Totally Content

By The Y2K Hottie '-

Published on Jan 13, 2000



Legal Discalaimer: OK, if your underage you know you shouldn't be here! But as long as you don't get caught, read away! I remember what its like to be underage, and HORNY!!

Authors Note: This is my first gay erotic story that I have posted on the net. Email me at '' and tell me what you think. Should I continue? You be the judge.

Special thanks goes to Trevor, and Silverwolf, and old man DAN, and William! Without thier little verbal pushes I never would have even thought to post this!!



Matt came from a bad family. They cared more about the lint between their toes than they did him. His father was an alcoholic, with a really short temper. His mom was petite and shy. Matthew was beaten a lot. I knew this because sometimes I watched while he changed in phys.ed, and he had bruises left and right, he just blamed it on the football, but I knew.

Our relationship shot off like a rocket, one spring, when I bailed him out of jail. The cops had caught him for his reckless driving. Without me, he would have spent the next six months in that hell hole. My father is a lawyer at Hampton & Brooks, a law firm, and my mother is an executive for an advertsing company, so evidently I have money to throw around. My wealthy grandfather died a few years ago and left a hefty account, availible when I turned 21. I knew I could help this young stud, but all I needed was the right opertunity, and this was perfect.

Matt was around 6', quite solid, and had very attractive features located everywhere. The only thing that we differed in, was the lighter hint of gold in his hair, than mine. His green eyes drove me wild! They were the window to his soul, and full of fire & passion. To which I had found out!

Shortly after I bailed him out, I asked him to come and stay with me, he agreed excitiedly. He had told me that he's never had a friend like me, and needed to get away from home.

With my parents help, he filed a restraining order against his dad, and his mom had fled the state. This was really tough on Matt. For hours he just cried, and I held on to him, gently comforting him. I loved holding him. I loved that feeling, I knew he felt, when I took care of him.

Over the next few months after Matthew had moved in, we got closer, and closer. We went out a lot, and he always refused any setups that Liz, would try to get him up on. I loved his excuse! It was always "Sorry got to much with Jason here to take care of", and winked, at me, I instantly went weak at the knees!

Matt completly blew me out of the water one night, when he came to me with tears in his eyes, an asked if I minded he join me. How could I have said no? I pulled back the covers and he crawled right in, and snuggled against me. I drapped an arm over him, and rubbed his back. We fell asleep, totally content.

I'm not sure if we knew what was exactly going on, but we had to talk about it, and soon.

"Hey Matt! Come up here a sec, ok?" I yelled over the balcony over looking the living room 20 feet below.

"Coming . . ." he yelled back. " What did you want?"

"I want to talk . . . . .about something"

"Sure, spill it buddy . . ." was his reply.

"Well I consider us really good friends, even more than just friends, and I want us to feel like we talk to each other about anything. I know, I know you do, a lot, but there's something we are both hiding."

"Oh god, I knew this was coming . . ." I could see tears in his eyes, already.

"What?" He was confusing me, just a little.

"Well I knew you could tell, I'm not that good at hiding it"

"Hiding what, Matt?"

"My feelings for you . . ."

"YOU have feelings for ME??"

"Shit, you didn't know?!"

"Well I do now!"

Matt turned and ran out of the Library. "Matt!! Come back here! Where are you going?"

I jumped up and ran after him, following him out the door and onto the front lawn.

"Matt, what the hell was that about?" The tears were falling freely down his square face.

"I know you hate me . . .just beat me up and get it over with." He was tighly scruched up with his head between his knees, ready for any blows that I might throw at him.

"Now, why would I want to beat you up??"

"Because you hate me now, you hate me because I'm gay"

"You're GAY?"

"Well, duh!"

"Well . . . . I guess. . . . if I hated them then I'd hate myself too, eh?" I replied with the biggest smile I could muster.

Matt looked at me confusingly, as I lent in and placed the most tender kiss, upon his full lips. I grabbed his hand and held it while I spoke.

"Matt do you think I would have let you in my bed that night, and held you close against me, if I wasn't attracted to you? There was your first clue, Sherlock!"

"Wow . . ." Was all he could say, "If I would have known you liked me, I would have told you years ago."

"Years ago??"

"Yeah, remember that party at Becky's? Where we played spin the bottle and I got you? Well I was secretly hoping that you would want to, but . . ."

"Beckys party? hmmm. . . you mean that one in grade 7?!"

"Yeah . . ."

"Holy Shit, Matt! That was 5 years ago! You've had a thing for me that long?"

"Guilty as charged . . ." Matt's face was a deep crimson.

I slowly leaned in for another kiss. Matt layed back on the lawn, as I readjusted my weight so I was on top of him. We started to get really into the situation, swaping spit, and sucking each other's face. We continued for about a minute, and paused to catch our breath.

"Matt I think we better continue this in our room . . .Its kinda . . . .public out here."

"Good idea . . . "

Matt and I ran upstairs as fast as our legs could carry us. Once we got up to the room, I shut and locked the door. Matt started to run his hands up my shirt, playing and taunting with my chest, as we kissed deeply. I grabbed the bottom of my shirt, paused the liplock, pulled it off, and continued. As Matt worked his tongue in my mouth, my hands ran through his hair. We started to make our way to the bed. Matt tripped on his pant leg, and knocked me onto the bed, and him landing on top, causing a heavy oof, from me. Matt just looked into my eyes, I could see the passion, and the fire that lives in those crystal greens.

"Matt before we go any further. . ." I said, as I gently pushed him away.


"I don't want to have sex. I mean I really, really like you, but I'm just not ready yet, ok?"

"Same here '-)" he replied.

You know that feeling when you finally feel that your complete? Like that lonely part of you that felt missing all those long years, is finally filled? Well I'm not sure if it was obsession, or infatuation, but can two 18 year old's really know what love is? If it was love or not, who knows, but whatever it was, it sure- in-the-hell was strong. Or maybe the horniness was peaking out a little?!

Email me and tell me what you think! Your opinion will count for this stories future! Thanks for Reading!!

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