Top or Bottom

By Griffin, LD

Published on May 15, 2002


Bottom or Top (2/3)

By: LD Griffin

Pairing: JC/Justin

Disclaimer: I do not know NSYNC. I wish I did, but I don't. This is Fiction!!!

Summary: Justin goes out to prove JC's not what he says he is.

Rating: R right now, NC-17 eventually

Feedback: Yes please!!! It brightens my day more than anything in the world. And I won't continue it if you all think it's crap.

Author's Note: First off. this short series is for Viv. She asked me to write a story with JC as a big willy bottom, like we all (or at least her and I) think he is. This is based on the "What's Going On" video...and the interesting choice JC made for the words on his bandanna. This is the second of 3.

JC lay on his bed in the hotel room staring at the ceiling and talking to himself.

"What a nerve Justin had today. I can't believe it. How dare he defy what I say I am."

Then another thought ran across his mind.

"Why should he care?"

A smirk spread across his lips as he started to piece together the evidence. There was no way, just no way...was there? He thought back to the slightly lost look Justin had on his face right before he'd caught up with him.

"Naw, it couldn't be, could it?"

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.


He stood up and paced across the suite to the door. Looking through the eye hole, he noticed Justin standing outside looking slightly agitated.

"What the hell do you want?" JC said through the door.

"Josh...just let me in,. God, it's my fucking room too."

"Jesus Justin, pissy much?" JC said as he thrust the door open and Justin stormed by him in a cloud of huffiness.

They both went their separate ways in the room. JC back to the bedroom and his bed, and Justin to the sofa. 5 minutes passed and not another word was said.

10 minutes

15 minutes

"JOSHUA! God, stop the maddening silence."

"Fuck, Justin, I was sleeping. What do you want?"

"Why didn't you say anything to me?"

"I'm mad at you, can't you tell?" JC said, while rolling his eyes.

"I was only telling you what I thought. Jesus, I never thought you'd be such a baby about it."

"Am I a baby Justin? Is that why you think I'm a bottom?"

"Good god Joshua, who gives a fucking shit if you're a bottom or a top. I was only pointing out what I thought you would be in my opinion. I did not expect you to be so sensitive. Being this sensitive only adds to my point."

"Fuck Justin, give it up." JC said and stormed out of the room.

JC ran down the hall, his feet heavily hitting the ground. Pushing the button for the elevator, he started to calm down.

`Why do I care so much? He's right, it's not like anyone actually cares. Whoops, scratch that he seems to care. This is me we're talking about here, why should he be fighting so much for his point? Why am I fighting so much for my point?'

The dinging of the elevator brought him back to reality. Stepping inside he pushed the button labeled one. Stepping out into the lobby, he shuffled over to the coffee bar and ordered a tall late. He drank it in small sips, making sure not to burn his lips. The heat rushing down his throat made him concentrate harder on the situation. He knew he was overreacting. He'd thought that all along, but something about this topic just ticked him off. He didn't understand it; he couldn't explain it. All he knew is that it hurt to have Justin call him something he was convinced he wasn't.

`Would it be so bad if I am a bottom?'

Finishing his coffee he walked to the men's room. Staring at himself in the mirror he deciphered his body.

`Nice toned shoulders. A broad neck. High cheekbones. Strong, sturdy structure. God damn, why am I even doing this? What the hell does it matter?'

He brushed his hair back over his ears and turned around and walked back down the hallway to the elevators. The door opened right as he reached the lobby. Entering the capsule, he pressed floor number 8 and sighed. He got out of the elevator with caution and slumped back down the hall. Sticking his key card in the door, he opened it slowly. Justin was sitting with his head in his hands, frustrated.

"Jace, I'm sorry man. I didn't mean to make you so mad. I honestly was just telling you what I thought." Justin said, looking up to see JC entering their room.

"Justin, I just don't get why you care so much. I mean, you're not gay, it's not like it matters to you whether I'm a top or bottom. And I guess why I got so upset was that you were questioning who I say I am, and that hurt man." JC replied, sighing, as he sat down in a seat adjacent the couch.

"Jace, I was not trying to make you think I was questioning who you are. I just honest to God don't think you're a top."

"Justin, I again ask the question what makes you think you have a say in this matter."

Justin got on the floor and crawled to where JC was sitting. Sitting up on his feet, he placed his hands on his knees.

"I have more of an idea than you may think."

End Part 2

Next: Chapter 3

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