Top Man Al Gets Flipped

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 2, 2021


Louis didn't expect what had just happened, to happen. Yes, al had surrendered to him, and now belonged to him. If Louis had asked for it, al would have had to endure shaving. Louis had shaved subs before, so it wasn't new to him, but he had never had a daddy-sub before. His approach had changed with al: a man who was used to being in control and in charge. He wasn't anymore. And now, hearing what al had just asked him, Louis knew: al's submission was more total than any sub's he had ever had.

He smiled at this thought, as he rubbed al's torso. "No, stud daddy. I want you to keep your fur. I like it. It's like having a pet polar bear..." He moved his hand down to al's balls. He held them. "These belong to me as much as your fur does, don't they?" al swallowed hard. "Yes sir. They do." "So if I told you we were gonna get rid of them?" When al hesitated, Louis squeezed. al winced. "We'd be getting rid of them Sir." "Ha ha. Yeah, we would. But then I wouldn't feel like I were fucking a man. I feel sorta that way about your fur. As long as we both understand, I can take it anytime I want. Got that?" al looked at him intently. "I do Sir." "Then we keep it. Now let's get some sleep. But I'm giving you warning: all this talk made me hot. You drained me pretty good stud, and now, there's nothing I could do- but I may wake up fucking horny, and if I do, your ass is taking my cock." al understood. "Yes sir."

As they slept, they both dreamed about their situation. For Louis, this was a victory that he hadn't expected at any point. He had always wanted a professional man as his sub: someone who went to work in a suit, but came home and took care of his boots, and all of his needs. When he met al, he thought that this was a dream: the guy was EVERYTHING he had fantasized about physically, and he was surprisingly compliant. A hot, hairy daddy, who gave up his ass and his mouth, whenever Louis said to.

As he dreamed about it, Louis could feel his lust returning.

al's dreams were different. He had dallied, both with men and women, looking for what made him happiest, and his dalliances were, to him, his business. He had a good cock, and he knew how to use it. No one had ever complained, or frankly, had ever accused him of having low issues around sexual self esteem. But no one had ever treated him as a bottom until Louis. When Louis was insistent, and serious, and when al looked at how handsome he was, he just got blown away. Submission had never been something he thought about. As his relationship with Louis developed, it seemed the only logical outcome: al never had any desire to fuck Louis, or to get a blowjob from him. Louis' confidence not only matched his, but was greater. And he made al hard. Every time. Every single time. Just as his cock, pushing up against al's ass, was making him now. "Time to roll on your back, baby" he heard Louis whisper. It was just about 3:15 "Yes sir," a sleep al answered, rolling over. "Grab your ankles stud. I want YOU to make it easier for your top man this time." al did what he was told. He found that when he grabbed his ankles, his ass cheeks seemed to split open a little wider, He bit his lip as he felt one, then two of Louis' wet fingers slip into his hole. He saw the whiteness of Louis' teeth as he smiled, finger fucking al, smiling broader when the finger fucking got al to moan. "Lick them sub daddy." Louis brought his hand up to al's mouth. Without a word, al took the fingers into his mouth. Louis kept them there as he slid his cock into al's ass. It seemed like it had been years, not months, since Louis had "taken his cherry" as he called it. And he took it again right there, sliding back and forth, provoking louder moans, and even shivers from al, as he drew his cock back, slowly, and then rammed in fast. "No teeth on those fingers babe Or we'll have to devise a special punishment. "HMMM MMMPH SIR" al answered through a mouthful of fingers, as Louis' punishing thrusts got faster and faster and then. he felt the gush of Louis' cum in him. It was nowhere near as big as some of Louis' orgasms, but the embrace he got from this lean, muscular man as he fell on al at the end, made up for that. Louis whispered. "Who's my stud daddy?" "I am Sir." "And my sub daddy" "That's me Sir." "Hell year. And I'm your Top, your DOM, your MAN...."

The next morning, when al came out of the shower, he saw that Louis had decided that he'd wear the yellow shirt Louis liked so much that day, "You're gonna wear this too, al." Louis came over with a slave collar. The chain had a small lock at the end . "This is the one for work. At home, you wear the bigger one. It tells everyone: you are OWNED, sub daddy. They can't touch you without my permission. " "Yes sir." al replied, somewhat relieved that he'd have it on under a shirt and tie, and no one would see it. He didn't know what Louis had in mind for him on Friday.

It was Wednesday that Louis told him. "Hey, we're gonna go and hang out on Friday night." "Ok Sir. Beats TV" Louis smiled. "Better than TV for sure. Ever heard of a place called 'suit and tied' "? "I haven't Sir. Is it a gay bar?" "Sure is. Kind of interesting mix: professional guys who are into D/s." Louis smiled, because he knew the next sentence was gonna freak out al big time "You'd be surprised how many attorneys show up." al DID freak out, but he didn't dare say anything: if a lot of lawyers showed up, it was POSSIBLE someone would be there who knew him. OH SHIT. Was he ready for other lawyers to know?

On Friday night, Louis ordered al to take a nap before they left: they wouldn't be leaving until about 9:30, and they'd be out WAY past al's regular bed time. al tried to sleep, but he was WAY too nervous. When Louis got him up, he looked a little green. Louis couldn't have been more pleased. "Part of being a sub, al, is being willing to accept possible humiliation. That's in your head. You get over that, and you'll be a better sub." "Sir, can we..." "No, we can't. Now if I'm gonna wear a jacket to a bar, you're gonna smile and put up with it. " He had pulled out al's tweed jacket and his pink button down shirt to wear, with some dressy jeans. When al came out of the bedroom for "inspection," Louis shook his head no. "Nope. Two flaws . One, sub daddy, two buttons opened. " "I can do that Sir." "And get your collar. The one with the BIG lock." "FUCK" thought al. He figured he'd have to wear it, but maybe, just maybe...." "You're gonna have a great time al. Just remember: I'm in charge. "

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "al? Is that you?" al heard the bass baritone voice of someone he had worked with years ago, three law firms ago. He turned around and the voice belonged to vince. "VINCE? HOLY ... I never..." vince smiled. "Been a long time. I didn't either. Until I met my husband..." A well dressed man came over. "Hey, I'm Dave. Nice to meet you... al?" "Yes sir, that's my name." Dave noticed the chain around al's neck. vince had one too. "Are you out on your own or..." "No, no. My DOM is getting drinks for us. Here he comes. " Louis walked over. "See, stud daddy? I TOLD you you'd make friends." "stud daddy?" vince asked. Louis smiled. He spoke to Dave. "How's it going? I'm Louis. I guess our subs know each other." As Dave and Louis shook hands, Dave spoke. "Yeah, I'm not quite sure how, but.." "If I may Sir," vince spoke. "We worked with each other a million years go. Was it our first jobs, al?" "Yours maybe. It was my second." vince laughed. "That's right. I always forget al is the ancient mariner of the law field. " He looked at al, smiled and laughed. "I NEVER pegged you for a sub." "Did you peg me for gay, vince?" vince laughed. "I never pegged MYSELF for being gay." Dave put his hand on vince's shoulder. "I kinda convinced him. Took a while, but vinny came around." "VINNY? Who calls you vinny?" al asked, delighted that someone had used the name he knew vince hated. "Only Dave." "Just like stud daddy for my boy." Louis smiled. "Hey listen. Seems we got something in common, Dave. How about we bust outta here, go get some food, and let the boys catch up." "Sounds good to me," and off they went. Louis had been right, it WAS a late night. They found rides at about 4 in the morning - about the time al usually was getting up for work. He slept in on Saturday - Louis made sure of that by not letting him up, and taking his ass twice. al smiled all the while.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx So, al and vince began hanging out during the day. They made it a point to have lunch once a week, always at a place that vince picked because he was still so cheap. al was stunned when vince told him that he and Dave were married: he had been so "out of it," that he didn't even know that was possible. Eventually they became good enough friends again that they started talking about their sex lives with each other. al always wondered if Dave and Louis, who had also become good friends, did the same. They did. One day, when al came home, there was a metal device on the table. "What's that Sir?" "Something I never heard of. Dave told me about it. Called a humbler. He showed me pics of using it on vince. So here's the good news daddy sub. Good news is, the cage is coming off tonight. Bad news is, this is going on. " He locked the device on al's balls, and then cuffed his hands behind him, while al was kneeling on the floor. al couldn't see, but he of course felt the foreign object going into his ass. "Something else Dave recommended sub daddy" When Louis had finished sliding it in, al felt a slight buzz, that began to increase. The head of the vibrator was leaning right against his prostate gland , and he began to whine, and moan. "OH SIR. OH GOD. I'm gonna..." "DID YOU ASK?" "NO SIR. I didn't. May I? May I shoot please?" "Who's your DOM?" "YOU ARE SIR" "Who's gonna fuck you tonight?" "Whomever you want Sir. I hope it's you." "Getting 100% al boy. Go ahead. Shoot..." al's hands were locked, but Louis kicked up the stimulation some more, and al had a contactless orgasm . When he was finished, Louis gave him a back massage to relax his muscles, before he slid into al's opened ass. They began using the humbler at least once a week after that.

And some of you may wonder: now that al and vince had reconnected, as subs, with DOMS, did they ever play together? What do you think? Maybe one of you gentle readers wants to pick that thought up and run with it. Feel free. You can find vinny's story in my Nifty stories. Enjoy it. And Ciao for now.

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