Top Man Al Gets Flipped

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 19, 2021


Al heard a key in the lock of the apartment. Was Louis back already? He had told al that he was gonna fuck him - again - when he got back. al was still recovering from the thorough, brutal one he had taken that morning. He wasn't sure he could handle another one. Shawn's high, piercing voice came through.

"Where's my stud Daddy? Is he ok? " al gurgled through the gag. What was HE doing here? He had to admit to a little jealousy of Shawn, given how close he was to Louis. It WAS true that since Louis had started dominating al, Shawn wasn't around, but what was he doing here now?

"HEY SWEET DADDY." Shawn found him in the room, and al went quiet, just glaring at him. "Louis called me to let me know he'd be delayed a bit. Since he left you gagged, he wanted to me to make sure that you were ok." Shawn smiled. "Isn't that nice of him? So, should I take your gag out?" al hesitated. There was probably a price to be paid, and he was gonna pay it anyway, so he shook his head yes. Shawn smiled, and undid the thing.

"Shawn, why are you here?" "Hey Daddy. I told you: Louis asked me to show up. He'll be back soon. " Shawn kissed al's forehead. "You know, he is SO damn into you, training you, talking about your hot chunky body... You make my other Daddy happy: my TOP daddy. ." al winced at the phrase 'hot chunky body." Louis had used it, and he meant it as a compliment, but it reminded Al that he could stand to lose about 15 pounds, and that he was short. None of that seemed to matter when Louis took him: he was hard as a steel pole. Still. It brought back memories.

He couldn't drift there, because Shawn was pulling up his legs, resting them on a bolster. He saw the smile and had a very good idea of what was going to happen. "SHAWN. DON'T!" Shawn had a length of restraint, and he was rapping it around al's ankles. His bare feet stuck out in front of him. "Louis told me I could do anything I wanted to , to you, as long as I left your ass alone. Ha ha. Like I'm going to take ANYONE's ass, Daddy. But.... Louis told me he's gonna have to get you to start working out, and that you have the softest feet that he's ever seen, so...."

"NO SHAWN. COME ON." He could see the grin on Shawn's face, and the glint in his eyes, as he wrapped an arm around al's ankles, and began tickling his soles. "SHAWN. STOP. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." It was a no win situation for al: Louis had tied him to the chair, real secure, and Shawn had his feet under total control. He could squirm but he really couldn't move. al was spitting out incomprehensible comments. He knew he was ticklish, he just didn't know he was THIS ticklish until he had met these two. Now, Shawn's fingers dug in even deeper. "OH SHIT" al thought. "Is that a comb he's pulling out of his pocket?" It was, and now the comb started doing its work over his feet. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE STOP SHAWN. PLEASE." "You don't want me to get the electric toothbrush Daddy? You look like you could use a good laugh. "OH NO. OH NO. NOT THAT. NOT THAT." Shawn stopped. "I know what you can use. Something relaxing. " He put the comb down, and then he started sliding his tongue back and forth on al's soles. al felt a combination of arousal, and tickling. His struggles to get out of Shawn's grip were ending. His legs were exhausted, and Shawn wasn't giving up. "MMMMM. These taste so good Daddy al. I wish Louis would indulge now and then, but leaving them to me... I don't mind.... He worked on al's feet for about ten minutes. Then he moved the bolster. "How long have you been with Louis, Daddy al? Two weeks? "That sounds about right," he answered. "Well, that means, I think... You could probably use a blow job. " al didn't say anything . He COULD, but he had seen Louis' temper, and he had made clear that while he and al were "together" as he put it, which really meant as long as he was controlling al, he wanted no other men in his life. Of course, Shawn seemed to have a different place. He had heard Louis say once that he regarded Shawn as his alpha, and al as his beta "but not really." al was so new to this, he didn't know what he meant. What he DID know, was that Shawn had his tights down just far enough for his unused cock to pop out, and his soft lips were moving back and forth on it. Ungagged, al began to moan, and he closed his eyes. When he did that, he thought back to that second date: the one that had put him in this position.


Al hadn't known what he was doing when he asked Louis if he wanted to have dinner, but it felt "right." That Friday morning, as he was getting dressed, he wanted to impress Louis. For the first time in a LONG time, he wanted to look "sexy." He had to pick something he could wear directly from work. It was a Friday, so he had to go to the office. He wouldn't have time to get back home to change. When he and Louis had talked the night before, they had picked a restaurant uptown, not far from Louis' apartment. Louis reminded Al to pack a weekend bag "Nothing says you gotta open it Al, but if you wanna stay, and I want you to stay, you gotta be ready for some fun." "For some fun." Thinking about that was making Al feel excited. If you had asked him, 3 months ago, if he was going to go on a date with a man, he would have laughed at you. If you had told him he was going on a date with a man, who was planning to take his ass, he would have laughed much faster. Yet, here he was, looking at his closet, deciding what to wear. Al had an extensive wardrobe, especially shirts. It was his weakness. Always button down. If there were a color of dress shirt that he didn't own, he didn't know about it . He looked. The yellow one. Medium weight. He had read somewhere that "no one looks good in yellow." He did. He always got compliments when he wore that shirt. Was it his favorite? No. He did have favorites. The pink one an ex had bought him, that fit him like a glove, the aquamarine one, the heavy blue striped one. They all went into the bag, with his jeans, a pair of dress pants, and his underwear. He didn't plan to need a tie except for work, so they didn't go in. He'd wear a tweed jacket to work today, with another item that shouldn't have worked, but did: he had an old pair of gray corduory pants, from when Levis made them. Those pants, the yellow shirt, and his striped tie: he was ready for work. Just as he finished, he got a text from Louis. 'Send me a picture of what you look like today." Al blushed, and took the picture. He sent it. In a few minutes he got back a short movie of Louis stroking his cock with the message "See what you do to me." It was doing it to Al too. He'd best get to work. All that day, Al tried to focus. He STILL couldn't believe how fast this had happened. He had lost his "butt virginity" as Louis called it that night. And he liked it. He liked Louis. He liked the feel of his strong, hairy arms, the faint smell that came from not using enough deodorant, or from a day when he had sweated more than usual (Louis worked as an on the ground supervisor for the electric company, so he was outside most of the day), but most of all... he liked how it felt when Louis got on top of him and looked for, as he put it "ways I can make you beg me to do whatever I want." He always ended that with a deep, resonant laugh, that made Al even hornier.

When the day came to an end, Al sent another text. "Hey Louis. I'm leaving the office now. Let me get a cab , and I'll see you. Should I meet you at the restaurant?" The answer that came back was another cock movie. "Yeah, meet me at the restaurant. Because if you come to my house, the only one who'll eat... is you."


Louis had made the reservation: he hadn't told al, but this was part of his plan to make sure they understood their roles: The DOM decided where they ate. He wasn't going to play the "menu game" yet. He wanted to draw this out with Al. He had dominated Daddies before , but never one who was so used to being in charge. al was complicating things, but appearing to be more than willing to give up the control, though. This was gonna be fun.. And challenging. He saw al walking toward their table, and stood up. "Hey. You look absolutely STUNNING al," He smiled, and he meant it. "Now get rid of the necktie. You're done for the day." Al laughed. "I just forget I've got it on." "Not anymore. Hard for me to imagine slipping my hand down your shirt front and getting your tits if you're wearing a necktie. al blushed, both from the comment, and his reaction. He remembered Louis playing with his chest on that first date. He wanted more. "So how was your day, al?" Louis smiled, making small talk. "Oh, kinda boring, except for some texts I got." "You liked them?" Louis answered. "I did. Pushed any doubts about tonight out of my head." "You had doubts?" Louis asked? Why? He was wearing a checked shirt that seemed to be straining to hold in his muscles, and a pair of very well filled tan pants. al had noticed his bulge when he stood up to greet him. al shrugged his shoulders. "What can I saw Louis? I'd never been with a man before." "NEVER, you mean... I picked your cherry?' "Yeah, you did," al blushed. "It felt good." Louis looked happy. "It's gonna feel better the second time." The waiter brought over menus, and took drink orders. "You're a scotch drinker, al?" "When I'm out. Limits what I drink." "GOOD. I don't wanna make love to a drunk." al tried to change the subject. "So , how was your day?" "Kinda boring. Except when I was thinking about what I was gonna do to you, what I expect going forward, that kinda thing. I think it's gonna be fun." "Can you give me a hint?" Louis took a deep breath. "Well, I'll tell you one thing: one thing that's NOT negotiable. Other guys are 'versatile'. They top and they bottom. Not me. I'm in charge in bed. ALWAYS. " He paused. "In fact, I'm in charge, ALL the time. If I tell you 'al. SUCK MY COCK" I expect you to do it, no arguments. That stuff." al listened, both scared, and intrigued. At work, he told people what to do. Now, he was possibly getting into a relationship where someone told HIM what to do. Dropping his voice, al asked "you said something about bondage?" Louis grinned. "OH YEAH! I love tying my guy up . Those cuffs from the first time... they're just the beginning al. I'm gonna have you tied up each day this weekend. " He asked his question knowing the answer . "You have a problem with that?" Al answered "Uh, I don't think so." "GOOD. Because tonight I'm planning to tie you up and explore your body. And not do anything until you beg me to fuck you." Al made a joke. "IF I do." "Heh heh. " Louis responded. "You will."


"Dessert?" asked the waiter, as he brought over the menus. There was a mango cheesecake on the menu that caught al's eye, but now he was conflicted. What if Louis didn't want dessert? He had already said he wanted to be in charge. al didn't know what to do, and Louis was close to laughing.

"Are you waiting to find out if it's ok to have dessert? " al blushed and smiled. d "Well, I listened to what you said." "Ha ha. Good man. If you want the cheesecake, have it. The other desserts here aren't worth the calories. " As al ate the dessert, Louis smiled and said "Watching your lips work, I remember how soft they were. I can't wait to get at them." "I'm almost done Louis." al pushed the remainder of the cheesecake away. "I am really full." When the check came, al pulled out his wallet and Louis stopped him. "You get the next one." He was about to say something like "The MAN always pays," but he didn't think al was ready for that. As they left, Louis put his hand on the back of al's neck. "Eventually, I'll want you to walk with your hands behind your back, al, but you've got that huge suit bag with you. I think not for tonight. " They got back to Louis' apartment. al put his bag down and took off his coat. He didn't sense Louis behind him, and when he did, Louis already had his arms pinned behind his back. "So... maybe we're gonna find out where some of your turn on spots are, Mr al." His beard stubble was rubbing against al's ear. "I think you found one, Louis." The stimulation from the facial hair was strong, and al pushed his head back to get more. Louis laughed. "Oh, you'll get more of that sweetie. You're gonna get more of everything. This." He groped al's ass. "This is gonna get the most. You remember where the bedroom is." "Yes, I do" "Just get in there. I'll join you in a minute." Louis simply wanted to hang al's bag in the closet. He was curious as to what al had brought, but he'd find that out. When he went into the bedroom, al was sitting on the edge of the bed. He had seen the leather straps at the corners, and he knew they were for him - at least tonight. Louis came in. He had taken off his shirt, and al saw his developed muscles. Not a six pack, but the kind of muscles you expected someone who did what Louis did to have. He sat down next to al, and put his arm around his shoulders. He didn't plan it, but al dropped his head onto Louis' shoulder and almost purred. "You feel comfortable al? You good with what we're gonna do?" "I think so." Louis put an index finger under al's chin, lifted up his head , and kissed him. "Oh yeah. Those lips ARE soft. SO soft. " He charged al, pushing him over on the bed. "HEY." Al laughed. "I thought we were gonna kiss." "We are stud. Maybe just not right away. I remember what I did to your ear, and I'm gonna do it again." "Nope." al turned his head to conceal his ear when Louis went for it. Louis smiled, and went for the other one. al changed the position of his head. "Gonna play hard to get, huh Daddy? OK...." Louis pushed his hands down on al's wrists and arched his hips. Then he lowered himself very slowly, until al felt his body all over his, and his lips back on his own. "MMMMMM. MMMMMM. " Louis didn't say anything, but al opened his mouth and in the tongue wrestling that followed, al submitted. Next thing he knew, that tongue was on his ear. He struggled not to show emotions, but sound was coming out of his mouth like a hose with a leak in it. He was grinning ear to ear, and his feet were kicking up and down. "Definitely a hot spot, al. DEFINITELY a hot spot." al's voice was high and weak. "yes... yes, it is.. Both of them. " MMMMM. Now let's see what else I can find...." al felt a strap going around his left wrist, and then one around his right one. He pulled at them. They were secure. "Kind of interesting to be made love to when you can't do anything, huh handsome." Louis had slipped two fingers inside al's shirt, right at his naval. He began to pinch it, the way he'd pinch a tit. "I have a feeling." He said nothing, but just kept doing it, and al began to moan. "I think I just found another one." al was breathing hard. "I didn't even know I HAD that one..." "Ha ha. Ears and balls are always a GOOD combination." Louis but his beard back on al's ear, this time without resistance, and then he cupped al's balls through his pants. "NNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" came out of al, followed by "OH FUCK" Louis whispered. "Someone wants something. Someone wants some Latino sausage. I think Daddy is still hungry. " "I am. I want sausage Louis. Please.. Let me have your cock." Words al had never said. They came so naturally. al wore a big Western style buckle which Louis opened, and then slid down the corduroys. He took off the penny loafers al was wearing. "Sheer socks. You know, if Shawn were here... he'd be fucking your toes right now.." "I thought I was supposed to be you in charge." "I am. I'm in charge of you, and Shawn. I'm not big on feet. He is. I, however, am big on Daddy ass." He rubbed his finger on al's hole. "You know, the first one to take you always owns a piece of you. "I guess then... OOOOOOOOOOOOH." al didn't finish because Louis hadn't told him he was going to eat out his ass first. Louis had a very flat, broad tongue, like a paintbrush, and he was painting al really, really good. "DAMN. DAMN DAMN DAMN." Some of the women al had dated had asked him to eat their pussies. He never did. It grossed him out. Now, as Louis was doing his, he felt bad for denying all those women this pleasure. DAMN it felt good. Louis' hands were on his butt cheeks, pushing his hips up into the air, and slurping away. He made noise as he did it, and that made it hotter for al. He was breathing hard, and moaning. OH SHIT. Was this as good as being fucked? Was it better? It was up there. "You're nice and wet now, daddy. Time to feed you some sausage." al felt his legs get spread, wide, and then before he went in, Louis smiled. "You didn't want it gentle. Good. Because you're not getting it that way." He shot his big cock into al so fast, so hard, that al had to try to brace himself. GEEZ that felt good. Had HE made women feel that good? He doubted it. And now, as Louis wiggled around inside of him, he began to moan, the way some of his best dates had. Louis grinned. "How's my daddy bottom? How are you, sweet al? You good." "OH FUCK LOUIS I'm more than good. MORE PLEASE. MORE. " "We aim to please around here." Louis pulled out and then rammed back in again. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" al screamed. "Why'd you let me have dessert. You made me wait for this?" "Hee hee. Oh, we're gonna play some games with denial but tonight... it's all about indulgence tonight. Yours..." He gritted his teeth. "AND MINE" as he pushed into al even harder. So hard that even al cried out. This was beyond not being gentle, and beyond rough. This was... almost brutal. And it went on. Louis knew what he was doing. He had his hand around al's balls, and he would slide it up and down al's cock ever now and then, while he ripped up al's ass. The moans had become screams, and al was yelling. "PLEASE LOUIS PLEASE. I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE." the answer he got was "YOU'LL TAKE WHAT I GIVE YOU, BOTTOM." Louis' sweat was falling on al, and al could feel sweat forming all over his face. His chest of white hair was matted and he smelled. But he felt... good. It felt good to surrender to someone who didn't have second thoughts about what he was doing. Then, Louis' thrusts got slower "I.Am. Going. To. BREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED YOU" al felt the shots of cum going into him. To some degree, it was a relief. The warm, thick jizz was easing some of the stress he had taken from the thrusts. On the other hand, he knew that it was over. "Open your mouth, stud. I wanna kiss you while you shoot." Louis had just spat on his hand and now, he was pulling al's cock faster, and faster. That, and his expert tongue were getting al hotter and hotter. "I need to shoot," he tried to say, but Louis' mouth covered his. Instead, he just shot all over himself, Louis, everything. He wanted to embrace Louis, to pull him tight but his wrists were restrained. Louis rolled off of him. They were both breathing hard. "DAMN. Best sex I've had in a long time . Maybe ever." Louis kissed al." "It sure was GOOD. DAMN. You know how to make a man feel good, Louis." al was smiling as Louis began to run his hand over al's torso. "You know, I thought about having you shave this. But with that beard, and all that hair.. NAH. This bush though..." He grabbed al's junk. "This bush... If it's gonna be mine, maybe...." al gulped. He'd have to think about that. He wanted more of Louis but, was that a deal breaker.? Louis kissed him again. "Now, stud, you gotta make a couple of decisions. First, you wanna stay or not, because it's not too late to get home. Second, if you say, you want me to untie you, or can you sleep that way?" al was surprised that Louis asked him. OF COURSE he wanted to stay. He wanted to stay for the whole weekend. Tied up at night? No, he wasn't ready for that. "Can I get loose to get a shower, Louis? I want to be clean when I sleep with you." Louis smiled. "You're sure about this?" "As sure as I was when I went to the gay bar. Maybe more certain." Louis smiled as he undid the bonds. "Bathroom is that way. I got products in there, but if they're not to your liking..." "I brought some." Louis teased him . "DAMN. I shoulda put them out so I could see you bend over. THAT ASS THOUGH. THAT FUCKING ASS. "That FUCKED ass," is what al thought. Could he recover overnight? He wanted this man. he wanted him BAD.

Next: Chapter 3

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