommy ends the call and brings his attention back to his slaveboy. He starts to jerk dylan off, which is still a mixture of pleasure and pain because the Ben Gay hasn't worn off completely. Dylan moans and groans like a slut. Finally, just as he's about to cum, Tommy backs off and Dylan screams. "No!!!!"

Tommy chuckles. "Who's in charge here, baby?"

"You are, Daddy."

"Then trust me, boy."

"Always trust you, Daddy. I love my Daddy."

Tommy edges him four times and then lets him have the most explosive orgasm he has had in a very long time. Tommy catches it in a towel because he doesn't want the Ben Gay to get in dylan's mouth if he feeds him his seed. He gets a warm washcloth and washes off the rest of the Ben Gay, then, now that dylan's cock has shrunk again, he puts the cage back on. Dylan simply soars into subspace to the point where he mumbles incoherently. Tommy realizes what is happening and just looks in wonder at the sight of his boyfriend having such an optimum mental experience.

They lie like that for a while together. Dylan turns himself around so he faces Tommy and lays his head on his shoulder and gradually falls asleep. Still asleep, Dylan wraps his arms around his lover and holds on tight. Tommy is very pleased with himself for giving his sweetheart a good sub experience. But now he just wants to treat him like the precious treasure he is, so the rest of the day will be given to pleasure, whether the "slave" wants it or not.


While they're sleeping tyler got a burst of courage and decided to call Peter, just like any guy would phone a buddy to chat.


(big breath) "Hi, Peter, this is tyler. How are you doing?"

"Tyler? Nice to hear you voice, boy. What's up?"

"I had a question I wanted to ask you, but I think you already just answered it for me," chuckles tyler.

"You're being very mysterious, buddy. Are you gonna let me in on your secret?"

Tyler laughs. "Oh sure. I was going to ask you if we'll get to be relaxed with each other rather than being locked into Master/slave roles all the time. So you answered it because you said something nice and didn't get angry and threaten to punish me for not acting like the slave I am supposed to be."

Peter quickly gets the point and laughs out loud for a while. "Tyler, I don't think it would really be possible for someone to get locked into either one of those roles permanently."

"Yes, Sir, you're probably right. I know I couldn't. Can I ask another?

"Sure. Anytime."

"So the protocol is only imposed during specific scenes?"

"That's close to the truth, but it does get a bit more a question of the facT that we both know who we are, so some things tend to become very normal for us."

"Such as"

"Well, you know you are always a slave and therefore that is true in all situations. I am the Master so I call the shots and you slip right into the proper mindset. I make the decisions. I can have you any time I want you. I determine how deep I want you to go---deep into your slave mentality."

"And, it seems, you're okay with us liking like buddies on the other senses, such as this conversation."

"That's right, guy. Think about it for a while. But don't forget that I can take control any time I want. And please, never, be afraid to ask

"Wow. Friend, too?"

Peter chuckles. "Yup. So take care now. I'll be in touch soon." and with that, Peter hangs up without giving tyler a chance to say goodbye.

... Back at the house. Monday night.

Tommy has to attend an evening program so Dylan has the evening to himself. He gets some reading done but gets distracted by recalling the night he was asleep in a car and Tommy got him out of the car and you asked him to carry you and you called him "Daddy," and he went right along with it. Then Dylan got a great idea: he would right Tommy a poem about that. He went right to work. A lot of paper got crunched up and thrown away until Dylan worked it out and had just about finished it when Tommy got home. He put the paper in the drawer and decided he'd give it to Tommy the day before the wedding, so on Friday night.

This is the poem he was planning to give Tommy:

My buddy, my savior, my

life-long friend, same in age, not in mind, you the big guy me the nerd

with love for you pulsing through my veins and sometimes I get you to feel its sweet pounding when you touch your fingers to that one spot,

and you know well where it is, and you want to ink your initial right there for all to see, and yes, Sir, sure you can for I am your boy

and you make it safe for me and let me call you "Daddy'


on needy nights, and you're planning to purchase

a sippy-cup so you can feed me warm milk in our bad. Hold me forever, honey?



I'd love to hear from you. I Love some of the things you guys tell me. Rob.

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Next: Chapter 45

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