Toramdon Eyes

Published on Jul 14, 2010



All characters and events in this publication, other than those clearly in the public domain, are ficticious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. The moral Right of the author has been asserted.

Toramdon Eyes Chapter One Awakening

The sun lurked over the mountain, sunlight crawling in to the bedroom and shining on to Mordain's face.

His groan was audible all the way to his brother Jason's bedroom.

Though Mordain and Jason are twins, they are nothing alike. Where Mordain has straight long brown hair and green-brown eyes, Jason has blonde spiky hair and dark blue eyes.

Other differences includes, Mordain is into games, Jason in to sport and such.

Mordain and Jason are best friends, though they rarely mingle at school and outside the house, they knew everything about each other and always stood together, they just had their own personal lives.

Jason walked to Mordain's room, and kneeled beside the bed.

"Get up, we need to get to school." Jason said to Mordain, poking his side.

"Touch me again and I will break your hands." Mordain answered with a loathing voice.

Jason looked at Mordain's closed eyes and inched his hands closer to his brothers side.

Just as contact was to be made Mordain grabbed Jason's hand with a speed heretofore unseen.

With his eyes still closed he twisted Jason's hand making his brother whither in pain. Jason snatched his hand back. "You bro, are the dark side itself..."

Mordain opened his eyes and gave Jason an icy glare.

"Hell hath no fury like a gay guys scorn. Especially when woken up at this Godforsaken hour!"

Mordain sat upright and cast his eyes on Jason, he let out a loud groan, "Especially on a public holiday you dimwit!" Mordain fell back onto his bed and assumed fetal position.

"Oh, shit, sorry dude I forgot..." and Jason also fell onto Mordains bed.

"So I know you want to talk, otherwise you won't have graced me with your presence."

"It's Stacey..."

Mordain groaned.

"I broke up with her..."

Mordain groaned louder.

"Yeah, it didn't go well, but at least I'm single now."

"Yay for you?" Mordain said unenthusiastically.

"Yeah, she was screaming and bitching, but I just hung up on her. Then she called me back and said, did you just hang up on me, and I said, what, did it sound something like this?

Then I hung up on her again, she was too plastic for me, probably should have seen it coming."

"What are your friends going to say?" Mordain asked.

"Who cares, you know I've only got one real friend." Jason answered

Yeah, Richard." Mordain said with butterflies in his stomach.

"Yep, the rest of them are only team-mates , we get along well enough, and go out, and stuff, but it's all so superficial. Always talking about who you shagged, who you want to shag etc etc... Richard, I dunno, he just gets me. He understands me."

Mordain has never hidden his sexuality, it was just as natural as the trees having green leaves. He had his first 'boyfriend' when he was seven, so it was never a secret, nor is it a open thing in the family, its just the way it is. Mordain is secretly in love with Richard. Richard had short dark hair, deep brown eyes, a tall wide built frame a six pack to die and kill for and to top it off he had the sweetest personality.

All in all he was a Greek god.

Only a few people knew that Mordain and Jason were brothers, one of the people who knew was Richard. Being as sweet and naive as he is, he doesn't know Mordain is gay, nor does anybody at school know. Mordains best friend, Roxy knew though.

Whenever Richard was in the vicinity or near Mordain, Mordain would flee in terror, Jason thought Mordain didn't like him at all. The conclusion, Mordain and Richard never spoke. When ever Richard would try, Mordain would start to stutter, get annoyed and walk away.

The rest of Jason's friend thought Mordain is a freak because of his dress sense which is a dark-emo type and all of his piercings. He almost always wore dark clothing, and that intimidated the jocks.

Jason had the whole jock type look, Richard leaning to a surfer look.

Mordain looked at Jason and nodded, "Yeah I understand Roxy gets me too."

"Yup, she is a cool girl."

They lay on the bed in comfortable silence for awhile.

"Have we grown apart? It feels like we did." Jason said to Mordain.

"I know, It's sort of like we've been living past each other the last few months. I mean we have never been attached at the hip, but the last year we grew apart."

Jason suddenly sat up straight in the bed, "Well, today is a public holiday, what say you we go to the mall and catch up?"

Mordain thought for a second, "People might see us, we're not exactly in the same social circle you know."

"Fuck the people, we are the people." Jason answered.

Mordain laughed, "Get out, I want to get dressed."

The mall was buzzing with people, and the one thing Mordain hates is people bumping in to him. Though spending some time with his brother was always fun. Mordain and Jason's parents were at work or busy with work all the time. Dad is a micro molecular physicist and Mom is a nuclear hydrologist.

Absolutely no one except themselves know what exactly their jobs entail, when ever they try to explain, you fall asleep from the word go, with words like 'Atoms' and 'Neurons' and 'Hydrogen' . The twins like to refer to them as the two mad scientists.

Both parents were only thirty five, they met when they were seventeen and fell in love. They got married the second they turned 18, and had the twins soon after. Both are heirs to very wealthy families and with their occupations, money was in no short supply.

When the twins got their licenses mommy shopped cars for the both of them. Jason got a Mercedes-Benz CL66 AMG and Mordain got a BMW M6 Convertible Coupe. Daddy drives a Porche Cayenne and Mommy has a very cute Porche Carerra 911 Turbo.

Even though money is no short supply the twins only got $3000 each per month. That has to pay everything including petrol for gas guzzling cars.

People hardly drove with Mordain as he had lead feet and tended to speed, but today they both felt like driving in Mordain's car. The only thing the two of them had in common at school was they both drive fast cars and of course the surname.

As they walked around in the mall Jason asked Mordain "So what happened to whats-his-face?"

"I broke up with him, he got way to fem for my taste, it's been what, three months now? Guess we are really out of the loop with each other."

"Yeah it seems so." Jason laughed. "Anybody you got your eye on then?"

"No," Mordain answered a fraction too quickly.

Jason's eyebrow lifted a bit, "My twin senses are tingling, what are you hiding from me?"

"Nothing. Really." Mordain blushed.

I'm so totally smitten, Mordain thought to himself...That body, those arms...

"What about you?" Mordain quickly changed the subject.

"I dunno man, I just can find a girl who really does it for me, I mean the real butterflies in the stomach, stop me in my tracks when she looks at me, do it for me, you know?"

"Maybe you're gay?" Mordain said with a mouth full of food, very nonchalant.

"I've thought about it, but no, no guy does that for me either, at least I get horny when looking at chicks."

"Well, that rules out a-sexual then." Mordain answered.

"I think you're just fussy. You are seventeen, go with it you don't have to marry right now you know. We are not mom and dad"

"I know I just want to know what it feels like to be truly in love."

"Trust me, it's not all that fabulous. Love is War. In war when you open up your defenses, you will get hurt. " Mordain answered.

"Dude, that's deep, but I wouldn't know. But maybe it will still happen to me the love, not the getting hurt I mean."

Mordain bit a chunk out of his burger and looked at Jason.

"Tell me, say you're hypothetically smitten by someone, and you know you can't get him. Cause he's straight. But you can't stop thinking of him, everything you do reminds you of him, and you know when you get him you'll never want anybody else... What do you do?"

"Hypothetically speaking?" Jason asked.

"Of course." Mordain grinned.

Jason laughed. "You have it bad. Don't you?"

"I can't say yet, I'm too confused, keep you updated though?"

"Sure." Jason laughed finishing his soda.

As they passed a clothing store, Jason saw something trough the window, a screaming pink hoodey with huge bold letters "Gayboy" across the front.

Jason stopped dead in his tracks and had a smirk across it. "Buy that hoody!" He dared Mordain.

Mordain looked at Jason, "You really think this is a dare? I probably would have bought it if I saw it before you." He then walked in to the store nonchalant and bought the hoodey without batting an eyelid.

"You are so weird" Jason said.

"I Know."

They were passing the food court again when someone tackled Jason to the ground, parcels flying all over.

Mordain stood still, standing bewildered, trying to see if someone saw and wishing the earth could just swallow him, he looked down and saw Richard. At that moment everything stood still. Richard stood up and shot his hand out to Mordain as to shake his hand to greet him, Mordain was so shaken that he just stared at the hand.

"Earth to Mordy ..." Jason said

"Oh hey Richard." Mordain slowly shook Richards hand, aware of the touch.

"So, anyway, what are you guys doing? And can I join you? And... how come you two are out together, that has like never happened, and why was I not invited?" Richard rambled.

"We realized how little time we are spending together, and decided to fix that, it was a spur of the moment thing to come, and sure, you can join us, the more the merrier." Jason replied.

Mordain's heart beat a bit faster, he was flustered, this would be the first time ever they actually spent time together.

They decided to go to a diner and just sit and chat, to be more precise, Jason and Richard decided that. Mordain was oblivious, lost in thought and just followed after.

Mordain sat down last, next to Richard as Jason had decided to put all of the parcels on the chair next to him. Mordain couldn't bare sitting that close to Richard and excused himself to the loo.

When Mordain was done, he walked back slowly to the table, he noticed how much Jason and Richard was alike and how their mannerisms were the same.

Mordain sat back down.

"We were just talking about you!" Jason said.

"Oh...gee, thanks..." Mordain said slightly blushing.

The three of them were having milkshakes, the conversation grew and grew, within moments Mordain was more comfortable with Richard, as he is a very likeable guy.

Mordains phone rang, it was his friend Roxy, she moaned and bitched and hinted at how bored she was until Mordain invited her to the mall.

"Be there in a few!" Roxy humbly advised Mordain before hanging up the phone.

"That didn't take much persuasion. " Mordain mumbled to himself.

Jason went to the bathroom and left Mordain and Richard alone at the table.

Mordain's heart pounded out of his chest.

Richard took a sip of his milkshake, and without looking up asked, "Why don't you like me?"

Mordain turned towards Richard, he could see Richard is really bothered by the fact that he thinks Mordain dislikes him.

"Richard, It's not that I don't like you. I just have this problem fitting in. You and my brother and your people intimidate me." Mordain lied smoothly. He was in fact not intimidated in the least. "And I don't want to interfere with your friendship with Jason. I don't exactly fit the part of big butch jock.

Richard looked at Mordain. "What are you trying to say? Am I just a big dumb jock?"

Mordain was caught off guard by that one, "no.. that's.."

"Well if that is what you think of me, I'll just leave." Richard interrupted him.

With that Richard walked out of the diner, Mordain sitting still at the chair trying to compute whats going on.

Mordain looked pained, Excuse me but, when did this turn ugly? he thought to himself.

Jason came back and sat down, "Where is Richard?"

"He just left, I think he is angry at me..." Mordain said.

"What did you do?" Jason asked flabbergasted.

Mordain told him what happened. "That makes no sense. Let's just find him and calm him down."

They paid the bill and let loose in the mall, looking everywhere for Richard. About fifteen minutes later Mordain's phone rings.

Roxy's voice screams out of the little speaker, "Where are you guys?!"

"We're down by the CD store answered Mordain, we're looking for Richard, he just stormed out on us!"

"He's with me, I found him in the parking lot, he is sitting near where I parked my car. He looks devastated though, hurry you asses here, I tried to talk to him." I assumed it had something to do with you. We'll wait by the benches.

They're at the benches close to the parking lot."

"Who?" Jason asked.

"Roxy and Richard."

They went down the escalators towards the parking lot, the CD shop was at the other end of the mall, it took quite a while for them to get there. Roxy and Richard was sitting on the grass, Richard looked calmed down. It was evident in his face that he had been quite upset.

"Oh Richard, I had no idea, I really don't know what to say." Mordain heard Roxy say from a distance.

"I'm sorry I loaded off on you like that, you don't even know me." Richard replied.

"It's fine kay, and I promise not to breathe a word to anyone, now hold your pose, cause there they are, come lets go." Roxy said.

"I'm sorry guys I didn't mean to freak out like that, things are just a little bumpy of late."

"Its cool dude," Mordain answered "we were just a bit worried."

"Yeah my heart almost stopped, I thought you two had a horrible fight, the two most important people in my life." Jason added.

"Well this is weird, never thought the four of us will be hanging out like this, let alone under these circumstances, we sorta always just lived passed each other, even at the mansion."

"Yeah that's true, never really thought of it, but hey, let's make the best of the rest of this day and go back into the mall." Richard said.

Back in the mall things started to pick up again. They joked, got to know each other better, each of them silently wondering why this didn't happen earlier, they got along so well. The temperature started to drop as it became later in the day, and Mordain decided to put on his new hoodey. Jason and Roxy started laughing at the screaming pink color.

"Are you gay?" Richard asked at a decibel not made for the male species.

"Uhm... yes? I've always been... It's not exactly a government secret."

Richard shot Roxy a black look.

"Why? Does it bother you, didn't really take you for the homophobic type." Jason said skeptically.

"No, I'm not bothered at all, just a bit of a shocker, didn't expect it is all." he said glaring at Roxy.

Roxy just pulled up her shoulders.

They walked on, and passed an antique store, next to the shoe shop.

"Ye olde antique shoppe? What a lame name." Mordain exclaimed, "Come we have to take a look inside this place."

When they got inside they saw it was more antique than they thought, this shit came from the middle ages and before. They got lost in the stuff immediately, the suit of armor seemed to glisten, there were things from ancient Egypt, and all over the world.

Mordain was checking out something that seemed to come from ancient Maya, a little white chest, he picked it up and saw it only cost five dollars, he decided to buy it. While checking out the chest he saw where a lock usually should be there was a Mayan sun carved in metal there.

It had ragged rays and a face and its eyes were closed. Mordain saw ruins carved everywhere into the chest. The rest of them found artifacts from all over, Mordain was last to pay, when he gave the elderly man the five dollar note.

They left the store. "That place is surprisingly cool." Mordain said.

They showed each other the stuff that they bought, Richard had bought an old papyrus scroll filled with hieroglyphics, Jason had bought a old Greek sword, and Roxy bought a Chinese flask thing which looked cool.

They walked around at the mall, and could not stop talking, they had indeed discovered friendships in each other. The tension between Mordain and Richard had all but vanished.

They arrived home, and sat down in the entertainment room. Mordain and Jason's house was big. It was often referred to as the mansion. The house was two stories, and contains twelve bedrooms, each with a on suite bathroom. Three lounges. One huge dining room and an entertainment room. The outside had two bungalows with their own bathroom, a spa, two swimming pools, a tennis court and a jacuzzi.

Whilst deciding what to do, they opted for movies. Richard and Jason was going to go take some out and Roxy and Mordain would order some food from the kitchen and set up the Christmas bed in front of the cinema.

Jason and Richard got into Jason's Merc, on the way to the store Jason asked what was up this afternoon.

"I don't know man. I've been unstable the last few weeks. Some personal shit I have to sort out I suppose."

"What's going on? You know you can talk to me." Jason said.

"I don't know about this though, it's a bit too close to home."

"Spill it." Jason said turning the corner.

Richard heaved a long sigh. "It's your brother."

"What about him? Don't you like him?" Jason asked.

"No. The complete opposite. I like him."

"So what's the problem?"

"I think like might be the wrong word, I think I'm in love with him."

Jason slammed the brakes on his car, tires screeching.

"Excuse me, what?" Jason asked.

Richard hung his head in shame, "See I told you it was to close to home."

"Dude, Jason said with mirth, you like my brother, I'm happy for you. You just caught me off guard there!"

"So you don't mind then?"

"No way, I can totally see you two together."

"So you think I have a shot?"

"Just wait it out dude. He told me he has a crush on someone, don't break the ice now, wait until that blows over."

Richard looked a bit sadder, "Yeah I suppose."

"Don't be sad, it'll work out."

Back at the house Mordain and Roxy was deep in conversation. Talking about the day. Every time Mordain asked Roxy what she and Richard talked about, she would clamp shut and just say its not her place to talk about it.

Richard and Jason entered the room bearing movies.

Arnold, their butler and waiter brought the food they ordered, pizza up to the entertainment room, and the four of them crept in and started the first movie.

After the movie they just lay there talking.

"Where is your parents?" Roxy asked.

"Out of town to a conversion as they so frequently are." Mordain answered.

They talked about school and random things when Mordain decided to inspect the chest he had bought. It was like something called him to it.

What ever Mordain tried, the chest would not open. It was almost welded shut. Mordain shook the chest and heard something rattling inside. He set his heart on it to open it and see what was going on in there. He only paid $5 for it, so it wouldn't be a big loss.

He threw it, jumped on it, and eyed his evil eye to it. Nothing opened the chest.

"Just leave it." Richard said, it's probably nothing special inside. "Come watch movie."

"Give it to me let me try." One thing Jason and Mordain had in common was their hard hardheadedness. Once they decide to do something, it will be done.

The moment the chest made contact with Jason's hands the lid flung open, Revealing five pretty rings inside.

The movie was suddenly not as important anymore as all four of them gawked at the rings. Each one had a different colored stone embedded inside it. One had an Amethyst, the other a ruby, a emerald, a sapphire and the last one had a black onyx.

Mordain took the chest back and snatched the one with the amethyst. "This one is mine."

"Oh do we get to choose?" Roxy answered. "I thought you were gonna keep them all like the selfish little bitch you are." She said sticking out her tongue.

"Funny." Mordain answered dryly.

Roxy took the Emerald, Richard the Sapphire and Jason the one with the black Onyx in it."

"A symbol of our newly found friendship," Mordain said putting on his ring.

They looked at each other and shivered. "That was weird." Roxy said closing the window.

They lay back down on the mattress and finished the movie. Mordain felt weird. Every now and then a shiver would crawl up and down his spine. By the way Roxy twitched Mordain guessed it was happening to her too. Mordain decided to switch the air con off blaming that in his mind.

As he touched the air con power panel against the wall, the power suddenly went down and everything was dark. Mordain couldn't even see his hand in front of him.

"Why has the generator not gone on yet?" Jason asked.

"We'll need to check it out, but I'm so not going alone."

Jason stood up and felt around. As everyone walked around in the big room trying to find each other, they collided into each other near the door. The moment they touched each other, they saw white in front of them. "I don't feel so well..." Was the last thing they heard.

Thank you for reading the first chapter of this story!

This is my first attempt at a story, though i have helped a few other guys write their stories.

I have a Wordpress account that I have just sarted, with the story in mind you can reach this at

Please leave comments there on the chapters, as i will be posting them there as well, the whole idea of this for me is to see if

a objective fan base will be established, i see no point in finishing the story if i am the only one who will enjoy it (though i currently stand at chapter 18).

My friends have praised me on how good the story is, so i dont think you will be dissapointed.

Please visit my wordpress account and leave your thoughts there, even if you only comment on the first post. lol, remember your feedback is my only reward!

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Next: Chapter 2

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