Toms New House

By bob 3500

Published on Oct 5, 2009


Hey its bob3500 again. As usual this is a work of fiction bla bla

Hope you enjoy

Tom's New House

My name is tom and I'm going to be 13 come mid July. I was looking forward to the summer and hanging out with my friends. We had never done anything sexual unless you count hiding a boner while waking up at a sleepover. I have been jerking off for the last year and was starting to wonder if any of my friends did as well. I was going to ask them the next time we had a sleepover. I figured the question wouldn't bother them since we often joked about boners. The other thing that I was also interested in was maybe seeing their boners. I know I have seen a slight out line in the morning sometimes but nothing substantial. Plus they would always cover up really fast. I guessed that my friend Jake was about the same size as me 4.5" when hard and my other friend Sam who was the youngest was probably only 3" when hard because he didn't seem to be in puberty yet. I was starting to get excited around May for are annual school end sleepover. I was determined to see at least one of them naked. The school year was coming to an end when the worst possible thing happened. My dad got a promotion at work. This meant we would have to move half way across the country as soon as school ended. This was devastating for me there was no time for the end of school sleepover and because of exams I didn't get much time to spend with my friends before we left.

The day school ended I said my goodbyes and went home knowing that I would be moving the next morning. My dad had left about a month ago to get things set up at are new place. I was not happy about the move but any time over the past week when I asked my mom about the new house all she would say is that I would like it. That night I asked again and with a bit of a smile she said she would tell me on the way. The next morning we packed all we were taking into the car and trailer we had rented and set out to our new house.

After about an hour on the road I started to ask mom about the new house. "You see honey" she started. "The promotion your father got was very sudden and unexpected. We never wanted to have to move you away from your school and friends but that's just the way it goes. Anyways, with the promotion your father got a huge raise which is part of why he took it. The other part is that his work agreed to pay for whatever house we decided to move to. Since we are moving half way across the country this means we had to buy a newer home that was fully furnished. "

"So what kind of house is it" I interrupted.

"I was just getting to that" my mom replied. "The house we are going to is on the outskirt of a large suburban area that just had a new high school built a couple years ago."

"I don't care about the school tell my about the house"

"Well I mention the school because the guy that owned are house is the same guy that designed the school. Apparently in order to get ideas for a school full of teenagers he first redesigned his house trying out different ideas top get into the proper mind set. I don't know how that would help design a school but to each their own. Anyhow, he said that the basement was his idea of a super high tech room for a teenage boy."

"What does that mean?"

"Well it means that when your dad told him our story and about not wanting to move you he said that he would leave that basement exactly the way it was. I only found out a week ago what that the basement had been set as a kind of show room that showcases some of the newest design elements. To make a long story short you are going to get the basement all to yourself and I think you will like it."

"How do you know I will like it?"

"I guess you don't know what a show room is. The whole basement is like a state if the art smart home. That means fully integrated top level technology. If you still don't understand you will see when we get there in three days."

Three days was right it was a horrible trip just sitting in the car for hours on end driving along the road. We stayed in motels where the beds squeaked at the slightest movement. That meant three long days where I did not get to jerk off the usual three times I like to.

We pulled into the drive way and my dad came out to meet us. He asked us how the trip was and I told him it was too long for a boy my age. I think he knew what I meant because he said he didn't like long trips when he was my age either. I was about to bring in some boxes when my dad called me over and said that instead of doing that I should read this and he held up a brown paper package.

"The guy who owned this house said to give it to the person living in the basement. He mentioned something about it being for your eyes only."

I took the package and started inside. On the way I overheard my mom saying to my dad," Are you sure about that."

"Don't worry the guy told me that it is just an instruction manual for the integrated system."

I went down the stairs to the basement and thought I had entered a new house. I went in the door at the landing and the lights automatically came on to reveal a nice little den complete with sofa, chairs and a massive entertainment system. From there I walked through one door that leads to a weight room with all the bells and whistles. Through another door I found my bed room that was amazing. There was a king sized bed a walk in closet and a desk with a computer set up I had never seen before. On a table by the door I found an electronic docking station. On it was a new kind of cell phone I had never seen before. On one side of my room there was a door that leads to the bathroom. I didn't think there is much that can be changed about a bathroom but there is.

I stepped in and found the whole floor was tiled and slanting towards a drain in the middle. On one side was a toilet and right beside it was a trough type urinal. On the back wall was an open style shower that had several showerheads and beside it was a tub that was sunk into the ground so far that once full a person could easily stand. I stepped back into my room and that is when I noticed the huge screen set to be viewed from my bed. I was having so much fun discovering my new room I had no idea that my dad had come into the room.

"So what do you think?" my dad asked as I almost shot out of my socks.

"I think it's awesome."

"I hate to drag you away from it but it's time for dinner."

We headed up the stairs which came out into the kitchen and sat down for dinner. We talked and dad told us more about the house and all the cool features. He told us that the entire basement is sound proof and that there is an intercom located in several areas of the house. As we were finishing our meal dad told me that he put all of my stuff beside the basement stairs and that I had to get it all put away. So after dinner I carried the boxes down the stairs and into my room. All I had brought were clothes and some assorted item that I was attached to. I had had to leave a lot of thing behind because of the limited space for travel. I started to unpack my few possessions knowing that my parents would buy me anything I needed.

I just had to put my clothes away and then I would be done. I went into the walk in closet and started to put my stuff away. I opened one drawer and found that it was full of underwear. There was a note on top that sad "see manual section 5". I closed the drawer and finished putting my clothes away. When I was done that I realized that it was getting late. Suddenly through the integrated sound system I heard my parent's voice and they told me they were going to bed. I looked around and say I light on a panel beside my bed that read "intercom". I pressed the button and said good night to my parents. I turned the intercom off and decided to go to bed.

I striped down to my boxes and crawled into bed. The fabric felt a little wired not in a bad way but just different. I was about to cover up and go to sleep when I remembered the boxers in the closet. I decided I could start reading the manual tonight so I hoped out of bed and grabbed it off the table I had left it on. I ripped off the paper raping and threw it in the garbage bin. I crawled back into the bed and opened the book. I found that inside it was hollowed out with a flash drive in the middle. There were instructions on the back cover of the book that told me to put the drive in the port by the wall panel beside my bed. I lend over and put the drive in the port.

All of a sudden the lights dimmed and the screen on the wall came on. A kind of power point started that said "Well come to the integrated systems start up program. This tutorial will help you to program all of the built in systems as well as explain everything ells in the basement."

The tutorial first directed me to get the wired cell phone thing. It explained that it was in fact a cell phone on a new system that would cost me nothing to use. It continued to explain that it is also a controller for all the systems in the basement. I sat and watched the tutorial and programmed the system for a while. I set my alarm clock, auto light system, and the tutorial explained all about the built in sound system, entertainment systems, computer set up and every little detail there was. It looked like the totuorial had finished when I heard a beep from my phone. The screen displayed a message saying "section 5 for your eyes only. Enter now." I pressed the yes button. I suddenly heard all the doors in the basement close and the auto locks activate.

The next couple of screens explained that since this was an area designed for a teenage boy all necessities had been taken care of. It explained about the boxers being designed to keep unwanted boners out of the way. It continued to tell me that all the sheets and blanks are made to sock up cum and other fluids and wash out very well. as the tutorial continued I started to get a bit of a boner and almost like the computer knew it, it went and opened a large hidden panel behind my head board. The screen then explained what was in there. There was an assortment if lubes and oils for jerking off and massages. There were also clothes to clean up any messes and an assortment of sex toys. The tutorial told me what each lube and oil was designed for as well as how to use the different sex toys. Then the screen said an odd thing "Give it a try". With that the lights raised a little and some soft music started to play. Realizing how horny I was form not getting off for over three days now I didn't need any more encouragement than that.

I pulled back my blanket and could see the tent in my boxes. I pushed my right hand down the front of my boxes and slid my fingers through my little patch of pubes as I grasped my nicely cut cock. I lifted my but up and with me left hand pulled my boxers down and off. I lied back down enjoying the freedom of nakedness. As I was lying there I glanced up at the screen that was now going through a slide show of the lubes reminding me what each one was and what it did best. I reached behind myself and got a squirt of lube out of one of the giant pump bottles and started to rub it into my aching cock. I lube I had grabbed was thick and meant to give me a lot of friction to build to a quick orgasm. My slow stock started to speed up. I was kneading my balls felling them slowly ascend up to the base of my cock. My right hand was soon going full speed. For some reason I bent my knees and put my feet flat on the bed. A second later my body spammed raising my ass in the air shooting the biggest shot of cum ever straight into my mouth. A second shot hit my chest as the rest oozed out running up my belly. The intense spasm stopped and I collapsed on my bed lying flat out. I tasted the new flavour in my mouth and enjoyed the slightly salty flavour. Lying there caching my breath I reach up and grab a cloth from behind me to clean up the line of cum running from the tip of my cock up to my chin.

I got out of bed and carried the spoiled cum rag to the laundry hamper in the bathroom along with my boxes. After tossing them both in the hamper I returned to bed and crawled in naked. I only wore boxers to bed because it helped contain the mess whenever I had a wet dream. I picked up the phone and read the message "are you done?" I pressed the yes button and the screen stopped its slide show of lubes and returned the lighting to the way it was before I started my little session. The screen then read "final section. Closed circuit integrated security monitoring system." The screen did a little split screen thing diving it into about 40 different sections which still looked ok because of the overall screen size. The screen then showed me a diagram of the basement with X's all over it. It explained that there is a constant recording of what happens in the basement. It explained the controls and I then brought up the last ten minutes. I could see myself getting undressed. I could zoom in and out and do all kind of things. I could listen to what sounds I made.

I pressed the finish button on my phone and the screen reminded me to remove the flash drive and indicated spot on the book shelf for the manual to go. I realized that it was late so I turned the lights off and went to sleep.

To be continued

I guaranty the next part will come along quickly. Please send comments and suggestions to

Next: Chapter 2

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