Top Dawg

By Corpusdawg88

Published on May 14, 2021


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These stories are fiction, any similarities in names and locations are purely coincidental. They involve intimate interactions between above the age of 18.

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We laid there for a long time, my mind going in about a million different ways. That sex was mind blowing, that was obvious, but the truths I had discovered during it made it even wilder. He was looking at his phone, quietly letting me come to terms to myself.

Finally I turned to him and blurted out, "I love you."

He glanced over and smiled, "No, you don't."

I made a face because I was pretty sure I knew how I felt. I sat up, "No, I mean it. I can say it now, I'm in love with you."

He put his phone down, "No Archie, you aren't."

"But...but I am," I said, confused.

"Ok, let's explore that. You feel love towards me?"

I nodded.

"I make you happy?"


"You feel safe?"


"And you look up to me?"


"Yeah, you love me Archie, but you're not in love with me."

I sat there for a moment and then asked, "Do you not feel the same way?"

He saw the hurt on my face and moved over and hugged me, "No Archie, I love you very much as well. But you are confusing things."


"You feel love towards me, but it is a fatherly love, a love that comes from emotion but not passion."

I cocked my head more confused than ever.

"Remember I was telling you how older men would take and teach younger ones?"

I nodded.

"Well it was common for the younger boy to confuse loves. It was expected that they would someday go out, start their own family and train their own young one. But the relationship wasn't for passionate love, it was for familial love, love of a father and a son. Not lovers. That's what you're feeling, you are just now coming to terms with your truth. This is the first time you've actually said you loved another man, it's going to be confusing."

I felt...lost?

"Hey," he said warmly, "It's going to take some time, but you are facing it now, that's a huge step."

"So when will I know it's real love?" I asked him.

He paused and thought about it, "You know it's love when you find yourself just stopping and staring."

He saw I didn't understand that at all so elaborated.

"When you look at someone, and you find yourself stopping what you are doing, and just staring, like they were the sun, that's when you know."

"I'll just stop?"

He smiled, "Trust me, you'll know."

I leaned into him as I tried to sort all these feelings out, and failing.

"Ok, I need to get moving and you need to figure yourself out," he said getting up off the bed.

"When are we meeting this week?" I asked slipping my jockstrap back on.

"Oh I can't, I'm going out of town tomorrow, won't be back until next week. So you're on your own for the match this week."

I froze in place.

"I know that look," he said seeing the panic in my face, "You're panicking."

"Who am I supposed to find? I can't go back to Dax..." I started to ramble.

He patted the bed next to him and I sat down, "Look Archie, never give yourself up to someone you don't respect. If this Dax person is not someone you want to share your gift with, don't. But you have to realize, this is what you want. You want to get fucked, you know that now. So go out and get fucked. Find someone you want to please, that you want to give your gift to. Find them and then just let yourself go. You need something yes, but remember, this is your gift, you have power in this as well."

"I don't feel like I do," I admitted.

"Ok, then try this," he said grabbing the bottle of lube, "Take this. If you want to be in control, if you want to be fucked and not your spot, use it. That's your choice now. I'm not going to tell you what to do, but you need to do what makes you better. So I leave it up to you."

I took the bottle, knowing that this choice was going to be huge.

I spent most of Monday wandering around, wondering who I should pick.

My first thought was Gray, but I couldn't even look him in the eye right now. After he caught me at the boardwalk I had just been ashamed to even be around him. So he was out. Dax was a non-starter, he already had too much over me, I wasn't going to give him any more.

The team was out of the question as well, I couldn't let any of the guys know the truth about me, no way at all. I suppose I could cruise Grndr, but after everything Gray's dad had told me it didn't feel right just choosing some random guy. That didn't leave a lot of choices. I thought about the park, but all I could think of was how empty it was during the week and I didn't want to see those cops again.

Tuesday I was still stumped but come Wednesday, I was getting antsy again and I was getting desperate. Thursday night I took off, I needed some air and some courage, I had decided on going back to the park, cops or not, it was my best pick. I decided to pour some vodka in a water bottle and head off to the boardwalk to kill time.

There wasn't much going on which was fine with me. I just needed some air and some time to down this shit and head out to get fucked by strangers.

Good times.

I was working on a good buzz, just watching the waves come in, watching the clock so I knew when to leave.


I turned around and there was some surfer kid looking at me.


"Matty!" he said pointing at himself, "The beach? This summer?"

Holy shit, this was the surf pup that kept offering me blow jobs all summer!

"Hey man," I said surprised, "What are you doing here? Hey aren't you over at Black?"

He walked over to me, "Oh we got kicked out of there after summer. We moved over here," he nodded towards the beach, "We have a place over by the coves. What are you doing here?"

I paused for a moment, I had actually forgotten why I was here. Shit I might be a little more buzzed than I thought. "Chillin, you know, wasting time."

He nodded, "That ain't water," he said smiling.

I shook my head, "Nope," I answered with a huge smile.

"We got more at our place, wanna come hang?"

I was going to say no, I needed to get going soon but then I actually stopped and looked at him. He was Gray's age, but where Gray was a jock, Matty was a surfer boy born and bred. He had shoulder length blond hair, bright blue eyes and a build that looked like he was rail thin but I had seen him changing his wet suit. He was toned as much as anyone I had seen, not an ounce of fat on him anywhere, it hadn't done anything to me this summer, but was kind hot.

"You still with me?" he asked with a smile.

I nodded, "Yeah man, show me."

His eyes lit up, "Sweet man! Follow me."

I finished my vodka, chucked the bottle and followed him onto the beach.

We came up on a bonfire with about six other kids sitting around it, drinking, getting high. They were all surfers, a few had long hair, a couple short buzz cuts, all toned and skinny, none of them were ugly in the least.

"Guys, this is Archie, he was the guard dog over at Black."

"Guard dog?" I asked him.

"It's what we call lifeguards, just a joke."

Wasn't very funny.


"Wassup man."

I nodded at them and found some room on the wood to sit.

"Blaze?" one of the guys asked, joint in his hand.

I shook my head, "I get tested too much, but thanks man."

He nodded and took a long drag for himself.

"Testing for what?" one of the kids asked me.

"Wrestling," I explained as Matty handed me a beer.

"Oh legit," one of them said as the other nodded.

I downed the beer as I sat and listened to them talking about the waves they scored today.

I was pleasantly buzzed as I kept downing beer after beer. It took me a few minutes to realize Matty was talking to me.

" let it go man."

I made a face, "Huh?"

He realized I had completely spaced out and laughed, "I was apologizing for this summer man, it was uncool."

I shook my head, "No harm, no foul dude. It's all good."

He looked a little surprised, "Really?"

"Sure," I said with a grin, "I ain't mad."

He leaned in and asked quietly, "So you want a blow job?"

I leaned towards him, "No, but you wanna fuck?"

He instantly laughed and then saw the look on my face, "Seriously?"

I nodded.


Another nod.

He just stared at me for a long time, seeing if this was a joke or something. When he saw the truth in my eyes he smiled, "Fuck yeah!" and stood up. "We're gonna go hit the dunes," he told his friends, "Be back in a few."

I stood up and followed him, his friends were clapping and whooting as we walked away.

"What are they on about?" I asked as we walked to the dunes behind the beach.

"Ignore them, they're idiots," he said, walking up on a blanket spread out in the middle of nowhere, "This work?"

"Sure, what is this?"

He pulled his shirt off, "A place to chill, come on man, lemme see that body."

I slipped my jacket off and nearly ripped my shirt off, for some reason this kid lusting after me was turning me the fuck on. I stood there, flexing my pecs, clenching my abs, showing Matty what years of gym work looked like up close.

"Holy fuck," he said, his hand reaching out and tracing my abs, "Dude you are so hot."

I grinned and undid the top button of my jeans. He watched as I slowly peeled my jeans down, the white of my jock strap glowed under the moon as I stepped out of my pants and kicked them aside. You could see the lust in his eyes as he looked at me, and I could see what Gray's dad was talking about. There was something here, I had power, I was giving him something...and I liked it.

"You are so fucking hot dude," Matty said, "So how you want to do this?"

"Lemme see what you're packing kid."

His hands moved to his waist and he undid the belt holding up his baggy jeans. He was rawdogging it, as soon as his pants dropped I realized what they said about skinny dudes was true. He had a great cock, it was long, not very thick but that didn't matter when you were packing that kind of cock. I felt my mouth water instantly and my ass clenched in anticipation.

"You like?" he asked.

I nodded, "Dude, that's amazing."

He laughed, "Looks like you're packing as well."

My cock was hard in my jock, I grabbed it and nodded, "I do alright."

"So you wanna fuck me?" he asked, feeling me out.

I shook my head and dropped to my knees, "Fuck me with this monster Matty, fuck me hard."

His eyes got wide as I took his cock in my hand and began to slowly licked his shaft, up and down.

"Holy fuck..." he said, not believing what he was seeing.

He wasn't as big as Gray he wasn't as thick as Dax, but he was long and it was here, so it was the best cock in the world right now. I could feel my ass opening and closing as I licked, it knew what was coming and was hungry for it now.

"I didn't think you'd suck cock..." he said breathlessly.

I looked up at him, "I do a lot of things," I smiled and went back to sucking him.

He hesitantly put his hands on my head, not sure how far he could take this. When he realized I wasn't going to stop him he put the other one on and began to thrust into my mouth.

"Fuck yeah, you know how long I wanted your ass?" he said, his voice getting low with lust, "Watching you up there, fucking perfect body...jut teasing us..."

I moaned around his dick as my mind came to terms who I was submitting to. This punk had bugged me all summer, when I was straight, when I only chased pussy. I ignored him, threatened him, literally wiped my feet on him. But here I was, on my knees, worshiping his surfer cock, begging him to fuck me.

I was so fucking turned on.

"Were you a slut this whole time?" he asked shoving my face down on his dick, "Were you just up there showing off, wanting us to fucking take you?"

Another moan as he kept debasing me.

"Yeah that's what you want right? Us to go up there, fucking hold you down and fuck you like a whore? You wanna be fucking ruled by a bunch of surfer kids?"

I couldn't answer he was too busy making me eat his fucking long ass cock, the only sound I could make was gagging.

"I think that is what you wanted..." he said as precum flooded my mouth, he was getting close.

I pushed him off me, "Wait...wait..." I said, trying to talk.

"What?" he asked confused, "I was just kidding..."

I shook my head, "No man, don't cum yet. I wanna get fucked."

He looked like his jaw was gonna fall off the way he was looking at me. Finally he smiled and said, "Then let's fuck."

He got down on the blanket and I pulled out the lube, "I came prepared."

He took it and started to stroke his cock with it, "Dude, this is wild."

I took the bottle back and made sure my ass was coated, "We're just getting started."

Once my ass was tingling I laid down on my back and spread my legs. He looked down at me like a starving man would look on a feast. The hunger is his eyes, the look of lust on his face...this was a gift. I was giving him a gift and he was loving it.

He moved between my legs and moved them side, he pushed my ass up some and I felt his cockhead push against my hole. He slowly pushed into me, no doubt taking it slow not to hurt me. But the lube was doing it's job and I felt no pain at all.

"Come on punk," I growled, "Fuck me!"

He paused and then grabbed my waist as she shoved his cock into me in one thrust. Oh god, that was it. I could fee him fill my hole and the pleasure filled me up as he pressed his pubes up against my ass. He was waiting, to see if I was mad or hurting.

"Come on kid," I said with a grin, "Show me how you surfpups fuck."

He smiled and pulled his long ass dick back and then slammed it into me, I grunted as he began to set a pace of just owning my ass. I could tell he wasn't sure how far he could go at first but as I threw my head back and whimpered, he began to fuck harder and harder.

"Fuck you got a good ass," he said, slapping one cheek hard as he kept fucking me, "Fucking prime grade a like that Archie? You like my cock?"

I wasn't fuckdrunk, I wasn't out of it, I was in the here and now, so everything I said came from me.

"Fuck yeah kid, harder...come on man...fuck me harder."

The look of glee on his face was almost comical as he pushed my ass up more, nearly folding me in half as he began to hammer down into me. He was loving this and I had to admit, I was too.

"Oh yeah kid...that's it....faster..."

"Fucking slut..." he raged, as he pushed harder and harder into me, "Fucking jock slut....yeah you want this so bad, don't you? Come on Archie...tell me how bad you want it."

"Come on surfpunk, use that cock.....fuck me....harder...more...more..."

"Man you want this..." he grunted as he kept pumping me... "You want more? That what you want Archie?"

"Yeah kid...more..." I pleaded.

"You heard him," he said as he kept fucking me, "He wants more."

Out of the darkness three kids walked out, naked, stroking their cocks as they watched me get fucked. They didn't look human, they looked like hyenas, coming up on a lion already wounded. For a moment I was worried, shocked that they were seeing me like this...but then I remembered what Gray's dad had said. Stop fighting what I wanted...just accept it.

Beg for it.

"Come on you fucks," I roared, "Come fuck me..."

Slowly they walked towards us, not sure if I meant it or not. One of them, taller kid, buzzcut, couple of tats and a thick uncut cock moved towards me, "Want some?" he asked.

I nodded as he lowered his cock into my mouth as I began to service him.

That was the thing they were waiting for.

They approached and began to molest me. One of them put their cock in my hand and I began to stroke him as the other began to lick my cock. We were all moving as one as we became caught up in whatever this was. Matty turned me over until I was on all fours, so his friends could better fill my holes.

One of them climbed under me to service my cock while the other began to work my balls. Matty was thrusting harder and harder into me as the guy I was sucking off was jamming his cock all the way to the back of my throat. I couldn't even imagine what this looked like from the outside, four younger guys working over an alpha stud like me, and me letting them.

"I'm close," Matty said, "Where you want it Archie?"

I moved off the kid's cock, "Breed me Matty, fucking paint my guts..."

"Oh fuck yeah..." he growled as he sped up. I felt his cock throb in me as he filled my jock ass with his cum, I felt him slip out of me. "Who's next?"

Both guys sucking my dick stopped and called out, "Me!"

"No way man, I wanna" one of them shouted.

"Fuck you man, I want him..."

I pulled the cock out of my mouth, "Hold on," I said kneeling, "Both of you lay down."

They looked confused but laid down, they legs facing each other. I pressed their cocks next to each other and then climbed over them.

"Oh no shit!" one of them said.

"Holy crap..." Matty said as I lowered myself down on both cocks.

I felt both of their heads push against my hole and I felt a twinge of pain. I realized a moment too late that the lube had been washed away by Matty's cum. The kid who's dick I had been sucking stepped up to me, "Get back to sucking slut." And pushed his cock into me, thrusting forward as he did.

Pushing me down on both cocks.

There was a flare of pain before their thickness jammed my spot, sending stars into my eyes. I whimpered around the cock as I felt my head spin and shoved myself down harder onto them.

"Holy fuck!" one of them called out, "He's into this!"

The other laughed, "Come on cunt, ride our cocks."

I would have done it without them asking, I was pushing myself up and down on those cocks hard, their heads scraping my spot, making me even more and more horny. I was babbling around the dick, no longer sure what I was even saying.

"Hold up," Matty said to his friend I was sucking off, "Let him talk..."

He slipped his cock out and my mouth began to run.

"Oh fuck yeah...fuck my pussy...please....oh fuck yeah...there...right there..."

Matty's eyes were wide with shock as he heard me start to beg.

"Harder...oh....please...please...fuck me...fuck me..."

Matty belt down and fished his phone out of his jeans ass began to record me as I unspooled.

"Oh your cocks...fucking surfer punk cocks...rail me...come on...oh...oh..."

"You're really a fucking slut aren't you?" Matty asked, getting the camera right up to my face.

I nodded, "Jock slut, I'm a jock slut...fuck me...oh please...please...I'm a good girl...please..."

Their cocks weren't as large as the ones I usually take but the two of them were thicker than most, which was driving my spot nuts. I was slamming my muscular ass down harder and harder, trying to shove as much surfer dick in my as I could.

"What if those old fags who watched you this summer came around?" He asked, "You let them fuck you too?"

I nodded, "Need to get fucked...more...more..."

"What if we took you back to our place, just laid you out on our couch and fucked you all day? You wanna be our slut Archie? You wanna be out house cunt?"

"Serve you...worship you..." my mouth just kept going, "Wanna be your fuck dog...please...please..."

"Fuck dog?" Matty repeated shocked, "Holy fuck..."

"Shit I'm close," one of the boys beneath me called out.

"Me too man!" The other one said.

I kept slamming down, wanting more and more cock.

"Fuck!" One of them cried as they began to cum in me.

"I can feel you man!" The other shouted and began to cum as well.

The slaps of flesh on flesh changed to wet squelches as cum overflowed from my ass, dripping down the sides of their cocks and onto the towel. I wasn't' close though! I was frantically fucking myself, trying to get off while they start to howl from their sensitive cocks.

"Fucking get this whore off!" They cried and Matty pulled me off of them and laid me down on the towel.

My mind was still flying and I needed to cum, needed to so bad...

"Fuck me," I begged, my legs open as my jock hole winked at him, "Please..."

Matty seemed frozen in indecision for a moment when one of the guys said, "Here, try this."

He handed Matty a vodka bottle with maybe a fifth left in it, he took the cap off and slipped the neck into my ass. I felt the warm sting of the alcohol hit my ass and my head went flying, but he didn't stop. He kept pushing the bottle up into me, the neck moving to the body which forced my hole wide.

"OH FUCK!"I shouted as he began to fuck me with the bottle, stretching my ass to new limits. I felt myself pushing back, trying to force more of it into me as I felt my spot tingle with lust and now vodka. My head was everywhere and nowhere at the same time as Matty started to fuck me harder with the glass container.

"Yeah walking around like you're some kind of stud," he growled as he punched my ass with the bottle. "Acting like you're superior and shit...and what do I find? You're a cunt! A fucking jock cunt who will fuck anyone, right ? Right Archie?"

I was getting close, "Ohhhh yeah....please daddy...fuck me...fuck me..."

"You'd let us keep you wouldn't you?" He asked, pushing deeper, "You're such a whore you'd let us just fuck you whenever we wanted. Just tie you to a chair and let anyone fuck your pussy whenever, right? Right Archie? That what you want?"

I felt my balls tingle and knew it was coming.

"Wanna be yours, wanna...please your your whore....just fuck me, please...please..."

"Fucking. SLUT!" He roared as he pushed the bottle into my ass hard.

I felt my cock start to erupt as my ass clenched down n the bottle hard. Showers of cum erupted from my dick as my orgasm hit me like a fucking baseball bat. My mind was just moments of pure bliss wrapped around these explosions of joy as I came. Since the bottle wouldn't move it just pressed up against my spot and made me cum all the more. It wasn't like a cock at all, it was hard, and ungiving, so it made my brain lose it like never before. I was crying in ecstasy as my cock just fire off blank after blank, my spot not letting me stop cumming.

"Fuck," I heard Matty exclaim as he pulled the bottle out of my tight ass, it fought with him the entire way, trying to keep it in me.

One it was out I collapsed on the beach, covered in sweat and breathing like I'd ran five miles uphill. My legs were shaking as drool spilled out onto the blanket. I new the surfpups were looking down at me, Matty no doubt still filming me.

"Fucking Archie King, jock slut whore," he said to no one.

I just smiled as I faded off into blackness, as well fucked as I ever had been

Next: Chapter 17

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