Tom's Nipples

By Neo

Published on Sep 15, 2024


Author's note:

This series is based loosely on my time going through middle school, high school and up until now. Mostly true, but somewhat enhanced.

Remember to always practice safe sex and never do anything that both you and your partner don't agree to.

If you are underage, please try to understand this is not a place to get educated. This is a place for educated adults.

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I appreciate hearing from all of you and the thoughts, comments, and feedback are VERY much appreciated. Thank you to those of you who have taken the time out of your day to write me about my story. - NEO

Part 55

Having returned Ollie safely to his parents I made my way home and cleaned up my camping gear and then hit the sack early for a change as the long weekend had caught up with me. Tomorrow started my full-time work schedule at my father's shop, and honestly I wasn't looking forward to it.

I wasn't looking forward to Ollie starting summer school tomorrow either. I wasn't crazy that Tom was starting a summer job tomorrow also. And I wasn't crazy about the upcoming summer looking to be busy, but in a boring way. Ugh.

But trying to find some glimpses of hope for an occasional enjoyable time with my friends I started to make a mental list of events, holidays and ANY possibility of getting together. Surprisingly as I lay in bed starting to drift off to sleep I was able to come up with a few.

The first big event was actually this upcoming weekend! Cole and Erica's Going Away party. Being it was going to be a duo event for the two of them, and at Cole's house I am betting it will be quite crowded. The likelihood of me and Ollie sneaking away for some sexual fun was unlikely. But then when you're faced with the prospect of hardly seeing each other for most of the summer, just to SEE each other is a joy! Just to be able to talk and enjoy each other's company in a proper social setting will be welcomed!

Of course, teen guys have a natural ability of finding ways to sneak off for a quickie! I think it's in our DNA, hahahahaa

Beyond this party I see a few long weeks in June but then comes the 4th of July holiday. AND.... this year it happens to be on a Monday, so an extra long weekend!!! Ollie will be out of school for 3 whole days, I will have 3 days off work. Families might be traveling tho, but then we are old enough (I hope?) to opt out and stay home. Hopefully. Maybe this will be a good time to get in Ollie's boy pussy and make him really see fireworks!!!

And after that I overheard Mrs W mention that one of the younger boys had a birthday coming up later in July. This meant another get together/ party. And then in August is Ollie's 16th birthday. I'd like to really make it special for him, but I'm sure his family will also.... so that one is going to take some thought and planning ahead of time. I need to come up with a legitimate way to steal him away for a day. NOT an easy thing to do. hmmmmph.

And then before you know it Labor Day will be upon us and school will resume. Never thought I'd welcome that!

We also have every weekend off so I need to come up with a reoccurring activity, club, group, or.... I don't know, something that both Ollie and I can enroll in, or participate in. Sort of along the lines of all that training we did for the marathon. It was legit, actually for a worthy cause, we raised a TON of donations...... AND it allowed us to get together every weekend. ;)

Come on Neo, put on your thinking cap! Any ideas???

As my mind whirled round and round creating ideas, along with replaying the events of the past weekend which had been nothing short of surreal, I spun my head into a deep sleep.

The next morning started off early, and brutal. The alarm blasting into my dreams of wild sex. Hitting the snooze I did NOT want the dream to end, nor did I want to face the beginning of working at a full-time job. Especially with my father for a boss!

I buried my head under the pillow, ignoring my rock hard erection and waited for what I knew would be coming.... the snooze going off followed by my mom yelling for me to wake up. Ugh. Just ugh.

Brrring..... Brrring...... Brrring

Seriously if I had a hammer!!!

And right on cue, "Neo?..... Neo?..... NEO!!! Are you getting up?" my mom asked.

"Yeah mom," I groggily answered, "I'm up."

I ran my hand slowly down my chest, stopping to caress my nipples wishing they were Ollie's..... or Tom's. Or even if they looked like Tom's. Hell... better yet if it was Ollie running his hands down my chest as I woke up! I continued down to grasp my hard cock and gave it a few strokes, "Yeah I was up alright."

Seriously I can't wait to get a place of my own!

I had made an appointment to get my car detailed at my neighbors auto detailing shop. It had got quite dirty especially after driving around the campground's dirt trails. Much more of that and I'll need to buy a jeep. The plan was to drop it off on my way to work and ride with my dad.

We arrived at Carlos' Detailing and my father and him talked for a few minutes and then we had to be on our way. Heaven forbid if we showed up to work late!!! On the ride to work my father took advantage of the time alone to catch up on what was going on in his son's life these days, something he doesn't do often.

Eventually the conversation turned to dating and girls. Ugh I hate when this topic comes up.

"So Neo," he started, "Now that Erica is engaged and moving away I hope you're willing to forget about her and start looking for a nice girl."

geeesh! I had to bite my tongue because my father can be difficult at times, like most times actually! "DAD!" I let out in exasperation, "First of all Erica has been nothing but a good friend of mine from the day she moved here. I never asked her out because she's not the type of person I want to date. And I'm going to miss her, as a friend after she moves.

"I'm just suggesting that you should start looking for a nice girl to date, that's all." he said.

"Yeah well I'm not," I paused... "and during the summer is not the time to easily meet people, especially when I'm working every day. I barely have time to spend with my friends much less meet new ones."

"You're only 17 so you've still got plenty of time." he concluded, "I was just curious if you had met anyone, that's really the only reason I asked. I'm not meaning to sound like I'm pressuring you."

Oh I hate these conversations!

"No dad, I haven't met any nice girls lately," and with a slight smirk I added, "and honestly I'm not really going out of my way looking either. I'm fine with hangin out with my friends and have fun."

"Well just remember I'm always here if you want to talk." he said.

[yeah like that's going to happen!!!] "Ok thanks Dad."

THANKFULLY we finally arrived at the shop. Damn it's going to be a long summer!

After work the car was awaiting me looking super clean, like a new car! I don't know if it was worth having to ride with my father to and from work. Next time I'll rethink how I plan that out. After dinner I needed to get out of the house so I headed over to see Erica.

[knock knock] "Hey Neo come on in." Erica's mom greeted me. "ERICA! Neo is here to see you!"

Erica yelled back, "Tell him I just got out of the shower and will be out in a few minutes.

I sat and talked to her mom. "Are you going to go to the party at Cole's house?" I asked her mom. I wasn't sure since she doesn't get around very well these days.

"Yes I am," she surprised me by explaining, "Rick's mom has offered to drive me there."

"Oh." I was slightly caught by surprise that Ricky's mom was going, "I didn't know she was going."

"Yes, remember that she is friends with a lady at work who knows Cole's mom."

"Ahh yes, I do recall hearing something to that effect." I said recalling that was how Ricky got us invited to Cole's New Years Eve party in the first place. I guess I owe it to Ricky for my meeting Ollie!!!

Erica came out of the bathroom, half naked with a towel wrapped around her and greeted me from the hallway, out of her mom's site. "Hi Neo, why don't you come up to my room and we can catch up while I get ready."

"Umm....ok?" I wasn't sure about this. With her you can never be sure!

We walked in her room and she closes the door! I looked at her like, WTF?

"Oh don't worry about my mom, she loves you and knows that we are just friends. So no biggie right?"

"Umm sure."

I just stood there not sure what was going to happen next. "You said you are getting ready? For what, are you going out tonight?"

"No silly," she laughed, "Girls just need to 'get ready' after they get out of the shower. You know dry off, fix their hair, put lotion on... that kind of stuff."

"Oh I got ya," I said, "I wasn't sure what you meant I guess."

"Sit down on my bed instead of standing there like a dofus." she said using her usual 'lady-like' language.

"So what's new Neo?" she asked as she grabbed a pair of black sexy bikini panties out of her drawer and pulled them up under her bath towel acting like it was nothing.

I gulped and told her I was wondering how the plans for the going away party were progressing?

"Cole is handling most of that, which is nice. I just need to invite my family and friends and he's handling the rest." she said turning her back to me, "Don't look I'm going to get dressed." And with that she dropped the towel to the floor!

"DAMN!" I couldn't help myself as her bikini panties were actually thong panties!!!

"Oh come on Neo," she cooed, "You know I always loved teasing you, and even though you're gay it's still fun to do. And you never seemed to mind." she said with a slight smile.

Huh?.... What, Wait... when did I tell her I was gay? I composed myself and asked, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh get off it Neo." she laughed, "You're forgetting we know each other very well, and for a very long time." as she turned to face me, topless in nothing but those silky black thongs. She did a slow sexy walk right up until she was standing in front of me. She shook her boobies and said, "Both you and I know these don't do it for you. And I've noticed who you've been spending a lot of time with... and it isn't Tom!"

I was speechless and sat there unsure what to say. But I do recall thinking to myself that this bitch can't move away fast enough!!!

"Don't worry my dear Neo," she seductively said as she reached out and pulled on my ear lobe, "Your secret will always be safe with me."

Yeah I thought to myself, that's because she knows I got dirt on her too! hahahaa

Her hand slid down my neck after she let go of my ear, but not before saying "Nice hickey by the way."

I blushed. She giggled. "Just remember Neo I will always love you as a dear friend. I want you to be happy. I'm on your side. Ok?"

I stood up and hugged her, "And you know that I love you too, as a friend I mean and I'm going to miss you, but I want the best for you as well." Holding her almost naked body might have been a mistake tho. Yeah she's a girl. And true boobies don't do a thing for me but hugging her I wasn't focused on them. Her skin however was silky smooth and felt really nice. Being taller than her I was able to look over her shoulder and view her pert ass. And in those thong panties it looked really nice. I could see in that moment why Ricky liked fucking her in the ass!

I let go thinking I'd better put a stop to this before things get carried away.

She walked, or should I say 'swayed' over to her dresser and grabbed a bottle of lotion and returned to me. "Be a dear and put some lotion on my back for me, I can't reach all the way back there.

Ummm.... ok

She smiled. I had visions of a spider smiling as a fly entered into its trap. This was beginning to concern me. She stood in front of me with her back toward me and I started, very tentatively applying lotion to her back.

"Make sure you get it rubbed in good, it's thick lotion." she quietly said.

I complied figuring it was just a last time fling before she moves, and it's not like we're actually having sex. Once I got down to her lower waistline she said to continue lower. And it wasn't a question.

Being confronted with her sexy ass continued feeling somewhat safe in that the thong kept her private areas off limits. Hopefully.

I was quick to continue down her legs, if for no other reason than to get away from where I didn't want to go! When I got to her feet she stopped me by saying, "Let me sit on the bed so you can get my feet really good cus I know how much you like them."

"You have very sexy talented feet I must admit." I said as she put one in my lap.

I massaged the lotion into her sexy little foot making sure to get each toe, the sole of her foot and her ankle. Once finished with that one she raised the other foot on to my lap, while keeping the first one there... positioned right over my crotch! I began on the other foot, massaging the lotion in completely. Meanwhile the dark blue sweatpants I put on after work were maybe not the best choice as her idle foot was anything but idle!

Yeah the slut had succeeded in getting me hard. And to make her point clear she told me to be sure I did a good job on the second foot as it had a job to do when I was finished with it.

"What kind of job?" I asked even though I was well aware.

With that she had me turn so that my back was against her headboard and she moved around so that she was sitting facing me with both feet in my crotch rubbing my increasingly hard dick. "I want a special kind of lotion on my feet tonight" she seductively whispered.

She continued rubbing my dick through the sweatpants and then slowly started working her toes into the waistband and started pulling it down with her feet. I raised my butt up off the bed to help. Then she repeated the same thing with my briefs until my cock was finally set free!

"Ummm..... not that I'm complaining but why are you doing this?" I dared to ask.

"Because Neo," she said, "Next week I will be gone, living thousands of miles away and we won't see each other anymore. So think of it as a going away gift to remember me by."

I smiled speechlessly.

"Unless you'd rather I not," she started pulling her feet away giving me that teasing look of hers.

I reached out and grabbed both her sexy feet and wrapped them around my hard cock and began a stroking motion as a way of answering her question. Not that it was a real question.

She smiled, "that's what I thought. Now sit back and enjoy your little gift from me."

And with that those sexy feet began doing their thing, massaging my hard dick while all I had to do was lean back against her headboard and enjoy the show! Friends are nice to have, even if they are girls! :) Looking down in front of me I watched as her perfectly formed dainty little feet started a up and down stroking of my now rock-hard teenage cock. Her very talented sexy little toes grabbed my hard-on like little fingers caressing my smooth pulsating shaft. And the sexy red toenail polish just added to the vision in front of me.

She of course had done this to me before, several times actually over the years as neighbors, but never topless... practically naked save for those silky black thong undies. I had long decided I was gay, but to be honest I still found certain parts of a girl sexy. And Erica had sexy feet and legs. Oh... and a smokin hot ass! But if she thought being topless was going to turn me on, well... she had another guess coming, although I wasn't going to say anything to her now. Let's just say Ollie had nothing to worry about right now!

Erica was a petite girl and her little feet had a way of making my cock look bigger than it usually looks, which of course made me feel even better. And even more horny as I looked down at them stroking me. I was getting close as the pre-cum started to ease its way out offering some natural lube.

Sensing this she increased the action and before you know it I was right there.

Then she stopped!

DAMN HER! I immediately went into "that Bitch!" mode and glared at her with a "are you kidding me" look?

Laughing she looked at me and said "Owww if you could see the look on your face right now!" but then picked right up where she left off before my teen hard-on had a chance to protest.

I thought to myself, yeah that's how I'll always remember her. A sweet, nice cock teasing bitch! :))

Determined now to finish me her sexy little toes wrapped themselves tightly around my hard love muscle and they jerked me off just like a hand with little fingers. Only difference is, to me at least, nice feet look sexier than hands.

Either way, hands or feet I was at the point of no return!

Knowing her mom was downstairs I tried to keep my reaction quiet as possible but still let out a groan of pleasure!


I felt my cock spasm deep within and the first of many surges sent hot Neo cum blasting up my cum tube and out all over those sexy little toes.

Her feet had to feel the spasms as they were quite strong with the second blast shooting even more warm teen jizz all over the top part of one of her feet.


Blasts 3, 4 and 5 fired off in rapid succession coating both her feet in white creamy boy sauce!

Erica had a look of passion on her face, which had turned red making me wonder if she was actually getting off on this too? Girls are so good at faking orgasms, and I am not real experienced with girls to begin with so I don't really know.... but her flushed red face suggested she got off on getting guys off. Either that or she was embarrassed, and Erica was NOT one easily embarrassed!

My remaining blasts tapered off running down the side of my still rock hard, but temporarily satisfied cock, landing perfectly on her beautiful red toenails giving them an opulent appearance.

Letting out a gasp I slumped back against her pillows and let out a string of profanities she's no doubt heard before, albeit quietly so her mom wouldn't hear, "Holy shit that felt damn fucking good you sexy little bitch!!!"

She smiled a seductive smile, "You sound like that horny wild guy that lives between us!" hahahaha

"Yeah I do hang out with him so much that his language wears off on me!" I said, "I hope I don't turn into another Ricky!"

"Oh don't worry Neo you'll never be a Ricky, but I can see you becoming more like an Ollie." she said giving me 'that look'.

I wasn't sure how to respond, but I sure didn't want Ollie and my relationship brought into this discussion, so I remained quiet and just let her remark slide right on by.

Rubbing my still semi hard dick with her cum covered feet while she admired her work she suddenly frowned and said, "You know I've changed my mind. I've decided I don't want this special lotion on my feet after all. Please remove it for me."


"I don't see a towel or anything nearby to wipe it all off." I said looking around, "Why don't you go get me one?"

"WHAT? I can't get up and walk anywhere with all that.... 'lotion' all over my feet!"

"Well I sure can't walk down your hallway to the bathroom like this!" fearing that I knew where this was going.

I know her, and I had a sinking feeling I'd just been set up!

And she knows me, and just figured out that I was on to her. But she is a mighty foe to be handled with extreme caution. Remember Austin and his gang in the Game Room at the campground? Well an encounter like that is child's play compared to locking horns with likes of Erica!!!

"Oh dear me," she mockingly exclaimed, "Looks like we got ourselves a little problem then. Don't we?"

I just let out a gasp and held my hand to my head as I knew what was coming.

"I guess one of us is going to have to lick all that 'lotion' up then." sounding very firm in her suggestion, "and I can't reach my own feet with my mouth, and even if I could I'm not the one here into licking feet and sucking toes so that doesn't make me the best choice.... so I guess that leaves you!"

"Erica..... "

"And before you try saying no let me point out how it would benefit both of us." she continued making her case, "Because we wouldn't want to part ways with me unhappy, would we."

I remained silent.

"WOULD WE?" she adamantly asked.... not that it was a question.

"Alright" I said.

"Wise choice Neo." she smiled, "That's what I like about you. You always consider your friends too. See now not only will you and I be happy, Ollie, Ricky, Tom and the rest of your buddies will all be none the wiser.... which keeps us all happy. See? What a wise choice!"

And then to get things rolling she push with her one heel applying a firm amount of pressure against my balls, "I've heard it's tastier when it's still warm so you'd better get to work!"

Resigned to my fate I rationalized that I had eaten lots of cum before, including my own.... and I do enjoy licking sexy feet, guy or girl, and she clearly has very cute feet so I wasn't really dreading the task at hand. It's more how I allowed myself to be setup by this bitch again. But honestly it's always been a 'love-hate' thing that we've shared from day one. So in a way it's a fitting way to say our goodbyes.

I picked up her right cum covered foot with my hand and raised it to my mouth as she smiled.

I admired my handiwork as I had done a pretty good job of painting her gorgeous feet with my hot white cum. Shot it across the tops of her feet, on and in between her cute perfectly formed toes, and got some on her sole as well.

In a way I felt embarrassed having to lick my cum off 'her' feet, but yet I thought to myself if I was licking it off Ollie's I'd feel much differently about it. Some things are strange and hard to understand!

However once I got started it became easier as I focused mainly on how sexy her feet looked. I licked up the single long streamer that covered her sole first by beginning at her heel and licking all the entire length of her foot. Then I turned her foot over and did the same to the top side which had several shots covering it. Finally I finished by sucking each toe, starting with the pinky and working my way to her big toe, which I sucked like a small cock.

As I grabbed her other foot I looked up at her to judge her reaction. While she might have thought I was "odd" for having a foot fetish, I realized in that moment so did she as her look of enjoyment of having her feet sucked was telling. She was enjoying it as much as I was. Maybe we were more alike than we would ever realize.

Finished I kissed each foot one last time and she smiled a sexy look of approval, got up and with a giddy look on her face and gave me a hug thanking me by giving me a kiss... and get this, ON THE LIPS! This was a first as we would kiss often over the years but always on the cheek. Not to overlook that her kiss was tasting my cum remnants from my task I just completed, which I'm sure was what she had in mind.

With that she said, "I'd better finish getting dressed before we go downstairs."

"Yeah..... ya think?"

As she was dressing I asked her about the party coming up this weekend. Things like how many people were they expecting, and who, was there anything I could do to help, and so on. She said they had everything covered and just to show up, maybe early as they were expecting a large turnout.

Downstairs I told her mom I was glad to hear she would be attending the party and I was looking forward to it. Erica whispered under her breath as she saw me out the door, "Yeah I'm sure you are." We both knew what she meant.

"I'll see you at the party." I said as I hugged her goodbye.

"Thanks for "coming" over to see me." she seductively smiled.

As I walked the short walk home I was struck with the reality that as much as I hate her I do love her even more, and that we are probably more alike than either of us will ever realize.

I am going to miss her. sigh

The week dragged on but finally the weekend arrived and it was time for the party!!! WOO HOO I woke up that morning and jumped out of bed... something I don't normally do. I was excited to get this day started! I hit the shower, wanted to jerk off like I usually do every morning but today I wanted to save it for later. Not that I run out of cum at the ripe old age of 17, but I was beginning to realize that if I denied myself it made me hornier (if that's even possible) and the hornier I was the more I strived to "make it happen, no matter the circumstances!"

Hopefully it doesn't backfire on me.

I spent more time than usual in the bathroom 'primping' since all week going to work at my father's shop I basically rolled out of bed and went with whatever I looked like. Today I needed to put myself together. I shaved, styled my hair by adding a little wave to it (it drives people crazy), made sure my nails were lookin good, trimmed any body hair (which at this point wasn't much) and when I was all finished I stood back, naked in front of the mirror and took in what I saw.

It was good in that for me I felt I had done the best I could. Blemish free skin, especially my face. Teeth white, lips moist. Ears clean and ready to be licked or sucked. My long blonde hair drives everyone nuts, especially making the girls jealous. My pits have just a slight wisp of hair in them, and further down my smooth hairless chest just below my bellybutton was an ever so faint beginning of a happy trail. (undecided if I'm going to keep it as I'm not a fan of body hair). I did trim my balls and 'boy pussy' not that I was certain it was going to see action tonight, but good to always be ready!

BUT not everything I saw was good. At least in my eyes. I really need to think about starting a weightlifting program, gain some weight. I mean seriously when I am with the rest of the group I am by far the skinny guy! I don't see what Ollie could possibly like in my body. He's said he likes, no ...'loves' me for who I am which is nice. And I feel the same toward him. But he also has a hot body. I need to improve mine so that he'll like my body like he likes me. And also I need to do it for myself. It's important that we are happy in our own skin. I know I'll never have the muscular built Ricky has, and I don't have Tom's genetics or Ollie's super toned ripped look. But my goal is not to look like someone else. I just want to be the best version of Neo I can be.

Well enough self-analysis in front of the bathroom mirror. Nothing is going to change today. Time to get dressed.

UGH.... and again my worst enemy! The clothes closet. I hate this part. What to wear? I tried on this, that, and then this again. Don't want to be too dressy or formal, it's an outdoor cookout style event. But don't want to just throw on a ratty t-shirt and dirty jeans with Ollie's family there. Finally I decided on a nice crisp white pullover polo with some dressy jeans. I'd go commando (because I can get away with it) and bring a pair of boardshorts and an over-sized t-shirt for the pool. I've found that over-sized t-shirts can be a life saver when you're trying to sneak in some sexual fun at a public gathering!

Pleased with my look I headed downstairs, ready to go. My mom looked at me and asked, "You're not leaving already are you?"

"Huh?" I looked puzzled at her, "No of course not it's still morning. I haven't even had breakfast yet!"

"Ok just checking." she chuckled, "You look like you're ready to head out the door already!"

Truth is.... I was! But I surely wasn't going to tell her that. She did make me realize I was a bit over-hyped about the day awaiting us. I needed to chill.

"Thanks mom." I smiled.

She just smiled, not sure what I was really thanking her for. :)

FINALLY it was time to head over to the party! I was probably going to be one of the early arrivals but I thought since I was in good with Mrs W that I explain I showed up early to see if I could help in any way. However arriving at Ollie's I was surprised at how many people were already there. Turns out it was mostly the grandparents and elderly family members.

My welcoming committee, aka Evan and Liam were the first to spot my arrival. It seems with them around I'll never have to knock on the door! I like them tho, they're cute kids and they think of me as their buddy! They come running out every time I arrive, say hi and then between telling me this and that (at 90mph) they holler out to Ollie.... "OLLIE, NEO'S HERE!!!"

And then Ollie comes out, we look at each other and just give a slight nod and even slighter smile.



.... and suddenly all is well in the world. :)

That's how you know it's real love. (at least in the mind of a still maturing naïve teenage)

"I know I'm early but thought I'd see if I could help with anything." I told him.

"It's fine you're early but I think big brother has everything under control." he said, "You can come inside and say hello to my grandparents."

"Ok great!" and as we headed up the sidewalk I told him, "I can't wait to hear what summer school is like?"

"Oh I'll tell you about that later," he said, "First let's get these greetings out of the way."

Entering the house Mrs W spotted me right off and greeted me, "Oh Neo it's nice to see you again. Come in and make yourself at home. Oliver be a dear and introduce Neo to your grandparents. Cole should be back soon, he went to pick up Erica."

"Sure mom,"

So began all the formal introductions, but I couldn't erase my recent images of Erica from my mind. hahahaa After spending the appropriate time with the family members Ollie suggested we go out back and check out the tent, food trays, and yes even music!

We wandered around a bit but it wasn't long before "the lil bros" joined us. Seeing them coming Ollie says "Here come's your fan club!"

"That's ok," I said, "I mean it's better they like me than not, right?"

"You're just Mr Popular I guess!"

"To them anyway." I laughed.

"HEY!" he said rubbing his shoulder against mine fairly unnoticed, "I'm your number one.... and don't ever forget it!"

"Yes sir." as the boys arrived. "Hey Neo, you wanna see our tree fort again?" they asked excitedly.

"Oh wow, yes!" I said remembering the last time, "But first I want to sit here and listen to your brother tell me about summer school ok?"

Evan pipes up, "Oh THAT. School talk. Boring!" he said rolling his eyes.

"Why don't you two run along then while I tell him about school and we'll check out the fort later alright?" Ollie told them, making it seem like a question.

"Alright let's go play video games Liam." and off they went.

This left us alone for what might be the only time the entire day, and although all we could do at this point in time was talk we were thrilled to be alone and able to catch up. Ollie told me about summer school, how it was much faster paced and a lot crammed into a short period of time. "You really have to pay attention to everything," he said, "but it's good in a way because it keeps me focused and doesn't allow my mind to wander."

"Do you think it's going to be too much as the weeks go on?" I asked him.

"No not at all," he said, "It's structured not to fail as long as you show up and pay attention."

"Good!" I said, "I know you can do anything you put your mind to. I'm proud of you, you know that right?"

"That's enough talk about that!" he said sounding embarrassed with all the attention, "You're starting to sound like my mom or something."

"Well I was just saying...."

"Yeah yeah yeah," he sighed, "but that's enough ok? Let's talk about how your first week of working full-time went."

"Working for my father as my boss sucks," I groaned, "but otherwise it went alright. I'm learning how to use the different machines instead of just cleaning up and putting stuff away. So that keeps my mind occupied."

"Well we both got that going for us then." he smiled.

"Hey I was thinking," I said changing the subject, "We are already in the middle of June and the 4th of July isn't far off. And guess what.... this year it's on a Monday which means we all have a long 3 day weekend!!"

Ollie gave me 'that' look and says, "And I'm guessing Mr Neo has an idea for that weekend?"

"Hmmmmm..... I just might!"

"I thought so!" Ollie grinned, "Do tell."

"I don't have all the details worked out but...." I explained, "since we had such a great time camping I was thinking of driving over to the other side of town to see this synchronized firework show and then campout there."

"Synchronized fireworks show?" he asked, "Do is it timed to music or what?"

"Yeah," I said, "It's an award winning show company that is world renown for it fireworks."

"What day is it? Ollie wondered.

"That's the beauty of it, since they are traveling from Pennsylvania it's a 3 night show. Saturday, Sunday and Monday the 4th.

"Is the whole group going?" he asked.

"Well that might be a problem." I hesitated, "Being a holiday weekend not everybody in the ground will be able to go."

"So how many are going so far?"

"Let's see," I paused and counted on my fingers, "So far it's two, me and you."

"And why might this be a problem exactly?" he asked trying to contain his infectious smile.

"Just getting the parents approval I guess."

Ollie thought for a minute and asked, "Maybe it's time we try just being a little bit more vague and just tell them "some of the group is planning on going also but right now we're not sure who all will attend."

"I think I can sell my parents on it." I said, "You think that might work with your parents?

"It's time to find out. he said, "I mean with Cole gone they won't get that influence from "big brother" always talking like I'm Evan and Liam's age. And after a month into the hectic summer school routine it will be a much welcome break for me."

"Your sales pitch sounds good so far." I said, "It just might work."

"Alright let me work on it," he said, "and then I'll pitch it on my mom while dad is away. She loves you, so I think that will help."

"I'm telling ya, it's that irresistible Neo charm!" I laughed.

"What's all the laughing about out here!?" a voice appeared out of nowhere, "It sounds like you two are plotting something!"

A voice I recognized all too well.... my favorite bitch, Erica!!!

"Well lookie who's here!" I sarcastically said, "About time since you are the guest of honor!"

She gave me a smile, a slightly evil one at that but still none the less a smile, "Yeah and I love you too!"

And then she walked over to Ollie, "Let me give my sweet soon to be brother-in-law a nice hug." and as she hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek she sarcastically said, "Oliver you should pick your friends more carefully." hahahaa

Ollie still not that familiar with his soon to be sister-in-law took offense to her statement, "I think my friends are very nice, thank you very much!"

I looked at him and rolled my eyes and shook my head "no" indicating she was just messin with him.

"Oh Oliver dear, I'm just kiddin' around with ya. You know me and Neo go way back to childhood together and I admire, adore and respect him greatly."

"WOW," I gasped, "I never knew!"

"Don't let it go to your head wiseass!" she smirked, "I was just kidding."

"I know," I laughed, "but it was funny to hear something nice actually come out of that mouth of yours!"

We both laughed at that point, assuring Ollie that we just kid around all the time."

Ollie sat back in the chair having calmed down, "You two are quite a comedy team!"

Erica sat down to join us. "So tell me what are you two scheming?"

"How to appropriately say goodbye to you in a memorable way." I jumped at the chance to answer her question.

"AND????" she asked, "What'd you come up with?"

"I was thinking of letting you have your way with both of us!" I then laughed in hysterics to be clear it was a joke.

But to the bitch slut tease that she is she jumped at that, "Ooooh THAT might be the best gift a girl can have!" She paused a few seconds and said, "But dream on buddy cus it's not going to happen in your wildest dreams!" and she laughed herself silly!

"Or is it?" as she stood up to go visit other guests.

Once gone out of earshot I looked at Ollie, "That my boy is your dear sister in law. Get used to her, she's always a fireball."

As more guests showed up the place began to get crowed. Thankfully the loud music allowed us to have a somewhat private conversation without people overhearing us. My 'fan club' returned only being able to stay away so long and asked again about checking out the new additions in the tree fort.

Ollie answered for me, "Yeah now might be a good time for that." And off we went into the woods behind the house to the 'secret' location of the tree fort. The lil bros were excited to show us, especially me the improvements. After awhile we heard their father call out to the guests to all come gather around for a toast.

He gave a short speech wishing Cole and Erica happiness and success, telling them they will be missed and reminded them to keep in touch. Ollie was funny... under his breath he said, "blah blah blah".

Later in the evening Ollie suggested we get our swimwear on and hop in the pool or hot tub. I noticed hardly anyone was in the pool, or the hot tub for that matter and pointed that out to Ollie. "I wasn't sure if it was alright for us to use them today even?" I asked.

Ollie said that's why he suggested that we hop in, "to get away from everyone." He said he thought most of the guests were either older family members who were uncomfortable getting into a swimsuit, or a lot of guests just didn't think to bring a suit or shorts. "You know, some of them don't want to mess up their hair or make-up." he pointed out, "but whatever the reason it makes for a nice escape for us!"

"My suit is up in my room." he said, "Why don't you grab yours and come up with me and we'll change in my room."

I smiled, perhaps a bit too much as he cautioned me, "With everyone running all over the place we'll have to be quick."

"Hmmm," I surmised, "Quick, but not careful?"

He rolled his eyes at he and laughed, "Remember my bathroom has a lock on the door, so....."

We entered the house through the side door into the mudroom and happened to run into Mrs W.

"What are you boys up to?" she asked Oliver.

He replied very casually, "Going to hop in the pool. My suit is up in my room so I told Neo we'd just change up there."

She nodded approval and added, "Your father turned the hot tub down to an even 100 so the guests don't need to worry about staying in too long."

"Thanks mom."

"It doesn't look like many guests brought swim wear so you two might have the pool to yourselves, so enjoy!"

I smiled at her and decided to take the casual name a step further by saying, "Thanks mom!" echoing Ollie's response.

She just gave me a big smile and said "You're very welcome."

Once in the privacy of his room with the door closed (but only his bathroom door locked) I smiled at him and said, "Your mom really loves me!"

He turned to me and closed the gap between us and said, "Like mother, like son!" and he leaned in and planted those full moist red lips smack on mine and we kissed like we hadn't seen each other in months, even though it'd only been one week!

I sucked hard on his tongue not wanting it to leave my mouth, but eventually it got away from me as he softly whispered in my ear, "Gawd I missed that soo much!"

"Me too" I quietly said.

Grabbing his boardshorts he ushered us both into the bathroom locking the door behind us. I noticed he got a new pair of boardshorts and commented on how much I liked the striped colors. He said the main reason he got these was they had a heavy mesh liner much thicker than the standard shorts with liners, so he felt he could go without wearing a jock to keep his 'python' under wraps.

"I wish I had that problem!" I said very jealous.

"NO you don't," he said, "You just think you do."

"Ok if you say so.... but damn!" I just groaned thinking about his over-sized cock.

He started to pull his pants down but stopped for a moment and explained himself to me, "You don't realize that you are the lucky one. You get to enjoy my BigBoy. You get to look at it, admire it, play with it, lick and suck it, and feel it inside you.... all the fun stuff, without all the drawbacks of dealing with an over-sized third appendage always trying to make it's presence be known, including at very inappropriate times."

I sighed for a moment before saying, "Ok maybe so, but tell me you don't love having a big beauty of a cock like this!" I said as I reached out and groped his crotch while forcing his pants down a bit further."

He grinned and in an erotic voice (as best a 15yr old can) he says, "Oh trust me, I do love always being the bigger guy!"

And after thinking a second he added, "It makes up for the rest of me being on the smaller side."

I let out a slight groan, "It makes for a sexy mix I'll tell you that's for sure!"

I couldn't just stand there any longer talking about his over-sized dick, seeing it's telltale bulge in his briefs starting to inflate without doing something... anything. So I pulled his pants all the way down to the floor, had him lift each foot and yanked off his shoes and socks, and removed his pants completely.

I sat back on my knees and took in the view in front of me, mainly the large expanding lump in his underwear.

Ollie reached down and grabbed his package and sort of shook it while still caged in his briefs. "Is this what you want?" he seductively asked.

"YES!" I exclaimed, "But only if I get all of you with it!"

"It's a package deal," he said, "and you've already got it!" and with that he pulled his briefs out and down freeing his thick teenage cock.

I sat there in awe and watched as it bounded up and down glad to have been set free once again.

Tom and Ricky have this way of removing their t-shirt, slowly teasing me by pausing momentarily while it covers their face. And it gets me horny every time. I've decided that Ollie must have a way of setting his cock free that causes it to bounce up and down like it does, and I think he does it on purpose to tease me and make me horny too! And it does that without a doubt every time!

I reached out and grasped the thick shaft and gave it a few firm strokes bringing it to full attention quickly. Then as if to lock it into full hard-on mode I sucked in just the head until my lips wrapped tightly around the defined crown and I sucked and pulled back on it as if trying to suck the head right off. (that way I could keep it in my mouth all night! mmm mmm mmmm) :))

[knock knock knock]

"OH SHIT" Ollie whispered and put his finger to his lips to tell me to be quiet. (like I needed to be told that)

"Oliver?" it was his mom. "Are you in there?" She was knocking on the unlocked bedroom door.

"YES MOM!" as he quickly moved into the bedroom shutting me in the bathroom, "But don't come in I'm trying on my new boardshorts and Neo is in the bathroom."

"Well I apologize for bothering you guys," she said, "but your grandparents are feeling tired and are getting ready to head home. Please hurry it up and come down to say goodbye."

"Oh ok mom," he said breathing a sigh of relief.

"And Oliver," she added, "I know you boys are heading to the pool, but please be sure to look presentable."

"Yes ma'am." he said in firm agreement, "You know I'd never run through the house shirtless with guests present."

"That's my boy," she sounded pleased, "Now please hurry along."

"We'll be right down."

Back in the bathroom Ollie let out a long 'wooooosh', but I reassured him he handled it well. Quick thinking, kept his voice calm... did everything perfect!

"Ok but we need to go now!" he said as he grabbed his new boardshorts and pulled them up over his still semi hard but quickly deflating cock.

"I guess we'll find out real quick how that heavy duty liner in those shorts works huh?" I asked lightening things up.

"And now you know why I like baggy over-sized t-shirts!" he laughed.

One last quick check in the mirror, which consisted of him checking his hair of all things, and we were ready to go. "Seriously dude, don't worry about your hair! That's what's cool about the 'messy' look, you can go with it as-is and not worry." I told him.

"Man don't you know by now, I work hard at making this messy look... look, messy!" and we both laughed at how silly that sounded (although it's true). As we headed down the stairs he said, "By the way, I've been meaning to tell you how awesome your hair looks with the wavy look you gave it."

"Thanks," I said, "I tried for the surfer beach bum curly look, but my hair is so straight the most it would do was get a little wavy."

"What'd you do to it," he asked, "Is it permanent?"

"No it'll wash right out, probably as soon as I get in your pool," I explained "It's just sea salt spray and I put a diffuser on my hair dryer."

"Well I like it straight too so either way works for me." he said, "Now let's find my grandparents.

"Oliver! OLIVER!!!" his brother Cole was calling him, "Over here!"

Cole was helping the grandparents walk to the car. We went over and said our goodbyes. "Are you driving them home?" Ollie asked Cole.

"Yes but I don't mind," he said, "I need a break from everyone wanting to talk to me at the same time."

Ollie smiled and said "Well it's your special day and you are the reason everyone is here so what'd ya expect."

Cole boasted "Yeah I am the Man of the Hour I guess!"

As they drove down the driveway Ollie quietly said to me, "Don't let him kid you, he's luvin' every second of this attention, and the only reason he is driving them home is probably because my father didn't want to like he usually does."

"Are they your father's parents then?" I asked.

"Yep" he said, "Hey let's go hop in the hot tub. I don't want to ruin your cool lookin hair in the pool just yet."

I laughed "Alright works for me!"

Not only did we have the hot tub to ourselves, the pool was empty also although there were a couple sitting in the sun loungers talking. I recognize the girl as a friend of Erica's from school.

We kicked our flip flops off and tossed our towels down. Ollie grabbed pulled his over-sized baggy t-shirt off and tossed it aside with his towel, and then looked down at his new boardshorts.

"You checkin yourself out?" I joked, "I thought that was my job!"

"I'm disappointed in the heavy-duty liner," he explained, "I can still see the outline of my stuff."

"Ollie, there are just some things you can't hide." I sighed and then added, "nor should you try to."

"At least it's not real obvious I guess." he seemed resigned to the fact that I was right.

"I mean it's not like you're running around with a ragging hard-on."

"Not yet anyway." he half laughed, half seemed a tad bit discouraged.

"If you were we'd just have to sneak away somewhere and I'd take care of that 'problem' for you." I smiled, "That's my job!"

We eased our way into the 100 degree water and turned the jets up on high, mainly to hide what might be going on under all the bubbles. Realizing our chances to be alone were going to be limited, if at all at this party I figured this might be the best we get. So I sat opposite him, which made us look innocent and then stretched out my foot and planted it firmly on his crotch.

He just slid down in the water until only his head was above the water, which he tilted back and rested it against the edge of the decking that surrounded the hot tub. "Ahh, that feels soo nice!" he said softly looking at me and then closed his eyes. (something he rarely does)

I began massaging his cock through the supposed 'heavy duty' liner in these new boardshorts, bringing to life rather quickly. While I couldn't see what it looked like in the new shorts, my foot told me there was a noticeable bulge.... thick liner or not!

Then I felt his foot had found it's way over to my crotch and I realized why he slumped down in the water. Being shorter he had a longer reach to get to my crotch. But he wasn't going to let that stop him. He began massaging my dick quickly bringing it to life with just his one foot also. Trying to do each other at the same time meant only being able to use one foot. We tried bringing our other foot into play but then we'd get in each other's way. And we'd start floating off the seat ledge we were sitting on.

At this point I'm wondering if we'll be able to get each other off like this, together at the same time, each only using one foot? We looked at each other and both realized the difficulty but he persisted determined to try.

However our plans were suddenly about to change!!!

"Well well well," a voice came out of nowhere, "Looks like we got a couple of hunks in the hot tub!"

I rolled my eyes as I looked up at.... who else but Erica!!!

"Are you two studs going to invite me to join you?" she asked pointing out, "This will probably be the last time we get to share this quality time together for a long time to come!"

I looked up at her giving her a look that said I knew what she was up to.... Cole was gone driving his grandparents home, most of the remaining guests were adults and family who had moved indoors meaning that the three of us were largely unaccounted for, and most likely she suspected what we were 'up' to!!!

"Did you bring something to wear in the water?" I asked.

She was wearing a one piece jumper with sandals. "Of course dummy, obviously I know there's a pool and hot tub here." And with that she kicked off her sandals and slipped the straps of the jumper over her shoulders and let it fall to the ground.

Ollie... that would be gay Ollie, her future brother-in-law, my boyfriend (although we still hadn't started using that term) looked up at her and his eyes bugged out!!! So did mine even though I've seen her in various stages of undress over the years. As she gets closer to the end of her teenage years she keeps getting hotter and hotter looking! Even to a couple of gay guys.

Of course the ultra skimpy black string bikini she was modeling before us at the moment only helped make us both question just exactly how gay were we?

I murmured under my breath, "DAMN"

Ollie was a bit more humorous saying, "WOW my sister-in-law is one smokin hot, sexy bimbo!"

I chuckled to myself realizing he was catching on how to handle her already. I just hope he learns not to push her too far because she can be an admirable foe if you're not careful."

She shot him a look.

"Only kidding," he quickly recovered, "Seriously though Erica you look smokin hot!"

She smiled. He was learning quick. They both actually share that ability to 'talk' with their eyes while not saying a word.

She eased her lithe shapely feminine body into the hot water and had Ollie slide over a bit, claiming she wanted to sit in front of a water jet. I think she was positioning us for what she had in store for the two of us. (yeah over the years I've learned to read her like a book).

Settled in and having made herself comfortable the next thing I notice is Ollie's eyes got a wide eyed surprised look on his face. Peering through the bubbling foaming water the best I could it looked like one of her legs had already made its way over to his crotch!

This girl doesn't waste time!

"Ohh," she pretended to be surprised, "Looks like little brother-in-law is enjoying the water already!"

I looked at Ollie and smiled giving him a knowing look that said just go with it, enjoy it.... she's good at what she's about to do. I think I had told him in the past about her giving me a foot-job on one or two occasions.

"Let's see if Neo is enjoying the hot water as well." and her other foot found its way over to my already hard cock.

With both of her feet going in different directions she had us scoot closer together, and then she put her hands down on the seat ledge under the water to help hold herself in place.

Ollie spoke up and said we should all slide a little bit more, and I knew from before he wanted us to have our backs to the security cam.

"It'd be a shame if your shorts slid down," she said knowingly, "but at least you're under foamy water so nobody will know."

I reached down and ripped my velcro strap open and freed my hard-on easily with nothing else in the way. Ollie on the other hand was struggling with his heavy duty liner that I bet right about now he wished wasn't there! I could tell once he freed his caged monster because Erica's eye now were the ones to bug out!

"Ohhh my!" she exclaimed, "Looks like lil brother isn't so little after all."

He just gave her a grin knowing full well that while Cole was big, he was even bigger.... and still only 15!!!

"My little toes are going to need some help with this bad boy." she said looking at Ollie, "Why don't you give them a helping hand." which came across more as a statement rather than a question.

Ollie reached down under the water and while I couldn't actually see, I saw it all in my mind..... he grabbed her sexy toes, still painted red like I saw them earlier in the week, and wrapped her foot and toes around his thick cock that I'm sure by this time was beginning to pulsate and began jerking himself off using her foot like a masturbation sleeve.

I didn't need to be told, and just grabbed her foot and did the same thing. Having never jerked myself off using someone else's foot it took a little practice to get the right grip. Basically having to divide it between her foot and toes on one side and the palm of my hand on the other. But when you're turned on and horny the mother of invention takes over!

Honestly the actual feeling wasn't all that great BUT what made it really hot was the circumstances. Watching Ollie jerk himself off. The look on his face, especially as he tried to look nonchalant about it. Knowing what it looked like under the foamy water even though I couldn't see it, the image in my mind's eye of her sexy toes and small foot wrapped around his big thick mammoth monster cock was fueling my raging hormones!

And of course having her watching the both of us jerk off knowing full well what we were doing....

right in front of her, using her feet,

out in the open (sort of) with a couple of her friends sitting over by the pool, in her fiancé's family hot tub!

It was just a bit too much!!!

But at the same time it was a natural simple normal act... guys jerk off all the time. Especially teenagers. And in all kind of places. We weren't having actual sex, no blow jobs, or anal. Just two teenagers jerking off in a hot tub.

No biggie. Like I said it didn't even feel that great. But WOW was it SMOKIN HOT!!!

They say the mind is the biggest sexual organ. I believe it too. We might be gay and in a hot tub with a girl, and clumsily jerking ourselves off with the aid of her feet..... BUT WOW were we turned on!!! And the white foamy water of the hot tub was about to have some white foamy teenage baby batter added to the mix. Hope that bitch is on the pill. LOL

Ollie was the first, having probably decided he'd had enough and was ready to cum.

I noticed him looking around making sure nobody was watching.

Satisfied he raised himself up slightly out of the water to about mid-torso and with a slight groan he held Erica's foot down firmly with his hand as just the head of his python raised up out of the water, leaving the length a hidden mystery to his sister-in-law.

With one last moan he froze and Erica and myself were treated to quite the sight as his head swelled even bigger, turned an angry shade of red and the piss slit blenched open wider and this huge streamer of hot white boy cum fired out like a water canon going off!

It laid out a long volley from his neck down his pec to his abs!

"DAMN" Erica could be heard whispering.

He pumped his thick man cock one time with a strong grip still on her foot and a second even bigger blast shot out hitting him on his chin and trailing down the middle of his chest.

Erica just let out a long moan.

Or maybe it was me? ..... or both of us.

The show was hardly over as he wiggled his ass around a bit to reposition himself and still with a death grip on her foot he pumped himself a few times and then froze while blast after blast started firing off in rapid succession covering himself with a huge load of white thick creamy boy juice.

Finally as the shots dwindled down he let go of her foot and slid back down in the hot water allowing it to melt away all the evidence.

The sight I just witnessed along with Erica's sexy toes once again stroking my hard dick, something I'd become accustomed to and was going to miss, was enough to set me over the edge.

While I don't shoot the huge volumes that Mr Ollie boy does, when I am especially turned on that first blast or two can fire out a pretty good distance. Concerned I'd shoot it in my hair, which after spending way too much time trying to style this morning I really didn't want to do, I opted to point my fire hose straight up and see how high I could fire this final farewell goodbye for Erica.

It even surprised me! I followed Ollie's lead and raised myself up to get my cockhead just out of the water and Erica helped me out by swinging her other foot from Ollie over to me. In my mind I imagined her foot still had some of his cum on it. He came so much it may have!

Blast #1 launched up like a rocket ship, straight in the air followed by blast #2 which was right behind it. Blasts 3,4 and 5 coated the sides of my cock like melting wax on a large candle, running down creating a floating pool of white cum floating on top the water!

She smiled at both of us and said, "I hope you boys enjoyed your gift to remember me by."

I let go of Erica's sexy feet and gave her a smile saying,

"Thank you for the memories! I'll miss you but will never forget you."

end part 55

to be continued...

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Until next chapter.... Happy reading! Neo

Next: Chapter 56

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